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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Economic Analysis of the Retail Raw Milk Industry in the State of Utah

Dewsnup, H. Kent 01 May 1962 (has links)
For 98 years after the first "Mormon" pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley there was no statewide control of the sale and distribution of fluid milk. Prior to any statewide control, however, laws were passed in Salt Lake City and Ogden outlawing sale of raw milk to final consumers in those cities as of January l, 1945.

The effects of feeding a ground raw soybean diet on reproductive performance and carcass quality of prepubertal gilts

Sykes, Daniel Jason 02 May 2009 (has links)
The administration of raw soybeans to the diet of prepubertal gilts had no effect (p>0.05) on age to puberty, number of corpora lutea, or embryos present. Also, the number of pigs farrowed live and 28d litter weights did not differ between gilts consuming the raw soybean diet and gilts consuming the control diet. There was a reduction (p<0.05) in the number of pigs weaned in the group consuming the raw soybeans but no differences (p>0.05) in weaning weights. Gilts fed the raw soybean diet had a reduction (p=0.05) of hot carcass weights compared to gilts consuming the control diet but exhibited no differences for other carcass parameters measured. Thermal imaging was able to differentiate gilts in estrus versus diestrus. Gilts in estrus had greater (p<0.05) surface area temperatures than gilts in diestrus.

Computer Simulation of Raw Material Receiving Facility - Queueing Study / Computer Simulation - Queueing Study

Fulton, Robert 09 1900 (has links)
All physical copies are missing page 3 in this thesis. - McMaster Digitization Center / A computer simulation model was developed to simulate the receiving of raw materials at a dock for an integrated steel plant on the North shore of Lake Erie. The model was formulated to study queue build-up, berth waiting time and the effect of various unloading conditions on dock efficiency. A financial analysis, using present value techniques, was then applied to the model results in order to recommend an optimum berth staging plan under various economic conditions. Historical data on raw material receiving at Hilton Works, Hamilton, were collected and used to develop mathematical functions to describe the random nature of vessel arrivals and berth times. It was determined from this data that vessel arrivals are described by a Poisson distribution and berth times are described by an Erlang distribution. The computer model simulates the dock operation by generating random numbers according to these distributions (Monte Carlo Simulation.) Coal and ore vessel arrivals are merged and respective service times generated. Interferences occur and queues grow and diminish as the facility is simulated through the shipping seasons throughout its expected life. Various unloading rates and vessel tonnages are simulated for a single and double berth operation and the associated waiting times and queue lengths are recorded for each alternative. An economic analysis is performed on the alternatives using present value techniques. The economic analysis indicated that the optimum time to expand the dock to a double berth occurs at a tonnage level of 15 million (coal + ore). To reach this level unloading rates of 10,000 TPH for ore and 8,000 TPH for coal would have to be achieved with an average vessel tonnage of 39,000 metric tonnes. Reducing the unloading rates or average vessel tonnage would move forward the required construction of a double berth and would increase the present value for that alternative. This expansion date will also depend on future economic factors such as cost of capital and escalation rate. The other important conclusion drawn from the economic analysis was that the receiving facility should be expanded in minimum feasible increments because of uncertain economic conditions. This concept dictates that conveyors be installed at minimum capacity, i.e. -belt width and drive size, to handle the first stage tonnage only with provision in the equipment to increase capacity by replacing narrow belts with wider ones and adding additional drive units. The timing for the stages is predicted on several factors, such as: life of the initial belt, tonnage forecast, ship delay costs, and most importantly future economic conditions. For example, it would be advantageous to increase the unloading capacity with a wider belt at the time the initial belt is worn out. Belt and drive staging will take place before the expansion to a second berth in order to defer the capital investment as long as possible. The conveyor system for the second berth can be similarily staged. The study indicated that a good planning strategy would be to initially install a 1.8 m wide belt on 2.0 m wide machinery with 3-1,000 H.P. drives. This system would unload ore at approximately 7,000 t/hr. and coal at approximately 5,000 t/hr. This capability could be increased to 10,000 t/hr. for ore and approximately 8,000 t/hr: for coal by adding a 2.0 m wide belt and 1 -1,000 H.P. drive unit. These rates would be compatible with the expected unloading rates of the future fleet. The decision to increase capacity should be considered when the initial belt is worn out or when delay costs and future economics dictate expansion before that time. The study also indicated that it is poor strategy to design the second berth/conveyor system to be restricted to coal receiving only. The Computer simulation indicated ship delay time for the restricted berth to be approximately three times that for a system with capability to receive ore and coal equally at both berths on either conveyor and either stacker. It indicates that ore receiving is the most important capability and should not be restricted. Even though ore pellets unload more quickly the ore tonnage required is twice that for coal. Therefore, it is recommended to design a completely flexible system . with full provision for expansion to higher unloading rates and larger vessels (850 ft.) and with provision to unload equally from either berth to either conveyor and to have the ability to transfer material between converyors at the head end of the stacker conveyor. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (MEngr)

