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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contrats publics et financement : Contribution à la théorisation des contrats publics / Public contracts and financing : Contribution to the theorization of the public contracts

Cagnon, Grégory 10 January 2014 (has links)
Le droit des contrats publics a subi, depuis une trentaine d'années, une évolution sans précédent, en particulier dans le cadre des contrats administratifs. La multiplication des textes encadrant la pratique des contrats, dans le droit national et dans le droit de l'Union européenne, tend à présenter des notions et des régimes hétérogènes et désordonnés. Or, analysés à travers le prisme du financement, les contrats publics trouvent une cohérence, d'une part, et retrouvent leur essence, d'autre part. Le financement permet de comprendre les dynamiques économiques à l'œuvre dans le droit des contrats publics. Il s'agit dès lors d'observer les différentes techniques et modalités de financement complexes à l'œuvre dans les contrats publics pour arriver à la conclusion que les contrats publics s'en trouvent enrichis. Par ailleurs, le financement constitue le critère idoine pour structurer les contrats publics dans une dichotomie achat-public concession.Toutefois, l’interaction entre les deux notions ne se limite pas à une approche unilatérale. Les contrats publics permettent effet de saisir le financement. Il apparaît que le financement institutionnel, reposant sur les ressources fiscales et les emprunts contractés par l'Administration, ne répond que de manière insuffisante aux besoins d'intérêt général. C'est pourquoi le recours au contrat public est indispensable pour libérer le financement public, ce qui a pour effet de métamorphoser les contrats publics, au point d'être mis en mesure d'en dégager une théorisation. / The law of public contracts underwent, since around thirty years, an unprecedented evolution, in particular within the framework of public service contracts. The increase of texts framing the practice of contracts, in the national law and in the law of the European Union, tends to present notions and heterogeneous and muddled systems. Now, analyzed through the prism of the financing, the public contracts find a coherence, on one hand, and find their sens, on the other hand.The financing allows to understand the economic dynamics in the work in the law of public contracts. It is a question from then on of observing the various techniques and the complex financing terms in the work in the public contracts to arrive at the conclusion that the public contracts are enriched there. Besides, the financing establishes the appropriate criterion to structure the public contracts in a dichotomy public purchase – concession. However, the interaction between both notions does not limit itself to a unilateral approach. The public contracts allow effect to seize the financing. It seems that the institutional financing, resting on the fiscal resources and the loans contracted by the Administration, answers only in a insufficient way the needs for general interest. That is why the appeal to the public contract is essential to release the public financing, what has the effect of transforming the public contracts, in the point of being enabled to clear a theorization of it.

Plataformas logísticas: uma contribuição à análise dos fatores relevantes para estudos de viabilidade de projetos com participação pública e privada. / Logistics platforms: a contribution to the analysis of relevant factors to feasibility studies of projects with public and private participation.

Hermes Leite Quadros 12 April 2012 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, Plataformas Logísticas são apresentadas como infraestruturas para integração de transportes e geração de negócios. O interesse de diversos atores (operadores logísticos, indústrias, autoridades locais e regionais) requer um complexo planejamento de atividades associadas a aspectos geográficos, operacionais, gerenciais, administrativos e econômicos. Baseando-se em experiências internacionais, destacadamente a experiência alemã com as Güterverkehrszentren, este trabalho busca sistematizar as etapas necessárias para se avaliar a viabilidade de projetos que, muitas vezes, requerem participação pública e privada. Tal interação entre entes públicos e privados deixa o processo ainda mais complexo, dados os intrínsecos conflitos de interesse ao se planejar e projetar uma Plataforma Logística. Ao se buscar o estado da arte sobre o assunto, um procedimento de análise de projetos é sugerido e sua aplicação é feita associada ao caso da Plataforma Logística de Goiás, para a qual se identificaram possíveis fatores que levaram a não conclusão do empreendimento, apesar das medidas de governança adotadas pelo Estado. / In this dissertation, logistics platforms are presented as infrastructures for the transport integration and business generation. The interest of several stakeholders (third-party logistics, industries, local and regional authorities) requires a complex plan of activities associated with geographic, operational, managerial, administrative and economic features. Based on international experiences, especially the German experience with Güterverkehrszentren, this dissertation seeks to systematize the steps needed to assess the feasibility of projects that often require public and private participation. Such interaction between public and private entities makes the process even more complex, given the inherent conflicts of interest when planning and designing a logistics platform. Considering the state of the art on the subject, a design analysis procedure is proposed and its application is in the form of case study of the Logistics Platform of Goiás, for which have been identified possible factors leading to non-completion of the project despite measures taken by the State for governance.

