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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ajuste incremental de estabilizadores para geradores e dispositivos TCSC-POD em sistemas de potência. / Incremental adjustment of stabilizers for generators and TCSC-POD devices in power systems.

Moraco, Anna Giuglia Menechelli 02 March 2015 (has links)
O constante aumento da demanda de energia elétrica sobre as redes e a necessidade de interligação de sistemas através de longas linhas de transmissão, culminaram em problemas relacionados à estabilidade do sistema de potência multimáquinas. Tais problemas envolvem oscilações eletromecânicas de baixa frequência classicadas como modos interáreas. Os modos interáreas são caracterizados por oscilações de frequências de até 1Hz e representam oscilações de um grupo de geradores de uma área contra grupos de geradores de outras áreas. Umavezqueoempregodeestabilizadoresdesistemasdepotência(ESP)possanãosersucienteparagarantirumamortecimentoadequadoaessesmodos,osdispositivosFACTSsurgem como uma alternativa ecaz para o amortecimento de oscilações de baixa frequência. Para este m, o Capacitor Série Controlado por Tiristor (TCSC - Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor) é um dispositivo FACTS comumente empregado e quando utilizado juntamente com um controlador suplementar para amortecimento de oscilações de potência (POD - Power Oscillation Damping) garante ao sistema de potência estabilidade e amortecimento adequado. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho de mestrado é realizar o projeto coordenado de controladores ESP e TCSC-POD efetuando um ajuste incremental dos parâmetros dos controladores através da formulação do problema por otimização e programação quadrática. Tal técnica foi utilizada anteriormente somente para o projeto de ESPs. No caso deste trabalho será feita uma adaptação para estender a possibilidade de aplicação da metodologia para casos com dispositivos FACTS presentes. / The increasing demand for electricity over networks and the need for systems interconnection through long transmission lines, resulted in problems related to the multi-machine power systemstability. Theseproblemsinvolvelowfrequencyoscillationsclassiedasinterareasmodes. These modes are characterized by oscillations in frequencies up to 1 Hz, and represent a group of generators from one area oscillating against generator groups from other areas. Once the use of power system stabilyzers (PSS) controllers may not be sucient to ensure adequate damping to these modes, the FACTS devices emerge as an ecient alternative to damping low frequency oscillations. For this purpose, the TCSC (Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor)isacommonlyusedFACTSdeviceandwhenitisusedtogetherwithasupplementary controller POD (Power Oscillation Damping), ensures stability to power system and adequate damping. These controllers have the same structure as the PSS controllers. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out the coordinated design of PSS and TCSC-POD controllers, performing an incremental adjustment of the controllers parameters by formulating the problem as an optimization problem using quadratic programming. This method was previously used only for PSS design. In the case of this work, it is made an adaptation to extend the applicability of the methodology for cases in which there are FACTS devices present.

Оптимално управљање микро мрежама у карактеристичним радним режимима / Optimalno upravljanje mikro mrežama u karakterističnim radnim režimima / Optimal Control of Microgrids in Different Operation Conditions

Selakov Aleksandar 12 September 2017 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији је дат концепт микро мрежа и описане постојеће методе у управљању и оптимизацији рада микро мрежа. Предложен је нови централизовани контролер микро мрежe заснован на технологији више-агентног система, који омогућава координацију три режима рада (повезани, острвски и хаваријски) и обезбеђује једноставну конфигурацију и комбинацију оптимизационих критеријума, уз уважавање широког скупа ограничења. Предложени модел примењен је на релевантни тест систем и резултати су приказани уз одговарајућу анализу резултата.</p> / <p>U disertaciji je dat koncept mikro mreža i opisane postojeće metode u upravljanju i optimizaciji rada mikro mreža. Predložen je novi centralizovani kontroler mikro mreže zasnovan na tehnologiji više-agentnog sistema, koji omogućava koordinaciju tri režima rada (povezani, ostrvski i havarijski) i obezbeđuje jednostavnu konfiguraciju i kombinaciju optimizacionih kriterijuma, uz uvažavanje širokog skupa ograničenja. Predloženi model primenjen je na relevantni test sistem i rezultati su prikazani uz odgovarajuću analizu rezultata.</p> / <p>Dissertation provides the microgrids concept and describes existing methods for control and optimization of microgrid operation. This paper proposes a novel, centralized, multi-agent-based, microgrid controller architecture, which provides the coordination of all three operation modes (grid-connected, island and emergency) and enables the easy configuration/combination of optimization goals that are subject to a given set of operational constraints.<br />The simulation results are presented for a typical microgrid test example.</p>


