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[pt] A utilização de pneus usados é uma técnica interessante para
reforço de solos, sob o aspecto ambiental. Os pneus usados constituem
uma matéria-prima abundante e de custo reduzido. A técnica de utilização
de pneus em obras geotécnicas vem sendo difundida no Brasil desde
meados dos anos 90, com a construção do muro experimental de solopneus
da PUC-Rio, em colaboração com a Fundação Geo-Rio e a
Universidade de Ottawa (Canadá). O presente trabalho tem por objetivo
apresentar a metodologia para avaliação da resistência ao arrancamento
de malhas de pneus. Os pneus podem ser dispostos em um plano
horizontal e amarrados entre si, formando uma malha de reforço. Podem
ser utilizados pneus inteiros ou com uma das bandas laterais cortadas. A
sobrecarga atuando no reforço provém do confinamento provocado pela
altura do aterro de solo, construído sobre a malha de pneus. Os ensaios
de arrancamento dos pneus no campo utilizaram uma estrutura metálica
de reação, atirantada, a qual foi desenvolvida especificamente para o
programa experimental sobre reforço de solos. Os resultados permitiram
idealizar um mecanismo de ruptura envolvido no processo de
arrancamento das malhas de pneus, bem como a verificação das
características de resistência e deformabilidade deste tipo de reforço. / [en] The use of scrap tires as soil reinforcement is an
environmentally interesting technique. Scrap tires are an
abundant and low cost waste material. The technique for
using tires in geotechnical construction is becoming
popular in Brazil since the construction of an experimental
gravity wall made with soil and tires in 1995. This wall
was part of a research project by carried out by PUC-Rio
in collaboration with Geo-Rio and University of Ottawa.
The objective of this work is to present a methodology to
evaluate the pull-out behaviour of tire meshes. The tires
can be placed in a horizontal plane and tied with rope or
wire, forming a reinforcement mesh. The surcharge on these
meshes comes from the confinement due to the height of a
soil embankment built on the mesh. Field pull-out tests
were performed on these reinforcement meshes, using a
metallic reaction structure, which was developed
specifically for this experimental research. The results
allowed the idealization of a shearing mechanism based on
the pull-out of tire meshes, as well as the verification
of the strength and deformability characteristics of the
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Bond Performance Between Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Prestressing StrandsLubbers, Anna R. 04 December 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] A utilização de inclusões passivas para reforços de solos,
conhecida como solo grampeado, vem tendo aceitação
crescente no meio
geotécnico, em especial no sudeste do Brasil. Porém, esta
técnica carece de
estudos mais detalhados, em particular sobre a resistência
ao arrancamento
[qs] e sobre a influência de parâmetros tais como o tempo
de cura da calda de
cimento, o número de injeções, a lavagem do furo e o tipo
de solo. Assim,
nesta pesquisa, estudou-se o comportamento tensão-
de grampos sob solicitação de arrancamento, em função do
método de
instalação. Foram considerados grampos com e sem pré-
lavagem do furo, com
uma ou duas injeções de nata de cimento, com três ou dez
dias de cura. Os
grampos foram executados em solo residual (maduro ou
jovem) e em rocha
alterada de gnaisse na cidade de Niterói, RJ. Esta
pesquisa apresenta uma
metodologia de instrumentação de grampos. O monitoramento
deformações dos strain gages distribuídos ao longo do
comprimento dos
grampos forneceu ferramentas para se analisar os
mecanismos de distribuição
de carga e deformação dos grampos. Esta pesquisa propõe
ainda uma
metodologia a ser adotada em ensaios de arrancamento de
enfocando-se os detalhes executivos. Alguns dos grampos
ensaiados foram
exumados e os resultados são apresentados, destacando-se
os aspectos da
superfície de arrancamento, a uniformidade do diâmetro, a
presença de
fissuras no grampo, e a litologia dos materiais
encontrados ao longo do
comprimento do grampo. Uma das principais conclusões é a
de que o
arrancamento de grampos re-injetados (bainha + 1 injeção)
executados em
solo residual maduro forneceu resistência ao arrancamento
em média 37%
superior à do grampo com 1 injeção (bainha). / [en] The use of passive inclusions for soil reinforcement,
commonly known as soil
nail, has experienced an increasing acceptance in the
geothecnical projects,
especially in the southeast of Brazil. However, this
technique still lacks more
detailed studies regarding the influence of different
installation methods on the
pullout resistance [qs]. This research was focused on the
study of stress-strainstrength
behavior of nails under pullout loading, under different
procedures. A comprehensive series of pullout tests was
carried out on nails
installed in holes with and without pre-washing
procedures, with one or two
consecutive pre-injection steps os cement mortar and with
curing time of three
or ten days. Test nails were installed in residual
gneissic soils with different
degrees of weathering along a profile in the same slope in
the city of Niterói,
Brazil. This methodology developed for the instrumentation
of test nails is
described in detail. Several strain gages were installed
on the nails, for
monitoring the strain distribution along the length of the
nails. Some of the
tested nails were exhumed and observed in detail. This
investigation reveals the
aspects of the soil-nail interface, with special attention
to the uniformity in
diameter to the presence of fissures along the nail, and
the litology of materials
found along the length of the nail. One of the main
findings of this experimental
investigation is that the re-injection of nails in
residual soil resulted in an
average increase of 37% of the pullout resistance qs as
compared to usual nails
with no re-injection procedures. This research concludes
with a proposal for a
standard methodology to be adopted in nail´s pullout tests.
