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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regionala skillnader i anslutningen till gemensamhetsanläggningar : Med fokus på 42 a och 43 § i anläggningslagen

Falck, Thedor, Eliasson, Thord January 2016 (has links)
Sedan 1973 då anläggningslagen (1973:1149) (AL) infördes har delägare i gemensamhetsanläggningar haft möjligheten att själva inträda i anläggningen genom en överenskommelse enligt AL 43 §. Denna överenskommelse måste godkännas av Lantmäteriet och används för att undvika att behöva göra en kostsam och tidskrävande omprövning av hela anläggningen enligt AL 35 §. 1998 infördes även AL 42 a §, vilket gav lantmätarna möjlighet att ta beslut om inträde för ny-/ombildad fastighet i en befintlig gemensamhetsanläggning under förrättningar. Båda paragraferna fungerar som åtgärder som kan användas istället för en omprövning. En överenskommelse är att föredra i dessa typer av förrättningar, men det billigaste och snabbaste alternativet skall alltid användas. Syftet med arbetet är kartlägga om det finns regionala skillnader i tillämpningen av AL 42 a § och 43 §, eventuella skäl för varför detta sker, samt analysera om detta överensstämmer med praxis och vad som står i förarbeten. Arbetet skall även ge en mindre inblick i hur ersättningsfrågan har hanterats i de olika förrättningarna, samt vilka typer av gemensamhetsanläggningar som behandlas. En kombination av juridisk och kvantitativ metod har använts med ett mindre inslag av kvalitativ metod. Kvantitativ metod för att samla in akterna och numeriskt jämföra akternas tillämpning i olika län. Juridisk metod för att tolka hur paragraferna skall tillämpas, och den kvalitativa användes i ett mailutskick för att få mer styrka till slutsatsen. Samtliga akter mellan 1998-2014 som använt AL 43 § eller 42 a § i elva län har inkluderats i statistiken. Av dessa akter har 221 granskats närmare för att svara på frågor om ersättningsskyldighet, typ av anläggning och förvaltningsform. Resultatet visade en stor variation i paragrafanvändningen mellan länen och även olika svar på mailutskicket från kommun till kommun. Exempelvis visade det sig att i 69 % av förrättningarna i Västra Götalands län mellan 1998-2014 har AL 43 § tillämpats, medan i Stockholms län har AL 42 a tillämpats i 66 % av de undersökta förrättningarna. Lantmätarna i kommunerna i dessa län uppgav helt olika skäl för varför de arbetar på detta vis. Göteborgs lantmäterikontor säger att de önskar främja samförstående (och därmed överenskommelser), medan Stockholms kommun sade kort att allt beror helt på omständigheterna. Ersättning i förrättningarna visade sig vara ovanligt, endast 26 % av åtgärderna var ersättningsskyldiga oavsett paragraf. Den vanligaste samfällighetstypen i undersökningen var vägsamfälligheter, som var med i 70 % av granskade akter. Den vanligaste åtgärden var inträden med 81 % och den vanligaste förvaltningsformen var föreningsförvaltning med 85 %. Skälen till varför regionala skillnader existerar är ännu inte helt kartlagt. Den insamlade data tyder på att vissa kommuner inom länen har en form av tradition i deras arbetsmetoder, vilket leder till att en av paragraferna tillämpas oftare. En undersökning med en mer kvalitativ inriktning; fokus på intervjuer med lantmätare och enkäter till de olika lantmäterikontoren behöver göras för att säkerställa detta. / Since 1973, when the Swedish equivalent to the joint facilities act (anläggningslagen [AL] 1973:1149) was signed into law, co-owners of jointly owned facilities have had the ability to enter, exit or change their properties share in these facilities by themselves through a mutual agreement. This agreement must be approved by the Swedish National Land Survey (Lantmäteriet), and is used for avoiding an otherwise necessary, though costly and time consuming, reappraisal of the entire facility, in accordance with AL § 35. In 1998 AL was changed to include § 42 a, which now allowed surveyors to decide who should enter, exit or change shares. This is done within a land survey ordinance and only for pre-existing joint facilities. Both sections of the law act as measures used instead of reappraisals. Usually, an agreement between property owners is the preferred method during land surveys, but Swedish law dictates that the cheapest, most efficient alternative is to be chosen at all times. The purpose of this essay is to map out whether or not there are any regional differences in the usage of § 42 a and § 43, as well as any potential reasons as to why this happens. The essay is also meant to give a glimpse into if the co-owners of these facilities are reimbursed, as well as what type of joint facilities are usually subjected to these changes in members and shares. The bulk of this investigation has been done using a combination of quantitative research and legal methodology, with some elements of qualitative research. All executory acts containing a decision based on § 43 or § 42 a between 1998 and 2014 from 11 counties have been included in the resulting statistics. Out of these acts, 221 of them have been subjected to closer investigation in order to answer questions relating to reimbursement and facility management, as well as type of joint facility. The results show a large difference in what section is favoured by what county, as well as differing approaches to these sections between municipalities. As an example, 69 % of all executory acts in Västra Götaland between 1998 and 2014, where these sections where applied, used § 43. Meanwhile, In Stockholm County, 66 % of the acts within the same time period applied § 42 a. The surveyors in the municipalities within the counties gave entirely different reasons for why they work in the manner of which they do: Surveyors in Gothenburg claims that they wish to "encourage understanding" (and therefore agreements), meanwhile, surveyors in Stockholm claimed that all they do depends upon the specific circumstances of the case in question. Reimbursements were deemed unusual, only 26 % of all acts contained demands for it, regardless of which section was used. The type of joint facility was also very uniform, 70 % of them were primarily formed to manage jointly owned roads. The reasons for why these regional differences occur are still unclear. The suspicion is a tradition within each county, where different cultures within the offices dominate and result in different approaches to each section of the law. A larger investigation into the matter with a greater focus on qualitative research, interviews with surveyors and inquiries into different surveying offices is needed to confirm this.