[pt] Esta tese investiga e desenvolve algoritmos baseados em relaxação Lagrangiana e técnica de desagregação multiparamétrica normalizada para resolver problemas não convexos de programação inteira-mista quadrática com restrições quadráticas. Primeiro, é realizada uma revisão de técnias de relaxação para este tipo de problema e subclasses do mesmo. Num segundo momento, a técnica de desagregação multiparamétrica normalizada é aprimorada para sua versão reformulada onde o tamanho dos subproblemas a serem resolvidos tem seu tamanho reduzido, em particular no número de variáveis binárias geradas. Ademais, dificuldas em aplicar a relaxação Lagrangiana a problemas não convexos são discutidos e como podem ser solucionados caso o subproblema dual seja substituído por uma relaxação não convexa do mesmo. Este método Lagrangiano modificado é comparado com resolvedores globais comerciais e resolvedores de código livre. O método proposto convergiu em 35 das 36 instâncias testadas, enquanto o Baron, um dos resolvedores que obteve os melhores resultados, conseguiu convergir apenas para 4 das 36 instâncias. Adicionalmente, mesmo para a única instância que nosso método não conseguiu resolver, ele obteve um gap relativo de menos de 1 por cento, enquanto o Baron atingiu um gap entre 10 por cento e 30 por cento para a maioria das instâncias que o mesmo não convergiu. / [en] This thesis investigates and develops algorithms based on Lagrangian relaxation and normalized multiparametric disaggregation technique to solve nonconvex mixed-integer quadratically constrained quadratic programming. First, relaxations for quadratic programming and related problem classes are reviewed. Then, the normalized multiparametric disaggregation technique is improved to a reformulated version, in which the size of the generated subproblems are reduced in the number of binary variables. Furthermore, issues related to the use of the Lagrangian relaxation to solve nonconvex problems are addressed by replacing the dual subproblems with convex relaxations. This method is compared to commercial and open source off-the-shelf global solvers using randomly generated instances. The proposed method converged in 35 of 36 instances, while Baron, the benchmark solver that obtained the best results only converged in 4 of 36. Additionally, even for the one instance the methods did not converge, it achieved relative gaps below 1 percent in all instances, while Baron achieved relative gaps between 10 percent and 30 percent in most of them.

Exploiting contacts for interactive control of animated human characters

Jain, Sumit 30 June 2011 (has links)
One of the common research goals in disciplines such as computer graphics and robotics is to understand the subtleties of human motion and develop tools for recreating natural and meaningful motion. Physical simulation of virtual human characters is a promising approach since it provides a testbed for developing and testing control strategies required to execute various human behaviors. Designing generic control algorithms for simulating a wide range of human activities, which can robustly adapt to varying physical environments, has remained a primary challenge. This dissertation introduces methods for generic and robust control of virtual characters in an interactive physical environment. Our approach is to use the information of the physical contacts between the character and her environment in the control design. We leverage high-level knowledge of the kinematics goals and the interaction with the surroundings to develop active control strategies that robustly adapt to variations in the physical scene. For synthesizing intentional motion requiring long-term planning, we exploit properties of the physical model for creating efficient and robust controllers in an interactive framework. The control design leverages the reference motion capture data and the contact information with the environment for interactive long-term planning. Finally, we propose a compact soft contact model for handling contacts for rigid body virtual characters. This model aims at improving the robustness of existing control methods without adding any complexity to the control design and opens up possibilities for new control algorithms to synthesize agile human motion.

