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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions of traditional healers on collaborating with biomedical health professionals in Umkhanyakude District of KwaZulu Natal

Hlabano, Boniface 15 July 2014 (has links)
This qualitative study explored traditional healers’ perceptions on collaborating with bio medical professionals. Purposive sampling was used to select study participants, and individual in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Thematic data analysis was conducted. The main findings of the study were that healers are very popular and highly respected amongst African communities. Traditional healers experienced mistrust and disrespect by biomedical health professionals who demonstrated ignorance on traditional medicine. Lack of motivation, incentives and financial support to conduct collaboration activities was another key finding including lack of clear policies and management structures for collaboration. Due to concern for their patients, healers resorted to practising covert collaboration such as not using official referral slips. Positively, healers experienced transformation in terms of knowledge gained from the training on basic HIV-TB epidemiology. There was clear evidence of high ethical practices amongst healers where they put their patients’ welfare ahead of their business interests / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Evaluating the effectiveness of psychosocial services rendered by the Godisanang OVC Programme in Rustenburg

Neswiswa, Kabaro Grace 02 1900 (has links)
This quantitative study was aimed at determining the value of the psychosocial services rendered by the staff members of the Godisanang OVC programme to OVC in Rustenburg in order to make recommendations on how these services could be improved. Fifteen caregivers, who were employed by the Godisanang OVC programme, were interviewed in October 2013. Data was presented in the form of statistics, tables and numbers. This study revealed that the psychosocial services that are rendered by the Godisanang OVC programme to OVC are of value. Therefore, it is recommended that the psychosocial services be extended to other regions of Rustenburg. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

Identifying challenges related to providing community-based environmental health education and promotion programmes

Witthuhn, Jacqueline 06 1900 (has links)
This research study was initiated by the desire to identify the constraining and enabling factors experienced by environmental health officers (EH Os) and their management in the implementation of environmental health education and promotion programmes in the environmental health sector. The research contextualises the issues of health promotion, the role of education in health promotion, and community-based environmental health service provision with specific reference to the role of the EHO in relation to these issues. The foremost value ofthis study lies in the fact that it profiles the need for change in the delivery of community-based environmental health education and promotion programmes and identifies distinctive policy changes and skills development needs in the field of environmental health promotion which are central to improved and sustainable community-based environmental health education and promotion. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)

Acceptance, accessibility and utilisation of VCT services by women using contraceptives at city of Johannesburg Municipal clinics

Ndlazi, Bandile Ernerst 06 1900 (has links)
Background: The South Africa’s reproductive health policy put more emphasis on dual methods in preventing unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) transmission. Regardless of such policies, the uptake of voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services remains a personal choice. Aim: The purpose of the study was to determine the accessibility, acceptance and utilisation of VCT services by women on hormonal contraceptives. Methods: About 134 women obtaining hormonal contraceptives were interviewed in a cross-sectional study. Descriptive and logistic regression analysis was applied to analyse the study data. Results: Respondents displayed positive attitudes towards Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) testing. Unavailability and poor access to in-house VCT services was found to be a barrier for use of these services. Conclusion: There’s a need for provider initiated counselling and testing (PICT) strengthening and integration of VCT services into family planning. / Health Studies / M (Public Health) / 362.104256

Communication satisfaction of professional nurses working in selected public health care services in the city of Johannesburg

Wagner, J. D. 02 1900 (has links)
M.A. (Health Studies) / The purpose of this study was to explore and describe communication effectiveness and communication satisfaction experienced by professional nurses in selected public health care services. Quantitative, explorative and descriptive research was conducted to determine the communication effectiveness and levels of communication satisfaction. The Downs and Adrian (2004) structured questionnaire was adapted and used to collect the data. The study population consisted of three groups of professional nurses, namely nurse managers (n=18), operational managers (n=22) and professional nurses (n=90). The study highlighted areas of effective and ineffective communication, as well as areas of communication satisfaction and dissatisfaction, among professional nurses. The findings revealed that although professional nurses are satisfied with their supervisor-subordinate communication, they are dissatisfied with personal feedback between all categories of professional nurses. Recommendations for the improvement of the communication effectiveness and communication satisfaction of professional nurses are aimed at creating an organisational atmosphere conducive to two-way communication. / Health Studies

