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Three factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrate to Reverse Warfarin Treated Mechanical Circulatory Device Patients Immediately Prior to Heart TransplantSears, Bryan, Cosgrove, Richard January 2015 (has links)
Class of 2015 Abstract / Objectives: To determine if using three-factor prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) immediately prior to heart transplantation reduces blood product transfusions in patients bridged to heart transplantation by mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices who are treated with warfarin.
Methods: This study retrospectively reviewed patients that either received PCC or received usual care (i.e. fresh frozen plasma – FFP) prior to heart transplantation. Outcomes that were evaluated included packed red blood cell (RBC), FFP, platelet and cryoprecipitate transfusions intra and five days post-operatively, Cell Saver autologous blood volume administered intra-operatively, chest tube output for the five days post-operatively, and thromboembolic events post-operatively.
Results: There were 24 patients included in the study, 12 from each group. The PCC group showed significantly less intra-operative RBC transfusion (2.60 ± 1.49 units vs. 5.09 ± 2.42 units, p=0.018), Cell Saver autologous blood usage (2.60 ± 1.49 units vs. 4.02 ± 1.55 units, p=0.032), and FFP transfusion (2.14 ± 2.30 units vs. 10.94 ± 5.96 units, p=0.0005) than the usual care group. There was no difference in amount of vitamin K given, change in INR, platelets administered, cryoprecipitate administered, chest tube output, or thromboembolic events between the groups. The average dose of PCC was 31 units/kg IV; repeat doses were given to 2 patients.
Conclusions: We propose that the use of PCC prior to heart transplant surgery for patients on MCS devices anticoagulated with warfarin may result in the reduction for the need of RBC’s, autologous blood use and FFP during surgery.
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Jämföra Protrombinkomplex International Normalized Ratio, PK (INR)- värdet, för plasma och helblod för kapillärt tagna PK-prover på instrumentet STA R Max (Stago) / Comparing Prothrombin International Normalized Ratio, PT (INR)- value, for plasma and whole blood for capillary PT samples on STA R Max instrument (Stago).Olsson, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
Warfarin är ett läkemedel som används för att förhindra att högriskpatienter såsom de med förmaksflimmer får tromboembolism. Denna verkan uppnås genom att hämma de K-vitaminberoende faktorerna VII, X och protrombin och på så sätt minska blodets förmåga att koagulera. Att hitta rätt dosering av läkemedlet för warfarinbehandlade patienter har visat sig vara svårt eftersom det kräver regelbunden provtagning och påverkas av mat- och levnadsvanor. Det vanligaste sättet att mäta protrombinkomplexhalten är med venös plasma men det är även möjligt att använda sig av kapillär plasma. Helblod kan användas för mekaniska metoder som inte använder sig av optisk detektion. Fördelen är att helblod inte kräver centrifugering. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det fanns en signifikant skillnad (p≤0,05) mellan helblod och plasma som används i den nuvarande metoden för kapillära prover och om det finns en skillnad i stabiliteten av dessa prov. Dubbla prover togs från 30 warfarinbehandlade patienter och 5 icke warfarinbehandlade individer. Ett av proven centrifugerades och analyserades på plasma, det andra analyserades på helblod. Resultaten visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad (p≤0,05) mellan metoderna. Bland-Altman diagrammet visade att 95 % av helblodsproverna inte var högre än 0,25 INR och lägre än 0,14 INR. Detta har en låg klinisk inverkan. 4 Proverna förvarades i rumstemperatur i upp till 24 timmar och analyserades sedan om. Ingen förändring över 10 % kunde observeras i hållbarheten. Studien visade att trots att det finns en signifikant skillnad är det möjligt att ersätta den nuvarande metoden med plasma och använda helblod istället. / Warfarin is a drug used to prevent high-risk patients such as those with atrial fibrillation from thromboembolisms. This effect is achieved by suppressing vitamin-K dependent factors VII, X and prothrombin and therefore decreasing the bloods ability to clot. Finding the right dosage of the drug for warfarin treated patients has proven difficult, as it demands regular blood draws to monitor their prothrombin complex level, which is affected by dietary and living habits. The most common way to measure prothrombin complex levels is by using venous plasma but it is also possible to use capillary plasma. Whole blood can be used for mechanical methods, which don’t use optical detection. The benefit is that whole blood doesn’t require centrifugation. The aim of this study was to investigate if there was a significant difference (p≤0,05) between using whole blood and plasma which is the existing method for capillary sample and also if there is any differences between the stability of these samples. Double samples from 30 warfarin treated patients and 5 non-treated persons were taken. One of the samples were centrifuged and analyzed on plasma and the other analyzed on whole blood. The results showed that there was a significant difference (p≤0,05) between the methods. Bland-Altman plot comparison showed that 95 % of the whole blood samples would not be higher than 0,25 INR and lower than 0,14 INR. This has low clinical impact. The samples were stored at room temperature for up to 24 hours and reanalyzed. No changes over 10 % in INR values were observed. This study showed that even though there is a significant difference, it is possible to replace the existing method which using plasma with the whole blood instead.
