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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les archives bilingues de Totoès et de Tatéhathyris / The bilingual archive of Totoes and Tatehathyris

Uggetti, Lorenzo 10 February 2018 (has links)
Dans les ruines d'une maison proche du temple ptolémaïque de Deir al-Medina, sur la rive gauche de Thèbes, la Mission Archéologique Italienne dirigée par Ernesto Schiaparelli découvrit en février 1905 deux jarres encore scellées, desquelles on retira 33 rouleaux. Ils décelèrent 44 papyrus en écriture démotique, 8 en grec et 4 bilingues ; de plus, parmi les bandelettes de lin qui les enveloppaient, 5 étaient inscrites. Au total, 61 documents constituaient les archives familiales d'un prêtre attaché à ce temple, nommé Totoès fils de Zmanrès, et de son épouse Tatéhathyris. Le lot complet fut envoyé au Musée Égyptien de Turin, dont Schiaparelli était le directeur. Les textes grecs furent publiés en 1929, alors que l'édition des papyrus démotiques ne vit le jour qu'en 1967. Six d'entre eux furent republiés entre 1978 et 1985, tandis que quatre autres furent examinés à nouveau en 1997 dans une étude sur l'affermage à l'époque ptolémaïque. La plupart des documents sont des actes légaux et comportent donc des protocoles de datation mentionnant les différents souverains qui ont régné en Haute Égypte tout au long du IIe siècle avant notre ère. Le plus ancien, daté de 194, compte parmi les rares attestations du pharaon rebelle Chaonnophris ; les trois plus récents, datés entre 101 et 100, non seulement sont les premiers à révéler le décès de Cléopâtre III, mais sont aussi les seuls à témoigner de la corégence de Ptolémée X Alexandre Ier, de sa femme Cléopâtre Bérénice III, et de l'héritier Alexandre II, le futur Ptolémée XI. Les contrats sont de nature très variée. La plupart concernent la vente ou la location de jours de service liturgique, qui donnaient droit à une part proportionnelle des revenus des différents temples de la rive gauche thébaine. Ils représentaient une partie importante du patrimoine de ces prêtres : une donation issue de ces archives montre en effet qu'ils pouvaient être transmis de père en fils. D'autres actes mentionnent l'affermage de champs, l'achat d'immeubles, le prêt de céréales ou d'argent ; deux documents se rapportent à une forme de bail difficile à déchiffrer, un autre à un échange d'animaux. Le droit de la famille est représenté par cinq contrats de mariage et un de divorce ; un dernier fait état de frais d'enterrement. La thèse a pour objet la réédition intégrale de ces documents, y compris les jarres qui les contenaient. L'accès direct aux papyrus originaux conservés à Turin, ainsi qu'aux archives de leur mise au jour et de leur publication, a permis de détecter deux fragments inédits, de retrouver les numéros d'inventaire des papyrus grecs, de reconstituer les circonstances exactes de leur découverte et de retracer les rouleaux d'origine, pour la plupart des textes. L'étude philologique a établi des correspondances entre démotique et grec pour de nombreux noms de personnes et de lieux, a amélioré la lecture et mené à une nouvelle interprétation de certains textes. Deux actes et deux serments ont notamment révélé la dévolution des fonctions de mandataire de la déesse Hathor d'un père à ses trois fils, avec le consentement du clergé du temple de Deir al-Medina. Les modalités de partage de l'héritage paternel entre Tatéhathyris et son frère Pikos, où Totoès a joué un rôle d'intermédiaire, ont également été mieux saisies. Une étude paléographique menée, pour la première fois, sur l'ensemble du corpus a conduit à reconnaître la main de certains scribes auxquels ont été attribués certains papyrus, tandis que d'autres textes ont été réassignés. L'analyse des protocoles a dévoilé également une pratique locale visant à les raccourcir de manière arbitraire. Enfin, l'analyse des données prosopographiques et topographiques