Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychiatry/education"" "subject:"sychiatry/education""
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ADHD in historical and comparative perspective : medical, educational and public approaches to childhood hyperactivity in the US and the UK, 1960-2010Reinholdt, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Adding a much needed historical and comparative dimension to current debates about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the present thesis provides an analysis of the changing construction and treatment of childhood hyperactivity in Britain and the United States, focusing on the period from 1960 to 2010. The focal point is the historical discrepancy between the two countries in diagnostic and therapeutic practices, and the question of how and why perspectives have increasingly converged over the past 20 years. Whereas British medical and educational professionals continued to rely on environmental explanations and interventions for the vast bulk of disruptive behaviour in school children, the American concept of hyperactivity disorder from the 1960s onwards became increasingly inclusive and biomedical in orientation. This expansion was closely related to the rise of psycho-stimulants as a widely employed treatment for hyperactivity and attention problems in the US. British and other European clinicians, on the other hand, resisted drug treatments up until the mid-1990s, when rates of diagnosis and prescription grew dramatically on both sides of the Atlantic. A key aim of this study is to explore and explain the rise of ADHD and Ritalin in both the American and British contexts, looking at the interplay of political, professional, institutional and socio-cultural factors that have contributed in each case. The study concentrates on three distinct but interconnected spheres which, both separately and in combination, have underpinned and shaped approaches to hyperactivity in the two countries: medicine, education and the wider public arena, represented by parent support groups. While chapters 2, 3 and 4 focus on the medical debates and practices surrounding hyperactivity, and the points of connection and disconnection between the two medico-psychiatric communities, chapters 5 and 6 examine the role of schooling, disability activism, and educational policy, especially that relating to special educational needs. Finally, chapter 7 explores the issue of parent activism which has been an important factor in the growth and critique of ADHD in both settings.
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O uso de metodologias ativas e a abordagem da saúde mental no ensino médico / The use of actives methodologies and approach of the mental health in medical educationCliquet, Marcia Braga 20 February 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-20 / Changes in the curriculum of medical courses in the world were
defined in Brazil by the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Medicine
(DCNM) in 2001, aiming to cater for the needs of the national social reality through
training of professionals in order to equip them with knowledge, competences and
skills (general and specific) required for practice. The increasing prevalence of
mental disorders in Brazil shows the importance of mental health education in
shaping the current doctor. Primary Objective: To evaluate the presence of contents
of Mental Health in the real curriculum comprising the first four years of medical
course in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences of PUC-SP the Pontifical
Catholic University of São Paulo. Methodology: A qualitative and quantitative study.
We searched whether these contents were present or not in teaching plans, and in
the activities developed through teaching strategies from August 2012 to July 2013.
A questionnaire was used to assess the opinion of teachers about this. Results: The
pedagogical design provides these contents, but doesn t correspond to the practice.
In the teacher s opinion (62,50% of the total), the majority believe that contents of
mental health were present in the curriculum (72,90%), but insufficient or even
absent, and poorly explored (64,30%); yet, students experience (70%), but do not
learn (80%). Using the Collective Subject Discourse confirmed that the contents are
not frequent in the strategies and not adequately exploited (55,55%). The theory and
practice are not integrated (30,43%), learning scenarios are unsuitable for this
operation (21.10%), time/organization are not enough and teachers and students are
unprepared to address (13,04%) are the many reasons to this situation.
Conclusions: Mental health does not have its role established in the curriculum of
the FCMS and there is no standard for this construction, is seldom present in the
teaching learning strategies, causing a deficiency in the learning of these contents,
this was corroborated by teachers. Inserting such contents is required to prepare
medical students when exposed to issues related to mental health in the context
biopsicosocioambiental according to new curriculum guidelines / Mudanças nos currículos dos cursos de medicina no mundo, definidas
no Brasil pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais dos Cursos de Graduação em
Medicina em 2001, propõem-se contemplar as necessidades da realidade social
através da formação de profissionais dotados de conhecimentos, competências e
habilidades gerais e específicas requeridas para o exercício profissional. A
prevalência crescente das doenças mentais no Brasil mostra a importância do
ensino de saúde mental na formação do médico atual. Objetivo primário: Avaliar a
presença de conteúdos de Saúde Mental no currículo real, nos quatro primeiros
anos do curso de medicina da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde (FCMS)
da PUC-SP. Metodologia: Estudo qualiquantitativo. Pesquisou-se a presença ou
não desses conteúdos nos Planos de Ensino e atividades desenvolvidas nas
estratégias de ensino aprendizagem desenvolvidas no período de agosto de 2012 a
julho de 2013 e avaliou-se as opiniões dos professores, utilizando um questionário.
