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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Radiometric characterisation of vineyard soils, Western Cape, South Africa

Mlwilo, Nolasco Anton January 2010 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This study is aimed at investigating the feasibility of using the radiometric technique as an alternative to traditional methods for determining soil physico-chemical parameters which are important for terroir characterization. In-situ and ex-situ radiometric analyses of soil from three vineyard blocks of Simonsig Wine Estate in the Stellenbosch district (Western Cape, South Africa) were studied. A mobile MEDUSA gamma-ray detection system comprising a CsI(Na) crystal (length 15 cm, diameter 7 cm) and associated electronics mounted on a portable trolley were used for partial terroir characterisation. Thereafter activity concentrations of 40K, 232Th series and 238U series in soil (top ~30 cm) from the measured MEDUSA spectra (0 - 3 MeV) were extracted by means of the full-spectrum analysis (FSA) method. A lead-shielded HPGe detector was used for analyzing collected soil samples while soil physico-chemical parameters were analysed using standard methods at research and commercial laboratories. / South Africa

Geometric And Radiometric Estimation In A Structured-Light 3D Scanner

Dhillon, Daljit Singh J S 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Measuring 3D surface geometry with precision and accuracy is an important part of many engineering and scientific tasks. 3D Scanning techniques measure surface geometry by estimating the locations of sampled surface points. In recent years, Structured-Light 3D scanners have gained significant popularity owing to their ability to produce highly accurate scans in real-time at a low cost. In this thesis we describe an approach for Structured-Light 3D scanning using a digital camera and a digital projector. We utilise the projective geometric relationships between the projector and the camera to carry out both an implicit calibration of the system and to solve for 3D structure. Our approach to geometric calibration is flexible, reliable and amenable to robust estimation. In addition, we model and account for the radiometric non-linearities in the projector such as gamma distortion. Finally, we apply a post-processing step to efficiently smooth out high-frequency surface noise while retaining the structural details. Consequently, the proposed work reduces the computational load and set-up time of a Structured-Light 3D scanner; thereby speeding up the whole scanning process while retaining the ability to generate highly accurate results. We demonstrate the accuracy of our scanning results on real-world objects of varying degrees of surface complexity. Introduction The projective geometry for a pair of pin-hole viewing devices is completely defined by their intrinsic calibration and their relative motion or extrinsic calibration in the form of matrices. For a Euclidean reconstruction, the geometry elements represented by the calibration matrices must be parameterised and estimated in some form. The use of a projector as the ‘second viewing’ device has led to numerous approaches to model and estimate its intrinsic parameters and relative motion with respect to the camera's 3D co-ordinate system. Proposed thesis work assimilates the benefits of projective geometry constructs such as Homography and the invariance of the cross-ratios to simplify the system calibration and the 3D estimation processes by an implicit modeling of the projector's intrinsic parameters and its relative motion. Though linear modeling of the projective geometry between a camera-projector view-pair captures the most essential aspects of the underlying geometry, it does not accommodate system non-linearities due to radiometric distortions of a projector device. We propose an approach that uses parametric splines to model the systematic errors introduced by radiometric non-linearities and thus correct for them. For 3D surfaces reconstructed as point-clouds, noise manifests itself as some high-frequency variations for the resulting mesh. Various pre and/or post processing techniques are proposed in the literature to model and minimize the effects of noise. We use simple bilateral filtering of the depth-map for the reconstructed surface to smoothen the surface while retaining its structural details. Modeling Projective Relations In our approach for calibrating the projective-geometric structure of a projector-camera view-pair, the frame of reference for measurements is attached to the camera. The camera is calibrated using a commonly used method. To calibrate the scanner system, one common approach is to project sinusoidal patterns onto the reference planes to generate reference