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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drug prescribing practices among primary healthcare providers in a local government area of Northwestern Nigeria

Oguntunde, Olugbenga Olalere January 2011 (has links)
Master of Public Health - MPH / Background: Drugs are essential components of the health system and their rational use is vital to delivering quality and efficient healthcare services. However, inappropriate prescribing is a common rational drug use problem globally, particularly in developing countries including Nigeria. Despite measures to address this problem, inappropriate drug use continues to be a major public health problem in Nigeria. Aim: This study assessed rational drug use (RDU), with a focus on rational prescribing and factors affecting it, among primary healthcare providers working in primary healthcare facilities of a LGA in Northwestern Nigeria. Methods: The study was a cross sectional descriptive study and it included retrospective review of patient encounters and interviews with prescribing healthcare providers in sampled health facilities. Stratified random sampling method was used to select 20 public primary healthcare facilities and 30 patient encounters were drawn by systematic random sampling from each facility. One hundred and sixty three prescribing healthcare providers in the health facilities were also included in the study. Adapted WHO's drug use study tools and a structured self-administered questionnaire were used to collect data. Data were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 17) software and presented as contingency table with chi square test used to test for relationship between variables with statistical significance taken at p < 0.05. Ethical approval was obtained from the University of the Western Cape Research Ethics Committee and Kaduna State Ministry of Health, and permission from local stakeholders. Confidentiality of individual patients, healthcare providers and health facilities data was maintained. Results: The prescribing staff at the selected facilities were predominantly Nurses/Midwives and community health assistants with SCHEWs constituting the majority (60.8%). More than half (54.4%) of providers did not know about the concept of RDU. Similarly, the computed knowledge score of RDU revealed that the majority (74.4%) had poor knowledge of the concept. Knowledge was significantly associated with duration of service, providers' previous training in rational drug use and professional status (p<0.05), with the CHOs having better knowledge of RDU compared with other professional cadres. High antibiotic use (68.3% in retrospective review and 82.9% in survey) and injection use (9.5% in retrospective review and 12% in survey) were found in the study with significant proportions of providers admitting that all cases of URTI should receive antibiotics (72.3% ) and that patients could be prescribed injections if they requested for it (35.3%). The Standing Order was the main source of information for the majority (50.6%) of providers and it served as the major influence affecting prescribing practices. Conclusion: This study revealed a poor understanding and knowledge of RDU among healthcare providers. High antibiotic and injection use also reflected providers' poor attitude to rational prescribing of these commodities. To improve prescribing practices at the PHC level, adequate staff skill mix, including physicians should be established. Since RDU knowledge was associated with prior training, curriculum development towards RDU and opportunities for in-service training should be provided to build prescribers capacity, in addition to instituting a system of rational drug use monitoring. Further research into rational drug use among different cadres of PHC healthcare providers is also recommended.

La théorie de la dissuasion et sa rationalité coûts/bénéfices: les remises en question d'une rationalité du risque