Os impasses das ações de duas organizações do terceiro setor na educação pública mineira e paulista na primeira década de 2000 / The Impasses Of Actions In Two Third Sector Organizations In Public Education Mineira And Paulista, In The First Decade Of 2000

Aline Barbosa de Miranda 05 July 2013 (has links)
A pesquisa desenvolvida tem como eixo central a problematização de dispositivos concernentes aos novos contornos que a educação escolar vem assumindo no processo de mediação entre o Terceiro Setor e o Estado. O estudo refere-se às parcerias público-privadas (PPP) na área educacional, desenvolvidas por duas organizações do Terceiro Setor, uma, no estado de Minas Gerais e outra, no estado de São Paulo. Foram analisados um programa desenvolvido pela Fundação Lemann (S.P) e dois programas desenvolvidos em Minas Gerais pelo Instituto Delta, braço social do Grupo Empresarial Delta. Este trabalho teve como objetivos: apreender a estrutura e funcionamento dessas ações e seus impactos na educação; identificar as fontes de recursos para subsidiar tais ações, mas, sobretudo, apreender o conteúdo e o teor das propostas da iniciativa privada e sua instalação na gestão da escola pública. A proposta metodológica desta investigação foi norteada pela abordagem das pesquisas qualitativas. A matriz epistemológica adotada ancorou-se no materialismo histórico-dialético. O procedimento utilizado foi o estudo multicasos ou casos múltiplos com o objetivo de realizar uma análise pertinente de projetos viabilizados pelas PPPs, nos dois estados, sem comprometer as singularidades e similaridades de cada realidade. A investigação demonstrou que as ações desenvolvidas pelas entidades do Terceiro Setor não resolvem a crise que se apresenta atualmente, mas, sim, são responsáveis por acentuá-la, já que colaboram para a manutenção da sociedade de classes. Espera-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para potencializar o debate acerca dos novos contornos do papel do estado e da educação no tempo presente. / The main topic of the research developed is the problematization of devices regarding the new characteristics that education has taken in the process of mediation between the third sector and the state. This thesis refers to public-private partnerships (PPP) in education, developed by two organizations from the third sector, one in the state of Minas Gerais and one in the state of São Paulo. We analyzed a program developed by Fundação Lemann\" (SP) and two programs developed in Minas Gerais by Instituto Delta, the social branch of Grupo Empresarial Delta. This research aimed at understanding the structure and functioning of these actions and their impact on education; identifying the sources of funds to support such actions, but above all, comprehending the content and substance of the proposals made by the private institutions and their application in public schools. The methodology of this research was guided by the qualitative research approach. The epistemology adopted is anchored in the historical and dialectical materialism. The procedure used was the multi-case or multiple cases study in order to conduct a meaningful analysis of projects made possible by PPPs in both states, without compromising the uniqueness and similarities of each reality. The research has shown that the actions undertaken by the third sector do not solve the \"crisis\" that presents itself today, but are responsible for accentuating it, as the actions contribute to the maintenance of class society. It is expected that this research will contribute to enhance the debate on the new characteristics of the states and educations role at the present time.