La détermination de la peine dans les cas de filicide

Lemire Moreau, Jessy 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of our study is to understand the process of sentencing in cases of filicide from an analysis of criminal and legal criteria on which judges base themselves as well as from an analysis of penal functions aimed by the sentences issued for this type of homicide. The sample studied in this paper consists of fourteen sentencing judgments rendered by the judges at the sentencing. These judgments were all issued in Quebec between 1996 and 2008 inclusive. It is clear from our analysis that the guilty plea recorded by the accused, the lawyers' sentence suggestions, the method of filicide, repetition of misconduct or not in the parent, the number of victims, the age of the accused, the presence or absence of criminal history of the accused as well as the professional occupation of the latter may influence judges' decision concerning the sentence. These elements, however, do not necessarily carry the iv same weight in the process of sentencing from one judge to another. Nevertheless, we observe that the discretionary power the judges have does not seem to be used in a biased or inadequate manner. In fact, every sentence is clearly justified according to reasonable arguments and none is far from other sentences that have made jurisprudence. / L'objet de notre étude consiste à comprendre le processus de détermination de la peine dans les cas de filicide à partir d’une analyse des critères légaux et pénaux sur lesquels les juges se basent ainsi qu’à partir d’une analyse des fonctions pénales visées par les sentences émises pour ce type d’homicide. L'échantillon étudié dans ce mémoire est formé de quatorze jugements sur sentence rendus par les juges lors du prononcé de la peine. Ces jugements ont tous été émis au Québec entre 1996 et 2008 inclusivement. Il ressort de notre analyse que le plaidoyer de culpabilité enregistré par l'accusé, les suggestions de peine des avocats, la méthode d'exécution du filicide, la répétition ou non du comportement fautif chez le parent, le nombre de victimes, l'âge de l'accusé, la présence ou non d'antécédents criminels chez l'accusé ainsi que l'occupation professionnelle de celui-ci peuvent influencer le choix des juges quant à la sentence. Toutefois, d'un juge à l'autre, ces éléments n'ont pas le même poids dans le processus de détermination de la peine. Néanmoins, nous observons que ce pouvoir discrétionnaire dont les juges disposent ne semble pas utilisé d'une manière partiale, voire inadéquate. En effet, chaque sentence est justifiée selon des arguments fondés et aucune d'entre elle ne s'éloigne des sentences ayant fait jurisprudence.

