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Estimation of LRD present in H.264 video traces using wavelet analysis and proving the paramount of H.264 using OPF technique in wi-fi environmentJayaseelan, John January 2012 (has links)
While there has always been a tremendous demand for streaming video over Wireless networks, the nature of the application still presents some challenging issues. These applications that transmit coded video sequence data over best-effort networks like the Internet, the application must cope with the changing network behaviour; especially, the source encoder rate should be controlled based on feedback from a channel estimator that explores the network intermittently. The arrival of powerful video compression techniques such as H.264, which advance in networking and telecommunications, opened up a whole new frontier for multimedia communications. The aim of this research is to transmit the H.264 coded video frames in the wireless network with maximum reliability and in a very efficient manner. When the H.264 encoded video sequences are to be transmitted through wireless network, it faces major difficulties in reaching the destination. The characteristics of H.264 video coded sequences are studied fully and their capability of transmitting in wireless networks are examined and a new approach called Optimal Packet Fragmentation (OPF) is framed and the H.264 coded sequences are tested in the wireless simulated environment. This research has three major studies involved in it. First part of the research has the study about Long Range Dependence (LRD) and the ways by which the self-similarity can be estimated. For estimating the LRD a few studies are carried out and Wavelet-based estimator is selected for the research because Wavelets incarcerate both time and frequency features in the data and regularly provides a more affluent picture than the classical Fourier analysis. The Wavelet used to estimate the self-similarity by using the variable called Hurst Parameter. Hurst Parameter tells the researcher about how a data can behave inside the transmitted network. This Hurst Parameter should be calculated for a more reliable transmission in the wireless network. The second part of the research deals with MPEG-4 and H.264 encoder. The study is carried out to prove which encoder is superior to the other. We need to know which encoder can provide excellent Quality of Service (QoS) and reliability. This study proves with the help of Hurst parameter that H.264 is superior to MPEG-4. The third part of the study is the vital part in this research; it deals with the H.264 video coded frames that are segmented into optimal packet size in the MAC Layer for an efficient and more reliable transfer in the wireless network. Finally the H.264 encoded video frames incorporated with the Optimal Packet Fragmentation are tested in the NS-2 wireless simulated network. The research proves the superiority of H.264 video encoder and OPF's master class.
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Évaluation subjective de la qualité : proposition d'un système de référence pour les codecs en bande élargie / Subjective quality assessment : proposal of a reference system for Wideband codecsZango, Tiraogo Abdoulaye Yves 06 February 2013 (has links)
L'évolution des systèmes de télécommunications conduit à la conception de codecs de la parole et du son de plus en plus sophistiqués, accroissant ainsi la concurrence de l'industrie de l'audio et accordant une importance grandissante à la qualité de service. Si l'évaluation de la qualité des codecs peut s'opérer suivant des mesures objectives ou subjectives, les secondes restent les plus fiables dans la mesure où la qualité perçue par les utilisateurs est intrinsèquement subjective. Toutefois, les tests subjectifs requièrent des signaux d'ancrage, i.e. des signaux artificiels visant la reproduction des défauts perceptifs des codecs de sorte que les dégradations provoquées soient aisément contrôlables. Le système de référence actuellement normalisé par l'Union Internationale des Télécommunications est le MNRU (Modulated Noise Reference Unit) qui simule le bruit de quantification introduit par les premiers codecs en forme d'onde. L'évolution de la technologie rend aujourd'hui ce système obsolète, et il s'agit donc de concevoir un nouveau système d'ancrage