Optimization Methods for Patient Positioning in Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion

Ghobadi, Kimia 21 July 2014 (has links)
We study inverse treatment planning approaches for stereotactic radiosurgery using Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion (PFX, Elekta, Stockholm, Sweden) to treat brain cancer and tumour patients. PFX is a dedicated head-and-neck radiation delivery device that is commonly used in clinics. In a PFX treatment, the patient lies on a couch and the radiation beams are emitted from eight banks of radioactive sources around the patient's head that are focused at a single spot, called an isocentre. The radiation delivery in PFX follows a step-and-shoot manner, i.e., the couch is stationary while the radiation is delivered at an isocentre location, and only moves when no beam is being emitted. To find a set of well-positioned isocentres in tumour volumes, we explore fast geometry-based algorithms, including skeletonization and hybrid grassfire and sphere-packing approaches. For the selected set of isocentres, the optimal beam durations to deliver a high prescription dose to the tumour are later found using a penalty-based optimization model. We next extend our grassfire and sphere-packing isocentre selection method to treatments with homogenous dose distributions. Dose homogeneity is required in multi-session plans where a larger volume is treated to account for daily setup errors, and thus large overlaps with surrounding healthy tissue may exist. For multi-session plans, we explicitly consider the healthy tissue overlaps in our algorithms and strategically select many isocentres in adjacent volumes to avoid hotspots. There is also interest in treating patients with continuous couch motion to decrease the total treatment session and increase plan quality. We therefore investigate continuous dose delivery treatment plans for PFX. We present various path selection methods along which the dose is delivered using Hamiltonian paths techniques, and develop mixed-integer and linear approximation models to determine the configuration and duration of the radiation time along the paths. We consider several criteria in our optimization models, including machine speed constraints and movement accuracy, preference for single or multiple paths, and smoothness of movement. Our plans in all proposed approaches are tested on seven clinical cases and can meet or exceed clinical guidelines and usually outperform clinical treatments.

Market-based transmission congestion management using extended optimal power flow techniques

Wang, Xing January 2001 (has links)
This thesis describes research into the problem of transmission congestion management. The causes, remedies, pricing methods, and other issues of transmission congestion are briefly reviewed. This research is to develop market-based approaches to cope with transmission congestion in real-time, short-run and long-run efficiently, economically and fairly. Extended OPF techniques have been playing key roles in many aspects of electricity markets. The Primal-Dual Interior Point Linear Programming and Quadratic Programming are applied to solve various optimization problems of congestion management proposed in the thesis. A coordinated real-time optimal dispatch method for unbundled electricity markets is proposed for system balancing and congestion management. With this method, almost all the possible resources in different electricity markets, including operating reserves and bilateral transactions, can be used to eliminate the real-time congestion according to their bids into the balancing market. Spot pricing theory is applied to real-time congestion pricing. Under the same framework, a Lagrangian Relaxation based region decomposition OPF algorithm is presented to deal with the problems of real-time active power congestion management across multiple regions. The inter/intra-regional congestion can be relieved without exchanging any information between regional ISOs but the Lagrangian Multipliers. In day-ahead spot market, a new optimal dispatch method is proposed for congestion and price risk management, particularly for bilateral transaction curtailment. Individual revenue adequacy constraints, which include payments from financial instruments, are involved in the original dispatch problem. An iterative procedure is applied to solve this special optimization problem with both primal and dual variables involved in its constraints. An optimal Financial Transmission Rights (FTR) auction model is presented as an approach to the long-term congestion management. Two types of series F ACTS devices are incorporated into this auction problem using the Power Injection Model to maximize the auction revenue. Some new treatment has been done on TCSC's operating limits to keep the auction problem linear.

