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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eastern European Integration and Tax Competition

Rabitsch, Katrin January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The member countries of the enlarged European Union show large differences in the structure of their tax systems. While consumption taxes have been largely harmonized over the past decades, differences remain in taxes on factor incomes, in particular on capital income. Also, effective tax rates on capital income in Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) have been falling substantially over the last decade- a trend that may suggest that some tax competition has taken place in the enlarged European Union. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it presents and contrasts effective tax rates of Western European countries with those of the CEEC. Second, from a theoretical aspect, it presents a model framework within which a quantitative macroeconomic analysis of tax competition between the two regions can be conducted. In addition the model suggests that part of the large real exchange rate appreciation and current account deficits that CEE countries have experienced during the last decade might be attributed to effects from tax competition. (author's abstract) / Series: Discussion Papers SFB International Tax Coordination

What Do We Know about the Tax Planning of German-Based Multinational Firms?

Hebous, Shafik, Weichenrieder, Alfons 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Abundant anecdotal evidence is in accord with rigorous research results confirming the existence of various forms of international tax planning by multinational firms. Increasing availability of administrative data for research purposes has enabled researchers to study not only behavioural responses of US-based firms to taxation, but also of European and other multinationals. The present paper summarizes what we can learn from recent studies on tax avoidance strategies by multinational firms in general and by German multinationals in particular. (authors' abstract) / Series: WU International Taxation Research Paper Series

Between Tax Competition and Harmonisation. A Survey on Tax Coordination.

Vondra, Klaus January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This paper gives an overview on the research done in the fields of tax competition, coordination and harmonisation. The survey is divided in two main parts, in the first section we compare the standard tax competition literature that sees tax competition as a bad, to public choice contributions that advocate tax reductions. In the second part we consider theories of endogenous growth, which focus on analysing the taxation question. After introducing the fundamental contributions, we discuss extensions in the line of an open economy, an OLG setting and the transitional dynamics in greater detail. (author's abstract) / Series: Discussion Papers SFB International Tax Coordination

Capital Taxation and Economic Performance

Zagler, Martin January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A new technology is a bold new combination of production factors that potentially yields a higher level of total factor productivity. The optimal combination of input factors is unknown when an innovation is pursued. A larger targeted innovation may require a greater change in the optimal combination of production factors employed and increases volatility alongside with economic growth. We show that economic policy can interfere in this relationship with by adjusting source based capital income taxes. / Series: Discussion Papers SFB International Tax Coordination

Can Tax Rate Increases Foster Investment under Entry and Exit Flexibility? - Insights from an Economic Experiment

Fahr, René, Janssen, Elmar A., Sureth, Caren January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
It is well-known that taxes affect risky investment decisions. Analytical studies indicate that tax rate increases (decreases) can foster (hinder) investment if there is flexibility, in particular when an exit option is available. We design an experiment based on an analytical model with binomial random walk and entry and exit flexibility. Contrasting the underlying model, we find accelerated investment, which is often considered as an increased willingness to invest, on tax rate increases to be independent of the existence of an exit option. However, we observe this investor reaction only for a tax increase, not for a tax decrease. This behavior is driven possibly by tax salience and the mechanisms known from the theory of irreversible choice under uncertainty. Our empirical evidence suggests that the at-first-sight unexpected tax reform effects are more common than is predicted by the theoretical literature. Policy makers should therefore carefully consider the behavioral aspects when anticipating taxpayer reactions. (authors' abstract) / Series: WU International Taxation Research Paper Series

Four Essays on Tax Misperception

Huber, Hans-Peter 23 June 2023 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation besteht aus vier Kapiteln zum Thema Steuerfehlwahrnehmung. Kapitel 1 gibt einen Überblick über die bisherige Literatur und systematisiert sie durch die Entwicklung des Behavioral Taxpayer Response Model. Das Ausmaß der Steuerfehlwahrnehmung wird u.a. durch die Verfügbarkeit von Informationen und persönliche Merkmale beeinflusst. Auch wenn Steuerinformationen verfügbar sind, schätzen die Steuerpflichtigen die Steuerlast falsch ein, weil sie sich in einem begrenzten Maße rational verhalten. Die umfangreiche Literatur zeigt auch, dass es nur wenig Literatur in Bezug auf Unternehmen gibt. Wir schließen diese Forschungslücke in Kapitel 2, indem wir die Fehlwahrnehmung durch Unternehmen in Deutschland analysieren. Um Datenbeschränkungen zu überwinden, verwenden wir einen innovativen Ansatz, der robuste Schätzungen liefert. Im Allgemeinen nehmen die Unternehmen ihre durchschnittlichen Steuersätze und Grenzsteuersätze deutlich verzerrt wahr und haben Probleme mit dem Konzept des Grenzsteuersatzes. Fehlwahrnehmungen werden tendenziell von der Komplexität, dem Steuerwissen und der Unzufriedenheit mit dem Steuersystem beeinflusst. Im Zusammenhang mit der Vermögensbesteuerung zeigen wir in Kapitel 3 anhand eines Umfrageexperiments, dass die Fehlwahrnehmung der jährlichen Vermögensteuer aufgrund ihrer mathematischen Komplexität zu einer verzerrten Präferenz führt. Die Information über die tatsächliche Steuerbelastung führt zu deutlich niedrigeren präferierten Steuersätzen. In dem abschließenden Kapitel 4 überprüfen wir die Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Steuervermeidung, die von den Grünen/EFA im Europäischen Parlament in Auftrag gegeben wurde. Diese Studie erregte große Aufmerksamkeit, weil sie behauptete, dass Unternehmen in Deutschland weit weniger Steuern zahlen, als der gesetzliche Steuersatz vermuten ließe. Wir zeigen, dass die Ergebnisse falsch sind und tragen damit zur Steuertransparenz in Deutschland bei. / This dissertation consists of four chapters on tax misperception. Chapter 1 reviews the previous literature on tax misperceptions and systematizes it through the development of the Behavioral Taxpayer Response Model. The extent of tax misperception is determined by information availability and personal characteristics. Under the assumption that tax information is available, taxpayers may even misperceive the tax burden because they behave in a rational bounded manner. The extensive literature also shows that there is little literature on corporations. We address this research gap in Chapter 2, which analyzes the misperception of tax rates by firms in Germany. To overcome data limitations, we use an innovative approach to measure tax misperception that provides robust estimates. In general, firms significantly misperceive their average (ATR) and marginal tax rates (MTR) and have problems with the concept MTR. Misperceptions tend to be influenced by the complexity of the tax system, tax knowledge, and satisfaction with the current tax system. In the context of wealth taxation, we use a survey experiment in Chapter 3 to show that misperception of a yearly wealth tax, due to its mathematical complexity, leads to a biased preference for wealth taxation. Informing respondents about the actual tax burden leads to significantly lower preferred tax parameters. In the final Chapter 4, we question the findings of a study on tax avoidance commissioned by the Greens/EFA in the European Parliament. This study attracted media attention because it claimed that companies in Germany pay far less tax than the statutory tax rate would suggest. We demonstrate that their findings are wrong and help to increase tax transparency in Germany.

