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Hotel / HotelKoblížek, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the project documentation of the contruction of an accommodation facility. The hotel capacity is 28 beds and 44 seats at the restaurant. The contruction consists of four floors. The entrance with the reception, the lobby bar and the garage with six parking systems for twelve parking slots are located in the first floor. The second floor includes the restaurant and two conference rooms. The third and the fourth floor consist of fourteen rooms for guests, two of the rooms are adapted to people with limited mobility. The building is contructed of masonry system and it has flat roof. The project was designed in the Auto Cad program.
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Horský hotel / Mountain HotelChvíla, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is project of mountain hotel. The building is designed as a detached house. The estate is situated in central part of the town Dolní Morava. The building has three above-ground floor and one underground floor. The roofing is solved by the flat roof.
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An exploratory study of human resource management and business strategy in multiunit restaurant firmsIshak, Nor K. 23 August 2007 (has links)
The objectives of this study is two-fold: First, is to explore the nature of human resource management (HRM) functional activities in the multiunit restaurant firms, focusing at the unit restaurant managers level. The second objective is to investigate the relationship between the firm's business strategy and its HRM practices. This study addresses the critical need for empirical research that examines HRM practices in restaurant firms, and presents a possible solution to the acute management shortage problem in the industry. Data are collected from 14 publicly-traded multiunit restaurant firms. A case study approach is taken to provide an in-depth examination of each firm. Primary data are derived via interviews and structured mailed questionnaires. Information is also collected through published sources.
The results indicate that restaurant firms do have similar HRM functional activities' emphasis. Some of those activities were found to support the firm's business strategy. An analysis of the qualitative data indicate that although the HRM executives are involved in the firms' strategic planning process, the current acute labor shortage and high turnover problems demand them to focus on administrative issues instead. The study provides exploratory evidence for the effectiveness of a positive link between HRM practices and business strategy. It has contributed to a deeper understanding of the issues and functions of the HRM divisions in the multiunit restaurant firms. / Ph. D.
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The Motivational Impact of Incentive Programs on Young Adult Employees in Corporate Casual RestaurantsHirsch, Gregory S. (Gregory Seymour) 08 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine which incentive programs best influence young workers in corporate casual restaurants. The server and bar staff of the Chili's division of Brinker International, Inc. were surveyed in 18 stores in the Dallas area. From the sample. 356 usable surveys were received. The study was designed to obtain feedback about existing and future incentive programs that will enhance development of a positive working environment, along with higher productivity and a lower turnover rate.
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Understanding the Mental Health Needs of Restaurant EmployeesAndrew Joseph Muth (9133484), Michelle Salyers (9133500), Tamika Zapolski (7356209), Jane Williams (3441605) 05 August 2020 (has links)
<p>The restaurant industry is one of the largest in the United States, and employees within this industry deal with poor working conditions on a daily basis. Despite this, there has been a surprising dearth of research to understand the mental health needs of these workers. The aims of this study were to establish a prevalence of burnout and depression, and understand the relationships between these two outcomes with the constructs of bullying, perfectionism, and social support. To do so, restaurant workers (N=453) were recruited to complete an on-line survey. Results revealed a high prevalence of depressive symptoms and an overextended profile of burnout. Both bullying and perfectionism displayed significant positive relationships with depression and burnout, while social support demonstrated significant negative relationships with burnout and depression. When analyzed in a three-way interaction, social support failed to significantly moderate the effects of bullying and perfectionism on depression and burnout. Results indicate that depression and burnout are serious concerns among restaurant workers. Additionally, bullying and perfectionism are promising targets to consider in future research as mechanisms leading to depression and burnout among restaurant workers.</p>
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Евалуација ефеката иновативности у функцији унапређења квалитета и лојалности гостију у ресторатерству Војводине / Evaluacija efekata inovativnosti u funkciji unapređenja kvaliteta i lojalnosti gostiju u restoraterstvu Vojvodine / Evaluation of innovation effects aimed at the improvement of quality and guest loyalty in restaurant industry in VojvodinaGagić Snježana 19 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Да би се обезбедио жељени квалитет неопходно је константно радити на унапређењу и идентификацији фактора који га детерминишу. Веома је важно утврдити шта представља вредност за госте и спровести потребне мере како би се постигли жељени пословни резултати. Како би се дошло до правог одговора неопходно је имати сазнање о томе шта гост очекује, које су његове потребе, каква понуда је у складу са савременим прехрамбеним трендовима, који је пожељан ниво услуге и на који начин успоставити комуникацију са садашњим и потенцијалним гостима.</p><p>Основни циљ дисертације је био да се идентификују повезаности и узрочни односи између иновативног понашања ресторатера, опаженог квалитета и лојалности гостију. </p><p>Да би се дошло до постављеног циља утврђено је у којој мери су војвођански ресторани иновативни, измерен је квалитет производа, услуге, атмосфере и посебних елемената, а затим се испитала и лојалност гостију. Сагледан је и утицај образовне и квалификационе структуре запослених на степен иновативности и квалитет ресторатерских производа и услуга.