The experiences of community members regarding their participation in hospital boards in Dr Kenneth Kaunda District, North West Province

Modise, Keneilwe Cynthia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of community members regarding their participation in hospital boards in Dr Kenneth Kaunda district, North West Province. A qualitative exploratory-descriptive research was conducted on a purposively selected sample of community members who served in the board for a minimum period of two years. Data were collected by means of individual interviews and analysed by means of thematic data analysis. Three themes that emerged from data analysis were creation of opportunities, benefits and challenges. A mix of positive and negative experiences was expressed by community representatives regarding their participation in hospital boards. Participants described their experiences as enjoyable and empowering while others described it as a learning experience through which they acquired knowledge and new skills. The challenges experienced whilst serving in hospital boards included ineffective communication, poor relations and role conflict as a result of lack of role clarification. The findings from the study may be used to enhance the effectiveness of hospital governing boards through the participation of community members. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Theories of justice and an HIV/AIDS health care policy for South Africa : a comparative analysis

Horn, Lynette (Lynette Margaret) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: On The io" of May 1994 Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected black president of South Africa. The occasion was regarded, both nationally and internationally, as a triumph for humanity and perfused with a widespread optimism for the future of South Africa. Mandela proclaimed in his inaugural speech that "Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will experience oppression of one by another .... The sun shall never set on so glorious an achievement." However, now, less than 10 years later the rapidly accelerating and devastating HIV/AIDS epidemic is again 'obscuring the sun'. Those people affected so negatively by the racial, economic and gender injustices of the apartheid past, seem again to be suffering a possible injustice, because of a health and welfare system that is struggling to meet the needs of the HIV affected population. The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the concept of distributive justice in South Africa, within the context of this devastating epidemic. I begin by discussing the Bill of Rights in the South African Constitution. I argue that an acceptable framework for a theory of justice for health care in South Africa, must be worked out against the background of this egalitarian Bill of Rights. I then consider the extent of the HIV epidemic, the effect it is having on the people of South Africa and the consequent implications for health care needs. It is within this context that I examine and compare three theories of distributive justice, namely utilitarianism, John Rawls' theory of "Justice as Fairness" and a libertarian concept of justice, as proposed by Robert Nozick. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory that focuses on producing the 'greatest happiness for the greatest number'. I argue that many health policy decisions in South Africa are in fact guided by this principle. However utilitarianism has both strengths and weaknesses which are critically examined. Within the framework of health care policy making, utilitarian justice dictates that rights are derivative and that the welfare of the majority usually takes precedence over the pressing needs of a minority. This issue in particular is discussed. Rawls' theory of "Justice as fairness" is critically discussed next. This theory has been adapted to health care by Norman Daniels, who argues that the Rawlsian principle of "fair equality of opportunity" is a suitable founding principle for health care institutions. Apartheid entrenched a system of 'inequality of opportunity'. Consequently, a theory that focuses on equality of opportunity, has many advantages within the South African context. I examine this theory in detail and provide justification for my assertion that it could be usefully adapted to South African healthcare and the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Finally, I