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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning commonalities in RDF & SPARQL / Apprendre les points communs dans RDF et SPARQL

El Hassad, Sara 02 February 2018 (has links)
La recherche de points communs entre des descriptions de données ou de connaissances est un problème de raisonnement fondamental en Machine Learning, qui a été formalisé par G. Plotkin dans les années 70s sous la forme du calcul du plus petit généralisant de ces descriptions. L'identification des plus petits généralisants a un large panel d'applications qui vont de l'optimisation de requêtes (e.g., pour matérialiser les points communs entre des requêtes lors de la sélection de vues ou pour factoriser leur exécution dans un contexte d'accès concurrentiel), à la recommandation dans le contexte des réseaux sociaux (e.g. pour créer de liens entre des utilisateurs basées sur leurs points communs selon leur profil ou leurs recherches). Dans cette thèse nous avons revisité la notion du plus petit généralisant dans le contexte de Resource Description Framework (RDF) et le fragment conjonctif de son langage de requêtes associé SPARQL, alias Basic Graph Pattern (BGP) queries. Contrairement à l'état de l'art, nous ne considérons aucune restriction, ni structurelle ni sémantique, sur les graphes et les requêtes. Nos contributions incluent la définition et le calcul des plus petits généralisants dans ces deux formalismes ce qui revient à trouver le plus grand ensemble de points communs entre des bases de données incomplètes et des requêtes conjonctives en présence de contraintes déductives. Nous proposons également une évaluation expérimentale de nos contributions. / Finding commonalities between descriptions of data or knowledge is a fundamental task in Machine Learning. The formal notion characterizing precisely such commonalities is known as least general generalization of descriptions and was introduced by G. Plotkin in the early 70's, in First Order Logic. Identifying least general generalizations has a large scope of database applications ranging from query optimization (e.g., to share commonalities between queries in view selection or multi-query optimization), to recommendation in social networks (e.g., to establish connections between users based on their commonalities between proles or searches), through exploration (e.g., to classify/categorize datasets and to identify common social graph patterns between organizations (e.g., criminal ones)). In this thesis we revisit the notion of least general generalizations in the entire Resource Description Framework (RDF) and popular conjunctive fragment of SPARQL, a.k.a. Basic Graph Pattern (BGP) queries. By contrast to the literature, we do not restrict the structure nor semantics of RDF graphs and BGPQs. Our contributions include the denition and the computation of least general generalizations in these two settings, which amounts to nding the largest set of commonalities between incomplete databases and conjunctive queries, under deductive constraints. We also provide an experimental assessment of our technical contributions.

Podpora sémantiky v CMS Drupal / Semantic support in CMS Drupal

Ivančo, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis is to map semantic features of CMS Drupal version 7. The goal of the first part of this work is to theoretically describe semantic web problematic and CMS Drupal. The second -- practical part of this work maps in details all the features of semantic web, which are supported by described CMS Drupal. These semantic features are mapped in two different points of views -- implementation and functional. Main contribution of this work is the method used to map these features. It's based on Drupal plugins code modification and revision in order to draw or demonstrate these features, which are not necessarily completely documented or functional. Furthermore all of these features are demonstrated on examples created as a part of this thesis. Finally the last part of this work compares these mapped features to similar CMS systems.

Ontologie přístupnosti budov / Ontology of Building Accessibility

Hazuza, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Within the project Maps without Barriers realized under Charta 77 Foundation - Barriers Account, in 2015 we intend to map accessibility of buildings and its premises from the perspective of people with limited mobility. We plan to inspect nearly 600 castles, palaces and other tourist attractions in the Czech Republic. The acquired data will be gathered and published as an on-line map in form of open and machine-readable data. It will also appear as Linked Open Data. However, the project will not end with mapping premises, the main objective is to provide a solid foundation for a unified database of accessibility of buildings and its premises. Negotiations with institutions and organizations interested in mapping are in progress and we try to offer them our project platform for publication of their data. The required RDFS vocabulary will be designed and carried out as part of this diploma thesis. It will be tested on the data from a number of forms describing existing objects. The data will be gathered by means of services designed in terms of this theses and provided for purchasers and users equally.