plus adapté aux codecs actuels. En considérant la qualité audio comme un objet multidimensionnel, nous avons mis en évidence un espace perceptif à quatre dimensions, et ce à partir de deux approches de réduction de dimensionnalité, l'AFM (Analyse Factorielle Multiple) et la MDS 3–voies (MultiDimensional Scaling). A partir des quatre dimensions identifiées – « Réduction de la largeur de bande », « Bruit de fond », « Écho/Réverbération » et « Distorsion de la parole » –, nous avons modélisé puis validé les signaux d'ancrage des trois premières dimensions et proposé deux modèles de signaux d'ancrage pour la quatrième. / The evolution of technology led to the design of very sophisticated speech and audio codecs. Accordingly, the competition in audio devices manufacturing has increased and today the quality of service becomes crucial for telecommunications operators. Quality of codecs is assessed through objective and subjective measures, the second ones being the most reliable since the quality perceived by users is inherently subjective. Nevertheless, subjective tests require anchor signals corresponding to artificial signals, which reproduce the perceptual impairments of codecs in such a manner that the amount of degradation can be easily controlled. The reference system currently standardized by the International Telecommunication Union is the Modulated Noise Reference Unit (MNRU), which simulates the quantization noise of the first generation of waveform codecs. Due to the evolution of codecs, the MNRU system became obsolete and researchers aim at designing a new reference system of anchor signals more suited to current codecs. Assuming that speech and audio quality is multidimensional, we first identified four perceptual dimensions using two dimensionality reduction techniques – the MFA (Multiple Factor Analysis) and the 3–way MDS (MultiDimensional Scaling). From the identified dimensions, namely “Bandwidth limitation”, “Background noise”, “Echo/Reverberation” and “Speech distortion”, we succeeded in modeling and validating anchor signals for three of them and we suggested two models of anchor signals for the last one.
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[pt] A constante evolução e aumento de capacidades multimídia nos dispositivos
móveis, prevê um aumento dos serviços baseados em vídeo que
apresentam maiores requisitos de taxa de transmissão e restrições nos atrasos.
Para enfrondar estes desafios, a tecnologia LTE surge como capaz de atender
essa demanda sobre as redes móveis. No entanto, devido a natureza das redes
celulares, os terminais que se encontram na borda da célula têm dificuldade
para conseguir os níveis de SINR apropriados para aproveitar as taxas oferecidas
pelo LTE. Para solucionar este problema, na evolução LTE-Advanced, e
considerada a integração de nós de retransmissão (Relay Nodes) na arquitetura
da rede. Neste trabalho, através de experimentos de simulação, avalia-se o
desempenho de aplicações de vídeo em tempo real, focando-se nos usuários da
borda da célula. Os resultados obtidos mostram as vantagens do uso de RN em
redes LTE e sua contribuição na diminuição de perda de pacotes, aumento da
vazão e por conseguinte melhoras na qualidade de vídeo recebido por aqueles
usuários. / [en] The constant evolution and growth of the multimedia applications
supported by today s mobile devices leads to an increase on the demand of
video based services which impose some new requirements in terms of bitrate
and delay. In order to face these challenges, LTE appears as a technology
capable of dealing with the video trafic load on mobile networks. However,
given the inherent nature of the mobile networks, and in order to take
advantage of the bitrates that can be achieved with this technology, the devices
located at the cell s edge face some dificulties when a certain SINR must be
achieved. To overcome this issue, LTE Advanced comes into the picture as it
makes use of Relay Nodes (RN) which were included as part of the network
architecture. Based on simulations, the present work evaluates the performance
of real time applications on devices located at the cell s edge. The results show
the advantage of using Relay Nodes in LTE in aspects such as the reduction
of lost packets and the increase of throughput, leading to an improvement of
the video quality at the receiver s side.