discuss a Libertarian (Nozickian) theory of justice and examine both the strengths and weaknesses of this theory. I attempt to demonstrate why a libertarian system, with it vigorous commitment to moral and economic individualism and belief that one is only entitled to that share of healthcare that can be paid for, would be unjust, if rigorously applied within the post-apartheid South African context. I conclude my dissertation by reiterating my assertion that "Justice as Fair Equality of Opportunity" could be used as a just foundation for a theory of justice for health care in current day, HIV/AIDS affected South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teorieë van geregtigheid en 'n gesondheidsbeleid vir die VIGS epidemie in Suid Afrika: 'n vergelykende ontleding. Op die 10de Mei 1994 is Nelson Mandela ingehuldig as die eerste demokraties verkose swart president van Suid- Afrika. Die geleentheid is in beide Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland beskou as 'n oorwinning vir humaniteit. Optimisme oor Suid-Afrika se toekoms was oral tasbaar. Mandela het in sy inhuldigingstoespraak verkondig dat dit nooit weer sal gebeur dat hierdie pragtige land sal lyonder die onderdrukking van een oor die ander nie. Hy het gesê dat die son nooit salondergaan op so 'n wonderlike prestasie nie. Nou, minder as tien jaar later, is die verwoestende VIGS epidemie besig om weer die 'son te laat ondergaan'. Dieselffde mense wat alreeds onder apartheid se rasisme en ekonomiese en geslagsongeregtighede gely het, blyk nou weer verontreg te word; hierde keer omdat die gesondheids- en welsynsisteem sukkel om in die behoeftes van die VIGS-geaffekteerde populasie te voorsien. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die konsep van distributiewe geregtigheid in die konteks van die dreigende VIGS epidemie te bespreek. Ek begin met 'n bespreking van die Verklaring van Regte soos vervat in die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet. Ek voer aan dat enige aanvaarbare teorie oor geregtigheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse gesondheidsisteem gegrond moet word op hierdie egalitêre Verklaring van Regte. Tweedens kyk ek na die omvang van die VIGS epidemie, die effek wat dit op die HIV-positiewe populasie en hulle familielede het, en die gevolglike implikasies vir gesondheidsbehoeftes. Dit is binne hierdie konteks dat ek drie teorieë van distributiewe geregtigheid ondersoek en vergelyk; naamlik utilitarisme, John Rawls se teorie van "Justice as Fairness", en 'n libertynse konsep van geregtigheid soos voorgestel deur Robert Nozick. Utilitarisme is 'n konsekwensialistise teorie wat beteken dat die regte daad die een is wat in enige situasie die grootste geluk vir die meeste persone sal meebring. Ek voer aan dat baie van die beleidsrigtings wat 'n gesondheidsorg in Suid-Afrika gevolg is, deur hierdie teorie beïnvloed is. Utilitarisme het uiteraard sterk en swak punte en beide kante word krities ondersoek. In 'n gesondheidsorg konteks beteken utilitarisme dat regte altyd afgelei is en dat die welsyn van die meerderheid gewoonlik belangriker is as die van 'n minderheid, selfs wanneer die probleme van die minderheid ernstig en dringend is. Rawls se teorie van geregtigheid word vervolgens krities bespreek. Hierdie teorie is deur Norman Daniels aangepas vir gesondheidsorg. Hy stel voor dat Rawls se beginsel van 'regverdige gelykheid van geleentheid' baie effektief aangepas kan word vir gesondheidsorginstellings. Apartheid het 'n sisteem van ongelyke geleentheids verskans; gevolglik hou 'n teorie wat gelykheid van geleentheid verseker baie voordele vir die Suid- Afrikanse situasie in. Ek bespreek hierdie teorie in detail en poog om my standpunt dat die teorie besonder geskik is vir Suid-Afrikaanse gesondheidsisteem - veral in die konteks van die VIGS epidemie - te regverdig. Laastens bespreek ek die libertynse teorie van geregtigheid soos voorgestel deur Robert Nozick. Ek probeer aantoon waarom hierdie teorie, wat gebaseer is op morele en ekonomiese individualisme en gevolglik aanvoer dat mense geregtig is op gesondheidsorg alleenlik as hulle daarvoor kan betaal, onregverdig is in die Suid-Afrikaanse post-apartheid konteks. Ek sluit hierdie. verhandeling af deur weer te argumenteerdat Rawls se teorie en die beginsel van 'geregtigheid as gelyke geleentheide' uiters geskik is as 'n grondslag vir gesondheidsorg in Suid-Afrika vandag.