Application of Bennett mechanisms to long-span shelters

Melin, Nicholas O'Brien January 2004 (has links)
Rapidly assembled tent structures are temporary enclosures used to house people or goods. Their uses vary to include recreation, refugee housing, and military shelters. The structural concepts applied in these shelters are as variable as their uses. Some make use of a tensioned fabric and pole system to provide structural strength. Others have a load-bearing frame with attached fabric skin. Further variants make use of inflatable arches or consist of modular containers. Analysis of a number of different types of rapidly assembled tent structures reveals an area where innovation can occur. Conflicts in the last ten years suggest that rapidly assembled shelters for both military purposes and humanitarian relief have the greatest need for innovative solutions. Existing shelters used by the military lack the versatility and speed of deployment necessary in modern conflict. The lack of scalability in the designs makes it difficult to use an existing tent in different situations. They are slow to construct, heavy, and difficult to transport in large numbers. These problems suggest that there is a need for new shelters that better meet the needs of the military. The application of deployable structures technology meets military's needs for structures with the advantages of a small compacted volume, rapid assembly, and ease of deployment. This makes them ideal for application to shelter structures. The aim of this dissertation was to develop a new type of deployable, long-span shelter frame based upon tiled Bennett mechanisms. An overlapping combination of equilateral Bennett mechanisms yields a structure that opens into a half-cylinder shape, providing an enclosed space useful and applicable to the problem of deployable shelters. The specific application considered in the design portion of this process will be a long-span deployable shelter capable of housing military helicopters. This report details the development of the Bennett Shelter concept. Its deployed and compacted geometries are explored, and a procedure for determining structural properties and dimensions is presented. The full concept for the structure, from outer covering to foundation support is then detailed. Loads affecting the structure are determined, and the process of modelling and analysing the structure is then considered. Optimisation of the structure with respect to weight and serviceability requirements is conducted using a number of different materials, and full analysis of the optimal geometries is completed. As no method exists for evaluating the effect of imperfections on the deployment of overconstrained mechanisms, a procedure is derived. The effects of manufacturing imperfections on deployment of the Bennett mechanism are then explored using the method. A full examination of the variation of energy within the Bennett Shelter during deployment provides valuable insight into the performance of the structure. With the above analysis complete, it is shown that the Bennett Shelter is viable as a long-span deployable shelter.

Contribution to Fault Tolerant Flight Control under Actuator Failures

Zhong, Lunlong 27 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'optimiser l'utilisation d'actionneurs redondants pour un avion de transport lorsqu'une défaillance des actionneurs arrive en vol. La tolérance aux pannes résulte ici de la redondance des actionneurs présents sur l'avion. Différents concepts et méthodes classiques liés aux chaînes de commande de vol tolérantes aux pannes sont d'abord examinés et de nouveaux concepts utiles pour l'analyse requise sont introduits. Le problème qui est abordé ici est de développer une méthode de gestion des pannes des commandes de vol dans le cas d'une défaillance partielle des actionneurs, qui va permettre à l'avion de poursuivre en toute sécurité la manœuvre prévue. Une approche de commande en deux étapes est proposée et appliquée à la fois à l'évaluation de la manœuvrabilité restante et à la conception de structures de commande tolérante aux pannes. Dans le premier cas, une méthode d'évaluation hors ligne des qualités de vol basée sur la commande prédictive est proposée. Dans le second cas, une structure de commande tolérante aux pannes basée sur la commande non linéaire inverse et la réaffectation des actionneurs en ligne est développée. Dans les deux cas, un problème de programmation linéaire quadratique (LQ) est formulé. Différents cas de pannes sont considérés lorsqu'un avion effectue une manœuvre classique. Trois solveurs numériques sont appliqués aux solutions en ligne et hors ligne des problèmes LQ qui en résultent.