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PBQoS - uma arquitetura de gerenciamento baseado em políticas para distribuição otimizada de conteúdo multimídia com controle de QoS em redes Overlay. / PBQoS - a Policy-based management architecture for optimized multimedia content distribution to control the QoS in an Overlay network.Almeida, Fernando Luiz de 16 December 2010 (has links)
Avanços nas tecnologias de comunicação e processamento de sinais além de mudar a forma de como realizar negócios em todo o mundo, têm motivado o surgimento de serviços e aplicações multimídia na Internet de forma crescente. Como conseqüência, é possível conceber, desenvolver, implantar e operar serviços de distribuição de vídeo digital na Internet, tanto na abordagem sob-demanda quanto ao vivo. Com o aumento das aplicações multimídia na rede, torna-se cada vez mais complexo e necessário definir um modelo eficiente que possa realizar o gerenciamento efetivo e integrado de todos os elementos e serviços que compõe um sistema computacional. Pensando assim, este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura de gerenciamento baseado em políticas aplicada à distribuição de conteúdo multimídia com controle de QoS (Quality of Service) em redes de sobreposição (overlay). A arquitetura é baseada nos padrões de gerenciamento por políticas definida pela IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) que, através de informações contextuais (rede e clientes) administra os serviços disponíveis no sistema. Faz uso dos requisitos de QoS providos pela rede de distribuição e os compara com os requisitos mínimos exigidos pelos perfis das aplicações previamente mapeados em regras de políticas. Dessa forma é possível controlar e administrar os elementos e serviços do sistema, afim de melhor distribuir recursos aos usuários deste sistema. / Advances in communication technologies and signal processing have not only changed the way business is conducted around the world, but have also driven the development of services and multimedia applications on the Internet. As a result, it is possible to design, develop, deploy and operate services for digital video distribution on the Internet, both according to an on-demand approach and live. Because of the increase in multimedia applications on the network, it has become increasingly more complex and necessary to define an efficient architecture that can achieve the effective and integrated management of all the elements and services that compose a computer system. With this in mind, this study proposes developing a robust and efficient architecture based on IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) policy management standards applied to multimedia distribution content with QoS (Quality of Service) control in Overlay Networks. This architecture makes use of QoS requirements provided by the distribution network and compares them to the minimum requirements demanded by each type of application previously mapped in the policy rules. This system makes it possible to control and manage system information and services and also to distribute resources to system users better.
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Projeto de estruturas de comunicação intrachip baseadas em NoC que implementam serviços de QoS e segurança. / Design of NoC-Based communication structure that implements Quality and Security servicesMartha Johanna Sepúlveda Flórez 27 July 2011 (has links)
Os atuais sistemas eletrônicos desenvolvidos na forma de SoCs (Sistemas-sobre-Silício) são caracterizados pelo incremento de informação crítica que é capturada, armazenada e processada. Com a introdução dos SoCs nos sistemas distribuídos que promovem o compartilhamento dos recursos, a segurança vem se transformando num requisito de projeto extremamente importante. Os atuais SoCs são alvo de ataques. O desafio consiste em projetar um SoC seguro que satisfaça os requisitos de segurança e desempenho, próprios para cada aplicação. A estrutura de comunicação está se tornando o coração do SoC. Esta possui um impacto significativo no desempenho do sistema. A inclusão de serviços de segurança na estrutura de comunicação é vantajosa devido à sua capacidade de: 1) monitorar a informação transmitida; 2) detectar violações; 3) bloquear ataques; e 4) fornecer informações para diagnóstico e ativação de mecanismos de recuperação e defesa. O presente trabalho propõe a implementação do conceito de QoSS (Qualidade do Serviço de Segurança) no projeto da estrutura de comunicação baseada em redes intrachip (NoCs, Network-on-Chip). QoSS permite a inclusão da segurança como uma dimensão de QoS (Quality-of-Sevice), admitindo a existência de diferentes níveis de proteção. A adoção do QoSS no projeto das NoCs permite a exploração do espaço de projeto das NoCs levando em consideração o compromisso entre a segurança do sistema e o desempenho do sistema. A inclusão do QoSS na NoC é realizada através de uma metodologia que inclui 5 etapas: definição, descrição, implementação, avaliação e otimização. Como resultado é obtido um conjunto de NoCsQoSS que satisfazem os requisitos de segurança e desempenho do sistema. Criamos neste trabalho o ambiente de simulação APOLLO que fornece suporte na rápida exploração do espaço de soluções a partir de modelos