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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure, membrane association, and processing of meprin subunits

Marchand, Petra 06 June 2008 (has links)
Meprins are oligomeric cell-surface metalloproteinases that are expressed at high concentrations in the renal brush border membranes of mice. Meprins consist of two types of subunits, α and β, which are the products of two different genes. The β subunit cDNA was cloned and sequenced from mouse kidneys, and the membrane association and the in vivo proteolytic processing of mouse meprin subunits were investigated. The primary translation product of the meprin β subunit is composed of 704 amino acids, and contains several domains, including a signal sequence at the NH₂-terminus, a prosequence, a protease domain, an adhesion domain (MAM domain), an epidermal growth factor-like domain, a potential transmembrane-spanning domain, and a short cytoplasmic tail. The B subunit is evolutionarily related to the α subunit. The α and β subunit share about 42% overall sequence identity, and have a similar arrangement of functional domains; however, a 56 amino acid segment near the COOH-terminus of a is missing in β, and the signal sequences, transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains share no significant sequence similarity. The protease domains of o and B are 55% identical. NH₂-terminal protein sequencing of detergent-solubilized meprin subunits from mouse kidneys showed that the prosequence in a is removed in the mature subunit. By contrast, only the signal sequence is removed from the mature β subunit NH₂-terminus, and the β subunit retains the prosequence. Further, the mature α subunit, but not the β subunit, is proteolytically processed at the COOH-terminus and does not contain the transmembrane and the EGF-like domains encoded by the meprin α cDNA. The β subunit is a type I integral membrane protein. By contrast, α does not transverse the membrane, and its membrane association depends on disulfide bonds. The oligomeric organization of membrane-bound meprins was analyzed by SDSPAGE under non-reducing conditions, and by isoelectric focusing. ICR mouse kidneys express αβ heterodimers and α₂ homodimers; C3H/He mice contain β₂ dimers. Transfection of COS-1 cells with the full-length meprin α subunit cDNA resulted in the secretion of meprin dimers into the culture medium, indicating that the COOH-terminal transmembrane domain of meprin α subunits is posttranslationally removed from the protein in COS-1 cells, as it is in mouse kidney cells. Replacement of the COOH-terminal 137 amino acids of a with the COOH-terminus of B, or deletion of the 56 amino acid inserted domain in α, resulted in mutant proteins that were not secreted into the medium, but rather were membrane-bound, indicating that the inserted domain of α is essential for proteolytic cleavage and secretion. Deletion of the COOH-terminal 133 residues of a did not affect meprin α dimerization or intracellular transport. The meprin a subunits secreted from transfected COS-1 cells were catalytically inactive, but could be activated by limited proteolysis with trypsin. Thus, processing at the NH,-terminus differed in COS-1 cells and in mouse kidney. COS-1 cells did not remove the prosequence from the α subunit protein, and removal of the prosequence was essential for catalytic activity of the a subunit. These results have implications for the biosynthesis and regulation of a cell surface proteinase, and thus relate to the elucidation of the mechanisms by which biological events at the cell surface are regulated. / Ph. D.

Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Autoantikörpern gegen Proteinase 3 auf monozytäre Zellfunktionen bei der Wegenerschen Granulomatose

