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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Método simplificado versus convencional de confecção de próteses totais para aplicação na saúde pública. Parte III: avaliação da função mastigatória / Simplified versus conventional method for complete denture fabrication for application in public health. Part III: Assessment of masticatory function

Cunha, Tatiana Ramirez 13 December 2011 (has links)
Métodos convencionais para a confecção de próteses totais envolvem uma série de procedimentos técnicos complexos. No entanto, métodos simplificados podem ser tão efetivos quanto os convencionais, porém é importante que a mastigação não sofra influências deletérias. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar um método simplificado de confecção de próteses totais a outro convencional, tendo como variáveis a performance e a habilidade mastigatórias. A amostra foi formada por pacientes desdentados solicitando tratamento com próteses totais duplas. Os participantes foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Grupo S (n=17), que recebeu próteses confeccionadas por um método simplificado, e Grupo C (n=18), que recebeu próteses confeccionadas de forma convencional. Após 3 meses da instalação das próteses, a performance mastigatória foi avaliada por um método colorimétrico, utilizando duas biocápsulas como alimento teste, após 20 e 40 ciclos mastigatórios, e a habilidade mastigatória dos participantes foi avaliada por meio de questionário (Questionário HM) e escala visual analógica (EVA). Foi feita referência dos resultados a um grupo de participantes dentados, Grupo DN (n=17). Os três grupos foram comparados por meio de testes adequados à distribuição dos dados (α=5%). A performance mastigatória foi similar nos grupos C e S e representou 31% daquela encontrada no grupo DN. A habilidade mastigatória foi semelhante para S e C independente do método de análise, sendo que algumas questões do questionário HM, analisadas isoladamente, tiveram maior ocorrência de respostas favoráveis para o primeiro. Conclui-se que métodos simplificados de confecção de próteses totais são capazes de reabilitar a mastigação de maneira comparável ao método convencional, tanto fisiologicamente como segundo as percepções do paciente. / Complete denture fabrication involves a series of complex technical procedures. Nevertheless, simplified methods may be as effective as conventional ones and mastication should not be further impaired. Therefore, this study aimed to compare a simplified method and a conventional protocol for complete denture fabrication, in terms of masticatory performance and ability. A sample was formed by edentulous patients requesting treatment with maxillary and mandibular complete dentures. Participants were randomly allocated into two groups: Group S (n=17), which received dentures fabricated by a simplified method, and Group C (n=18), which received conventionally fabricated dentures. After 3 months following insertion, masticatory performance was evaluated by means of a colorimetric assay based on chewing two capsules as test food during 20 and 40 cycles. Masticatory ability was assessed by means of a questionnaire (HM) with dichotomous answers and a single question answered by means of a visual analogue scale (VAS). A third group (DN, n=17) formed by dentate volunteers served as an external comparator. Results for the three groups were compared by means of statistical tests suitable for the distribution of data (α=5%). Groups C and S presented similar masticatory performance which corresponded to 31% of group DN. Results for masticatory ability showed similarity between S and C, regardless of the assessment method, though some isolate items of the HM questionnaire showed more favorable results for the first group. It can be concluded that simplified methods for complete denture fabrication are able to restore masticatory function to a level comparable to the conventional protocol, physiologically and according to patient perceptions.

Sobredentaduras mandibulares retidas por mini implantes: um ensaio clínico randomizado (parte I) / Mandibular overdentures retained by conventional or mini implants: a randomized clinical trial (parte I)