Výroba bezešvých kruhů technologií radiálně-axiálního válcování / Production of seamless rings by technology radial-axial rolling

Zapletalová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the production of a seamless ring manufactured from low-alloyed steel 15 142, which fills the function as a large-dimensional bearing. On the basis of suitable production technologies analysis, the radial axial rolling method was chosen and a specific manufacturing process was proposed. During the manufacturing time, the creation of the forging defects in the transfers forms were occurred, which was totally undesirable. By changing the parameters of the machine, in particular the rolling curve and the temperature, the process was optimized and the production performed completely without defects.

Vliv antimikrobiálních látek na trvanlivost raw potravin / Effect of antimicrobial substances on "raw food" durability

Horká, Daniela January 2018 (has links)
Submitted diploma thesis deals with an effect of antimicrobial substances on raw food durability. Nowadays, the raw food has become very required style of nutrition, which is being practised by more and more people. The issue is that this kind of alimentation, especially vegetable raw food is not prepared in heat treatment which is higher than 42–45 °C. The main aim of the thesis is to study antioxidant and antibacterial properties of the herbal and spice extracts and their following implementation into raw desserts to prolong their durability. At the beginning of the theoretical part, there is an analysis of the issue of raw food and the description of micro-organisms, which are mostly occurred on plant materials. Afterwards, selected herbs and spices, and mechanisms of their antimicrobial effects, and also the methods used to test the products are characterised. The experimental part focuses on characterization of ethanol extracts from 13 selected kinds of spices and herbs. The determination of biologically active substance was accomplished, specifically, polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins and their antioxidant properties. Moreover, these extracts were tested to antimicrobial effect towards gram-positive species of germs Micrococcus luteus, gram-negative species of germs Escherichia coli and yeast Candida glabrata. The molecular part of the thesis contains the DNA isolation from the tested raw material, which was enriched of combination of the selected herbs and spices. Change of expiry date of selected samples of raw desserts was monitored. The presence of chosen micro-organisms was confirmed by the PCR method.

Planrisk : En svårbedömd men avgörande parameter vid värdering av råmark / Planning Permit Risk : A difficult but Critical Parameter in Valuation of Raw Land