Corruption in infrastructure procurement : a study based on procurement of infrastructure projects in Pakistan

Shabbir, Aqsa January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this research project is to bridge the existing knowledgegap in the empirical identification and understanding of the most frequentcorrupt actions and the causes behind during procurement of infrastructureprojects in Pakistan, in addition to exploring the ways to enhance institutionalbasedtrust between the participants of the procurement process. Consequentlythe study aims to provide a conceptual framework to control corruption ininfrastructure procurement while proposing the institutional trust-buildingmechanisms. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are utilised in thisstudy to achieve this research aim. Quantitative research data is collected usinga questionnaire survey. A total of 450 questionnaires were sent to variouspeople engaged in procurement of infrastructure projects in Pakistan. Theresponse rate was 36.7% (n=165). The questionnaire comprises of two mainquestions; one is about the most frequent corrupt actions in traditional andPublic Private Partnership (PPP) infrastructure procurement processes whileother question asks about the perceived institutional trust-building mechanismsin context of infrastructure procurement market in Pakistan. Various appropriatestatistical methods, including Mean Ranking and ANOVA were utilised toanalyse the collected data. The questionnaire survey was followed by 15 indepth semi-structured interviews with a variety of stakeholders. Theseinterviews provided information on various causes of corruption and reasons asto why people do not for example report a known incident of corruption. A traditional content analysis approach was used to analyse the data collectedusing interviews. From the analysis a cyclical framework of corruption controlemerged, and this is outlined within the thesis. The goal of this framework is tofacilitate procurement stakeholders (individuals, groups, or organisations), toimprove their anti-corruption plans from project to project. This research studyhas filled the knowledge gap through identifying the top twenty potentialcorrupt practices in traditional and PPP infrastructure procurement processes inPakistan and explored the causes behind their occurrence. The study alsorecommends the solutions to mitigate this problem throughout the life cycle ofprocurement process. In addition, the study proposes the institutional trustbuildingmechanisms in the context of infrastructure procurement market inPakistan to cater for the likely loss in trust due to perceived level of corruptionin this sector. The study has also introduced a conceptual framework to controlcorruption in infrastructure procurement process in general and particularly inPakistan. The framework does not intend to introduce new alternatives butinstead builds on existing practices so that users can more easily adapt to theimprovement. The findings of this research are believed to be useful for allpractitioners who are either considering or currently involved in infrastructureprocurement process in Pakistan and trying to avoid or minimise the influenceof corruption.

Evaluating the financial robustness of special purpose vehicles involved in the delivery of defence private finance initiatives

Ansari, I A 12 November 2014 (has links)
Public sectors in the developed and emerging economies have been witnessing a period of intense change over the past three decades as a result of the development of free-market economy across the globe. In the UK, the public sector in 1970s (that comprised of nationalised industries) was severely criticised for being wasteful, and subject to political intervention, thereby making them inefficient systems for delivering public services. To put matters right, successive governments from the late 1970s embarked on public sector reforms. These reforms centred on increasing the role of private sector in delivering public services. Privatisation, the implementation of accruals-based accounting and application of compulsory competitive tendering in the public sector were some of these reforms. Public-private partnerships, including private finance initiatives (PFIs), introduced in the 1990s, were a continuation of these reforms. In the defence sector, various reforms carried out prior to 1990s failed to completely remove cost and time overruns in defence projects. PFIs were introduced to further rectify the failures of previous reforms in the defence sector because they were purported to provide better value for money. Defence PFIs are long-term agreements whereby the Ministry of Defence, MoD, contracts to purchase quality services on a long-term basis from the private sector (through the special purpose vehicle, SPV) in which the private sector provides all the finance required in constructing the asset that is used to provide the services. Value for money of PFIs is about economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The question, though is whether, Defence PFIs provide value for money as claimed by the MoD? The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of three categories: 1) accommodation, 2) equipment and 3) training of Defence PFIs by assessing the financial robustness (over a six-year period) of the SPVs engaged in their delivery. This research employs a multi-method methodological approach to gather data. Qualitative research methods were employed in exploring and understanding customer-supplier relationships and included, PPPs, PFIs in general (and Defence PFIs in particular), the public sector reforms that brought about private sector integration, 4 defence reforms, and Defence PFI policies. Quantitative research was used to collect and evaluate financial data on SPVs (used in Defence PFIs). Research analysis provided mixed results regarding the financial robustness of SPVs employed in the delivery of Defence PFIs. The profit margins of SPVs involved in the delivery of Defence PFIs relating to the category of accommodation were the highest. This is followed by SPVs in the category of Defence equipment and then by SPVs in the category of Defence training. Interestingly, the majority of SPVs involved in the delivery of Defence PFIs relating to accommodation have sound financial health. On the other hand, most SPVs relating to the other two categories have serious financial problems and therefore show cause for concern. Based on research findings of this study, a number of important policy recommendations are advanced to raise the effectiveness of PFIs in the defence sector and the wider public sector. / © Cranfield University, 2014