Ribeiro, Adriana Barbosa 13 January 2015 (has links)
A retenção de próteses totais removíveis por mini-implantes é uma modalidade de tratamento relativamente recente, com potencial de minimizar o trauma pós-operatório e reduzir custos associados. Este estudo buscou comparar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal e satisfacão do paciente, bem como dor e desconforto pós-operatórios, decorrentes da instalação de mini-implantes (dois ou quatro) ou dois implantes de dimensões regulares para a retenção de sobredentaduras mandibulares. Cento e vinte participantes edentados (media etária 59,5±8,5 anos) foram alocados aleatoriamenteem três grupos conforme o tratamento recebido: (GI) quatro mini-implantes, (GII) dois mini-implantes, ou (GIII) dois implantes regulares. Sete dias após a instalação dos implantes, os participantes responderam questões (Escala visualanalógica - EVA de 100 mm) referentes à dor, edema e desconforto durante mastigação, fala e higiene, considerando as experiências vividas durante os períodos avaliados. Antes das intervenções e passados 3 e 6 meses da instalação das sobredentaduras, a qyalidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal foi avaliada por meio do questionário OHIP-EDENT, e a satisfação analisada por perguntas específicas respondidas emu ma EVA de 100 mm. Os grupos foram comparados por meio de ANOVA para dois fatores ou Equações de Estimação Generalizadas (EEG) (α=0,05). Todos os participantes (GI: 38; GII: 42; GIII: 40) foram analisados após sete dias da instalação dos implantes instalação para dor e desconforto pós-operatório, e 112 responderam às questões sobre qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal e satisfação de paciente. Ao 6º dia, GI sentiu dor significantemente maior que GII e GIII. GI também notou maior dificuldade para a prática de higiene oral que GIII durante o 1º dia. Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos para outras questões e períodos. Os achados para o OHIP-EDENT indicam que tanto os grupos tratados com dois ou quatro mini-implantes levaram a uma maior QVSB, comparados aos implantes convencionais. Aos três e seis meses, encontramos que os três grupos tratados com quatro mini-implantes estavam mais satisfeitos que os que receberam dois implantes convencionais e dois mini-implantes resultaram em valores intermediários. Conclui-se que o uso de quatro mini-implantes induz maior dor pós-operatória ao sexto dia que a inserção de dois mini-implante ou implantes convencionais, bem como higiene oral mais difícil ao primeiro dia. Além disso, o tratamento com sobredentaduras retidas por mini-implantes é comparável ao padrão de tratamento para o edentulismo, de acordo com as perspectivas do paciente. O tratamento por dois ou quatro mini-implantes alcança resultados similares ou mesmo discretamente superiores em termos de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal ou satisfação do paciente, comparado aos implantes convencionais / The retention of removable dentures by mini-implants is a relatively recent treatment modality, and may lead to minimal postoperative trauma and reduced costs. This study aimed to compare oral health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction, as well as postoperative pain and discomfort, following the insertion of mini-implants (two or four) or two standard-size implants for the retention of mandibular overdentures. One hundred and twenty edentulous participants (mean age 59.5±8.5 years) were randomly allocated into three groups according to received treatment: (GI) four mini-implants, (GII) two mini-implants, or (GIII) two standard implants. Seven days after implant insertion, patients answered questions (100-mm VAS Visual Analog Scale) relating to pain, swelling, and discomfort with chewing, speech and hygiene, considering their experiences during the 1st and 6th day. Before the interventions and after 3 and 6 months following insertion, OHRQoL was evaluated by means of the OHIP-EDENT questionnaire and patient satisfaction was analyzed by a specific questionnaire answered on a 100-mm VAS. Groups were compared by two-way ANOVA or Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) (α=0.05). All participants (GI: 38; GII: 42; GIII: 40) were analyzed after seven days of postoperative pain and discomfort, and 112 answered questions regarding oral health-related quality of life and patient satisfaction. At the 6th day, GI felt significantly higher pain than GII and GIII. GI also reported more difficulty in performing oral hygiene practices than GIII during the 1st day. There was no significant difference between groups for the other questions and periods. The findings from OHIP-EDENT indicate that both two and four mini-implants led to better OHRQoL, compared to two conventional implants. At three and six months, we found that the group treated with four mini-implants was more satisfied than the two conventional implants and two mini-implants was presented intermediate values. It can be concluded that the use of four mini-implants induces more intense postoperative pain at the 6th day than the insertion of two mini- or conventional fixtures, as well as more difficult oral hygiene on the 1st day. Furthermore, the treatment by mini-implant overdentures is comparable to the standard of care for edentulism, according to the patient perspective. Treatment by either two or four mini-implants achieve similar or even slightly better OHQoL and satisfaction compared to two conventional implants