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Comportement axial des ancrages passifs scellés au rocher : étude de l’interface barre-scellement et modélisation / Axial behavior of fully grouted rockbolts : study of the bolt-grout interface and modelingHo, Duc An 16 January 2017 (has links)
L’installation et la maintenance des ancrages passifs scellés au rocher représentent un coût important dans le budget de fonctionnement des infrastructures de transport sujettes à l’aléa rocheux. Dans ce contexte, clarifier et optimiser les méthodes de dimensionnement actuellement employées représente un enjeu fort. Or le comportement d’un ancrage passif scellé au rocher est très complexe : il fait intervenir non seulement la rupture des matériaux constituants mais également la rupture des interfaces. Par ailleurs, la résistance de l’interface barre-scellement lors de l’arrachement d’un ancrage dépend du caractère dilatant de cette interface, liée à la géométrie de la barre (verrous) et à la plastification du matériau de scellement. Le travail de cette thèse porte sur une meilleure compréhension du comportement en traction d’un ancrage passif scellé au rocher, l’objectif étant d’améliorer la conception et le dimensionnement des ancrages sollicités axialement. Premièrement, le travail a consisté à définir le comportement de l’interface barre-scellement, Pour cela, un modèle numérique a été développé afin de reproduire des essais d’arrachement, sous différentes contraintes de confinement radial, de barres d’acier de haute adhérence (HA) scellées sur une longueur de 15 cm dans un cylindre de coulis de ciment (Moosavi et al. 2005). La géométrie réelle de l’interface acier–scellement a été considérée dans le modèle. Le comportement du coulis de scellement a été représenté par un modèle de type «concrete damage plasticity» (CDP), modèle de Lubliner (1986), implémenté dans Abaqus (2012). La représentation dans une approche continue de la plastification locale et de la fissuration, a nécessité un calage pour tenir compte des effets d’échelle. Le comportement de l’interface barre-scellement a ainsi été identifié comme cohésif dommageable avec frottement, dans une bande de cisaillement de largeur entre 2 et 3 fois la hauteur des verrous. Dans l’objectif de simuler un ancrage sur le terrain, des éléments d’interface représentant le contact acierscellement (sans les verrous) ont été développés.. La performance des éléments a été testée par la modélisation d’essais réalisés par Benmokrane et al. (1995) pour des barres de HA scellées en forage dans un bloc de béton, c’est-à-dire avec des conditions-limites radiales à rigidité constante. En parallèle, afin de tester l’influence de différents paramètres (géométrie, propriétés de matériau, accessoires de mise en oeuvre) sur le comportement de l’ancrage, une campagne insitu de 36 essais d’arrachement de barres d’acier HA scellées dans un massif calcaire résistant a été réalisée. Certaines barres équipées de fibre optique ont permis d’étudier finement la mobilisation de l’interface entre la barre d’acier et le matériau de scellement lors de la sollicitation axiale. Ces observations expérimentales, comparées aux résultats de la simulation numérique des essais, ont permis de valider le modèle numérique développé et en particulier les éléments d’interface. Par ailleurs, dans nos conditions d’essais, il n’est pas noté d’effet de la longueur de scellement ou de la résistance du coulis de scellement sur la résistance de l’ancrage : la résistance est limitée par la résistance en traction de la barre d’acier. Quant à la rigidité de l’ancrage, c’est le rapport diamètre de la barre/diamètre du forage ou un coulis plus résistant qui tend à rigidifier le comportement de l’ancrage. Pour un rocher résistant et homogène, la longueur de scellement efficace est au maximum de 65cm pour les diamètres usuels de barre. Elle tend à augmenter quand le système est plus déformable : coulis de scellement moins résistant ou, pour un diamètre de barre donné, diamètre de forage plus grand. La