Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pyramid"" "subject:"myramid""
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Thovt v Textech pyramid / Thoth in the Pyramid TextsČermák, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the present work is to evaluate the role of the god Thoth in the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, a corpus of funerary literature found most prominently in the underground chambers of the pyramids of the kings and queens of the 5th and 6th dynasty. Following the division made by H. M. Hays, the topic is treated in two parts: the first is concerned with Thoth in the personal texts, where he is presented as a lunar deity and a transition figure, the second with the sacerdotal texts, studying his position in the myth of Osiris and Horus. The function of the god in both is shown to stem from his role as a mediator betwen the various elements of the divine world, mainly through a number of particular findings with regard to the individual motifs in which Thoth is found in the Pyramid Texts. The work concludes with a summary of these findings and an outline of Thoth's nature in the corpus.
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Att ta ansvar- men till vilket pris? : En studie om hur företag inom energibranschen förhåller sig till arbetet med CSR gentemot företagets finansiella målNilsson, Ida, Sundstrand, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur elbolag förhåller sig till arbetet mellan CSR och företagets finansiella mål. Dessa två mål tenderar att dra åt olika håll och det har av denna anledning varit av intresse att undersöka. Det sker även en jämförelse mellan börsnoterade och icke börsnoterade bolag. Studiens huvudsakliga undersökningsmetod har bestått av en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Därefter tillämpades en kvantitativ metod i form av datainsamling från publicerade rapporter för bland annat framtagandet av nyckeltalet DuPont. Den teoretiska referensramen består av forskning med utgångspunkt i CSR och finansiell lönsamhet, bland annat Carrolls pyramid och intressentteorin. Empiriinsamlingen resulterade i att CSR är ett sätt för företag att uppnå lönsamhet. CSR blir såvida ett medel för företag att uppnå sina finansiella mål. Börsnoterade bolag tenderar att visa ett mer kortsiktigt förhållningssätt än icke börsnoterade bolag. Till sist resulterade empiriinsamlingen i att det inte upplevs vara någon motsträvighet mellan dessa två mål. / The purpose of this study has been to investigate how electricity companies relate to the work between CSR and the company's financial goals. These two goals tend to move in different directions and for this reason it has been of interest to investigate. There has also been made a comparison between listed and non-listed companies. The main research method of the study has consisted of a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews. Subsequently, a quantitative method was applied in the form of data gathering from published reports for, among other things, the production of the keyratio DuPont. The theoretical frame of reference consists of research based on CSR and financial profitability, including Carroll's pyramid and stakeholder theory. The empirical gathering resulted in CSR being a way for companies to achieve profitability. CSR becomes a way for companies to achieve their financial goals. Listed companies tend to show a more short-term approach than non-listed companies. Finally, the empirical gathering resulted in the fact that there is no contradiction between these two goals.
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Solenergi i Sub-Sahara : En analys och konceptualisering av affärsmodeller på BoP-marknaden / Solar Energy in Sub-Sahara : An analysis and conceptualization of business models on the BoP-marketSarawaran, Sima, Eriksson, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mer än två tredjedelar av befolkningen i Sub-Sahara i Afrika lever idag i energifattigdom, vilket har drabbat de fattigaste på BoP-marknaderna värst. Tidigare forskning har visat att företagande inom energibranschen kan stimulera en ekonomisk tillväxt på BoP-marknaden i Sub-Sahara. Tack vare den afrikanska kontinentens många soltimmar finns idag incitament till företagande inom solenergi inom regionen. Genom försäljning av solenergitjänster kan energifattigdomen i Sub-Sahara bekämpas och BoP-marknaden ta sig ur fattigdomen. För att möjliggöra detta behöver målkonflikter mellan fattiga kunder och företagens finansiella hållbarhet harmoniseras. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera affärsmodeller hos nuvarande solenergiföretag för att därefter konceptualisera förslag på framtida affärsmodeller, som är avsedda att inspirera solenergiföretag till hur de bör utforma sina affärsmodeller för att etablera sig på BoP-marknader i Sub-Sahara på lång sikt. Metod: Metoder som används i undersökningen är kvalitativa metoder utifrån en induktiv ansats, som innefattar data från intervjuer och sekundära källor från tidigare forskning och statistik. Genom ett styrt och strategiskt urval har relevanta intervjupersoner valts ut. Affärsmodellen Business Model Canvas används som ett konceptualiserande verktyg för analysen, diskussionen och slutligen slutsatsen. Slutsats: Studiens fynd visar vikten av kulturell förståelse för BoP-kunder, vilket har visat sig vara en grundläggande aspekt i solenergiföretagens affärsmodeller. Genom kulturell förståelse kan