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Adsorption of biopolymers and their layer-by-layer assemblies on hydrophilic surfacesLundin, Maria January 2009 (has links)
It is widely known that surfaces play an important role in numerous biological processes and technological applications. Thus, being able to modify surface properties provides an opportunity to control many phenomena occurring at interfaces. One way of controlling surface properties is to adsorb a polymer film onto the surface, for example through layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition of polyelectrolytes. This simple but versatile technique enables various polymers, proteins, colloidal particles etc. to be incorporated into the film, resulting in a multifunctional coating. Due to recent legislations and a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly products, we have chosen to use natural polymers (biopolymers) from renewable resources. The focus of this thesis has been on the adsorption of biopolymers and their layer-by-layer formation at solid-liquid interfaces; these processes have been studied by a wide range of techniques. The main method was the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), which measures the adsorbed mass, including trapped solvent and the viscoelastic properties of an adsorbed film. This technique was often complemented with an optical method, such as ellipsometry or dual polarization interferometry (DPI), which provided information about the “dry” polymer or protein adsorbed mass. From this combination, the solvent content and density of the layers was evaluated. In addition, the surface force apparatus (SFA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) were utilized, providing further information about the film structure, chemical composition, and polymer inter-layer diffusion. Adsorption studies of the glycoprotein mucin, which has a key role in the mucousal function, showed that despite the net negative charge of mucin, it adsorbed on negatively charged substrates. The adsorbed layer was highly hydrated and the segment density on the substrate was low. We showed the importance of characterizing the mucin used, since differences in purity, such as the presence of albumin, gave rise to different adsorption behaviours in terms of both adsorbed amount and structure. The adsorbed mucin layer was to a large extent desorbed upon exposure to the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In order to prevent desorption, we demonstrated that a protective layer of the cationic polysaccharide chitosan could be adsorbed onto the mucin layer and that the mucin-chitosan complexes resisted the desorption normally induced by association with SDS. Moreover, the association between chitosan and SDS was examined at the solid-liquid interface, in the bulk, and at the air-water interface. In all these environments chitosan-SDS complexes were formed and a net charge reversal of the complexes from positive to negative was observed when the concentration of SDS was increased. Furthermore, the LbL deposition method could be used to form a multilayer-like film by alternate adsorption of mucin and chitosan on silica substrates. The LbL technique was also applied to two proteins, lysozyme and β-casein with the aim of building a multilayer film consisting entirely of proteins. These proteins formed complexes at the solid-liquid interface, resulting in a proteinaceous layer, but the build-up was highly irregular with an increase in adsorbed amount per protein deposition cycle that was far less than a monolayer.Continuing with chitosan, known to have antibacterial properties we assembled multilayers with an anti-adhesive biopolymer, heparin, to evaluate the potential of this system as a coating for medical implants. Multilayers were assembled under various solution deposition conditions and the film structure and dynamics were studied in detail. The chitosan-heparin film was highly hydrated, in the range 60-80 wt-% depending on the deposition conditions. The adsorbed amount and thickness of the film increased exponential-like with the number of deposition steps, which was explained by inter-diffusion of chitosan molecules in the film during the build-up. In a novel approach, we used the distant dependent FRET technique to prove the inter-layer diffusion of fluorescent-labelled chitosan molecules within the film. The diffusion coefficient was insignificantly dependent on the deposition pH and ionic strength, and hence on the film structure. With the use of a pH sensitive dye buried under seven chitosan-heparin bilayers, we showed that the dye remained highly sensitive to the charge of the outermost layer. From complementary QCM-D data, we suggested that an increase in the energy dissipation does not necessarily indicate that the layer structure becomes less rigid. / Det är välkänt att ytor spelar en viktig roll i många biologiska processer och tekniska tillämpningar. Att kunna