présence de la canule d’injection ne semble pas perturber le comportement de l’ancrage. Par contre, une attention particulière doit être portée à la mise en oeuvre de la chaussette géotextile. / Fully grouted rockbolts have been used for decades for transport infrastructure exposed to rockfall hazards. However their installation and maintenance are usually costly. Therefore, understanding and optimizing of the current design method for this type of anchorage is a major challenge. This study is not simple because of the complexity of fully grouted rockbolt behavior: its failure involves not only the failure of constituent materials (rockbolt, grout, rock), but also the failure of bolt-grout and grout-rock interfaces. Moreover, the strength of bolt-grout interface depends on the interface dilatancy, which is likely linked to the geometry of ribs and to the plastification of grout material. This thesis which includes two different parts, a numerical modeling and an experimental work, contributes hence to a better understanding of fully grouted rockbolt behavior under an axial tensile load, in order to improve the current design method. Firstly the bolt-grout interface behavior in particular the force transmission between the bolt and the grout, was studied. For this purpose, a numerical model was proposed to simulate the pull-out test of a short length of 15cm of bolt grouted in a cylinder of cement hardened paste, under constant confinement pressure (Moosavi et al., 2005). In this model, the bolt-grout interface was modeled with its real geometry, including ribs. To consider the different types of behavior and failure (tension, compression and shear) of the grout, this one was modeled by the concrete damage plasticity model (CDP model), which was developed by Lubliner et al. (1986) and implemented in Abaqus (2012). Moreover, the localization of plastic strain and the fracture of grout imply different size effects, which were also taken into consideration within the calibration of the parameters of the CDP model. The bolt-grout interface behavior was also identified to be a cohesive-damage friction interface within a 2 or 3 times the height of the ribs wide shear band. From these numerical modeling results, a constitutive model for the bolt-grout interface was developed to replace the real geometry of bolt-grout contact, in order to model in-situ anchors, whose length is much longer than that of anchors in laboratory tests. The interface model was then validated by performing the numerical simulation of the pullout tests of grouted bolt in borehole drilled in concrete block, carried out by Benmokranne et al. (1995), under constant rigidity of confinement instead of constant pressure of confinement. For the second part of this study, a series of 36 pull-out field tests of fully grouted rockbolt in a rigid limestone rock wall was conducted in order to study the influence of different parameters on the behavior of rock anchors (geometry, material characteristics, accessories). Certain of the bolts equipped with optical fiber allowed bolt strains to be measured along their length, and hence, the stress mobilization along the bolt-grout interface to be studied. The comparison between experimental and numerical results permitted us to validate the numerical simulation, in particular the proposed interface model. With our field test conditions, no influence of grouting length or grout resistance on the strength of anchor was noticed and the bolt strength was limited by the tensile strength of the steel rebar. It is the ratio of bolt diameter/borehole diameter or a stronger grout that tends to stiffen anchor. In a resistant and homogeneous rock and for usual rebar diameters, the efficient grouting length is lower than 65cm. This length increases when the system is more deformable, by using a less resistant grout or a higher grout thickness. The instalation of the cannula seem not to affect the anchor’s strength. However, a particular attention must be paid to the use of the geotextile sock.