Člověk před Boží tváří u J. A. Komenského / Man being God in the conception of Comenius

Juhaščiková, Daniela January 2011 (has links)
JUHAŠČIKOVÁ, Daniela: Man being God in the conception of Comenius [Záverečná práce] / Daniela Juhaščiková - Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Husitská teologická fakulta; - Supervisor: ThDr. Kamila Veverková, ThD. - Degree. Magistr.- Praha: HTF UK, 2011. s. 71. The work Man being God in the conception of Comenius si about Comenius view to man. The purpose of my research was to find out in his literacy his opinion to man like Image of God. This work was about man position in frnot of God. What is purpose of human being. And if man still have rights to have image of God altohough we are siners. The results of my research, that I find out Comenius pricips. Princip of moving in relation to centre, and second princip is harmony. This two princips have Gods creations, only when they are in relationship with Him. And also people are able to be on Image of God when they are in relationship with Him. Keywords Man - Creation- God - Comenius - Whole - Being - The purpose of being - Harmony - Restitution.

Le juge et la force obligatoire du contrat : étude comparative du droit français et du droit marocain / The judge and the binding force of contracts

El Harti, Mohammed 23 July 2012 (has links)
Cette étude est une recherche de droit comparé sur l'un des problèmes qui se posent à propos du rôle que le juge est amené à jouer pour résoudre certains problèmes liés à la force obligatoire du contrat.Le sujet nous amène tout d'abord à étudier le pouvoir d'appréciation du juge dans la détermination des obligations des parties au contrat en confrontant deux approches, a priori distinctes, celle du système juridique français prônant une interprétation subjective des volontés et celle du système juridique marocain ou l'interprétation objective est de mise.En tous les cas, les abus générés par les clauses pénales ont poussé le législateur à habiliter le juge à réformer les clauses pénales manifestement excessives ou dérisoires. Une autre réforme, dix ans après, est venue renforcer le pouvoir d'office de révision du juge. Cette loi française de 1985 n'a pas d'équivalent en droit marocain par conséquent le juge marocain contrairement au juge français ne peut intervenir d'office pour modérer les clauses pénales manifestement excessives ou dérisoires. Concernant la théorie de l'imprévision, le droit marocain comme le droit français, adopte sur la question de la révision pour cause d'imprévision une position très classique.Enfin, l'étude comparative met au jour le rôle principal joué par le juge en matière de résolution du contrat. Le législateur impose au créancier qui souhaite obtenir la résolution la saisine obligatoire du juge. Pour faciliter la tâche du créancier, d'autres formes de résolution ont vu le jour avec la légalisation par le système français et marocain de la clause résolutoire avec laquelle le rôle du juge se ramène à constater la résolution et non la déclarer comme c'est le cas pour la résolution judiciaire. Or l'influence croissante des éléments objectifs tels la mauvaise foi, nous invitent à reconsidérer ce rôle primordial du juge qui tend à faire obstacle au jeu de la clause résolutoire en favorisant l'efficacité contractuelle.Si le juge français peut ainsi modifier « la chronologie de l'exécution » en violation du contrat. La conception classique du droit marocain maintient la rigueur de sa position même en présence des situations les plus aberrantes. / This study is a research of comparative law about one of the problems that arise concerning the role of the judge in resolving some problems related to the binding force of contracts.This topic leads us first to examining the judge's discretionary power in the determination of the parties' obligations by virtue of the contract by comparing two approaches, seemingly distinct from each other. One pertains to the French legal system favouring a subjective interpretation of wills. The other pertains to the Moroccan legal system where the objective interpretation is required.Anyway, the violations generated by the penal clauses made the legislator authorize the judge to reform the penal clauses that are manifestly excessive or derisory. Another reform came ten years later to reinforce the evaluation power of the judge. This 1985 French law has no equivalent in the Moroccan law. Therefore, the Moroccan judge, unlike the French one, cannot intervene to moderate the penal clauses that are manifestly excessive or derisory.Concerning the theory of frustration of purpose, the Moroccan law, like the French one, adopts a very classical position about the issue of revision for frustration of purpose.Finally, the comparative study reveals the principal role of the judge concerning the issue of contract dissolution. The legislator requires the creditor who wishes to obtain the dissolution to refer to the judge imperatively. In order to facilitate the task of the creditor, other forms of dissolution have been created by the French and Moroccan systems, mainly the dissolution clause by which the role of the judge is reduced to noticing the dissolution rather than declaring it, as is the case for judicial dissolution. Still, the growing influence of objective factors such as lack of good faith, make us reconsider the primary role of the judge which tends to impede the dissolution clause by favoring contractual efficiency.If the French judge may modify the execution chronology in contract violation, the classical conception of the Moroccan law maintains its strict position despite the most absurd situations.

