Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pythagoreans"" "subject:"pythagorean""
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Musique abstraite : numerus sonorus and the musical workWalker, Jonathan January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Eram realmente pitag?rico(a)s os homens e mulheres catalogado(a)s por J?mblico em sua obra Vida de Pit?goras?Silva, Josildo Jose Barbosa da 25 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-25 / Pythagoras was one of the most important pre-Socratic thinkers, and the movement he
founded, Pythagoreanism, influenced a whole thought later in religion and science.
Iamblichus, an important Neoplatonic and Neopythagorean philosopher of the third century
AD, produced one of the most important biographies of Pythagoras in his work Life of
Pythagoras. In it he portrays the life of Pythagoras and provides information on
Pythagoreanism, such as the Pythagorean religious community which resembled the cult of
mysteries; the Pythagorean involvement in political affairs and in the government in southern
Italy, the use of music by the Pythagoreans (means of purification of healing, use of
theoretical study), the Pythagorean ethic (Pythagorean friendship and loyalty, temperance,
self-control, inner balance); justice; and the attack on the Pythagoreans. Also in this
biography, Iamblichus, almost seven hundred years after the termination of the Pythagorean
School, established a catalog list with the names of two hundred and eighteen men and sixteen
women, supposedly Pythagoreans of different nationalities. Based on this biography, a
question was raised: to what extent and in what ways, can the Pythagoreans quoted by
Iamblichus really be classified as Pythagoreans? We will take as guiding elements to search
for answers to our central problem the following general objectives: to identify, whenever
possible, which of the men and women listed in the Iamblichus catalog may be deemed
Pythagorean and specific; (a) to describe the mystery religions; (b) to reflect on the
similarities between the cult of mysteries and the Pythagorean School; (c) to develop criteria
to define what is being a Pythagorean; (d) to define a Pythagorean; (e) to identify, if possible,
through names, places of birth, life, thoughts, work, lifestyle, generation, etc.., each of the
men and women listed by Iamblichus; (f) to highlight who, in the catalog, could really be
considered Pythagorean, or adjusting to one or more criteria established in c, or also to the
provisions of item d. To realize these goals, we conducted a literature review based on ancient
sources that discuss the Pythagoreanism, especially Iamblichus (1986), Plato (2000), Aristotle
(2009), as well as modern scholars of the Pythagorean movement, Cameron (1938), Burnet
(1955), Burkert (1972), Barnes (1997), Gorman (n.d.), Guthrie (1988), Khan (1999), Matt?i
(2000), Kirk, Raven and Shofield (2005), Fossa and Gorman (n.d.) (2010). The results of our
survey show that, despite little or no availability of information on the names of alleged
Pythagoreans listed by Iamblichus, if we apply the criteria and the definition set by us of what
comes to be a Pythagorean to some names for which we have evidence, it is possible to
assume that Iamblichus produced a list which included some Pythagoreans / Pit?goras ? considerado um dos mais importantes pensadores pr?-socr?ticos. A escola
pitag?rica, por ele fundada, influenciou todo um pensar posterior na religi?o e na ci?ncia.
J?mblico, fil?sofo neoplat?nico e neopitag?rico do s?culo III d.C., elaborou, quase setecentos
anos ap?s o t?rmino do movimento pitag?rico, uma das tr?s biografias de Pit?goras, a Vida de
Pit?goras. Nela, ele retrata a vida desse fil?sofo e nos fornece informa??es sobre o
pitagorismo: uma comunidade religiosa assemelhada ao culto de mist?rios; o envolvimento de
seus participantes em assuntos pol?ticos e no governo no sul da It?lia; a exalta??o dada ?
m?sica (meio de purifica??o, de cura, recurso de estudo te?rico), ? ?tica (amizade, lealdade,
temperan?a, autocontrole, equil?brio interior), ? justi?a, e o ataque sofrido pelos pitag?ricos.