solenergiföretagen utforma affärsmodellerna enligt rätt värdeerbjudande och värdeskapande, vilket skapar långsiktiga affärsmodeller. Detta kan gynna framgångsfaktorer som bland annat ökade marknadsandelar och minska resursbrister. Detta harmoniserar målkonflikter mellan fattiga BoP-kunder med betalningssvårigheter och solenergiföretag som vill uppnå finansiell hållbarhet. / Background: More than two thirds of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa currently live in energy poverty, which has affected the poorest of the poor on the BoP-markets the worst. Previous research show that businesses within the energy sector could stimulate economic growth on the BoP-market in Sub-Saharan. The African continent creates, thanks to its many sun hours, incentives for business within solar energy in the region. Through sales of solar energy services, the energy poverty in Sub-Saharan can be abolished and in turn help the BoP-market out of poverty. To enable this, the conflicts of interests between poor customers and the financial sustainability of the solar energy companies need to be harmonized. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze business models of existing solar energy companies, to conceptualize proposals for future business models, which are intended to inspire solar energy companies in how they should develop their business models to establish themselves on the BoP-markets in Sub-Saharan in the long run. Method: The methods used in this study are qualitative studies from an inductive approach, including interviews and secondary data. Through controlled and strategic selection, the interviewees were selected. The Business model Business Model Canvas is used as a conceptualizing tool for the empirical results and analysis, discussion, and conclusion. Conclusion: The results show the importance of cultural understanding within the BoP-customers, which lays the foundation for the business model. Through cultural understanding, solar energy companies can shape their business models according to value delivery and value creation, which creates long term business models. This can benefit the factors of success, such as increased market share as well as decrease the risk of repayment issues, lack of human capital and personnel. This harmonizes the conflict of goals between poor BoP-customers with payment difficulties and solar energy companies wanting to achieve financial sustainability.
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Svenska Spel och LeoVegas CSR-arbete : En studie som syftar till att undersöka och jämföra Svenska Spels och LeoVegas CSR-arbeten / A study that aims to investigate and compare Svenska Spel and LeoVegas CSR-workKedevik, Leon, Thelin, Charlie January 2021 (has links)
Att spela om pengar online kan till grunden ses som en form av underhållning, dock kan det också urskiljas en stor problematik relaterat till denna underhållning. Antalet personer som har ett spelberoende ökar i oroande takt och i all denna uppståndelse kan man fundera kring vad spelbolagen själva har för ansvar i frågan. Med bakgrund av detta har vår studie som syfte att skapa en ökad förståelse för hur spelbolagen Svenska Spel och LeoVegas arbetar med CSR. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att jämföra spelbolagens CSR-arbeten för att kunna urskilja eventuella likheter och skillnader. Studien behandlar tre följande huvudfrågor: Hur arbetar Svenska Spel samt LeoVegas med CSR-arbete? Vilka eventuella likheter och skillnader finns i CSR-arbetet hos de båda spelbolagen? Hur uppfattar konsumenter och potentiella konsumenter CSR-arbetet hos de båda spelbolagen? Mixed methods användes som metod, där vi har samlat in data både genom en webbaserad enkät och inhämtning av info från sekundärkällor såsom spelbolagens årsredovisningar. Utifrån studiens resultat så kan det konstateras att Svenska Spel innehar ett större samhällsansvar. Det finns även större förväntningar och kravbild på att ett gediget CSR-arbete utförs av Svenska Spel. Det finns däremot intressanta likheter och skillnader mellan spelbolagens CSR-arbeten. / Gambling with money online can basically be seen as a form of entertainment, however, it can also discern a major issue related to this. The number of problem gamblers is increasing at a worrying rate and in all this commotion one might wonder what responsibility the gambling companies as a supplier of the forms of gambling have in the matter. Based on this, our study aims to gain an increased understanding of how the gambling companies Svenska Spel and LeoVegas work with CSR. Furthermore, the thesis aims to compare gambling companies CSR-work in order to distinguish any similarities and differences. The study deals with the following three main questions: How do Svenska Spel and LeoVegas work with CSR? What are the possible similarities and differences in the CSR-work of the two gambling companies? How do Consumers and potential consumers perceive the CSR-work of the two gambling companies? Mixed methods were used as a method, where we have collected data both through web-based surveys and collection of info from secondary sources such as gambling companies annual reports. Based on the results of the study, it can be stated that Svenska Spel has a greater social responsibility. There are also greater expectations that a solid CSR-work is carried out by Svenska Spel. However, there are interesting similarities and differences between the gamling companies’ CSR-work.