Labonté, Sébastien January 2013 (has links)
La théorie moderne de la dissuasion et la rationalité coûts/bénéfices sont étroitement liées l’une à l’autre. En fait, sans cette dernière, la théorie de la dissuasion n’aurait plus de fondements puisqu’elle repose sur la croyance voulant que sous certaines conditions — ayant trait notamment à sa sévérité et à sa certitude — la sanction pénale peut décourager quiconque aurait l’audace de défier la norme pénale. La rationalité coûts/bénéfices constitue donc cette prémisse selon laquelle l’être humain gouvernerait son comportement, incluant le comportement criminel, à partir d’un calcul fait de coûts et de bénéfices. La généralisation de la portée de cette théorie de la décision constitue notre objet de recherche. La question qui se pose est celle de savoir si la théorie elle-même n’aurait pas trop exagéré la portée de cette rationalité coûts-bénéfices. Il ne s’agit pas tant de remettre en question le fait qu’elle puisse opérer ici et là, mais bien de réfléchir aux limites de sa généralisation, de se poser la question de savoir si compte tenu des données dont on dispose il est encore raisonnable, aujourd’hui, d’entretenir cette croyance à l’effet que tous les comportements dits criminels sont opérés dans le cadre de cette rationalité coûts/bénéfices. C’est la question que nous posons dans cette recherche exploratoire dont l’objectif est de cerner une rationalité inédite développée théoriquement par Pires (2002) et vérifiée empiriquement par Dubé (2012) : la rationalité du risque. Dans cette recherche, ces dernières considérations nous amènent à traiter les postulats de la rationalité coûts/bénéfices comme des hypothèses et non comme des faits. Cette posture épistémologique se situe en dehors du positivisme et réintroduit le doute dans l’observation. Ce doute est alors confronté à une empirie particulière : il ne s’agit plus de tester la sévérité ou la certitude des peines telles que les conçoivent le droit criminel, mais bien de comprendre comment, dans la commission de leurs infractions, les individus se les représentent, comment ils les perçoivent, et quel poids leur attribuent-ils dans la décision de commettre ou de commettre à nouveau une infraction. Dans cette perspective qui s’inspire directement des approches phénoménologiques, la dissuasion est ainsi conçue comme un phénomène d’abord et avant tout subjectif. Au plan méthodologique, nous avons cherché à saisir ces « réalités subjectives » à partir d’entretiens qualitatifs semi-dirigés réalisés auprès d’individus ayant commis des crimes graves. Dans ces entretiens, plusieurs postulats de la théorie de la dissuasion sont ébranlés sous le poids d’une phénoménologie faisant ressortir les traits et fondements de la rationalité du risque, rationalité qui réduit la portée de la rationalité coûts/bénéfices tout en frappant d’impertinence le réductionnisme qui associe à la qualité de la peine la qualité de l’effet dissuasif. À partir de nos observations empiriques, nous avons élaboré quatre (4) idéaux-types de trajectoires décisionnelles : pris dans leur ensemble, ceux-ci suggèrent que l’effet dissuasif de la sanction pénale est loin d’être aussi déterminant que nous a habitués à le croire le droit criminel moderne. Les résultats de notre recherche semblent en effet indiquer que dans bien des cas, la menace de la conséquence pénale se retrouve neutralisée par la rationalité du risque qui intervient dans l’esprit de l’individu pour reconvertir la « certitude » du coût en incertitude, en probabilité. Le coût n’est alors plus vécu comme un coût, mais bien comme un risque, comme une possibilité parmi d’autres et que l’individu a l’impression de pouvoir contrôler. La dissuasion générale se retrouve ainsi fragilisée. Par ailleurs, face à la condamnation, lorsque l’individu l’associe à l’échec du passage à l’acte, la rationalité du risque intervient encore pour remettre en question non pas tant, dans l’absolu, la décision de commettre le crime, mais bien la manière de le commettre. L’échec est alors associé soit à une mauvaise décision (qui n’est pas celle de commettre le crime), soit au fruit du hasard contre lequel on ne pouvait rien. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, la dissuasion spécifique se retrouve ainsi fragilisée.

La gestion des écosystèmes aquatiques en droit international : étude comparée des systèmes européens et africains ; perspectives pour une gestion rationnelle et durable. / Management of aquatic ecosystems in international law : a comparative study of European and African systems ; prospects of a rational and sustainable management