a mené à dresser un arbre généalogique de plusieurs générations de la famille de Totoès et de Tatéhathyris, ainsi qu'un portrait plus fidèle tantôt de la population, tantôt de lieux de culte, terrains et bâtiments de la ville de Djémê, les Memnoneïa grecs. / In a house in ruins near the Ptolemaic temple of Deir al-Medina, on the Theban West Bank, the Italian Archaeological Mission (MAI), leaded by Ernesto Schiaparelli, discovered in February 1905 two sealed jars, containing 33 rolls. They revealed 44 papyri in Demotic writing, 8 in Greek and 4 bilinguals; among the linen bands wrapping them, 5 were inscribed. Altogether, these 61 documents formed the family archive of a priest attached to this temple, named Totoes son of Zmanres, and of his wife Tatehathyris. The whole was sent to the Egyptian Museum in Turin, of which Schiaparelli was the director. The Greek texts were published in 1929, whereas the edition of the Demotic papyri appeared only in 1967. Later, six of them were republished between 1978 and 1985, while four were re-examined in 1997 in a study on field leasing in the Ptolemaic period. Most of these documents are legal acts and can be dated with the help of their protocols, which name several sovereigns ruling Upper Egypt during the 2nd century BCE. The oldest one, dated 194, is counted among the rare attestations of the rebel pharaoh Chaonnophris; the three most recent ones, between 101 and 100, are the only ones giving evidence of a coregency between Ptolemy X Alexander I, his wife Cleopatra Berenice III and the heir Alexander II, the future Ptolemy XI. Moreover, they are the first evidences concerning the death of Cleopatra III. The contracts are of different types. Most of them deal with the sale or the rent of days of liturgical service in many temples on the Theban West Bank, and of their related salaries. They were an important part of the capital of these priests: a deed of covenant from this archive shows that they could have been transferred from father to son. Other legal acts concern field leasing, real estate purchases, wheat or money loans: in particular, two documents relate to a form of lease not easy to understand, another one to an exchange of animals. Family law is represented by five marriage contracts and one divorce; one last text deals with funeral expenses. The dissertation focuses on the new edition of all the documents, including the jars containing them. Direct access to the originals in Turin, as well as to archival records concerning their discovery and publication, have allowed the identification of two unpublished fragments and of the inventory numbers of the Greek papyri, the reconstruction of the exact circumstances of the finding and the assignation of the most part of the texts to their rolls of origin. The philological study has established connections between Demotic and Greek for a lot of personal and place names, has improved readings and has led to new interpretations for some texts. Notably, two legal acts and two temple oaths have revealed the transfer of the duties as agent of the goddess Hathor from a father to his three sons, with the consent of the temple clergy of Deir al-Medina. Moreover, the way of sharing their father's inheritance between Tatehathyris and her brother Pikos, with the action of Totoes as intermediary, is now better understandable. The attention paid to the scribes from a palaeographical point of view permitted to ascribe for the first time or to assign some papyri to their author and to unveil the arbitrary scribal practice of cutting protocols. Finally, the analysis of the prosopographical and topographical data has led to a family tree over many generations of the family of Totoes and Tatehathyris, as well as to a more precise picture on the one hand of the local community, and on the other hand of some religious and civilian buildings and fields in the village of Djeme, called Memnoneia in Greek.