Lindstrand, Jesper, Bergström, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Fastighetsutveckling är en verksamhet som kännetecknas av en hög grad av komplexitet och osäkerhet. Detaljplaneprocessen är en långdragen process som ofta löper över flera år, och involverar ett stort antal sakägare och många motstridiga intressen. Det råder en stor risk att detaljplanen inte färdigställs eller att processen fördröjs på grund av olika överklaganden eller problem vad gäller trafiklösningar, landskapsbild, buller och riksintressen såsom skyddade arter och fornlämningar. (Costello, G. et. al. 2010). Det är även mycket vanligt att den slutgiltiga detaljplanens innehåll nedrevideras, och därmed skiljer sig jämfört med det ursprungliga förslaget. Ovan nämnda riskfaktorer går under samlingsnamnet planrisk, och anses vara den största risken enligt byggherrar, och hur den bedöms inför ett förvärv kan vara avgörande för projektets lönsamhet (Segerlund, D 2015). Dagens värderingsmetodik för råmark, det vill säga mark som inte är detaljplanelagd, sker vanligtvis genom ortsprismetoden där jämförelser görs med tidigare utförda transaktioner på jämförbar mark. Eftersom antalet transaktioner av råmark är mycket lågt i Sverige och att information om prispåverkande bakomliggande villkor ofta saknas så använder man en indirekt ortsprismetod, så kallad råmarkskalkyl, som komplement. Råmarkskalkylen räknar ut råmarkens värde utifrån värdet av projektet vid färdigställande minskat med beräknadekostnader, tidsfaktor samt uppskattad planrisk (ibid). Detta examensarbete har syftat till att utreda vilka faktorer styr planrisken och hur värderare går till väga för att uppskatta denna parameter. Tidigare rapporter inom ämnet belyser problematiken kring transparens och tydlighet i de antaganden som använts i värdeutlåtanden vid värdering av råmark. Således syftar även detta arbete till att utreda de faktorer som ligger till grund för den bristande transparensen som råder. Författarna har använt sig av triangulering som forskningsmetod för att mynna ut i det resultat som redovisas i slutet av arbetet. Sammanfattningsvis har 10 intervjuer genomförts med olika branschaktörer som alla är insatta i ämnet kring planrisk och råmarksutveckling. För att få en god förståelse över ämnet och ett perspektiv från både offentlig och privat sektor har även en kortare enkätstudie skickats till samtliga av landets kommuner. Slutligen har även en fallstudie genomförts där författarna undersökt och jämfört fyra olika värderingsutlåtanden för råmark.  Slutsatserna som kan dras från detta arbete är att värderingen av råmark är ett komplext värderingsförfarande, som kräver erfarenhet från värderingsmän. Det går dock att notera brister i hur antaganden redovisas i dessa värderingsutlåtanden. Författarna anser också att annars vanliga tillvägagångssätt för att hantera osäkerheter vid värdering saknas i denna typ av värderingar, exempelvis känslighetsanalyser och scenarioanalyser. Ett återkommande tema under intervjustudien är att marknaden saknar den betalningsvilja som krävs för ytterligare utredningsunderlag. Författarna menar dock att det finns kostnadseffektiva lösningar som skulle både stärka och öka validiteten och realibiliteten i den slutliga bedömningen, vilketockså redovisas i resultatdelen. I hopp om att bidra till en ökad transparens inom branschen, har en matris skapats som författarna tror kan fungera som en vägledning för rådgivare, kund och marknad. / Real estate development is a procedure that is characterized by a high grade of complexity and insecurity. The process for developing a detailed development plan is a lengthy and tedious procedure that involves a large number of stakeholders with conflicting interests. The risk that the detailed development plan is not completed or prolonged due to factors such as traffic solutions, national interests, racket and a shifting scenery is high. (Costello, G. et. al. 2010). It is also common that the contents of the final version of the detailed development plan is revised in a downwards fashion, and thus differs significantly from the initial proposal. The aforementioned risk factors are, along with other risk factors, collectively called the planning permit risk. It is considered to be the largest risk according to real estate developers and how it is assessed prior to an acquisition of land is considered crucial for the profitability of the project (Segerlund, D 2015). The most common method used for valuing raw land (parcel of land that is not encompassed within a detailed development plan) today is called a comparable sales method, where you use prior transactions of comparable properties to assess the value of your project. Due to the fact that the volume of raw land transactions is quite low in Sweden, the comparable sales method is often complemented with a backdoor feasibility analysis, which computes the value of the project as if it was finished subtracted with the costs, the time to completion and the planningpermit risk (ibid). This master's thesis’ aim is to examine which factors that affect the planning permit risk and how valuers assess this parameter. Prior research within the subject sheds a light on the problem with transparency and clarity regarding the assumptions that are used in valuation reports for raw land valuations. Thus, this report also intends to examine the factors that are subject to blame for this lack of transparency. The authors have chosen to answer the research questions stated in this paper by the use of triangulation as the research method. The authors have conducted 10 interviews with branch professionals that are knowledgeable regarding the subject of the planning permit risk and raw land valuation. To gain a deeper understanding of the subject and to gain a perspective from both the private and public sectors, a survey has been sent out to all of Sweden's municipalities. To conclude it all has a case study been conducted, where the authors have examined and compared four valuation reports of raw land.  The conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis is that the valuation of raw land is a complex procedure that requires experienced valuers. It is however possible to note flaws regarding the presentation of the assumptions in the valuation reports. The authors find that otherwise normal procedures regarding how to handle insecurities in valuation are lacking in these reports, for example sensitivity or scenario analyses. A reoccurring comment during the interview procedure is the fact that the market is not willing to pay for additional inspections that can increase the transparency of these valuation reports. However, the authors of this paper suggest that there are cost-efficient solutions that can strengthen and enhance thevalidity and reliability of the valuation reports for raw land valuations. In hopes of increasing the transparency within the industry, a matrix has been developed that is presented at the end of this paper, which the authors believe can be of guidance to not only the advisers, but alsothe client and the market as a whole.

