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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Oper als Institution im Südosten Europas unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Banater Musikzentren Temeswar, Arad und Orawitza

Metz, Franz January 1999 (has links)
Wenn sich auch die ältesten Musikdokumente des Banats auf die reichen kirchenmusikalischen Traditionen dieser südosteuropäischen Grenzregion beziehen, so spielte trotzdem das Operntheater die wichtigste Rolle als Kulturfaktor und Multiplikator in der musikalischen Erziehung der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Die Oper feierte gleichzeitig einen triumphalen Einzug in die Banater Städte Temeswar, Arad, Lugosch, Orawitza, Reschitza und Werschetz.

Die "Rumänische Oper" in Bukarest – Diachronie und Repertoire

Cosma, Octavian Lazăr January 1999 (has links)
Die Oper stand schon immer im Zentrum des Interesses des rumänischen Publikums. Keine andere Musikgattung verstand es, in einem so hohen Maße das Interesse des Publikums zu gewinnen. Die Optionen gegenüber der Oper wirkten wie Magnetfelder und wurden von den zahlreichen Musikmelomanen affektiv wahrgenommen, die beliebtesten Melodien der Arien und Chöre konnte man selbst auf den Straßen wahrnehmen. Keine andere Musiksparte beanspruchte in den Tageszeitungen und Zeitschriften so viel Raum wie das Musiktheater und die rumänische Oper.

Vnímání handicapovaných sportovců, zejména paralympioniků, televizními diváky / The perception of athletes with a disability, mainly Paralympians, by TV viewers

Macková, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the research of the audience and the perception of athletes with a disability, mainly Paralympians, in the Czech Television (Česká televize), which regularly broadcasts a program about disabled athletes called Paralympic Magazine. The topic also appears in other news programs (ČT24 and ČT sport). The research aims at showing the media image perception of the disabled sports by the television viewers. The theoretical level emphasises mainly the audience and athletes with a disability. The dissertation posed the following research questions: How do television viewers perceive athletes with a disability? Does the audience admire or regret them? What do viewers say about the presentation of disabled sports? Can we identify any differences between the presentation of athletes with and without a disability? Are life stories of athletes with a disability important in the reports? Does the Paralympic sport make sense? The focus group interviews were set to get an answer to the questions above. The audience (50 television viewers) was divided into five groups of ten. The first group consisted of people without a disability who had been watching the Paralympic Magazine and had no disabled person in their family. The second group was composed of people without a disability who did...

Podcasting - audio obsah v digitální éře a jeho posluchači a posluchačky v Česku / Podcasting - audio content in the digital era and its listeners in Czechia

Sudíková, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis entitled "Podcasting - audio content in the digital era and its listeners in Czechia" is devoted to the phenomenon of podcasting which connects the traditional audio format with new digital technologies. It deals with its history and current state both abroad and in Czechia. It also describes the specifics of podcasting, compares it with radio programs, mentions the importance of podcast applications or the funding issue of independent podcasts. It focuses attention on the role of the audience in today's world and the associated concepts of participatory culture and user generated content. The audience is also associated with the uses and gratifications theory which tries to understand why people consume media content. The aim of the research part of the thesis was to obtain information about Czech podcast listeners with whom semi-structured interviews were conducted. The collected data were then processed using the grounded theory method. The findings are organized into five chapters in order to answer five research questions. They revealed the motivations of Czech listeners for listening to podcasts, their perception of podcasts in comparison with radio programs, their attitude to listening to Czech and foreign podcasts, their perception of podcast presenter and their attitude...

Krameriovy noviny v letech 1790 - 1793 a jejich role při utváření české národní identity / Kramerius' Newspapers in the Years 1790 - 1793 and Their Role in Shaping the Czech National Identity

Boušová, Irena January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with problematic of public space at the edge of modernity in Kramerius newspapers in Czech. The first part gatheres together the results from existing research literature, discusses the question of the relationship between modernity and postmodernity that leads to the theoretical and methodological background of authors approach. The second part deals with the influences that shape the final content of Kramerius' Newspapers. Newspapers are seen as part of a broader discursive network. It is also the reader, who gets a word in a process of establishing the final content. Among other, this chapter focuses on the issue of creating a community of readers and the public sphere in Bohemia in the late 18th century as a preconditon for ethnic or even the national identity. The last part concentrates on specific topics in Kramerius' Newspapers, the reporting and processing techniques, which aim is to shape the reader and his view on observed events. The work ends with a statement that Kramerius' Newspapers by the content as well as form created a wider readership community, which maintained a certain social ties and also shared a certain form of the public sphere. However, the analysis of themes and data processing techniques revealed the boundaries of this community. The community can not...

