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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategic role of ICT in South African Public Service : the CIO positioning within the organisational structure.

Otumile, John D. January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech. degree in Business Information Systems)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2010. / Information and Communications Technology has been accepted globally as an enabler of public and private sector businesses. This study argues that the correct positioning of a chief information officer (CIO) is vital to achieving effective service delivery. On the contrary, empirical evidence shows that CIOs in the South African public sector tend not to have the necessary influence to use ICTs strategically to change the plight of the millions of poor South Africans, through service delivery. Using Structuration Theory as a lens, the contribution of this study is towards improving the rigor with which we understand chief information officers and their place in the improvement of South African public service delivery.

Sensemaking, complexity and ERP systems adoption : a conceptual study with reference to Project Phakama in the City of Johannesburg

Mohlakwana, Dibuleng Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis provides an interpretation of what happens during Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) adoption in the Public Sector and in particular Local Government using Sensemaking and Complexity Theory. Chapter 1 outlines the background and objective of the thesis including the methodologies used. In Chapter 2 the theoretical foundations of the study are discussed. The theories are carefully meshed together to provide a new angle to interpret and analyse what takes place in ERP adoption. Chapter 3 provides a detailed description of the case study, Programme Phakama. Programme Phakama implemented an Enterprise Resource Planning solution in the City of Johannesburg. Chapter 4 contains an explanation of what happened in other projects with the same mandate within the public service elsewhere in the world. This in comparison to what happened in Project Phakama, to highlight the similarities or differences during the evolvement of the projects. The last two chapters provide the interpretation and recommendations using the conclusion arrived at in Chapter 4 from a Complexity and Sensemaking perspective. There are no right or wrong answers in ERP projects, only good or bad decisions. The number of changes to be managed in ERP projects is overwhelming. Therefore many projects are challenged, regardless of success, failure or abandonment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis interpreteer aspekte van die implementeringsproses van ‘Enterprise Resource Planning Systems’ (ERP) in die openbare sektor, en in die besonder op plaaslike regeringsvlak. Die interpetasie word gedoen met behulp van die sinmakingteorie van KE Weick en van kompleksiteitsteorie. Hoofstuk 1 bied ‘n oorsig oor die agtergrond en doelstelling van die tesis, sowel as die metodologiese aanpak. In hoofstuk 2 word die teoretiese grondslae van die tesis bespreek. Die teorie word geïntegreer om ‘n nuwe perspektief op die analise van ERP implementering te kan gee. Hoofstuk 3 bied ‘n gedetailleerde beskrywing van die geval wat hier ondersoek word, naamlik ‘Programme Phakama’ wat die implementering van ‘n ERP in die stad van Johannesburg behels het. Hoofstuk 4 span die net wyer om vergelykende gegewens van soortgelyke projekte elders te beskryf. Hoofstuk 5 ontleed die problematiek en toon dat die gebruik van kompleksiteitsteorie en insig in sinmaking help om die verskynsel beter te begryp. Hoofstuk 6 maak gevolgtrekkings vir die bestuur van sodanige projekte.