Bickenbach, Annette 23 November 2010 (has links)
Autoantikörper gegen Proteinase 3 (cANCA) stellen einen hochsensitiven und spezifischen Seromarker für das Krankheitsbild der Wegenersche Granulomatose dar. Während die Ätiologie dieser systemischen Vaskulitis unbekannt ist, weisen zahlreiche klinische und experimentelle Daten darauf hin, daß cANCA an der Entstehung und Chronifizierung dieser Erkrankung beteiligt sind. Insbesondere die Konsequenzen einer cANCA-Ligation an Proteinase 3 (PR3)-exprimierende Neutrophile wurden intensiv untersucht und man geht davon aus, daß Anti-PR3-Antikörper über die Aktivierung inflammatorischer, neutrophiler Zellfunktionen die Vaskulitis fördern. Über die Auswirkungen von cANCA auf Monozyten, die eine wichtige Rolle in der Regulation der Immunantwort spielen und weitere Zielzellen dieser Antikörper darstellen, ist hingegen bisher wenig bekannt. Aktivierte Monozyten sind nicht nur ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Granulome, sondern sind auch entscheidend an den vaskulären Entzündungsinfiltraten beteiligt. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es daher, die Effekte von cANCA auf inflammatorische Zellfunktionen PR3-exprimierender Monozyten zu charakterisieren. Dabei war insbesondere ihr Einfluß auf die transendotheliale Migration und die Sekretion proinflammatorischer Mediatoren von Interesse. Die Isolation humaner Monozyten erfolgte mittels Gegenstromzentrifugation. Die monozytäre Transmigration wurde in mit humanen Endothelzellen bewachsenen Filtereinsätzen untersucht und mittels eines chemotaktischen Gradienten und/oder TNF-Stimulation der Endothelzellen gefördert. Die transendotheliale Migration von mit murinen, monoklonalen Anti-PR3-Antikörpern vorinkubierten Monozyten war, unabhängig vom Aktivierungszustand der Endothelzellen, deutlich vermindert. Dieser Effekt konnte sowohl durch vier von fünf cANCA-IgG-Fraktionen von Patienten mit aktiver WG als auch durch F(ab´)2-Fragmente der Autoantikörper reproduziert werden. Da bekannt ist, daß cANCA die proteolytische Aktivität von PR3 inhibieren und membrangebundenen Formen der leukozytären Serinproteasen PR3, humaner leukozytärer Elastase (HLE) und Cathepsin G (CathG) eine Rolle bei der Extravasion von Leukozyten zugesprochen wird, wurde daraufhin überprüft, ob PR3 für die monozytäre Transmigration von Bedeutung ist. Der physiologische Inhibitor dieser Serinproteasen, 1-Antitrypsin, und ein synthetischer Inhibitor von PR3 und HLE, CE-2072, verminderten die Anzahl migrierender Monozyten in gleichem Maße wie der vollständige Anti-PR3-Antikörper bzw. dessen F(ab´)2-Fragmente. Dahingegen hatte SLPI, ein Serpin, das lediglich CathG und HLE inhibiert, keinen Effekt auf die Anzahl migrierender Zellen. Dabei waren die Effekte von Anti-PR3-Antikörpern und 1-Antitrypsin nicht additiv, wodurch die Annahme, daß die Anti-PR3-mediierte Reduktion der monozytären Transmigration auf einer funktionellen Inhibition von PR3 beruht, untermauert wird. Die Reduktion der monozytären Transmigration ging nicht mit einer modifizierten endothelialen Adhäsion der Monozyten einher, wie unter dynamischen und statischen Bedingungen gezeigt werden konnte. Weder die rollende noch die feste Adhäsion der Monozyten wurde durch Anti-PR3-Antikörper oder Serinproteaseinhibitoren beeinträchtigt. Auch die durchflußzytometrisch quantifizierte Expression monozytärer ß1- und ß2-Integrine wurde durch die Autoantikörper nicht beeinflußt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen erstmals, daß PR3 an der transendothelialen Migration, nicht aber der Adhäsion von Monozyten teilhat. Ein weiteres, wesentliches Ergebnis der vorliegenden Studie ist die, im Vergleich zu entsprechenden IgG-Kontrollen, massive Freisetzung proinflammatorischer Mediatoren aus Monozyten in Gegenwart muriner Anti-PR3-Antikörper bzw. humaner cANCA, die mittels ELISA ermittelt wurde. Die Sekretion war zeitabhängig, wobei die Sekretion von TNF- und IL-1ß der von Thromboxan A2, IL-6 und IL-8 vorausging. Im Gegensatz zu den Auswirkungen von cANCA auf die monozytäre Transmigration, konnten diese Effekte nicht durch die alleinige Ligation des Antikörpers an das Antigen PR3 reproduziert werden, sondern waren von einer simultanen Ligation der Autoantikörper an PR3 und FcR auf der monozytären Oberfläche abhängig. Eine cANCA-mediierte Retention adhärenter Monozyten im Gefäßbett bei gleichzeitiger Aktivierung der monozytären Freisetzung inflammatorischer Zytokine und Prostanoide durch cANCA, könnte nicht nur die Entstehung der extra- und perivaskulären, granulomatösen Entzündung, sondern auch die Aufrechterhaltung der nekrotisierenden Vaskulitis fördern. Insgesamt weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Studie erstmals auf eine funktionelle Rolle von PR3 bei der transendothelialen Migration von Monozyten hin. Außerdem liefern sie weitere wesentliche Hinweise darauf, wie die Interaktion von cANCA mit Monozyten an der Pathogenese der Wegenerschen Granulomatose beteiligt sein könnten.

