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Hinder vid automatiseringen av Rätten att bli Bortglömd med RPA : En explorativ fallstudie om automatisering inom intern IT / Obstacles in automating The Right to be Forgotten with RPA : An explorative case study on automation within internal ITFlores Osorio, Eduardo January 2019 (has links)
Den nya dataskyddsförordningen som även kallas GDPR, ställer idag krav som företag och organisationer måste uppfylla samt regler som måste följas när det kommer till hur personuppgifter ska behandlas. Att radera data är en stor del i GDPR och i Rätten att bli bortglömd som är en del i GDPR, måste data raderas. Detta är regler som såklart ska följas men det manuella arbetet för detta är en väldigt lång och tidsödande process för den som ska utföra det arbetet. Robotic Process Automation är en relativt ny teknik som används för att automatisera manuella, repetitiva och tidskrävande affärsprocesser inom företag och organisationer. Syftet med studien är dels att undersöka hur fallföretaget kan uppfylla GDPR-kravet Rätten att bli Bortglömd med RPA tekniken. Rätten att bli bortglömd innebär att personuppgifter som kan kopplas till en viss individ ska raderas bort från ett företag om den specifika individen skulle begära det. Studien kommer även belysa de problem som uppstår mellan RPA tekniken ochRätten att bli Bortglömd inom fallföretaget. Studiens empiri består av den egna erfarenheten men kommer även kompletteras med intervjuer samt avstämningsmöten som skall användas som stöd och underlag för själva genomförandet av RPA. Studiens resultat visar de identifierade hindren som har uppstått i undersökningen. Det finns inget regelverk för hur fallföretaget går tillväga när de ska söka och radera personuppgifter. Undersökningens avgränsade process för Rätten att bli bortglömd var varken standardiserad, mogen, regelbaserad, repetitiv eller återkommande vilket gör automatiseringen problematisk och olämplig för RPA automation. För att uppfylla kravet Rätten att bli bortglömd med hjälp av RPA tekniken måste fallföretaget jobba med att få fram ett tydligt regelverk för hur de ska söka och hitta personuppgifter. Därefter krävs det att processen standardiseras och process stegen väl definieras för att kunna identifiera vilka delar av processen som går att automatisera med RPA.
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Poppy : plate-forme robotique open source, imprimée en 3D et totalement modulaire pour l’experimentation scientifique, artistique et pédagogique / Poppy : open-source, 3D printed and fully-modular robotic platform for science, art and educationLapeyre, Matthieu 14 November 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles approches et processus de conception pour créer et produire des plates-formes robotiques dont le contrôle et la morphologie peuvent être explorés et expérimentés librement dans le monde réel, tout en assurant une dissémination directe dans le milieu académique. Ainsi cette thèse adresse deux questions fondamentales dans le processus de recherche scientifique en robotique:1. Comment peut on étudier systématiquement et efficacement l’impact des propriétés morphologiques du corps d’un robot humanoïde pour l’acquisition et le contrôle de savoir-faire sensorimoteurs, ainsi que de capacités d’interactions physiques et sociales avec l’humain ?2. Comment peut on produire des contributions scientifiques en robotique qui soient réellement reproductibles et directement réutilisables, tout en exposant les moindres détails des expérimentations ? Ainsi notre approche propose de nouvelles méthodes de conception et de production, et ce, pour tous les aspects technologiques d’un robot (mécanique, actionneur,électronique, logiciels, distribution). En particulier, ces méthodes reposent sur l’impression 3D pour toutes les pièces mécaniques, un environnement Arduino pour l’acquisition des capteurs, une bibliothèque Python appelée pypot pour le contrôle proposant un API intuitive et enfin la distribution de tout notre travail sous des licences open source.En utilisant cette méthodologie, nous avons créé le robot Humanoïde Poppy, un robotlow-cost, entièrement modulaire et imprimé en 3D. Ce robot est diffusé sous licence open source et tous les fichiers sont facilement accessibles sur le dépôt GitHub du projet: https://www.github.com/poppy_project/.Nous expérimentons l’utilisation de ce robot pour plusieurs