Four Essays on Taxation

Chirvi, Malte 10 February 2020 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit besteht aus vier Aufsätzen zum Thema Besteuerung, welche sich in drei Themenblöcke unterteilen lassen: Die ersten beiden Aufsätze dieser Arbeit (Maiterth/Chirvi 2015 sowie Chirvi 2019) widmen sich dem deutschen Ehegattensplitting, der dritte Beitrag (Chirvi/Maiterth 2019) behandelt die Besteuerung gesetzlicher Renten in Deutschland und der vierte Aufsatz (Chirvi/Schneider 2019) untersucht Präferenzen bzgl. der Besteuerung von Vermögen in den USA. Eine Aufteilung anhand der behandelten Steuerarten macht die Arbeit noch übersichtlicher: So behandeln die ersten drei Aufsätze jeweils Aspekte der Einkommensteuer, während sich der vierte Beitrag verschiedenen Arten der Vermögensbesteuerung widmet. Es lässt sich ergänzen, dass die Aufsätze zur Einkommensteuer sehr eng mit dem deutschen Steuerrecht verbunden sind. Sie beschäftigen sich mit existierenden Regelungen (§ 26 sowie 32a EStG zum Ehegattensplitting bzw. § 10 sowie 22 EStG zur Rentenbesteuerung) und deren Auswirkungen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die Beiträge Maiterth/Chirvi (2015), in dem ein Forschungs- und Rechtsprechungsüberblick zum Thema Ehegattensplitting geliefert wird, sowie Chirvi/Maiterth (2019), in dem eine potentielle Doppel- oder Minderbesteuerung gesetzlicher Renten durch das AltEinkG untersucht wird. Der Aufsatz Chirvi (2019) untersucht Arbeitsangebotswirkungen des Ehegattensplittings und ist daher etwas weniger eng mit dem deutschen Recht verknüpft, da sich zumindest ähnliche Regelungen auch in anderen Ländern finden. Der Beitrag zur Vermögensbesteuerung, Chirvi/Schneider (2019), untersucht dagegen Präferenzen in Bezug auf – bis auf die Nachlasssteuer („estate tax“) – nicht existierende Vermögensteuern in den USA. Zwei der Aufsätze wurden in der Zeitschrift Steuer und Wirtschaft publiziert, die anderen beiden wurden in der arqus Working-Paper-Reihe veröffentlicht. / This dissertation consists of four papers on taxation that can be divided into three different subject areas: The first and the second paper (Maiterth/Chirvi 2015 as well as Chirvi 2019) deal with the ‘income splitting’, i.e. the taxation of married couples in Germany. The third paper (Chirvi/Maiterth 2019) analyzes effects of a reform regarding the transition to downstream taxation of public pensions. Finally, the last paper (Chirvi/Schneider 2019) examines preferences for the taxation of wealth in the United States. While the first three papers analyze (the effects of) specific regulations within the German income tax code (income splitting in Art. 26 and 32a of the German income tax code; the taxation of public pensions in Art. 10 and 22 of German income tax code), the fourth essay is about partially hypothetical types of capital taxation. Maiterth/Chirvi (2015) review the literature on the topic in the areas of public economics, business taxation and tax law and compile arguments for and against the income splitting. As many researchers point out that the income splitting may lead to disincentives for married women to work, Chirvi (2019) empirically analyzes its labor supply effects based on a new approach. Chirvi/Maiterth (2019) evaluate whether the AltEinkG, a reform that lead to a successive transition to downstream taxation, results in under- or double taxation of public pensions in Germany. They develop a measure and subsequently estimate potential under- or double taxation based on official income tax data. Chirvi/Schneider (2019) are interested in preferences regarding capital taxation and conduct a survey-experiment on mTurk to reveal whether preferences depend on the type of tax and/or attributes of assets and personal characteristics. Two of these papers have already been published in the scientific journal Steuer und Wirtschaft, the others can be found in the arqus working-paper series.

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