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[pt] No presente trabalho foi estudado o comportamento de um
muro de solo
reforçado com 5m de altura e 1700m de extensão, construído
como parte do dique
que compõe o Depósito de Resíduos de Bauxita 7 da ALCOA
Alumínio S.A. em
Poços de Caldas, MG. Neste muro foram empregados um solo
residual siltoargiloso
obtido no local e geogrelhas. O muro foi instrumentado
para medição de
deslocamentos horizontais e verticais durante a
construção. Na mesma área,
também foi construído um aterro experimental de 2,6m de
altura que permitiu a
realização de 16 ensaios de arrancamento de grandes
dimensões. Foram realizados
ensaios de laboratório para definir os parâmetros de
resistência e deformabilidade
do solo. Os parâmetros obtidos foram empregados em
simulações numéricas da
construção do muro e dos ensaios de arrancamento pelo
Método dos Elementos
Finitos, utilizando-se o programa PLAXIS 2D v.8. Os
resultados obtidos
demonstraram que os deslocamentos ocorridos durante a
construção do muro são
comparáveis a valores reportados por outros autores. As
previsões numéricas da
construção do muro e dos ensaios de arrancamento
apresentaram boa
concordância com os resultados medido em campo. Constatou-
se que a resistência
ao arrancamento obtida foi superior às previsões baseadas
em formulações
tradicionais da literatura. / [en] The behavior of a 5m high and 1700m long reinforced soil
wall was
studied in this work. The wall constitutes the upper part
of a dike constructed in
Poços de Caldas-MG, Brazil, by Alcoa Aluminum S.A. to
contain Bauxite
residues. The wall was constructed using geogrids and a
residual silty-clay. Two
wall sections were instrumented. Horizontal and vertical
displacements were
monitored during construction. An 2.6m high experimental
fill was constructed to
conduct 16 large-scale pullout tests. Soil laboratory
tests were conducted to define
the strength and deformability parameters. The
construction of the wall and the
pullout tests were simulated using the PLAXIS 2D v.8
Finite Element Method
code. The numeric predictions agree well with the field
results. The measured
horizontal displacements show good agreement with results
reported by other
authors and the pullout resistance was found to be greater
than the values
estimated by traditional methods.
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Comportement mécanique et durabilité de structures en béton renforcées par des armatures composites internes / Mechanical behaviour and durability of concrete structures reinforced by internal composite rebarsRolland, Arnaud 27 March 2015 (has links)
La corrosion des armatures constitue la principale cause de dégradation des ouvrages en béton armé, et occasionne des coûts élevés de maintenance/réparation. Pour prévenir ce problème sur ouvrages neufs, une solution consiste à renforcer les structures en béton par des armatures non-métalliques de type Polymère Renforcé de Fibres (PRF), généralement à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide. Il existe aujourd'hui plusieurs textes réglementaires consacrés aux armatures PRF, notamment aux USA, au Canada et au Japon, et de nombreux ouvrages en béton armé par barres en PRF ont d'ailleurs été construits dans ces pays. Cependant, si l'utilisation de ces nouvelles armatures semble à priori prometteuse, elle suscite encore des réserves de la part des maîtres d'ouvrages, notamment en France. Il subsiste en effet des incertitudes sur le comportement à long terme des structures renforcées par PRF, et plus particulièrement sur la durabilité en milieu alcalin des armatures à matrice vinylester ou époxy renforcée par des fibres de verre (PRFV), qui sont actuellement les plus utilisées, ou encore sur le vieillissement de l'interface PRF/béton. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude vise à développer pour la première fois en France, un ensemble de méthodologies permettant, d'une part, de caractériser les principales propriétés physiques, mécaniques et d'interface des différentes armatures en PRF disponibles sur le marché, mais également d'évaluer la durabilité d'armatures en PRFV (les plus représentatives du marché) et de l'interface PRFV/béton à travers des procédures pertinentes de vieillissements accélérés. La première partie de l'étude a donc été consacrée à la caractérisation physique et mécanique d'une sélection d'armatures du commerce, confectionnées à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide, et au comportement mécanique de l'interface entre ces PRF et le béton. Outre la caractérisation microstructurale des PRF par techniques de microscopie et d'analyse thermique, la mise en place de dispositifs d'essais de traction et de flexion 3 points à appuis rapprochés (Short-beam test) a permis d'accéder respectivement aux propriétés mécaniques en traction (module d'élasticité, résistance) et à la résistance au cisaillement inter-laminaire des armatures. Des essais spécifiques d'arrachement (Pull-out) ont ensuite permis d'évaluer l'influence de différents paramètres (type de fibre, diamètre et géométrie de surface des barres) sur le mécanisme de transfert d'effort à l'interface armature/béton. Une grande originalité de l'approche proposée réside dans l'instrumentation d'une partie des corps d'épreuve par des capteurs de déformation à fibre optique disposés au niveau de l'interface armature/béton ; ce dispositif de mesures réparties permet d'accéder à des informations locales comme le profil des déformations de traction de l'armature, et