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Sledování reakcí na povrchu plasmonických nanočástic pomocí povrchem-zesílené Ramanovy spektroskopie / Monitoring of surface reactions on plasmon nanoparticles by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopyKožíšek, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis is focused on finding conditions suitable for the study of surface reactions, especially Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction (SMCR), by the surface- enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) method. The first part of the work deals with the optimization of the conditions of individual reactions using the classical synthetic Schlenk technique. Traditional, published, conditions for SMCR were gradually modified during the work so that the reactions could be performed in aqueous media and at room temperature, i.e., under conditions suitable for SERS spectroscopy. The following catalysts were tested: (i) PEPPSI - the traditional SMCR catalyst; (ii) palladium ions; (iii) Pd colloids; (iv) bimetallic colloids of Pd and plasmonic metal (Ag, Au) in the form of core-shell and alloy; (v) Ag and Au colloids with additions of palladium salt or N- heterocyclic carbenes (NHC-catalysts). Two groups of substrates were used: substrates with functional groups with high affinity for the surfaces of metal nanoparticles (NPs) and substrates without these anchoring functional groups. Substrates without the anchoring functional groups can be expected to enter the SMCR reaction from solution. In the second part of this diploma thesis selected reaction mixtures for SMCR were performed in septum...
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Metody identifikace PHA produkujících bakterií / Methods for identification of PHA producing bacteriaSkřivanová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with testing, optimazing and comparing methods for the identification of bacteria producing polyhydroxyalkanoates. Work included cultivation and microscopy methods, wherein the bacterial cells were stained with lipophilic dyes Nile red and Sudan black. Further, we also used flow cytometry and spectroscopic methods - Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy with Fourier transformation, and molecular biological methods, which analyzed the presence of a gene encoding PHA synthase (phaC) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR assay consist of two reactions, the firt on eis based on amplification of phaC gene along with 16S rRNDA gene, which is common for all the bacteria (multiplex PCR). The second reaction is focused on specific amplification of PHA synthase catalyzing biosynthesis of mcl-PHA. In order to overcome false positive results typical for methods analyzing genotype and also to avoid false negative results occuring in fenotype analyzing methods, the best strategy is to combine both aproaches. According to our results, analysis of presence of phaC gene by PCR can be combined with methods capable of determining presence of PHA in bacterial cells. For this purpose, Raman microspectroscopy seems to be very promising tool, since it is able to detect low content of PHA in cells and PHA can not be confused with other lipid metabolites. The results provide an overview of test methods, their advantages and disadvantages and also to compare different criteria according to which it is possible to choose the method of identification in depending on the adjustable requirements.
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Growth and Characterization of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes from Chemically Synthesized Catalyst Precursors / Croissance et caractérisation de nanotubes de carbone monoparois à partir de précurseurs de catalyseurs synthétisés par voie chimiqueCastan, Alice 25 January 2018 (has links)
Les propriétés des nanotubes de carbone monoparois (SWCNTs) dépendent fortement de leur structure atomique. La croissance sélective en structure des SWCNTs est donc un objectif clé à atteindre pour les applications potentielles de ces matériaux uniques. Dans le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode originale alliant chimie de coordination et chimie des surfaces, pour la croissance de SWCNTs par décomposition chimique en phase vapeur, à partir de pré curseurs de catalyseurs variés synthétisés par voie chimique.L 'étude approfondie de ce procédé est présenté pour trois systèmes métalliques de précurseurs (Fe, NiFe, NiCr), issus de la famille du bleu de Prusse. Une caractérisation détaillée des précurseurs, catalyseurs, et des SWCNTs synthétisés a permis de mettre en évidence des effets de la composition du catalyseur sur les phénomènes de croissance.Une étude comparative de microscopie électronique en transmission et de spectroscopie Raman pour la détermination de la distribution de diamètre des échantillons de SWCNTs obtenus a été effectuée, mettant en lumière l 'importance primordiale du recours à des caractérisations croisées pour l 'évaluation de la sélectivité des croissances.Enfin, d'autres pistes de précurseurs de catalyseurs synthétisés par voie chimique sont explorées. Des résultats préliminaires sur deux systèmes bimétalliques de précurseurs issus de la famille des « cyanosols » (FePd) , et de celle des polyoxometallates (CoW) sont présentés, soulignant