modifiera en ytas egenskaper ger därför en möjlighet att kunna kontrollera många fenomen som sker på ytor. Ett sätt att kontrollera ytegenskaperna är genom att adsorbera en polymerfilm på ytan, till exempel genom att växelvis adsorbera olika polyelektrolyter (LbL-teknik). Denna enkla men mångsidiga teknik möjliggör att många olika material kan införlivas i filmen, vilket resulterar i en multifunktionell beläggning. På grund av dagens lagstiftning och konsumenters ökade efterfrågan på miljövänliga material beslutade vi oss för att använda biologiska polymerer (biopolymerer) i detta projekt. Fokus i den här avhandlingen har varit på adsorption av biopolymerer och deras LbL-formation på gränsytan vätska-fast fas, där adsorptionsförloppet och det adsorberade skiktet bestående av biopolymerer studerats med en mängd olika tekniker. Huvudtekniken var kvartskristallmikrovåg med energidissipations-registrering (QCM-D), som mäter massan inklusive inkorporerat vatten, samt de viskoelastiska egenskaperna hos ett adsorberat skikt. Som komplement till denna teknik användes ofta optiska metoder, till exempel ellipsometri och ”dubbel polarisationsinterferometri (DPI)”, två tekniker som endast mäter massan av de adsorberade biopolymererna. Genom denna kombination av metoder kunde massan av inkorporerat vatten i filmen och filmens densitet bestämmas. Dessutom användes ytkraftsapparaten (SFA), röntgenfotoelektronspektrometri (XPS), och fluorescens-spektroskopiteknikerna TIRF och FRET i några undersökningar för att erhålla information om skiktens struktur, kemiska sammansättning och polymerernas diffusion inom skiktet.Adsorptionsstudier av glycoproteinet mucin, som har en central roll i funktionen av slemhinnan, avslöjade att trots att mucinet har en negativ nettoladdning adsorberade det ändå på negativt laddade substrat. Det adsorberade lagret var väldigt hydratiserat och hade en låg andel mucin i direkt kontakt med ytan. Vi påvisade vikten av att noga undersöka mucinet som användes, eftersom olika renhet, till exempel i form av förekomsten av albumin gav upphov till olika adsorptionsbeteende gällande både adsorberad mängd och struktur. En stor andel av det adsorberade mucinlagret desorberade när det exponerades för den anjoniska tensiden natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS. Vi visade att ett skyddande lager av den katjoniska polysackariden chitosan kunde adsorberas på mucinet och att mucin-chitosan-komplexen inte desorberade när SDS tillsattes. Därtill studerades växelverkan mellan chitosan och SDS på gränsytan vätska-fast fas, i bulken och på luft-vattengränsytan. Komplex av chitosan-SDS bildades i samtliga miljöer och en nettoladdningsomsvängning från positiv till negativ observerades när koncentrationen av SDS ökades.Vidare kunde LbL-tekniken nyttjas för att skapa ett multilagerlikt skikt genom att alternerande adsorbera mucin och chitosan på kiseldioxidsubstrat. Denna teknik användes även med två proteiner, lysozym och β-kasein, med målet att skapa ett multilager bestående av endast proteiner. Dessa proteiner bildade komplex på gränsytan vätska-fast fas i form av ett blandat proteinlager, men uppbyggnaden var väldigt oregelbunden med en ökning i adsorberad mängd per proteindeponeringscykel som var avsevärt mindre än ett monolager.Inom området för biomaterial utgör de antibakteriella och antihäftande egenskaperna hos chitosan respektive heparin en lovande blandning för beläggningar av medicinska implantat. Baserat på detta konstruerade vi multilagerfilmer av chitosan och heparin med olika deponeringslösningar och undersökte dynamiken och filmens struktur i detalj. Chitosan-heparin-filmen var starkt hydratiserad, bestående av cirka 60-80 vikt-% vatten beroende på deponeringsbetingelserna. Den adsorberade mängden och tjockleken på filmen ökade nästan exponentiellt med antal deponeringar, vilket förklarades med chitosanets förmåga att diffundera genom filmen under uppbyggnaden. Med ett nytt angreppssätt använde vi FRET för att bevisa diffusionen av fluorescerande färgmärkt chitosan i filmen under uppbyggnaden. Diffusionskoefficienten var i princip oberoende av pH och jonstyrka under deponeringen och följaktligen av filmens struktur. Genom att använda ett pH-känsligt färgämne begravt under sju biskikt av chitosan-heparin visade vi att färgämnet i hög grad påverkades av laddningen på det yttersta lagret. Från QCM-D-data lade vi fram teorin om att en ökning av energidissipationen för ett lager inte nödvändigtvis indikerar att lagrets struktur har blivit mindre styvt. / QC 20100729