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Skäl till att små och medelstora företag arbetar med hållbarhet : en kvalitativ studie utifrån ett ekonomiskt, legalt, etiskt och filantropiskt perspektivJovanovic, Andrea, Stjernbecker, Elina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka små och medelstora företags skäl till att arbeta med hållbarhet ochstudien utgår ifrån ett ekonomisk, legalt, etiskt och filantropiskt perspektiv. Som utgångspunkt har lagarangående hållbarhetsrapportering, frivilliga standarder och den teoretiska referensramen använts.Teorierna som används är intressentteorin, legitimitetsteorin, Carrolls (1991) CSR-pyramid samt Grimstad et al. (2020) Strukturmodell. För att undersöka studiens syfte används semistruktureradeintervjuer där fyra företag som arbetar med hållbarhet eller hållbarhetsrapporterar intervjuas. Sedanpresenteras den insamlade empirin för att därefter analyseras och diskuteras. I analysen jämfördesföretagens svar utifrån perspektiven med hjälp av teorierna. En slutsats som studien antyder är attföretagen visade på starkast ekonomiska skäl för att arbeta med hållbarhet. Vidare visar studien att etiskaskäl är det som har näst mest påverkan på små och medelstora företag. Slutligen tyder studien på attlegala och filantropiska skäl förekommer lika ofta men att företagen gör fler filantropiska handlingar vilketgör att det filantropiska perspektivet har större koppling till CSR enligt studiens resultat. Studiens förstabidrag är ett teoretiskt bidrag som bidrar till vidare teori och det kan hjälpa vägleda vid fortsatta studier.Vidare bidrar studien med ett empiriskt bidrag som ger nya djupare insikter till skäl som små ochmedelstora företag kan ha angående varför företagen väljer att arbeta med hållbarhet. Slutligen görstudien ett mindre praktiskt bidrag som antyder att små och medelstora företag inte känner press att blipåverkade av framtida lagkrav. / The purpose of the study is to explore small and medium sized enterprises' reasons for working withsustainability and the study is based on an economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic perspective. Thestudy uses laws concerning sustainability reporting, voluntary standards and the theoretical framework asbasis for conducting the study. The theories used were, stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, Carroll’s(1991) the pyramid of CSR and Grimstad el at. (2020) structural model. To research the study’s purposea semi-structured interview method is used and four companies that either work with sustainability or CSRreport where interviewed. Thereafter the study's empirical data was presented and then analyzed. In theanalysis the companies answers were compared through the perspectives and with help of the theories.One conclusion is that the company's show most economic reasons for working with sustainability.Furthermore, the findings show that ethical reasons are the second largest impacting aspect for SME.Lastly the study suggests that legal and philanthropic reasons occur a similar amount of times butcompanies perform more philanthropic activities which means that the philanthropic perspective has agreater impact in relation to CSR. The study’s first contribution is a theoretical contribution that expandsand helps guide future studies. Furthermore, the study’s empirical contribution gives new deeper insightsinto the reasons SME can have for working with sustainability. Lastly the study makes a smaller practicalcontribution that suggests that SMEs do not feel impacted from future legal requirements.
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Swedish CSR Made in Taiwan : A case study of cross-cultural management within IKEA and ScaniaMagnusson, Frida, Pettersson, Kristoffer January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Enhancing new product development in low income economiesWhitehead, Timothy January 2015 (has links)
In an attempt to increase opportunity and quality of life for people living in poverty,governments and non-government organisations (NGOs) sell and donate products to developing countries. Typically, these are essential household items such as cook stoves, water filters and solar lighting. However, to date there has been limited research into the uptake and long term effectiveness of these products and few methods or tools are available to guide the product development process. This has resulted in a number of well documented product failures as a result of poor design choices. To overcome this problem and provide guidance to future or existing designers and NGOs this research investigated the factors required for long lasting and effective product design. This was carried out through the use of a literature review, the analysis of 64 products, a survey, interviews with product designers, and a case study with a Social Enterprise in Myanmar (Burma). The information gathered was analysed and used to create a framework consisting of various tools to guide designers and NGOs. Specifically, the research focused on the creation of a taxonomy of products designed for developing countries and an assessment method consisting of eight critical indicators for product success. These were presented as a website, set of cards and book which guides and assists designers during the process to ensure that future products are appropriate and to prevent current unacceptable levels of waste. Following the creation of the framework it was evaluated by students, practitioners and existing product users in Myanmar. The findings revealed that participants felt the assessment method and indicator cards were beneficial during the design process and assisted them in the development of more suitable and appropriate products.