Evaluating the effectiveness of psychosocial services rendered by the Godisanang OVC Programme to OVC in Rustenburg

Neswiswa, Kabaro Grace 02 1900 (has links)
This quantitative study was aimed at determining the value of the psychosocial services rendered by the staff members of the Godisanang OVC programme to OVC in Rustenburg in order to make recommendations on how these services could be improved. Fifteen caregivers, who were employed by the Godisanang OVC programme, were interviewed in October 2013. Data was presented in the form of statistics, tables and numbers. This study revealed that the psychosocial services that are rendered by the Godisanang OVC programme to OVC are of value. Therefore, it is recommended that the psychosocial services be extended to other regions of Rustenburg. / Health Studies / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS)

Discontent among registered nurses in the public health sector in Tshwane Metropolitan area

Ngwenya, Vindi Sarah 12 1900 (has links)
The researcher used the integration of both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The respondents were drawn from three district, one regional, one academic and two private hospitals. Data was collected by means of questionnaires. The open-ended questions in the questionnaire allowed the respondents to respond in their own words (“etic” description). This enhanced the organisation and reduction of the relevant data for analysis as well as the validity and trustworthiness of the study. The study revealed that even though most of the South African government health policies were very advanced and among the best in the world, some crucial policies appeared to have encountered problems with implementation, from conflicting ideologies and opinions from hospital management, different unions, professional associations, the provincial government, the South African Nursing Council (SANC) and patients. Too many groups appeared to have discussed nurses‟ issues with government and made decisions for nurses, leaving nurses disillusioned. The majority of the respondents attributed this to poor representation at government level. Furthermore, some decisions, resolutions and strategies agreed upon between the unions and bargaining councils appeared to have worked against nurses, further dividing RNs and failing to accomplish the intended purpose. Although most of the respondents had hoped that the Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD) for nurses would address chronic low salaries for all nurses in the PHS, it favoured certain specialty qualifications (which were based on the description of post-basic courses in R212 and R48, which were not clearly delineated). In addition, RNs were not informed about the meaning and implications of the OSD prior to implementation. The study thus found an information gap between government and RNs at the production level, which appeared not to be with the government and the nurses, but in between. Most importantly, nurses seemed to be represented more by unions to government and bargaining councils, as opposed to nurses, while most of the respondents did not favour the division of nurses between professional associations and unions. Decisions in the PHS appeared to have been dominated by leaders who had no experience with pragmatic issues of health care services (HCS), particularly at the operational level, and the dynamics of the nursing profession. The study therefore concluded that, if the right people (nurses, doctors and systems) were put in place, and nurses were represented by nurses at government level, bargaining councils and parliament, discontent among RNs in the PHS could be reduced significantly. Existing strategies were found to deal with the symptoms and not the root cause of discontent among RNs in the PHS. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Communication satisfaction of professional nurses working in selected public health care services in the city of Johannesburg

Wagner, J. D. 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe communication effectiveness and communication satisfaction experienced by professional nurses in selected public health care services. Quantitative, explorative and descriptive research was conducted to determine the communication effectiveness and levels of communication satisfaction. The Downs and Adrian (2004) structured questionnaire was adapted and used to collect the data. The study population consisted of three groups of professional nurses, namely nurse managers (n=18), operational managers (n=22) and professional nurses (n=90). The study highlighted areas of effective and ineffective communication, as well as areas of communication satisfaction and dissatisfaction, among professional nurses. The findings revealed that although professional nurses are satisfied with their supervisor-subordinate communication, they are dissatisfied with personal feedback between all categories of professional nurses. Recommendations for the improvement of the communication effectiveness and communication satisfaction of professional nurses are aimed at creating an organisational atmosphere conducive to two-way communication. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

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