d'en déduire la longueur d'ancrage des différentes armatures dans le béton. En complément de l'étude expérimentale précédente, un travail de modélisation analytique et numérique a été initié en vue de simuler les essais d'arrachement et d'appréhender plus finement les mécanismes d'interface mis en jeu entre l'armature et le béton lors de ces essais. Dans cette optique, un modèle analytique d'interface a tout d'abord été proposé, puis introduit dans un modèle aux éléments finis (modèle d'endommagement de zones cohésives). Enfin, un protocole de vieillissement accéléré a été appliqué à des barres en PRFV seules ou noyées dans un milieu cimentaire. Les caractéristiques résiduelles des armatures et des interfaces ont été évaluées à différentes échéances de vieillissement (jusqu'à 240 jours). Hormis une diminution des propriétés mécaniques des barres soumises à une immersion directe en solution alcaline, cette condition pouvant être considérée comme très sévère par rapport aux conditions de service, il n'a pas été observé de dégradation des propriétés d'adhérence PRF/béton par rapport à l'état initial / Corrosion of the steel reinforcing bars (rebars) is the main process involved in the degradation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and has large repercussions on the maintenance/reparation expenses. To prevent such degradations on new infrastructures, the use of corrosion-free reinforcements, such as Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, is gaining interest. Specific guidelines are already available in several countries (USA, Canada or Japan for instance), that define the design principles and good practices for this type of internal rebars; beside, many FRP RC structures have been built and are in service in these countries. Although the development of these new reinforcing bars is quite promising, infrastructures owners are still reluctant for their wide-scale use, especially in France. There are still major concerns regarding the long term behavior of FRP RC structures, and more particularly, the durability of glass fibers reinforced polymers (GFRP) when subjected to an alkaline environment, and the ageing behavior of the GFRP/concrete bonding as well. In this context, the present study aims at developing for the first time in France, a set of methodologies that allows : to characterize the main physical/mechanical properties of different types of FRP bars from the marketto assess the durability of GFRP bars (the most common type of bar) and their interface with concrete through relevant accelerated ageing procedures. The first part of this study was thus devoted to the physical/mechanical characterization of a selection of commercially available FRP rebars, based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, and to the mechanical behavior of corresponding FRP/concrete interfaces. Beside the microstructural characterization of the various FRP materials by microscopy and thermal analysis techniques, tensile and short beam tests were developed in order to determine the tensile properties (Young's modulus and strength) and the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of the bars. Specific pull-out tests then made it possible to evaluate the influence of several parameters (type of fibers, diameter and surface geometry of the bars) on the mechanism of load transfer at the bar/concrete interface. A main originality of the proposed approach relied on the instrumentation of several test bodies by optical fiber strain sensors, which were installed along the bar/concrete interface. Such a distributed measurement system provided local information in the form of tensile strain profiles of the bars along the interface, and made it possible to determine the effective transfer length of the various types of FRP bars. As a complement to the previous experimental study, an analytical and numerical modeling work was initiated to simulate the pull-out tests and investigate more closely the interfacial mechanisms involved in the FRP bar/concrete bond behavior. In this line, an improved interface model was first proposed, which was then implemented in a finite element model (cohesive zone model formulated in the context of damage mechanics).Finally, an accelerated ageing protocol was developed and applied to the GFRP bars, either alone or embedded in a concrete medium. The retention properties of both bars and interfaces were determined after various periods of exposure (up to 240 days). Except a drop of tensile properties observed for GFRP bars that were directly immersed in an alkaline solution, which is considered as a very severe environment compared to actual service conditions, no significant loss of interfacial properties was detected on aged specimens compared to the initial state
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Avaliação do comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto armado com taliscas de bambu reforçadas nos nós / Evaluation of the structural behavior of reinforced concrete beams with bamboo splints strengthened in nodesTsutsumoto, Nayra Yumi [UNESP] 05 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Nayra Yumi Tsutsumoto null (nayrayumi@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-29T18:00:17Z