McKean Lithic Resource Utilization at the Wolf Willow and Dog Child sites, Wanuskewin Heritage Park: A New Look at Saskatchewan Raw Materials.

2015 May 1900 (has links)
The scientific importance of Wanuskewin Heritage Park lies in the number and diversity of archaeological sites present in a single area. Wolf Willow and Dog Child are multicomponent occupation sites located in the Opimihaw Valley and both contain McKean components. McKean Complex sites are relatively uncommon on the Northern Plains which makes the cluster at Wanuskewin Heritage Park important. McKean lithic materials are mainly locally produced with very few exotics. Materials from McKean assemblages have a heavy reliance on local lithic materials such as chert and quartzite. McKean levels at the Thundercloud, Cut Arm, and Red Tail sites, all located in Wanuskewin Heritage Park, are consistent with this pattern of lithic resource utilization. The presence of exotic lithic materials can allude to territory, trade networks spanning vast amounts of land, or even show preference for an exotic material over locally available tool stone. This thesis will allow Wolf Willow and Dog Child to be understood in the broader context of McKean sites on the Northern Plains. Secondarily, Eldon Johnson’s 1998 “Properties and Sources of Some Saskatchewan Lithic Materials of Archaeological Significance”, a popular and highly utilized thesis, is updated here with new information concerning raw materials found in Wanuskewin Heritage Park.

Incidence, Ecology, and Fate of Target Foodborne Pathogens in the Cheesemaking Continuum

D'Amico, Dennis 10 September 2008 (has links)
Due to renewed interest in specialty cheeses, small-scale artisan and farmstead producers are manufacturing numerous varieties of cheese, including those that present higher risk such as surface-ripened soft cheeses, often using raw milk. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in raw milk on large scale dairy farms is well documented as the dairy farm itself can serve as a reservoir. To assess the risks associated with the use of raw milk in the manufacture of small-scale artisan cheese we evaluated overall milk quality and prevalence of four target pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli O157:H7) in raw milk from 11 farmstead cheese operations in Vermont. Although overall incidence was low in comparison to other surveys, variation from farm to farm, independent of species, indicates that some operations practice strict hygienic controls and that additional effort is needed on others. Our data also suggest that if present, pathogen population levels in raw milk are extremely low. Although these pathogens are readily inactivated by pasteurization, pasteurized milk and milk products, including soft cheese, have been implicated in major outbreaks of L. monocytogenes infection as the result of post-processing environmental contamination. U.S. Standards of Identity permit the manufacture of these and other cheeses from raw milk, provided they are aged for a minimum of 60 days typically at a temperature no less than 35°F (1.67°C) to provide safety. Of particular concern are the surface-mold-ripened soft cheeses due to the growth potential during aging and refrigerated holding following increases in pH. In a study on the growth potential of L. monocytogenes introduced as post process contaminants on surface-mold-ripened cheeses we demonstrate that holding cheese in compliance with U.S. Federal regulations supports pathogen growth from very low levels regardless of the whether the milk used was raw or pasteurized. Moreover, the 60 day aging rule encourages extended holding which could inadvertently contribute to risk. It is clear that the safety of cheeses within this category must be achieved through control strategies other than pasteurization or aging. Effective environmental monitoring and control of Listeria spp. within processing plants, including farmstead cheese operations, is considered paramount in reducing cross contamination of ready-to-eat foods. To assess the incidence and ecology of Listeria spp. in farmstead cheese processing environments we conducted environmental sampling in 9 different cheesemaking facilities over a 10-week period while comparing three detection/isolation protocols. Results indicate that the use of detection/isolation methods incorporating dual primary enrichment with a repair step allowing for the recovery of injured Listeria enhances detection of Listeria spp., including L. monocytogenes, and that the addition of PCR increases sensitivity of detection while greatly reducing time to results. Our data indicate that the extent of farmstead cheese plant contamination with Listeria spp., notably L. monocytogenes, is comparatively low for dairy processing plants, especially those with contiguous farms and aids in the identification of control points for use in designing more effective control and monitoring programs. Overall the studies contained herein fill data gaps in the literature considering the threat of emerging pathogens in raw milk intended for farmstead cheesemaking, as well as the incidence and distribution of Listeria spp., including molecular subtypes, in small farmstead cheese processing environments over time. These data will help inform risk assessments which evaluate the microbiological safety of artisan cheeses, particularly those manufactured on farms.