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Photochemical Surface Functionalization : Synthesis, Nanochemistry and Glycobiological StudiesDeng, Lingquan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis mainly deals with the development of photochemical approaches to immobilize carbohydrates on surfaces for glycobiological studies. These approaches have been incorporated into a number of state-of-the-art nanobio-platforms, including carbohydrate microarrays, surface plasmon resonance (SPR), quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and glyconanomaterials. All the surfaces have displayed good binding capabilities and selectivities after functionalization with carbohydrates, and a range of important data have been obtained concerning surface characteristics and carbohydrate-protein interactions, based on the platforms established. Besides, a variety of non-carbohydrate and carbohydrate-based molecules have been synthesized, during which process the mutarotation of 1-glycosyl thiols and the stereocontrol in 1-S-glycosylation reactions have been thoroughly studied. / QC 20111004
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Microfluidic Devices for Manipulation and Detection of Beads and BiomoleculesJönsson, Mats January 2006 (has links)
This thesis summarises work towards a Lab-on-Chip (LOC). The request for faster and more efficient chemical and biological analysis is the motivation behind the development of the LOC-concept. Microfluidic devices tend to become increasingly complex in order to include, e.g. sample delivery, manipulation, and detection, in one chip. The urge for smart and simple design of robust and low-cost microdevices is addressed and discussed. Design, fabrication and characterization of such microdevices have been demonstrated using low-cost polymer and glass microfabrication methods. The manufacturing is feasible, to a large extent, to perform outside the clean-room, and has subsequently been the chosen technique for most of the work. Issues of bonding reliability are solved by using polymer adhesive tapes. A planar electrocapture device with LOC-compatibility is demonstrated where beads are immobilised and released in a flowing stream. Retention of nanoparticles by means of electric field-flow fractionation using transparent indium tin oxide electrodes is presented. Moreover, a cast PDMS 4-way crossing is enabling a combination of liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis to enhance separation efficiency. Sample transport issues and a new flow-cell design in a quartz crystal microbalance bioanalyzer are also investigated. Fast bacteria counting by impedance measurements, much requested by the pharmaceutical industry for biomass monitoring, is carried out successfully. In conclusion, knowledge in micro system technology to build microdevices have been utilised to manipulate and characterise beads and cells, taking one step further towards viable Lab-on-Chip instruments.
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Probing the adsorption of polymer depressants on hydrophobic surfaces using the quartz crystal microbalanceSedeva, Iliana January 2010 (has links)
The hydrophobicity of a surface is an important property in many areas of science and engineering. This is especially the case in mineral processing, where differences in surface hydrophobicity lie at the heart of the separation process of flotation. Chemicals are used to increase and decrease the natural hydrophobicity of minerals to attain a better separation between valuable and worthless material. Polymers are often used to reduce mineral surface hydrophobicity. Decades of empirically based decision making have produced a list of effective depressants. However the detailed study of how these polymer depressants affect surface hydrophobicity and mineral recovery lags behind applied investigations. The aim of this thesis was to study the adsorption of commonly used depressants on model surfaces and to interrogate the action of these polymers in reducing surface hydrophobicity. We have modelled the degree of hydrophobicity of common minerals in order to study polymer depressants with methods not commonly used in studies of surface characterisation in flotation. The model surfaces (self-assembled monolayers, SAMs) allowed us to use the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) to study the adsorption of polymers. The QCM-D can be used to obtain adsorption isotherms, adsorption kinetics, water content of adsorbed layers, and information on the conformation of the adsorbed polymer. The results from the QCM-D were correlated with the contact angle data from the captive bubble measurements, with which we assessed the hydrophobicity of the surface before and after polymer adsorption. Three of the polymers layers were probed with dynamic dewetting studies, in order to test other modes of depressant action. Three types of polymers were studied - a polyacrylamide (Polymer-H), a polyelectrolyte CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) and a group of dextrins (Dextrin-TY, a phenyl succinate substituted dextrin (PS Dextrin) and a styrene oxide substituted dextrin (SO Dextrin)). These polymers are commonly used or have potential to be used in the depression of talc and graphite. Polymer-H was used to investigate the hydrophobic bonding between a non-ionic polymer depressant and chemically inert