Spelling suggestions: "subject:"real 1state bmarket 2analysis"" "subject:"real 1state bmarket 3analysis""
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Demanda residencial - adequação da análise de mercado imobiliário - o caso de São Paulo / Housing demand - adequacy of real estate market analysis - in the case of Sao Paulo, BrazilMeyer, João Fernando Pires 14 May 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a adequação da Análise de Mercado Imobiliário AMI ao caso do município de São Paulo. Em particular, na análise do chamado mercado econômico de moradias 5 a 10 salários mínimos de renda familiar, segmento que é tido como possuidor de renda superior à necessária para ser enquadrado nos programas oficiais, mas insuficiente para adquirir moradia produzida pelo mercado formal. Como uma política imobiliária urbana poderia criar as condições para que estas famílias pudessem ser atendidas pelo mercado formal, em áreas mais centrais da cidade? Para responder a esta questão é necessário compreender a dinâmica residencial deste mercado econômico, tema em que a pesquisa acadêmica tem sido incipiente. A tese concentrou-se na mensuração da demanda disponível por categorias de renda, que foi cruzada com a oferta de moradias pelo mercado. Os resultados indicam para o município de São Paulo, um parcial ajuste no centro das duas curvas, em 2006, e um descolamento nas pontas, ou seja, há uma importante demanda não atendida para a categoria de renda de 5 a 10 salários mínimos e uma sobre-oferta para rendas superiores a 30 salários mínimos. Em 2007, a melhoria nas condições de crédito aumentou em 30% o valor médio dos imóveis financiados, resultando em um deslocamento vertical da curva de oferta e, conseqüentemente, uma diminuição da demanda não atendida pelo mercado econômico. Aparentemente o uso da AMI foi adequado à realidade paulistana. / The purpose of this research was to study whether Real Estate Market Analysis has been adequate to the case of the municipality of São Paulo housing market. Particularly, to focus on the so called low cost housing between 5 and 10 minimum wages family income. This segment is understood as having income that is superior to those in the governmental housing programs but that is not enough to afford buying a house in the formal market. How a Real Estate development policy could create conditions for those families to afford to buy a house close to the more central areas of the city? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of low cost housing a subject somehow neglected in academics. The Dissertation has focused on the measurement of housing demand curve for different income brackets and comparing it with the housing supply curve. The results for São Paulo, for the year of 2006, indicated a partial alignment of the curves and a separation between them at the edges. It means that there is an important non-attended demand for the 5 to 10 minimum wages income bracket, and on the other hand, an over supply of housing for families with income over 30 minimum wages. For 2007, better credit terms resulted in 30 % increase in housing financing, shifting upwards the supply curve and, therefore, decreasing low cost housing demand. Real Estate Market Analysis seemed to be adequate for analyzing the São Paulo market.
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Demanda residencial - adequação da análise de mercado imobiliário - o caso de São Paulo / Housing demand - adequacy of real estate market analysis - in the case of Sao Paulo, BrazilJoão Fernando Pires Meyer 14 May 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a adequação da Análise de Mercado Imobiliário AMI ao caso do município de São Paulo. Em particular, na análise do chamado mercado econômico de moradias 5 a 10 salários mínimos de renda familiar, segmento que é tido como possuidor de renda superior à necessária para ser enquadrado nos programas oficiais, mas insuficiente para adquirir moradia produzida pelo mercado formal. Como uma política imobiliária urbana poderia criar as condições para que estas famílias pudessem ser atendidas pelo mercado formal, em áreas mais centrais da cidade? Para responder a esta questão é necessário compreender a dinâmica residencial deste mercado econômico, tema em que a pesquisa acadêmica tem sido incipiente. A tese concentrou-se na mensuração da demanda disponível por categorias de renda, que foi cruzada com a oferta de moradias pelo mercado. Os resultados indicam para o município de São Paulo, um parcial ajuste no centro das duas curvas, em 2006, e um descolamento nas pontas, ou seja, há uma importante demanda não atendida para a categoria de renda de 5 a 10 salários mínimos e uma sobre-oferta para rendas superiores a 30 salários mínimos. Em 2007, a melhoria nas condições de crédito aumentou em 30% o valor médio dos imóveis financiados, resultando em um deslocamento vertical da curva de oferta e, conseqüentemente, uma diminuição da demanda não atendida pelo mercado econômico. Aparentemente o uso da AMI foi adequado à realidade paulistana. / The purpose of this research was to study whether Real Estate Market Analysis has been adequate to the case of the municipality of São Paulo housing market. Particularly, to focus on the so called low cost housing between 5 and 10 minimum wages family income. This segment is understood as having income that is superior to those in the governmental housing programs but that is not enough to afford buying a house in the formal market. How a Real Estate development policy could create conditions for those families to afford to buy a house close to the more central areas of the city? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of low cost housing a subject somehow neglected in academics. The Dissertation has focused on the measurement of housing demand curve for different income brackets and comparing it with the housing supply curve. The results for São Paulo, for the year of 2006, indicated a partial alignment of the curves and a separation between them at the edges. It means that there is an important non-attended demand for the 5 to 10 minimum wages income bracket, and on the other hand, an over supply of housing for families with income over 30 minimum wages. For 2007, better credit terms resulted in 30 % increase in housing financing, shifting upwards the supply curve and, therefore, decreasing low cost housing demand. Real Estate Market Analysis seemed to be adequate for analyzing the São Paulo market.
