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Published Article / This exploratory study employed mainly quantitative and some elements of
qualitative methods to analyse interview data emerged from both informal
interviews and questionnaire on 280 salon operators. This study focused on the
educational background of the owners of smaller businesses as a factor related
to the engagement in the marketing research within hair salon business in Dr.
R.S Mompati district in the North-West Province of South Africa. The findings
revealed that even though majority of the operators did not engage in marketing
research, those who collected information on certain marketing research
activities may have been influenced by their educational background. Thus it is
postulated that the higher the educational background, the more likely it is that
hair salons conduct marketing research. The author discusses the implication of
the findings for smaller businesses to engage in marketing research, the value of
the study, recommendation for further research and limitations of the study.
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Openbaarmaking van navorsings- en ontwikkelingskoste in die finansiële state van Suid-Afrikaanse publieke maatskappye (Afrikaans)Koppeschaar, Zanne Ronelle 16 May 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document. / Dissertation (MCom (Accounting Sciences))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Accounting / unrestricted
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Challenges and prospects of teaching the Doppler Effects at grades 12 / Challenges and prospects of teaching the Doppler effect in grade twelveMupezeni, Sure 02 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on challenges and prospects of the teaching of the Doppler Effect to grade 12 learners. The challenges of teaching the Doppler Effect were established and these findings influenced the development of activities. These activities were tested, refined and re-tested in an iterative cycle and finally provided prospects on teaching the Doppler Effect. Educational Design Research (EDR) was used to bridge theory and practice in education.
This study was done in the Vhembe district in the Limpopo province. In the first cycle, questionnaires and interviews with 32 teachers and a subject advisor were used to establish the baseline with regards to the challenges of teaching the Doppler Effect. After the analysis of the data which forms the first cycle of EDR, the content and methodological problems faced by teachers when teaching the Doppler Effect were revealed.
In the second cycle of the EDR, learning activities were developed that was informed by the analysis and tried out in 2 schools by learners and their teachers. Completed activity sheets were marked and the results were used to determine if there were a correlation between the activity sheets and the written test. Problems were documented and changes to the activities were again made and tried out in 10 schools by 216 learners with the help of 10 teachers. The data collected from the learners` work sheets were analysed. Pearson`s product moment correlation has shown that there is a statistically significant relationship (r = 0.65; p < 0.01) that exists between these design-research activities and solving of problems on the Doppler Effect.
An instructional manual was developed comprising of the final activities. This was distributed amongst the district officials and teachers to assist them in the teaching of the Doppler Effect in the Vhembe district. / Physics / M.Sc.(Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)
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Информациони систем научно-истраживачке делатности / Informacioni sistem naučno-istraživačke delatnosti / A scientific-research activities information systemIvanović Dragan 27 May 2010 (has links)
<p>Један од основних постулата друштва знања је доступност знања. Научно-истраживачке институције су један од главних извора верификованих знања. Ова знања су доступна путем интерних информационих система научно-истраживачке делатности. Са друге стране библиотечки информациони системи садрже велику количину структуираног научног садржаја. Интеграција ових система може довести до тога да разноликост и количина доступног научног садржаја буду значајно повећани. Модел података информационог система описаног у овој дисертације је базиран на MARC 21 формату и компатибилан је са CERIF моделом података. Овакав модел података омогућује имплементираном информационом систему да може да размењује податке са другим системима и по CERIF стандарду и по библиотечком стандарду. Другим речима, овај систем је интероперабилан са другим CERIF компатибилним информационим системима научно-истраживачке делатности, али је исто тако и интероперабилан и са библиотечким системима. Такође, модел података система омогућује и вредновање научно-истраживачких резултата. За моделирање описаног система коришћен је UML 2.0. Систем је имплементиран у вишеслојној клијент-сервер архитектури у Јава окружењу.</p> / <p>Jedan od osnovnih postulata društva znanja je dostupnost znanja. Naučno-istraživačke institucije su jedan od glavnih izvora verifikovanih znanja. Ova znanja su dostupna putem internih informacionih sistema naučno-istraživačke delatnosti. Sa druge strane bibliotečki informacioni sistemi sadrže veliku količinu struktuiranog naučnog sadržaja. Integracija ovih sistema može dovesti do toga da raznolikost i količina dostupnog naučnog sadržaja budu značajno povećani. Model podataka informacionog sistema opisanog u ovoj disertacije je baziran na MARC 21 formatu i kompatibilan je sa CERIF modelom podataka. Ovakav model podataka omogućuje implementiranom informacionom sistemu da može da razmenjuje podatke sa drugim sistemima i po CERIF standardu i po bibliotečkom standardu. Drugim rečima, ovaj sistem je interoperabilan sa drugim CERIF kompatibilnim informacionim sistemima naučno-istraživačke delatnosti, ali je isto tako i interoperabilan i sa bibliotečkim sistemima. Takođe, model podataka sistema omogućuje i vrednovanje naučno-istraživačkih rezultata. Za modeliranje opisanog sistema korišćen je UML 2.0. Sistem je implementiran u višeslojnoj klijent-server arhitekturi u Java okruženju.</p> / <p>One of the fundamental postulates of the knowledge society is the availability of knowledge. Scientific-research institutions are a major source of verified knowledge. This knowledge is available through internal information systems of scientific-research activities. On the other hand library information systems contain a large amount of structured scientific content. Integration of these systems can lead to significant increase of variety and quantity of available scientific content. </p><p><span style="font-size: 12px;">Data model of the information system presented in this dissertation is based on the MARC 21 format and model is compliant with CERIF data model. This model enables that implemented system can exchange data with other systems in accordance with CERIF standard and librarian standards. It means this system is interoperable with other CERIF-compliant information systems and interoperable with librarian systems. Also, system data model enables evaluation of scientific-research results. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 12px;">The modelling of presented system was carried out using UML 2.0. The System was implemented in the multi-tiered client-server architecture on the Java platform.</span></p>
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Challenges and prospects of teaching the Doppler Effects at grades 12 / Challenges and prospects of teaching the Doppler effect in grade twelveMupezeni, Sure 02 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on challenges and prospects of the teaching of the Doppler Effect to grade 12 learners. The challenges of teaching the Doppler Effect were established and these findings influenced the development of activities. These activities were tested, refined and re-tested in an iterative cycle and finally provided prospects on teaching the Doppler Effect. Educational Design Research (EDR) was used to bridge theory and practice in education.