Knowlegde management practices in the South African public sector 2002-2008

Mphahlele, Mafedi Yvonne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Information Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Knowledge Management (KM) have been adopted by the public sector institutions of the developed countries for a while and the rewards that of are said to be immense. For a new democracy and a developing country like South Africa, the benefits of KM in the public sector cannot be over emphasized. Among, other things, it is believed that KM can help speed up service delivery which is a top priority for the South African public sector at the moment. However, one wonders if the South African public sector is giving KM the kind of attention it deserves and if so, are there any noticeable rewards? The following study is a survey report on KM practices in the South African Public sector, specifically, National departments. It is believed that the results of this study will help identify best practices to be shared and deviations and gaps to be corrected. The study is made up of the following Chapters and topics: Chapter 1: Which cover a short history of KM in the Public Service The chapter also discusses the problem statements, objectives of the study and limitations. Chapter 2: Research Methodology The population and sample in this study are discussed. The methods used to collect data is also outlined and discussed. Chapter 3: Knowledge Management: Challenges, solutions and Technologies. This chapter is based on the book and model by Beccerra –Fernandez et al. and it discusses the three parts of the book , namely, Principles of KM, Technologies of KM, KM Systems and the epilogue which deals with the future of KM. The views of other authors in relation to the book and model are also outlined and discussed in this chapter. Chapter 4: Presentation and Discussion of results: The results of data collected in chapter 3 above are presented and discussed. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations The conclusion of this study based on the data collected using tools and methods outlined and discussed in Chapter 2 & Chapter 3 and presented in Chapter 4 above is then drawn. The conclusion and recommendations seek to answer research questions that were posed in Chapter 1 of this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kennisbestuur (KM) word reeds geruime tyd toegepas in die openbare sektore van ontwikkelde lande en dit word berig dat die resultaat duidelik speurbaar is. Vir 'n nuwe demokrasie en 'n ontwikkelende land soos Suid-Afrika kan die voordele van KM in die openbare sektor nie oorskat word nie. Onder meer word geglo dat KM kan bydra tot die verbetering van dienslewering wat op die oomblik die belangrikste prioriteit is vir die openbare sektor. Nogtans moet 'n mens wonder of KM die aandag ontvang wat dit verdien, en of daar opmerklike resultate is. Hierdie studie is in wese 'n rapport van 'n opname van KM praktyke in die Suid-Afrikaanse openbare sektor, in besonder van nasionale departemente. Daar word gehoop dat die resultate van die studie sal bydra tot die identifisering van beste praktyke wat met ander gedeel kan word, en om afwykinge en gapings te identifiseer vir korreksie. Die studie is ingedeel in die volgende hoofstukke: Hoofstuk 1 – 'n kort geskiedenis van KM in die openbare sektor. Die probleemstelling word ook bespreek Hoofstuk 2: Navorsingsmetodologie Hoofstuk 3: Knowledge Management: Challenges, Solutions and Technologies. Hierdie hoofstuk is gebaseer op die boek en model van Becerra-Fernandez et al. En dit bespreek die drie afdelings van die boek, naamlik: Principles of KM, Technologies of KM, KM Systems, asook die epiloog waarin die toekoms van KM behandel word. Beskouings van ander outeurs ten opsigte van die boek en model word bygevoeg. Hoofstuk 4: Aanbieding en Bespreking van resultate Hoofstuk 5: Konklusie en Voorstelle In die konklusie word antwoorde geformuleer op die pertinente vrae wat in hoofstuk 1 gestel is.

Evaluating e-government services : a citizen-centric framework

Sigwejo, Annastellah Obedi January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Information Technology))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2015. / In a quest to offer better services to both citizens and businesses throughout Africa, efforts to adopt e-government projects are gaining momentum. As a result of this, there is a need for effective measurement of delivery and quality of such e-services. Currently, there are several metrics applied to measure and rank the e-readiness of various African countries. However, while these measures have provided a source of comparative analysis between different e-government projects, they are far from being perfect. For example, most of these measures are diverse and difficult to compare, since they assume ‘one size fits all’ and ignore differing environmental, cultural and contextual factors of various countries. Further criticisms of these measures are that they are ‘first generation metrics’ designed for developed countries, as opposed to developing countries. Thus, the crux of the research problem was that there are no suitable evaluation strategies for understanding and measuring the effectiveness of e-government services in order to improve the management thereof, and thereby attain the best possible value for citizens. The objective of this study was to develop a framework, for evaluating the effectiveness of e-government services in a typical developing country. Tanzania’s mainland was chosen as the context for this study: as a typical developing African country, its early phase of e-government development provided an optimal case for this study concerned with the useful and effective evaluation of e-government services. I have chosen a qualitative research method paradigm, underpinned by an interpretive approach, to facilitate both research objectives: developing an evaluation framework after determining the necessary evaluation parameters. Empirical evidence was gathered via interviews with e-government practitioners in Tanzania and via focus groups with selected citizens. Other sources of data included government documentation (policies and strategies) and government websites. The data was analysed through the combined application of an adapted grounded theory method and interpretation. Using the latter analytical processes several effectiveness dimensions of e-government services were derived. Through further analysis these were synthesised into the main output of the study viz. an e-government citizen satisfaction framework (ECSF). This framework, a unique contribution to the existing body of knowledge, demonstrates how citizen and government imperatives should be amalgamated to evaluate the effectiveness of e-government services. The findings further support and advance Information Technology management within government, as this is the first comprehensive framework to ensure an integrated approach for monitoring and evaluating e-government programmes. This study also combines important ideas from two existing domains—service management and IS evaluation—to generate new foundations leading to further work by researchers.

