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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Method to Derive an Aerosol Composition from Downward Solar Spectral Fluxes at the Surface

Rao, Roshan R January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aerosol properties are highly variable in space and time which makes the aerosol study more complex. The sources and production mechanism of aerosols decide the properties of the aerosols. Aerosol radiative forcing is defined as the perturbation to the radiative fluxes of the earth atmosphere system caused by the aerosols. High uncertainty in the aerosol radiative forcing values exists today due to the lack of the exact chemical composition data of the aerosols everywhere. There are previous studies which have introduced methods to estimate ‘optical equivalent’ composition of aerosols using spectral aerosol optical depth measurements at the surface. The impact of aerosols on the solar radiative flux depends on its size distribution and composition. Hence, measurements of downward solar spectral fluxes at the surface can be used to infer ‘optically equivalent’ composition of aerosols. Measurements of downward solar spectral flux at Bangalore were made on clear days using a spectroradiometer. This data has been used to infer the aerosol composition following an iterative method with the help of the Santa Barbara DISORT Atmospheric Radiative Transfer (SBDART). Aerosols have been classified as water soluble, black carbon and three types of dust. Influence of the different aerosol types on spectral down welling irradiance at the surface have been simulated using Optical Properties of Aerosols and Clouds (OPAC) and SBDART models. The strong spectral dependence influence of water soluble aerosols and the dust aerosols on the spectral irradiance is shown. Aerosol composition was inferred following least square error minimization principle. This method can be used to estimate near-surface aerosol concentration if the vertical profile of aerosols is known a priori. This method also enables derivation of spectral single scattering albedo. The aerosol spectral radiative forcing has been estimated using downward spectral flux at the surface and compared with modeled fluxes. The contribution to the total forcing by the wavelength band 360 – 528 nm is around 60% of the total forcing. The wavelength band of 453-518 nm contributes maximum to the total forcing and it is seen that the shape of the spectral forcing is a major function of shape of the incoming solar spectrum. Aerosol spectral radiative forcing from observations of radiative fluxes agreed with modeled values when derived aerosol chemical composition was used as input. This study demonstrates that spectral flux measurements at the surface are useful to infer aerosol composition (which is optically equivalent) when and where the conventional chemical analysis is unavailable.

Observation satellitaire et modélisation de l'albédo des forêts sur le territoire français métropolitain : dynamiques temporelles et impacts radiatifs / Remote sensing and modelling forest albedo in mainland France : temporal dynamics and radiative impacts