and non charged surfaces by probing the influence of substrate hydrophobicity on polymer adsorption and reduction of contact angle. Three different model surfaces were used (mixed self-assembled 0.5 SAM, 0.7 SAM or single self-assembled 1.0 SAM monolayers) with advancing contact angles between 75?? and 119??. The study of Polymer-H found that the substrate hydrophobicity is an important factor in adsorption of this polymer and the change in contact angle upon adsorption depends on adsorbed amount. The effectiveness of Polymer-H to reduce surface hydrophobicity was established to correlate with its conformation and morphology. CMC was investigated to find out how a stimulus responsive polymer depressant can be used in flotation. It was established that the adsorbed amount and rate of adsorption of CMC increase with decreasing of pH or increasing of ionic strength. It was shown that the surface hydrophobicity of a CMC pre-adsorbed layer changes with the environment and these alterations are fully reversible. A switch of ionic strength (from 10-2 M KCl to 10-1 M KCl) caused partial dehydration of the adsorbed layer and a decrease of the receding contact angle by 20??. A pH switch (pH = 9 to pH = 3) resulted in a 40?? change in receding contact angle. The CMC investigation showed that the use of a stimulus responsive polymer presents opportunities for exploiting solution conditions as a means to effect a better mineral separation in flotation The adsorption of three dextrin-based polymers on a model hydrophobic surface has been characterized using the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D). The three polymers (one standard dextrin and two dextrins with different aromatic group substitutions) exhibited varying affinities and capacity for adsorption on the hydrophobic substrate. The effect of the three polymers on the static contact angle of the surface was studied using captive bubble contact angle measurements. The three polymers were seen to reduce the receding contact angle by similar amounts (approximately 14 degrees) in spite of having varying adsorbed amounts and differences in adsorbed layer water content. Although no differences were observed in the ability of the polymers to reduce the static contact angle, measurements of the dewetting dynamics between a rising air bubble and the polymer covered substrate yielded stark differences between the polymers, with one polymer slowing the dewetting dynamics by an order of magnitude more than the other two polymers. The differences in dewetting behaviour correlate with the adsorbed layer characteristics determined by QCM-D. / Thesis (PhD)--University of South Australia, 2010
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Validation, improvement and implementation of sorption mathematical models using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) / Validation, amélioration et implémentation de modèles mathématiques de sorption en utilisant une microbalance à quartz (QCM)Herrán, Fernando 25 April 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé, dans le cadre de la convention CIFRE 1538/2010, au sein d'adixen Vacuum Products (aVP) à Annecy (France). Il a été en partie financé par le projet S.P.A.M. (Surface Physics for Advanced Manufacturing). Il s'agit d'un projet ITN financé par le programme Pierre et Marie Curie de la Communauté Européenne rassemblant des partenaires universitaires et industriels dont aVP. L'objectif de ce programme était de contribuer à l'étude et au développement de la lithographie et en particulier la lithographie à ultraviolet extrême (EUVL). Ce travail porte sur la problématique de la contamination moléculaire dans l'industrie des semi-conducteurs ainsi que les besoins de maitrise de contamination pour la photolithographie EUVL. Pour ce faire, des modèles mathématiques de sorption ont été recherchés, testés et validés à l'aide d'une microbalance à quartz (QCM). Cette technique, possédant une très haute sensibilité (au niveau du ng), permet d'étudier les phénomènes de sorption relatifs à tout matériau déposable sur un cristal de quartz mis au contact de différents gaz dont la pression partielle est maitrisée. Par conséquent, le protocole détaillé dans cette thèse peut être utilisé pour d'autres types d'expériences dans toute discipline nécessitant une telle précision. Le déroulement de notre plan d'expérience comprend deux types de matériaux naturellement différents : un polymère (PCBA) d'une part et deux substrats métalliques (SS AISI 304 et CuC1) d'autre part pour lesquels le transfert de masse n'intervient pas de la même manière. Les gaz d'étude ont été sélectionnés pour leur intérêt dans l'industrie des semi-conducteurs (vapeur d'eau, HF). Le résultat de l'interaction des gaz d'étude avec les substrats ciblés est suivi en direct par la QCM, ce qui permet non seulement de valider et/ou améliorer les modèles mathématiques déjà disponibles dans la bibliographie mais aussi de les ajuster aux données