applications. Tout d’abord, comme un outil scientifique où nous montrons que Poppy peut être facilement et rapidement modifié, que ce soit pour explorer le rôle de la morphologie ou pour être adaptés à différentes configurations expérimentales. Basé sur ce travail, mais d’un autre point de vue, nous étudions aussi l’impact potentiel d’une telle plate-forme pour des applications éducatives et artistiques. / This thesis suggests novel approaches and design processes to create and produce robotic platforms, the control and morphology of which can be freely explored through experimentation in the real world, that are easy to diffuse and reproduce in the research community. Especially, this alternative design methodology is driven by the desire to:• freely explore morphological properties,• reduce the amount of time required between an idea and its experimentation on an actual robotic platform in the real world,• makes experiments that should be easy to do, actually easy to do,• make the work easily reproducible in any other lab,• keep the work modular and free to use in accordance with open source principles,so it can be reused and extended for other projects.Our approach follows novel design methods for both design and production, for all technological aspects of the robot (i.e. mechanics, actuation, electronics, software,distribution). In particular these methods relies on 3D printing for all mechanical parts, the Arduino electronic architecture for the sensors acquisition, an easy to use Python API called pypot for the control and finally the distribution of all our work under open source licenses. Using this methodology, we create the Poppy Humanoid robot, a fully modular robot allowing exploring freely the role of morphology and adapting its body to specific experimental setup. This robot has been released under open source license and all files are easily accessible on the GitHub repository: https://www.github.com/poppy_project/. We experiment the use of this robot for several applications. First, as a scientific tool and we show that Poppy can be easily and quickly modified to either explore the role of morphology or to be adapted to different experimental setups. Based on this work, but from another perspective we investigate the potential impact of such platform for educational and artistic applications.
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Experiments with Vehicle PlatooningWoldu, Essayas Gebrewahid, Jokhio, Fareed Ahmed January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis is concerned with an experimental platform for studying cooperative driving and techniques for embedded systems programming. Cooperative driving systems use vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication for safe, smooth and efficient transportation. Cooperative driving systems are considered as a promising solution for traffic situations such as blind crossings. For the thesis work we use a robotic vehicle known as PIE (Platform for Intelligent Embedded Systems) equipped with a wireless communication device, electrical motors and controlled via a SAM7-P256 development board. For the infrastructure side we use a SAM7-P256 development board equipped with nRF24l01. Vehicle to vehicle and base station to vehicle communication is established and different platooning scenarios are implemented. The scenarios are similar to platooning scenarios from the Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge GCDC1. The performance of the platoon control algorithm is measured in terms of throughput (a measure of string stability), smoothness and safety, where the safety requirements serve as pass/fail criteria.</p>
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Grasp planning methodology for 3D arbitrary shaped objectsRoa Garzón, Máximo Alejandro 11 June 2009 (has links)
La prensión y manipulación de objetos se ha convertido en un área de gran interés en robótica, especialmente debido al desarrollo de dispositivos de prensión diestra como las manos antropomórficas, que incrementan la flexibilidad y verstilidad de los brazos robóticos, permitiendo así la prensión y manipulación de una gran variedad de objetos con un solo efector final. Esta tesis aborda varios problemas de planificación asociados a la prensión y manipulación de objetos discretos arbitrarios, esto es, objetos de forma arbitraria descritos mediante nubes de puntos o mallas poligonales.