Pasteurization and its discontents: Raw milk, risk, and the reshaping of the dairy industry

Suozzo, Andrea M 01 January 2015 (has links)
Milk is something many Americans consume every day, whether over cereal, in coffee or in a cup; as yogurt, cream, cheese or butter. The vast majority of that milk is pasteurized, or heated to the point where much of the bacteria in the milk dies. Pasteurization both slows spoilage of the milk and eliminates potentially harmful bacteria. The fact that we call heat-treated dairy simply "milk" is a testament to pasteurization's widespread proliferation over the past century. Prior to the 1900s, "milk" was raw and unheated, and pasteurized milk was a radically new technology. My research delved into understandings of dairy in both the present and the past, looking in the first chapter at Vermont farmer resistance at the advent of pasteurization, and in the second at consumer resistance to pasteurization in the present time. A century ago, the dairy industry was in flux, facing pressure to change due to population shifts and rising demands. In lieu of food that could be traced to a neighbor or to a farm on the other side of town, urbanization meant that food could travel hundreds of miles before it reached its destination -- Vermont farmers could now send their fluid milk to the Boston and New York markets. Once milk got to the city, however, it was often riddled with bacteria and untraceable to its source. Cities and states struggled to regulate the safety of milk coming into their area. In 1908 the Vermont legislature passed a pasteurization law in an attempt to curb the spread of bovine tuberculosis, but farmers and creameries simply refused to follow it and the state legislature was forced to repeal the law two years later. Despite pushback to pasteurization, however, pressure from the cities forced its adoption, pushing the expense onto the middleman processors and distributors. This, in turn, helped to drive consolidation and bring about the dairy industry as we know it today -- an industry that many interviewees in my present-day research felt was deeply flawed. My second chapter focuses on raw milk consumers in Vermont. Those on each side of the raw milk discussion make broad -- and sometimes dire -- knowledge claims regarding the values and risks associated with consumption of the substance. Advocacy groups, agricultural associations, and various governmental authorities all voice divergent opinions regarding the safety and health benefits of raw milk consumption. As such, consumers navigate these contests of voices when deciding whether or not to drink raw milk. Yet raw milk consumers are not simply passive recipients of governmental, advocacy and media messaging, but rather consumers making rational decisions based on research, experience and values. In examining how raw milk consumers understand their actions and decisions, I bring this perspective to bear on the larger discussion of the risks and benefits of raw milk consumption. My investigation of the historical and present context of raw milk shed light not just on the subculture of those who choose to drink raw milk, or on the small group of farmers who fought back against pasteurization in 1909. It revealed common refrains over the course of more than a century, repeating patterns and, I hope, a lens through which to view the nuance and shifting possibilities in other issues in the food system, both past and current.

Enabling the processing of bioinformatics workflows where data is located through the use of cloud and container technologies

de Beste, Eugene January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The growing size of raw data and the lack of internet communication technology to keep up with that growth is introducing unique challenges to academic researchers. This is especially true for those residing in rural areas or countries with sub-par telecommunication infrastructure. In this project I investigate the usefulness of cloud computing technology, data analysis workflow languages and portable computation for institutions that generate data. I introduce the concept of a software solution that could be used to simplify the way that researchers execute their analysis on data sets at remote sources, rather than having to move the data. The scope of this project involved conceptualising and designing a software system to simplify the use of a cloud environment as well as implementing a working prototype of said software for the OpenStack cloud computing platform. I conclude that it is possible to improve the performance of research pipelines by removing the need for researchers to have operating system or cloud computing knowledge and that utilising technologies such as this can ease the burden of moving data.

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