obtenues expérimentalement. Nous pouvons ainsi non seulement prévoir le comportement des contaminants à l'équilibre (isothermes) et à l'état transitoire mais aussi réaliser des estimations de sorption à des températures autres que celles retenues pour notre plan d'expérience / This thesis was carried out within the framework of the CIFRE 1538/2010 convention at adixen Vacuum Products (aVP) in Annecy (France). It is has been partly funded by the ITN project SPAM (Surface Physics for Advanced Manufacturing). SPAM is an ITN project funded by the Pierre and Marie Curie program of the European Community bringing together academic institutions and industrial partners including aVP. The objective of this program was to contribute to the study and development of lithography and extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL). This work deals with the issues caused by the airborne molecular contamination (AMC) in the semiconductor industry and their control needs in EUVL and the current photolithography. In order to tackle the problem, sorption mathematical models have been investigated and validated using a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM). This technique, which confers a high sensitivity (ng level), allows the study of the sorption phenomena related to any deposable material onto a quartz crystal in contact with different gases whose concentrations are accurately controlled. Consequently, the protocol detailed in this thesis may be used for other types of experiments in any discipline requiring such precision. The conduct of our experimental plan includes two types of naturally different materials: a polymer (PCBA) on the one hand and two metallic substrates (stainless steel AISI 304 and CuC1) on the other hand, for which the matter transfer does not occur in the same manner. Studied gases were selected for their interest in the semiconductor industry (water vapor, HF). The resulting interaction between the studied gases and the targeted substrates is continuously followed by the QCM, which allows not only to validate the mathematical models already proposed by the literature but also to fit the experimentally obtained data. This enables us not only to predict the behavior of the AMC at equilibrium (isotherms) and the transient state but also to provide sorption estimations at temperatures other than those specified in our experimental plan
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Aide à la décision pour l'apprentissage / Decision support for learningKushlaf, Najah 21 March 2014 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés dans cette thèse proposent une aide à la décision pour améliorer la qualité de l’apprentissage. L’apprentissage scolaire englobe deux dimension; une dimension humaine et une dimension pédagogique. La dimension humaine inclut l’apprenant et l’enseignant. La dimension pédagogique, représentée par le programme fixé par l’établissement éducatif, correspond au savoir. Ce dernier va se transformer en connaissance chez l’apprenant. Les deux notions de connaissance et savoir sont donc tout à fait différentes. La distance entre les deux représente la distance entre ce que l’enseignant présente (le savoir) et ce que l’apprenant acquière (la connaissance). La qualité de l’apprentissage concerne les apprenants qui vont à l’école pour acquérir le savoir. En fait, apprendre consiste à intérioriser le savoir. Cette intériorisation demande des efforts pour un changement intellectuel persévérant et exige une continuité basée sur les expériences antérieures. L’acquisition du savoir et sa transformation en connaissance par l’apprenant sont influencées par plusieurs facteurs qui interviennent positivement ou négativement sur la quantité et la qualité de cette connaissance. Il peut résider chez l’apprenant une confusion entre les deux notions qui peut l’amener à valoriser ou ignorer sa connaissance. Le processus de construction des connaissances par le savoir diffusé exige une constante mise en œuvre de procédures d’évaluation. Le processus d’évaluation apprécie alors la structure de la connaissance pour prendre des décisions destinées à la faire évoluer. Cependant, lors d’une évaluation, la confusion entre connaissance et savoir peut amener l’apprenant à valoriser le score, négligeant ainsi le regard qu’il pourrait porter sur les processus de transformation des connaissances au profit d’une restitution la plus fidèle possible du savoir. Cette confusion peut être mise en évidence pourvu que l’évaluation intègre une dimension processuelle. Dès lors, l’évaluation peut être mieux associée à des actions d’amélioration et de transformation des connaissances. L’évaluation peut alors être abordée dans une logique d’aide à la décision. Dans ce travail nous montrerons donc qu’une situation d’apprentissage s’apparente à une situation d’aide à la décision. / The research realized in this thesis proposes a decision support to improve the quality of learning. The learning includes