Military Institutions and State Formation in the Hellenistic Kingdoms

Johstono, Paul Andrew January 2012 (has links)
<p>This dissertation examines the history of the military institutions of the Hellenistic kingdoms. The kingdoms emerged after years of war-fighting, and the capacity to wage war remained central to state formation in the Hellenistic Age (323-31 B.C.). The creation of institutions and recruitment of populations sufficient to field large armies took a great deal more time and continual effort than has generally been imagined. By bringing documentary evidence into contact with the meta-narratives of the Hellenistic period, and by addressing each of the major powers of the Hellenistic world, this project demonstrates the contingencies and complexities within the kingdoms and their armies. In so doing, it offers both a fresh perspective on the peoples and polities that inhabited the Hellenistic world after Alexander and a much-revised narrative of the process by which Alexander's successors built kingdoms and waged war. Inheritors of extensive political and military traditions, they were forced to reshape them in their new and volatile context, eventually establishing large and powerful kingdoms and armies that dominated the eastern Mediterranean and Near East for over one hundred years. </p><p>The early model of Hellenistic kingship was based on military successes and martial valor. It found a complement in the burgeoning mercenary market of the early Hellenistic period, which allowed Alexander's generals to field massive armies without relying on complex military institutions for recruitment and mobilization. As years of continual warfare stressed populations and war chests, several new kings, crowned in the era of war, sought to end their reliance on mercenaries by developing core territories, settling soldiers, and constructing powerful military institutions. These institutions did not develop seamlessly or quickly, and often functioned awkwardly in many of the locales that had recently come under Macedonian rule, whether in the cities of Syria or along the Nile valley in Egypt. My project involves several detailed studies of military mobilization during the Hellenistic period, as a way to analyze the structures and evaluate the successes of the kingdoms' respective military institutions. </p><p>I employ methodologies from both history and classical studies, moving between technical work with papyrological, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence, close reading of ancient texts, and comparative analysis of narrative and documentary texts, while drawing upon the large historiographies of each of the largest kingdoms. One of this dissertation's contributions is in making comparisons between these spaces and across time, when much of Hellenistic history has trended toward ever-greater partition. The papyrological material, in particular, permits the greatest access into both the social activities of individuals and the particular elements of human, legal, and customary infrastructure within a Hellenistic state, though it has rarely been used outside of particularly Ptolemaic histories. My dissertation argues against Egyptian exceptionalism, and offers a Hellenistic history drawn from the full array of available sources. Part of the narrative of Egyptian exceptionalism developed from the perception that it was in some sense less traditionally Macedonian than the other two kingdoms. A careful reading of the evidence indicates instead that in the violent and multi-polar world of the Hellenistic age, military identity was very flexible, and had been since the time of Alexander. Additionally, the strict adherence of the other kingdoms to the Macedonian way of war ended in defeat at the hands of the Romans, while the Ptolemies in Egypt innovated counterinsurgent activities that preserved their power in the wealthiest region of the Mediterranean.</p> / Dissertation

Les représentations de cavaliers en Egypte ptolémaïque et impériale et l'influence des imageries étrangères / The representations of riders in Egypt at the Ptolemaic and Roman times and the influence of foreign iconography

Zaegel, Julie 27 September 2012 (has links)
Aux époques ptolémaïque et impériale, les représentations de cavaliers se multiplient et de nouveaux motifs apparaissent en Égypte. Des divinités du panthéonpharaonique peuvent être dotées d’un cheval et d’attributs militaires. Des dieux étrangers font leur apparition ainsi que des personnages cuirassés et armés dont lanature divine n’est pas avérée. Le présent travail constitue une première monographie sur l’ensemble de ces représentations. Le catalogue comporte cent quarante‐huit objets et présente une hétérogénéité importante, tant du point de vue des supports que des sites d’où proviennent les sources. Axée sur l’interdisciplinarité, la thèse repose sur deux approches, technique et iconographique. L’étude du mode de fabrication des figurines en terre cuite et les réflexions sur la question de la mise en série des objets constituent le premier champ de recherches. L’axe iconographique repose sur la comparaison systématique des motifs iconographiques avec les emblèmes visibles dans le reste du pourtour du bassin méditerranéen et traite de la signification des représentations. La confrontation des données a permis d’établir des hypothèses sur l’origine et la fonction des terres cuites et sur les raisons qui ont mené à la production des objets du corpus.Des critères de datation nouveaux ont été définis pour tenter de pallier les lacunes dues à l’absence de contexte de la majorité des sources du catalogue. Les travaux effectués dans les musées ont permis de publier des reproductions de qualité pour des objets qui pour certains n’avaient plus été observés depuis 1915. Ils ont également donné lieu à la découverte d’inédits. / During the Ptolemaic and Imperial times in Egypt we find increasing representations of horsemen, and new emblems start to appear. Divinities of the Pharaonic pantheon are sometimes endowed with a horse and military attributes. Foreign gods also begin to appear, as do cuirassed and armed characters, whose divinity is unproven. This study is a first attempt to produce a monograph encompassing all of these representations. The catalogue contains 148 objects and has a significant degree of heterogeneity, both with regard to the items themselves and to the sites from which they come from. With a strongly interdisciplinary approach, the thesis is based on two methods of investigation: the technical and the iconographic. The first area of researches comprises an examination of the method of manufacture of the terracotta figurines and some thoughts regarding the series production of the objects. The iconographic approach is based on a systematic comparison of the iconographic attributes with the emblems that can be seen around the rest of the Mediterranean, and considers the significance of these representations. By comparing data, it has been possible to make assumptions regarding the origin and purpose of the terracotta figurines, and the reasons which led to the production of the objects comprising the study. New dating criteria have been defined in an effort to bridge the gaps caused by the lack of context for the majority of sources listed in the catalogue. Work done in the museums has allowed the creation of high‐quality reproductions of the objects, some of which were last examined in 1915; it has also resulted in the discovery of previously unpublished material.

