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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematické aspekty individuálního plánování v konkrétním domově pro seniory / Difficulties arising from individual planning in a particular old people's home

Krupičková, Kamila January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the current situation of the individual planning of social services in a particular home for the elderly. It attempts to focus on uncovering the causes of partial failures in the individual planning process from the perspective of key employees. Therefore, the main research question of this diploma thesis is: "What are the problematic aspects of individual planning in a particular home for the elderly?" The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part is focused on the legislative basis for the social services, including a definition of home services for the elderly, quality of social services, principles and specifics of individual planning with the elderly, and the role of the key employee in the system of individual planning during the provision of social services. In the introduction of the empirical part, the choice of qualitative research strategy has been justified where the technique of collecting data was described, units of the research were defined, the main research question was operationalized, and the research organization was described. The empirical part includes an analysis and interpretation of the findings from the research. The obtained research focused on a document analysis and discussion within the focus groups of key employees'...

Vliv Standardů kvality sociálních služeb na kvalitu poskytovaných sociálních služeb v domovech pro seniory / The influence of quality standards on the quality of social services for the elderly.

Vydrová, Nikola January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "The influence of quality standards on the quality of social services provided in homes for the elderly" represents the current situation of quality of social services in selected homes for the elderly more detaily. The thesis in its introduction contains defined goals and hypotheses, explains the importance of individual terms that are used at work, and helps to understand their meaning and relationships among them. The thesis then outlines the current state of the problem, which is strongly shaped by the aging population and related reforms in the social services system and the overall quality of services provided in homes for the elderly. The following thesis' chapters deal with a description of the problem, definition and analysis ofthe actors involved, as well as theoretical background, which was used in the work. After the theoretical part, the thesis is transferred to the empirical one, where the chosen methodology and methods of data collection are described. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the qualitative and quantitative research that was conducted in four homes for the elderly in the Central Region and the capital city Prague. Futher follow-upthe evaluation of collected data and comparison of individual organizations with lots of tables and graphs. At the very end the thesis...

Inspekce kvality sociálních služeb / Inspection quality of social services

Marešová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Inspection of the quality of social services" deals with low quality of social services with measurement of the quality control of social services. Its main objective is to assess the position of the actors (inspectors and providers of social services), social services inspection process and make recommendations for its improvement. The work is characterized by a history of social services, whereon relates social services inspection. The work is based on the principle of subsidiarity, the theory of trust, the theory of government and market failures, as well as information asymmetry theory and the theory of bureaucracy. The diploma thesis also includes quality standards of social services, mark quality and management in social services. Work also includes the very process of inspection of social services. The following chapter is a quality framework for social services. Another part is devoted to the research methods used. At the end of thesis are the recommended areas to alteration which leading to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the process of inspection of social services.

Miljökvalitetsnormer för vatten i det kommunala detaljplanearbetet - Viktiga faktorer, svårigheter och möjligheter.