Estudo dos efeitos das serinoproteinases PA-BJ e Giroxinas isoladas de venenos de serpentes em cultura de células endoteliais / Studies on the effects of the serine proteinases PA-BJ and gyroxin, isolated from snake venoms, on endothelial cells in culture

Lima, Sergio Augusto de 10 May 2010 (has links)
Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos das serinoproteinases PA-BJ e giroxina, isoladas dos venenos das serpentes Bothrops jararaca e Crotalus durissus terríficus, respectivamente, sobre células endoteliais (CEs) em cultura. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que essas toxinas, nas concentrações utilizadas, não afetaram a viabilidade e a integridade das CEs. Por outro lado, induziram a liberação de PGI2, que foi significativamente reduzida por inibidores não seletivos e seletivos das ciclooxigenases -1 e -2 (COX-1 e -2), mas não afetaram a expressão protéica constitutiva das mesmas. Adicionalmente, foi demonstrado que o antagonista de receptores PAR-1, o SCH 79797, não alterou a liberação de PGI2, induzida pelas toxinas. Em conclusão, essas toxinas, em concentrações não citotóxicas, induziram a liberação de PGI2 a partir de CEs, de modo dependente da ativação das COX-1 e -2. Por outro lado, o receptor PAR-1 não parece ser importante para este efeito, nessas células. / In this study, the effects of PA-BJ and gyroxin, isolated from Bothrops jararaca and Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venoms, respectively, on endothelial cells in culture were investigated. Results showed that neither PA-BJ nor gyroxin affected the integrity of monolayers nor modified ECs viability in the periods of incubation tested. In contrast, these serine proteinases increased the release of prostacyclin from ECs. This effect was inhibited by both non-selective and selective COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors, but these toxins did not affect the protein expression of COX-1 and -2. Inhibition of the catalytic activity of PA-BJ and gyroxin or pre-incubation of ECs with PAR-1 antagonist did not abrogate the ability of these toxins to induce PGI2 release. These findings demonstrate that these serine proteinases are able to stimulate production of prostacyclin by ECs by a mechanism dependent on stimulation of COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme activity. Moreover, neither enzyme activity of both serine proteinases nor the receptor PAR-1 contribute for this effect on endothelium.

Neurotoxicity and aggregation of β-synuclein and its P123H and V70M mutants associated with dementia with Lewy bodies

Psol, Maryna 26 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Efeito dos inibidores de proteinase de soja no padrão de expressão de proteinases de Spodoptera frugiperda / Effect of soybean peptidase inhibitor in pattern endopeptidase expression of Spodoptera frugiperda