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The influence of medication on the incidence, outcome, and recurrence of primary intracerebral hemorrhageHuhtakangas, J. (Juha) 13 November 2012 (has links)
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the most pernicious form of stroke, with high mortality. Warfarin-associated ICH (WA-ICH) carries an even higher mortality rate. The major reason for the high mortality is explained by early hematoma growth. Warfarin use has rapidly increased with the aging of the population.
We investigated temporal trends in the incidence and outcome of WA-ICHs. We found that although the proportion of warfarin users almost quadrupled in our population, the annual incidence and case fatality of WA-ICHs decreased.
Management of ICH is mostly supportive. Prevention of associated complications is the issue in improving outcome. Hypertension is the most important modifiable risk factor for primary ICH, but little is known of the effect of preceding hypertension on outcome. Aggressive lowering of blood pressure is suggested to be a feasible treatment option. Reversal of warfarin anticoagulation with prothrombin complex concentrate (PCC) has been implemented as an acute treatment option for patients with WA-ICH.
We found that the survival of WA-ICH subjects among our population improved after implementation of reversal of warfarin anticoagulation with PCC, likely because of the introduction of PCC.
Because high mean arterial blood pressure (BP) at admission is an independent predictor of early death in patients with ICH, we explored its role in survival and poor outcome separately in normotensive subjects and subjects with treated and untreated hypertension. We found that despite their higher BP values at admission, subjects with untreated hypertension showed better survival and more often a favorable outcome after BP-lowering therapy than other patients.
Studies on recurrent ICH are scarce. Underlying comorbidities, prior strokes, and drug-induced impaired platelet function may increase the risk for primary ICH (PICH). A lobar location of primary ICH may predict recurrent ICH. We investigated whether these factors predicted recurrence of PICH. In our study the annual incidence of recurrent ICH was 1.67%. Cumulative 5- and 10-year incidences were 9.6% and 14.2%. In multivariable analyses, prior ischemic stroke and diabetes proved to be independent predictors for recurrence. Moreover, diabetes was an independent risk factor for fatal recurrent PICH. Use of aspirin and serotonergic drugs did not significantly contribute to the risk. / Tiivistelmä
Aivoverenvuoto (ICH) on aivoverenkiertohäiriöistä vakavin. Sille on tyypillistä korkea kuolleisuus erityisesti varfariinihoitoon liittyen, ja eloonjääneetkin vammautuvat usein vakavasti. Verenvuodon koon kasvu alkuvaiheessa selittänee korkean kuolleisuuden. Väestön ikääntymisen myötä varfariinin käyttö on lisääntynyt nopeasti.