Hansson, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Med målet att uppnå vattenkvalité av god status inom hela EU införde Europaparlamentet år 2000 ramdirektivet för vatten (2000/60/EC), även kallat Vattendirektivet. För att uppnå god vattenstatus sätts mål i form av ”miljökvalitetsnormer”(MKN) på vattendrag, sjöar, kustvatten och grundvatten inom varje län och kommun. Dessa ska beaktas vid framtagandet av nya detaljplaner vilket är ett juridiskt gällande dokument där den tillåtna exploateringen av ett område fastställs. I detaljplanen ska planens påverkan på möjligheterna att uppnå MKN för vatten utredas och presenteras. Det saknas dock tydliga riktlinjer för hur denna bedömning ska göras och vilka aspekter som ska ingå i utredningen. I de fall planen medför att målen i form av MKN riskeras att inte uppnås är det länsstyrelsens uppgift att hindra planen från att godkännas. Syftet med studien är att utreda vad som är viktigt i arbetet att ta fram en detaljplan som beaktar MKN för vatten och hur kommuner och länsstyrelser upplever arbetet. Målet är att undersöka det övergripande arbetet och därefter fokusera på den bedömning som görs av vilken påverkan på MKN en plan medför. Detta för att ge en bild av hur arbetet sker i dagsläget och belysa de utmaningar och förbättringsmöjligheter som finns. Studien avgränsas geografisk till länsstyrelserna inom Norra Östersjöns vattendistrikt och kommunerna i Stockholms län. För att undersöka det ovannämnda genomfördes en förstudie bestående av en intervjustudie riktad till konsulter och anställda på kommun och länsstyrelser, och en litteraturstudie. Förstudien ledde fram till formuleringen av frågor i enkätstudien. Enkätstudien bestod av två delar där den första riktade sig till kommuner i Stockholms län och den andra till länsstyrelserna i Norra Östersjöns vattendistrikt. Resultatet från studien bidrog till att identifiera viktiga steg i processen att ta fram en detaljplan som följer satta MKN. Även svårigheter kopplade till de olika processtegen framkom. Uppföljning visade sig vara ett steg som inte genomförs i så stor utsträckning men som troligtvis kan förbättra situationen genom att bidra med data och kvalitetssäkring av metodiken. Bedömningen som görs av hur en plan påverkar möjligheten att uppfylla MKN sammanställdes i några nyckelsteg. De flesta svårigheter som upplevs av de kommunanställda är kopplade till att utföra den här bedömningen. Främst är det osäkerheter i metod och modelleringsverktyg tillsammans med ofullständigt underlagsmaterial som bidrar till svårigheterna. Det preliminära åtgärdsprogram som presenterats våren 2016 av Vattenmyndigheten inför nästa 6-åriga arbetscykel bidrar förhoppningsvis med att vägledningsmaterial och tydligare riktlinjer tas fram. Detta efterfrågades från flera håll i enkätstudien. Förutom det som åtgärdsprogrammet adresserar ses ett behov av mer utbildning och samverkan av och mellan aktörer. Beräkningsmetoder och underlag som används behöver även ses över och det behöver finnas en tydligare samsyn på hur en detaljplansplans påverkan på MKN ska bestämmas. / With the goal of high quality recipients within the European Union the European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) was initiated in the year of 2000. In order to achieve water of high quality, goals have been established under the definition of Environmental Quality Standards (EQS). These are defined for lakes, rivers and other water bodies within each municipality. The EQS are defined as a level that are to be reached until a defined year. The EQS are to be kept in mind when zoning is carried out within a municipality. Zoning allows for strategic use of land and water within the municipality and is an important part in the work of achieving the EQS. If a zoning plan does not meet the EQS the plan should not be adopted. The county government should audit plans before they are approved to make sure the chance of reaching the EQS are not hindered by the plan. The aim of this study is to investigate which important factors that come into play when a zoning plan is created that will meet the EQS. The aim is also to get an understanding of the work from the municipalities perspective as well as from the viewpoint of the county government. Both the overall perspective and the more detailed field of assessing the impact from a zoning plan is to be analyzed. In the end the goal is to give an overview of how the work is done today, which difficulties that are experienced as well as improvements that could be needed. The study is focused upon the county governments within the North Baltic Sea basin and the municipalities within Stockholm county. Semi-structured interviews and a literature review were conducted followed by a survey study in order to address the research questions. The survey study was directed towards the county governments and municipalities within the geographical study area mentioned above. From the methods described above data was collected which resulted in the identification of important steps in the process of making zoning with consideration of the EQS. Also difficulties connected to each phase were identified. The work of follow-up and monitoring was found only to be carried out to a limited extent but is believed to support several important functions in the work, if improved. The impact assessment of zoning on water quality and EQS was found to be one of the more difficult parts of the work with the WFD. Foremost, this process is connected to many uncertainties in the method of calculation but also due to limited data available in some cases. Information needed is for example the current water quality and the levels of pollution connected to different land uses of the area. More developed guidelines and support from central authorities was requested by several participants of the survey. Hopefully the Water authorities’ planned action program for the next 6-year work cycle, will result in this. However, more investigations and studies are needed in order to improve and minimize uncertainties in the methods used to calculate impact from zoning on water quality. More education and cooperation between municipalities, county governments and agencies with issues connected to implementing the WFD is needed as well. Overall more consensus is needed in how the work can be carried out while meeting both environmental and societal goals.

Standardy kvality sociálních služeb z hlediska procesu vytváření písemných standardů v některých organizacích občanského sektoru / Quality Standards in Social Care Sevices - The Formation Process of Written Standards in Some Organizations of Civic Sector

Strouhalová, Magdaléna January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis is concerned with the topic of quality standards in social care and the formation process of writen quality standards in some organizations in the civic sector, which offer social services. The theoretical section of this thesis concerns new legal arrangement of social services, their principles and international connections; as well as standards of quality of themselves and of the different tools which are related to them, for example inspection of the quality in social services, registration of providers and education of emploees in social care services. The empirical section deals with evaluation of the research focused on the process of formatting written quality standards in organizations which were under investigation and on the presentation of obtained data which were gained, especially by observation and questionnaire inquiry in organizations.