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The Uses of Real Estate Market Analysesfrom a Municipal Perspective: A Case studyof the development area Norra Arnö in themunicipality of Nyköping / Marknadsanalys av fastigheter ur ett kommunaltperspektivPeacock, Johanna January 2014 (has links)
An increasing population is a given pursuit for many municipalities in Sweden. The purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate a method that may help increase the municipalities awareness of what possible newcomers are looking for in residential development areas, what their preferences are, and what it is that affects their decision to live in a certain area and house. With this type of information, municipalities are introduced to the underlying factors that influence the customer’s (newcomer’s) decision-making processes. A better market awareness can increase municipality’s competitiveness as well as ensure a higher demand for housing. This thesis shows how a real estate market analysis of level D with a customer-based attitude survey is performed through a case study of the development area Norra Arnö in the municipality of Nyköping in Sweden. Norra Arnö is currently undeveloped, with the exception of a new retirement home. An attitude survey serves as a large part of the market analysis to analyse the customer experience of the housing development Norra Arnö. The survey was formulated through several dimensions that have an impact on the decision making process when moving to a new area. These dimensions include; appealing residential project, pleasant living environment, appealing residential houses, overall impression, an intention of moving to a similar project, communication, and value for money. Towards the end of the survey the respondents were asked whether they had an intention to buy an apartment in Norra Arnö, to which 21 out of 229 responded yes. The answers were then analysed through the methods Exploratory factor analysis and Structural equation modeling. These techniques enabled a comparison of the groups (e.g. families with children, ages, gender etc.) preferences in each dimension to find out what factors affect the decision making process for each group. The results of the survey found that young people (under 29 years) have a more positive overall impression of the project and demonstrate a greater intention to live in a residential area similar to Norra Arnö. Additionally it is the lower income groups (below 399 000 kr per year) and those who intend to move within five years, who also have an intention to live in a housing project similar to Norra Arnö. The age group 30-44, families with children, residents of Nyköping and people living in single-family houses were more positive to the dimension communications, which means they to a greater extent believe Nyköping is a good town to live in, where they can easily reach their friends, work and activities. Generally speaking, the dimension communications had greatest ii significance for the differences of answers exhibited in the survey, and can therefore have a major impact on the demand of the project. Out of 229 respondents, 21 people said they intended to buy an apartment in this new area, which unfortunately is a too small figure to be able to analyse the factors that have the greatest influence on the decision of saying yes to the project. The number of people resident in Oxelösund, the secondary market area, was 40, regrettably also a too low number of people to statistically estimate the size of the demand. However 10 % of respondents showed an intention to buy an apartment on Norra Arnö, and considering that the survey only took into account one secondary market area, it is assumed that demand exists for the apartment complex even though a specific number cannot be estimated. / Strävan efter att öka sin befolkning är en självklarhet för många kommuner. Syftet med denna uppsats är att visa en metod för kommuner, som genom att öka förståelsen av marknadens preferenser, gör dem mer konkurrenskraftiga. Marknadsanalyser för fastigheter har främst varit ett redskap för byggherrar för att beräkna lönsamheten innan en investering. Trots att metoden har många användningsområden är metoden inte känd i någon större utsträckning bland kommuner i Sverige. Om kommuner genomför marknadsanalyser av nya utvecklingsområden innan planeringsarbetet får de inte bara information om efterfrågans storlek, men även målgrupp, vilka faktorer som avgör i kundernas beslutsfattande och kundernas preferenser. Med denna information kan utformningen av området anpassas till att bäst passa målgruppen och kommunen kan öka sin konkurrenskraft. Detta examensarbete innehåller en fallstudie av utvecklingsområdet Norra Arnö i Nyköpings kommun för att demonstrera hur en marknadsanalys nivå D tillämpas. För att ta reda på kundupplevelsen kring utformningen av Norra Arnö genomfördes en attitydundersökning med frågor inom de dimensioner som har en påverkan på beslutsfattandet i boendevalet. Dessa dimensioner är tilltalande bostadsprojekt, trivsam boendemiljö, tilltalande bostadshus, helhetsintryck, intention, kommunikationer och prisvärdhet. De totalt 229 respondenterna fick i slutet svara på om de hade en intention att köpa en lägenhet på Norra Arnö, där 21 personer svarade ja. Svaren analyserades sedan med analysmetoderna explorativ faktoranalys och strukturell ekvationsmodellering. Det gjorde det möjligt att jämföra grupper (exempelvis barnfamiljer, åldrar, kön m.m.) med de olika dimensionerna för att förstå vad det är som påverkar intentionen att köpa en lägenhet. Undersökningen