Estudo clínico randomizado em chagásicos submetidos à terapia de ressincronização cardíaca (TRC - Chagásico) / Randomized clinical study in Chagas disease undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT - Chagas` Disease)

Lourenço, Uelra Rita 12 May 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia de ressincronização cardíaca(TRC) tem se mostrado alternativa eficiente para pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) em uso terapia medicamentosa otimizada, com fração de ejeção reduzida e QRS largo. Apesar dos resultados positivos em pacientes de diversas etiologias, dados a despeito do efeito dessa terapia na cardiopatia chagásica são extremamente raros na literatura. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a evolução clínica e funcional de pacientes chagásicos submetidos à terapia de ressincronização cardíaca, por meio de estudo clínico randomizado. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica, em Classe funcional II, III ou IV da NYHA, em uso de terapia medicamentosa otimizada, fração de ejeção <= 35% e duração do QRS largo. O presente estudo clínico é prospectivo, de intervenção, randomizado, cego, com crossover e comparou as respostas clínicas e funcionais após duas fases: período de 2 meses com a TRC ligada e período de 2 meses com a TRC desligada. As variáveis analisadas foram distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de 6 minutos, classe funcional (NYHA), pontuação no teste de qualidade de vida do questionário de Minnesota, pontuação no teste de capacidade funcional no questionário SF 36, pico de extração de oxigênio no teste cardiopulmonar e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo. RESULTADOS: Foram randomizados 34 pacientes sendo que seis não conseguiram completar as duas fases do estudo. A média da distância percorrida no Teste de Caminhada de 6 minutos foi 60 metros maior no grupo TRC ligada (500,3 versus 439,8 metros; p<0,01), o teste de Qualidade de Vida (Questionário de Minnesota) apresentou escores estatisticamente melhores nos pacientes com TRC ligada (diferença entre os dois grupos de 12,2 pontos, p<0,05). A Capacidade Funcional avaliada pelo questionário SF 36 apresentou resultado a favor da TRC ligada (p<0,01). De modo semelhante, a Classe Funcional (NYHA) média foi significativamente inferior neste grupo (p<0,05). As variáveis estudadas no Teste Cardiopulmonar e os parâmetros Ecocardiográficos não atingiram diferenças com significância estatística entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados encontrados neste estudo suportam o valor terapêutico da TRC em indivíduos com insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia chagásica com QRS largo. A estimulação biventricular promoveu melhora significativa dos sintomas, qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional e da distância percorrida no teste de caminhada. Estudos subsequentes são necessários para avaliação dos efeitos clínicos a longo prazo e o impacto em mortalidade desta modalidade terapêutica nos pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica. / BACKGROUND: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) has been shown one effective alternative for patients under optimal medical therapy, reduced ejection fraction (EF) and wide QRS. Despite the positive results in patients of several etiologies, data from this therapy in Chagas heart disease are extremely rare in the literature. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical and functional results of Chagas patients undergoing CRT through a randomized clinical trial. METHODS: There were included patients with Chagas cardiomyopathy, functional class II, III or IV of NYHA, under optimal drug therapy, EF <= 35% and wide QRS. This prospective, randomized, blinded, crossover study compared the clinical and functional responses after two phases: a two-month period of CRT-on and a two-month period of CRT-off. The outcomes analyzed were: walked distance in 6 minutes, functional class (NYHA), quality of life by the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire score, functional capacity by the questionnaire SF 36 score, Oxygen Extraction Peak in Cardiopulmonary Test and EF of the Left Ventricle. RESULTS: Thirty four patients were randomized but six patients failed to complete both study periods. The average distance walked in 6 minutes was 60 meters higher in CRT-on group (500.3 vs. 439.8 meters, p <0.01), the Quality of Life (Minnesota Questionnaire) showed scores significantly better in patients with CRT- on (difference of scores between the two groups: 12.2, p <0.05). The functional capacity assessed by the SF-36 questionnaire showed better results in favor of CRT-on group (p <0.01). Similarly, the functional class (NYHA) was significantly lower in this group (p <0.05). The variables studied in Cardiopulmonary Testing and Echocardiographic parameters did not reach statistical significance between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The results of this study support the therapeutic value of CRT in patients with heart failure due to Chagas disease with wide QRS. The biventricular pacing significantly improved symptoms, quality of life, functional capacity and the distance walked in 6 minutes. Further studies are needed to evaluate the clinical long-term effects and the impact on mortality of this therapeutic modality in patients with Chagas heart disease.