Ao final dessa biografia, J?mblico elabora um cat?logo com os nomes de duzentos e dezoito
homens e dezesseis mulheres, suposto(a)s pitag?rico(a)s de diversas nacionalidades. Tomando
como base essa biografia, lan?a-se a quest?o: at? que ponto, e em quais aspectos, esses
homens e mulheres citado(a)s por J?mblico podem realmente ser classificados como
pitag?rico(a)s? Tomaremos como elementos norteadores ? busca de respostas para nosso
problema central os seguintes objetivos (i) geral, identificar, quando poss?vel, quais dos
homens e mulheres listados no cat?logo de J?mblico podem ser considerados pitag?ricos, e
(ii) espec?ficos: (a) caracterizar as religi?es de mist?rios; (b) refletir sobre as semelhan?as
entre o culto de mist?rios e a escola pitag?rica; (c) desenvolver crit?rios que v?o definir o que
? ser um pitag?rico; (d) definir um pitag?rico; (e) identificar, se poss?vel, atrav?s dos nomes,
locais de nascimento, vidas, pensamentos, obras, estilo de vida, gera??o, etc., cada um dos
homens e mulheres listados por J?mblico; (f) destacar, no cat?logo, quem realmente poderia
ser considerado um(a) pitag?rico (a), ou se adequando a um ou v?rios crit?rios estabelecidos
em c, ou atendendo ao disposto no item d. Para dar conta de tais objetivos, realizamos uma
pesquisa bibliogr?fica valendo-se de fontes antigas que discutem o pitagorismo,
principalmente J?mblico (1986), Plat?o (2000/s.d.), Arist?teles (s.d.), e modernos estudiosos
desse movimento: Cameron (1938), Burnet (1955), Burkert (1972), Guthrie (1988/2003),
Barnes (1997), Khan (1999), Gorman (1979), Matt?i (2000), Kirk, Raven & Shofield (2005),
e Fossa (2006/2010). Os resultados de nossa pesquisa mostram que, se utilizarmos as raras
informa??es acerca de poucos desse(a)s suposto(a)s homens e mulheres catalogado(a)s por
J?mblico, e se aplicarmos sobre eles os crit?rios e a defini??o por n?s anteriormente
estabelecidos sobre o que vem a ser um pitag?rico, ? poss?vel supor que a lista elaborada por
J?mblico pode estar constitu?da por alguns homens e mulheres que possu?am um modo de
vida e um interesse por determinados assuntos caracteristicamente pitag?ricos
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Reconceitualiza??o das categorias de skemp de compreens?o relacional e compreens?o instrumental como crit?rios globaisSilva, Georgiane Amorim 15 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-15 / The thesis presents a systematic description about the meaning, as Skemp, relational
understanding and understanding instrumental, in the context of mathematics learning, being
that we had as a guide his understanding of the schema. Especially, we analyze some
academic productions, in the area of Mathematics Education, who used the categories of
understanding relational and instrumental understanding how evaluative instrument and we
see that in most cases the analysis is punctual. Being so, whereas the inherent understanding
relational schema has a network of connected ideas and non-insulated, we investigated if the
global analysis, where it is the understanding of the diversity of contributory concepts for
formation of the concept to be learned, is more appropriate than the punctual, where does the
understanding of concepts so isolated. For this, we apply a teaching module, having as main
content the Quaternos Pythagoreans using History of Mathematics and the work of Bahier
(1916). With the data we obtained the teaching module to use the global analysis and the
punctual analysis, using research methodology the Case Study, and consequently we conduct
our inferences about the levels of understanding of the subject which has made it possible for
us to investigate the ownership of global analysis at the expense of punctual analysis. On the
opportunity, we prove the thesis that we espouse in the course of the study and, in addition,
we highlight as a contribution of our research evidence of need for a teaching of
mathematics that entices the relational understanding and that evaluation should be global,
being necessary to consider the notion of schema and therefore know the schematic diagram
of the concept that will be evaluated / O presente trabalho apresenta uma descri??o sistem?tica acerca do que significa, segundo
Skemp (1980,1989), compreens?o relacional e compreens?o instrumental, no ?mbito da
aprendizagem matem?tica, sendo que tivemos como norte ? sua compreens?o sobre esquema.