</p><p>На основу кабинетског и теренског истраживања, уз примену утврђене научне методологије и коришћењем домаће и иностране литературе дошло се до закључака који су потврдили основну, полазну хипотезу да постоји позитивна корелација између иновативности ресторатера, опаженог квалитета и лојалности гостију. Резултати су потврдили да је зависност између квалификационе и образовне структуре запослених и степена иновативности ресторатера врло значајна, да је веома важно запошљавати квалификовану радну снагу јер се то позитивно одражава на иновационо понашање, али и на квалитет истраживаних елемената.</p> / <p>Da bi se obezbedio željeni kvalitet neophodno je konstantno raditi na unapređenju i identifikaciji faktora koji ga determinišu. Veoma je važno utvrditi šta predstavlja vrednost za goste i sprovesti potrebne mere kako bi se postigli željeni poslovni rezultati. Kako bi se došlo do pravog odgovora neophodno je imati saznanje o tome šta gost očekuje, koje su njegove potrebe, kakva ponuda je u skladu sa savremenim prehrambenim trendovima, koji je poželjan nivo usluge i na koji način uspostaviti komunikaciju sa sadašnjim i potencijalnim gostima.</p><p>Osnovni cilj disertacije je bio da se identifikuju povezanosti i uzročni odnosi između inovativnog ponašanja restoratera, opaženog kvaliteta i lojalnosti gostiju. </p><p>Da bi se došlo do postavljenog cilja utvrđeno je u kojoj meri su vojvođanski restorani inovativni, izmeren je kvalitet proizvoda, usluge, atmosfere i posebnih elemenata, a zatim se ispitala i lojalnost gostiju. Sagledan je i uticaj obrazovne i kvalifikacione strukture zaposlenih na stepen inovativnosti i kvalitet restoraterskih proizvoda i usluga.</p><p>Na osnovu kabinetskog i terenskog istraživanja, uz primenu utvrđene naučne metodologije i korišćenjem domaće i inostrane literature došlo se do zaključaka koji su potvrdili osnovnu, polaznu hipotezu da postoji pozitivna korelacija između inovativnosti restoratera, opaženog kvaliteta i lojalnosti gostiju. Rezultati su potvrdili da je zavisnost između kvalifikacione i obrazovne strukture zaposlenih i stepena inovativnosti restoratera vrlo značajna, da je veoma važno zapošljavati kvalifikovanu radnu snagu jer se to pozitivno odražava na inovaciono ponašanje, ali i na kvalitet istraživanih elemenata.</p> / <p>In order to ensure desired quality, it is necessary to constantly work on the i improvement and identification of the factors which determine it. It is very important to identify what represents a value for guests and implement necessary measures in order to achieve the desired business results. To find the right solution it is necessary to have insights into what a guest expects, what their needs are, what kind of offer is in accordance with modern food trends, what the desired level of service is and how to establish communication with current and potential guests.</p><p>The basic aim of the thesis was to identify relationships and causal relations between innovative behaviour of restaurateurs, observed quality and guest loyalty. The sample consisted of 600 guests from thirty restaurants selected in 19 towns in Vojvodina. The innovation level was defined on the basis of the designed instrument for measuring innovation in the field of products and services, marketing, processes, and socially responsible behavior. For the purpose of achieving the set goal, with the use of selected statistical methods, it was established to what extent restaurants in Vojvodina were innovative, the quality of products, services, atmosphere, and special elements was measured, and guest loyalty was examined. The influence of education and qualification structure of employees on the level of innovation and quality of restaurant products and services was also taken into account.</p><p>On the basis of theoretical and field research, with the use of the defined scientific methodology and local and foreign literature, the conclusions were drawn, which confirmed the basic initial hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between the innovativeness of restaurateurs, observed quality and guest loyalty. The results confirmed that the dependence of qualification and educational structure of employees and the innovation level of restaurateurs is very significant. It is very important to hire qualified work force, because this has positive effects on innovative behaviour as well as on the quality of the examined elements.</p>
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Learning from Finnish food culture : Using food culture as a way to investigate Finnishness and translating it into architecturePetrycer, Josefina, Levén, Jesper January 2015 (has links)
Frågeställning Hur översätter man och representerar ett lands kultur genom arkitektur? Går det att skapa en mer lättillgänglig arkitektur genom vår metod och ingång? Ingång/Metod Genom en folklig ingång studera landets matkultur/traditioner kring mat samt tillhörande miljöer lära sig om landet. Tillämpning Finska institutet är en kulturinstitution avsedd att främja finsk kultur och sprida denna i Sverige. Den kultur som representeras idag kan kompletteras med en mer direkt och upplevelsebaserad approach. Genom att ta del av landets okända matkultur skapas en enkel ingång för gemene man att få en första upplevelse utav landet. Resultatet En finsk restaurang, bar och utställningslokal i Finska institutets bottenvåning i centrala Stockholm samt en bok om finsk matkultur och dess arkitektur. Lokalerna i det ritade förslaget är gestaltade utifrån en upplevelsebaserad metod som handlar om att studera folkliga traditioner och karaktärsdrag, med avstamp i landets matkultur. I egenskap av arkitekter ger vi dessa teman och ledord dess materialitet, rumslighet och atmosfär. / Question formulation How do one interpret and represent a countrys’ culture through architecture? Is it possible to create a more easily accessible architecture through our method and starting point? Starting point/Method Through a vernacular starting point study the countrys food culture and traditions and their environments learn more about the country. Application The Finnish Institute is a cultural institution working and promoting Finnish culture in Sweden. The culture exhibited at the institute today could be complemented with a more direct and experiential approach. By taking part of the countrys’ fairly unknown food culture an easy access is created for everyone to get a first experience of the country. Result A Finnish restaurant, bar and event space and gallery at the ground floor of the Finnish Institutes house in central Stockholm. The rooms are configured by using a experiential method to investigate vernacular traditions and characteristics, with starting point in the Finnish food culture. As architects we are giving these rooms themes which configures their materiality, spatiality and atmosphere.