SystemC-TLM do SoC. Neste trabalho, apresentamos três estudos de caso que utilizam a nossa metodologia de projeto de NoCs com QoSS na implementação de políticas de segurança estática e dinâmica. Os serviços de segurança de controle de acesso e autenticação foram implementados de duas formas: na interface da rede e no roteador. Realizamos a avaliação da eficácia e eficiência das NoCs resultantes sob diferentes condições de ataques e de tráfego, resultado da variação topológica do tráfego, natureza e tipo de tráfego. Mostramos que a implementação da segurança no roteador é mais eficiente que a implementação na interface da rede em termos de latência e potência sob todas as diferentes condições de tráfego. Porém, a utilização na interface permite a inclusão das características da segurança na NoC de uma maneira mais simples. Desta forma para sistemas complexos a implementação na interface é vantajosa. / As embedded electronic systems are pervading our lives, security is emerging as an extremely important design requirement. Due to the increasing complexity, intrinsic embedded constraints and strict requirements, security and performance are considered challenging tasks. Most of the current electronic systems embedded in a SoC (System-on-Chip) are used to capture, store, manipulate and access sensitive data and perform several critical functions without security guarantee. The challenge is to provide SoC security that allows a trustworthy system that meets the security and performance requirements. As security requirements vary dramatically for different applications, differentiated security services are necessary. The SoC communication structure is becoming the heart of the SoC. It has a significant impact on the overall system performance. The security services integration at the communication structure take advantage of its wide system visibility and critical role in enabling the system operation. It is able to: 1) monitor data transfer; 2) detect attacks; 3) block attacks; and 4) supply information for trigger suitable recovery mechanisms. This work proposes the implementation of the QoSS (Quality-of-Security-Service) concept at the NoC-based communication structure design. QoSS is a novel concept for data protection that introduces security as a dimension of QoS. In contrast with previous works, the different security levels deployment allow a best trade-of the system security and performance requirements. The QoSS integration is carried out trough a 5 step methodology: definition, description, implementation, evaluation and optimization. As a result a set of NoCs-QoSS that satisfies the security and performance requirements are obtained. We use the framework APOLLO that integrates a set of tools, allowing the fast exploration of the huge NoC design space. In this work we present 2 study cases that uses our methodology in order to design a NoC-QoSS that supports static and a dynamic security policies and also satisfies the security and performance requirements. Two security services: Access Control and authentication are implemented at the NoC interface and at the NoC router. The final configurations are evaluated under different traffic and attack conditions. We show that the security implementation at the router is latency and power consumption efficient that the implementation at the network interface under all the traffic conditions. However, the security implementation at the network interface allows the integration of the security characteristics in a simpler way.
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QoE and QoS-aware handover for vídeo transmission in heterogeneous vehicular networks / Handover QoE e QoS para transmissão de vídeo em redes veiculares heterogêneasMEDEIROS, Iago Lins de 19 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciclea Silva (luci@ufpa.br) on 2018-06-19T14:40:37Z
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Dissertacao_QoEQoS-aware handover.pdf: 1499962 bytes, checksum: ed812ca7ffc3e9d7992b1cbabb2f943d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciclea Silva (luci@ufpa.br) on 2018-06-19T14:41:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertacao_QoEQoS-aware handover.pdf: 1499962 bytes, checksum: ed812ca7ffc3e9d7992b1cbabb2f943d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-19T14:41:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Dissertacao_QoEQoS-aware handover.pdf: 1499962 bytes, checksum: ed812ca7ffc3e9d7992b1cbabb2f943d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-19 / Redes Veiculares (VANETs) oferecem uma ampla gama de serviços multimídia que vão desde alertas de segurança a vídeos de entretenimento e publicidade. Neste contexto, os usuários podem acessar o conteúdo através da comunicação Veículo-para-Infraestrutura
(V2I), que pode considerar diferentes redes sem fio, tais como LTE, Wi-Fi, etc. No entanto, transmissão de vídeo em uma VANET com qualidade de Experiência (QoE) e Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) é uma tarefa desafiadora, devido à alta mobilidade do veículo que causa falhas de comunicação com a infraestrutura. Para mitigar tais fatores, esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta um algoritmo de handover que considera QoE, QoS e qualidade do canal em redes heterogêneas, chamado de handover ciente de Qualidade de Serviço, Experiência e Rádio (SER). O algoritmo proposto considera o Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) para ajustar o grau de importância de cada critério