Opakované použití informací veřejného sektoru / Re-use of public sector information

Gaertner, Petr Josef January 2017 (has links)
69 The re-use of public-sector information This thesis considers the re-use of public-sector information in the context of freedom of information. The thesis describes the following: a) the implications of freedom of information (transparency of public administration, involvement of citizens in public affairs, fight against information poverty, protection of the environment or the fight against corruption); b) the implications of the re-use of public-sector information (from an economic and social view); c) principle of publicity and principle of confidentiality (their application in democratic and nondemocratic regimes); d) the evolution of freedom of information legislation (inspiration in China, origin in Sweden, transposition into international law, influence of the United States of America, examples of modern information regulations and the right to information in European Union law); e) freedom of information in international law (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe No. R (81) 19 on the access to information held by public authorities, Úmluva Rady Evropy o přístupu k úředním...

O emprego da informação no sistema de trabalho da equipe saúde da família. / The use of information in the work system of the family health teams.

Mauro Yuji Ohara 16 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investigou o emprego da informação no sistema de trabalho das Equipes Saúde da Família (EqSF), nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS), visando identificar que fatores interferem no emprego da informação em um ambiente de alta complexidade, de difícil controle e descentralizado. Para responder essa questão, foram identificados o processo de tratamento e o uso das informações. Tem como objetivo também compreender a discrepância entre a intenção do uso e o uso efetivo das informações e suas causas. Foi utilizado o método de estudo de casos múltiplos e, para isso, foram estudadas sete EqSF que fazem parte de três UBS, gerenciadas por uma Organização Social (OS), a Fundação da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, na região oeste do município de São Paulo. As EqSF são grupos multiprofissionais que promovem a atenção básica e a prevenção à saúde para os pacientes de determinado território. Buscou-se compreender como, nesse contexto, são feitos a captura, o registro, a disponibilização e o emprego das informações, já que elas são recursos relevantes para a produção de serviço desses profissionais e são coletadas tanto no domicílio do paciente quanto na UBS. Para realizar o atendimento dentro dos níveis de qualidade previsto pela OS e Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS), os profissionais criam diversos sistemas de informação paralelos (cadernos, planilhas, etc.) de uso individual, uma vez que os sistemas eletrônicos da SMS e do Ministério da Saúde não atendem suas necessidades e as informações que contém nem sempre são usadas. Isso acontece devido ao não alinhamento entre os sistemas de informação e a infraestrutura disponível (BOSTROM; HEINEN, 1997a), requisito que é superado por meio de esforços individuais e coletivos. Essa situação corrobora as considerações de DeLone e McLean (1992, 2002, 2003) que afirmam haver uma relação entre o uso da informação e a satisfação do usuário com a qualidade do sistema, a qualidade da informação e a qualidade do serviço informacional. Os profissionais costumam memorizar dados para registro posterior, possibilitando redundância, erros e perdas de detalhes. As informações são registradas de acordo com o interesse do profissional e não há um sistema estruturado para a consolidação das informações. / This research investigated the use of information in the work of the Family Health Teams (EqSF), the Basic Health Units (UBS), to identify factors that interfere with the use of information in an environment of high complexity, difficult to control and decentralized. To answer this question, it was identified the treatment process and use information. It aims also to understand the discrepancy between the intended use and effective use of information and its causes. We used the method of multiple case study and, therefore, we studied seven EqSF three that are part of UBS, managed by a Social Organization (OS), the Foundation of the Faculty of Medicine, USP, in the western region of São Paulo. The EqSF are multidisciplinary groups that promote primary and preventive health care for patients of the territory. We sought to understand how, in this context, are made to capture, registration, delivery and use of information resources as they are relevant to the production of professional service and are collected in both the patient\'s home and in UBS. To perform the service within the quality standards set by the OS and the Municipal Health Secretariat (SMS), professionals create several parallel information systems (notebooks, spreadsheets, etc.). Individual use, since the electronic systems of SMS and Ministry of Health did not meet their needs and the information it contains are not always used. This is due to non-alignment between information systems and infrastructure available (BOSTROM; HEINEN, 1997a), a requirement which is overcome through individual and collective efforts. This situation confirms the considerations of Delone and McLean (1992, 2002, 2003) who claim to be a relationship between information use and user satisfaction with system quality, information quality and service quality of information. Professionals tend to store data backlog, enabling redundancy, errors and loss of detail. Information is recorded according to the interest of professional and there is no structured system for the consolidation of information.