'I Celebrated a Fine Day'

Renberg, Gil H., Naether, Franziska 01 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Ptolemaic Aspirations in Callimachean Poetry(A geographic perspective)

Androulaki, Eleni 20 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Royal sculpture in Egypt 300 BC - AD 220

Brophy, Elizabeth Mary January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to approach Ptolemaic and Imperial royal sculpture in Egypt dating between 300 BC and AD 220 (the reigns of Ptolemy I and Caracalla) from a contextual point of view. To collect together the statuary items (recognised as statues, statue heads and fragments, and inscribed bases and plinths) that are identifiably royal and have a secure archaeological context, that is a secure find spot or a recoverable provenance, within Egypt. I then used this material, alongside other types of evidence such as textual sources and numismatic material, to consider the distribution, style, placement, and functions of the royal statues, and to answer the primary questions of where were these statues located? what was the relationship between statue, especially statue style, and placement? And what changes can be identified between Ptolemaic and Imperial royal sculpture? From analysis of the sculptural evidence, this thesis was able to create a catalogue of 103 entries composed of 157 statuary items, and use this to identify the different styles of royal statues that existed in Ptolemaic and Imperial Egypt and the primary spaces for the placement of such imagery, namely religious and urban space. The results of this thesis, based on the available evidence, was the identification of a division between sculptural style and context regarding the royal statues, with Egyptian-style material being placed in Egyptian contexts, Greek-style material in Greek, and Imperial-style statues associated with classical contexts. The functions of the statues appear to have also typically been closely related to statue style and placement. Many of the statues were often directly associated with their location, meaning they were an intrinsic part of the function and appearance of the context they occupied, as well as acting as representations of the monarchs. Primarily, the royal statues acted as a way to establish and maintain communication between different groups in Egypt.

Ekthéosis Arsinóes: o culto a Arsinoe II Filadelfo / Ektheósis Arsinoes: the cult of Arsinoe II Philadelphus