phase maps. By relating the phase-information between the projector and image pixels, a dense mapping is obtained. However, this is an over-parameterisation of the calibration information. Since the reference object is a plane, we can use the projective relationships induced by a plane to implicitly calibrate the projector geometry. For the estimation of the three-dimensional structure of the imaged object, we utilise the invariance of cross-ratios along with the calibration information of two reference planes. Our formulation is also extensible to utilise more than two reference plane to compute more than one estimate of the location of an unknown surface point. Such estimates are amenable to statistical analysis which allows us to derive both the shape of an object and associate reliability scores to each estimated point location. Radiometric Correction Structured-light based 3D scanners commonly employ phase-shifted sinusoidal patterns to solve for the correspondence problem. For scanners using projective geometry between a camera and a projector, the projector's radiometric non-linearities introduce systematic errors in establishing correspondences. Such errors manifest as visual artifacts which become pronounced when fewer phase-shifted sinusoidal patterns are used. While these artifacts can be avoided by using a large number of phase-shifts, doing so also increases the acquisition time. We propose to model and rectify such systematic errors using parametric representations. Consequently, while some existing methods retain the complete reference phase maps to account for such distortions, our approach describes the deviations using a few model parameters. The proposed approach can be used to reduce the number of phase-shifted sinusoidal patterns required for codification while suppressing systematic artifacts. Additionally, our method avoids the 1D search steps that are needed when a complete reference phase map is used, thus reducing the computational load for 3D estimation. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated with reconstruction of some geometric surfaces and a cultural figurine. Filtering Noise For a structured-light 3D scanner, various sources of noise in the environment and the devices lead to inaccuracies in estimating the codewords (phase map) for an unknown surface, during reconstruction. We examine the effects of such noise factors on our proposed methods for geometric and radiometric estimation. We present a quantitative evaluation for our proposed method by scanning the objects of known geometric properties or measures and then computing the deviations from the expected results. In addition, we evaluate the errors introduced due to inaccuracies in system calibration by computing the variance statistics from multiple estimates for the reconstructed 3D points, where each estimate is computed using a different pair of reference planes. Finally, we discuss the efficacy of certain filtering techniques in reducing the high-frequency surface noise when applied to: (a) the images of the unknown surface at a pre-processing stage, or (b) the respective phase (or depth) map at a post-processing stage. Conclusion In this thesis, we motivate the need for a procedurally simple and computationally less demanding approach for projector calibration. We present a method that uses homographies induced by a pair of reference planes to calibrate a structured-light scanner. By using the projective invariance of the cross-ratio, we solved for the 3D geometry of a scanned surface. We demonstrate the fact that 3D geometric information can be derived using our approach with accuracy on the order of 0.1 mm. Proposed method reduces the image acquisition time for calibration and the computational needs for 3D estimation. We demonstrate an approach to effectively model radiometric distortions for the projector using cubic splines. Our approach is shown to give significant improvement over the use of complete reference phase maps and its performance is comparable to that of a sate-of-the-art method, both quantitatively as well as qualitatively. In contrast with that method, proposed method is computationally less expensive, procedurally simpler and exhibits consistent performance even at relatively higher levels of noise in phase estimation. Finally, we use a simple bilateral filtering on the depth-map for the region-of-interest. Bilateral filtering provides the best trade-off between surface smoothing and the preservation of its structural details. Our filtering approach avoids computationally expensive surface normal estimation algorithms completely while improving surface fidelity.

Pluton Zonation Unveiled by Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Magnetic Susceptibility; A Case Study of the Sheeprock Granite, Western, Utah