The adoption of quality assurance in e-Health acquisition for rural hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province

Ruxwana, Nkqubela January 2010 (has links)
The evolution of e-health has the potential to assist in the management of scarce resources and the shortage of skills, enhance efficiencies, improve quality and increase work productivity within the healthcare sector. As a result, an increase is seen in e-health solutions developments with the aim to improve healthcare services, hospital information systems, health decision support, telemedicine and other technical systems that have the potential to reduce cost, improve quality, and enhance the accessibility and delivery of healthcare. However, unfortunately their implementation contiues to fail. Although there are several reasons for this, in this study a lack of project quality management is viewed as a key contributor to the failure of e-health solutions implementation projects in rural hospitals. This results in neglected aspects of quality assurance (QA), which forms an integral part of project quality management. The purpose of this study is to develop a Genertic Quality Assurance Model (GQAM) for the successful acquisition (i.e. development and implementation) of e-health solutions in rural hospitals in the Eastern Cape Province to enable improved quality of care and service delivery. In order to develop and test this model it was necessary to identify the QA methodologies that are currently used in rural hospitals and to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their impact on project success. The study is divided into four phases; in each phase different study designs were followed. The study used triangulation of qualitative and some elements of quantitative research approaches, in terms of which a case study approach was adpoted to answer the research questions. This study did indeed develop a GQAM that can be used to ensure e-health solution success in rural hospitals. Furthermore, to aid in the implementation of this model, a set of QA value chain implementation guidelines were developed, as a framework, to inject the nodel into typical (SDLC) phases.

Meeting information needs through the use of public library websites : a case study of Chinese immigrants' information behaviour in Auckland, New Zealand

Govender, Kasturi Sandra 11 1900 (has links)
Public library services in New Zealand are being re-examined in light of the developments in ICT and an increasingly multicultural population. The research question investigated was “Can an internet portal on a public library website be used to meet the information needs of new Chinese Mandarin immigrants to the Auckland region of New Zealand?” In an attempt to effectively answer the research question and sub-questions the researcher conducted a literature review on two aspects relevant to the study: immigration theory and information behaviour (IB). Thirty Chinese Mandarin speaking recent migrants to the Auckland region of New Zealand were interviewed in-depth to determine their information behaviour (IB) and resources used. The findings indicate that respondents were in need of everyday survival information. The findings suggest that a more coordinated approach to information provision, for example through a library web portal, will assist respondents in their search for information relating to their initial settlement. / Information Science / M. Inf.

Development and validation of a framework for e-government readiness measurement

Joseph, Seena 15 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Technology Degree in Information Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2014. / This study reports on the design of a framework for measuring e-government readiness. Particular attention is paid to providing a measurement framework that is feasible for municipalities and supports their efforts to utilize e-government for the benefit of the society and the economy. The evaluation of e-government readiness for municipalities can provide a useful barometer to measure the critical needs of citizens. In addition, it can be useful for improving the effectiveness of government services and could assist information communication technology industry to access information for implementing efficient infrastructures to support the delivery of e-services. The model of e-government readiness measurement as reported in this dissertation is based on heterogeneous factors of supporting e-services, individual citizens, technological infrastructure, government and supporting industry. The readiness measurement process utilized data obtained from a survey of 219 government employees from 4 municipalities in Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The partial least square method was used to determine the relationship between the measured factors. The study results revealed the measurement factors to be significant determinants of municipality e-government readiness with an overall goodness of fit performance of 0.81 and predictive power of 0.68. In addition, a response based segmentation approach of finite mixture partial least squares is applied to uncover unobserved heterogeneity in government employees. The study findings show that the main difference characterising the two uncovered segments of population heterogeneity lies in the internet accessibility using computers. The impact of government readiness and technology readiness on predicting e-government readiness is stronger for the first segment than for the second segment. The segment specific analysis clearly shows that the impact of factors that influence the readiness of e-government can differ vastly, depending on the background of participants. The study findings generally provide a foundation for policymakers and technology practitioners who are interested in propagating e-government readiness awareness across the country. In addition, factors that determine the e-government readiness could provide new insights for future studies on e-municipality service improvement evaluations.

