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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les effets de pairs à la lumière des interactions entre élèves et des dimensions subjectives du vécu scolaire / Peer effects in the light of students interactions and the subjective dimensions of school experience

Roco Fossa, Rodrigo 27 June 2011 (has links)
Le présent travail de thèse aborde la problématique des effets de pairs en contexte scolaire. A partir de l’analyse détaillée d’une large base des données issue d’une enquête nationale au Chili (SIMCE 2004), on s’interroge sur les mécanismes qui véhiculent les influences entre élèves différemment dotés d’un point de vue de leurs capitaux culturels, humains et scolaires. Ces influences sembleraient présentes sur différents résultats à l’école, y compris ceux de type académique. Considérant la littérature produite sous différentes approches disciplinaires —sociologie, économie, psychologie sociale et sciences de l’éducation — on s’attarde sur les manières d’identifier et de mesurer lesdits effets de pairs. En même temps, on considère la présence de dimensions subjectives capables d’exprimer, en partie, le vécu scolaire des élèves. Ces dimensions seraient, par ailleurs, reliées à la présence des pairs et aux interactions entre élèves. De manière additionnelle, on propose une révision de la littérature sur le système scolaire au Chili, notamment sur sa segmentation socio-scolaire et sa relation avec le mécanisme de vouchers. Dans ce cadre, trois interrogations principales organisent ce travail. D’une part, l’existence ou non d’un impact net sur les acquis scolaires des pratiques d’étude faisant appel aux camarades. Ensuite, la présence probable des influences sous la forme des « transferts des capitaux » entre élèves différemment dotés et déclarant pratiquer l’entraide. Enfin, les relations qui s’avèrent visibles entre ces pratiques et des dimensions telles que le bien-être à l’école ou le concept du soi académique, mais aussi, entre ces dernières et les acquis scolaires. Une séquence d’analyses est entreprise visant à donner des bases robustes aux éventuelles réponses à ces questions. Entre autres, différentes séries d’analyses de régression hiérarchique et par quantiles ont été conduites sur quatre disciplines scolaires. Les principaux résultats de recherche indiquent, d’un côté, que les interactions entre élèves sont assez répandues en milieux scolaire (entre 22% et 41% en moyenne), mais leur proportion varie d’une discipline à l’autre et selon la direction qui prend l’aide. Plus encore, ces interactions sont significativement liées aux résultats scolaires. A conditions comparables, les élèves académiquement faibles gagnent à être aidés par leurs camarades, quelque soit la discipline concernée. En même temps, les élèves qui aident leurs camarades montrent toujours un profil académique fortement associé à des gains de score assez importants. D’un autre côté, on trouve que les élèves possédant plus de capital culturel ont, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, de plus fortes chances de déclarer aider leurs camarades. Enfin, les analyses confirment que les interactions entre élèves sont, de manière importante et significative, liées aux sentiments de bien-être à l’école et au concept de soi académique. La construction d’indices pertinents pour ces derniers est, d’ailleurs, discutée. Différents résultats secondaires ont été aussi produits et discutés, notamment la confirmation, pour la première fois dans le cas chilien, des hypothèses associées au paradigme BFLPE (Marsh, 1987). Ces résultats sont discutés dans leurs probables conséquences en termes de politique éducative, notamment dans le cadre des systèmes éducatifs à forte ségrégation sociale et scolaire. / This Thesis addresses the issue of peer-effects in the context of school. From analysis of a large database produced by a Chilean national study (SIMCE 2004), this work investigates the mechanisms through which pupils with different levels of scholastic, human and cultural capital influence each other. These influences seem present for a diverse range of school outcomes, including academic achievement. Drawing on the literature produced by different disciplinary approaches —sociology, economics, social psychology and education— the study focuses on ways of identifying and measuring peer-effects. The presence of subjective dimensions capable of reflecting, in part, the school experience of pupils is also taken into consideration. Beside, those dimensions are connected both with peers presence and peer interactions. In addition, the thesis re-examines the existing literature on the Chilean school system, including its social and academic segregation and its relationship with the voucher system. Within this framework, three main points of interrogation organize this work. First, whether study practices which involve peer assistance have a clear impact on standardized school test scores. Second, the likely presence of influences, —in the form of “capitals transfers”— between pupils with different backgrounds who practice peer assistance. Finally, the visible relationships between peer assistance and feelings of well-being at school or academic self-concept, but also, between the latter and school achievement. A sequence of analysis was undertaken out to provide robust foundations for possible answers to those questions. Among other things, different sets of hierarchical and quantile regression analysis were conducted in four school subjects. The main research findings show, on the one hand, that peer assistance between pupils is fairly widespread in the school context (between 22% and 41% in average) but its prevalence varies according to the subjects and the directionality of the assistance. Further, those peer assistance is significantly related at school achievement. In all subjects and at similar conditions, poor achievers benefit from help by their classmates. At the same time, those that help their classmates always showed a strong academic profile related to the higher and greater gains in test scores. In the other hand, we find that pupils with more cultural capital, all other things held constant, are more likely to report help other pupils. Finally, this research confirms that the relationship peer assistance and feelings of school well-being and academic self-concept is large and significant. Several secondary findings were also produced and discussed, including confirmation, for the first time in Chilean case, of the hypothesis associated with the paradigm BFLPE (Marsh, 1987). Those results are discussed with regard for their probable consequences in terms of educational policy, particularly in systems with high academic and social segregation.