Bendegue, Jean-Marie Vianney 07 October 2011 (has links)
La finalité de l’étude est d’explorer la gestion des écosystèmes aquatiques d’Europe et d’Afrique à travers le prisme de l’approche systémique. Cette approche est fondée sur la recherche de solutions générales et globales aux problèmes y afférents, sans sacrifier les particularités et spécificités propres à chaque écosystème. A la différence d’une gestion cloisonnée, fragmentée et sectorielle, l’intérêt d’une gestion globale et intégrée des ressources en eau rares, est de permettre une meilleure rationalisation de cette gestion, par la prise en compte de l’ensemble des contraintes et des opportunités y relatives, de façon qu’elle soit plus pertinente et soutenable. Dans cette optique, la comparaison entre les systèmes européens, globalement plus avancés et les systèmes africains, vise, d’une part, à souligner que quelque soit le système considéré, les problèmes sont quasiment les mêmes et que l’approche globale et intégrée reste le meilleur gage d’efficacité et d’efficience en vue de les résorber ; d’autre part, à montrer que ces systèmes peuvent être mutuellement bénéfiques, notamment en termes d’échanges de bons procédés ou de bonnes pratiques.On entend par écosystème aquatique, l’ensemble des eaux douces de toutes origines, superficielles, souterraines ou autres. Ces écosystèmes aquatiques entretiennent des interactions avec la terre, la mer et d’autres éléments de l’environnement global, qu’il importe de bien maîtriser, pour sacrifier aux exigences d’une gestion globale pertinente et intégrée desdits écosystèmes. / This study attempts to examine the management of freshwater resources in Africa and Europe, from an ecosystemic view point, and aims at global and appropriate solutions to problems, without neglecting local or regional specificities. Contrary to territorial and sector approaches, integrated water resource management is a better way to ensure a sustainable management of freshwater resources, taking into consideration all problems and opportunities pertaining thereto. In this regard, the first interest of comparing advanced European systems with African systems is to bring up global problems, in spite of regional or continental peculiarities, and to stress on the global and integrated approach as the best way of solving them effectively. The second interest is to show that managing these systems can be mutually beneficial if their respective advantages and weaknesses are considered.Freshwater resources comprise superficial or deep water of various origins, and interact with elements of the global environment (earth, sea). Their mastery is of utmost importance as it will permit the global, adequate and integrated management of such ecosystems.

Varför väljer studenter Uppsala universitet? : En studie om vad som påverkat studenters val av universitet

Wikström, Jonas, Jons, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar belysa vad det är som fick studenter att välja just Uppsala universitet för vidarestudier och vad studenterna prioriterade i sin valprocess. Individernas prioriteringar kategoriseras in i olika faktorer, där faktorerna ämnar förklara de olika konsekvenserna av valet, exempelvis de geografiska avståndet till universitetet eller universitetets akademiska rykte. För att identifiera detta har studien använt sig av en kvantitativ metod, nämligen en enkät. Enkäten riktade sig till individer som studerar eller har studerat på Uppsala universitet och var ämnad att identifiera hur en större mängd individer resonerade kring sin valprocess, exempelvis vad de prioriterade i valet eller hur informerade de ansåg sig själva vara om sina valmöjligheter. Resultaten påvisade med stor likhet till tidigare studier att Akademiskt Rykte, Universitetsstadens Atmosfär och tillgängligheten till studentaktiviteter är de tre mest inflytelserika faktorerna. För att vidare identifiera hur valprocessen kan beskrivas tillämpades de teoretiska ramverken sociologiska modeller samt rational choice theory vilket ämnar att identifiera ifall en rationell beslutsprocess har tagit form. En rationell beslutsprocess identifieras av att faktorer som förbättrar ens framtida möjligheter och vinst maximeras, medans temporära bekvämligheter som är mindre värda ur samma perspektiv förminskas. Studien har dock funnit att valprocessen uppvisar tendenser på både rationella beslutstaganden samt icke-rationella så som de geografiska faktorerna. Vad detta innebär är således att om man vill förstå hur valprocessen sker kan man inte göra de utifrån antagandet att individ agerar rent rationellt.

Evaluation of rational use of medicines in public healthcare facilities

Valoyi, Vutomi January 2020 (has links)
Magister Pharmaceuticae - MPharm / Access to quality healthcare in South Africa is known to be unequal, with those who can afford it, receiving the best quality healthcare services in the private sector, and those who cannot afford it, having to receive healthcare in the public sector. The South African government is implementing the National Health Insurance to remove unequal access to healthcare services. However, the aim of this study is to evaluate the current usage of medicine.

The Effects of Individual Differences on the Perceived Risks and Rewards of Offending: A Meta-analysis

Altikriti, Sultan 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Using Predicted Heat Strain to Evaluate Sustainable Exposures

