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Nájem a vlastnictví nebytových prostor / Lease and ownership of non-residential premisesOravcová, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
Lease and ownership of non-residential premises Resumé The objective of my thesis is to describe in detail the current lease (sublease), and ownership of non-residential premises as well as their expected changes in the new Civil Code. Within my thesis I branch out into several chapters in which I try to provide a comprehensive view on the legal legislation of the concepts of a lease, sublease and ownership. I have analysed these terms and referred to the current as well as previous judgments where the legislation appears to be ambiguous, notably judgments delivered by the Supreme Court. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis, non- residential premises. Chapter Two is subdivided into parts which I dedicated to lease of non residential premises. This part of my work is devoted to a brief historical overview and current legislation of lease of non-residential premises most notably in view of selected parts of the Act No. 116/1990 Coll, and Act No. 40/1964 Coll. It provides an outline about creation of lease, particulars of the contract, rights and obligations of the lease and termination of lease. Act No. 116/1990 Coll. is significant as it restores the rights, which were removed during the period of socialism, of owners of non-residential premises to rent their property....
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Nájem nebytových prostor / Lease of non-residential premisesSosnovcová, Aneta January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the lease and sublease of non-residential premises amended by Czech law. The thesis clarifies the term "non-residential premises" in general as well as particular meaning. Hereafter is the thesis focused on the creation of the lease of non- residential premises, the essential elements of the lease agreement of non-residential premises, rights and obligations of landlords and tenants, especially the issue of handover of non- residential premises, maintenance and repair of non-residential premises, revisal of the premises by the landlord and securing and providing the services by the landlord. The thesis deals in detail with possibilities and conditions for termination of the lease. In order to assure better orientation of the reader the creation, content and termination of sublease are handled separately from the lease of non-residential premises in detached chapter. In addition the thesis aims to outline the conceivable contractual arrangements of presentive institutes appearing in the lease agreement. A special chapter is dedicated to the building conversions of non-residential premises, which are concerned as a particular issue causing fairly big complications. Furthermore the thesis describes the lease of non-residential premises by entrepreneurs together with the...
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En flexibel lokalanvändning : Undersökning av ett framtida affärskoncept förkombinerade lokaler och boende / A flexible utilization of offices and spacesEstréus, Felix January 2020 (has links)
Det finns en efterfrågan bland expanderande och utvecklingsorienterade företag att etablera sig i innovationstäta städer såsom Stockholm för att exempelvis ta nästa steg i att utveckla sin produkt eller tjänst, eller för att prova nya marknader. Men i många av dessa städer är utbudet av kontor, lokaler och boende begränsat. Delvis på grund av prisnivåerna, men också sett till det totala utbudet på marknaden. Detta torde skapa en efterfrågan på både lokaler och boende vilket är anledningen till att affärsidén att kombinera dessa har uppstått. Konceptet vill samla utvecklingsorienterade företag från liknande branscher under ett och samma tak. Anledning till detta är att bilda community inom byggnaden, men även torde detta skapa synergieffekter som kan leda till produkt- och serviceutveckling eftersom man kan lära från, och dra nytta av varandra. För att kunna etablera denna affärsidé om uthyrning av en kombination av lokal och boende finns det olika lagar att ta hänsyn till. Det måste även finnas en faktisk efterfrågan på marknaden för det tänkta konceptet. Syftet med uppsatsen är därför att presentera viktiga delar att inkludera i ett potentiellt hyresavtal för affärsidén och analysera om det finns ett marknadsintresse för konceptet baserat på intervjuer med potentiella kunder och branschorganisationer inom fastighetssektorn. Men även försöka reda ut vilka svårigheter man skulle kunna tänkas möta, huruvida detta koncept kan vara ett steg i rätt riktning för förbättring av fastighetssektorn ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv samt hur man ska hantera och förbättra den kommunala processen för detaljplaner i ärenden för fastighetsutveckling. Marknadsundersökningen bland potentiella hyresgäster vittnar om att det finns efterfrågan för denna affärsidé, vilket är i linje med vad de intervjuade branschorganisationerna ansåg. För expanderande företag är möjligheten att i en flexibel lösning kombinera boende med lokaler attraktiv. För att genomföra konceptet är de intervjuade överens om att branscher man vill ha som kundbas måste väljas med noggrannhet för att uppnå fördelarna med klusterbaserade lokaler och boenden. När det gäller miljöförbättringarna var samtliga intervjuade överens om att konceptet är ett steg i rätt riktning bland annat för man vill använda redan befintliga byggnader som till återblandad användning av bostäder och lokaler. I intervjuer med branschorganisationerna fanns det en gemensam åsikt om att den kommunala processen bör förenklas för att bli effektivare,snabbare och mer lyhörd för nya lösningar likt denna inom fastighetssektorn. Resultaten från studier av lagen visar att hyresavtalet tydligt måste redovisa hyresnivån och längden på avtalet, om det är tidsbegränsat och det ska även fördela det praktiska ansvaret mellan hyresgäst och hyresvärd tillsammans med andra formella bestämmelser. En bra lösning för det formella hyresavtalet är att kombinera ett standardavtal från organisationen Fastighetsägarna för de praktiska delarna och anpassa de övriga delarna med inspiration från redan befintliga hyresavtal för boende och lokaler av liknande koncept. Slutsatsen är att det finns ett marknadsintresse för affärsidén baserat på de genomförda intervjuerna och att detta koncept ligger mycket i linje med de förbättringar inom fastighetssektorn som måste ske med hänsyn till miljön. Hyresavtal har vissa obligatoriskadelar men utöver dessa finns frihet för egna bestämmelser. Man bör även lägga stor vikt vidatt hitta lämpliga branscher och företag som kundbas för att skapa community och synergieffekter. Enligt