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Production And Characterization Of Resol Type Phenolic Resin / Layered Silicate NanocompositesTasan, Cemal Cem 01 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
TaSan, Cemal Cem M.S.,
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Cevdet Kaynak
April 2005
133 Pages
Polymer / layered silicate (P/LS) nanocomposites belong to one of the most promising group of materials of the past few decades and most probably for the near future. Combining two of the most widely studied topics of material science: composite materials and nanotechnology / P/LS research have drawn great attention starting with the pioneering works of Toyota Research Group in 1980&rsquo / s. The research is now being carried out world wide / since the excellent properties of these new materials, which is achieved by using very low amounts of a cheap reinforcement material (clay), increases the interest on these materials everyday after. In this present study, the object was to investigate the production parameters of phenol formaldehyde based layered silicate nanocomposites. For this purpose, 14 different specimen groups were produced / using two different resol type phenolic resins (PF76 and PF76TD) as the matrix / and 9 different montmorillonite clays (Rheospan, Resadiye, Cloisite Na+, 10A, 15A, 20A, 25A, 30B, 94A) as the reinforcement phase. Initially the curing schedules for the available resins were experimentally determined. Then, a short and effective mixing procedure for the thermosetting resin and the montmorillonite clay was developed. The effects of several processing parameters / such as clay type, clay source, clay content, clay modification, resin type, resin cure type, cure cycle and mixing cycle were determined by X-ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Mechanical Tests. Then, Transmission Electron Microscopy was used to investigate the level of intercalation and/or exfoliation of the layered silicates. Finally, Differential Scanning Calorimetry was also carried out to analyse thermal properties of the specimens. It was concluded that, a partially intercalated and/or exfoliated structure could be obtained in resol type phenolic resin based systems at very low clay contents (such as 0,5%) leading to remarkable increases in mechanical properties (e.g. 66% increase in fracture toughness).
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Logiciel numérique associé à une modélisation de systèmes informatiquesCachard, François 24 September 1981 (has links) (PDF)
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Rubber Toughening Of Phenolic Resin By Using Nitrile Rubber And Amino SilaneCagatay, Onur 01 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate rubber toughening of resol type phenol-formaldehyde resin. For this purpose, phenolic resin was first modified by only acrylonitrile butadiene rubber, and then by using nitrile rubber together with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane.
Test specimens were prepared by mixing and casting of liquid phenolic resin in three groups. In the first one, neat phenolic resin specimens were produced. In the second group, phenolic resin was modified with 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 wt.% nitrile rubber, while in the last group modification was carried out by using 0.5 wt.% nitrile rubber together with 1, 2, and 4wt.% amino silane (with respect to nitrile rubber). All specimens were heat cured in the oven.
In order to observe behaviors of the specimens, Three-Point Bending, Charpy Impact, Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness, and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis tests were conducted according to the related ISO standards for all specimens groups. Scanning Electron Microscopy was also used for the fractographic analysis of some samples.
It can be concluded that, although there were problems in mixing and casting of liquid resol type phenolic resin, its toughness could be improved by using nitrile rubber and amino silane. Modification by using nitrile rubber and amino silane together was much more effective than by using only nitrile rubber. In this synergistic case for instance, Charpy impact strength and fracture toughness values of the neat phenolic specimens were increased 63% and 50%, respectively. SEM studies indicated that the main rubber toughening mechanism was shear yielding observed as deformation lines especially initiated at the domains of nitrile rubber and amino silane.