Souza, Thais Paula de 02 September 2013 (has links)
Dentre as substâncias químicas secretadas pelas plantas, contra os insetos herbívoros, os inibidores de peptidases são de grande interesse. A atenção dada a esses inibidores deve-se ao fato, de eles serem uma boa alternativa no controle de insetos praga, uma vez que não causam danos ao meio ambiente. Contudo, muitas espécies de insetos são capazes de escapar dos efeitos negativos dos inibidores de peptidases das plantas, via diferentes mecanismos adaptativos. Devido a esse fato, é importante compreender os mecanismos desenvolvidos pelos insetos para burlar os efeitos dos inibidores de peptidases das plantas. Diante desse panorama, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o mecanismo adaptativo das serina endopeptidases de Spodoptera frugiperda aos inibidores de endopeptidases de soja. Foram realizadas análises do transcriptoma dos intestinos das lagartas mantidas em exposição crônica ao inibidor. Para averiguar os efeitos causados devido à exposição crônica ao inibidor, foram realizadas comparações da expressão relativa, dos genes de tripsinas e quimotripsinas, de intestinos de lagartas de sexto instar. Contudo, para entender o efeito da exposição aguda ao inibidor, lagartas de S. frugiperda foram criadas em dieta artificial controle até o primeiro dia do sexto instar, após esse período elas foram transferidas para dieta artificial acrescida com 0,5 % dos inibidores de endopeptidases de soja, durante 48 horas. Para verificar a ocorrência de um possível controle epigenético na expressão dos genes, as lagartas foram conduzidas até a fase adulta e os adultos, de cada tratamento, foram acasalados entre si, constituindo uma segunda geração. Dados de expressão relativa foram obtidos, de indivíduos da primeira e segunda geração, e foram então comparados. Foram identificados 14 possíveis genes de quimotripsinas e nove possíveis genes de tripsinas. Os genes de tripsina foram divididos em dois grupos distintos em relação a sua sensibilidade aos inibidores de endopepetidases de soja e expressão relativa. Houve uma resposta diferenciada na ativação dos genes de serina endopeptidases de S. frugiperda, a qual dividiu os genes em dois grupos, os responsivos e os não responsivos ao inibidor. A exposição aguda ao inibidor ativou um pequeno grupo de genes, enquanto que a exposição crônica promoveu uma maior amplitude de expressão gênica, sugerindo mecanismos temporalmente regulados. Por último, evidências indicam, pela primeira vez, a possível ocorrência de um mecanismo epigenético, na resposta das enzimas digestivas aos inibidores de serina endopeptidases de soja. / Among the chemicals secreted by plants against insect herbivores, peptidase inhibitors (PIs) are of great interest. The attention given to PIs is due to the fact that they are a good alternative to control insect pests since they do not cause damage to human health and the environment. However, many species of insects are able to escape the negative effects of PIs plants via different adaptive mechanisms. Because of this, it is important to understand the mechanisms developed by insects to circumvent the effects of PIs plants. Against this background, this research aimed to study the adaptive mechanism of serine endopeptidases Spodoptera frugiperda to soybean endopeptidase inhibitors. For this purpose, larvae of S. frugiperda were reared on artificial diet and control artificial diet plus 0.5% of endopeptidase inhibitors of soybean. We conducted a transcriptome midgut of worms maintained in chronic ingestion of the inhibitor. The relative expression of the genes, trypsin and chymotrypsin, was also compared the midgut of sixth instar larvae kept in these diets. In another experiment, the larvae were conducted to moth, then the treatments were mated forming a second generation. Relative expression data were obtained for individuals of the first and second generation, and then compared. Identified 14 genes with potential of chymotrypsin and 9 trypsin like genes. The trypsin gene were divided into two groups for both their sensitivity to PI soybean endopeptidase, and for their relative expression pattern. There was a differentiated response on the genes activation of S. frugiperda serina endopeptidases. The genes were clustered in 2 groups, the responsive ones and the non responsive to the inhibitor. The acute exposition to the inhibitor activated a small group of genes and the chronic exposition affected several genes, indicating the existence of temporal regulated mechanism. Besides, there is a possible occurance of an epigenetic mechanism, which is related to the digestive serina endopeptidases inhibitors of soybean.

Candida albicans versus Candida dubliniensis : identificação, virulência, perfil de suscetibilidade antifúngica e epidemiologia dos casos clínicos de candidose sistêmica diagnosticados em um hospital de Porto Alegre - RS