Randomized Algorithms for Preconditioner Selection with Applications to Kernel Regression

DiPaolo, Conner 01 January 2019 (has links)
The task of choosing a preconditioner M to use when solving a linear system Ax=b with iterative methods is often tedious and most methods remain ad-hoc. This thesis presents a randomized algorithm to make this chore less painful through use of randomized algorithms for estimating traces. In particular, we show that the preconditioner stability || I - M-1A ||F, known to forecast preconditioner quality, can be computed in the time it takes to run a constant number of iterations of conjugate gradients through use of sketching methods. This is in spite of folklore which suggests the quantity is impractical to compute, and a proof we give that ensures the quantity could not possibly be approximated in a useful amount of time by a deterministic algorithm. Using our estimator, we provide a method which can provably select a quality preconditioner among n candidates using floating operations commensurate with running about n log(n) steps of the conjugate gradients algorithm. In the absence of such a preconditioner among the candidates, our method can advise the practitioner to use no preconditioner at all. The algorithm is extremely easy to implement and trivially parallelizable, and along the way we provide theoretical improvements to the literature on trace estimation. In empirical experiments, we show the selection method can be quite helpful. For example, it allows us to create to the best of our knowledge the first preconditioning method for kernel regression which never uses more iterations over the non-preconditioned analog in standard settings.

Tratamento da hipersensibilidade dentinária com verniz de fluoreto de sódio a 5% terapia com laser de baixa intensidade e aplicação associada : estudo clínico, controlado, randomizado, duplo cego, boca dividida. /

Paixão, Aline Kataki. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Andrea Carvalho De Marco / Coorientador: Dimas Renó de Lima / Banca: Symone Cristina Teixeira / Banca: Cibelle Barbosa Lopes / Resumo: A hipersensibilidade dentinária é uma das complicações mais comuns entre os pacientes após o tratamento periodontal. Recentemente a terapia com o uso de laser de baixa intensidade foi introduzida como uma nova modalidade de tratamento e tem proporcionado resultados benéficos. Foi realizado um estudo clínico controlado, randômico, duplo-cego, de boca dividida com o objetivo de comparar a efetividade do uso do verniz tópico Fluoreto de sódio 5%, do Laser GaAlAs 780 nm e da combinação do Fluoreto de sódio 5% e o Laser GaAlAs 780 nm para o tratamento de hipersensibilidade dentinária. Os Grupos foram divididos em Grupo Controle (C), Grupo Fluoreto de sódio 5% (F), Grupo Laser GaAlAs 780 nm (LLLT), e o Grupo Fluoreto de sódio 5% + Laser GaAlAs 780 nm (F+LLLT). A aplicação do verniz foi realizada com pinceis do tipo "microbrush", e para cada elemento dental cinco pontos receberam a LLLT, com dose de 52,5 J/cm2 (70mW e 30 segundos) ou 2,1 J por ponto; 6 segundos por ponto. A hipersensibilidade primária foi registrada pela escala analógica visual (VAS: 0-10) para quantificar a dor subjetiva após estímulo com "spray de gelo" no baseline, e após o tratamento nos intervalos de 24 horas e 30 dias. Todos os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pela análise de variância ANOVA. Para cada um dos três tempos de avaliação foi efetuada uma comparação entre os 4 grupos (por meio da ANOVA oneway) com complementação pelos testes de Tukey e Bartlett a fim de verificar as diferenças estatísticas e... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Dentin hypersensitivity is one of the most common complications among patients after periodontal treatment. Recently the low level laser therapy has been introduced as a new treatment modality and has provided beneficial results. A split-mout, double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted with the aim of compare the effectiveness of the topical varnish 5% Sodium Fluoride, Laser GaAlAs 780 nm and the combination of 5% Sodium Fluoride and the Laser GaAlAs 780 nm for the treatment of dentin hipersensitivity. The groups were divided in Control Group (C), Sodium Fluoride at 5% Group (F), Laser Group GaAlAs 780 nm (LLLT), and Sodium Fluoride at 5% Group + GaAlAs Laser 780 nm (F + LLLT). The application of the varnish was realized with "microbrush", and for each dental element, five points was received LLLT. The dose was 52.5 J / cm2 (70mW and 30 seconds) or 2.1 J per point, 6 seconds per point. Primary hypersensitivity was be recorded by visual analogue scale (VAS: 0-10) to quantify subjective pain after the stimulus with "ice spray" at baseline, and after treatment at 24-hour and 30-day intervals. All data was analyzed statistically by analysis of variance ANOVA. For each of the three evaluation times a comparison was made between the 4 groups (through the oneway ANOVA) with complementation by the Tukey's and Bartlett's tests in order to verify the statistical differences between groups. The level of significance will be 5%. After statistical analysis the resul... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Desenvolvimento de uma técnica de desenho digital e impressão em 3D de placas oclusais e sua aplicabilidade no tratamento de pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular / Development of a technique of digital design and 3D printing of occlusal splints and its applicability in the treatment of patients with temporomandibular disorders