Private sector involvement in urban water supply management, Ghana

Abiwu, Napoleon January 2013 (has links)
The performance of public utilities in low-income countries with respect to service to all customers, and particularly lower-income urban consumers, is understood to be limited in many cases. The Government of Ghana chose to implement a private sector management contract in order to deliver significant change in service delivery and financial viability. The five year management contract with Aqua Vitens Rand Limited ran from 2006 to 2011 and was not renewed. This study investigates the public utility outcomes, both as a state owned corporation and a state owned limited liability Company, and compares those outcomes with the achievements of the private operator through a Management Contract. The latter two management models operated under the oversight of the newly formed economic regulator, the Public Utility Regulatory Commission in 1999 and any effect of that regulation is considered. The hypothesis of the study developed in 2008 was that “a management contract would not provide the necessary level of empowerment, incentives and commitment and access to resources for a private operator to adequately and efficiently perform even where there is an established economic regulator with a clear mandate”. The case study approach was employed for the study data was gathered on the operations, activities, regulation and management of the urban water utility through documentary review, key-informant interviews, household surveys, public hearing meetings and user observations. However, three major cities including Accra, Kumasi and Tamale were used for the household survey. These three cities were carefully picked out taking into account the political, economic, geographical, social and cultural significance that each of the them represents and commands in Ghana.

Applicability of public-private partnership in provision of water infrastructure to central coastal Namibia mines

Kavela, Lukas Tangeni Taukondjo January 2011 (has links)
This study investigated the potential application of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in water supply, taking cognisance of the water demand and supply in the Central Coastal Namibian (CCN) mines. NamWater does not meet demand for the existing and planned mines in the CCN. Primary objective was to investigate and analyse water demand and supply as well as the effectiveness of PPP as a solution by exploring its potential, successes and challenges. In order to obtain relevant information, literature review was used to collect evidence on water demand and supply in the north-central Namibia as well as the application of PPP in provision of water supply. Multi-case studies were carried out on three operational mines, namely; Rio Tinto Rössing Uranium Mine, Langer Heinrich Uranium Mine and Areva Trekkopje Uranium Mine to attain empirical data on water supply requirements. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data supplemented by interviews with NamWater, operational mines within the study area, government institutions, and knowledgeable consultants on water and the mining environment. The key findings included: institutional weaknesses and lack of legislation frameworks to support PPP projects; skills shortage; and financing problems were identified as major challenges. Results further show that these problems could be resolved by effectively implementing a PPP approach, whereby the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) enters into a contract with the public authority. The study concludes that there is a need to increase water output to meet current and future supply requirements to these mines. This situation should be addressed by all stakeholders, from government to private sectors. The study recommends that a sea water desalination plant should be developed to increase water capacity supply to the existing operational and prospective mines in the area. The PPP approach is proposed as a possible solution to water supply infrastructure service delivery problem to ensure long-term water security in the CCN mines.