leur intérêt pour la compréhension des mécanismes complexes de croissance des SWCNTs. / The work presented in this manuscript is focused on the study of single-walled carbon nanotube (S WCNT) growth by chemical vapor deposition, through the tuning of catalyst nanoparticle composition. The properties of S WCNTs strongly depend on their atomic structure, making structurally selective growth essential for future applications. Here we present a new and original method combining surface chemistry and coordination chemistry, for S CNT growth using a wide range of mono- and bimetallic catalyst systems, formed by the reduction of chemically synthesized catalyst precursors.A thorough study of this process is presented for three metallic precursor systems (Fe, NiFe, NiC), derived from the Prussian blue compound family. An extensive characterization of the precursors, ca -talysts, and the resulting S CNTs has allowed to evidence effects of catalyst composition on growth phenomena.We also show the importance of cross-characterization of SWCNT growth samples, through a comparative study between TEM, and Raman spectroscopy for diameter distribution assessment of our growth samples, and on diameter-sorted SWCNT samples.Preliminary results on the use of cyanosols and polyoxomet alates for SWCNT growth with additional bimetallic catalyst systems (FePd , and CoW) are also presented , highlighting the rich potential of inorganic chemistry and coordination chemistry in the field of SWCNT growth .
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Raman spectroscopy of soot produced in low pressure flames : ex situ Analyses and Online Gas Phase Studies / Spectroscopie Raman de carbone-suies produits dans une flamme basse pression : analyses ex situ et directement en ligne dans la phase aérosolLe, Thi Kim Cuong 20 March 2017 (has links)
Chaque année, une quantité de 107tonnes de suie est produite à l'échelle mondiale. Le carbone-suie dans l'atmosphère a des effets graves sur le changement climatique et la santé humaine. Les impacts dépendent de nombreux facteurs comme les composés organiques adsorbés, le vieillissement et les processus de mélange. Par conséquent, afin de réduire la quantité de suie émise, outre l'examen des facteurs mentionnés, les études de la cinétique de formation, de la structure et des propriétés optiques des suies sont également essentielles. Il existe plusieurs méthodes optiques dans les études sur la suie. La spectroscopie Raman occupe un rôle particulier puisqu'elle est un outil puissant pour l'étude structurale des matériaux carbonés grâce à sa sensibilité aux structures à l’échelle moléculaire. Dans ce travail, des sections Raman différentielles de suies et quelques autres particules carbonées ont été mesurées pour progresser vers la spectroscopie Raman quantitative de ces particules. Les suies produites par des flammes d'éthylène pré-mélangées à basse pression ont été étudiées par mesure Raman ex-situ sur des films déposés et des mesures Raman in-situ (enligne) dans la phase gazeuse. La combinaison de la spectroscopie Raman de suies échantillonnées sur substrat avec les spectroscopies infrarouge et optique et la microscopie électronique en transmission a permis de progresser sur l'interprétation des spectres Raman de suie. Les mesures en phase gazeuse, obtenues pour la première fois, fournissent de nouvelles informations sur la naissance des suies et leurs structures dans les flammes à basse pression avec, par exemple, la détection d'une grande quantité d'atomes de carbones hybridés sp lors de la formation et de la croissance des premières suies. Ces étude s’ouvrent la voie à la détection et à l'analyse des suies directement en phase gazeuse et à leur détection quantitative dans l’atmosphère au travers de leurs spectres Raman. / Every year, an amount of 107 tons of soot is produced on the world scale. Soot, as part of atmospheric black carbon, has serious impacts on climate change and human health. The impacts depend on many factors including adsorbed compounds, aging and mixing processes. Therefore in order to reduce the soot amount, besides considering these mentioned factors, the study of formation kinetics, structure and optical properties is also essential. There are several methods applied in soot investigations. Raman spectroscopy plays a particular role as it is a powerful tool for structural investigation of the carbon-based materials because it is sensitive to molecular structures. In this work, differential Raman cross sections of soot and some other carbonaceous particles were measured to progress toward quantitative Raman spectroscopy. Soot particles produced by premixed ethylene flames at a low pressure were investigated by ex-situ Raman measurement on deposited films and in-situ(online) Raman measurement in the gas phase. Combination of the Raman spectroscopy of soot sampled on substrates with infrared and optical spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy allowed progressing on the interpretation of soot Raman spectra. The online gas phase measurements provided a novel view on soot birth and structures in low pressure flames with, for instance, the detection of a large amount of sp hybrized carbon atoms during nascent soot growth. These studies pave the way to soot detection and analysis directly and quantitatively in the atmosphere.