Mattei, Antonella Souza January 2013 (has links)
Essa tese teve como objetivo avaliar todos os casos de candidose sistêmica por Candida albicans identificadas através de kit comercial ID 32C® (bioMérieux), diagnosticados no Laboratório de Micologia da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre/RS, durante o período de 1999 a 2009, buscando identificar a prevalência de C. dubliniensis, bem como avaliar os fatores de virulência e diferença de perfil de suscetibilidade antifúngica entre os isolados clínicos. Foi realizado um levantamento clínico-epidemiológico dos casos incluídos no estudo, avaliando sexo, idade, manifestações clínicas, evolução, região proveniente do paciente, doença de base, condições predisponentes, utilização de corticóides e antibióticos e resposta ao tratamento recebido. Para a diferenciação das duas espécies utilizou-se testes fenotípicos (arranjo dos clamidosporos, teste de termotolerância, formação do tubo germinativo, crescimento em meio hipertônico e niger), molecular (espectrometria de massa) e genotípico (reação em cadeia da polimerase - PCR). Em adição, foi avaliada a eficácia do método de conservação das leveduras estocadas a -20ºC e comparamos quatro substratos (soro fresco, soro congelado, ágar e caldo Mueller-Hinton) para a prova do tubo germinativo. Determinou-se a produção da fosfolipase e proteinase em isolados incluídos no estudo. A atividade in vitro dos antifúngicos fluconazol, anfotericina B e anidulafungina frente aos isolados estudados foi determinada através da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), a concentração fungicida mínima (CFM) e ponto de corte epidemiológico (ECV). Os casos de candidemia por C. albicans diagnosticados durante 10 anos ocorreram com maior frequência em pacientes adultos com presença de cateteres. Observamos que houve maior chance de ocorrência desta em pacientes oncológicos. O percentual de alta nos pacientes foi baixo. O método utilizado para a conservação de leveduras nesse estudo apresentou taxa de 70% de viabilidade. O ágar e o caldo Mueller-Hinton demonstraram sensibilidade de 90% e especificidade de 100%. Os isolados de C. albicans provenientes de hemocultivos apresentaram produção de fosfolipase em 78% e proteinase em 97% dos isolados. A espécie C. dubliniensis não foi identificada em isolados de hemocultivos, sendo todos os casos de candidemia por C. albicans. Os testes microcultivo em ágar fubá, espectrometria de massa, caldo niger e caldo hipertônico concordaram com o teste genotípico. Os isolados de C. albicans apresentaram maior suscetibilidade a anidulafungina, entretanto, os menores valores obtidos em 90% dos isolados (CIM90) foi pela anfotericina B. E através do ECV, os isolados poderiam ser resistentes ao fluconazol, demonstrando a importância da associação desses dois parâmetros. / The aim this tesis was to evaluate systemic candidiasis cases by Candida albicans through ID 32C® (bioMérieux), at Mycology Laboratory of the Santa Casa de Porto Alegre/RS, during 1999 to 2009, seeking to identify the C. dubliniensis prevalence, as well as evaluating the virulence factors and antifungal susceptibility profile difference of among isolates. The clinical and epidemiological survey was made through gender, age, clinical manifestations, evolution, patient's region, underlying disease, predisposing conditions, steroids and antibiotics use, and response to treatment. The phenotypic tests (tthermotolerance, germ tube, hypertonic and Niger medium), molecular (mass spectrometry) and genotypic (polymerase chain reaction – PCR) was used for two species identification. We also assessed if the mantainance of C. albicans stored at - 20ºC in a freezer with sterile distilled water was usefull.The four substrate (fresh and frozen serum, agar and broth Mueller-Hinton®) were used for germ tube formation and the phospholipase and proteinase activity were evaluated. The in vitro activity of fluconazole, amphotericin B and anidulafungin were compared through the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), the minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) and epidemiological cutoff value (ECV). The candidemia cases by C. albicans for ten years occurred more frequently in adult and catheters use. We observed the more chance this occurrence in cancer patients. The survival percentage was low. The used method in the study for yeast stored had 70% of viability. The agar and broth Mueller-Hinton were 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The boodstream isolates of C. albicans produce virulence factors, such the germ tube production and hydrolytic enzymes (78% of phospholipase and 97% of protease) production. The C. dubliniensis was not identified in bloodstream isolates, thus all candidemia cases were by C. albicans. The mass spectrometry, cornmeal agar, Niger and hypertonic broth agreed with genotypic test. The isolates exhibited more susceptibility to anidulafungin, and 90% of them (MIC90) exhibited the lowest values against amphotericin B. Based on ECV and Pfaller classification, isolates could be resistant to fluconazole, demonstrating the importance of the combination of these parameters.

Análise molecular da proteína HC-Pro (Helper Component-Proteinase) e seu papel na relação patógeno-hospedeiro /

