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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


2015 February 1900 (has links)
This study was carried out to examine how innovation can support sustainability and why these two concepts are important for agriculture. To do this, it was necessary to explore the meaning of sustainability and innovation for sustainability, the barriers and opportunities in building a local innovation system by identifying learning interactions, and the role of higher education institutions in achieving sustainability. Since there has been no empirical study of innovation and sustainability in agriculture from a bottom-up perspective, a qualitative case study with multi-methods approach was conducted. The field study took place in Yucatán, México, in the Conkal community over a period of three months in 2013. This research was comprised of in-depth interviews with stakeholders involved in habanero chile farming to identify their perceptions, challenges, and the nature of their willingness and practice of innovation and sustainability. Both Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) and document analysis were used to complement the interview evidence. The results highlight the interpretations of sustainability principles (economic, ecological, and social) and the flow of knowledge and learning interactions that are occurring in the habanero chile product system. To increase innovation capacity, the integration of multiple local players is important to create local innovation systems that can also achieve sustainability principles. The study suggests that learning interactions and knowledge networks at the local level can be used to develop and disseminate technological and non-technological innovation for social, economic, and ecological improvement in farming. Such improvements should be supported by higher education institutions by generating, transferring, and applying ideas, resources, and programs to local communities. Higher education institutions should work towards the integration of various types of knowledge and increase engagement with local farming needs. However, the willingness and trust of individuals as well as the lack of leveraging opportunities to innovate for sustainability were perceived as barriers. The key contribution of this study is to highlight and promote how innovation systems at small scales can support sustainability that may lead to a quintuple helix model (one that integrates the following five components: university, government, industry, civil society, and natural environment). The most important aspect of this study is the suggestion that the integration of social, ecological, and economic goals in innovation systems can help shape an approach that can reorganize innovation for sustainability. Such suggestions are described in the results and discussion sections.

Creation of a space for creativity and innovation within university : The experience of Creative Lab

Acinas, Inés January 2023 (has links)
In order to stimulate innovation and sustainable development in a business environment that is always changing, it is important to support successful collaboration between academia, industry, and society. This project is focused on creating and implementing MDU's Creative Lab, an innovation lab based on the Quintuple Helix Model, in order to promote collaboration between students, academic institutions, and business partners and to meet the needs of all parties. The study was conducted utilizing a methodology that included a review of the literature, interviews, and data analysis. The primary issues that need to be resolved have been highlighted through the interviews as the absence of support systems, the requirement to create clear objectives at the outset of the project, and the significance of ensuring projects and authors maintain continuity.The results of the research have shown that better communication between parties, a clear connection between projects and courses, and opportunities for students to obtain knowledge and experience in the real world are all necessary. In addition, major motivators such as the desire for a social impact, interdisciplinary teamwork, and satisfaction in one's job have been highlighted. As a result, a business model has been developed that takes into account the information gleaned from the presentations and aims to facilitate collaboration and communication between academic institutions, students, and business partners, guarantee the quality of collaborations, offer mentoring and guidance to students, and plan workshops and events that encourage creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.This project provides a thorough analysis of how to create and implement a student-driven innovation lab that adheres to the Quintuple Helix Model and is geared toward sustainable growth in the direction of Industry 5.0. By encouraging student cooperation and contentment, it fosters an environment that fosters the development of creative ideas and the development of a team-oriented workforce that will progress society and business.