Planque, Carole 07 February 2018 (has links)
Les forêts ont un impact sur le climat mais cet effet est incertain, notamment dans les régions soumises à un climat tempéré. En effet, les processus biogéochimiques et biophysiques caractéristiques des forêts tempérées peuvent avoir un effet soit de refroidissement soit de réchauffement du climat. Une première étape dans l'amélioration de l'évaluation de l'effet climatique des forêts est d'avancer dans la modélisation de l'ensemble de leurs processus biogéochimiques et biophysiques dans les LSM (" Land Surface Model "), utilisés dans les modèles atmosphériques de prévision du temps et du climat. L'albédo de surface est identifié comme une variable clé pour l'étude de l'impact des forêts en termes de forçage radiatif. Pourtant, elle est représentée de façon très simplifiée dans la plupart des LSM, où elle est bien souvent non évolutive. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à l'amélioration de la représentation de l'albédo de surface dans les LSM. Il s'est agi en particulier d'identifier à partir d'observations satellitaires les variables biophysiques qui pilotent l'albédo de surface des forêts dans l'espace et dans le temps. Un modèle prédictif de l'albédo des forêts aux échelles spatiales considérées par les LSM a été développé. La France métropolitaine a été choisie comme région d'étude et la période allant de 2001 à 2013 a été considérée. Il a été mis en évidence que, sur cette période, 94.4% de la surface occupée par les forêts présente un cycle saisonnier de l'albédo relativement stable d'une année à l'autre. Parmi les 5.6% restants, les changements ont été induits par des modifications soudaines du couvert végétal mais également par un "verdissement" de certaines forêts. Dans le but d'identifier les variables qui pilotent les variations saisonnières de l'albédo de surface des forêts, une nouvelle méthode permettant de désagréger les albédos de surface satellitaires, en albédo du sol nu et de la végétation, a été développée. Les albédos du sol obtenus présentent une dynamique temporelle inter- et intra-annuelle qui est corrélée avec celle de l'humidité superficielle du sol. La variabilité temporelle de l'albédo du sol moyen peut être caractérisée par son écart type, qui est de 0.016. La valeur obtenue par des méthodes pré-existantes est de 0 à 0.004. D'autre part, le cycle saisonnier de l'albédo du sol est cohérent avec le régime des pluies : les valeurs mensuelles moyennes maximales correspondent aux mois les moins pluvieux. C'est vrai dans 68 % des cas, contre 32 % pour l'albédo de surface. Les valeurs moyennes de l'albédo de la végétation (sol) ont été estimées avec une incertitude de 2 % (10 %). Ces albédos désagrégés dynamiques ont permis de construire des cycles annuels moyens. Ces derniers sont utilisés pour forcer le modèle prédictif de l'albédo des forêts fondé sur des variables pouvant être simulées par les LSM. Une validation par rapport à l'albédo de surface satellitaire MODIS a mis en évidence une erreur moyenne de 12% et 8 %, respectivement dans le VIS et dans le NIR (R de 0.63 dans le VIS), soit une amélioration par rapport aux autres méthodes (R de 0.45 dans le VIS). Cette désagrégation de l'albédo de surface a permis de mettre en évidence que l'effet des forêts tempérées sur le bilan d'énergie dépend de la saison, du type de forêt et du type de sol. Il est montré qu'en France métropolitaine, 77.3 % des forêts présentent un bilan radiatif pouvant entraîner un effet de réchauffement durant l'été. Si le verdissement de certaines forêts constaté dans cette thèse devait se généraliser, l'impact radiatif moyen durant l'été pourrait être de 0.187±0.04 W.m-2. La méthode de désagrégation développée durant cette thèse est en cours d'implémentation dans la chaîne opérationnelle du service LSA-SAF d'EUMETSAT. Elle pourra à terme permettre de développer une paramétrisation de ces albédos désagrégés dans les LSM. Cela permettra l'assimilation d'observations de l'albédo de surface dans les LSM. / The forests impact the climate but their effect is uncertain, in particular in the areas with temperate climate. In temperate forests, biogeochemical and biophysical processes can present either a cooling or a warming effect on climate. A first step to improve the evaluation of the climatic effect of forests is to go forward with the modeling of all biogeochemical and biophysical processes in LSMs ("Land Surface Models") used in the atmospheric models used for numerical weather forecast and climate predictions. Surface albedo is identified as a key variable of the impact of forests in terms of radiative forcing. However, surface albedo is represented in a simplified way in LSMs and is, more often than not, non-evolutive. In this context, the objective of this PhD work is to contribute to the improvement of surface albedo modeling in LSMs. A step forward was to identify the biophysical variables which drive the surface albedo of forests in space and time, using satellite observations. A predictive model of the forest albedo was developed considering the spatial resolution used in LSMs. Mainland France was selected as a study area from 2001 to 2013. It was shown that over this period, 94.4% of the forest area presented a relatively stable seasonal albedo cycle, from one year to another. Among the remaining 5.6%, changes in albedo were induced by sudden changes in the vegetation cover, but also in some forests by an increase in greenness. With the aim of identifying the variables which drive the seasonal variations of the surface albedo of forests, a new method was developed to split satellite-derived surface albedo into soil and vegetation albedo values. Soil albedo showed inter- and intra-annual temporal dynamics which are correlated with top soil moisture. The temporal variability of the average soil albedo can be described by its standard deviation, which is of 0.016. In comparison, the values obtained with preexisting methods range from 0 to 0.004. In addition, the seasonal cycle of soil albedo is consistent with the rainfall regime: the yearly maximum average monthly albedo matches the months with less precipitation. This was the case for 68% of forest pixels, against 32% using surface albedo instead of soil albedo. The median values of the vegetation (soil) albedo were estimated with an uncertainty of 2% (10%). These disaggregated albedo values (soil and vegetation) were used to produce average annual cycles. The latter are used to force the predictive model of the forest albedo which is based on LSMs' simulated variables. The validation was conducted using MODIS satellite-derived surface albedo observations. Average error values of 12% and 8% were obtained in the VIS and the NIR spectral domains, respectively (R of 0.63 in the VIS). This is an improvement with respect to pre-existing methods (R of 0.45 in the VIS). Disaggregating surface albedo showed that the effect of temperate forests on the radiative budget depends on season, forest type and soil type. Over mainland France, 77.3% of the forests present a radiative impact which can lead to a warming effect during the summer. If the increase in greenness detected in some forests were to spread to all French forests, the average radiative impact during the summer could be as large as 0.187± 0.04 W.m-2. The disaggregation method developed during this PhD work is under implementation in the operational chain of the EUMETSAT LSA-SAF service. Thanks to this implementation it could be eventually possible to parameterize disaggregated albedo values in LSMs. This will allow the assimilation of surface albedo observations in LSMs.