Pozitivní afektivita jako významná součást osobní pohody / Positive affectivity as an important part of well-being

Miňová, Noemi January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is in its theoretical part dealing with religious and philosophical concerns in relation to positive affectivity and subjective well-being. It offers a review of contemporary theories on this topic. In the practical part, it tests the relations of the constructs which have an infuence on personal well-being: positive affectivity, satisfation with life and life engagement. Positive affectivity is assessed with the life orientation test (LOT-R: Life Orientation Test-Revisited, Scheier, Carver, Bridges, 1994), personal well-being with the satisfaction-with-life scale (SWLS: Satisfaction With Life Scale, Pavot et al., 1991) and meaningful life engagement with the life engagement test (LET: Life Engagement Test- Assesing Purpose in Life, Scheier et al. 2006). The test sample consisted of 301 respondents of the common population. Their average age was 38 years, the national contents were 188 people of the Czech citizenship and 113 people of the Slovak citizenship. No correlation was found between positive affectivity and gender, age, education nor nationality. Further there was no correlation between satisfaction with life and citizenship, gender and age. The same applies to life engagement and citizenship and age. On the contrary, the results show that there is a diference in the...

The role of school management teams in cultivating moral purpose in Limpopo secondary schools

Ramalepe, Matome Liphy 08 1900 (has links)
In the twenty-first century, many educational systems are embracing a new paradigm of educational management that utilises team management in schools. The democratic nature of this notion in South Africa involves the use of School Management Teams (SMTs). Reflecting on this movement, this research explored the capacity of these SMTs to cultivate moral purpose in six purposively sampled schools in Limpopo Province. The data collection methods included a series of semi-structured interviews with SMT members, examination of relevant documents, and scheduled observations. The data from the interviews was transcribed manually and this, together with document analysis and scheduled observations, was analysed in three interrelated stages using the four research questions as guides (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The research highlighted that the moral purpose is a relatively new concept to the majority of SMTs. Only a few school managers presented explicit references to the notion, perceiving it as a “compelling moral imperative” or “moral goal of achievement” or “whole-school vision for academic success” or simply “respect”. Notwithstanding the different perceptions, this moral purpose is directed towards raising the level of learner achievement and it is realised when the SMTs articulate the values of commitment, discipline and responsibility. The SMTs members affirmed their commitment to various aspects of instructional leadership. Furthermore, teamwork exemplified in participative decision-making was highlighted as a notion that enhances learner achievement. The findings also affirmed the opportunities that shared leadership offered schools to share moral purpose. However, the findings also enumerate lack of parent involvement, learners discipline, and teachers’ lack of commitment to moral purpose as crucial factors that inhibit the sharing of moral purpose in schools. The two critical responsibilities accepted by the SMTs to address the constraints of sharing moral purpose are highlighted as consulting with legitimate stakeholders and reinforcing policy in the schools. As a result of this research, a number of recommendations and opportunities for further research are offered to Limpopo schools and their SMTs, the systemic authorities responsible for Limpopo education and for those responsible specifically for policy making and curriculum development in the South African education system. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