Collaboration: A Pre-Study

Lindblom, Simon January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the factors contributing to successful collaboration within the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix frameworks, with a specific focus on the active involvement of students as stakeholders. A qualitative research approach was adopted, utilising interviews, questionnaires, and action research documented in a diary form, to gather data. The study examines the Creative LAB, an innovation lab initiated by students in the Innovation and Design master’s program at Mälardalens University, as a base for the collaborations with which the data is inquired from. The research employs the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix models as theoretical frameworks to understand collaboration dynamics. Phenomenographic analysis was used to categorise and analyse the experiences of collaboration. The interviews and questionnaires, both addressing the same topic, were transcribed, and subjected to systematic extraction and analysis. The findings are presented in the form of categories, supported by direct quotations and perspectives from the respondents. The research diary served as a reflective tool throughout the thesis, documenting and analysing the obtained results and the work conducted within the Creative LAB. It provided valuable insights into the collaboration dynamics, success factors, and the role of students as active stakeholders in the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix models. By capturing observations and personal reflections, the diary contributed to a deeper understanding of the research findings and enhanced the overall validity of the study. One of the projects, WellBot, is also presented as a case study. In summary, this thesis provides insights into the key success factors for collaboration within the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix frameworks, while also highlighting the significant role of students as active stakeholders. The results shed light on the perceptions and experiences of the participants, offering valuable implications for fostering effective collaboration in the context of academia, industry, and society. In the end, success-factors identified within the study is presented, as well as a questionnaire to identify perceptions on potential collaborations.

Contribución de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs al ecosistema de innovación local para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible.