This study was done in the Vhembe district in the Limpopo province. In the first cycle, questionnaires and interviews with 32 teachers and a subject advisor were used to establish the baseline with regards to the challenges of teaching the Doppler Effect. After the analysis of the data which forms the first cycle of EDR, the content and methodological problems faced by teachers when teaching the Doppler Effect were revealed.
In the second cycle of the EDR, learning activities were developed that was informed by the analysis and tried out in 2 schools by learners and their teachers. Completed activity sheets were marked and the results were used to determine if there were a correlation between the activity sheets and the written test. Problems were documented and changes to the activities were again made and tried out in 10 schools by 216 learners with the help of 10 teachers. The data collected from the learners` work sheets were analysed. Pearson`s product moment correlation has shown that there is a statistically significant relationship (r = 0.65; p < 0.01) that exists between these design-research activities and solving of problems on the Doppler Effect.
An instructional manual was developed comprising of the final activities. This was distributed amongst the district officials and teachers to assist them in the teaching of the Doppler Effect in the Vhembe district. / Physics / M.Sc. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education)
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DAfStb-Richtlinie „Betonbauteile mit Nichtmetallischer Bewehrung“: Von Forschung und Pilotprojekten zum RegelwerkWill, Norbert 10 November 2022 (has links)
Der Einsatz von Betonbauteilen mit nichtmetallischer Bewehrung ist aktuell auf Pilotbauwerke beschränkt. Die Aufnahme der nichtmetallischen Bewehrung in den Annex R der Neufassung des Eurocode 2 zeigt aber deren steigende Bedeutung. Die für das Jahr 2022 geplante Veröffentlichung des Gelbdruckes der DAfStb-Richtlinie „Betonbauteile mit nichtmetallischer Bewehrung“ stellt einen wesentlichen Meilenstein dar, um die baupraktische Umsetzung für den Neubau zu erleichtern. Aus Forschungsprojekten ist über Pilotanwendungen mit vorhabenbezogenen Genehmigungen ein Regelwerk entstanden, das der Tragwerksplanung Vorgaben zur Bemessung und konstruktiven Durchbildung und den Herstellern Angaben zu den für die Anwendung der Richtlinie erforderlichen Kennwerten der Bewehrungen sowie Hinweise für die Bauausführung bereitstellt.
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Развитие исследовательских умений у учащихся на уроках географии в средней школе : магистерская диссертация / Development of research skills in students in geography lessons in high schoolКрылосов, К. С., Krylosov, K. S. January 2020 (has links)
In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions, and the practical significance of the study is justified. The results of the research were tested in MBOU SOSH № 11, Pervouralsk and presented at the XXII International conference: "Culture, personality, society in the modern world: Methodology, experience of empirical research"; with an article in the polythematic journal of educational and research works "School science"; in the collection of educational and methodological materials to help teachers: "Guidelines for the organization of the educational process. / В работе изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы, обоснована практическая значимость исследования. Результаты исследования были апробированы в МБОУ СОШ № 11, г. Первоуральска и представлены на XXII Международной конференции: «Культура, личность, общество в современном мире: Методология, опыт эмпирического исследования»; со статьей в политематическом журнале учебно-исследовательский работ «Школьная наука»; в сборнике учебных и методических материалов в помощь педагогам: «Методические рекомендации по организации учебного процесса.
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Learners' environmental awareness, effects on home and school practices towards littering : an action research caseMatsekoleng, Tsebo Kgoto 10 1900 (has links)
The presence of pre-packed items contributes toward littering in schools and at home milieu. Most people particularly, and learners’ discard packages of pre-packed wrappers on the ground, thus contribute to littering. This study is intended to help all relevant stakeholders to plan activities that could reduce littering. The study is grounded within the critical theory and living paradigm exploring the effect of household and school practices on learners’ environmental awareness (EA) towards littering. This case study employed action research as a methodology to unpack the problem. Fourteen learners, who are referred to as co-researchers in this study, were selected randomly from seven classes and their parents were inevitably included in the study. Three cycles were conducted with the co-researchers. Five data collection methods are used to collect data. Tables, score total percentages and coding used to analyse data. The results of the study show that environmental activities could be useful within home and school setup and continued practice of environmental activities will in the end conscientise learners towards littering if approached through action research. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)
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