Richardson, Paul D. 29 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
A radiometric survey of the zoned 21 Ma, A-type Sheeprock granite, western Utah, combined with measurements of magnetic susceptibility and field observations were analyzed using a geographic information system. The intrusion spans 25 square km and is roughly eliptical in shape with its long axis trending northwest. Concentration maps (composed of more than 500 survey stations) of eU, eTh, texture, magnetic susceptibility, color, and joint density help to constrain magmatic and post-magmatic processes related to its chemical and physical zonation. Uranium ranges from 3.9 to 26.9 ppm (mean 12.7) and thorium from 1.7 to 125.7 ppm (mean 45.5). Similarities in spatial patterns and near normal distributions of U and Th imply minimal remobilization and secondary equilibrium of U. Relatively high magnetic susceptibility (6 to 12*10^-3 SI units), low eU and eTh, and limited whole rock chemical anayses show the southeastern part of the pluton is more mafic and most likely formed as an early cumulate. Dominant textures are porphyritic with a fine-grained matrix along the northeastern margin, coarsening to a medium-grained matrix along the southwestern margin. This transition from fine to medium-grained matrix textures is believed to be a preserved solidification front that had migrated from the roof and walls inward during cooling. Late stage magma mixing is evidenced by a string of mafic enclaves along the axis of the pluton near this solidification front. eU and eTh generally increase toward the finer-grained northeastern margin of the pluton. This has been interpreted to be the primary result of fractionation of U and Th into monazite and thorite. As mafic cumulates formed along the northeastern margin residual liquids were displaced inward. This depleted the more evolved parts of the pluton in U and Th. Beryl, a distinquishing characteristic of the most evolved portions of the pluton, is concentrated in two areas along the central axis of the intrusion. The intrusion is a cumulative of three magmatic phases, the second of which crystallized from the margins inward. Joint spacing is a major factor in controlling post-magmatic processes. The pluton has a higher density of joints (10 cm apart) near the upper margins, and fewer joints (> 1 meter apart) at lower elevations. Differential cooling and magma pressures are believed to have controlled the varying joint densities. Increased alteration, oxidation, and red-staining are more prevalent in areas of higher joint density. Magnetic susceptibility is bimodal. The high mode (5.4*10^-3 SI) is on the low end of magnetite-series granites and occurs most often in the white granite. The low mode (0.07*10^-3 SI) implies significant post-magmatic oxidation and the destruction of magnetite and correlates to the red granite. Truncated chemical and textural patterns along the pluton's northwestern margin support evidence for range front normal faulting.

Étalonnage au sol de l’instrument SIMBIO-SYS à bord de la mission ESA/BEPICOLOMBO / Ground calibration of the SIMBIO-SYS instrument for the ESA/BEPICOLOMBO mission

Rodriguez-Ferreira, Julian 26 January 2015 (has links)
La mission BepiColombo est une des pierres angulaires du programme scientifique de l'ESA. Elle permettra l'étude de la planète Mercure grâce à deux sondes mises en orbite autour de la planète. Une des deux sondes, Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) développée par l'ESA, sera dédiée à l'étude de la surface et de l'intérieur de la planète. La mission est prévue pour un lancement en 2016 et une arrivée sur Mercure en janvier 2024. L’IAS est responsable de l’étalonnage de l'ensemble d'imageurs SIMBIO-SYS (Spectrometer and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo-Integrated Observatory SYStem) composé d’une caméra haute résolution (HRIC), d’une caméra stéréoscopique (STC) et d’un imageur hyperspectral visible et proche-infrarouge (VIHI). Ces instruments devraient profondément modifier nos connaissances de la composition et de la géomorphologie de la surface de Mercure. Ma thèse a consisté à participer à la définition et à la mise en place des caractéristiques et des fonctionnalités du dispositif expérimental d'étalonnage qui se compose principalement d’une cuve à vide contenant les instruments, d’un banc optique rassemblant les sources d'étalonnage et les éléments optiques qui reconstituent les conditions d'observation de Mercure, des interfaces mécaniques permettant le positionnement de l'expérience à l'intérieur de la cuve, des interfaces thermiques visant à explorer les températures de fonctionnement des différentes parties des expériences, des interfaces informatiques assurant la communication avec l'expérience et le pilotage du dispositif d'étalonnage en fonction des tests à réaliser. J’ai modélisés et validé expérimentalement certaines performances du dispositif. Enfin, j’ai défini en étroite collaboration avec les équipes italiennes co-responsables des trois instruments les différentes séquences d’étalonnage qui seront utilisées lors de l’étalonnage. / BepiColombo is one of the cornerstones of the scientific program of ESA. It will study the planet Mercury with two spacecrafts in orbit around the planet. One of the two spacecrafts, the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), will be dedicated to the study of the surface and interior of the planet. The mission is scheduled for launch in 2016 and arrival at Mercury in January 2024. IAS is responsible for the calibration of the imaging system SIMBIO-SYS (Spectrometers and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory-SYStem) which consists of a high-resolution camera (HRIC), a stereoscopic camera (STC) and a visible and near-infrared hyperspectral imager (VIHI). These instruments should deeply change our understanding of the composition and geomorphology of Mercury surface. My research subject allowed me to participate in all the activities concerning the definition, implementation and validation of the calibration facilities at the IAS. These facilities are divided into different sub-systems: a thermal vacuum chamber containing the instrument during all the calibration campaign that shall simulate the environmental conditions (temperature and pressure), an optical bench with optical components and radiometrically calibrated sources reproducing the observational conditions as it will be seen by the instrument once placed in Mercury’s orbit, mechanical interfaces allowing the positioning and guidance of the instrument when placed inside the vacuum chamber with the required precision and accuracy, thermal interfaces facilitating the thermal excursion of the detectors, software interfaces so as to automatize and control the entire system. I developed a radiometric model of the calibration system and instrument to refine the calibration sources. In parallel, I performed several measurements of some subsystems so as to validate the optical assembly and to improve its control. Finally as a result of a close collaboration with the three Italian scientific teams of the instrument, I elaborate the fully package of the calibration sequences and the detailed instrument configuration that will be used during the calibration campaign.