Thacker, Samantha L. 10 June 2019 (has links)
The most commonly used exposure assessment for heat stress is based on Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), and the limits are based on empirical relationships that demonstrate a sustainable exposure. The ISO 7933 (2017) describes Predicted Heat Strain (PHS), which is a rational model for heat stress assessment that is used to assess time-limited exposures. Investigators have examined PHS validity under a variety of time-limited conditions. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate if PHS can predict sustainable exposures. The data used for this study were from two previous heat stress studies using a progressive heat stress protocol. The studies included 29 participants wearing four different ensembles (woven clothing, particle barrier, water barrier, and vapor barrier coveralls) at three levels of metabolic rate and relative humidity. Each trial provided data for a fully compensable (sustainable) exposure and an uncompensable (time-limited) exposure. The heat stress data from each condition were used to see if PHS demonstrated a steady-state response indicating a sustainable exposure. From the analysis, the sensitivity and specificity respectively for the ensemble types were: 1.00 and 0.18 for woven clothing, 0.95 and 0.60 for particle barrier, 0.91 and 0.83 for water barrier, 0.91 and 0.80 for vapor barrier, and 0.94 and 0.65 for all ensembles. The data show that while the sensitivity of PHS (correctly identifying unsustainable conditions) is good for the different ensembles, PHS specificity (correctly identifying sustainable exposures) was weak. From an occupational health and safety perspective, using PHS to identify sustainable exposures leads to protective decisions.

Analýza profylaktického podávání antibiotik I. / Analysis of antibiotic administration in prophylaxis I.

Domecký, Petr January 2018 (has links)
8 Abstract Analysis of antibiotic administration in prophylaxis I Author: Petr Domecký Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D. Consultant: PharmDr. Lucie Hauschke, Ph.D. Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and aims: Antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) plays an important role in reduction of surgical site infection (SSI). It is the administration of an eligible antibiotic or chemotherapeutic (ATB) in a single dose, usually 30 minutes before surgery, followed by two to three doses during or after the surgery, regarding the selected ATB and the surgical procedure. The aim of this work was to analyse the AP in surgical procedures at the Masaryk Hospital in Ústí nad Labem (MNUL) in the context of the MNUL guideline (DP) and the research on available AP work. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study ran from January 2018 to March 2018 in surgical departments at MNUL. The study included patients aged ≥ 18 years who underwent surgery in a defined period (5 February 2018 to 9 February 2018) and gave their consent to the study. The practicability of the study was verified by a pilot part. Initially, a research of published studies concerning AP was carried out which provided outputs for AP establishment (PPA). Subsequently, a form for...

Analýza profylaktického podávání antibiotik II. / Analysis of antibiotic administration in prophylaxis II.

Bobčíková, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Analysis of antibiotic administration in prophylaxis II Author: Martina Bobčíková Tutor: doc. PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D. Consultant: PharmDr. Anna Patková, Ph.D. Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and aims: The term antibacterial prophylaxis (AP) refers to antibiotic (ATB) administration in prevention of surgical site infection (SSI). There are many factors in population which can potentially raise the risk of the incidence of SSI. The maintenance of basic rules of the AP and knowledge, influence and timely elimination of risk factors of SSI are the most important measures which can reduce a number of postoperative SSI. The aim of this study was to analyze antibiotic administration in prophylaxis in the local hospital in the Czech Republic and compare the results to well known international guidelines (ASHP-G) and latest scientific knowledge (LSK). Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted in October 2019. During the period from 2nd to 23rd October, the data of surgeries and used AP were collected. The patients who passed the entry criteria have been included in this study. Into prepared form, patient's identification, agreement, diagnosis, surgery type, operation date, the beginning and the end of surgery,...

Analýza antibiotické profylaxe u pacientů s osteosyntézou proximálního femuru / Analysis of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with osteosynthesis of proximal femur

Baťková, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Analysis of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with osteosynthesis of the proximal femur Author: Anna Baťková Tutor: doc. PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D. Consultant: Mgr. Markéta Dlouhá Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introduction and aims: This work is part of the continuous monitoring of antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) at the Department of Traumatology, University Hospital. The aim was to analyze and compare key parameters of AP in osteosynthesis of pertrochanteric fractures with the previous investigation and the methodological guidelines of the University Hospital. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study took place from 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 at the Department of Traumatology at the University Hospital. AP was analyzed in 50 patients above 18 years of age and who underwent a pertrochanteric fracture of the proximal femur. Data was collected with a form, prepared in cooperation with the Department of Medical Microbiology, physicians and clinical pharmacists of the University Hospital. Information on the patient, surgery, indication of AP, selected antibiotic/chemotherapeutic (ATB) and its dose, time, route of administration, as well as the size, number and interval of administered postoperative doses and...

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