na escolha da esta¸cão rádio base apropriada que o nó móvel deve se conectar, permitindo uma decisão de handover mais eficiente para transmissão de vídeo com suporte a QoE. Resultados de simulação constatam que o handover SER entregou vídeos com QoE 15%
melhor comparado aos algoritmos encontrados na literatura. / Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) offer a wide range of multimedia services
ranging from safety and traffic warnings to entertainment and advertising videos. In this
context, users can access content through vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication,
which may consider different wireless networks, such as, LTE, Wi-Fi, etc. However, video
streaming at a VANET with Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS)
is a challenging task, due to the high vehicle’s mobility that causes communication failure
with the infrastructure. To mitigate such factors, this master’s dissertation presents a
handover algorithm that considers QoE, Quality of Service (QoS) and channel quality in
heterogeneous networks, known as handover aware of Quality of Service, Experience and
Radio (SER). The proposed algorithm considers the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
to adjust the degree of importance of each criteria in choosing the appropriate radio base
station that the mobile node must connect to, allowing a more efficient handover decision
for video transmission with QoE support. Simulation results show that SER handover
delivered videos with QoE 15 % better compared to the algorithms found in the literature.
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Projeto de estruturas de comunicação intrachip baseadas em NoC que implementam serviços de QoS e segurança. / Design of NoC-Based communication structure that implements Quality and Security servicesSepúlveda Flórez, Martha Johanna 27 July 2011 (has links)
Os atuais sistemas eletrônicos desenvolvidos na forma de SoCs (Sistemas-sobre-Silício) são caracterizados pelo incremento de informação crítica que é capturada, armazenada e processada. Com a introdução dos SoCs nos sistemas distribuídos que promovem o compartilhamento dos recursos, a segurança vem se transformando num requisito de projeto extremamente importante. Os atuais SoCs são alvo de ataques. O desafio consiste em projetar um SoC seguro que satisfaça os requisitos de segurança e desempenho, próprios para cada aplicação. A estrutura de comunicação está se tornando o coração do SoC. Esta possui um impacto significativo no desempenho do sistema. A inclusão de serviços de segurança na estrutura de comunicação é vantajosa devido à sua capacidade de: 1) monitorar a informação transmitida; 2) detectar violações; 3) bloquear ataques; e 4) fornecer informações para diagnóstico e ativação de mecanismos de recuperação e defesa. O presente trabalho propõe a implementação do conceito de QoSS (Qualidade do Serviço de Segurança) no projeto da estrutura de comunicação baseada em redes intrachip (NoCs, Network-on-Chip). QoSS permite a inclusão da segurança como uma dimensão de QoS (Quality-of-Sevice), admitindo a existência de diferentes níveis de proteção. A adoção do QoSS no projeto das NoCs permite a exploração do espaço de projeto das NoCs levando em consideração o compromisso entre a segurança do sistema e o desempenho do sistema. A inclusão do QoSS na NoC é realizada através de uma metodologia que inclui 5 etapas: definição, descrição, implementação, avaliação e otimização. Como resultado é obtido um conjunto de NoCsQoSS que satisfazem os requisitos de segurança e desempenho do sistema. Criamos neste trabalho o ambiente de simulação APOLLO que fornece suporte na rápida exploração do espaço de soluções a partir de modelos SystemC-TLM do SoC. Neste trabalho, apresentamos três estudos de caso que utilizam a nossa metodologia de projeto de NoCs com QoSS na implementação de políticas de segurança estática e dinâmica. Os serviços de segurança de controle de acesso e autenticação foram implementados de duas formas: na interface da rede e no roteador. Realizamos a avaliação da eficácia e eficiência das NoCs resultantes sob diferentes condições de ataques e de tráfego, resultado da variação topológica do tráfego, natureza e tipo de tráfego. Mostramos que a implementação da segurança no roteador é mais eficiente que a implementação na interface da rede em termos de latência e potência sob todas as diferentes condições de tráfego. Porém, a utilização na interface permite a inclusão das características da segurança na NoC de uma maneira mais simples. Desta forma para sistemas complexos a implementação na interface é vantajosa. / As embedded electronic systems are pervading our lives, security is emerging as an extremely important design requirement. Due to the increasing complexity, intrinsic embedded constraints and strict requirements, security and performance are considered challenging tasks. Most of the current electronic systems embedded in a SoC (System-on-Chip) are used to capture, store, manipulate and access sensitive data and perform several critical