La obtención de una prensión con clausura de fuerza (force-closure) y de una prensión localmente óptima se realiza mediante procedimientos de búsqueda orientada basados en razonamientos geométricos en el espacio de prensiones. La medida de calidad de prensión utilizada es la mayor fuerza generalizada de perturbación que la prensión puede resistir, independientemente de la dirección de la perturbación. Sin embargo, las manos mecánicas y dispositivos de prensión reales difícilmente pueden asegurar que los dedos toquen el objeto justamente en los puntos de contacto calculados. Las regiones de contacto independiente (ICRs) se definen de forma tal que un dedo colocado en cada ICR asegura una prensión con clausura de fuerza; estas regiones otorgan robustez frente a errores en el posicionamiento de los dedos. Esta tesis presenta un algoritmo para obtener las ICRs con cualquier número de contactos con o sin fricción sobre la superficie de cualquier objeto tridimensional, asegurando también una calidad mínima controlada. La aproximación planteada genera las ICRs creciéndolas alrededor de los puntos de contacto de una prensión inicial apropiada, por ejemplo una prensión localmente óptima. Este método se extiende también para el cálculo de ICRs cuando varios contactos están fijados de antemano.
El concepto de regiones de no prensión (NGRs) se introduce en este trabajo. Las NGRs se definen de forma tal que un dedo colocado en cada NGR siempre produce una prensión sin clausura de fuerza, independientemente de la posición exacta de cada dedo. Las ICRs y NGRs se utilizan para explorar de forma eficiente el espacio de prensiones. Este espacio es construido mediante un método de muestreo que provee muestras de prensiones con o sin clausura de fuerza, que luego se utilizan para calcular ICRs o NGRs respectivamente, y que luego sirven para etiquetar las configuraciones del espacio de prensiones. Se presenta también una secuencia de muestreo determinístico que permite una exploración incremental y uniforme del espacio de prensiones. La generación del espacio de prensiones se utiliza posteriormente para resolver el problema de reprensión (regrasping), esto es, la obtención de trayectorias de las puntas de los dedos sobre la superficie del objeto para cambiar de una prensión inicial a una final sin perder la condición de la clausura de fuerza.
La tesis incluye ejemplos de aplicación para ilustrar el desempeño y la relevancia de los algoritmos planteados. / Object grasping and manipulation has become an area of great interest in robotics, specially due to the development of dexterous grasping devices like anthropomorphic hands that increase the flexibility and versatility of the robot arms, allowing the grasping and manipulation of a large variety of objects with a single end effector. This thesis tackles several planning problems associated with grasping and manipulation of arbitrary discrete objects, i.e. objects described with a cloud of points or a polygonal mesh.
The computation of a force closure grasp and a locally optimal grasp is tackled using oriented search procedures based on geometric reasoning in the wrench space. The grasp quality measure considered is the largest perturbation wrench that the grasp can resist independently of the perturbation direction. However, real mechanical hands and grasping devices can hardly assure that the fingers will precisely touch the object at the computed contact points. Independent contact regions (ICRs) such that a finger contact in each ICR ensures a force closure grasp, provide robustness in front of finger positioning errors. This thesis presents an approach to compute ICRs with any number of frictionless or frictional contacts on the surface of any 3D object, assuring a controlled minimum grasp quality. The approach generates the ICRs by growing them around the contact points of a given appropriated starting grasp, like for instance a locally optimal grasp. The approach is also extended to compute the ICRs when several contacts are fixed beforehand.
The notion of Non-Graspable Regions (NGRs) is introduced in this work, such that a finger contact in each NGR always produces a non-force closure grasp independently of the exact position of each finger. The ICRs and NGRs are used to efficiently explore the grasp space. The grasp space is constructed using a sampling method that provides samples of force closure or non force closure grasps used to compute ICRs or NGRs, respectively, which are used to label the configurations of the grasp space. An efficient deterministic sampling sequence is provided to allow a good incremental and uniform exploration of the grasp space. The generation of the grasp space is then applied to solve the regrasping problem, i.e. to obtain trajectories of the fingertips on the object surface in order to change from an initial to a final grasp without losing the force closure condition.
Application examples are included to illustrate the relevance and performance of the proposed approaches.