Vasques, Mayra Torres 11 December 2018 (has links)
O uso de novas tecnologias na odontologia, como a técnica CAD/CAM, promete ser uma opção relevante no que diz respeito à confecção das placas oclusais, empregadas no tratamento de disfunções temporomandibulares. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver uma técnica para desenho e confecção de placas oclusais pelo método CAD/CAM, em impressora 3D, e verificar seus resultados clínicos no tratamento de pacientes com disfunções temporomandibulares. Para o desenho das placas foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de desenho digital (CAD), utilizando o software Meshmixer® (Autodesk, USA), e de registro das relações maxilo-mandibulares. A partir dessa metodologia iniciou-se um estudo clínico randomizado comparativo entre as placas CAD/CAM produzidas em impressora 3D e placas produzidas convencionalmente em laboratório. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, 18 pacientes foram avaliados de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Na Etapa 1 (n=18) foram realizados testes técnicos comparativos das duas placas em relação à dor, por meio da Escala Visual Analógica; atividade muscular; ajuste interno; báscula; conforto; tempo de instalação; pontos de contato oclusal. Todos os pacientes da amostra utilizaram os dois tipos de placas. Na Etapa 2, estes pacientes foram divididos randomicamente em dois grupos para o estudo clínico randomizado (estudo cego): Grupo IMP (n=9) (placas impressas) e grupo LAB (n=9) (placas convencionais laboratoriais). Os grupos foram avaliados após 1 mês de uso, por meio dos Questionários, RDC/TMD, SF-36, escala visual de dor EVA, e pelos pontos de contato oclusais. Os dados foram avaliados estatisticamente usando os testes de Wilcoxon, de Mann-Whitney, e de Kruskal-Wallis nas análises quantitativas; os testes Qui-Quadrado e Exato de Fisher, nas variáveis categóricas. Os resultados mostraram que houve diferenças significativas (P-valor<0.05) nas avaliações para conforto, ajuste interno e tempo de confecção das placas, a favor das placas impressas. Nas demais avaliações, os grupos foram equivalentes (não- significantes). Concluiu-se que foi possível desenvolver uma técnica para desenho e confecção de placas oclusais pelo método CAD/CAM, em impressora 3D, e que o desempenho clínico foi equivalente entre as placas convencionais e impressas, sendo que estas se mostraram superiores quanto ao conforto e quanto à adaptação da superfície interna da placa, mostrando ser este um método possível e viável economicamente. / The use of new technologies in dentistry, as the CAD/CAM technique, promises to be a relevant option concerning the manufacture of occlusal splints for temporomandibular disorders treatment. The aim of this research was to develop a technique for design and manufacture occlusal splints using the CAD/CAM method and 3D printer and verify the clinical results in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders patients. It was developed a technique for occlusal splint design a using the software Meshmixer® (Autodesk, USA) and a technique to register the jaws relationship. From this method, it was started a Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT) to compare splints made through the CAD/CAM technique and others made conventionally in a dental lab. The study was performed in two steps, 18 patients were selected based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria. In Step 1 (n=18) patients were comparatively evaluated, using both splints, in relation to pain, using the visual analog scale; internal adjustment of the splint; patients comfort; time spent to deliver the appliance and occlusal contacts pattern. In Step 2, these patients were allocated in two groups (n=9 each group) randomly to the RCT be performed (blind study): Group IMP - printed splints and Group LAB (conventional lab splints). Both groups were assessed after 1 month using the splint using RDC/TMD and SF-36 questionnaires, the visual analog scale for pain, and occlusal contacts pattern. The data were statistically evaluated using Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, and Kruskal-Wallis test for qualitative analyses and Qui-square and Fisher´s exact tests for categorical variables. The results showed significant statistical differences (p-value<0.05) in favor of printed occlusal splints, related to patients\' comfort, internal adjustment, and time spent to deliver the appliance. All other assessments were equivalents (not significant). It was concluded that it was possible to develop a technique to design and manufacture occlusal splints using CAD/CAM and 3D printer, and furthermore the clinical performance was equivalent comparing conventional and printed occlusal splints, being the printed splints superior to conventional splints in relation to comfort and internal adjustment, proving this is a possible and economically viable method.