functions without security guarantee. The challenge is to provide SoC security that allows a trustworthy system that meets the security and performance requirements. As security requirements vary dramatically for different applications, differentiated security services are necessary. The SoC communication structure is becoming the heart of the SoC. It has a significant impact on the overall system performance. The security services integration at the communication structure take advantage of its wide system visibility and critical role in enabling the system operation. It is able to: 1) monitor data transfer; 2) detect attacks; 3) block attacks; and 4) supply information for trigger suitable recovery mechanisms. This work proposes the implementation of the QoSS (Quality-of-Security-Service) concept at the NoC-based communication structure design. QoSS is a novel concept for data protection that introduces security as a dimension of QoS. In contrast with previous works, the different security levels deployment allow a best trade-of the system security and performance requirements. The QoSS integration is carried out trough a 5 step methodology: definition, description, implementation, evaluation and optimization. As a result a set of NoCs-QoSS that satisfies the security and performance requirements are obtained. We use the framework APOLLO that integrates a set of tools, allowing the fast exploration of the huge NoC design space. In this work we present 2 study cases that uses our methodology in order to design a NoC-QoSS that supports static and a dynamic security policies and also satisfies the security and performance requirements. Two security services: Access Control and authentication are implemented at the NoC interface and at the NoC router. The final configurations are evaluated under different traffic and attack conditions. We show that the security implementation at the router is latency and power consumption efficient that the implementation at the network interface under all the traffic conditions. However, the security implementation at the network interface allows the integration of the security characteristics in a simpler way.
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PBQoS - uma arquitetura de gerenciamento baseado em políticas para distribuição otimizada de conteúdo multimídia com controle de QoS em redes Overlay. / PBQoS - a Policy-based management architecture for optimized multimedia content distribution to control the QoS in an Overlay network.Fernando Luiz de Almeida 16 December 2010 (has links)
Avanços nas tecnologias de comunicação e processamento de sinais além de mudar a forma de como realizar negócios em todo o mundo, têm motivado o surgimento de serviços e aplicações multimídia na Internet de forma crescente. Como conseqüência, é possível conceber, desenvolver, implantar e operar serviços de distribuição de vídeo digital na Internet, tanto na abordagem sob-demanda quanto ao vivo. Com o aumento das aplicações multimídia na rede, torna-se cada vez mais complexo e necessário definir um modelo eficiente que possa realizar o gerenciamento efetivo e integrado de todos os elementos e serviços que compõe um sistema computacional. Pensando assim, este trabalho propõe uma arquitetura de gerenciamento baseado em políticas aplicada à distribuição de conteúdo multimídia com controle de QoS (Quality of Service) em redes de sobreposição (overlay). A arquitetura é baseada nos padrões de gerenciamento por políticas definida pela IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) que, através de informações contextuais (rede e clientes) administra os serviços disponíveis no sistema. Faz uso dos requisitos de QoS providos pela rede de distribuição e os compara com os requisitos mínimos exigidos pelos perfis das aplicações previamente mapeados em regras de políticas. Dessa forma é possível controlar e administrar os elementos e serviços do sistema, afim de melhor distribuir recursos aos usuários deste sistema. / Advances in communication technologies and signal processing have not only changed the way business is conducted around the world, but have also driven the development of services and multimedia applications on the Internet. As a result, it is possible to design, develop, deploy and operate services for digital video distribution on the Internet, both according to an on-demand approach and live. Because of the increase in multimedia applications on the network, it has become increasingly more complex and necessary to define an efficient architecture that can achieve the effective and integrated management of all the elements and services that compose a computer system. With this in mind, this study proposes developing a robust and efficient architecture based on IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) policy management standards applied to multimedia distribution content with QoS (Quality of Service) control in Overlay Networks. This architecture makes use of QoS requirements provided by the distribution network and compares them to the minimum requirements demanded by each type of application previously mapped in the policy rules. This system makes it possible to control and manage system information and services and also to distribute resources to system users better.