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Robotic telescopes & Doppler imaging : measuring differential rotation on long-period active stars / Robotic telescopes & Doppler imaging : measuring differential rotation on long-period active starsWeber, Michael January 2004 (has links)
Auf der Sonne sind viele Phänomene zu sehen die mit der solaren magnetischen Aktivität zusammenhängen. Das dafür zuständige Magnetfeld wird durch einen Dynamo erzeugt, der sich vermutlich am Boden der Konvektionszone in der sogenannten Tachocline befindet. Angetrieben wird der Dynamo teils von der differenziellen Rotation, teils von den magnetischen Turbulenzen in der Konvektionszone. Die differentielle Rotation kann an der Sonnenoberfläche durch beobachten der Sonnenfleckbewegungen gemessen werden.<br>Um einen größeren Parameterraum zum Testen von Dynamotheorien zu erhalten, kann man diese Messungen auch auf andere Sterne ausdehnen. Das primäre Problem dabei ist, dass die Oberflächen von Sternen nicht direkt beobachtet werden können. Indirekt kann man dies jedoch mit Hilfe der Doppler-imaging Methode erreichen, die die Doppler-Verbreitung der Spektrallinien von schnell rotierenden Sternen benützt. Um jedoch ein Bild der Sternoberfläche zu erhalten, bedarf es vieler hochaufgelöster spektroskopischer Beobachtungen, die gleichmäßig über eine Sternrotation verteilt sein müssen. Für Sterne mit langen Rotationsperioden sind diese Beobachtungen nur schwierig durchzuführen. Das neue robotische Observatorium STELLA adressiert dieses Problem und bietet eine auf Dopplerimaging abgestimmte Ablaufplanung der Beobachtungen an. Dies wird solche Beobachtungen nicht nur leichter durchführbar machen, sondern auch effektiver gestalten.<br>Als Vorschau welche Ergebnisse mit STELLA erwartet werden können dient eine Studie an sieben Sternen die allesamt eine lange (zwischen sieben und 25 Tagen) Rotationsperiode haben. Alle Sterne zeigen differentielle Rotation, allerdings sind die Messfehler aufgrund der nicht zufriedenstellenden Datenqualität von gleicher Größenordnung wie die Ergebnisse, ein Problem das bei STELLA nicht auftreten wird. Um die Konsistenz der Ergebnisse zu prüfen wurde wenn möglich sowohl eine Kreuzkorrelationsanalyse als auch die sheared-image Methode angewandt. Vier von diesen sieben Sternen weisen eine differentielle Rotation in umgekehrter Richtung auf als auf der Sonne zu sehen ist. Die restlichen drei Sterne weisen schwache, aber in der Richtung sonnenähnliche differentielle Rotation auf.<br>Abschließend werden diese neuen Messungen mit bereits publizierten Werten kombiniert, und die so erhaltenen Daten auf Korrelationen zwischen differentieller Rotation, Rotationsperiode, Evolutionsstaus, Spektraltyp und Vorhandensein eines Doppelsterns überprüft. Alle Sterne zusammen zeigen eine signifikante Korrelation zwischen dem Betrag der differenziellen Rotation und der Rotationsperiode. Unterscheidet man zwischen den Richtungen der differentiellen Rotation, so bleibt nur eine Korrelation der Sterne mit antisolarem Verhalten. Darüberhinaus zeigt sich auch, dass Doppelsterne schwächer differentiell rotieren. / The sun shows a wide variety of magnetic-activity related phenomena. The magnetic field responsible for this is generated by a dynamo process which is believed to operate in the tachocline, which is located at the bottom of the convection zone. This dynamo is driven in part by differential rotation and in part by magnetic turbulences in the convection zone. The surface differential rotation, one key ingredient of dynamo theory, can be measured by tracing sunspot positions.<br>To extend the parameter space for dynamo theories, one can extend these measurements to other stars than the sun. The primary obstacle in this endeavor is the lack of resolved surface images on other stars. This can be overcome by the Doppler imaging technique, which uses the rotation-induced Doppler-broadening of spectral lines to compute the surface distribution of a physical parameter like temperature. To obtain the surface image of a star, high-resolution spectroscopic observations, evenly distributed over one stellar rotation period are needed. This turns out to be quite complicated for long period stars. The upcoming robotic observatory STELLA addresses this problem with a dedicated scheduling routine, which is tailored for Doppler imaging targets. This will make observations for Doppler imaging not only easier, but also more efficient.