A influência do material restaurador na sobrevida de restaurações ART em molares decíduos baseado em Ensaios Clínicos Randomizados / The influence of restorative material on survival of ART restorations in primary molars based on Randomized Clinical Trials

Costa, Isabel Cristina Olegario da 21 September 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho envolve os resultados de três diferentes ensaios clínicos randomizados: (1) restaurações ART em cavidades oclusais utilizando Fuji IX (GC), Vitro Molar (Nova DFL) e Maxxion R (FGM); (2) restaurações ART oclusoproximais utilizando Ketac Molar (3M ESPE) e Vitro Molar (Nova DFL) e (3) Restaurações ART em cavidades oclusais e ocluso-proximais utilizando Glass Carbomer (GCP), Dyract (Dentsply) e Equia Fill (GC). O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar se a escolha do material tem influência na sobrevida de restaurações ART em molares decíduos. Um total de 835 crianças de 4 a 8 anos de idade (estudo 1: n=150; estudo 2: n=117; estudo 3: n=568) com lesões de cárie em dentina sem sinais de envolvimento pulpar foram selecionadas e tratadas em escolas públicas do município de Barueri-SP. Os pacientes foram randomizados de acordo com o grupo de material restaurador de cada estudo. Todos os tratamentos foram feitos seguindo os preceitos do ART e as recomendações dos fabricantes. As restaurações foram avaliadas por examinador independente, treinado e calibrado (estudo 1 e 2: até 24 meses e estudo 3: até 36 meses de acompanhamento). Para verificação da sobrevida das restaurações foi utilizada a análise de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier e teste log-rank. Para avaliar a associação entre o desfecho e as variáveis características do paciente foi aplicado o teste de Regressão de Cox (IC=95%). No estudo 1, a sobrevida de restaurações oclusais em molares dentes decíduos é maior ao utilizar o material Fuji IX (72,7%) quando comparado aos materiais VitroMolar (46,5%) e Maxxion R (39,6%). Não houve diferenças entre os materiais Maxxion R e Vitro Molar. No estudo 2, monstrou-se que sobrevida de restaurações oclusoproximais é maior ao utilizar o material Ketac Molar (48,6%) quando comparado ao VitroMolar (25,4%). Já no estudo 3, o material Glass Carbomer (CAR) apresenta menor sobrevida quando comparado ao cimento de ionômero de vidro de alta viscosidade (CIV)- Equia Fill e ao compômero (COM)- Dyract, tanto em cavidades oclusais (CIV=83%; COM=78%; CAR=62,5%) quanto em ocluso-proximais oclusais (CIV=56,19%; COM=56,15%; CAR=36,33%). Nenhuma diferença é observada entre o compômero e o cimento de ionômero de vidro de alta viscosidade. Outros fatores como sexo, arcada, lado, experiência de 38 cárie, operador e volume da cavidade não influenciaram a sobrevida das restaurações (p>0,05). Dessa forma, conclui-se que a sobrevida das restaurações ART em molares decíduos é influenciada pela escolha do material