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Apport des réseaux intelligents aux usages et pratiques en e-santé : Une architecture flexible basée sur la technologie radio cognitive pour un suivi efficace et temps réel des patients / E-health services improvement through smart networking : A flexible architecture based on Cognitive Radio technology for efficient and real-time patient monitoringOuattara, Dramane 28 November 2014 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la population sans doute catalysera l’augmentation des maladies chroniques et intensifiera le besoin de solutions d’assistance à la personne. Pendant que les chercheurs s’activent à apporter des réponses aux problèmes de santé publique qui s’accentuent, en s’appuyant sur les technologies de l’information et de la communication, le nombre des objets connectés connait une expansion fulgurante. Ainsi, le désir de révolution des technologies pour la santé, afin de faire face à la menace pathologique, coïncide avec le développement de l’Internet des objets 1. En effet, grâce aux innovations technologiques et au progrès médical, nombre de pathologies, souvent chroniques pourraient être suivies en temps réel et en tout lieu. Dans ce contexte, la gestion ou le partage des ressources de communication, la compatibilité des technologies et les performances à atteindre constituent des défis importants. Cet accroissement significatif du volume des communications, les contraintes de mobilité imposées par le contexte du suivi de patient ainsi que les besoins de qualité dans les transmissions de données médicales, révèlent une aspiration à des infrastructures de communication plus flexibles.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une architecture de communication basée sur les réseaux Radio Cognitive pour répondre à cette exigence. Le caractère adaptable, flexible et autonome de la solution proposée permet d’aspirer à de meilleures performances. Ainsi, pour l’évaluation de son efficacité,nous avons choisi d’analyser et de tester trois critères importants pour les transmissions de données médicales urgentes.La connectivité en tout lieu : Ce premier critère est essentiel dans la mesure des performances et l’estimation de la fiabilité d’une infrastructure réseau dédiée à la santé. Plus précisément, toute solution de communication envisagée, doit être en mesure d’accompagner le patient suivi dans son environnement. En effet, la haute disponibilité des services réseaux et la qualité offerte sont déterminantes pour le suivi de patient à distance. Nous proposons dans cette première contribution, un mécanisme de prédiction spectrale capable d’examiner l’état d’occupation des bandes de fréquence. Cet algorithme associé au module de prise de décision Radio Cognitive, permet de parer aux éventuelles discontinuités de connexion réseaux.La gestion des interférences : Il s’agit du second critère qui évalue le degré de coexistence des ondes garantit par l’architecture, dans un contexte de prolifération des réseaux et des objets connectés. Le matériel communicant doit être capable de percevoir, d’analyser son environnement et d’agir en fonction des différentes contraintes. L’intérêt étant de protéger le matériel surtout médical, souvent très sensible aux bruits. Le suivi du patient devient alors possible à domicile ou à l’hôpital par exemple, avec un niveau d’interférence acceptable. Ainsi, tout en proposant un modèle de déploiement du réseau Radio Cognitive dans un centre hospitalier, nous définissons des exemples de fonctions permettant une adaptation dynamique des paramètres de communication en fonction de la sensibilité des équipements médicaux de proximité.L’efficacité dans la transmission de contenu multimédia : Ce dernier critère symbolise la capacité de l’architecture à fournir du contenu de qualité pour une assistance en temps réel. En effet, un réseau de soin à domicile ou une situation d’urgence peut nécessiter la transmission d’images ou de contenu multimédia vers les centres hospitaliers. Une solution de suivi de patient à distance doit être capable de fournir ces facilités qui imposent l’accès au haut débit. Dans une contribution répondant à cette préoccupation, nous suggérons un algorithme de réservation de ressources permettant de mieux gérer la qualité de service pour le contenu multimédia médical. / The aging of the population will probably catalyze the rise of chronic diseases and could intensify the need for personal assistance solutions. While