Aivoverenvuodon hoito perustuu pitkälti ennusteen parantamiseen komplikaatioita estämällä. Verenpaine on tärkein hoidettavissa oleva riskitekijä, mutta tutkimustieto akuutin vaiheen verenpainetason merkityksestä ennusteeseen on vähäistä. Tehokasta verenpaineen alentamista alkuvaiheessa pidetään lupaavana hoitomenetelmänä. Vuodon koon kasvua pyritään rajoittamaan kumoamalla varfariinin antikoaguloiva vaikutus protrombiinikompleksi-konsentraatilla (PCC).
Väitöstyössäni selvitän varfariinin käyttöön liittyvien aivoverenvuotojen (WA-ICH) esiintymistiheyttä ja ennustetta ajan myötä. Tutkin myös vuodon koon kasvun rajoittamista ja alkuvaiheen korkean verenpaineen alentamista hoitomenetelminä sekä selvitän, mitkä tekijät johtavat ICH:n uusiutumiseen.
Totesimme WA-ICH:n ilmaantuvuuden ja tapauskuolleisuuden pienentyneen, vaikka varfariinin käyttö miltei nelinkertaistui väestössämme. Toisaalta WA-ICH -potilaiden kuolleisuus pieneni PCC-hoidon aloittamisen jälkeen, mahdollisesti sen ansiosta.
Tutkiessamme riippumattomasti varhaista kuolemaa ennustavan korkean tulovaiheen verenpaineen roolia normaaliverenpaineisilla, hoidettua ja hoitamatonta verenpainetautia sairastavilla totesimme hoitamattomien hypertonia-potilaiden selvinneen akuutin vaiheen lääkehoidon myötä muita useammin hengissä ja hyväkuntoisina korkeista tulovaiheen verenpainearvoista huolimatta.
Aivoverenvuodon uusiutumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä on vähän tutkimustietoa. Muu sairastavuus, aiemmat aivoverenkiertohäiriöt ja trombosyyttien toimintaan vaikuttavat lääkkeet saattavat lisätä ICH:n uusiutumisriskiä. Totesimme vuosittaisen uuden ICH:n esiintymistiheyden olevan 1,67 %. Aikaisempi aivoinfarkti ja diabetes osoittautuivat riippumattomiksi uusiutumista ennustaviksi riskitekijöiksi, minkä lisäksi diabetes ennusti kuolemaan johtavaa uutta ICH:a. Asetyylisalisyylihapon ja selektiivisten serotoniinin takaisinoton estäjien käyttäminen ei vaikuttanut merkittävästi uusiutumisriskiin.
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Påverkan på PK(INR)-värdet efter olika preanalytiska behandlingar i venöst humanblod.Khashayar, Mahdavisabet January 2015 (has links)
Venous thromboembolism that cause blood clotting in blood vessels, prevent blood circulation, depending on changes in one or more of the coagulation factors II, VII, IX and X. Patients who have had a blood clot or cardiovascular diseases are treated with oral anti-vitamin K (Warfarin®) to reducing and prevent relapse. Warfarin is also used as a preventive treatment before the disease. An overdose of Warfarin® may cause bleeding-complications and low dose cause blood clotting. The dosage of the drug is controlled by measuring prothrombin in plasma. The aim of this study was to investigate if prothrombin-complex value changes due to re-spinning and re-analysis after six hours. Fitty whole blood samples from warfarin-treated patients were divided into three subgroups, those with protrombinkomplex-values of 2-4 (n=20), >4 (n=15) and <2 (n=15). The samples were centrifugated and measured (Method A), re-centrifugated and measured (Method B) or re-analysed after six hours (Method C). All results were compared in a Bland-Altman plot as follows: Method B vs. Method A and Method C vs. Method A. The scatter graph yielded a strong correlation between Method A and Method B (R2=0.9984) and Method A and Methods C (R2=0.9977). The results from t-test showed a significance level (p<0.001) for both analyses (statistical significance=p<0.05). In this study we showed that prothrombin complex value ware stable after re-centrifugation and re-measurement after six hours. Statistical calculations yielded a strong correlation between the methods (A, B, C), and there was no significance difference between the methods.
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