några av de intervjuade bör arbetet med detaljplaner bli smidigare och mer flexibelt. / Today there is a demand among expanding companies to establish themselves in larger cities as Stockholm, for example, to take the next step in developing their product or service or try new markets. But in many of these cities, the offering of offices, premises and accommodation is very limited. Partially in the view of pricing, but also in the perspective of total supply to the market. As this should create an unmet demand for accommodation and premises, the business idea to create a combination of coworking and coliving arose. The concept aims to bring together development-oriented companies from similar industries under one roof. The reason behind this is to create a community among the tenants but also synergyin the form of product and service development since they can learn and develop with eachother in the same branch. To establish this business idea there are regulations regarding rental of apartments, office sand premises to be considered before launching the concept. Law regulations exist but it also has to exist an actual demand in the market for this precise concept. The purpose of this essay is to present important parts to include in a potential rental agreement and to analyze if there is a market demand for this concept based on interviews with potential customers and branchorganizations. But also, what difficulties the concept might face, how this concept could improve the impact the real estate sector has on the environment and how to handle and improve the municipal process in these regards. The market hearing that was performed for this paper indicates that there is a demand for this type of concept, which is in line with the perception of the interviewed branch organizations.For expanding companies, the opportunity to combine accommodation with non-residential premises in a flexible solution is attractive and convenient. In order to implement the concept,the interviewees agree that the sectors you want as a customer base must be carefully selected to achieve the benefits of cluster-based premises and housing. Regarding environmental improvements, all interviewees agree that the concept is a step inthe right direction since the business idea is targeting already existing buildings with permission for mixed-use between accommodation and non-residential premises. Ininterviews with branch organizations, there was a common view that the municipal process should be simplified in order to become more effective, rapid and more responsive to new solutions like this one within the real estate sector. The results from studies of the law show that, among other things, the lease must clearly state the level of rent and the length of the contract if it is limited in time. It should also divide the practical responsibilities between the tenant and the landlord among other formal provisions. A good solution for the rental agreement is to combine a standard contract from the organization Fastighetsägarna regarding the practical matters and set up the other parts of the agreement with inspiration from agreements already existing on the market for residentials and non-residential premises. As a conclusion there is market interest for the business idea according to the interviews, and the business idea is very much in line with the improvements that must be made within the real estate sector with regard to the environment. Furthermore, the lease has certain mandatory parts, but in addition, there is freedom for own regulations. Also, when choosing the customer base, it is important for the concept to pay attention to finding suitable industries and companies to create community and synergy effects. According to some of the interviewees, the municipal work with detailed development plans should be improved to become more smooth and flexible.
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Fastighetstaxering av lokalhyreshus : Utrymmen under markBosell, Josefine, Lindblad, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Vid fastighetstaxering av lokalhyreshus tar inte värderingsmodellen för mark hänsyn till att det finns utrymmen under mark som generar hyresintäkter. Det innebär att taxeringsvärdet för markvärdet möjligtvis inte avspeglar marknadsvärdet. Syftet med arbetet är att göra en kartläggning av två svenska städer för att tillhandahålla underlag som hjälper Lantmäteriet i sitt arbete att förbättra kvaliteten på taxeringsvärdet. Målet är att identifiera möjliga samband mellan marknadsvärdet i jämförelse med taxeringsvärdet för fastigheter med och utan utrymme under mark. Metoderna som tillämpas är en kvalitativ analys av köpesummor i förhållande till taxeringsvärden och kvalitativa intervjuer. Analysen av köpesummor utfördes för att besvara om utrymme under mark påverkar marknadsvärdet jämfört med taxeringsvärdet. Intervjuerna syftar till att ge djupare kunskap om värdet för utrymme under mark. Resultatet från analysen av köpesummor visade att marknadsvärdet inte påverkades av utrymme under mark. Däremot framgick det i intervjuerna att markvärdet för utrymme under mark bör behandlas annorlunda vid taxering eftersom det har ett beaktansvärt värde. Slutsatsen blev därför att utrymme under mark som genererar intäkter borde tas med i fastighetstaxeringen under säregna förhållanden. / At a property tax assesment of a non-residential rental housing unit the valuation model of land does not take in to consideration the space beneath it that generate revenue from rent. This means that the tax assessment value of the land does not necessarily reflect the market value. The purpose of this paper is to make a survey, of two Swedish cities, that can provide the National Land Survey with information that can help them improve the quality of the tax assessment value. The aim is to identify possible connections between the market value in comparison to the tax assessment value of properties with and without space beneath ground. The methods used are a qualitative analysis of the purchase price in relation to tax assessment values and qualitative interviews. The analysis of the purchase price was done to answer if space beneath ground affects the market value compared to the tax assessment value. The interviews aim to create a deeper knowledge of the value of space beneath ground. The results from the analysis of the purchase price showed that the market value was not affected by space beneath ground. However, it emerged in the interviews that the land value for space beneath ground should be handled differently during assassment, because it has a noteworthy value. The conclusion was that space beneath ground that generates revenue, should be included in the property tax assessment under special conditions.