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DISSERTAÇÃO FINAL_v8_NAYRA YUMI TSUTSUMOTO.pdf: 8569526 bytes, checksum: 3ea70e3054ae638bf10e3a3b63a9c642 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-10-03T20:17:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-05 / O bambu é uma planta renovável, perene, tropical e que apresenta uma série de vantagens, tais como: crescimento rápido, elevada resistência mecânica, grande versatilidade, beleza, e não necessita do replantio de colmos. Certamente, fica evidente que o bambu é um material de grande potencial, para diversos setores, sobretudo da construção civil, em que o mesmo vem sendo utilizado desde os tempos mais remotos. Nas estruturas de concreto, o bambu tem sido estudado como um elemento passível de resistir aos esforços de tração. Entretanto, como desvantagens, o bambu é um material orgânico e higroscópico. Após a concretagem, durante a cura do concreto, o bambu absorve água e, consequentemente, tem suas dimensões aumentadas. Com o concreto endurecido, o bambu começa a perder a água absorvida e se retrai, sofrendo uma redução de seu volume, o que diminui a eficiência da aderência entre os materiais. Outra desvantagem do bambu é a região do nó, cuja resistência à tração é muito inferior à da região internodal. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo avaliar o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto armado, sem e com reforço adicional de taliscas de bambu, por meio de ensaios de flexão. As taliscas de bambu utilizadas como reforço adicional à armadura são de dois tipos: com e sem reforços nas regiões nodais. Com o intuito de analisar a condição de aderência entre a talisca de bambu e o concreto, foram realizados ensaios de arrancamento. As taliscas foram elaboradas a partir de colmos da espécie Bambusa vulgaris, disponível na cidade de Ilha Solteira, algumas com e outras sem reforços nas regiões nodais. Todas as taliscas foram impermeabilizadas com látex de seringueira. Para a colagem dos reforços nos nós das taliscas, foi utilizada uma resina poliuretana bicomponente à base de óleo de mamona. As taliscas com reforços colados apresentaram um aumento da resistência à tração. Com relação ao ensaio de arrancamento, a existência do reforço nos nós permitiu acréscimos em relação à tensão normal, provocando a ruptura da talisca e não o seu escorregamento. Quanto ao ensaio de flexão das vigas, concluiu-se que a presença das taliscas de bambu aumentou a capacidade resistente das vigas e, portanto, poderia se pensar na redução da quantidade de aço a ser utilizado. O reforço nos nós das taliscas de bambu proporcionou um melhor comportamento com relação às flechas e um discreto aumento na capacidade resistente das vigas. No que diz respeito ao padrão de fissuração, observou-se que a ruptura das vigas ocorreu na região central, região submetida aos maiores momentos fletores, e, embora as vigas com reforço adicional de taliscas de bambu reforçadas nos nós tenham apresentado maior número de fissuras, aparentemente, o padrão de fissuração foi basicamente o mesmo para todas as vigas ensaiadas. / Bamboo is a renewable, perennial and tropical plant, and that presents a number of advantages, such as: growth quickly, high mechanical resistance, versatility, beauty, and does not require the replanting of culms. Certainly it is clear that bamboo is a great potential material for various industries, especially construction, in which it has been used since ancient times. In concrete structures, bamboo has been studied as an element capable of resisting the traction efforts. However, as disadvantages, bamboo is an organic and hygroscopic material. After the concrete, during curing of the concrete, bamboo absorbs water and, therefore, has increased their dimensions. With the hardened concrete, bamboo begins to lose water absorbed and retracts suffering a reduction of its volume, which decreases the efficiency of adhesion between the materials. Another disadvantage of bamboo is the node region, whose tensile strength is much lower than the internode region. This study has as main objective to evaluate the structural behavior of reinforced concrete beams, with and without additional reinforcement bamboo splints through bending tests. The bamboo splints used as additional reinforcement to armor are of two types: with and without reinforcements in the node regions. In order to examine the condition of adhesion between the concrete and bamboo splint pull out tests were done. The splints were prepared from culms of Bambusa vulgaris species, available in the city of Ilha Solteira, some with and some without reinforcements in the node regions. All splints were coated with rubber trees latex. For bonding reinforcements in nodes of splints, we used a two-component polyurethane resin oil-based of castor plant. Samples with glued reinforcements showed an increase in the tensile strength. Regarding the pull out test, the existence of reinforcement in the nodes allowed increases in relation to normal tension, causing the rupture of splint and not its slipping. As for the bending test of the beams, it is concluded that the presence of bamboo splints increased bearing capacity of the beams and, therefore, could think of reducing the amount of steel to be used. Strengthening the nodes of bamboo splints provide better performance with respect to deflections and a slight increase in resitente capacity of beams. With regard to the crack pattern, it was observed that the breakage of the beams occurred in the central region, region subjected to higher bending moments, and, although the beams with additional reinforcement bamboo splints reinforced in the nodes had a higher number of cracks, apparently, the crack pattern was essentially the same for all tested beams.