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UNGDOMAR OCH DERAS UPPFATTNINGAR AV MODEVARUMÄRKEN : En studie av varumärkena Gucci, H&M och Canada Goose bland gymnasieelever i Stockholm.Kindblom, Louise January 2008 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Title: Teenagers and their perception of fashion brands (Ungdomar och deras uppfattningar om modevarumärken)</p><p>Number of pages: 42</p><p>Author: Louise Kindblom</p><p>Tutor: Göran Svensson</p><p>Course: Media and communication studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn term 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala university</p><p>Purpose/Aim: To achieve a deeper level of knowledge and a better understanding of high school teenager`s perception of the three fashion brands Gucci. H&M and Canada Goose and too distinguish potential gender related differences in their perceptions.</p><p>Material/Method: A questionnaire about fashion brands delivered to three schools in the Stockholm area.</p><p>Main results: Teenagers perceptions of the three fashion brands Gucci, H&M and Canada Goose are more different than similar. This differences in teenagers perceptions are discernible in a comparison between the most usual and unusual associations that are related to each of the brands. Gucci is associated with success, wealth, excitement and uniqueness. H&M is for example seen as earth-bound and has in a comparison with the other brands reached the highest level of positive associations. Canada Goose is seen as dishonest, and has the highest level of negative associations. Gucci and H&M are the strongest brands. They are strong regarding different aspects. Canada Goose is the least strong fashion mark. There are differences in perceptions of gender but they are quite seldom very big even if there are exceptions from this rule. The differences are more subtle.</p><p>Keywords: fashion brands, teenagers, perceptions, strong brands, associations, image, Kellers pyramid</p>
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The Dialectics of Engaging the BOP through Microfranchising: Evidence from a Mexican AgribusinessHernandez Cazares, Rafael 08 July 2016 (has links)
Microfranchising is emerging as a potentially powerful strategy for reaching the enormous markets at the base of the pyramid (BOP). Microfranchising also represents an effective and sustainable way to contribute to poverty alleviation and economic growth. However, we know little about how organizations maneuver contradictory forces as they use this innovative business model to engage the BOP. To address this gap, I offer a longitudinal case study of an emerging microfranchise effort by a successful Mexican agribusiness—one whose ambitions to continue growing were challenged by multinational agrochemicals suppliers. As this project shows, companies and BOP markets can realize mutual benefits from a value co-creation strategy. Specifically, I adopted a dialectical approach to analyze the tensions and competing forces that arose as business managers and local BOP distributors and producers collaborated in this emerging microfranchising venture. As a result, the research offers three contributions. First, it provides a detailed empirical account of how contradictory forces shaped the Mexican agricultural firm’s implementation of microfranchising to engage with BOP farmers. Second, it presents a conceptual synthesis that describes the major contradictory forces a company faces as it implements microfranchising as part of its BOP strategy. Finally, it offers lessons for how business managers can maneuver contradictory forces to co-create value with the BOP through microfranchising.
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MagAO: status and scienceMorzinski, Katie M., Close, Laird M., Males, Jared R., Hinz, Phil M., Esposito, Simone, Riccardi, Armando, Briguglio, Runa, Follette, Katherine B., Pinna, Enrico, Puglisi, Alfio, Vezilj, Jennifer, Xompero, Marco, Wu, Ya-Lin 26 July 2016 (has links)
MagAO is the adaptive optics instrument at the Magellan Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. MagAO has a 585-actuator adaptive secondary mirror and 1000-Hz pyramid wavefront sensor, operating on natural guide stars from R-magnitudes of -1 to 15. MagAO has been in on-sky operation for 166 nights since installation in 2012. MagAO's unique capabilities are simultaneous imaging in the visible and infrared with VisAO and Clio, excellent performance at an excellent site, and a lean operations model. Science results from MagAO include the first ground-based CCD image of an exoplanet, demonstration of the first accreting protoplanets, discovery of a new wide-orbit exoplanet, and the first empirical bolometric luminosity of an exoplanet. We describe the status, report the AO performance, and summarize the science results. New developments reported here include color corrections on red guide stars for the wavefront sensor; a new field stop stage to facilitate VisAO imaging of extended sources; and eyepiece observing at the visible-light diffraction limit of a 6.5-m telescope. We also discuss a recent hose failure that led to a glycol coolant leak, and the recovery of the adaptive secondary mirror (ASM) after this recent (Feb. 2016) incident.
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