Θεωρητική ανάλυση και πειραματική μελέτη ενός παθητικού μικροκυματικού συστήματος για διαγνωστικές εφαρμογές με χρήση ραδιομετρίας

Καραθανάσης, Κωνσταντίνος 17 September 2008 (has links)
Η εφαρμογή της μικροκυματικής ραδιομετρίας έχει επεκταθεί στο χώρο της ιατρικής, καθότι τα τελευταία χρόνια γίνονται έρευνες με σκοπό την εκμετάλλευση των ιδιοτήτων της μεθόδου στη διαγνωστική αλλά και στη θεραπευτική ιατρική. Στα πλαίσια μιας διδακτορικής διατριβής που εκπονήθηκε στο Εργαστήριο Μικροκυμάτων και Οπτικών Ινών (ΕΜΟΙ) της σχολής Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών του Εθνικού Μετσόβιου Πολυτεχνείου και ολοκληρώθηκε το 2003, κατασκευάστηκε ένα τρισδιάστατο σύστημα παθητικής μικροκυματικής ραδιομετρικής απεικόνισης (ΜiRaIS) για διαγνωστικές εφαρμογές εγκεφάλου. Στη συγκεκριμένη μέθοδο χρησιμοποιείται μια αγώγιμη ελλειψοειδής κοιλότητα, ώστε να επιτευχθεί μέγιστη συγκέντρωση και εστίαση ακτινοβολίας που εκπέμπει το φυσικό σώμα ενδιαφέροντος, σε συνδυασμό με ραδιομετρικούς δέκτες ολικής ισχύος και ομοιοκατευθυντικές κεραίες λήψης στο φάσμα συχνοτήτων 1-4GHz. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται θεωρητική και πειραματική μελέτη ενός νέου μικροκυματικού ραδιομετρικού συστήματος. Η αρχή λειτουργίας του είναι όμοια με αυτήν του MiRaIS, δηλαδή πλήρως παθητική και μη επεμβατική. Η βασική διαφορά του είναι ότι χρησιμοποιεί μια τροποποιημένη ελλειψοειδή κοιλότητα η οποία βελτιώνει την εργονομία του συστήματος διατηρώντας παράλληλα της ιδιότητες εστίασης του πρωτότυπου ελλειψοειδούς. Στη θεωρητική μελέτη, με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού High Frequency Structure Simulation (HFSS) που βασίζεται στη μέθοδο των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων, αναλύονται δυο μέθοδοι για τη βελτίωση των ιδιοτήτων εστίασης του συστήματος (πχ. βάθος διείσδυσης της ακτινοβολίας, χωρική διακριτική ικανότητα) με τη χρήση διηλεκτρικών υλικών και υλικών με αρνητικό δείκτη διάθλασης (Left Handed Materials-LHM). Στην πρώτη περίπτωση, τα υλικά αυτά χρησιμοποιούνται ως στρώματα προσαρμογής που τοποθετούνται γύρω από το μοντέλο κεφαλιού για την επίτευξη βηματικής αλλαγής του δείκτη διάθλασης στη διεπιφάνεια αέρα-μοντέλου ανθρώπινου κεφαλιού. Στη δεύτερη προσέγγιση του προβλήματος, χρησιμοποιείται μια σφαίρα από διηλεκτρικό σε συνδυασμό με ένα στρώμα προσαρμογής από LHM για την καλύτερη εστίαση του συστήματος. Προς την ίδια κατεύθυνση, στη δεύτερη αυτή περίπτωση χρησιμοποιείται επίσης ένας ελλειψοειδής ανακλαστήρας μειωμένου όγκου το εσωτερικό του οποίου είναι γεμάτο με διηλεκτρικό με χαμηλές απώλειες, με τα αποτελέσματα να δείχνουν σημαντική βελτίωση της χωρικής διακριτικής ικανότητας του συστήματος. Η πειραματική διάταξη τοποθετήθηκε σε ανηχοϊκό θάλαμο όπου και πραγματοποιήθηκαν όλες οι μετρήσεις. Στις πειραματικές διαδικασίες που ακολουθήθηκαν, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ομοιώματα νερού (phantoms) σε