Frangioni, Desiré Spada dos Santos, 1968- January 2006 (has links)
Resumo: O gênero Potyvirus é um dos maiores dentre os vírus de planta com genoma composto por RNA. O genoma dos potyvirus codifica um único polipeptídeo que é processado por três proteinases virais que originam todas as proteínas necessárias para complementar o ciclo da infecção. A proteína HC-Pro (Helper Component proteinase) é uma dessas proteínas multifuncionais que está envolvida na amplificação do genoma, transmissão por afídeo, movimento sistêmico e local, supressão do silenciamento gênico e proteólise. Nesse trabalho, foi realizada a substituição funcional de parte da região codificadora da HC-Pro do Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) com a porção correspondente à HC-Pro do Potato virus Y (PVY), com o objetivo de melhor compreender os papéis dessa proteína no ciclo de infecção dos potyvirus. O LMV e o PVY diferem tanto em patogenicidade quanto em círculo de hospedeiros. O LMV infecta, principalmente, espécies da família Asteraceae (alface) enquanto o PVY infecta Solanaceae. Para avaliar o efeito de tal substituição na infectividade, dois vírus quiméricos foram construídos: um clone infeccioso de LMV contendo a HC-Pro selvagem do PVY (estendendo-se dos aminoácidos 1 a 352) e um segundo clone contendo a HC-Pro de PVY com mutação no motivo conservado IGN (mutado para RPN). Os vírus recombinantes e o LMV selvagem foram inoculados via biobalística em folhas de plântulas de alface cv. Trocadero (suscetível ao LMV). A presença e a natureza das progênies virais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The genus Potyvirus is one of the largest genera of plant RNA viruses. The potyvirus genome encodes a single polypeptide that is processed by three viral proteinases to yield all viral proteins needed for the infection cycle. One of these proteins is the multifunctional helper component proteinase (HC-Pro), which is involved in genome amplification, aphid transmission, local and systemic movement, suppression of gene silencing and proteolysis. To gain further understanding of the roles of this protein in the Potyvirus life cycle, the functional replacement of the HC-Pro coding region of Lettuce mosaic virus (LMV) with its corresponding counterpart of Potato virus Y (PVY) was performed. These viruses differ both in pathogenicity and in host range. LMV infects mainly Asteraceae while PVY infects Solanaceae. To assess the functional requirement of a homologous HC-Pro in infectivity, two different chimeric viruses were constructed i. e: a full-length LMV containing a wild type PVY HC-Pro (1aa to 352aa) and a full-length LMV containing a PVY HC-Pro with a mutation in the IGN motif (exchanged to RNP). The chimeras, and wild type LMV, were inoculated by biolistic in young lettuce plants. The presence and nature of viral progenies were checked by RT-PCR amplification followed by sequencing. All recombinant viruses were infectious and displayed systemic infection although the symptoms were weak when compared to the wild type LMV. The viruses accumulation were evaluated by differential cycles in the RT-PCR. The LMV wild type was amplified by 30 cycles while the chimerics viruses needed 40 cycles. Therefore this result indicating that the chimeric viruses titer were lower than LMV wild type. The results 4 described here demonstrated that the main biological functions of HC-Pro can be accomplished by heterologous protein. / Orientador: Marcelo Agenor Pavan / Coorientador: Ivan de Godoy Maia / Banca: Renate Krause Sakate / Banca: José Osmar Gaspar / Banca: João Roberto Spotti Lopes / Banca: Addolorata Colariccio / Doutor

Caractérisation génétique et biochimique du système protéolytique de Streptococcus thermophilus : étude de la variabilité des systèmes de transport d’oligopeptides ; caractérisation des phénomènes d’ancrage, de maturation et de libération de la protéase PrtS ; production de peptides bioactifs à partir de caséines bovines / Genetic and biochemical characterization of the proteolytic system of Streptococcus thermophilus : study of the variability of oligopeptides transport systems; characterization of phenomena of anchoring, maturation and release of the proteinase PrtS; production of bioactive peptides from bovine caseins