Almeida, Alex dos Santos 20 September 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa que intitulamos - Ektheósis Arsinoes: o culto de Arsinoe II Filadelfo, tem como objetivo analisar as razões, formato e alcance do culto religioso criado por Ptolomeu II Filadelfo para honrar a sua irmã-esposa. Sabe-se que a visão que os autores antigos e estudiosos modernos têm a respeito da rainha Arsinoe II era controversa no passado e continua a ser nos dias atuais. Da rainha ambiciosa a esposa devotada, poucos documentos existem sobre a sua passagem no Egito na década de 280/270 a.C. quando ela se tornou rainha durante o governo de seu irmão, embora a grande maioria dos testemunhos data do período que se segue à sua morte. Quem foi Arsinoe II Filadelfo? Por que Ptolomeu II estabeleceu um culto em memória de sua irmã-esposa? A importância de Arsinoe II pareceu residir na imagem de devoção popular que se criou em torno de sua pessoa, e que acabou favorecendo e prestigiando a dinastia Lagida. A nossa pesquisa se baseia em primeiro lugar na análise das fontes materiais, mas também das fontes textuais tanto do século III a.C. quanto de séculos posteriores. Partimos de uma exposição do fundo histórico em que se baseou e se constituiu a monarquia ptolomaica. Em seguida, refletimos brevemente sobre o papel e o status das rainhas helenísticas e faraônicas na antiguidade. No último capítulo, nos respaldando nos princípios teóricos e metodológicos da arqueologia do culto propostos por Colin Renfrew, fazemos uma longa digressão acerca das razões que levaram Ptolomeu II a estabelecer um culto para Arsinoe II nas esferas grega e egípcia da população. / This research, entitled - Ektheósis Arsinoes: Arsinoe II Philadelphus cult, has as its aim to analyze the reasons, the shape and the diffusion of the religious cult created by Ptolemy II Philadelphus to honor his sister-wife. It is well known that the historical character of Queen Arsinoe II has been controversial since the beginning of studies on Ptolemaic Egypt. From ambitious queen to dedicated wife, there are few documents regarding her life in Egypt in the decade of 280/270 B.C. when she became queen during her brother's reign. The majority of the testimonies are dated to the period after her death. Who was Arsinoe II Philadelphus? Why did Ptolemy II established a cult in memory of his sister-wife? Arsinoe's II importance seems to reside on the image of popular devotion created around her, which ended up favoring and giving prestige to the Lagid dynasty. Our research is based, first of all, on the analysis of material sources, as well as on the written sources both from the 2nd century B.C. and from later centuries. We begin with the discussion of the historical background of the ptolemaic monarchy. Next, we briefly establish some thoughts on the role and the status of the Hellenistic and Pharaonic queens in antiquity. In the last chapter, using Colin Renfrew's theoretical and methodological principles regarding cult archaeology, we make a long digression over the reasons that led Ptolemy II to establish a cult for Arsinoe II both within the Greek and the Egyptian population.

Ekthéosis Arsinóes: o culto a Arsinoe II Filadelfo / Ektheósis Arsinoes: the cult of Arsinoe II Philadelphus

Alex dos Santos Almeida 20 September 2007 (has links)
A pesquisa que intitulamos - Ektheósis Arsinoes: o culto de Arsinoe II Filadelfo, tem como objetivo analisar as razões, formato e alcance do culto religioso criado por Ptolomeu II Filadelfo para honrar a sua irmã-esposa. Sabe-se que a visão que os autores antigos e estudiosos modernos têm a respeito da rainha Arsinoe II era controversa no passado e continua a ser nos dias atuais. Da rainha ambiciosa a esposa devotada, poucos documentos existem sobre a sua passagem no Egito na década de 280/270 a.C. quando ela se tornou rainha durante o governo de seu irmão, embora a grande maioria dos testemunhos data do período que se segue à sua morte. Quem foi Arsinoe II Filadelfo? Por que Ptolomeu II estabeleceu um culto em memória de sua irmã-esposa? A importância de Arsinoe II pareceu residir na imagem de devoção popular que se criou em torno de sua pessoa, e que acabou favorecendo e prestigiando a dinastia Lagida. A nossa pesquisa se baseia em primeiro lugar na análise das fontes materiais, mas também das fontes textuais tanto do século III a.C. quanto de séculos posteriores. Partimos de uma exposição do fundo histórico em que se baseou e se constituiu a monarquia ptolomaica. Em seguida, refletimos brevemente sobre o papel e o status das rainhas helenísticas e faraônicas na antiguidade. No último capítulo, nos respaldando nos princípios teóricos e metodológicos da arqueologia do culto propostos por Colin Renfrew, fazemos uma longa digressão acerca das razões que levaram Ptolomeu II a estabelecer um culto para Arsinoe II nas esferas grega e egípcia da população. / This research, entitled - Ektheósis Arsinoes: Arsinoe II Philadelphus cult, has as its aim to analyze the reasons, the shape and the diffusion of the religious cult created by Ptolemy II Philadelphus to honor his sister-wife. It is well known that the historical character of Queen Arsinoe II has been controversial since the beginning of studies on Ptolemaic Egypt. From ambitious queen to dedicated wife, there are few documents regarding her life in Egypt in the decade of 280/270 B.C. when she became queen during her brother's reign. The majority of the testimonies are dated to the period after her death. Who was Arsinoe II Philadelphus? Why did Ptolemy II established a cult in memory of his sister-wife? Arsinoe's II importance seems to reside on the image of popular devotion created around her, which ended up favoring and giving prestige to the Lagid dynasty. Our research is based, first of all, on the analysis of material sources, as well as on the written sources both from the 2nd century B.C. and from later centuries. We begin with the discussion of the historical background of the ptolemaic monarchy. Next, we briefly establish some thoughts on the role and the status of the Hellenistic and Pharaonic queens in antiquity. In the last chapter, using Colin Renfrew's theoretical and methodological principles regarding cult archaeology, we make a long digression over the reasons that led Ptolemy II to establish a cult for Arsinoe II both within the Greek and the Egyptian population.