Sobretudo, analisamos alguns trabalhos acad?micos, na ?rea de Educa??o Matem?tica, que
fizeram uso das categorias de compreens?o relacional e compreens?o instrumental enquanto
instrumento avaliativo e detectamos que na maioria dos casos a an?lise ? pontual. Diante
disso, considerando que o esquema inerente ? compreens?o relacional apresenta uma rede de
ideias conectadas e n?o isoladas, investigamos se a an?lise global, na qual considera-se a
compreens?o da diversidade de conceitos contributivos ? forma??o do conceito a ser
aprendido, ? mais apropriada que a pontual, na qual considera a compreens?o de conceitos de
modo isolado. Para tanto, aplicamos um m?dulo de ensino, tendo como conte?do principal os
quaternos pitag?ricos utilizando a Hist?ria da Matem?tica e a obra de Bahier (1916). Com o
referido m?dulo de ensino obtivemos os dados para realizarmos tanto a an?lise global quanto
a pontual, utilizando como modalidade de pesquisa o Estudo de Caso, e consequentemente
realizamos nossas infer?ncias acerca dos n?veis de compreens?o apresentados pelos sujeitos o
que nos possibilitou investigarmos a apropria??o da an?lise global em detrimento da an?lise
pontual. Na oportunidade, comprovamos a tese que defendemos no decorrer do estudo e, al?m
disso, apontamos como contribui??o da nossa pesquisa a evid?ncia da necessidade de um
ensino de Matem?tica que promova a compreens?o relacional e que avalia??o a ser realizada
deve ser global, sendo necess?rio levar em considera??o a no??o de esquema e
consequentemente conhecer o diagrama esquem?tico do conceito a ser avaliado
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Vegetarismus / Religiöse und politische Dimensionen eines ErnährungsstilsPungs, Birgit 28 June 2006 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt sozialpolitische und philosophische Dimensionen des Vegetarismus. Sie thematisiert den Zusammenhang von partiellem Nahrungsverzicht und gesellschaftlicher Realität und die Beziehungen zwischen den Denksystemen vegetarischer Bewegungen und ihrem besonderen Ernährungsstil. Zwei antike kulturelle Formationen werden modellhaft studiert: der religiös-philosophisch-politische Bund der Pythagoreer in den Stadtstaaten des archaischen und klassischen Griechenlands und die vor dem Hintergrund des frühen Christentums zu verortende manichäische Religion in der Spätantike. Am Schluss steht ein Exkurs zu einer dissidenten Formation innerhalb der Moderne: der Monte-Verita-Bewegung. In das Blickfeld der Untersuchung tritt der Zusammenhang von vegetarischer und karnivorer Ernährung mit Opferstrukturen, der Unterscheidung von Mensch und Tier, dem Geschlechtsverhältnis und Erlösungsvorstellungen. Der Protest der Pythagoreer richtet sich gegen die den griechischen Stadtstaat begründenden Tieropfer. Damit verweigern sie die Anerkennung der kulturstiftenden Schuld und stellen gleichzeitig die Differenz zwischen Göttern und Menschen in Frage, indem sie die Rückkehr in ein Goldenes Zeitalter vor der Kultur proklamieren. Unter Bezug auf Heidegger und Freud wird ein Zusammenhang mit der Betonung der Mathematik im pythagoreischen Denken hergestellt. Der Manichäismus erscheint mit seinem zentralen Ritual, dem Heiligen Mahl der Electi, als gnostische Aufklärung des Christentums. Die verschiedenen Theorien und Praktiken der Ernährung im frühen Christentum werden den manichäischen gegenübergestellt und dieser Vergleich wird mit einer Erörterung der Unterschiede im Verhältnis zum heiligen Text verbunden. Bei der Behandlung der Monte-Verita-Bewegung werden ihre Matriarchatsphantasien und die Theorien des dissidenten Psychoanalytikers Otto Gross erörtert. / The present dissertation considers socio-political and philosophical dimensions of vegetarianism. Its topics are the connection between partial food abstinence and social reality and the relations between the thought systems of vegetarian movements and their special eating style. Two cultural formations of antiquity are being studied as models: the religious-philosophical-political movement of the Pythagoreans in the city states of archaic and classical Greece, and the Manichaean religion in late antiquity which has to be situated against the background of early Christianity. The text closes with an excursus on a dissident formation inside modernity: the Monte Verita movement. The scope of the study includes the connection of vegetarian and carnivorous eating with sacrificial structures, the difference of man and animal, gender relations and eschatological notions. The Pythagoreans protest against the animal sacrifices which constitute the foundation of the Greek city state. By this act they refuse recognition of the foundational guilt of civilization und question at the same time the difference between gods and men by proclaiming the return to a Golden Age before civilization. With reference to Heidegger and Freud a connection is made to the emphasis on mathematics in Pythagorean thought. Manichaeism with its central ritual, the Holy meal of the Elect, appears as a gnostically enlightened counterpart of Christianity. The diverse theories and practices of eating in early Christianity are confronted with the corresponding Manichaean ones, and this comparison is connected with a discussion of the differences in the relation to the holy texts. The treatment of the Monte Verita movement discusses its matriarchal fantasies and the theories of dissident psychoanalyst Otto Gross.
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Vnímání krásy - biologické vs. kulturní determinanty / Perception of beauty - biological vs. cultural determinantsObdržálková, Zita January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with problems of biological and cultural determinants influencing perception of beauty. It attempts to find out if there is a common biological basis of perception of beauty or if beauty represents merely a sociocultural construct - product of a specific culture. With respect to biological determinants it concerns biological processes significantly influencing perception of beauty. In this context, these processes include probably innate evolutionary adaptations, effects of brain cognitive systems and neural correlates processing perceptions of beautiful objects. In connection with cultural determinants it presents studies emphasizing cross-cultural differences in perception of beauty. Further subject of the thesis is an aesthetic conception of subjective and objective beauty and related concept of beauty based on mathematical relations. In this connection, the creation of universally beautiful objects based on fixed mathematical rules as well as the possibility of exact measurement of beauty are discussed.
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