A framework for best practices in the functioning of effective virtual teams in organisations within the technology industry of South Africa

De Bruyn, Anita Juliana 09 1900 (has links)
Business need required a holistic and focussed framework for best practices in the functioning of effective virtual teams, despite the fragmented nature of empirical studies in this field. This study endeavoured to explore the best practices in the functioning of effective virtual teams against four prominent and unique themes linked to purpose, processes, people and technology. The value of this study does not vest in the existence of virtual teams, but in their orderly operation, in terms of best practice and the value proposition of effectiveness. Following an exploratory qualitative strategy, the research was conducted according to the interpretivist branch of the phenomenological tradition, with a transcendental orientation in the social research field. A qualitative multi-case research design for the empirical study was selected, resulting in a non-probability sample within the software sector of the technology industry in South Africa. An original and pre-tested Lime Survey 2.0+ electronic questionnaire instrument was utilised as the instrument to collect information within a cross-sectional time horizon, to work in synchronisation with the collaborative asynchronous electronic architecture of virtual teams. Content analysis was applied to analyse data. The main findings indicated that effective virtual teams purposefully orientate themselves toward excellence through electronic management systems, a specific value system, with a knowledge seeking focus, and a seamless linkage in electronic infrastructure, applications, and platforms which contribute to the functionality of the effective virtual team. The main recommendations were that a pre-existing, functional, collaborative, integrated, electronic management system is regarded as the primary step in founding an effective virtual team. The focus of organisational leadership should be to embrace a holistic value system approach encapsulating specific elements of excellence, such as trust and independence. Human networking practices pursuing and sustaining knowledge are regarded as the key enabler for functioning of effective virtual teams. Lastly, a focussed seamless interface between the various electronic applications, platforms and infrastructures is recommended. / Human Resource Management / D. Com. (Human Resource Management)

Högläsningens roll i klassrummet : - en kvalitativ studie om lärares användning av högläsning / The role of reading aloud in the classroom : - a qualitative study about teachers´use of reading aloud

Swärd, Therése January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur verksamma lärare i årskurs F-3 beskriver att de använder sig av högläsning av skönlitteratur och om den används för att främja elevers utveckling av läsförståelse. Materialet har samlats in genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och det har varit fyra verksamma lärare som jobbar i årskurs F-3 som deltagit i undersökningen. Studien har varit inspirerad av fenomenografisk ansats, då undersökningen vill försöka återge hur dessa lärare upplever fenomenet högläsning av skönlitteratur. Studiens resultat indikerar att verksamma lärare planerar och genomför högläsning där elever ges möjlighet till att utveckla läsförståelse men också många fler förmågor. Genom resultatet dras slutsatsen att verksamma lärare använder högläsning av skönlitteratur för många olika syften och lärarna är väl medvetna om högläsningens möjligheter. / The purpose of this study was to investigate whether reading fiction aloud will promote students' development of reading comprehension. The material was collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews with four teachers who work in grade F-3. The study was inspired by phenomenographic approach, as the study attempted to reproduce how these teachers experience the phenomenon of reading of fiction aloud. The study's results indicate that when teachers have a plan and execute reading fiction aloud, students can develop reading comprehension as well as many more abilities. These results conclude that teachers use reading fiction aloud for many different purposes and the teachers are well aware of the benefits of reading aloud.