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Avaliação do comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto armado com taliscas de bambu reforçadas nos nós /Tsutsumoto, Nayra Yumi January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: José Luiz Pinheiro Melges / Resumo: O bambu é uma planta renovável, perene, tropical e que apresenta uma série de vantagens, tais como: crescimento rápido, elevada resistência mecânica, grande versatilidade, beleza, e não necessita do replantio de colmos. Certamente, fica evidente que o bambu é um material de grande potencial, para diversos setores, sobretudo da construção civil, em que o mesmo vem sendo utilizado desde os tempos mais remotos. Nas estruturas de concreto, o bambu tem sido estudado como um elemento passível de resistir aos esforços de tração. Entretanto, como desvantagens, o bambu é um material orgânico e higroscópico. Após a concretagem, durante a cura do concreto, o bambu absorve água e, consequentemente, tem suas dimensões aumentadas. Com o concreto endurecido, o bambu começa a perder a água absorvida e se retrai, sofrendo uma redução de seu volume, o que diminui a eficiência da aderência entre os materiais. Outra desvantagem do bambu é a região do nó, cuja resistência à tração é muito inferior à da região internodal. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo avaliar o comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto armado, sem e com reforço adicional de taliscas de bambu, por meio de ensaios de flexão. As taliscas de bambu utilizadas como reforço adicional à armadura são de dois tipos: com e sem reforços nas regiões nodais. Com o intuito de analisar a condição de aderência entre a talisca de bambu e o concreto, foram realizados ensaios de arrancamento. As taliscas foram elaboradas a parti... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre
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Comportement mécanique et durabilité de structures en béton renforcées par des armatures composites internes / Mechanical behaviour and durability of concrete structures reinforced by internal composite rebarsRolland, Arnaud 27 March 2015 (has links)
La corrosion des armatures constitue la principale cause de dégradation des ouvrages en béton armé, et occasionne des coûts élevés de maintenance/réparation. Pour prévenir ce problème sur ouvrages neufs, une solution consiste à renforcer les structures en béton par des armatures non-métalliques de type Polymère Renforcé de Fibres (PRF), généralement à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide. Il existe aujourd'hui plusieurs textes réglementaires consacrés aux armatures PRF, notamment aux USA, au Canada et au Japon, et de nombreux ouvrages en béton armé par barres en PRF ont d'ailleurs été construits dans ces pays. Cependant, si l'utilisation de ces nouvelles armatures semble à priori prometteuse, elle suscite encore des réserves de la part des maîtres d'ouvrages, notamment en France. Il subsiste en effet des incertitudes sur le comportement à long terme des structures renforcées par PRF, et plus particulièrement sur la durabilité en milieu alcalin des armatures à matrice vinylester ou époxy renforcée par des fibres de verre (PRFV), qui sont actuellement les plus utilisées, ou encore sur le vieillissement de l'interface PRF/béton. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude vise à développer pour la première fois en France, un ensemble de méthodologies permettant, d'une part, de caractériser les principales propriétés physiques, mécaniques et d'interface des différentes armatures en PRF disponibles sur le marché, mais également d'évaluer la durabilité d'armatures en PRFV (les plus représentatives du marché) et de l'interface PRFV/béton à travers des procédures pertinentes de vieillissements accélérés. La première partie de l'étude a donc été consacrée à la caractérisation physique et mécanique d'une sélection d'armatures du commerce, confectionnées à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide, et au comportement mécanique de l'interface entre ces PRF et le béton. Outre la caractérisation microstructurale des PRF par techniques de microscopie et d'analyse thermique, la mise en place de dispositifs d'essais de traction et de flexion 3 points à appuis rapprochés (Short-beam test) a permis d'accéder respectivement aux propriétés mécaniques en traction (module d'élasticité, résistance) et à la résistance au cisaillement inter-laminaire des armatures. Des essais spécifiques d'arrachement (Pull-out) ont ensuite permis d'évaluer l'influence de différents paramètres (type de fibre, diamètre et géométrie de surface des barres) sur le mécanisme de transfert d'effort à l'interface armature/béton. Une grande originalité de l'approche proposée réside dans l'instrumentation d'une partie des corps d'épreuve par des capteurs de déformation à fibre optique disposés au niveau de l'interface armature/béton ; ce dispositif de mesures réparties permet d'accéder à des informations locales comme le profil des déformations de traction de l'armature, et d'en déduire la longueur d'ancrage des différentes armatures dans le béton. En complément de l'étude expérimentale précédente, un travail de modélisation analytique et numérique a été initié en vue de simuler les essais d'arrachement et d'appréhender plus finement les mécanismes d'interface mis en jeu entre l'armature et le béton lors de ces essais. Dans cette optique, un modèle analytique d'interface a tout d'abord été proposé, puis introduit dans un modèle aux éléments finis (modèle d'endommagement de zones cohésives). Enfin, un protocole de vieillissement accéléré a été appliqué à des barres en PRFV seules ou noyées dans un milieu cimentaire. Les caractéristiques résiduelles des armatures et des