visade att unga (under 29 år) får ett bättre helhetsintryck av projektet och påvisar en större intention att bo i ett bostadsprojekt som liknar den på Norra Arnö. Det är även lägre inkomstgrupper (hushåll med en inkomst under 399 000 kr/år) och de som har för avsikt att flytta inom 5 år som har en intention att bo i ett bostadsprojekt som liknar Norra Arnö. Åldersgruppen 30-44, barnfamiljer, Nyköpingsbor samt boende i småhus var mer positivt inställda till dimensionen kommunikationer, vilket innebär att de i högre grad anser att Nyköping är en bra stad att bo i där de enkelt kan nå sina vänner, arbete och fritidsintressen. Generellt hade dimensionen kommunikationer störst betydelse för de skillnader som uppvisades i undersökningen och är därför en ledtråd till vad som har stor påverkan på efterfrågan av projektet. Det var 21 personer som hade en intention att faktiskt köpa en lägenhet på Norra Arnö, en för låg siffra för att analysera iv vilka faktorer som påverkade mest i deras syn på projektet. Av 229 svarande var 40 personer från Oxelösund, vilket innebär att det var för låg antal personer från det sekundära marknadsområdet för att med säkerhet skatta efterfrågan med stratifierat urval. Dock hade 10 % av de svaranden en intention att köpa en lägenhet på Norra Arnö, och med tanke på att endast ett sekundärt marknadsområde undersöktes kan man anta att efterfråga finns för området trots att en siffra inte kan bestämmas.
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Market shares of regional shopping centres with proximity to an IKEA warehouse : IKEA Centres Case Study / Marknadsandelar för köpcentrum med närhet till ett IKEAvaruhusAlmgren, Anders, Haggren, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on regional shopping centre’s market shares. It is written in cooperation with IKEA Centres that provided data regarding their shopping centres and funds for the gathering of statistics. The research question for the study is: What level of market share is valid for regional shopping centres in close proximity to an IKEA warehouse? In order to answer this question as accurate as possible the study is designed as a case study. The case is implemented on three different shopping centres, owned by IKEA Centres, with similar locations and market areas. The three shopping centres that are selected as subject centres in the study are Birsta City in Sundsvall, I-Huset in Linköping and Erikslund Shopping Center in Västerås. The case is focused on the regional shopping centres isolated and do not include the IKEA furniture store. The first part of the study concerns the delineation of the subject centres’ primary- and secondary market area. This is done using Reilly’s Law based on the prerequisites of the specific shopping centre. By using this method breaking points or borders of the market areas can be defined and located based on the calculated driving time. To be able to calculate the potential market shares for the centres, the buying power segmentation method is used. The statistics are bought from Statistics Sweden and concerns mainly the number of households in the market areas and their disposable income. The market share is calculated by comparing the potential buying power of the households and the actual sales in the shopping centres. The results of the conducted study regarding the market share in the total market area is that Birsta City has a significant larger market share (60%) than the two other centres that the study concerns. I-Huset (17% market share) and Erikslund Shopping (25% market share) are located in regions with a higher population and more competition, the authors see this as the main factor to the difference in the market share. Results regarding market shares in different categories of goods are also presented. The three subjects’ centres offer several different collections of items. All centres have a large market share in the fashion segments that are offered, a wide tenant mix in combination with the target groups is seen to be an effecting factor. / Denna masteruppsats fokuserar på ämnet regionala shoppingcenters och dess marknadsandel. Uppsatsen är skriven i samarbete med IKEA Centres vilka har bidragit med data angående köpcentren samt medel för inköp av statistik. Studiens frågeställning är: Vilken marknadsandel har regionala köpcenter där ett Ikeavaruhus finns i närheten? För att besvara denna frågeställning på bästa sätt är studien utformad som en fallstudie. Fallstudierna är implementerade på tre olika shopping center i liknande läge och med likvärdiga marknadsområden. De tre köpcentrumen vilket är utvalda som ämnescenter i studien är Birsta City i Sundsvall, I-Huset i Linköping och Erikslund Shopping Center i Västerås. Forskningen är baserad på shopping centret och berör inte IKEAs möbelvaruhus. Den första delen av studien behandlar avgränsningen av köpcentrumens primära och sekundära marknadsområden. Avgränsningen är utförd med Reilly’s Law baserad på de specifika köpcentrets förutsättningar. Genom att använda den här metoden definieras brytpunkter och gränser för marknadsområdet kan avgränsas med hjälp av den beräknade körtiden. För att sedan beräkna köpcentrets marknadsandel används metoden ”Buying power segmentation method”. Statistiken som används är köpt från SCB och berör huvudsakligen antalet hushåll i marknadsområdena samt dess disponibla inkomst. Marknadsandelen är beräknad genom att jämföra den potentiella köpkraften hos hushållen med den faktiska försäljningen i köpcentren. Resultatet av den utförda studien rörande marknadsandelar av den totala marknaden är dels att Birsta City har en betydligt större marknadsandel (60%) än de två andra undersökta köpcentren. I-Huset (17% marknadsandel) samt Erikslund Shopping (25% marknadsandel) är belägna i regioner med högre invånarantal och större konkurrens. Författarna ser detta som en avgörande faktor till skillnaden i marknadsandel jämfört med Birsta City. Resultat angående marknadsandelar i olika kategorier av varor är också presenterade. De tre studerade köpcentren erbjuder ett brett utbud av produkter. Samtliga center har en stor marknadsandel i kategorier rörande kläder & mode. Den breda hyresgästmixen samt målgruppen för köpcentren antas vara påverkande faktorer till detta.