restaurador. Os materiais que apresentaram melhores resultados nestes ensaios clínicos randomizados foram: Fuji IX (GC Corp), Ketac Molar (3M ESPE), Equia Fill (GC Corp) e Dyract (Dentsply). Registro no ClinicalTrials.gov: Capítulo 1: NCT02377297; Capítulo 2: NCT02267720; Capítulo 3: NCT02217098. / This thesis compiles the results of three different randomized clinical trials: (1) ART occlusal restorations using Fuji IX (GC), Vitro Molar (Nova DFL) and Maxxion R (FGM); (2) ART occlusal restorations using Ketac Molar (3M ESPE) and Vitro Molar (Nova DFL) and (3) ART restorations in occlusal and occlusoproximal cavities using Glass Carbomer (GCP), Dyract (Dentsply) and Equia Fill (GC). The aim of this thesis was to evaluate if the restorative material can influence the survival of ART restorations in primary dentition. A total of 835 children 4 to 8 years of age (study 1: n = 150, study 2: n = 117, study 3: n = 568) with dentin carious lesions without pulp involvement were selected and treated in public schools of the city of Barueri-SP. Patients were randomized according to the restorative material group of each study. All treatments were done following the ART precepts and the manufacturers\' recommendations. Restorations were evaluated by single trained and calibrated examiner (study 1 and 2: up to 24 months and study 3: up to 36 months follow-up). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log-rank test were used to verify the survival of the restorations. The Cox Regression test was used to evaluate the association between the outcome and the independent variables (CI=95%). In study 1, the survival of occlusal restorations in primary molars was higher using Fuji IX (72.7%) when compared to VitroMolar (46.5%) and Maxxion R (39.6%). There were no differences between Maxxion R and VitroMolar. In study 2, it was shown that survival of occlusoproximais restorations is higher when using Ketac Molar (48.6%) when compared to VitroMolar (25.4%). In the study 3, Glass Carbomer (CAR) material presented lower survival when compared to the high viscosity glass ionomer (GIC) - Equia Fill and to compomer (COM) - Dyract, both in occlusal cavities (GIC = 83%, COM = 78%, CAR = 62.5%) and occlusal-proximal ones (GIC = 56.19%, COM = 56.15%, CAR = 36.33%). No difference is observed between the compomer and the high viscosity glass ionomer cement. Other factors such as sex, jaw, side, caries experience, operator and volume of the cavity did not influence the survival of the restorations (p> 0.05). Thus, it is concluded that survival of ART restorations in primary molars is influenced by the restorative material. The materials that showed 40 the best results in these randomized controlled trials were Fuji IX (GC Corp), Ketac Molar (3M ESPE), Equia Fill (GC Corp) and Dyract (Dentsply). ClinicalTrials.gov Registration: Chapter 1: NCT02377297; Chapter 2: NCT02267720; Chapter 3: NCT02217098.