Investigating climate feedbacks across forcing magnitudes and time scales using the radiative kernel technique

Jonko, Alexandra 06 September 2012 (has links)
Radiative feedbacks associated with changes in water vapor, temperature, surface albedo and clouds remain a major source of uncertainty in our understanding of climate's response to anthropogenic forcing. In this dissertation climate model data is used to investigate variations in feedbacks that result from changing CO��� forcing and the time scales on which feedbacks operate, focusing on the applicability of one method in particular, the radiative kernel technique, to these problems. This computationally efficient technique uses a uniform, incremental change in feedback variables to infer top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiative flux changes. The first chapters explore the suitability of the linear radiative kernel technique for large forcing scenarios. We show that kernels based on the present-day climate misestimate TOA flux changes for large perturbations, translating into biased feedback estimates. We address this issue by calculating additional kernels based on a large forcing climate state with eight times present day CO��� concentrations. Differences between these and the present-day kernels result from added absorption of radiation by CO��� and water vapor, and increased longwave emission due to higher temperatures. Combining present-day and 8xCO��� kernels leads to significant improvement in the approximation of TOA flux changes and accuracy of feedback estimates. While climate sensitivity remains constant with increasing CO��� forcing when the inaccurate present-day kernels are used, sensitivity increases significantly when new kernels are used. Comparison of feedbacks in climate models with observations is one way towards understanding the disagreement among models. However, climate change feedbacks operate on time scales that are too long to be evaluated from the observational record. Rather, short-term proxies for greenhouse-gas-driven warming are often used to compute feedbacks from observations. The third chapter of this dissertation examines links between the seasonal cycle and global warming using pattern correlations of spatial distribution of feedback variables and radiative flux changes. We find strong correlations between time scales for changes in surface temperature and climate variables, but not for TOA flux anomalies, reaffirming conclusions drawn in previous work. Finally, we investigate the fitness of the radiative kernel technique for evaluation of short-term feedbacks in a comparison with the more accurate, but more computationally expensive, partial radiative perturbations. / Graduation date: 2013

Light absorption of atmospheric soot particles over Central Europe / Lichtabsorption von atmosphärischen Rußpartikeln über Mitteleuropa