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Evaluation des facteurs issus de l'efferocytose comme médicament innovant dans le traitement des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin / Evaluation of new complex medical biological drug based on apoptotic cell efferocytosis proresolutive factors in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseasesMartin-Rodriguez, Omayra 10 November 2017 (has links)
La clairance des cellules apoptotiques par les macrophages est à l’origine d’un microenvironnement pro-résolutif composé de différents facteurs solubles, permettant de stopper la réaction inflammatoire et d’engager la réparation tissulaire. La résolution de l’inflammation est parfois défaillante et concourt au développement de pathologies inflammatoires chroniques, comme les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI), qui regroupent la maladie de Crohn (MC) et la rectocolite hémorragique (RCH). Dans ce contexte, nous proposons d’évaluer l’efficacité thérapeutique de l’injection de ces facteurs pro-résolutifs dans le traitement des MICI. Ce produit issu de la culture de macrophages avec des cellules apoptotiques, appelé SuperMApo (Supernatant issued from Macrophage Apoptotic cell culture) (Brevet # WO2014106666-A1, 2013) contient des facteurs pro-résolutifs semblables à ce qu’on retrouve dans le processus physiologique de résolution de l’inflammation, et qui peuvent être absents ou inefficaces chez ces patients.Lors de ce travail, nous avons mise en évidence une efficacité thérapeutique de SuperMApo à l’aide de deux modèles expérimentaux de colite. Pour évaluer la pertinence de ces modèles par rapport à la pratique clinique, nous avons mise en place la vidéo-endoscopie souple. On a montré que l’efficacité de SuperMApo se traduit par diminution du score clinique, endoscopique et histologique des souris colitiques, accompagnée d’une amélioration de la perméabilité intestinale, et de la cicatrisation muqueuse. Cette efficacité thérapeutique est liée en partie à une reprogrammation des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APC) notamment de cDC et de macrophages qui présentent moins de réponse aux ligands de TLR, favorisent l’induction de Treg et inhibent la production de Th1. Par ailleurs, SuperMApo induit une cicatrisation nette de la muqueuse intestinale associée à la fois à une activation des myofibroblastes (la forme active des fibroblastes) et des cellules intestinales épithéliales (IEC). Concrètement, SuperMApo augmente les propriétés de migration, de prolifération et de cicatrisation de ces deux types cellulaire. Cet effet dépend en partie des facteurs de croissance au sein de SuperMApo comme le TGF-β, l’IGF-I et le VEGF. Finalement des résultats préliminaires montrent que SuperMApo induit un profil réparateur sur des fibroblastes issus de patients atteints de MICI. L’ensemble de ces résultats montrent, que l’injection de ces facteurs pro-résolutifs permet de mettre en œuvre des mécanismes capables de mettre en place un processus de résolution de l’inflammation et ouvre vers une utilisation clinique de cette approche dans le traitement de MICI. / Inflammation is a natural body defence reaction in response to injuries. The clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages is at the origin of a pro-resolving microenvironment composed of various soluble factors, allow the arrest of the inflammatory response and to initiate tissue repair. The resolution of inflammation is sometimes defective and contributes to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which include Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). In this context, we propose to evaluate the therapeutic effect of these pro-resolving factors in the treatment of IBD. This factors derived from the culture of macrophages with apoptotic cells, and called SuperMApo (Supernatant issued from Macrophage Apoptotic cell culture) (Patent # WO2014106666-A1, 2013) contains pro-resolving factors similar to those found in the physiological process of inflammatory resolution, and which may be absent or ineffective in these patients.In this work, we have demonstrated the therapeutic effect of SuperMApo using two experimental models of colitis. To assess the relevance of these models to clinical practice, we have implemented flexible video endoscopy. The therapeutic effect of SuperMApo has been shown to decrease the clinical, endoscopic and histological score of colitis mice, accompanied by improved intestinal permeability and mucosal healing in vivo. This therapeutic effect is related in part to reprogramming of antigen presenting cells (APC), in particular cDC and macrophages, which exhibit less response to TLR ligands, promote induction of Treg and inhibit Th1 production. In addition, SuperMApo induces a marked tissue repair of the intestinal mucosa associated with activation of myofibroblasts, the active form of fibroblasts, and the epithelial intestinal cells (IEC). In particular, SuperMApo increases the migration, proliferation and wound healing properties of these two cell types. This effect depends in part on the growth factors contained in SuperMApo such as TGF-β, IGF-I and VEGF. Finally, preliminary results show that SuperMApo induces a repairing state on fibroblasts from patients with IBD. This opens widely the use of SuperMApo as a clinically approach to propose this new therapeutic option to refractory patients suffering from IBD
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