διάφορα μεγέθη και θερμοκρασίες για την επιβεβαίωση της διατήρησης των ιδιοτήτων εστίασης του νέου ελλειψοειδούς ανακλαστήρα. Επίσης, διενεργήθηκαν μετρήσεις με στρώματα προσαρμογής φτιαγμένα από διηλεκτρικά υλικά, τα οποία τοποθετούνταν γύρω από το αντικείμενο ενδιαφέροντος, για την πληρέστερη κατανόηση της επίδρασης των υλικών αυτών στις ιδιότητες εστίασης του συστήματος και για την επιβεβαίωση των αντίστοιχων θεωρητικών αποτελεσμάτων. / In the framework of a PhD thesis which was completed in the Laboratory of Microwaves and Fiber Optics (MFOL), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2003, a Three Dimensional Passive Microwave Radiometry Imaging System (MiRaIS) was designed and constructed for brain diagnostic applications. The novelty of the proposed methodology consists in the use of a conductive ellipsoidal cavity to achieve maximum peak of radiation pattern in order to measure the intensity of the microwave energy, radiated by the medium of interest, by using two microwave total power radiometers and relevant non-contacting antennas within the range of 1-4GHz. In the present thesis, a new microwave radiometry system is theoretically and experimentally studied. It has the same operation principal with MiRaIS as it operates in an entirely non-invasive and passive manner. Its main difference is that it comprises a modified ellipsoidal cavity which improves the system’s ergonomy preserving the focusing properties of the original cavity. In the theoretical study, two methods for the improvement of the system’s focusing properties (e.g. penetration depth of the electromagnetic field, spatial sensitivity) using dielectric materials and left-handed materials (LHM) are tested with the use of a commercially available software tool, High Frequency Structure Simulation (HFSS). In the first case, those materials are used as matching layers placed around the human head model for the achievement of stepped change of the refraction index on the air-human head model interface. On the second approach, a sphere made of dielectric material is used in conjunction with a LHM matching layer in order to improve the system’s spatial sensitivity. Towards the same direction, a reduced volume ellipsoidal cavity filled with low loss dielectric material is used showing promising results. The experiments were performed inside an anechoic chamber providing maximum accuracy avoiding any external intergerence. In the experimental procedures that were performed, water phantoms of several sizes and temperatures were used in order to confirm that the new ellipsoidal beamformer maintains the focusing properties of the original one. Also, measurements were conducted using dielectric matching layers, placed around the medium of interest, in order to fully understand the effect of those materials in the system’s focusing properties as well as confirm the relative theoretical results.