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Spectroscopie Raman stimulée rapide et imagerie spectrale / Ultra-fast stimulated Raman scattering and hyperspectral imagingAudier, Xavier 13 December 2018 (has links)
En combinant des techniques de microscopie et de spectroscopie, il est possible de réaliser des images résolues spectralement. Ces images apportent des réponses à de nombreux problèmes en chimie, biologie, et médecine. La diffusion Raman cohérente (CRS) s'est révélée capable de surpasser la diffusion Raman spontanée dans l'analyse chimique d'échantillons, en offrant une meilleure résolution spatiale et un temps d'acquisition plus faible. La vitesse d'acquisition de l'information spectrale demeure toutefois un facteur limitant en imagerie CRS, et de nombreuses recherches se concentrent sur le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'acquisition. Le présent travail s'inscrit dans cette démarche. En combinant la diffusion Raman stimulée (une branche de la CRS), la focalisation spectrale d'impulsions optiques, ainsi qu'une ligne à délai acousto-optique, nous réalisons les premières mesures à de telles vitesses d'acquisition. Le cadre théorique, technologique, ainsi que l’ingénierie nécessaire pour parvenir à ce résultat sont détaillés. Cette technique d'acquisition rapide est illustrée par le suivi de réaction chimique, le contrôle qualité pharmaceutique, en biologie, et en histologie / Combining microscopy and spectroscopy, one can achieve spectrally resolved imaging, and provide a solution to various chemical, biological, or medical challenges. Coherent Raman scattering (CRS) has proven extremely valuable in providing chemical information, with a higher resolution and shorter acquisition time than spontaneous Raman scattering. The acquisition rate of the spectral information from a sample remains the limiting factor of CRS imaging, and several experimental schemes are being investigated to push the technology toward higher imaging frame rates. This work develops one such scheme. Combining stimulated Raman scattering (a CRS technique), spectral focusing with chirped pulses, and a fast acousto-optic delay line, we achieved unprecedented spectral acquisition rates. The theoretical, technological, and engineering frameworks enabling such acquisition are described in details. The application to pharmaceutical quality control, time resolved chemical transformations, biology, and histology are demonstrated
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Étude et optimisation de procédés d’encapsulation de cellules photovoltaïques / Study and optimization of encapsulation processes for solar cellsOgier, Stéphane 23 November 2017 (has links)
Les cellules photovoltaïques (PV) des modules ou panneaux solaires, sont protégées des agressions extérieures par des résines polymères encapsulantes qui, pour la plupart, sont des matériaux élastomériques réticulés. L’optimisation et le contrôle de l’étape d’encapsulation peut permettre un gain de productivité et augmenter la durée de vie des modules, ce qui réduit les coûts de l’électricité générée. Deux voies ont ainsi été explorées dans ce travail : 1) La première concerne l’étude de l’état de réticulation de l’encapsulant majoritairement utilisé actuellement, un copolymère d’éthylène et d’acétate de vinyle connu sous le nom d’EVA ; celui-ci est mis en œuvre sous forme de feuilles ou films. Une faible réticulation de l’encapsulant peut mener, entre autre, à son fluage lors de son utilisation, impactant directement la durée de vie du module. Il est donc important de suivre le niveau de réticulation de l’encapsulant lors des opérations de contrôle. La comparaison de différentes méthodes d’évaluation du degré de réticulation ont donc été menées ; 2) La deuxième voie concerne des études autour d’un nouveau procédé d’encapsulation. En effet, le procédé industriel actuel, inclut une étape dite de « lamination », pendant laquelle l’encapsulant est fondu et réticulé autour des cellules. Cette étape relativement longue crée des contraintes thermomécaniques pouvant limiter la durée de vie des modules PV. Le développement d’un