Modèle d'agrégation des avis des experts, en fiabilité d'équipements

Handi, Youssef January 2021 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


[pt] Os gráficos de controle de S(2) são ferramentas fundamentais amplamente utilizados para monitoramento da dispersão do processo em aplicações de CEP. O desempenho na Fase II de diferentes tipos de gráficos de controle, incluindo o gráfico de S(2), com parâmetros desconhecidos pode ser significativamente diferente do desempenho nominal por causa do efeito da estimação de parâmetros. Nos anos mais recentes, este efeito tem sido abordado predominantemente sob a perspectiva condicional, que considera a variabilidade das estimativas de parâmetros obtidas a partir de diferentes amostras de referência da Fase I em vez das típicas medidas de desempenho baseadas na distribuição marginal (incondicional) do número de amostras até o sinal (Run Length-RL), como sua média. À luz dessa nova perspectiva condicional, a análise do desempenho da Fase II e do projeto de gráficos de controle é frequentemente realizada usando o Exceedance Probability Criterion para a média da distribuição condicional do RL (CARL 0), isto é, o critério que garante uma alta probabilidade de que CARL 0 seja pelo menos um valor mínimo tolerado e especificado. Intervalos de tolerância para variâncias amostrais são úteis quando o maior interesse está focado na precisão dos valores de uma característica de qualidade, e podem ser usados na tomada de decisões sobre a aceitação de lotes por amostragem. Motivado pelo fato de que estes intervalos, especificamente no caso dos intervalos bilaterais, não foram abordados na literatura, limites bilaterais de tolerância exatos e aproximados de variâncias amostrais são derivados e apresentados neste trabalho. A relação matemática-estatística entre o intervalo de tolerância para a variância amostral e o Exceedance Probability (função de sobrevivência) da CARL 0 do gráfico de S(2) com parâmetro estimado é reconhecida, destacada e usada neste trabalho de tal forma que o estudo do desempenho na Fase II e o projeto desse gráfico pode ser baseado no intervalo de tolerância para a variância amostral, e vice-versa. Os trabalhos sobre o desempenho e projeto do gráfico de S(2) com parâmetro estimado focaram-se em apenas uma perspectiva (incondicional ou condicional) e consideraram somente um tipo de gráfico (unilateral superior ou bilateral). A existência de duas perspectivas e dois tipos de gráficos poderia ser confusa para os usuários. Por esse motivo, o desempenho e o projeto do gráfico de S(2) de acordo com essas duas perspectivas são comparados, considerando cada tipo de gráfico. Da mesma forma, esses dois tipos de gráficos também são comparados para cada perspectiva. Alguns resultados importantes relacionados ao projeto do gráfico de S(2), que ainda não estão disponíveis na literatura, foram necessários e obtidos neste trabalho para fornecer um estudo comparativo completo que permita aos usuários estarem cientes das diferenças significativas entre as duas perspectivas e os dois tipos de gráficos para tomar decisões informadas sobre a escolha do projeto do gráfico de S(2). Além disso, dado que a distribuição condicional do RL é em geral fortemente enviesada à direita, a mediana e alguns quantis extremos desta distribuição são propostos como medidas de desempenho complementares à sua tradicional média (CARL 0). Finalmente, algumas recomendações práticas são oferecidas. / [en] The S(2) control charts are fundamental tools widely used to monitor the process dispersion in applications of Statistical Process Monitoring and Control. Phase II performance of different types of control charts, including the S(2) chart, with unknown process parameters may be significantly different from the nominal performance due to the effect of parameter estimation. In the last few years, this effect has been addressed predominantly under the conditional perspective, which considers the variability of parameter estimates obtained from different Phase I reference samples instead of the traditional unconditional performance measures based on the marginal (unconditional) run length (RL) distribution, such as the unconditional average run length. In light of this new conditional perspective, the analysis of the Phase II performance and design of control charts is frequently undertaken using the Exceedance Probability Criterion for the conditional (given the parameter estimates) in-control average run length (CARL 0), that is, the criterion that ensures a high probability that the CARL 0 is at least a specified minimum tolerated value. Tolerance intervals for sample variances are useful when the main concern is the precision of the values of the quality characteristic and then they can be used in decision-making on lot acceptance sampling. Motivated by the fact that these tolerance intervals, specifically in the case of the two-sided intervals, have not been addressed in the literature so far, exact and approximate two-sided tolerance limits for the population of sample variances are derived and presented in this work. The mathematical-statistical relationship between tolerance interval for the sample variance and the exceedance probability (survival probability) of the CARL 0 for the S(2) control chart with estimated parameter is recognized, highlighted and used in this work in such a way that the study of the Phase II performance and design of this chart can be based on tolerance interval for the sample variance, and vice versa. Works on performance and design of S(2) chart with estimated parameter generally focused on only one perspective (either unconditional or conditional) and considered only one type of chart (either upper one-sided chart or two-sided chart). The existence of both perspectives and two types of charts may be confusing for practitioners. For that reason, the performance and design of S(2) control chart according to these two perspectives are compared, considering each type of chart. Similarly, these two types of charts are also compared for each perspective. Some important results related to the S(2) chart design, which are not yet available in the literature, were required and obtained in this work to provide a comprehensive comparative study that enables practitioners to be aware of the significant differences between these two perspectives and the two types of charts so that proper informed decisions about the chart design to choose can be made. Furthermore, because the conditional RL distribution is usually highly rightskewed, the median and some extreme quantiles of the conditional RL distribution are proposed as complementary performance measures to the customary mean (CARL 0). Finally, some practical recommendations are offered.