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Crisis Management in The Swedish Restaurant Industry : A multiple case study about the reflections of seven restaurant owners in the city of Jönköping - from a post Covid-19 perspectiveAbusamra, Bayan, Lassooy, Lauriina January 2022 (has links)
Background: Crisis management has become a highly relevant topic due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, restaurants have been forced to implement new business strategies and tactics to mitigate its impact. For restaurants, it quickly became important to adapt and apply the right strategy to survive which created a unique opportunity to form an understanding of what actual strategic choices restaurants have applied during a pandemic. Purpose: The purpose of this study aims at creating an understanding of how Swedish restaurants in the city of Jönköping have been able to survive the pandemic, more specifically, identify what crisis strategies and tactics restaurant owners have utilized. Method: The aim of this paper was pursued by a qualitative research method with an inductive approach. In order to investigate the research question, a multiple case study has been conducted. Data have been collected through semi-structured interviews from seven different restaurant owners that form the basis of the empirical data. Conclusions: The conclusions revealed that the Covid-19 pandemic had a negative effect on the restaurants and that they had to make changes in their activities in order to stay in business. The empirical findings demonstrated these changes as three core strategies utilized through different tactics in order to cope with the pandemic. Given that unexpected events can happen in the future at any time, it is crucial for managers to learn from the past and implement different strategies in their business and thereby successfully adjust to the diverse external environment.
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<p>The dissertation explores the infusion of Self-Service-Technology (SST) into the casual dining restaurant experience. Casual, sit-in dining restaurants deliver hospitality or service through human servers, however, the introduction of Self-Service-Technology has shifted the norm and expectations of the dining experience. The purpose of these studies is to examine the effect implementation of SST has on the dynamic between restaurant consumers and hospitality employees. Three distinct studies were conducted to examine consumer adoption of, and resistance to, SST, as well as an assessment of different service delivery scenarios involving SST, and employees’ and consumers’ perspectives of SST and hospitality values. In Study 1, many restaurant consumers expressed that relative advantage and compatibility drive their adoption of SST. However, for some, functional and psychological barriers inhibit adoption. Despite customers’ enthusiasm to adopt SST, study 2 shows that they still significantly favor traditional, human service. In study 3, SST represents a paradox for both consumers and employees. Consumers state that hospitality traditions and value matter, yet their behaviors regarding SST run counter to traditional hospitality philosophy. For employees, SST represents a conflict between feeling insecure about their current role and adapting to a new role involving SST in the service delivery experience. </p>
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Service behaviors and time preferences of rural and urban restaurant customersBaker, Melissa Anne 23 June 2010 (has links)
Do customers in rural and urban markets want the same thing from a restaurant server? While researchers have stressed the importance of sub-culture and made the call for empirical research, few studies have incorporated sub-culture into their research, especially within the hospitality industry. Empirically measuring the differences in sub-culture, may be especially important for restaurant operators as they serve and employ a myriad of different customers in different markets. One under researched yet critical way is through a better understanding of the importance of customer contact employees' behavior. Understanding the importance customers place on standard restaurant wait staff behaviors and time standards may be critical to earning customers satisfaction and patronage, yet few studies have empirically examined this. Developing enhanced ways of understanding how to adapt service delivery behavior to the values of major cultural groups can be extremely beneficial to hospitality managers.
This study attempts to close these gaps by investigating the influence of sub-culture on consumer perceptions of behavioral and timing dimensions in a casual, full-service restaurant setting, through methodological sampling concentrating on two main sub-cultural groups: rural and urban restaurant patrons. Results indicated that sanitation and accommodation were the most important behavioral dimensions for both groups. The level of server responsiveness, friendliness, and knowledge were statistically different for the rural and urban samples. Results suggest that casual restaurant wait staff need to tailor service behavior by accommodating and customizing to the cultural and sub-cultural based guest needs in order to maintain a competitive advantage in satisfying customers. This study also demonstrates theoretical and managerial implications and suggests that further research is needed to investigate differences across other hospitality settings. / Master of Science
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