interfaces ont été évaluées à différentes échéances de vieillissement (jusqu'à 240 jours). Hormis une diminution des propriétés mécaniques des barres soumises à une immersion directe en solution alcaline, cette condition pouvant être considérée comme très sévère par rapport aux conditions de service, il n'a pas été observé de dégradation des propriétés d'adhérence PRF/béton par rapport à l'état initial / Corrosion of the steel reinforcing bars (rebars) is the main process involved in the degradation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and has large repercussions on the maintenance/reparation expenses. To prevent such degradations on new infrastructures, the use of corrosion-free reinforcements, such as Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, is gaining interest. Specific guidelines are already available in several countries (USA, Canada or Japan for instance), that define the design principles and good practices for this type of internal rebars; beside, many FRP RC structures have been built and are in service in these countries. Although the development of these new reinforcing bars is quite promising, infrastructures owners are still reluctant for their wide-scale use, especially in France. There are still major concerns regarding the long term behavior of FRP RC structures, and more particularly, the durability of glass fibers reinforced polymers (GFRP) when subjected to an alkaline environment, and the ageing behavior of the GFRP/concrete bonding as well. In this context, the present study aims at developing for the first time in France, a set of methodologies that allows : to characterize the main physical/mechanical properties of different types of FRP bars from the marketto assess the durability of GFRP bars (the most common type of bar) and their interface with concrete through relevant accelerated ageing procedures. The first part of this study was thus devoted to the physical/mechanical characterization of a selection of commercially available FRP rebars, based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, and to the mechanical behavior of corresponding FRP/concrete interfaces. Beside the microstructural characterization of the various FRP materials by microscopy and thermal analysis techniques, tensile and short beam tests were developed in order to determine the tensile properties (Young's modulus and strength) and the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of the bars. Specific pull-out tests then made it possible to evaluate the influence of several parameters (type of fibers, diameter and surface geometry of the bars) on the mechanism of load transfer at the bar/concrete interface. A main originality of the proposed approach relied on the instrumentation of several test bodies by optical fiber strain sensors, which were installed along the bar/concrete interface. Such a distributed measurement system provided local information in the form of tensile strain profiles of the bars along the interface, and made it possible to determine the effective transfer length of the various types of FRP bars. As a complement to the previous experimental study, an analytical and numerical modeling work was initiated to simulate the pull-out tests and investigate more closely the interfacial mechanisms involved in the FRP bar/concrete bond behavior. In this line, an improved interface model was first proposed, which was then implemented in a finite element model (cohesive zone model formulated in the context of damage mechanics).Finally, an accelerated ageing protocol was developed and applied to the GFRP bars, either alone or embedded in a concrete medium. The retention properties of both bars and interfaces were determined after various periods of exposure (up to 240 days). Except a drop of tensile properties observed for GFRP bars that were directly immersed in an alkaline solution, which is considered as a very severe environment compared to actual service conditions, no significant loss of interfacial properties was detected on aged specimens compared to the initial state
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Vývoj a hodnocení nové necementované revizní acetabulární komponenty totální endoprotézy kyčelního kloubu / typ TC / / Development and evaluation of new cementless revision acetabular components for total hip arthroplasty / type TC /Šťastný, Eduard January 2014 (has links)
Development and evaluation of new cementless revision acetabular components for total hip arthroplasty / type TC / Objective: The aim of the clinical part of the study was to introduce a new revision oval cup type TC, and evaluate its reliability and utility in revision endoprosthesis. Due to the different structure of the implant, we aimed to objectively demonstrate the remodeling of bone tissue in its vicinity. In the experimental part of the work we verified the hypothesis that the use of locking screws has an effect on the bond strength of the implant with bone tissue, and therefore on the primary stability of the acetabular component. Method: We evaluated 31 patients that underwent revision hip surgery between 2004 and 2008. The mean follow-up was 7.1 years (range 5.3 to 9.3 years, minimum 5 years after surgery). Osteointegration of the implant and remodeling of bone tissue around the implant and its ribs were evaluated by digital radiography and computed tomography, and clinical results according to Harris. The experiment was based on the execution of pull-out tests after the implantation of TC cups in cadaveric bovine pelves. We evaluated the dependence of tensile forces in the axis of the implant on extraction of the metal cup from the bone bed. Four tests were conducted with the cup fixed...
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