<br>As a preview of what can be done with STELLA, we present results of a Doppler imaging study of seven stars, all of which show evidence for differential rotation, but unfortunately the errors are of the same order of magnitude as the measurements due to unsatisfactory data quality, something that will not happen on STELLA. Both, cross-correlation analysis and the sheared image technique where used to double check the results if possible. For four of these stars, weak anti-solar differential rotation was found in a sense that the pole rotates faster than the equator, for the other three stars weak differential rotation in the same direction as on the sun was found.<br>Finally, these new measurements along with other published measurements of differential rotation using Doppler imaging, were analyzed for correlations with stellar evolution, binarity, and rotation period. The total sample of stars show a significant correlation with rotation period, but if separated into antisolar and solar type behavior, only the subsample showing anti-solar differential rotation shows this correlation. Additionally, there is evidence for binary stars showing less differential rotation as single stars, as is suggested by theory. All other parameter combinations fail to deliver any results due to the still small sample of stars available.
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Contribuciones al alineamiento de nubes de puntos 3d para su uso en aplicaciones de captura robotizada de objetosTorre Ferrero, Carlos 08 November 2010 (has links)
En aplicaciones de captura robotizada se ha hecho necesario el uso de información tridimensional de los objetos que son manipulados. Esta información puede obtenerse mediante dispositivos de adquisición 3D, tales como escáneres láser o cámaras de tiempo de vuelo, que proporcionan imágenes de rango de los objetos.
En este trabajo de tesis se presenta un nuevo enfoque para encontrar, sin disponer de una estimación previa, la transformación rígida que produzca una alineación adecuada de las nubes de puntos obtenidas con esos dispositivos.
El algoritmo realiza una búsqueda iterativa de correspondencias mediante la comparación de descriptores 2D en varios niveles de resolución utilizando para ello una medida de similitud específicamente diseñada para el descriptor propuesto en esta tesis.
Este algoritmo de alineamiento se puede utilizar tanto para modelado 3D como para aplicaciones de manipulación de objetos en situaciones en las que los objetos estén parcialmente ocluidos o presenten simetrías. / In applications of robotic manipulation of objects, the use of three-dimensional information of objects being manipulated has been made necessary. This information can be obtained by 3D acquisition devices, such as laser scanners or cameras of flight time, providing range images of objects.
This thesis presents a new approach to find, without having a previous estimate, the Euclidean transformation that produces a proper alignment of point clouds obtained with these devices.
The algorithm performs an iterative search for correspondences by comparing 2D descriptors at various levels of resolution using a similarity measure specifically designed for the descriptor proposed in this thesis.
This alignment algorithm can be used for both 3D modelling and robotic manipulation applications when objects are partially occluded or have symmetries.
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Control of robotic joints using principles from the equilibrium point hypothesis of animal motor controlMigliore, Shane Anthony 28 June 2004 (has links)
Biological systems are able to perform complex movements with high energy-efficiency and, in general, can adapt to environmental changes more elegantly than traditionally engineered mechanical
systems. The Equilibrium Point Hypothesis describes animal motor control as trajectories of
equilibrium joint angle and joint stiffness. Traditional approaches to robot design are unable to implement this control scheme because they lack joint actuation methods that can control mechanical stiffness, and, in general, they are unable to take advantage of energy introduced into the system by the environment. In this paper, we describe the development and implementation of an FPGA-controlled, servo-actuated robotic joint that incorporates series-elastic actuation with specially developed nonlinear springs. We show that the joint's equilibrium angle and stiffness are independently controllable and that their independence is not lost in the presence of external joint torques. This approach to joint control emulates the behavior of antagonistic muscles, and thus produces a mechanical system that demonstrates biological similarity both in its observable
output and in its method of control.