Um algoritmo exato para obter o conjunto solução de problemas de portfólio / An exact algorithm to obtain the solution set to portfolio problems

Villela, Pedro Ferraz, 1982- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco de Assis Magalhães Gomes Neto / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação Científica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T19:03:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Villela_PedroFerraz_D.pdf: 10794575 bytes, checksum: 746b8aebf0db423d557d9c5fe1446592 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Neste trabalho, propomos um método exato para obter o conjunto solução de um problema biobjetivo quadrático de otimização de carteiras de investimento, que envolve variáveis binárias. Nosso algoritmo é baseado na junção de três algoritmos específicos. O primeiro encontra uma curva associada ao conjunto solução de problemas biobjetivo contínuos por meio de um método de restrições ativas, o segundo encontra o ótimo de um problema de programação quadrática inteira mista pelo método Branch-and-Bound, e o terceiro encontra a interseção de duas curvas associadas a problemas biobjetivo distintos. Ao longo do texto, algumas heurísticas e métodos adicionais também são introduzidos, com o propósito de acelerar a convergência do algoritmo proposto. Além disso, o nosso método pode ser visto como uma nova contribuição na área, pois ele determina, de forma exata, a curva associada ao conjunto solução do problemas biobjetivo inteiro misto, algo que é incomum na literatura, pois o problema alvo geralmente é abordado via métodos meta-heurísticos. Ademais, ele mostrou ser eficiente do ponto de vista do tempo computacional, pois encontra o conjunto solução do problema em poucos segundos / Abstract: In this work, we propose an exact method to find the solution set of a mixed quadratic bi-objective portfolio optimization problem. Our method is based on the combination of three specific algorithms. The first one obtains a curve associated with the solution set of a continuous bi-objective problem through an active set algorithm, the second one solves a mixed quadratic optimization problem through the Branch-and-Bound method, and the third one searches the intersection of two curves associated with distinct bi-objective problems. Throughout the text, some heuristics are also introduced in order to accelerate the performance of the method. Moreover, our method can be seen as a new contribution to the field, since it finds, in an exact way, the curve related to the solution set of the mixed integer bi-objective problem, something uncommon in the corresponding literature, where the target problem is usually approached by metaheuristic methods. Additionally, it has also shown to be efficient in terms of running time, being capable of finding the problem's solution set within a much faster time frame / Doutorado / Matematica Aplicada / Doutor em Matemática Aplicada

Optimisation de la qualité vibro-acoustique des structures d'automobiles pour les basses fréquences

Bourmich, Sophie 21 September 2012 (has links)
Les modèles d'éléments finis des automobiles donnent des grandes tailles de problèmes matriciels, ce qui demeure coûteux en ressources numériques pour une procédure d'optimisation. La multiplicité des phénomènes couplés du problème d'interaction de l'air de l'habitacle et de la superstructure rend plus sensible, à des variations mineures des paramètres, une optimisation directe du véhicule. Pour réduire les temps de calculs et l'espace mémoire liés à la simulation numérique en éléments finis, une méthode de double synthèse modale est appliquée sur la structure et le fluide. Ceci permet de diminuer le nombre de degrés de liberté de frontière. Egalement, un algorithme a été développé pour minimiser le nombre d'évaluations de fonction au cours des itérations d'optimisation. L'approche modale permet également de décomposer le problème d'optimisation de la réponse vibro-acoustique par des sous-problèmes couplés d'optimisation de critères modaux. Ces critères modaux explicitent les couplages fréquentiels par des termes d'amplification et les couplages spatiaux par des paramètres effectifs modaux. Ils favorisent ainsi le développement d'une stratégie d'optimisation robuste par le contrôle modal des effets prépondérants sur la qualité vibro-acoustique des véhicules. / Finite element models and the complexity of vehicle passenger compartments make it harder the optimization, mainly because of expensive computing resources and multiple coupled phenomena of fluid-structure problems. Strategies to improve time and memory performance consist in the use of reduction methods, and combined with efficient optimization techniques, vibro-acoustic solutions of better quality can be performed. The complexity of the system is taken into account thanks to a hierarchical optimization process. Both reduction method and gradient-based optimization algorithm are investigated. Based on modal synthesis, special criteria help to determine critical vibration propagation paths. A modified SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) algorithm is also developed in order to provide a faster convergence speed. Such process is to be applied on an academic example and hollow parts and panels of a whole passenger compartments. It allows to find relevant and non obvious solutions by minimizing noise and vibration transfer functions in a relatively wide range of frequencies.

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