nouveau procédé d’encapsulation où l’encapsulant en film est remplacé par un encapsulant liquide photopolymérisable permettrait de diminuer les coûts de production tout en augmentant potentiellement la durée de vie des modules. Les propriétés rhéologiques et la cinétique de polymérisation de ce nouvel encapsulant sont ainsi étudiées. Enfin les deux voies d’encapsulation sont comparées. Il a été montré que d’un point de vue des performances électriques le nouveau procédé présente un avantage potentiel et que d’un point de vue de la tenue au vieillissement il est équivalent au procédé industriel actuel / Photovoltaic (PV) cells, for solar modules or panels, are protected from environmental stresses by polymeric encapsulants, which are mostly crosslinked elastomers. The optimization and the control of the encapsulation step have a twofold interest by increasing PV module lifetime and productivity, thus leading to a decrease of the cost of generated electricity. Two main directions have been investigated in this work: 1) The first one is related to the study of the crosslinking degree of the main industrial PV polyolefin encapsulant, EVA, which is a copolymer composed of ethylene and vinyl acetate, used currently in film form. Indeed, poor crosslinking level can lead to its creep, impacting directly the module lifetime. To overcome this problem, the quality control needs to be improved, by the evaluation of the crosslinking degree obtained while using the conventional encapsulation process (through lamination of encapsulant foils). Thus, the comparison of several methods to evaluate this degree are led ;2) The second direction concerns the study of a new encapsulation process. Indeed, the conventional lamination process potentially creates mechanical stresses in the PV cells, which as a consequence may limit the PV module lifetime. Moreover, lamination requires a relatively long processing time. To overcome this problem, the development of a new encapsulation process using a photopolymerizable encapsulant, initially liquid, decreases the production costs of PV modules and potentially increases their lifetime. The rheology properties and the polymerization kinetics of the new encapsulant are studied. At the end of the present work, both encapsulation processes are compared. Electrical performances of PV cells are measured before and after encapsulation as well as before and after ageing cycles. It has been revealed that the new encapsulation process presents at least as good, if not better performances than the standard process, thus highlighting its big potential for the manufacturing of PV modules
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Dodecylbenzenesulfonic Acid: A Surfactant and Dopant for the Synthesis of Processable Polyaniline and its CopolymersShreepathi, Subrahmanya 20 November 2006 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die bessere Verarbeitung von Polyanilin (PANI), da dies bisher ein großer Nachteil unter leitfähigen Polymeren war. Dazu wird ein sperriges Tensid und Dotand, Dodecylbenzensulfonsäure (DBSA) verwendet. Zur Synthese der PANI kommen zwei verschiedene Methoden zur Anwendung, die in dieser Dissertation in zwei Kapiteln beschrieben werden.
Im ersten Teil wurden in einem kleinen Reaktionsvolumen (250 mL) PANI-DBSA-Suspensionen synthetisiert, wobei mit einem binären Gemisch aus 2-Propanol und Wasser als Lösungsmittel gearbeitet wird um die Löslichkeit zu unterstützen. Die micellenunterstützte Synthese produziert grüne Dispersionen, welche nach länger als einem Jahr noch keine sichtbare Ausscheidung zeigen. Eine detaillierte spectroelektrochemische Untersuchung der PANI-DBSA-Nanokolloide wurde durchgeführt und gibt eine bessere Erklärung der Charge-Transfer-Prozesse zwischen PANI-Kolloiden und Elektrodenoberfläche. In einem alkalischen Medium ist das UV-Vis-Spektrum von der Beweglichkeit der Anionen und von einem elektrokinetischen Phänomen abhängig. Um den „metal-to-insulator”-Übergang zwischen PANI-Kolloiden, welcher durch pH-Wert-Änderung des Mediums geschehen kann, zu zeigen, wurden UV-Vis- und pre-resonanz-Raman-Spektroskopie verwendet.