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Analýza realitního trhu v oblasti okolí Lipenské přehradyDVORSKÝ, David January 2016 (has links)
Thesis process of basic terms related to the real estate market and real estate sales. The study also addressed overview of our segments in the real estate market in Lipensko, their characteristics, construction, engineering, urban planning, and economic factors. It´s about the village of Horní Planá, Černá v Pošumaví, Frymburk and Lipno nad Vltavou. In Lipno nad Vltavou are always chosen for each segment three representatives who are investigated and subsequently compared. The work also points to the trends in the real estate market in this area.
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Metodologie segmentace realitního trhu pro oceňovací proces / Methodology of Real Estate Market Segmentation for the Valuation ProcessDadák, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the analysis of the real estate market and its segmentation. The beginning of the thesis deals with the basics of the real estate economy and consequently with the main segments on the real estate market. Different statistical and mathematical methods are used in the segmentation of the housing market. The thesis is closed by the analysis of the real estate market and the demonstration and description of how to separate the segment from the market. The output of the work is the recommended methodological procedure for the appraisers.
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Aplikace závěrů tržní analýzy na ocenění nemovitosti různými metodami / Applying a market analysis to a real estate appraisalMajzlíková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on a market analysis of a selected segment of a residential market and subsequently estimates the value of a real property from that segment. The aim of this work is to apply the analysis's conclusions to the appraisal of a family house and assess the extent in which the administrative value of the house approximates its market value. The introductory part explains the most important concepts and methods used. The core part is divided into two parts -- market analysis and the appraisal itself. The market analysis is based on a top-down method that first concentrates on a macroeconomic situation of the economy and then on a selected segment of the real estate market. Value of a chosen real property -- a family house -- is estimated using four different methods: administrative costs approach, administrative comparison approach, reproduction costs approach (market based) and sales comparison approach. In its conclusion the thesis evaluates current perspectives of family houses' market and based on results of methods used estimates the final market value of the chosen real estate.
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Analýza trhu s objekty individuální rekreaceNOVOTNÝ, Petr January 2018 (has links)
This thesis processes of basic terms related to the real estate market and real estate sales. The thesis gives an overview of the segments related to real estate economics and the real estate markets in the area of Třeboňsko with the focus on private recreational properties, too. The area of interest is divided to the Lomnice nad Lužnicí, Třeboň, Chlum u Třeboně and Suchdol nad Lužnicí municipalities in order to describe the natural, urban planning and technical aspects. Representatives from each segment were chosen to be examined closely and compared with the others. The thesis also describes the current trends in the real estate market of recreational properties.
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Řízení developerských projektů / Management of Development ProjectsSýkorová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to map out specifically and detailed the process of planning and implementation of a development project. Introduction to the problem and definitions of basic concepts is located in the theoretical part. One of the main topics is the real estate market and its development in Slovak Republic. In the practical part is introduced the development project of residential-recreational area Lodenice, its stage, the method of financing and determine the price of residential and commercial units including documentation of preparation for contract management.
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Cohousing jako developerský projekt / Cohousing as a Development ProjectOrlová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with a type of community living called cohousing. Describes typical attributes, residential differences and possibilities of ownership legal forms. In more detail deals with a formation of cohousing as a development project. Practical part of this thesis device the real cohousing and evaluates conditions of the sale according to the real estate market situation.
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