Awussi, Ahoefa Ablavi 22 June 2016 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons à la production de peptides bioactifs dans des laits fermentés par la bactérie lactique Streptococcus thermophilus. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire que cette bactérie en internalise le moins possible lors de sa croissance. Il était donc important de caractériser le système protéolytique S. thermophilus. Tout d’abord, les relations phylogéniques liant 30 souches de S. thermophilus ont été recherchées par MLST. Ensuite, un système de transport de type ABC qui semble fonctionnel a été identifié chez la souche LMD-9 et appelé OTS. Une étude de la variabilité des systèmes de transport Ami et OTS des 30 souches de S. thermophilus a été réalisée. Enfin, l’hydrolyse des caséines par la protéase PrtS de S. thermophilus a été étudiée. Cette protéase habituellement ancrée à la paroi de la bactérie est retrouvée chez la souche 4F44 également sous forme libre. La séquence protéique de PrtS4F44, différente de celle de PrtS de la souche LMD 9 (PrtSLMD-9), n’est pas la cause de la libération partielle de PrtS4F44. La sortase A, acteur de l’ancrage de PrtS à la paroi de la bactérie, présente chez la souche 4F44 (srtA4F44) un allèle différent de celui de la souche LMD-9 (srtALMD-9). En effet, PrtSLMD-9 se trouve libérée lorsque srtALMD-9 est remplacée par srtA4F44 dans la souche LMD-9 montrant ainsi que SrtA4F44 est déficiente, entrainant par conséquent un défaut d’ancrage de PrtS4F44 et sa libération partielle dans le milieu extracellulaire. L’hydrolyse des caséinates bovines totales par la forme libre de PrtS4F44 a permis d’obtenir des peptides bioactifs qui pourront être utilisés pour la fonctionnalisation de produits laitiers fermentés / We are interested in the production of bioactive peptides in fermented milk by the lactic acid bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus. For this, it requires that the bacterium internalize them as few as possible during its growth. Therefore, it was important to characterize the proteolytic system of S. thermophilus. First, phylogenetic relationships linking 30 S. thermophilus strains have been searched by MLST. Secondly, an ABC-type transport system which seems to be functional was identified in the LMD-9 strain and named OTS. A study of the variability of Ami and OTS transport systems of the 30 strains of S. thermophilus was performed. Finally, the hydrolysis of caseins by proteinase PrtS of S. thermophilus was studied. This proteinase usually anchored to the wall of the bacterium was also found in a free form in strain 4F44. The protein sequence of PrtS4F44, different from the one of PrtS in the LMD-9 strain (PrtSLMD-9), is not the cause of the partial release of PrtS4F44. Sortase A, the actor of the anchoring of PrtS to the wall of the bacteria, presents different alleles between the strain 4F44 (srtA4F44) and the LMD-9 strain (srtALMD-9). Indeed, PrtSLMD-9 is released when srtALMD-9 is replaced by srtA4F44 in the strain LMD-9 showing that SrtA4F44 is deficient, causing consequently a default of PrtS4F44 anchoring and its partial release into the extracellular medium. Additionally, hydrolysis of bovine caseinates was performed using the free form PrtS4F44 and allowed the production of bioactive peptides that can be used for the functionalization of fermented dairy products

Gingipaine als Virulenzfaktoren von Porphyromonas gingivalis und ihre Bedeutung in der Pathogenese der Parodontitis