two dimensions; human dimension and pedagogic one. The human dimension includes the learner and the teacher. The pedagogic dimension represented in curriculum set by the educational establishment; it is the know. The learner is going to transform the know into knowledge. Thus the know and the knowledge are two notions completely different. The distance between both is the distance between what the teacher presents (the know) and what the learner acquires (the knowledge). The quality of the learning concerns the learners who go to the school to acquire the know. In fact, learning consists in interiorizing the know. This internalization requires the efforts for persistent intellectual change and demands continuity based on past experiences. The acquisition of knowledge and its transformation into knowledge by the learner is influenced by several factors that affect positively or negatively on the quantity and quality of this knowledge. The confusion between the know and the knowledge guide the learner to value or to ignore his knowledge. The knowledge construction process by the diffused know requires an constant evaluation process. The process of evaluation then appreciates the structure of knowledge to make decisions intended to make it evolve. However, during an evaluation, the confusion between knowledge and knowledge can bring learner to value the score so neglecting the importance which he must give for the transformation knowledge process in favor of the highest possible fidelity of knowledge. This confusion can be detected provided that the evaluation includes a processual dimension. Therefore, the evaluation may be better associated with improvement actions and transformation of knowledge. Then the evaluation can be addressed in a logical decision support. Therefore In this research we demonstrate that the learning situation is a decision aiding situation.
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N-Terminal Ile-Orn- and Trp-Orn-Motif repeats enhance membrane interaction and increase the antimicrobial activity of Apidaecins against Pseudomonas aeruginosaBluhm, Martina E. C., Schneider, Viktoria A. F., Schäfer, Ingo, Piantavigna, Stefania, Goldbach, Tina, Knappe, Daniel, Seibel, Peter, Martin, Lisandra L., Veldhuizen, Edwin J. A., Hoffmann, Ralf January 2016 (has links)
The Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a life-threatening nosocomial pathogen due to its generally low susceptibility toward antibiotics. Furthermore, many strains have acquired resistance mechanisms requiring new antimicrobials with novel mechanisms to enhance treatment options. Proline-rich antimicrobial peptides, such as the apidaecin analog Api137, are highly efficient against various Enterobacteriaceae infections in mice, but less active against P. aeruginosa in vitro. Here, we extended our recent work by optimizing lead peptides Api755 (gu-OIORPVYOPRPRPPHPRL-OH; gu = N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylguanidino, O = L-ornithine) and Api760 (gu-OWORPVYOPRPRPPHPRL-OH) by incorporation of Ile-Orn- and Trp-Orn-motifs, respectively. Api795 (gu-O(IO)2RPVYOPRPRPPHPRL-OH) and Api794 (gu-O(WO)3RPVYOPRPRPPHPRL-OH) were highly active against P. aeruginosa with minimal inhibitory concentrations of 8–16 and 8–32 μg/mL against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Assessed using a quartz crystal microbalance, these peptides inserted into a membrane layer and the surface activity increased gradually from Api137, over Api795, to Api794. This mode of action was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy indicating some membrane damage only at the high peptide concentrations. Api794 and Api795 were highly stable against serum proteases (half-life times >5 h) and non-hemolytic to human erythrocytes at peptide concentrations of 0.6 g/L. At this concentration, Api795 reduced the cell viability of HeLa cells only slightly, whereas the IC50 of Api794 was 0.23 ± 0.09 g/L. Confocal fluorescence microscopy revealed no colocalization of 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein-labeled Api794 or Api795 with the mitochondria, excluding interactions with the mitochondrial membrane. Interestingly, Api795 was localized in endosomes, whereas Api794 was present in endosomes and the cytosol. This was verified using flow cytometry showing a 50% higher uptake of Api794 in HeLa cells compared with Api795. The uptake was reduced for both peptides by 50 and 80%, respectively, after inhibiting endocytotic uptake with dynasore. In summary, Api794 and Api795 were highly active against P. aeruginosa in vitro. Both peptides passed across the bacterial membrane efficiently, most likely then disturbing the ribosome assembly, and resulting in further intracellular damage. Api795 with its IOIO-motif, which was particularly active and only slightly toxic in vitro, appears to represent a promising third generation lead compound for the development of novel antibiotics against P. aeruginosa.