Nordmann, Stephan 09 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Soot particles are a major absorber of shortwave radiation in the atmosphere. They exert a rather uncertain direct and semi-direct radiative effect, which causes a heating or in some cases a cooling of the atmosphere. The mass absorption coefficient is an essential quantity to describe this light absorption process. This work presents new experimental data on the mass absorption coefficient of soot particles in the troposphere over Central Europe. Mass absorption coefficients were derived as the ratio between the light absorption coefficient determined by multi angle absorption photometry (MAAP), and the soot mass concentration determined by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman method is sensitive to graphitic structures present in the particle samples, and was calibrated in the laboratory using Printex90 model particles. The mass absorption coefficients were determined for a number of seven observation sites, ranging between 3.9 and 7.4 m²/g depending on measurement site and observational period. The highest values were found in an continentally aged air mass in winter, where we presumed soot particles to be present mainly in internal mixture. The regional model WRF-Chem was used in conjunction with a high resolution soot emission inventory to simulate soot mass concentrations and absorption coefficients for the Central European Troposphere. The model was validated using soot mass concentrations from Raman measurements and absorption coefficients. Simulated soot mass concentrations were found to be too low by around 50 %, which could be improved by scaling the emissions by a factor of two. In contrast, the absorption coefficient was positively biased by around 20%. Adjusting the modeled mass absorption coefficient to measurements, the simulation of soot light absorption was improved. Finally, the positive direct radiative forcing at top of the atmosphere was found to be lowered by up to 70% for the model run with adjusted soot absorption behaviour, , indicating a decreased heating effect on the atmosphere.

Photovoltaic Capacity Additions: The optimal rate of deployment with sensitivity to time-based GHG emissions

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Current policies subsidizing or accelerating deployment of photovoltaics (PV) are typically motivated by claims of environmental benefit, such as the reduction of CO2 emissions generated by the fossil-fuel fired power plants that PV is intended to displace. Existing practice is to assess these environmental benefits on a net life-cycle basis, where CO2 benefits occurring during use of the PV panels is found to exceed emissions generated during the PV manufacturing phase including materials extraction and manufacture of the PV panels prior to installation. However, this approach neglects to recognize that the environmental costs of CO2 release during manufacture are incurred early, while environmental benefits accrue later. Thus, where specific policy targets suggest meeting CO2 reduction targets established by a certain date, rapid PV deployment may have counter-intuitive, albeit temporary, undesired consequences. Thus, on a cumulative radiative forcing (CRF) basis, the environmental improvements attributable to PV might be realized much later than is currently understood. This phenomenon is particularly acute when PV manufacture occurs in areas using CO2 intensive energy sources (e.g., coal), but deployment occurs in areas with less CO2 intensive electricity sources (e.g., hydro). This thesis builds a dynamic Cumulative Radiative Forcing (CRF) model to examine the inter-temporal warming impacts of PV deployments in three locations: California, Wyoming and Arizona. The model includes the following factors that impact CRF: PV deployment rate, choice of PV technology, pace of PV technology improvements, and CO2 intensity in the electricity mix at manufacturing and deployment locations. Wyoming and California show the highest and lowest CRF benefits as they have the most and least CO2 intensive grids, respectively. CRF payback times are longer than CO2 payback times in all cases. Thin film, CdTe PV technologies have the lowest manufacturing CO2 emissions and therefore the shortest CRF payback times. This model can inform policies intended to fulfill time-sensitive CO2 mitigation goals while minimizing short term radiative forcing. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering 2013

Direct Radiative Effect of Mineral Dust on the Middle East and North Africa Climate

Bangalath, Hamza Kunhu 11 1900 (has links)
Dust-climate interaction over the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has long been studied, as it is the "dustiest" region on earth. However, the quantitative and qualitative understanding of the role of dust direct radiative effect on MENA climate is still rudimentary. The present dissertation investigates dust direct radiative effect on MENA climate during summer with a special emphasis on the sensitivity of climate response to dust shortwave absorption, which is one of the most uncertain components of dust direct radiative effect. Simulations are conducted with and without dust radiative effect, to differentiate the effect of dust on climate. To elucidate the sensitivity of climate response to dust shortwave absorption, simulations with dust assume three different cases of dust shortwave absorption, representing dust as a very efficient, standard and inefficient shortwave absorber. The non-uniformly distributed dust perturb circulations at various scales. Therefore, the present study takes advantage of the high spatial resolution capabilities of an Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM), High Resolution Atmospheric Model (HiRAM), which incorporates global and regional circulations. AMIP-style global high-resolution simulations are conducted at a spatial resolution of 25 km. A significant response in the strength and position of the local Hadley circulation is predicted in response to meridionally asymmetric distribution of dust and the corresponding radiative effects. Significant responses are also found in regional circulation features such as African Easterly Jet and West African Monsoon circulation. Consistent with these dynamic responses at various scales, the tropical rainbelt across MENA strengthens and shifts northward. Similarly, the temperature under rainbelt cools and that over subtropical deserts warms. Inter-comparison of various dust shortwave absorption cases shows that the response of the MENA tropical rainbelt is extremely sensitive to the strength of shortwave absorption. Further analyses reveal that the sensitivity of the rainbelt stems from the sensitivity of the multi-scale circulations that define the rainbelt. Importantly, the summer precipitation over the semi-arid strip south of Sahara, including Sahel, increases in response to dust radiative effect. The maximum response and sensitivity are predicted over this region. The sensitivity of the responses over Sahel, especially that of precipitation, is comparable to the mean state. Locally, the precipitation increase reaches up to 50% of the mean, while dust is assumed to be a very efficient absorber. As the region is characterized by the "Sahel drought", the predicted precipitation sensitivity to the dust loading over this region has a wide-range of socioeconomic implications. The present study, therefore, suggests the importance of reducing uncertainty in dust shortwave absorption for a better simulation and interpretation of the MENA climate in general, and of Sahel in particular.