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Změna právního postavení stran smluv o nájmu nebytových prostor v souvislosti s nabytím účinnosti zákona č. 89/2012 Sb. / Change of legal position of parties to agreements on lease of non-residential premises in relation to Act No. 89/2012 Coll. becoming effectiveChalupová, Eliška January 2014 (has links)
CHANGE OF LEGAL POSITION OF PARTIES TO AGREEMENTS ON LEASE OF NON-RESIDENTIAL PREMISES IN RELATION TO ACT NO. 89/2012 COLL. BECOMING EFFECTIVE Summary: The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the legal consequence of the Act. No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (the "Civil Code"), coming into effectiveness in the Czech Republic on 1 January 2014, with regards to lease agreements on lease of non-residential premises (re-defined by the Civil Code as premises for business purposes). The reason for this analysis is the fact that, as a result of the Civil Code becoming effective, all the lease relationships, including lease relationships under lease agreement concluded prior to 1 January 2014 shall be governed by the Civil Code. Given that the introduction of the Civil Code represents full recodification of the civil law in the Czech Republic, the related changes concerning the lease agreements on lease of premises for business purposes are of significant character. Accordingly, the thesis is mainly addressed to the parties to the existing lease agreements on premises for business purposes concluded on 31 December 2013 or earlier, even though it may be found of use for other addressees as well. The first chapter is introductory as it outlines the new concept of obligations, subject of which is use of...
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Механизм развития рынка корпоративного арендного жилья : магистерская диссертация / The mechanism of development of the corporate rental housing marketЕвтодеев, И. Ю., Yevtodeyev, I. Yu. January 2024 (has links)
The subject of the study is management relations arising in the process of formation and development of the corporate rental housing market. The purpose of the work is to develop a model for the development of the corporate rental housing market and an economic justification for the effectiveness of its implementation for industrial enterprises. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks set, such research methods as methods of structural and functional analysis using the collection and processing of statistical information, as well as methods of graphical data processing, methods of investment, logical analysis, forecasting and comparison methods were applied. A study of the corporate rental housing market has been conducted, and the main problems have been identified. The mechanism and model of development of the corporate rental housing market in order to form a civilized rental market in the Russian Federation are proposed. Based on the analysis of the indicators, it was determined that the implementation of the proposed measures is effective. The obtained results of the analysis of the investment attractiveness of the project allow us to talk about the feasibility of building corporate rental houses by industrial enterprises, which contributes to the development of the corporate rental market as a whole. / Предмет исследования – управленческие отношения, возникающие в процессе формирования и развития рынка корпоративного арендного жилья. Цель работы – разработка модели развития рынка корпоративного арендного жилья и экономического обоснования эффективности ее внедрения для промышленных предприятий. Для достижения цели и решения поставленных задач были применены такие методы исследования, как методы структурно-функционального анализа с применением сбора и обработки статистической информации, а также методы графической обработки данных, методы инвестиционного, логического анализа, методы прогнозирования и сравнения. Проведено исследование рынка корпоративного арендного жилья, выявлены основные проблемы. Предложены механизм и модель развития рынка корпоративного арендного жилья в целях формирования цивилизованного рынка аренды в Российской Федерации. На основе анализа показателей определено, что внедрение предложенных мероприятий являются эффективным. Полученные результаты проведения анализа инвестиционной привлекательности проекта позволяют говорить о целесообразности строительства корпоративных наемных домов промышленными предприятиями, что способствует развития рынка корпоративной аренды в целом.
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The effectiveness of detectives in the investigation of housebreaking cases in the Secunda Cluster, Mpumalanga South AfricaMakhaza, Zizamele Ernest 30 July 2018 (has links)
This study seeks to determine the effectiveness of detectives in the investigation of housebreaking cases in the Secunda Cluster. Key theoretical concepts such as criminal investigation, housebreaking, evidence and effectiveness, are defined and explained. The objectives of criminal investigation are discussed in detail. The elements of housebreaking are also explained in detail. The researcher`s findings were that the research questions were answered by all the participants, who had more than adequate knowledge on the concepts, and were sometimes in line with the literature. The researcher noted the problems identified by the participants and came up with some solutions. On the basis of the findings of this research, recommendations are made to have specialised training in the investigation of housebreaking cases. The clarification and application of the various investigation techniques to improve the effectiveness of the investigation of housebreaking cases were also recommended. Investigators should continually receive refresher in-service training on new techniques being used by criminals in committing residential housebreaking cases. / Police Practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)
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