A quality assurance reference model for object-orientation

Thornton, Deborah 06 1900 (has links)
The focus of the dissertation is on software quality assurance for object-oriented information systems development. A Quality Assurance Reference Model is proposed with aspects dealing with technical and managerial issues. A revised Spiral life cycle model is adopted as well as the Object Modelling Technique. The Quality Assurance Reference Model associates quality factors at various levels, quality criteria and metrics into a matrix framework that may be used to achieve quality assurance for all cycles of the Spiral Model. / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)

The characterization of regional ozone transport

Dionisio, Mariana Costa 11 October 2010 (has links)
Among the most ubiquitous and persistent air quality problems facing urban areas are high concentrations of gas phase oxidants and fine particulate matter. Ozone and particulate matter concentrations in urban areas are significantly influenced by other factors in addition to local emissions, such as regional transport spanning distances as large as 1000 kilometers. Despite the importance of regional transport in meeting air quality standards, to date most analyses of regional transport have focused only on short duration episodes, or semi-quantitative assessments. The development and evaluation of seasonal, quantitative assessments of regional pollutant transport, based on modeling calculations and observational data is the topic of this dissertation. The observational data available through the Texas Air Quality Studies in 2000 and 2006 provide a unique opportunity to develop, evaluate, and improve methods for characterizing regional air pollutant transport. Measurements collected during these studies are used as the primary observational basis for characterizing regional ozone transport and to evaluate the performance of photochemical models. Results suggest that measurements (from aircraft and surface monitors) and the photochemical model provide consistent estimates of the magnitude of ozone transport. On this basis, photochemical modeling is used to determine potential impacts of regional ozone transport in Texas, under varying meteorological and photochemical conditions, as well as to characterize the dominant chemical and physical processes within urban plumes. While qualitative studies and limited quantitative analyses have been performed to assess regional ozone transport, this work includes the first detailed quantitative characterization of the importance of ozone transport over the course of an entire ozone season using both photochemical modeling and ambient data. Results demonstrate that urban plumes in Texas are capable of transporting significant amounts of ozone over distances spanning hundreds of kilometers. Furthermore, on a seasonal basis, there are a number of days characterized by high contributions from inter-city transport coinciding with high total ozone concentrations, suggesting that the role of inter-city transport will remain significant for many areas to demonstrate attainment of the NAAQS for ozone. Results also indicate that reductions in the impacts of inter-city transport are possible by decreases in emissions from source regions. / text

Aktuální otázky vzdělávání pracovníků v pomáhajících profesích / Current issues of personnel training in the helping professions

Plassová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with personnel training in the helping professions. The main objective of this thesis is to report on the current state and trends of the future orientation of personnel education in the helping professions. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the components involved in the process of personnel training in the helping professions, possible attitudes of organizations to education of their employees, supervision, as a form of further education, legislation related to the topic of workers' education in the helping professions and implemented projects supporting the education of these workers. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of documents, which tries to determine whether there have been changes in personnel training in the helping professions in the monitored period in Hradec Králové Region in connection with the implementation of quality standards of social services and the amendment of the Act on Social Services. The empirical part also includes a quantitative analysis. It is a research probe using the method of scaling questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to participants of training courses. The questionnaire evaluates the connection between educational needs, the topic of the courses and the way of implementation of training courses....

Analiza ključnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i konkurentnosti preduzeća / Analysis of key factors of improvement of operations and competitiveness of comapnies

Cvjetković Milena 20 April 2017 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu izvr&scaron;ena je analiza kljuĉnih faktora unapređenja poslovanja i konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća i na osnovu dobijenih rezultata kreiran model ĉijom bi primenom domaća preduzeća unapredila svoj konkurentski položaj na međunarodnom trži&scaron;tu. U radu je potvrđen znaĉaj znanja u razvoju aspekata kvaliteta, kao i uticaj znanja i kvaliteta na unapređenje poslovnih performansi preduzeća.</p> / <p>In this paper conducted an analysis of the key factors of business improvement and competitiveness of domestic enterprises and on the basis of the results created a model whose application for domestic enterprises to improve their competitive position in the international market. The paper confirmed the importance of knowledge in the development of quality aspects and the impact of quality and knowledge on improving the business performance of companies.</p>

Chemical and Biological Problems in the Grand Canyon

05 May 1973 (has links)
A survey of chemical and bacteriological water quality in the Grand Canyon was undertaken to assess possible health hazards to river travelers. The water quality of the main Colorado River channel is relatively stable with only slight increases in ionic concentration and bacteriological load with respect to distance from Lee Ferry and time over the summer season. The tributary streams show extreme temporal variability in chemical water quality and bacteriological contamination as a result of the summer rain and flood patterns in the tributary canyons. These side streams pose a definite health hazard to unwary river travelers. More extensive sampling is called for to determine the sources of this contamination and to protect the quality of the Grand Canyon experience.

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