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Characterization and Fabrication of Scaffold Materials for Tissue EngineeringXie, Sibai 07 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Surface characterization and functional properties of carbon-based materialsNelson, Geoffrey Winston January 2012 (has links)
Carbon-based materials are poised to be an important class of 21st century materials, for bio-medical, bio-electronic, and bio-sensing applications. Diamond and polymers are two examples of carbon-based materials of high interest to the bio-materials community. Diamond, in its conductive form, can be used as an electrochemical bio-sensor, whilst its nanoparticle form is considered a non-inflammatory platform to deliver drugs or to grow neuronal cells. Polymers, especially when chemically modified, have been used extensively in biological environments, from anti-microbial use to drug delivery. The large-scale use of either material for biological use is limited by two factors: ease of chemical modification and the paucity of knowledge of their surface chemistry in aqueous media. This thesis addresses aspects of both these issues. The first study reported is an in situ study of the adsorption dynamics of an exemplar globular protein (bovine serum albumin, BSA) on nanodiamond using the relatively novel quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) technique. For the first time, QCM-D enabled the detailed study of protein dynamics (i.e. kinetics, viscoelastic properties, overlayer structure, etc.) onto nanodiamond thin films having various surface chemistry and roughness. The dynamics of protein adsorption is found to be sensitive to surface chemistry at all stages of adsorption, but it is only sensitive to surface roughness during initial adsorption phases. Our understanding of the nanodiamond-biology interface is enhanced by this study, and it suggests that QCM-D is useful for the study of the surface chemistry of nanoparticle forms of inorganic materials. A second study concerns a novel surface functionalization scheme, based on carbene and azo-coupling chemistry, which has been recently introduced as a practical, facile method for modifying the surfaces of polymers. Using modern surface characterization techniques, it is demonstrated that a chemical linker can be attached to polystyrene surfaces using carbene-based chemistry, and that further chemical functionality can be added to this chemical linker via an azo-coupling reaction. In situ studies of protein dynamics at these interfaces were conducted using QCM-D, thus enabling a link between specific protein behaviour and the polymer surface chemical termination chemistry to be made. A third area of study of investigates the use of diamond electrodes as a bio-sensor for dopamine under physiological conditions. For these conditions, ascorbic acid interferes with the dopamine oxidation signal, in ways that render the two signals irresolvable. Various modifications are used in attempts to reduce this interference, including: small and large cathodic treatments, grafting of electro-active polymers, addition of carbon nanotubes, and hydrogen plasma treatment. Those modifications leading to the hydrogen-termination of diamond are shown to work the best. Notably, hydrogen plasma treatment effects the complete electrochemical separation of dopamine and ascorbic acid at a diamond electrode. This is the first time this has been accomplished without adding non-diamond materials to the diamond electrode surface.