Assessing the e-readiness of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) regional office Western Cape and its customers

Davids, Emihiyah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: e-Governance refers to the utilisation of technology to improve on service delivery, sharing of information, client participation as well as to advance government through the transformation of its internal and external relationships (Shilubane, 2001:40).e-Governance further implies that government disseminates information and renders services to the public through “electronic means” (Manohar, Pulapa and Mellam, 2009:243). On the other hand, e-government is not entirely about electronic service delivery, but part of the continuous restructuring of government to ensure participation from its partners for improved efficacy and success. Therefore e-government is participatory in nature when implemented correctly. This study assesses and evaluates the current infrastructure and current e-initiatives of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Regional Office Western Cape and the extent to which the agency and its customers are ready to adopt e-government. The e-Governance Road Map (ERM) developed by Ernst & Young India for the New Delhi government was used to guide the researcher to assess the level of e-readiness of the SASSA Regional Office Western Cape. The Information and Communication Technology manager and customer care manager of the SASSA Regional Office Western Cape were interviewed and the beneficiaries of SASSA were requested to participate in the completion of questionnaires. The study found that the customers of SASSA were not as interested in electronic services as in mobile services such as reminders and notifications through short message service (SMS). There are, however, several impediments at SASSA such as an adoption of e-government and m-government, low budget for information and communication technology (ICT) as well as to conduct research among a larger group of SASSA customers. The study mainly recommends that the SASSA Regional Office Western Cape conduct a research study on a larger scale than this research study and to determine the needs of customers in respect of e-services and m-services. Should the agency decide to conduct an e-readiness assessment, the National e-Government Plan (NeGP) of India could be a useful guideline for the implementation of e-governance. The research study strongly recommends that SASSA develops a capacity-building roadmap for the successful implementation of e-governance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: e-Regering verwys na die benutting van tegnologie om te verbeter op dienslewering, die deel van inligting, die kliënte deelname te versterk, sowel as om die regering te bevorder deur die transformasie van interne en eksterne verhoudings (Shilubane,2001:40). e-Regering impliseer verder dat die regering inligting versprei en dienste lewer aan die publiek deur middel van "elektroniese metodes" (Manohar, Pulapa en Mellam, 2009:243). Aan die ander kant, e-regering het nie slegs betrekking tot elektroniese dienslewering nie, maar sluit ook in die deurlopende herstrukturering van die regering om deelname van sy vennote te verseker om doeltreffendheid en sukses te bewerkstellig. e-Regering word dus as deelnemend beskou wanneer dit korrek geïmplementeer word. Hierdie studie bepaal en evalueer die huidige infrastruktuur en e-inisiatiewe van die Suid Afrikaanse Agentskap vir Maatskaplike Sekerheid (SAAMS) Streekkantoor Wes-Kaap en die mate waarin die agentskap en sy kliënte gereed is om e-regering aan te neem. Die e-regering kaart wat ontwikkel is deur Ernst en Young Indië vir die Nieu-Delhi regering was gebruik as riglyn om die vlak van e-gereedheid van die SAAMS Streekkantoor Wes-Kaap te bepaal. Onderhoude was gevoer met die Inligting en Kommunikasie tegnologiebestuurder en die kliëntediensbestuurder van die SAAMS Streekkantoor Wes-Kaap en die begunstigdes van SAAMS was versoek om deel te neem in die voltooiing van vraelyste. Die studie het bevind dat die kliënte van SAAMS nie werklik belangstel in elektroniese dienste nie, maar inteendeel aan mobiele dienste, onder andere kennisgewings deur middel van 'n kort boodskap diens. Daar is egter verskeie hindernisse wat die aanvaarding van e-regering en m-regering bemoeilik soos byvoorbeeld 'n lae begroting vir inligting en kommunikasie tegnologie (IKT) asook om navorsing te doen onder 'n groter groep van SAAMS kliënte. Die studie beveel hoofsaaklik aan dat SAAMS Streekkantoor Wes-Kaap 'n navorsingsprojek doen op 'n groter skaal as hierdie navorsing en die behoeftes van kliënte ten opsigte van e-dienste en m-dienste te bepaal. Indien die agentskap besluit om 'n e-gereedheid assessering uit te voer, word die Nasionale e-Regering Plan (NeGP) van Indië aan beveel as 'n nuttige riglyn vir die implementering van e-regering. Die navorsing beveel sterk aan dat SAAMS 'n vermoë-opbouplan vir die suksesvolle implementering van e-regering ontwikkel.

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