Annotation Semantique de Documents Semi-Structurés pour la recherche d'information

Thiam, Mouhamadou 09 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le web sémantique est défini par un ensemble de méthodes et de technologies permettant à des agents logiciels de raisonner sur le contenu des ressources du Web. Cette vision du Web dépend de la construction des ontologies et de l'utilisation de métadonnées pour représenter ces ressources. L'objectif de notre travail de thèse est d'annoter sémantiquement des documents balisés et relatifs au même domaine. Ces documents peuvent comporter des parties bien structurées et d'autres textuelles. Nous supposons disposer d'une ontologie de domaine définie par des concepts, des relations entre ces concepts et des propriétés. Cette ontologie comporte une composante lexicale où chaque concept est accompagné de labels, d'un ensemble d'entités nommées (EN) et de termes du domaine. Nous avons défini une approche automatique SHIRI-Extract qui permet d'extraire des termes et des EN de manière indépendante du domaine et de les aligner aux concepts de l'ontologie. L'alignement utilise la composante lexicale ou le Web pour découvrir de nouveaux termes. Nous avons défini un modèle d'annotation représentant les résultats d'extraction et d'annotation. Les métadonnées de ce modèle distinguent les nœuds selon que les termes ou les EN agrégés dans un même nœud sont alignés avec un ou plusieurs concepts différents. Elles permettent également d'annoter la relation de voisinage entre les nœuds. Nous avons défini SHIRI-Annot, un ensemble de règles déclaratives pour annoter les nœuds et leurs relations. La base d'annotations RDF(S) construite peut être interrogée à l'aide de requêtes SPARQL. L'évaluation a porté sur une collection de documents portant sur des appels à participation à des conférences.

Δημιουργία μηχανισμού επερώτησης και διατήρηση κατανεμημένου αποθέματος εγγράφων RDF στον παγκόσμιο ιστό

Σολωμού, Γεωργία 12 February 2008 (has links)
Το RDF (Resource Description Framework), πρότυπο του W3C, είναι ένα μοντέλο δεδομένων για την αναπαράσταση πληροφορίας στον Παγκόσμιο Ιστό και αποτελεί τη θεμελίωση ενός συνόλου τεχνολογιών για τη μοντελοποίηση κατανεμημένης γνώσης στο Σημαντικό Ιστό. Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία περιλαμβάνει τη μελέτη της τεχνολογίας RDF και της σημασιολογικής επέκτασης αυτής, του RDF Schema. Επίσης, στα πλαίσια αυτής της μελέτης έγινε συγκριτική αξιολόγηση των ήδη υπαρχόντων αρχιτεκτονικών για την αποθήκευση και επεξεργασία δεδομένων RDF, εκτιμώντας παράλληλα τη συμπεριφορά τους στην περίπτωση των κατανεμημένων αποθεμάτων. Επιπρόσθετα, αξιολογήθηκαν οι δυνατότητες που προσφέρει σε τέτοιους μηχανισμούς η γλώσσα SPARQL, μια γλώσσα επερωτήσεων για RDF η οποία αποτελεί πρότυπο του W3C. Τέλος, ερευνήθηκαν στο επίπεδο των κατανεμημένων αποθεμάτων δύο πολύ σημαντικά χαρακτηριστικά αυτής της τεχνολογίας, η δυνατότητα συνδυασμού των δεδομένων και της εξαγωγής συμπερασμάτων (inferencing) και η υποστασιοποίηση (reification). Στο τελευταίο στάδιο, και βάσει της παραπάνω αποτύπωσης, πραγματοποιήθηκε η ανάπτυξη μιας εφαρμογής σε γλώσσα Java, η οποία επιτρέπει τη σύνδεση σε ένα ή περισσότερα απομακρυσμένα ή και τοπικά αποθέματα RDF, διαθέτοντας τον απαραίτητο μηχανισμό αποστολής επερωτήσεων (queries) προς αυτά. Η συγκεκριμένη εφαρμογή επιτυγχάνει τον κατάλληλο συνδυασμό των διαθέσιμων κατανεμημένων πληροφοριών και την εξαγωγή συμπερασμών, μια διαδικασία που αποτελεί πρωταρχικό στόχο στο πεδίο του Σημαντικού Ιστού. Για την αξιολόγηση των χαρακτηριστικών της χρησιμοποιήθηκαν απλά παραδείγματα που επιβεβαιώνουν την ορθή λειτουργία της και φανερώνουν το εύρος των δυνατοτήτων της. Άλλωστε, η επεκτασιμότητα και η αξιοπιστία ενός τέτοιου μηχανισμού αποτέλεσαν τη φιλοσοφία πάνω στην οποία στηρίχθηκε η ανάπτυξη του, λαμβάνοντας συγχρόνως υπόψη τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά των κατανεμημένων αποθεμάτων εγγράφων RDF. / RDF (Resource Description Framework), a W3C recommendation, is a data model for representing information in the World Wide Web and constitutes the foundation of many existent technologies for the modeling of distributed knowledge in the Semantic Web. This thesis includes a study of the RDF technology and of its semantic extension, RDF Schema. Also, a comparative evaluation was made among already existing frameworks for the storage and management of RDF data, appreciating their behavior in the case of distributed repositories. Moreover, an evaluation was made for the possibilities that SPARQL offers in such mechanisms, a RDF query language and soon a W3C recommendation. Finally, two very important characteristics of this technology were researched in the field of distributed repositories, the possibility of combination of data and export of conclusions (inferencing) and reification. In the last part, and based on the above imprints, an application was developed in Java, which allows the connection to one or more remote and local RDF repositories, having the necessary mechanism as well for making queries. This application successfully combines distributed knowledge and leads to inferencing, something that is a fundamental objective in the field of Semantic Web. For the evaluation of this application's characteristics, simple examples were used that confirm its proper function and reveal the breadth of its possibilities. Scalability and reliability have been the main goals during this application's development phase, having always in mind that we refer to distributed RDF repositories, which are more complicated and have some special characteristics.