Im zweiten Teil der Dissertation wird zur Polymerisation von Anilin sowie seinen Copolymeren mit o-Toluidin eine neue Technik der Polymerisation beschrieben, welche durch inverse Emulsion erfolgt. Diese benutzt Benzoylperoxid, ein ungewöhnlicheres organisches Oxidationsmittel. Die erhaltenen PANI sind in gebräuchlichen organischen Lösungsmitteln, wie in Chloroform, vollständig löslich. Mit einer klar-transparenten, grünen Lösung von PANI können metallische Oberflächen oder Glas leicht tropfenbeschichtet werden. Zyklische Voltammetrie und spektroelektrochemische Verfahren kamen zum Einsatz, um die Elektroaktivität, das UV-Vis-Verhalten und die „metal-to-insulator”-Übergänge der chemisch synthetisierten PANI als Funktion des verwendeten Elektrodenpotentials zu untersuchen. Die elektrische Leitfähigkeit der Materialien ist relativ hoch (R = 10 ). SEM-Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Menge des zugesetzten DBSA die Morphologie des Polymers stark beeinflusst. Aus in situ UV-Vis-spektroskopischen Messungen lässt sich eine gute elektrochromische Reversibilität des Polymers erkennen. DBSA kann Poly(o-toluidin) (POT) effektiv dotieren, auch wenn von der Methylgruppe eine sterische Hinderung ausgeht. Die spektroskopischen Untersuchungen, wie UV-Vis, FT-IR, Raman-Spektroskopie und zyklische Voltammetrie, zeigen deutlich, dass wirkliche Copolymere gebildet werden und die Möglichkeit von Kompositen nicht in Betracht kommt. Das entstandene Poly(anilin-co-o-toluidin) (PAT) ist in schwach polaren Lösungsmitteln wie Chloroform löslich. Wie erwartet, sind die elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten der Copolymere viel kleiner als die Leitfähigkeit von PANI-DBSA.
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Elektrické a optické vlastnosti SiC monokrystalů / Electrical and optical properties of SiC single crystalsBrynza, Mykola January 2020 (has links)
Silicon carbide is a semiconductor with a wide bandgap of up to 3.2 eV and is capable of operating in extreme conditions, high temperature and high energy modes. This work focuses on the investigation of electrical and optical properties of monocrystalline SiC by various methods including Raman spectroscopy, volt-ampere characteristics, L-TCT and spectroscopic techniques. The adhesion of contacts and the influence of different contact materials on the ability to detect ionizing radiation are also studied to optimize the technology of preparation of quality SiC-based radiation detectors.
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Chemická variabilita granátů z Českého středohoří a charakterizace jejich minerálních inkluzí / Chemical variability of garnets from the České středohoří Mountains and characterization of their mineral inclusionsPíšová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The samples of garnets used in this study come from clastic sediments from the drillcores Tř-1 and T-31, selected localities of the České středohoří Mountains and garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks sampled by the drillcore T-7. The contents of the major and some minor elements were determined by an electron probe microanalyzer. The garnets from the sediments were divided into 3 groups according to the contents of the end-members: 1) pyrope-, 2) almandine - pyrope- and 3) grosular - almandine-rich. Garnets from the drillcore T-7 were classified according to individual rock types in which they occurred: lherzolite, hazburgite, pyroxenite, eclogite and granulite. Chemical analyzes of garnets displayed the presence of positive correlations Cr vs. Ca vs. Ti Mn in pyrope grains. The contents of trace elements in garnets were studied by an LA-ICP-MS. After normalization to the CI-reservoir, garnets most often show lherzolite profiles of rare earth elements. Garnets of intense red and purple colors show slightly sinusoidal REE profiles. Inclusions enclosed in garnets were studied by a scanning electron microscope. If their dimensions allowed, the major and minor elements were determined by electron microanalysis for inclusions. Inclusions of amphiboles in association with spinel group minerals, carbonates and...