Zvukové vlastnosti projevů moderátorů vybraných televizních talk show / Sound properties of moderators' speeches in selected TV talk shows

Baptistová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The thesis investigates speech sound characteristics of three different television talk show hosts. Using the experimental analysis it tries to inspect all their typical attributes, especially the suprasegmental features of their speeches. The selected television hosts are both from public and commercial television stations. The first part of the theoretical section introduces the talk show television programming genre and specifies its broadcasting share among the observed television channels, next the diversity of Czech talk shows is introduced together with the individual hosts whose utterances will be analyzed, also the role of communication in mass media as well as the host journalist figure is presented, and the features of publicly spoken speeches are described. Within the part devoted to languages and speeches the linguistic discipline of phonetics is introduced followed by the individual continuous speech sound properties and their specific attributes. The practical section researches performance of the particular hosts and it specifically tries to deal with their sound aspects in order to evaluate whether some typical attributes can be found (primarily within the areas of intonation, pauzation and tempo). Further it observes whether some same sound attributes are shared among the talk...

Rozbor mediálního trhu v České republice v roce 2009 z hlediska konstrukce publika za účelem prodeje / Analysis of the Czech Media Market in 2009-Constructing the Audience for Sale

Bražinová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Analysis of the Czech Media Market in 2009 - Constructing the Audience for Sale" aims to describe what kind of information do the Czech non- expert media use when constructing their audience for sale most often, what are the sources of such information and methods used for gathering them, and to what extent are those information, and the constructs themselves, verifiable, credible and relevant. Content analysis of publicly accessible materials the media provide about their audiences will be applied. In the first part of the diploma thesis we will define the audience within the media studies discourse and from the perspective of the advertisers. We will also apply the theory of social construction of reality to describe the process of the construction of the audience for sale. Brief overview of reported media audience characteristics and research and shielding institutions in the Czech Republic will follow. In the last part of the diploma thesis we will summarize the findings from the analysis and apply them on the prediction of the future development of the construction of the audience for sale. Complete list of media included in the analysis as well as raw data can be found in the appendix.

Mladí lidé a jejich vztah k tištěným novinám v éře nových médií / Young people and its relationship with printed newspapers in the period of the new media

Přečková, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis named "Young people and its relationship with printed newspapers in the period of the new media" shows the way of treating the printed newspapers by the nowadays young generation within the Czech Republic. The thesis is based on the hypotheses predicting the tough situation and future position of printed newspapers. Concerning the experts' predictions the sole existence of the newspapers could be threatened by uninterested approach of young readers. The first part of the article shows the young people relationship to the printed newspapers as presented in selected international surveys and researches. The conclusions of these materials are essential sources used in my own further survey. As a part of the article the specific data presenting the situation of the Czech newspapers market are presented. It shows the printed newspapers decreasing demand which is significant as well as on the Czech Republic market. The methodology of the research is presented in the next part of the article. As a proper method the quantitative analysis is selected - the "focus-groups" method. The tested sample was forty of students in total. All of them were studying the secondary school or the university. Each part of the topic being analyzed is presented in the next part of the work. Also the...

Dokumentární cyklus Kmeny z pohledu tvůrců i publika / Documentary series from the perspective of creators and audiences

Janeček, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The thesis "The documentary series Kmeny from the perspective of creators and viewers" addresses the audience reception and notions of culture documentary series producer strains. Kmeny are unique documentary series that aired on Česká televize from March 2015 to June 2015. The aim is to describe the primary intention of producers representing various urban subcultures and this plan will be confronted with the reception of the audience. The theoretical part focuses on the documentary, his conception of the role and film-maker. Further describes several approaches to research audiences and influence of media messages to the audience. Research will be presented to representatives of the main concepts of cultural studies - Stuart Hall and John Fiske. The last part will focus on the aesthetics receptionist kostnická škola. The research part will be done through interviews with viewers and creators. Secondary research method will be in-depth interviews with viewers within an ethnographic approach.

Posouvání hranic v chápání pojmu/významu "populární kultura" jejími konzumenty (na příkladu ženského publika sledujícího televizní seriály pro celou rodinu) / Changes in understanding of conception !popular culture" by the users (example of women's audience watching TV series "for the whole family" x

Fišerová, Marie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of popular culture for example, television series like a typical product of this culture and of research of their consumers. It deals with the shift in the understanding of the importance of the concept of popular culture for example, female audience pursuing series called series "for the whole family. With this selected audience watching the series at the time of normalization, and at the same time pursuing current series I am trying to trace the development, as well as the changes in understanding of pop culture. The aim of this thesis is to determine the movement, changes in the understanding of the concept / importance of popular culture occurred during the period of normalization to the present days. At work I deal with social and political context, defining of popular culture, everydayness and watching TV serials. This is a qualitative research on female audience through in-depth interviews.

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