Airborne spectral radiation measurements to derive solar radiative forcing of Saharan dust mixed with biomass burning smoke particles

Bauer, Stefan 18 July 2014 (has links)
This dissertation deals with spectral measurements of solar radiation in the visible and near infrared wavelength range. The data were collected during a field campaign on the Cape Verde Islands in January / February 2008 within the DFG research group SAMUM 2 (Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment). During this campaign airborne measurements of upward radiances and irradiances were performed over aerosol layers. Since the Cape Verde Islands are in the advection area of air masses from the Sahara region northeast of the islands and from regions with bush fires from the southeast, the sampled aerosol mainly consists of mineral dust, biomass burning smoke or a mixture of both. These radiation measurements and airborne lidar measurements of aerosol extinction coefficients were used to calculate the dust radiative forcing at the top of atmosphere with an one-dimensional radiative transfer model. This required the spectral surface albedo and aerosol optical properties, determined by model retrievals. The dependence of the calculated dust radiative forcing on the aerosol optical thickness was used to distinguish between aerosol distributions with mineral dust only or mixed with biomass burning smoke. This mainly model-based method was compared with another mainly measurement-based method, which requires the net radiation at the flight altitude and its dependence on the aerosol optical thickness to distinguish between the different aerosol distributions. The mainly model-based method shows no differences between the calculated radiative forcings of aerosols mainly consisting of mineral dust and those mixed with biomass burning smoke due to high uncertainties. In contrast to the mainly model-based method, the mainly measurement-based method shows clear differences between aerosols with and without biomass burning smoke. Thus the mainly measurement-based method is the preferred method, because it omits the retrieval of the aerosol optical properties, which leads to high uncertainties, in contrast to the mainly model-based method.

Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions in Regimes of Liquid Water Clouds

Block, Karoline 17 October 2018 (has links)
Despite large efforts and decades of research, the scientific understanding of how aerosols impact climate by modulating microphysical cloud properties is still low and associated radiative forcing estimates (RFaci ) vary with a wide spread. But since anthropogenically forced aerosol-cloud interactions (ACI) are considered to oppose parts of the global warming, it is crucial to know their contribution to the total radiative forcing in order to improve climate predictions. To obtain a better understanding and quantification of ACI and the associated radiative effect it as been suggested to use concurrent measurements and observationally constrained model simulations. In this dissertation a joint satellite-reanalysis approach is introduced, bridging the gap between climate models and satellite observations in a bottom-up approach. This methodology involves an observationally constrained aerosol model, refined and concurrent multi-component satellite retrievals, a state-of-the-art aerosol activation parameteriza- tion as well as radiative transfer model. This methodology is shown here to be useful for a quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of ACI and for estimating RFaci . As a result, a 10-year long climatology of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) (particles from which cloud droplets form) is produced and evaluated. It is the first of its kind providing 3-D CCN concentrations of global coverage for various supersaturations and aerosol species and offering the opportunity to be used for evaluation in models and ACI studies. Further, the distribution and variability of the resulting cloud droplet numbers and their susceptibility to changes in aerosols is explored and compared to previous estimates. In this context, an analysis by cloud regime has been proven useful. Last but not least, the computation and analysis of the present-day regime-based RFaci represents the final conclusion of the bottom-up methodology. Overall, this thesis provides a comprehensive assessment of interactions and uncertainties related to aerosols, clouds and radiation in regimes of liquid water clouds and helps to improve the level of scientific understanding.