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AN INVESTIGATION IN THE MECHANISM OF [Ru(tpy)(bpy)(H2O)]2+ AND [Ru(bpy)2(bpyNO)]2+ WITH THE EMPHASIZE ON THE N-OXIDE: A REDOX ACTIVE LIGANDAlireza Karbakhsh ravari (9745100) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Climate change and the energy crisis are substantial challenges facing the human species, and they are projected to threaten life on our planet. For millions of years, the sun has been the main source of energy for life on Earth; this inspires ongoing research efforts focusing on a “sunlight to fuel” energy solution. Photosynthesis is nature’s tool to derive energy from the sun. Hence, scientists focus on the biochemistry of this phenomenon to employ photosynthesis in a man-made device. Such a device is able to convert solar energy to chemical energy through a light-driven cycle of the chemical reactions which produce hydrogen gas, later used as fuel. This process, often called “artificial photosynthesis,” needs efficient catalysts which can be incorporated into a molecular assembly and other microscopic structures or immobilized on an electrode surface. </p><p>Additionally, evolution, in the course of billions of years, chose manganese as an abundant and effective metal to facilitate the process of photosynthesis. These manganese atoms formed a cluster and an optimized ligand field to maximize efficiency. The photochemistry and photo-physics process behind photosynthesis is yet to be fully understood and implemented in a man-made apparatus with comparable efficiency and durability. </p><p>Photosynthesis requires a source of electrons. Water is an abundant molecule on earth that can provide the electrons needed for the photosynthesis. Although water is ubiquitous, it is one of the most stable molecules; hence, splitting it demands a well-designed system with strong oxidizing capability. Because a single atom of oxygen is highly reactive, there should be at least four oxidation states in the system to remove four electrons and release molecular oxygen: O2. The O-O bond formation is one of the most important steps in photosynthesis to fully understand. Lacking a thorough knowledge of this step prevents design and fabrication of robust and active water oxidizing catalysts. To fully understand O-O formation, one should perform a comprehensive study of each of the intermediates of the system. In other words, we need an understanding of the structure and electronic configuration of the system (natural or artificial) from the moment that a water molecule attaches to the catalyst (usually a metal core, central in the complex), until the moment that oxygen released as an O2 molecule. </p><p>There are multiple possible mechanisms to explain O-O formation. Two mechanisms that were extensively studied in this thesis are water nucleophilic attack and radical coupling. The prevailing view about oxygen formation in the catalysts that we study here explains the O-O bond formation by nucleophilic attack of a water molecule to a highly oxidized ruthenium (RuV=O) species. In this hypothesis, all polypyridine ligands that are coordinated to ruthenium remain neutral during the water oxidation process, while the formation of RuV=O (the key intermediate) would require a relatively high free energy (about 1.8 to 2 eV); use of computational (numerical) calculations determine this to be thermodynamically inaccessible. Furthermore, the failure of spectroscopic techniques to confirm the presence of RuV=O calls the validity of this model into question.)</p><p>Alternatively, radical coupling hypothesis considers another pathway to oxygen bond formation. Here, one of the nitrogen atoms coordinated to ruthenium in polypyridine plays a crucial role. We hypothesize that after formation of RuIV=O (which is spectroscopically observed), one nitrogen decoordinates from the metallic core (ruthenium) and oxidizes to form Ru-ON species. This N-oxide ligand can be further oxidized to form a ligand cation radical. It has been shown that [ligand-NO]+• can have almost no energy barrier for O-O bond formation via spin alignment. The study of the role of N-oxide is one of the main focuses of this work. Since this hypothesis does not require RuV=O nor water nucleophilic attack, it explains the process of water oxidation and opens further avenues for the design of future catalysts.</p><p>To confirm our hypothesis, I employed several spectroscopic methods and computational calculations. This new pathway predicts new intermediates exclusive to this model. Our objective is to prove their presence by in situ spectroscopy and test the possibility of formation of each intermediate computationally, to see if their formation is thermodynamically feasible. </p><div><br></div>
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