Caractérisation et suivi des états de surfaces éolisés en Tunisie pré-saharienne : approches stationnelle et spatiale / Characterization and monitoring of surfaces prone to wind erosion in Southern Tunisia : site and space approaches

Bouzaida, Dalel 17 March 2012 (has links)
Suite aux changements climatiques, de nouveaux paysages reflétant les interactions entre les processus naturels et les activités humaines inappropriées sont apparus en Tunisie Méridionale. L’érosion éolienne en est l’une des manifestations les plus remarquables. Au cours de cette thèse, une méthodologie opérationnelle et validée (méthode du transect permanent) a été mise au point pour la caractérisation des états de surfaces éolisés et la quantification du bilan sédimentaire d’un transect d’environ 500m de longueur sur une période de deux ans. A l’échelle spatiale, la cartographie des Unités Eoliennes : zones de départ, transit et dépôt de sable a été élaborée. Un essai de caractérisation radiométrique des zones de dépôt ensablées a été ensuite tenté pour l’analyse diachronique des changements survenus durant plus de 35 ans. A l’échelle stationnelle, la méthode du transect permanent permet le calcul diachronique des bilans sédimentaires et la comparaison simultanée des changements des Complexes d’Etat de Surface. La seule observation des états de surface éolisés est insuffisante pour déterminer le fonctionnement éolien précis d’une région, elle induit à des erreurs d’interprétation sur les processus sédimentaires en cours.A l’échelle spatiale, les cartes des Unités Eoliennes permettent de déterminer la vulnérabilité du milieu face aux processus de déflation, transport et dépôt. De plus, la caractérisation des zones ensablées par des indices radiométriques n’est pas évidente avec des images de 30 m de résolution. Les analyses statistiques effectuées ont montré que l’indice de couleur est le plus indiqué pour ce genre d’étude. Le calcul des taux de changement entre deux images de dates successives permet d’estimer l’évolution temporelle des espaces ensablés et la distribution spatiale des zones nouvellement ensablées sur plus de 35 ans. / Under the effect of climate change, new landscapes reflecting the interactions between natural processes and human inappropriate activities appeared in Southern Tunisia. Wind erosion is one of the most important events. In this thesis, operational and validated methodology (the permanent transect method) has been developed for the characterization of Surfaces States and quantification of the sediment balance of a 500 m length transect over a period of two years. On spatial scale, mapping of the Aeolian units of deflation, transit and sand deposit was developed. Radiometric characterization of sand accumulations was then tried for the detection of changes that occurred within more than 35 years.At the site level, the permanent transect method enabeled the diachronic sedimentary balance calculation and the comparison of the Surface states changes. The single observation of these areas is insufficient to determine the real eolian process of a region ; moreover it induces to errors of interpretation on the sedimentary process.At the spatial scale, maps of the Aeolian units enabeled to determine the vulnerability of the environment to the process of deflation, transport and deposition. In addition, the characterization of sand accumulations by radiometric indices is not obvious within 30 m resolution images. The statistical analyses have shown that Color Index is the most indicated for this type of study. The calculation of the rates of change between two successive dates images allows to estimate the sandy spaces evolution and their spatial distribution for more than 35 years.