Le papyrus des Revenue laws: texte et commentaire

Bingen, Jean January 1945 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les relations entre les étrangers et les autochtones à l'époque hellénistique : les modèles d'intégration des étrangers dans l'Empire lagide / The relationship between foreign and indigenous in the Hellenistic period : the models of the integration of foreigners in the Ptolemaic Empire

Wang, Shichao 26 May 2016 (has links)
Mes travaux en vue de l’obtention d’un doctorat français portent sur les communautés étrangères dans l’Empire lagide. Cette recherche concerne l’identité ethnique des Juifs, des Grecs, des Syriens dans la société égyptienne de l’époque hellénistique et le problème de l’acculturation, plus exactement, des transferts culturels entre ces groupes d’immigrés et la population locale, entre dominants et dominés. Le problème des relations entre Juifs et Grecs, d’une part, est entre Juifs de Palestine et Juifs des différentes diasporas méditerranéennes, d’autre part, occupe une partie importante de ma réflexion, notamment en raison de l’hellénisation qui a marqué l’ethnogenèse des Juifs. Les enjeux des migrations et des transferts culturels est un thème crucial, qui traverse les millénaires, et qui reste aujourd'hui, plus que jamais, d'actualité. A l'époque hellénistique, de nombreux groupes ethniques vivent en diasporas au bord de la Méditerranée orientale. Les plus nombreux sont, par ordre décroissant, les Hellènes, les Juifs, les Phéniciens, les Égyptiens, les Éthiopiens, les Libyens, les Syriens. En prenant l'Empire lagide comme exemple, je me propose d'analyser les relations interethniques de ces groupes et leur différents modes d'intégration et d’acculturation dans le processus d'hellénisation. L'Empire lagide, à son apogée au IIIe siècle av. J.-C, comprend l’Égypte, la Palestine, la Cyrénaïque et les îles égéennes. Il offre donc un objet d'études privilégié en raison de sa situation au carrefour des routes commerciales qui orientent les migrations individuelles et collectives, mais aussi en raison d’une documentation particulièrement riche et variée. / My thesis for obtaining a French doctorate address the foreign communities in the Ptolemaic Empire. This research concerns the ethnic identity of Jews, Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians in the Ptolemaic society in the Hellenistic period and their problems of th eacculturation, more precisely, of cultural transfer between immigrant groups and the local population, between dominant and dominated. The relationship between Jews and Gentiles, that, on one hand, is between Jews and Jews of Palestine of different Mediterranean diaspora, on the other hand, is an important part of my reflection, especially due to the Hellenization that marked ethnogenesis Jews.The issue of migration and cultural transfers is a crucial theme that runs through several millennia, and remains today, more than ever relevant. In the Hellenistic period, many ethnic groups live in diasporas in eastern edge of the Mediterranean. The most numerous are, in descending order, Greeks, Jews, Phoenicians, Egyptians,Ethiopians, Libyans, Syrians, etc. Taking the Ptolemaic Empire as an example, I propose to analyze the ethnic relationship of these groups and their different modes of integration and acculturation in the process of Hellenization. The Ptolemaic Empire at its peak in the third century BC, including Egypt, Palestine, Cyrenaica and the Aegean islands. It therefore offers a privileged object of study because of its location, which is at the crossroads of trade routes that guide individual and collective migration, but also due to a particularly rich and varied historical documentation.

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