Factorial linear model analysis

Brien, Christopher James January 1992 (has links)
This thesis develops a general strategy for factorial linear model analysis for experimental and observational studies. It satisfactorily deals with a number of issues that have previously caused problems in such analyses. The strategy developed here is an iterative, four-stage, model comparison procedure as described in Brien (1989); it is a generalization of the approach of Nelder (1965a,b). The approach is applicable to studies characterized as being structure-balanced, multitiered and based on Tjur structures unless the structure involves variation factors when it must be a regular Tjur structure. It covers a wide range of experiments including multiple-error, change-over, two-phase, superimposed and unbalanced experiments. Examples illustrating this are presented. Inference from the approach is based on linear expectation and variation models and employs an analysis of variance. The sources included in the analysis of variance table is based on the division of the factors, on the basis of the randomization employed in the study, into sets called tiers. The factors are also subdivided into expectation factors and variation factors. From this subdivision models appropriate to the study can be formulated and the expected mean squares based on these models obtained. The terms in the expectation model may be nonorthogonal and the terms in the variation model may exhibit a certain kind of nonorthogonal variation structure. Rules are derived for obtaining the sums of squares, degrees of freedom and expected mean squares for the class of studies covered. The models used in the approach make it clear that the expected mean squares depend on the subdivision into expectation and variation factors. The approach clarifes the appropriate mean square comparisons for model selection. The analysis of variance table produced with the approach has the advantage that it will reflect all the relevant physical features of the study. A consequence of this is that studies, in which the randomization is such that their confounding patterns differ, will have different analysis of variance tables. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Department of Plant Science, 1992.

Combinatorial Optimization for Infinite Games on Graphs

Björklund, Henrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>Games on graphs have become an indispensable tool in modern computer science. They provide powerful and expressive models for numerous phenomena and are extensively used in computer- aided verification, automata theory, logic, complexity theory, computational biology, etc.</p><p>The infinite games on finite graphs we study in this thesis have their primary applications in verification, but are also of fundamental importance from the complexity-theoretic point of view. They include parity, mean payoff, and simple stochastic games.</p><p>We focus on solving graph games by using iterative strategy improvement and methods from linear programming and combinatorial optimization. To this end we consider old strategy evaluation functions, construct new ones, and show how all of them, due to their structural similarities, fit into a unifying combinatorial framework. This allows us to employ randomized optimization methods from combinatorial linear programming to solve the games in expected subexponential time.</p><p>We introduce and study the concept of a controlled optimization problem, capturing the essential features of many graph games, and provide sufficent conditions for solvability of such problems in expected subexponential time.</p><p>The discrete strategy evaluation function for mean payoff games we derive from the new controlled longest-shortest path problem, leads to improvement algorithms that are considerably more efficient than the previously known ones, and also improves the efficiency of algorithms for parity games.</p><p>We also define the controlled linear programming problem, and show how the games are translated into this setting. Subclasses of the problem, more general than the games considered, are shown to belong to NP intersection coNP, or even to be solvable by subexponential algorithms.</p><p>Finally, we take the first steps in investigating the fixed-parameter complexity of parity, Rabin, Streett, and Muller games.</p>

Individual psychosocial support for breast cancer patients : Quality of life, psychological effects, patient satisfaction, health care utilization and costs

Arving, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
<p>A randomized intervention study, with the aim to compare the effects of individual psychosocial support provided by (1) oncology nurses specially trained in psychological techniques (INS), or (2) psychologists (IPS), to (3) standard care (SC). Breast cancer patients, living in Uppsala County, and about to start adjuvant treatment at the Department of Oncology, Uppsala, were consecutively included between 1998 and 2000. The patients were assessed seven times during two years by self-administered questionnaires. Study I revealed positive effects of both INS and IPS as compared to SC on global quality of life, side effects, and post-traumatic distress. A lower proportion of patients in the intervention groups had psychosocial support provided in routine care compared with the SC group. In study II the patients reported being highly satisfied with the intervention, irrespective of profession providing the support. However, patients in the INS group reported higher levels of benefit regarding disease-related problems than those in the IPS group. In study III total Health Care costs were lower in the intervention groups and since a gain in quality-adjusted life years (QALY) was seen (mean .1 QALY), the interventions dominated. The costs for the interventions were 44 291- 48 978 SEK. In study IV, daily reporting of anxiety, depression and activity on Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) were completed during two weeks before and after the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) assessments. A point assessment with the HADS captured the situation better than four weeks assessment on three VAS in the diary. The HADS was considered preferable to the diary. The conclusion is that psychosocial support is beneficial for breast cancer patients and that the intervention delivered by nurses was as effective as that given by psychologists. The costs for the interventions were limited.</p>

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