La chaîne varisque dans les Carpates Méridionales et les Balkans Occidentaux: études pétrostructurales des massifs d'Almaj (Roumanie), de Deli Jovan (Serbie) et de la Stara Planina Occidentale (Bulgarie) / Variscan Belt in the Southern Carpathians and the Western Balkans: petrostructural studies in the Almaj (Romania), Deli Jovan (Serbia) and Western Stara Planina (Bulgaria) Mountains

Plissart, Gaëlle 25 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail retrace l’évolution varisque des Massifs d’Almǎj (Roumanie), de Deli Jovan (Serbie) et de la Stara Planina Occidentale (Bulgarie), à travers une étude pétrostructurale effectuée sur les différentes unités lithologiques de la Nappe alpine du Danubien supérieur. Cette nappe possède la particularité de contenir un marqueur de convergence de toute première importance sous la forme de 4 massifs ophiolitiques démembrés lors de l’orogenèse alpine :Tisoviţa Iuţi (TI, Roumanie), Deli Jovan (DJ, Serbie), Zaglavak (Z, Serbie) et Tcherni Vrah (TV, Bulgarie). Les études pétrologiques de terrain effectuées dans ces trois pays ont permis de confirmer la continuité entre ces 4 massifs, qui, séparément, comprennent chacun une portion de croûte océanique différente (TI :section mantélique et cumulats inférieurs, DJ :cumulats inférieurs et supérieurs, Z :cumulats supérieurs, TV :cumulats supérieurs et section effusive), mais considérés ensemble, forment une pile ophiolitique classique complète. De nouvelles datations par la méthode 147Sm-143Nd confirment un âge d’accrétion pour cette croûte océanique au Dévonien inférieur (~ 400 Ma). Cependant, l’essentiel de ce mémoire concerne les Monts Almǎj, notamment les roches encaissantes du massif de Tisoviţa Iuţi. La partie sud de ce massif ophiolitique représente la section inférieure d’une croûte océanique classique, alors que sa partie orientale est caractérisée par des roches de la croûte océanique supérieure, fortement déformées et transformées (métagabbros à zoïsite et fuchsite). Ces roches font partie de la Zone Mylonitique de Corbu (CMZ), qui comporte également des métasédiments à Gt ± St ± And et des serpentinites. Les conditions PT de formation de ces métagabbros, datés à 380-360 Ma par la méthode 40Ar-39Ar, ont été estimées à des températures comprises entre 450°C et 300°C. Leur contexte de formation peut être assimilé à une semelle ophiolitique ‘froide’, développée lors d’une obduction intra-océanique initiée probablement le long d’une faille transformante. Si le pic de métamorphisme des roches de Corbu a été estimé à 585°C/ 5.5 kbar, leur exhumation pourrait s’effectuer au sein d’un anticlinal en régime transpressif sénestre, en relation avec la formation de la CMZ, interprétée comme une ancienne zone plissée qui évolue en zone de cisaillement sénestre. Au Carbonifère, le granite syntectonique de Cherbelezu se met en place le long de la CMZ et enregistre les dernières phases de cette déformation lors de son refroidissement. Les études préliminaires sur les roches encaissantes des massifs ophiolitiques en Serbie et Bulgarie permettent de préciser une vergence d’obduction du lambeau ophiolitique vers le paléo-NW et d’établir un modèle de reconstitution paléogéodynamique au Varisque pour l’ensemble de la région étudiée./ This study provides new information on the Variscan evolution of the Almǎj Mountains (Romania), Deli Jovan Massif (Serbia) and Western Stara Planina (Bulgaria), throughout a petrostructural investigation conducted on the various lithological units of the Upper Danubian Alpine Nappe. This nappe displays an important convergence tectonic marker in the form of four ophiolitic massifs dismembered during the Alpine orogeny: Tisoviţa Iuţi (TI, Romania), Deli Jovan (DJ, Serbia), Zaglavak (Z, Serbia) and Tcherni Vrah (TV, Bulgaria). Our petrological studies in these three countries have confirmed the continuity between these four massifs, each of which showing, separately, a different portion of the oceanic crust (TI: mantle section and lower cumulates, DJ: lower and upper cumulates, Z: upper cumulates, TV: upper cumulates and effusive section), but taken together, forming a complete classical ophiolitic pile. New dating using the 147Sm-143Nd method has confirmed an accretion age for this oceanic crust at around 400 Ma (Early Devonian). However, the main part of this study has been focused in the Almǎj Mountains, particularly the Tisoviţa Iuţi ophiolitic massif and its enclosing rocks. The Southern part of this ophiolitic massif represents the lower section of a classical oceanic crust whereas its eastern part is characterized by upper crustal oceanic rocks that are highly deformed and transformed (zoïsite and fuchsite-bearing metagabbros). These rocks belong to the Corbu Mylonitic zone (CMZ), which also comprises Gt ± St ± And metasediments and serpentinites. Temperature estimates for the formation of the metagabbros are bracketed between 450°C and 300°C and these rocks have been dated at 380-360 Ma using the 40Ar-39Ar method on fuchiste. The geodynamic context for their formation can be viewed as a ‘cold’ ophiolitic sole, developed during an intra-oceanic obduction probably initiated along transform fault. If the metamorphic peak for the Corbu rocks has been estimated at 585°C/5.5kbar, their rapid exhumation could be realized via an anticline under a transpressive sinistral regime, connected with the formation of the CMZ that is interpreted as an ancient fold zone evolving in a sinistral shear zone. Finally, the Carboniferous syntectonic Cherbelezu granite intrudes along the CMZ and records the final stages of this deformation during its cooling. Preliminary investigations on the enclosing rocks of the ophiolitic massifs in Serbia and Bulgaria allow us to define a top to the NW obduction vergence for the ophiolite and to propose a paleogeodynamic reconstitution model for the Carpathian/Balkans terrains in the Variscan times. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Mapping Landcover/Landuse and Coastline Change in the Eastern Mekong Delta (Viet Nam) from 1989 to 2002 using Remote Sensing