Family, work and welfare states in Europe: women's juggling with multiple roles :a series of empirical essays / Famille, emploi et état-providence: la jonglerie des femmes avec leurs multiples rôles

O'Dorchai, Sile Padraigin 24 January 2007 (has links)
The general focus of this thesis is on how the family, work and the welfare system are intertwined. A major determinant is the way responsibilities are shared by the state, the market and civil society in different welfare state regimes. An introductory chapter will therefore be dedicated to the development of the social dimension in the process of European integration. A first chapter will then go deeper into the comparative analysis of welfare state regimes, to comment on the provision of welfare in societies with a different mix of state, market and societal welfare roles and to assess the adequacy of existing typologies as reflections of today’s changed socio-economic, political and gender reality. Although they stand strong on their own, these first two chapters also contribute to contextualising the research subject of the remainder of the thesis: the study and comparison of the differential situation of women and men and of mothers and non-mothers on the labour markets of the EU-15 countries as well as of the role of public policies with respect to the employment penalties faced by women, particularly in the presence of young children. In our analysis, employment penalties are understood in three ways: (i) the difference in full-time equivalent employment rates between mothers and non-mothers, (ii) the wage penalty associated with motherhood, and (iii) the wage gap between part-time and full-time workers, considering men and women separately. Besides from a gender point of view, employment outcomes and public policies are thus assessed comparatively for mothers and non-mothers. Because women choose to take part in paid employment, fertility rates will depend on their possibilities to combine employment and motherhood. As a result, motherhood-induced employment penalties and the role of public policies to tackle them should be given priority attention, not just by scholars, but also by politicians and policy-makers. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

School-Mathematics all over the world – some differences

Paditz, Ludwig 15 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

School-Mathematics all over the world – some differences

Paditz, Ludwig 15 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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