Swaneburg, Uwe 05 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Gingipaine sind Cysteinproteinasen des wohl in Ätiologie und Pathogenese der chronischen Erwachsenenparodontitis bedeutsamsten bakteriellen Erregers und zugleich die wichtigsten Virulenzfaktoren der Spezies Porphyromonas gingivalis. Die für diese extrazellulären Produkte kodierenden Gene sind rgpA, rgpB und kgp. Deren Produkte sind entsprechend HRgpA, RgpB und Kgp. HRgpA und RgpB verursachen eine Steigerung der Gefäßpermeabilität durch die Aktivierung des Kallikrein/Kinin-Systems und aktivieren die Blutgerinnung, welche potentiell mit der Synthese der Sulkusflüssigkeit und dem Fortschreiten der Entzündung bis hin zum Verlust des alveolären Knochens assoziiert sind. Offenbar wird dieses durch die Aktivierung von Matrixmetalloproteinasen begünstigt. Kgp ist von den dreien die potenteste fibrinogen-und fibrinabbauende Proteinase und bei der Blutungsneigung der erkrankten Stellen involviert. HRgpA aktiviert besonders Blutgerinnungsfaktoren. Gingipaine stören das Komplementsystem und manipulieren den Zytokinhaushalt der Entzündungskaskaden. Die Gingipaine unterstützen die Kolonisierung von P. gingivalis durch die Bindung zu anderen Bakterien des subgingivalen Biofilms und der Bindung zu epithelialen Zellen. Sie vermögen an Laminin, Fibrinogen, Fibronektin, Hämoglobin und an manchen Typen von Kollagen zu binden. Alle können den Rezeptor CD14 auf Makrophagen abbauen und so die Leukozytenaktivierung hemmen. Sie regulieren die Infektionsintensität, den Bakterienhaushalt, die Aminosäurenaufnahme aus Wirtsproteinen und die Fimbrienreifung. Die Genetik, die Chemie und die virulenzverursachenden Eigenschaften der Gingipaine stehen seit Mitte der 90iger Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts im Blickpunkt des wissenschaftlichen Interesses. Aufgrund ihrer Schlüsselrolle bei der Pathogenese der Parodontitis und der mikrobiellen Infektion sind die Gingipaine Ziele für die mögliche Entwicklung von Hemmstoffen respektive für Immunisierungsstrategien gegen die chronische Parodontitis. / Gingipains are cysteine proteases of the probably most important bacterial pathogen of the adult periodontitis in the field of etiology as well as pathology. At the time, they are the most important virulence factors of the species Porphyromonas gingivalis. The encoding genes of this extracellular products are rgpA, rgpB and kgp. Their products are corresponding HRgpA, RgpB and Kgp. HRgpA and RgpB induce vascular permeability enhancement through activation of the kallikrein/kinin system and activate the blood coagulation, processes potentially associated with gingival crevicular fluid synthesis and progression of inflammation which ultimately can lead to alveolar bone loss. Obviously, this will be favoured by matrix metalloproteinases. Kgp is the most potent fibrinogen/fibrin degrading enzyme of the three gingipains involved in the bleeding tendency at the diseased sites. HRgpA especially activates coagulation factors. Gingipains disturb the complement system and manipulate the cytokine network of the inflammation cascades. Gingipains support colonizing of P. gingivalis due to their connection to other bacteria of the subgingival biofilm and to epithelial cells. They are able to bind to laminin, fibrinogen, fibronectin, hemoglobin and some types of collagen. All of them are able to degrade macrophage CD14 receptor, thus preventing activation of the leukocytes. They regulate the intensity of infection and the bacterial housekeeping, including amino acid uptake from host proteins and fimbriae maturation. Genetics, chemistry and the virulence inducing properties of gingipains are the focus of scientific attention since the middle of the nineties of the last century. Due to their key role in pathogenesis of periodontitis and microbial infection the gingipains are targets for the possible development of inhibitory substances, respectively for immunization strategies against chronic periodontitis.

A study of proteinases of invasive cells using cryoultramicrotomy and immunogold labelling.

Elliott, Edith. January 1993 (has links)
This study forms part of an investigation into the possible relevance of the lysosomal proteinases, cathepsins B, H, Land D, in cancer cell invasion. In this study, the main technique adopted was the Tokuyasu "cryo" method, in which the tissues were fixed, frozen and sectioned and labelled using the relevant antibodies, which were detected with protein A gold probes. In order to implement the Tokuyasu technique, it was necessary to rebuild a knife maker, for the production of adequately sharp glass knives, and to modify a sputter-coater into a glow-discharger, for rendering carbon-coated grids hydrophilic, to promote adhesion of hydrated sections. This study was directed towards human tissues and peptide antibodies were investigated as a means of avoiding isolation of proteins from scarce human tissue, and as a means of obtaining antibodies that will target specific regions of proteins of interest. Peptide antibodies were also considered promising for studies of proteinase trafficking and as immunoinhibiting agents, potentially useful in cancer therapy. Various prediction programmes were investigated for their effectiveness in predicting whether a given peptide sequence will elicit antibodies that will react with the native protein. Successful prediction would increase the success rate of peptide antibody production and thus lower the cost. Leucocytes were studied as a model of an invasive cell, since they are more readily available than tumour cells and serve the purpose during the development of methods. In the course of these studies, an optimal protocol for the fixation of PMNs was developed, involving lateral fixation of cut sections, that should be useful for future studies on these cells. Elastase and cathepsins D and G were found on the surface of activated PMNs and could thus play a role in the invasive properties of these cells. Studies on MCF-10A "normal" breast epithelial cells and their ras-transformed Neo-T counterparts revealed that upon transformation, lysosomes shift from a perinuclear position, to a more peripheral position. None of the cathepsins studied was found on the cell surface of either the normal or ras-transfected cells, suggesting that surface distribution of these enzymes may not be a requirement for invasiveness. These studies suggest that immunocytochemical investigation of cells, in the process of invading through a barrier membrane, might be profitable in elucidating the role of proteinases in invasive cancer. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1993.

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