Longwave radiative effect of ozone from IASI observations

Doniki, Stamatia 21 August 2019 (has links) (PDF)
(English)Ozone is one of the most important greenhouse gases in terms of radiative forcing, as aresult of increasing in its precursor emissions since pre-industrial times. Until recently,the ozone radiative forcing calculations were entirely model based, exhibiting high uncertaintiesand a large spread in model values, as shown in the Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change, Assessment Report 5. Satellite sounders operating in the infrarednow offer the possibility to infer directly the longwave radiative effect (LWRE) of ozone.The hyperspectral measurements allow to retrieve a vertical profile of ozone, and also thevertical distribution of the LWRE, apart from its column integrated value. The separationbetween troposphere and stratosphere allows to better constrain model estimates ofozone radiative forcing, but also support the predictions for its future evolution.In this thesis, a new method for calculating the ozone LWRE is presented, by exploitingthe measurements of the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer on board theMetop satellites. The method is based on the calculation of the Instantaneous RadiativeKernel (IRK), which implies the angular integration of the radiance (inthe 9.6 μm band) at the top of the atmosphere using a Gaussian Quadrature. This quantityis transformed into a radiative flux density (the LWRE) by multiplicationwith the ozone profile retrieved by FORLI, for each atmospheric scene. The LWRE calculationmethod is applied to IASI non-cloudy scenes, for day and night, for the periodof 01/10/2007 to 31/12/2016. The results are analyzed separately for the total column ofozone, and for its tropospheric and stratospheric components; they are compared to estimationsdetermined independently from the TES (Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer)measurements on-board Aura, and from three state-of the-art chemistry-climate models.The discussion of the results is focused then on the spatial and temporal variability ofthe LWRE in the troposphere and stratosphere, as well as the on the trends over 9 yearsof measurements.(French)L’ozone est actuellement l’un des gaz à effet de serre les plus importants en terme de forçage radiatif ;sa contribution est liée à l’augmentation des émissions de ses précurseurs depuis l’époque préindustrielle. Jusqu’à récemment, le calcul du forçage radiatif de l’ozone était entièrement basé sur des modèles et était sujet à de grandes incertitudes, qui se révèlent notamment par la large gamme des valeurs calculées et intégrées dans le Cinquième Rapport d’Évaluation du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC). Les sondeurs embarqués sur des satellites et travaillant dans le domaine de l’infrarouge thermique donnent aujourd’hui la possibilité de directement mesurer l’effet radiatif de l’ozone au niveau de la radiation infrarouge sortante. La possibilité qu’offrent les mesures hyperspectrales pour restituer un profil vertical d’ozone permet par ailleurs de fournir la distribution verticale du forçage radiatif, au-delà se valeur intégrée sur la colonne atmosphérique. La séparation entre la troposphère et la stratosphère est importante en particulier pour contraindre les estimations des modèles mais aussi pour prédire l’évolution future du forçage radiatif. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthode de calcul de l’effet radiatif de l’ozone qui exploite les mesures de l’Interféromètre Atmosphérique de Sondage dans l’Infrarouge (IASI) à bord des satellites Metop en orbite polaire. La méthode se base sur le calcul, pour chaque mesure de IASI, d’une grandeur appelée Instantaneous Radiative Kernel (IRK), impliquant l’intégration angulaire de la radiance (dans la bande d’absorption d’ozone centrée à 9.6µm) au sommet de l’atmosphère via une quadrature de Gauss. Cette quantité est transformée en une densité de flux radiatif (appelée Longwave Radiative Effect, LWRE) par multiplication par le profil d’ozone restitué par le logiciel FORLI, pour la scène atmosphérique en question. La méthode du calcul du LWRE est appliquée aux scènes non nuageuses de IASI, de jour comme de nuit, pour la période du 01/10/2007 au 31/12/2016. Les résultats sont analysés séparément pour la colonne totale d’ozone mais également pour ses composantes troposphériques et stratosphériques ;ils sont comparés aux estimations déterminées de façon indépendantes des mesures de l’instrument TES (Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer) sur AURA. La discussion de nos résultats se focalise ensuite sur la variabilité spatiale et temporelle du LWRE dans la troposphère et la stratosphère ;des résultats préliminaires concernant les tendances sur les 9 années de mesures sont fournis. Le manuscrit est structuré en différentes parties. Après une série de chapitres introductifs décrivant les bases nécessaires à ce travail, nous présentons l’instrument IASI et l’algorithme FORLI dédié à la restitution des concentrations d’ozone. La méthode de calcul du LWRE, au centre de notre travail de recherche, est décrite avec ses fondements mathématiques dans un chapitre dédié. Les distributions spatiales et verticales du LWRE, ainsi que son évolution temporelle sur 9 ans, d’une part pour l’effet radiatif de l’ozone total et d’autre part pour sa contribution troposphérique/stratosphérique sont discutées dans les derniers chapitres, qui incluent également une brève comparaison des estimations du LWRE par trois modèles de chimie-climat différents. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Optical Properties of Condensation Trails / Optische Eigenschaften von Kondensstreifen