Sdílení dat mezi informačními systémy založené na ontologiích / Ontology-Based Data Sharing among Information Systems

Hák, Lukáš Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis describes data sharing between information systems based on ontologies. In the first chapter shows up the term ontology and used terminology. Then this thesis analyses used basic methods, onthological languages and partially describes semantic web. In the third chapter are write out  utilities and plugins which are used for working with ontologies. The other chapters describe created ontology which are useful for car-selling. Especially ontology with cars, sellers and addresses . At the end of the thesis is explained suggested instrument to transfer existing XML to recording advertising in OWL language.

Ontology-Based Extraction of RDF Data from the World Wide Web

Chartrand, Timothy Adam 05 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The simplicity and proliferation of the World Wide Web (WWW) has taken the availability of information to an unprecedented level. The next generation of the Web, the Semantic Web, seeks to make information more usable by machines by introducing a more rigorous structure based on ontologies. One hinderance to the Semantic Web is the lack of existing semantically marked-up data. Until there is a critical mass of Semantic Web data, few people will develop and use Semantic Web applications. This project helps promote the Semantic Web by providing content. We apply existing information-extraction techniques, in particular, the BYU ontologybased data-extraction system, to extract information from the WWW based on a Semantic Web ontology to produce Semantic Web data with respect to that ontology. As an example of how the generated Semantic Web data can be used, we provide an application to browse the extracted data and the source documents together. In this sense, the extracted data is superimposed over or is an index over the source documents. Our experiments with ontologies in four application domains show that our approach can indeed extract Semantic Web data from the WWW with precision and recall similar to that achieved by the underlying information extraction system and make that data accessible to Semantic Web applications.

View-Based techniques for the efficient management of web data / Techniques fondées sur des vues matérialisées pour la gestion efficace des données du web