Valenzuela Zubiaur, Macarena del Pilar 30 May 2022 (has links)
[ES] El presente estudio pretende establecer la importancia de la colaboración como un elemento integral para el desarrollo de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs y su vinculación con el ecosistema de innovación local. Esta noción se apoya en un marco teórico que valida la colaboración como un elemento clave al interior de la innovación abierta y su implementación en los espacios de innovación, en este caso específico, los Fab Labs. Junto con ello, surge el concepto de Cosmo-localismo, como un modelo integrador de la colaboración y la innovación, que busca el bienestar de los territorios y sus comunidades. Este se fundamenta en la cultura maker, la cual vincula el diseño abierto con las tecnologías de fabricación digital, para la generación de un nuevo conocimiento, siendo estos distribuidos globalmente. Es aquí donde los Fab Labs juegan un rol fundamental como espacios de articulación, buscando empoderar a sus comunidades mediante el acceso a herramientas, para generar un impacto positivo en lo social, económico y medioambiental. A partir de la importancia de vincular el entorno dentro de la innovación, surge la Quíntuple hélice como un elemento integrador en el proceso de innovación actual, reforzando la importancia del concepto de desarrollo sostenible. Bajo una investigación de enfoque mixto, se analizan los Fab Labs en Chile, caracterizándolos según su ubicación, modelo de trabajo, temáticas y disciplinas. A modo de identificar la vinculación de estos laboratorios con el ecosistema de innovación, se analiza el contexto chileno según el Modelo TE-SER, el cual establece sus características basadas en los roles de cada actor. De la misma forma, se establece para la Red Chilena de Fab Labs y los laboratorios que la componen. Como resultado de esta investigación se propone el diseño de un modelo de colaboración para el desarrollo de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs que promueva su vinculación con el ecosistema de innovación local para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible de sus territorios, apoyándose en los principios del diseño abierto y la cultura maker. Los hallazgos identificados se basan en la importancia del ODS 17, "Alianza para cumplir todos los objetivos", al interior de la comunidad Fab Lab. Y también en el perfilamiento de los Fab Labs chilenos, el cual puede delinear los roles y actividades de los laboratorios al interior de la red y del ecosistema de innovación local. Además, a partir del modelo propuesto, se identifican actores claves para articular instancias de colaboración de forma eficiente, lo que desarrolla una estrategia de implementación basada en el Cosmo-localismo, promoviendo la Quíntuple hélice. / [CA] Aquest estudi pretén establir la importància de la col·laboració com un element integral per al desenvolupament de la Xarxa Xilena de Fab Labs i la vinculació amb l'ecosistema d'innovació local. Aquesta noció es recolza en un marc teòric que valida la col·laboració com un element clau a l'interior de la innovació oberta i la seva implementació als espais d'innovació, en aquest cas específic, els Fab Labs. Juntament amb això, sorgeix el concepte de Cosmo- localisme, com un model integrador de la col·laboració i la innovació, que cerca el benestar dels territoris i les seves comunitats. Aquest es fonamenta en la cultura maker, la qual vincula el disseny obert amb les tecnologies de fabricació digital, per a la generació d'un nou coneixement, i aquests es distribueixen globalment. És aquí on els Fab Labs juguen un rol fonamental com a espais d'articulació, buscant empoderar les seves comunitats mitjançant l'accés a eines, per generar un impacte positiu en allò social, econòmic i mediambiental. A partir de la importància de vincular l'entorn dins de la innovació, la Quíntuple hèlix sorgeix com un element integrador en el procés d'innovació actual, reforçant la importància del concepte de desenvolupament sostenible. Sota una investigació d'enfocament mixt, s'analitzen els Fab Labs a Xile, caracteritzant-los segons la ubicació, el model de treball, les temàtiques i les disciplines. Per identificar la vinculació d'aquests laboratoris amb l'ecosistema d'innovació, s'analitza el context xilè segons el Model TE-SER, el qual estableix les seves característiques basades en els rols de cada actor. De la mateixa manera, s'estableix per a la Xarxa Xilena de Fab Labs i els laboratoris que la componen. Com a resultat d'aquesta investigació es proposa el disseny d'un model de col·laboració per al desenvolupament de la Xarxa Xilena de Fab Labs que promogui la seva vinculació amb l'ecosistema d'innovació local per assolir el desenvolupament sostenible dels territoris, recolzant-se en els principis del disseny obert i la cultura maker. Les troballes identificades es basen en la importància de l'ODS 17, "Aliança per complir tots els objectius", a l'interior de la comunitat Fab Lab. I també en el perfilament dels Fab Labs xilens, el qual pot delinear els rols i activitats dels laboratoris dins de la xarxa i de l'ecosistema d'innovació local. A més, a partir del model proposat, s'identifiquen actors claus per articular instàncies de col·laboració de forma eficient, cosa que desenvolupa una estratègia d'implementació basada en el Cosmo-localisme, promovent la Quíntuple hèlix. / [EN] This study aims to establish the importance of collaboration as an integral element for the development of the Chilean Network of Fab Labs and its link with the local innovation ecosystem. This notion is supported by a theoretical framework that validates collaboration as a key element within open innovation and its implementation in innovation spaces, in this specific case, the Fab Labs. Along with this, the concept of Cosmo- localism, as an integrating model of collaboration and innovation, which seeks the well-being of the territories and their communities. This is based on the maker culture, which links open design with digital manufacturing technologies, for the generation of new knowledge, which is distributed globally. This is where the Fab Labs play a fundamental role as spaces for articulation, seeking to empower their communities through access to tools, to generate a positive social, economic and environmental impact. Based on the importance of linking the environment within innovation, the Quintuple Helix emerges as an integrating element in the current innovation process, reinforcing the importance of the concept of sustainable development. Under a mixed approach research, the Fab Labs in Chile are analyzed, characterizing them according to their location, work model, themes and disciplines. In order to identify the link between these laboratories and the innovation ecosystem, the Chilean context is analyzed according to the TE-SER Model, which establishes its characteristics based on the roles of each actor. In the same way, it is established for the Chilean Network of Fab Labs and the laboratories that comprise it. As a result of this research, the design of a collaborative model is proposed for the development of the Chilean Network of Fab Labs that promotes its link with the local innovation ecosystem to achieve the sustainable development of its territories, based on the principles of open design. and the maker culture. The identified findings are based on the importance of SDG 17, "Alliance to meet all objectives", within the Fab Lab community. And also, on the profiling of Chilean Fab Labs, which can outline the roles and activities of the Fab Labs. laboratories within the network and the local innovation ecosystem. In addition, based on the proposed model, key actors are identified to efficiently articulate instances of collaboration, which develops an implementation strategy based on Cosmo-localism, promoting the Fivefold Helix. / Valenzuela Zubiaur, MDP. (2022). Contribución de la Red Chilena de Fab Labs al ecosistema de innovación local para alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/183278

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