Rosenow, Judith 12 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Persistent condensation trails are clouds, induced by the exhaust of an aircraft engine in a cold and ice-supersaturated environment. These artificial ice clouds can both cool and heat the atmosphere by scattering solar radiation and absorbing terrestrial radiation, respectively. The influence of condensation trails on the Earth-atmosphere energy balance and therewith the answer to the question of the dominating process had been mostly approximated on a global scale by treating the condensation trail as plane parallel layer with constant optical properties. Individual condensation trails and the influence of the solar angle had been analyzed, always using a course spatial grid and never under consideration of the aircraft performance, generating the condensation trail. For a trajectory optimization, highly precise results of the impact of condensation trails on the radiation budget and the influence of the aircraft performance on this impact is needed, so that future air traffic may consider the main factors of flight performance on the environmental impact of condensation trails. That’s why, a model is developed in this thesis to continuously estimate the scattering and absorption properties and their dependence on the aircraft performance. / Langlebige Kondensstreifen sind Eiswolken, welche durch Kondensation von Wasserdampf an Rußpartikeln in einer eisübersättigten Atmosphäre entstehen. Der Wasserdampf entstammt einerseits aus dem Triebwerkabgas und andererseits aus der Atmosphäre. Kondensstreifen können die Atmosphäre durch Rückstreuung solarer Strahlung kühlen und durch Rückstreuung und Absorption terrestrischer Strahlung erwärmen. Der Einfluss von Kondensstreifen auf den Wärmehaushalt der Atmosphäre und damit die Antwort auf die Frage nach dem dominierenden Effekt wurde bisher zumeist auf globaler Ebene ermittelt, wobei der Kondensstreifen als planparallele Schicht mit konstanten optischen Eigenschaften angenähert wurde. Individuelle Kondensstreifen und der Einfluss des Sonnenstandes wurden bisher nur mithilfe eines groben Rasters betrachtet und niemals unter Berücksichtigung der Flugleistung des Luftfahrzeuges, welches den Kondensstreifen generiert hat. Für eine Trajektorienoptimierung sind jedoch präzise Berechnungen des Strahlungseinflusses und eine gewissenhafte Berücksichtigung der Flugleistung notwendig. Nur so kann der zukünftige Luftverkehr die Haupteinflussfaktoren der Flugeigenschaften auf den Strahlungseinfluss der Kondensstreifen berücksichtigen. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Modell entwickelt, welches die Eigenschaften des Strahlungstransfers durch den Kondensstreifen kontinuierlich bestimmt und die aus der Flugleistung resultierenden Parameter berücksichtigt.

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