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Using Learned Affordances For Robotic Behavior DevelopmentDogar, Mehmet Remzi 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
&ldquo / Developmental robotics&rdquo / proposes that, instead of trying to build a robot that shows intelligence once and for all, what one must do is to build robots that can develop. A robot should go through cognitive development just like an animal baby does. These robots should be equipped with behaviors that are simple but enough to bootstrap the system. Then, as the robot interacts with its environment, it should display increasingly complex behaviors. Studies in developmental psychology and neurophysiology provide support for the view that, the animals start with innate simple behaviors, and develop more complex behaviors through the differentiation, sequencing, and combination of these primitive behaviors. In this thesis, we propose such a development scheme for a mobile robot. J.J. Gibson' / s concept of &ldquo / affordances&rdquo / provides the basis of this development scheme, and we use a formalization of affordances to make the robot learn about the dynamics of its interactions with its environment. We show that an autonomous robot can start with pre-coded primitive behaviors, and as it executes its behaviors randomly in an environment, it can learn the affordance relations between the environment and its behaviors. We then present two ways of using these learned structures, in achieving more complex, voluntary behaviors. In the first case, the robot still uses its pre-coded primitive behaviors only, but the sequencing of these are such that new more complex behaviors emerge. In the second case, the robot uses its pre-coded primitive behaviors to create new behaviors.
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Human-like Robot Head DesignOlcucuoglu, Orhan 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the thesis study, it is intended to design and manufacture an anthropomorphic robot head that can resemble human head/neck and eye movements. The designed robot head consists of a 4-DOF neck and a 4-DOF head. The head is composed of 3-DOF eyes and 1-DOF jaw. This work focuses on the head/neck and eyes therefore / the other free to move parts such as eyebrows, eyelids, ears etc. are not implemented.
The general kinematic human modeling technique can be applied to facilitate the humanoid robotics design process since human anatomy can be represented as a sequence of rigid bodies connected by joints. In this study, we refer to the anthropometric data in determining the dimensions of all parts in order to have a robot head as human-like as possible. In addition, motion types, motion ranges and their velocities are considered. These factors are of great importance in imitating the human head movements as close as possible.
It is intended that the developed humanoid robot head will be used as a research platform in studying fields such as / social interaction between human and robots, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. It will also be an experimental setup to conduct experiments for studying active vision systems.
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Prioritized Exploration Strategy Based On Invasion Percolation GuidanceKarahan, Murat 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The major aim in search and rescue using mobile robots is to reach trapped survivors and
to support rescue operations through the disaster environments. Our motivation is based
on the fact that a search and rescue (SAR) robot can navigate within and penetrate a
disaster area only if the area in question possesses connected voids Traversability or
penetrability of a disaster area is a primary factor that guides the navigation of a search
and rescue (SAR) robot, since it is highly desirable that the robot, without hitting a dead
end or getting stuck, keeps its mobility for its primary task of reconnaissance and
mapping when searching the highly unstructured environment We propose two novel
guided prioritized exploration system: 1) percolation guided methodology where a
percolator estimates the existence of connected voids in the upcoming yet unexplored
region ahead of the robot so as to increase the efficiency of reconnaissance operation by
the superior ability of the percolation guidance in speedy coverage of the area / 2) the
hybrid exploration methodology that makes the percolation guided exploration
collaborate with entropy based SLAM under a switching control dependent on either
priority given to position accuracy or to map accuracy This second methodology has
proven to combine the superiority of both methods so that the active SLAM becomes
speedy, with high coverage rate of the area as well as accurate in localization.
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