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Tailoring Surfaces to improve Biomaterials performance: piCVD & iCVD approachesMontero Suárez, Laura 06 September 2012 (has links)
S’han dipositat capes primes d’hidrogel per tal de modificar les propietats superficials i millorar el comportament dels biomaterials. Dues de les tècniques de deposició química en fase vapor més comunes s’han estudiat per poder dur a terme aquestes modificacions. La deposició química foto-iniciada en fase vapor (piCVD) és un mètode simple, ràpid i no agressiu que permet depositari films d’hidrogel. És un mètode que s’inicia a la superfície de la mostra i que permet recobrir de manera homogènia superfícies tridimensionals com és el cas de les micro-partícules. El piCVD ofereix un ventall molt ampli d’hidrogels amb capacitat d’absorbir aigua, incorporant co-monòmers amb diferents propietats. Els hidrogels poden ser dissenyats perquè la reactivitat es localitzi a nivell superficial, millorant d’aquesta manera la funcionalització química dels hidrogels. Tanmateix, un nou mètode s’ha utilitzat per micro-estructurar les superfícies durant la deposició via piCVD per obtenir hidrogels amb comportaments especials.
Els hidrogels termo-sensibles s’han obtingut via deposició química iniciada en fase vapor (iCVD). S’ha desenvolupat una llibreria d’hidrogels termo-sensibles, els quals exhibeixen una temperatura de transició molt marcada. La microbalança de quars amb dissipació (QCM-D) s’ha fet servir per analitzar la transició d’aquests films. La combinació de les propietats que ofereixen els films termo-sensibles dona la possibilitat de dissenyar una plataforma per prevenir la formació de biofilms. / Se han depositado capas delgadas de hidrogel para lamodificación superficial y mejora del comportamiento de los biomateriales. Dos de las técnicasmás comunes de deposición química en fase vapor se han estudiado para llevar a cabo estas modificaciones. La deposición química foto-iniciada en fase vapor (piCVD) es un método simple, rápido y no agresivo que permite depositar films de hidrogel. Es un método que se inicia en la superficie de la muestra y que permite recubrir de manera homogénea superficies tridimensionales como es el caso de las micro-partículas. El piCVD ofrece un abanico muy amplio de hidrogeles con capacidad de absorber agua, incorporando co-monomeros con diferentes propiedades. Los hidrogeles se pueden diseñar para que la reactividad se localice a nivel superficial, mejorando de esta manera la funcionalización química de los hidrogeles. Así mismo, un nuevo método se ha utilizado para micro-estructurar las superficies durante la deposición vía piCVD para obtener hidrogeles con comportamientos especiales.
Los hidrogeles termo-sensibles se han obtenido vía deposición química iniciada en fase vapor (iCVD). Se ha desarrollado una librería de hidrogeles termo-sensibles, los cuales exhiben una temperatura de transición muy marcada. La microbalanza de cuarzo con disipación (QCM-D) se ha utilizado para analizar la transición de este film. La combinación de las propiedades que ofrecen los films termo-sensibles da la posibilidad de diseñar una plataforma para prevenir la formación de biofilms. / Thin hydrogel films have been deposited to modify surface properties and improve biomaterials performance. Two of the most common chemical vapor deposition techniques have been studied to carry out these modifications. Photo-initiated chemical vapor deposition piCVD has been developed as a simple, not aggressive and easy method for the deposition of thin hydrogel films. This method follows a versatile surface-driven reaction process that allows homogeneous coating of both 2D and 3D geometries, such as microspheres. piCVD offers the possibility to fabricate a wide range of swellable thin films, incorporating co-monomers with different properties, such as amine-reactivity, suitable for further modification. The hydrogels can be designed by nano-confining the reactivity to the near surface region, improving the chemical functionality of hydrogels. In addition, a new method to create micro-patterned surfaces can be applied during piCVD deposition to design surfaces having special behavior.
Thermo-responsive thin hydrogel films have also been obtained via initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD). A library of thermo-sensitive films exhibiting controlled lower critical solution temperatures (LCST) has been generated. Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation analysis has been used to analyze the phase-transition of these films. The intrinsic properties of thermo-sensitive hydrogels, such as tunable surface hydrophilicity or release of film-entrapped molecules, open the possibility to design systems for controlling biofilm formation.
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