Resultados: O Projeto Pedagógico prevê estes conteúdos, mas, não há
correspondência efetiva na prática. Na opinião dos professores (62,5% de
respondedores), em sua maioria (72,9%), entenderam que conteúdos de Saúde
Mental estavam presentes no currículo, mas insuficientes ou ausentes e pouco
explorados (64,3%); ainda, que os alunos vivenciam (70%), mas não aprendem
(80%). Com o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo confirmou-se que os conteúdos estão
pouco presentes nas estratégias e sua abordagem não é adequada (55,55%). A falta
de integração entre teoria e prática (30,43%), os cenários de aprendizagem
inadequados para sua exploração (21,1%), o tempo/organização curricular
insuficientes (23,91%) e o despreparo de professores e alunos (13,04%) são os
principais motivos. Conclusões: A Saúde Mental não tem seu papel estabelecido no
currículo do curso de medicina da FCMS e não há uma padronização para sua
construção, está pouco presente nas estratégias de ensino aprendizagem, gerando
deficiência nos conteúdos de Saúde Mental, o que foi corroborado pelos
professores. Inserir tais conteúdos é necessário para preparar os alunos do curso
médico quando expostos a problemas relacionados à Saúde Mental no contexto
biopsicosocioambiental em acordo às novas diretrizes curriculares
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Pedagogia del disagio adulto / Pedagogy of Adult DiseaseGNOCCHI, RAFFAELE 02 April 2007 (has links)
La ricerca focalizza l'attenzione sul disagio adulto. Il concetto di persona è riletto alla luce del clima definito (neo)moderno all'interno del quale l'uomo vive una difficoltà quotidiana nel riconoscere se stesso e il contesto a lui circostante. Le relazioni interpersonali subiscono questa pressione socio culturale la quale va pertanto analizzata e considerata. L'età adulta è l'ambito specifico della ricerca; in questa fase della vita maturità e saggezza sono elementi da declinare e rileggere in relazione ai limiti costitutivi la persona stessa: riconoscere e assumere i propri limiti è una prima operazione di maturità. I limiti e il disagio chiamano in causa la necessaria lettura interdisciplinare: medicina e pedagogia dialogano nell'interesse della persona sofferente; da questo dialogo nascono indicazioni concrete per una pratica corresponsabile sui piani biologico ed educativo. Si sostanzia in definitiva una pedagogia del disagio e della marginalità adulta quale risultato dello scambio epistemologico fra le due discipline. questa prospettiva postula interventi rinnovati nell'ambito del disagio adulto poiché il disagio e la sofferenza non sono sempre ascrivibili a questioni di natura patologica. La pedagogia oltre a riconoscere il ruolo delle altre discipline è altresì riconosciuta come scienza impegnata nell'educazione degli adulti in stato di disagio. / The research focuses on adult hardships. The concept of person is considered by the light of a climate defined (neo) modern in which man lives a daily difficulty in recognising both himself and the surrounding context. Interpersonal relationships are strongly influenced by this socio cultural pressure that needs to be considered and analysed. Adulthood is the specific field of the research. During this stage of life, maturity and wisdom are elements to be considered and analysed in relation to the constitutive limits of the person: the awareness and the acceptance of the limits represent a first act of maturity.
The limits and hardships require an interdisciplinary understanding: medicine and pedagogy interact on behalf of the person in hardships; factual proposals derive from this interaction for a joint responsibility on a biological and educational level. It gains substance after all a pedagogy of the hardships and adult marginality as a result of an epistemological exchange between the two disciplines. This perspective requires renewed interventions in adult marginality because the hardships and suffering cannot be always ascribed to pathological matters. Pedagogy, besides recognising the role of the other disciplines, is considered as a science engaged in the education of adult people in hardships.
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