Incitations et engagements dans les partenariats Public-Privé / Incitation and Commitment in Public-Private Partnerships

Valero, Vanessa 14 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d'étudier le rôle du secteur privé dans la fourniture des biens et services publics dans le cadre du récent contrat de Partenariat Public-Privé (PPP). Le premier chapitre de cette thèse a pour but de comparer l'efficacité du PPP à sa forme plus ancienne, le contrat de Délégation de Service Public (DSP). Le PPP permet au gouvernement de déléguer à un opérateur privé à la fois la construction d'une infrastructure publique et son exploitation. Cela revient à lui confier de plus grandes responsabilités comparées à ce qu'elles sont dans la DSP et lui confère également une dimension de long terme. L'efficacité du PPP devient alors dépendante des engagements pris par le gouvernement à l'étape de construction, qui peuvent ne pas être honorés à celle d'exploitation. A l'inverse, le contrat de DSP ne souffre pas de cet éventuel opportunisme du fait que les deux tâches relatives à la fourniture de services publics sont réalisées par deux firmes différentes. Nous montrons dans ce chapitre que l'efficacité du PPP est endommagée par l'opportunisme du gouvernement, mais pas suffisamment pour recommander la DSP. Nous concluons que, contrairement à l'opinion générale, l'engagement du gouvernement n'est pas un facteur clés du succès du contrat PPP. Le deuxième chapitre contribue au débat sur l'efficacité de la fourniture du service de l'eau par le secteur privé. Pour cela, nous menons une étude empirique en France, pays pionnier en matière de gestion privée de l'eau. Dans ce chapitre, nous évaluons l'impact du choix de gestion de l'eau sur les prix de l'eau, en prenant soin de corriger le biais de sélection dont souffre cette évaluation. Pour cela, nous estimons un modèle d'effet de traitement à l'aide d'un modèle à variable latente empruntant ainsi la méthodologie de Carpentier et al. (2006). L'effet moyen de la délégation et celui sur une municipalité ayant choisie la gestion privée de l'eau sont examinés. Contrairement aux études empiriques précédentes, nous montrons qu'il n'y a pas de différences significatives de prix de l'eau selon le mode de gestion de l'eau choisi. Le troisième chapitre examine la fourniture de biens publics lorsque ces derniers sont soumis à un risque d'interruption. Afin de pallier ce risque, une autorité publique peut adopter une politique de dédoublement des sources approvisionnement. Au lieu de confier toute la fourniture d'un bien public à une seule et même source, elle peut la confier à deux distinctes. De cette manière, si l'une est interrompue, l'autre peut prendre le relais. Dédoubler les sources approvisionnement permet d'assurer la continuité du bien public mais engendre des coûts, une source plus coûteuse pouvant prendre le relais. C'est ainsi que l'autorité publique fait face à un dilemme entre confier l'approvisionnement du bien public à une ou deux sources. Dans ce chapitre, nous étudions tout d'abord le choix d'approvisionnement avant de nous intéresser au partage respectif de la fourniture du bien public entre les deux sources en cas de dédoublement. Nous analysons également le choix de l'autorité publique en matière d'approvisionnement lorsqu'elle est susceptible d'être influencée par des groupes d'intérêt. / This thesis investigates three questions related to the role of private sector involvement in the provision of public goods or services. The State withdrawal from such provision has led to the use of partnerships between the public and the private sectors. They take place through a variety of contracts from the traditional form of public procurement to the modern form, Public-Private Partnership (PPP). The first chapter analyzes the contracting out of public services through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) subject to government opportunism. The construction of a public infrastructure and its operation are carried out by a private sector firm. Due to bundling of these two tasks, the PPP efficiency is affected by government's commitment power, contrarily to the traditional procurement, in which the two tasks are contracted out separately. We find that the PPP cost efficiency is damaged by the government opportunism but not sufficiently to recommend the use of TP contract. PPP contract should still be preferred by the government. We conclude that, contrarily to the widespread view, government commitment is not the key factor determining the success of PPP. The second chapter offers an empirical study to contribute to the debate over the efficiency of private provision of water services, looking at the main policy lessons that can be drawn from recent French experience. The purpose of this paper is to accurately evaluate the impact of private management on water prices after taking into account the selection bias. To do so, we use a treatment effect approach in a latent variable framework following the Carpentier et al. (2006) methodology. Two specific treatment parameters are reexamined: the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) and the effect of Treatment on the Treated (ATT). Contrary to the previous empirical findings, we show that private management does not have a significant impact on water prices. The third chapter examines the provision of a public good subject to a risk of disruption in a dynamic setting. To hedge against this risk, a public authority may use a dual sourcing policy. Instead of awarding the entire production to one firm (sole sourcing), he may split production among two firms (dual sourcing). If the production of one firm is disrupted, the other firm may take over. However, ensuring the continuity of production increases the procurement cost since a less efficient firm may be awarded part of the production. The public authority thus faces a trade-off when deciding upon the procurement policy. We first examine the optimal choice between sole and dual sourcing. Then, we determine the optimal share of production awarded to each firm in case of dual sourcing. We also consider how asymmetry of information on the secondary firm's efficiency affects the optimal procurement policy since an informational rent is given up to this firm. Finally, we extend our model to consider the influence of lobbying on the public authority's choice of procurement policy.