Assistência jurídica gratuita como direito fundamental social diante da liberdade de exercício de funções sindicais / Legal aid as a fundamental right and unions assistential purpose

Silva, Túlio Macêdo Rosa e 27 February 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa analisa o direito à assistência jurídica integral e gratuita como pertencente ao grupo dos direitos humanos e também dos direitos fundamentais. Seu estudo é elaborado sob o aspecto do desenvolvimento do Estado do Bem Estar Social, do princípio da igualdade e da superação dos obstáculos ao acesso à Justiça. Nesse sentido, é enfatizada a função da Defensoria Pública da União como entidade responsável por prestar assistência jurídica no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho, tanto aos trabalhadores necessitados, como aos empregadores que comprovarem os requisitos elencados pela lei para obtenção dessa assistência. Além disso, são analisadas algumas especificidades do Direito do Processual do Trabalho como o jus postulandi e a questão dos honorários advocatícios relacionadas ao tema da assistência jurídica. Por fim, em decorrência do tratamento legal concedido à prestação de assistência jurídica na seara laboral, é estudada com maior profundidade a função assistencial dos sindicatos diante do princípio da liberdade sindical e as modalidades de assistência jurídica que as entidades sindicais prestam a seus representados. / The following research analyzes the right to free and integral legal aid as part of human rights as well as fundamental rights. Its study is developed from the points of view of the Welfare State, the principle of equality and the overcoming of obstacles towards the access to Justice. In this regard, it is emphasized the role of the Federal Public Defender\'s Office as the entity responsible for providing legal aid services in the scope of Labor Court, for both workers in need and for employers who prove to meet the requirements listed by law for obtaining this assistance. Furthermore, we analyzed some particularities of the Labor Procedural Law such as the possibility for a party to plead his own cause and the matter of attorneys\' fees in labor cases related to legal aid. Ultimately, due to treatment granted to legal referral in the labor field, the assistance role of trade unions is studied more deeply next to the principle of freedom of association and the categories of legal aid services which these unions provide to their ones represented.

A produção escrita universitária \"à la française\": preparação dos alunos de Letras da FFLCH USP  que vão estudar na França / Academic written productions \"à la française\": preparation of students of Letras from FFLCH USP ranging study in France

Machado, Regina Teresa dos Santos 01 July 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal identificar e discutir as diferentes produções escritas solicitadas no meio universitário francês para estudantes do Curso de Letras Francês/Português da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo inseridos em programas de intercâmbio na França. Além disso, a pesquisa tem como objetivo apontar eixos que venham a constituir um referencial de formação linguística para o desenvolvimento de competências visando a produção escrita de dois gêneros em particular, o commentaire composé e a dissertation, identificados como os gêneros mais recorrentes solicitados aos estudantes de Letras em intercâmbio. A fundamentação teórica desta pesquisa apoia-se, primeiramente, na metodologia do ensino do Francês para Objetivo Específico, mais particularmente, para Objetivo Universitário (Mangiante e Parpette, 2004, 2011 e Mangiante, 2009) e os estudos de Bakhtin sobre os gêneros do discurso (1997 [1929]). Para a coleta e análise dos dados, baseamo-nos na metodologia descrita por Mangiante e Parpette (2011) e na pesquisa qualitativa como princípios metodológicos que nos levaram à identificação de necessidades e dificuldades para a realização das produções acadêmicas solicitadas. Os resultados mostraram que é fundamental preparar os alunos, candidatos a programas de intercâmbio, do ponto de vista linguístico, discursivo e metodológico visando o desenvolvimento de competências para a realização de produções escritas à la française . / This work has as main objective to identify and discuss the different written productions asked, in the french campus environment, for undergraduate students of French and Portuguese Studies from the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo, who enrolled in exchange programs in France. Furthermore, the research aims to point out axes that may constitute a language training reference for skills development aiming at written productions of two genres in particular, the commentaire composé and the dissertation, identified as the most current genres requested for the Languages and Literature students in exchange programs. The theoretical basis of this research relies primarily on the French for Specific Purposes teaching methodology, mainly for Academic Purpose (Mangiante and Parpette, 2004, 2011 and Mangiante, 2009), and the notion of speech genre defined by Bakhtin (1997 [1929]). To collect and analyze the data, we rely on the methodology described by Mangiante and Parpette (2011) and the qualitative research as methodological principles that led us to the identification of needs and difficulties to write the required academic productions. The results showed that it is essential to prepare students, candidates for exchange programs, in terms of linguistic, discursive and methodological aiming at developing skills for creating written productions \"à la française\".

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