researchers are focusing on information and communication technologies to provide responses to these public health problems, the number of connected objects is experiencing a rapid expansion. Indeed, desired revolution of technologies for health, forprevention and disease treatment coincides with the development of the Internet of Things 2. Thus, technological innovations and medical progress, for making it possible to monitor pathologies, often chronic, anywhere need appropriate equipments. Also, remote and real-time patient monitoring applications would require more network resources. In this context, communication resources management/sharing, technologies and equipments compatibilities and aplication’s desired performances become significant challenges. In this thesis, we propose an architecture based on Cognitive Radio, for meeting the medical applications constraints. We also analyze and test three important criteria for emergency transmissions, using this architecture.Connectivity : Any solution for patients monitoring must have anywhere and anytime capabilities for care continuity needs. High availability of network services and quality offered are critical for patient telemonitoring. We propose in this context, a spectral prediction mechanism able to examine the occupation conditions of the frequency bands. The algorithm we propose, associated learning and Grey Model technique in order to deal with any network connection discontinuities.Interference management : Network equipments must be able to perceive or to analyze their environment and act according to the underlying constraints. The interest is to protect in our case, medical equipment which are very sensitive to noise. Patient monitoring becomes possible at home or in the hospital, for example, with an acceptable level of interference. We propose for this criterion evaluation, a Cognitive Radio Networks deployment model in a hospital area. We define examples of functions for dynamic adaptation of the communication parameters, depending on the nearby medical devices sensitivity.Transmission efficiency under multimedia content delivery : This criterion analizes the ability of the architecture to provide desired quality in multimedia content delivery for real-time assistance or diagnosis. Patient monitoring at home or an emergency event may require the transmission of image or audio content to the hospital center. The remote monitoring solution must be able to provide these facilities which require a broadband network. We suggest an algorithm for resource reservation that performs a better management of the quality of service for medical multimedia content. We combine this algorithm with a transmission parameters control methode for maintaining the QoS at an acceptable level.
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行動數據通信費率組合之研究-以GPRS為例 / A Study of Mobile Data Pricing Package -- GPRS Case陳建國, Edward Chen Unknown Date (has links)
費率組合在電信業市場上行之有年,但長久以來,電信業一直以傳統的語音服務計費模式套用在所有的服務上,其中通話費的部分則是以通話時間作為計費的基礎,甚至連架構在語音服務上的數據傳輸也是如此。新引進的整合封包無線電服務(General Packet Radio Service, GPRS)在技術本質上與語音服務有很大的差異,因此計費方式也必須作一番變革,以傳輸量作為計費的基礎是較佳的選擇。
由於GPRS屬於寬頻數據網路,再加上無線電資源的有限性,在傳輸品質上的要求也較高,GPRS在設計時就已經規劃了支援「服務品質(Quality of Service,QoS)」。因此,品質因素也應被列入計費的要項之一。
本文嘗試提出一個GPRS的計費架構,並找出所有的計費因子,使未來經營GPRS的電信業者的行銷人員及計費系統設計人員有一個依循的準則。而在實例中也的確發現本文所提出的GPRS計費架構,可以應用在現實的計費系統上,提供各式各樣的費率組合。 / Pricing Package was used in telecommunications industry for many years. However, the operators always use the conventional voice service packages to cover the data services. The charge for every call is duration based but it cannot be applied for new introduced technology, e.g. GPRS. The technology of GPRS is quite different with the voice services; the charging model will be different as well. A volume-based charging model is an ideal way.
GPRS is a broadband mobile data service. According to the limitation of wireless resources, the demand of quality of service is high. GPRS was designed to support QoS (Quality of Service) which can be considered as a charging factor.
This material tried to propose a GPRS charging architecture and find out all of the charging factors. The marketing people and charging system designers of GPRS operators can create their own pricing packages based on this GPRS charging architecture. In the case study, we found that this GPRS charging architecture can be applied to the real world charging systems and provide kinds of pricing packages.
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