SOHAIL, ARFAN January 2012 (has links)
There has been rapid change in the landcover/landuse in the Mekong delta, Viet Nam. The landcover/landuse has changed very fast due to intense population pressure, agriculture/aquaculture farming and timber collection in the coastal areas of the delta. The changing landuse pattern in the coastal areas of the delta is threatened to be flooded by sea level rise; sea level is expected to rise 33 cm until 2050; 45 cm until 2070 and 1 m until 2100. The coastline along the eastern Mekong delta has never been static, but the loss of mangrove forests along the coast has intensified coastline change. The objective of the present study is to map the changes in landcover/landuse along the eastern coast of the Mekong delta; and to detect the changes in position of the eastern coastline over the time period from 1989 to 2002.To detect changes in landuse, two satellite images of the same season, acquired by the TM sensor of Landsat 5 and the ETM+ sensor of Landsat 7 were used. The TM image was acquired on January 16, 1989 and ETM+ image was acquired on February 13, 2002. The landcover/landuse classes selected for the study are water, forest, open vegetation, soil and shrimp farms. Image differencing and post classification comparison are used to detect the changes between two time periods. Image to image correction technique is used to align satellite images. Maximum likelihood supervised classification technique is used to classify images. The result of the classification consists of five classes for 1989 and 2002, respectively. Overall accuracies of 87.5% and 86.8%, with kappa values of 0.85 and 0.84 are obtained for landuse 1989 and landuse 2002, respectively. The overall accuracy for the change map is 82% with kappa value 0.80. Post classification comparison is carried out in this study based on the supervised classification results. According to the results obtained from the post classification comparison, a significant decrease of 48% in forest and a significant increase of 74% in open vegetation and 21% in shrimp farms area observed over the entire study area. The coastline obtained by the combination of histogram thresholding and band ratio showed an overall advancement towards the South China Sea. The results showed that new land patches emerged along the eastern coast. The amount of new land patches appeared along the coast of the Mekong delta is approximately 2% of the entire study area.

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