Karanasos, Konstantinos 29 June 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, des masses de données sont publiées à grande échelle dans des formats numériques. Une part importante de ces données a une structure complexe, typiquement organisée sous la forme d'arbres (les documents du web, comme HTML et XML, étant les plus représentatifs) ou de graphes (en particulier, les bases de données du Web Sémantique structurées en graphes, et exprimées en RDF). Exploiter ces données complexes, qu'elles soient dans un format d'accès Open Data ou bien propriétaire (au sein d'une compagnie), présente un grand intérêt. Le faire de façon efficace pour de grands volumes de données reste encore un défi. Les vues matérialisées sont utilisées depuis longtemps pour améliorer considérablement l'évaluation des requêtes. Le principe est q'une vue stocke des résultats pre-calculés qui peuvent être utilisés pour évaluer (une partie d') une requête. L'adoption des techniques de vues matérialisées dans le contexte de données du web que nous considérons est particulièrement exigeante à cause de la complexité structurelle et sémantique des données. Cette thèse aborde deux problèmes liés à la gestion des données du web basée sur des vues matérialisées. D'abord, nous nous concentrons sur le problème de sélection des vues pour des ensembles de requêtes RDF. Nous présentons un algorithme original qui, basé sur un ensemble de requêtes, propose les vues les plus appropriées à matérialiser dans la base des données. Ceci dans le but de minimiser à la fois les coûts d'évaluation des requêtes, de maintenance et de stockage des vues. Bien que les requêtes RDF contiennent typiquement un grand nombre de jointures, ce qui complique le processus de sélection de vues, notre algorithme passe à l'échelle de centaines de requêtes, un nombre non atteint par les méthodes existantes. En outre, nous proposons des techniques nouvelles pour tenir compte des données implicites qui peuvent être dérivées des schémas RDF sans complexifier davantage la sélection des vues. La deuxième contribution de notre travail concerne la réécriture de requêtes en utilisant des vues matérialisées XML. Nous commençons par identifier un dialecte expressif de XQuery, correspondant aux motifs d'arbres avec des jointures sur la valeur, et nous étudions des propriétés importantes de ces requêtes, y compris l'inclusion et la minimisation. En nous fondant sur ces notions, nous considérons le problème de trouver des réécritures minimales et équivalentes d'une requête exprimée dans ce dialecte, en utilisant des vues matérialisées exprimées dans le même dialecte, et nous fournissons un algorithme correct et complet à cet effet. Notre travail dépasse l'état de l'art en permettant à chaque motif d'arbre de renvoyer un ensemble d'attributs, en prenant en charge des jointures sur la valeur entre les motifs, et en considérant des réécritures qui combinent plusieurs vues. Enfin, nous montrons comment notre méthode de réécriture peut être appliquée dans un contexte distribué, pour la dissémination efficace d'un corpus de documents XML annotés en RDF. / Data is being published in digital formats at very high rates nowadays. A large share of this data has complex structure, typically organized as trees (Web documents such as HTML and XML being the most representative) or graphs (in particular, graph-structured Semantic Web databases, expressed in RDF). There is great interest in exploiting such complex data, whether in an Open Data access model or within companies owning it, and efficiently doing so for large data volumes remains challenging. Materialized views have long been used to obtain significant performance improvements when processing queries. The principle is that a view stores pre-computed results that can be used to evaluate (possibly part of) a query. Adapting materialized view techniques to the Web data setting we consider is particularly challenging due to the structural and semantic complexity of the data. This thesis tackles two problems in the broad context of materialized view-based management of Web data. First, we focus on the problem of view selection for RDF query workloads. We present a novel algorithm, which, based on a query workload, proposes the most appropriate views to be materialized in the database, in order to minimize the combined cost of query evaluation, view maintenance and view storage. Although RDF query workloads typically feature many joins, hampering the view selection process, our algorithm scales to hundreds of queries, a number unattained by existing approaches. Furthermore, we propose new techniques to account for the implicit data that can be derived by the RDF Schemas and which further complicate the view selection process. The second contribution of our work concerns query rewriting based on materialized XML views. We start by identifying an expressive dialect of XQuery, corresponding to tree patterns with value joins, and study some important properties for these queries, such as containment and minimization. Based on these notions, we consider the problem of finding minimal equivalent rewritings of a query expressed in this dialect, using materialized views expressed in the same dialect, and provide a sound and complete algorithm for that purpose. Our work extends the state of the art by allowing each pattern node to return a set of attributes, supporting value joins in the patterns, and considering rewritings which combine many views. Finally, we show how our view-based query rewriting algorithm can be applied in a distributed setting, in order to efficiently disseminate corpora of XML documents carrying RDF annotations.

Semantic Web Foundations for Representing, Reasoning, and Traversing Contextualized Knowledge Graphs

Nguyen, Vinh Thi Kim January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

View-Based techniques for the efficient management of web data.

Karanasos, Konstantinos 29 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Data is being published in digital formats at very high rates nowadays. A large share of this data has complex structure, typically organized as trees (Web documents such as HTML and XML being the most representative) or graphs (in particular, graph-structured Semantic Web databases, expressed in RDF). There is great interest in exploiting such complex data, whether in an Open Data access model or within companies owning it, and efficiently doing so for large data volumes remains challenging. Materialized views have long been used to obtain significant performance improvements when processing queries. The principle is that a view stores pre-computed results that can be used to evaluate (possibly part of) a query. Adapting materialized view techniques to the Web data setting we consider is particularly challenging due to the structural and semantic complexity of the data. This thesis tackles two problems in the broad context of materialized view-based management of Web data. First, we focus on the problem of view selection for RDF query workloads. We present a novel algorithm, which, based on a query workload, proposes the most appropriate views to be materialized in the database, in order to minimize the combined cost of query evaluation, view maintenance and view storage. Although RDF query workloads typically feature many joins, hampering the view selection process, our algorithm scales to hundreds of queries, a number unattained by existing approaches. Furthermore, we propose new techniques to account for the implicit data that can be derived by the RDF Schemas and which further complicate the view selection process. The second contribution of our work concerns query rewriting based on materialized XML views. We start by identifying an expressive dialect of XQuery, corresponding to tree patterns with value joins, and study some important properties for these queries, such as containment and minimization. Based on these notions, we consider the problem of finding minimal equivalent rewritings of a query expressed in this dialect, using materialized views expressed in the same dialect, and provide a sound and complete algorithm for that purpose. Our work extends the state of the art by allowing each pattern node to return a set of attributes, supporting value joins in the patterns, and considering rewritings which combine many views. Finally, we show how our view-based query rewriting algorithm can be applied in a distributed setting, in order to efficiently disseminate corpora of XML documents carrying RDF annotations.

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