Public Private Partnerships in Health Care: European PPP models and factors influencing the positive outcome of such ventures / Public Private Partnerships ve zdravotnictví: Evropské PPP modely a faktory ovlivňující pozitivní výsledky těchto podniků

Siroky, Joseph Yan January 2012 (has links)
A number of European countries are turning to private finance for public hospitals and other healthcare infrastructure. Public-private partnerships (PPP) are intended to bind private sector efficiencies, secure appropriate risk transfer between hospital operators, infrastructure owners and other partners, and ensure optimum whole-life asset management. This paper discusses the different factors that influence significantly the outcomes of European PPP ventures, the scope of different PPP models, and experience so far in delivering new infrastructure and stimulating innovation and quality improvements. Finally, it draws conclusions, through recent case studies, on the factors that have a significant influence in shaping PPP models and policies. The methods used were extensive literature research and analysis, further supported by case study analysis of the Pembury Hospital, Braga Hospital, Berlin Buch Hospital and De La Ribera Hospital. The outcome of this paper draws upon the concept of "bundling" of services and concludes that this may be seen as a way of providing more appropriate risk allocation that creates incentives for efficient and effective behavior of the private sector.

Shifting views of major local stakeholders in the implementation of the MyCiTi bus services in Cape Town (2008-2014)

Beukes, Moira January 2015 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / Cape Town’s MyCiTi Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service is part of an ambitious plan to integrate various modes of transport and “place at least 75% of Cape Town’s population within 500 meter of the system”. MyCiTi would replace the ubiquitous mini-taxis on most major routes. The scheduled public bus service began in the city in 2010, and has since expanded considerably through the phased roll-out of several new routes, the most recent being one that reaches the Cape Flats. Yet in the early stages, there was considerable opposition from various stakeholders and some of that still continues. This research looks at how key stakeholders shifted their views over the period 2008-2015. Three stakeholder groups and their interactive dynamics in the context of ongoing uncertainty about the system are explored in this mini-thesis. The findings show that despite much pre-planning, the MyCiTi project has been negotiated and re-negotiated as the City embarked on a voyage into uncharted territory. The transformation of sections of the taxi industry from the informal sector to the formal sector has been presented as a big challenge but has also been seen as its biggest phase one success so far. Yet, in 2015, the city blamed at least half of its revenue shortfall on having to compete with the minibus taxi industry, which it failed to “contain” as planned. The mini-thesis shows that mega-public-private projects are messy at best and that without effective monitoring, public support and consultation the best laid plans and policies can fail. More research is needed into the complexities of public private partnerships and the City needs to take such knowledge into the next phases.

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