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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Demanda residencial - adequação da análise de mercado imobiliário - o caso de São Paulo / Housing demand - adequacy of real estate market analysis - in the case of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Meyer, João Fernando Pires 14 May 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a adequação da Análise de Mercado Imobiliário AMI ao caso do município de São Paulo. Em particular, na análise do chamado mercado econômico de moradias 5 a 10 salários mínimos de renda familiar, segmento que é tido como possuidor de renda superior à necessária para ser enquadrado nos programas oficiais, mas insuficiente para adquirir moradia produzida pelo mercado formal. Como uma política imobiliária urbana poderia criar as condições para que estas famílias pudessem ser atendidas pelo mercado formal, em áreas mais centrais da cidade? Para responder a esta questão é necessário compreender a dinâmica residencial deste mercado econômico, tema em que a pesquisa acadêmica tem sido incipiente. A tese concentrou-se na mensuração da demanda disponível por categorias de renda, que foi cruzada com a oferta de moradias pelo mercado. Os resultados indicam para o município de São Paulo, um parcial ajuste no centro das duas curvas, em 2006, e um descolamento nas pontas, ou seja, há uma importante demanda não atendida para a categoria de renda de 5 a 10 salários mínimos e uma sobre-oferta para rendas superiores a 30 salários mínimos. Em 2007, a melhoria nas condições de crédito aumentou em 30% o valor médio dos imóveis financiados, resultando em um deslocamento vertical da curva de oferta e, conseqüentemente, uma diminuição da demanda não atendida pelo mercado econômico. Aparentemente o uso da AMI foi adequado à realidade paulistana. / The purpose of this research was to study whether Real Estate Market Analysis has been adequate to the case of the municipality of São Paulo housing market. Particularly, to focus on the so called low cost housing between 5 and 10 minimum wages family income. This segment is understood as having income that is superior to those in the governmental housing programs but that is not enough to afford buying a house in the formal market. How a Real Estate development policy could create conditions for those families to afford to buy a house close to the more central areas of the city? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of low cost housing a subject somehow neglected in academics. The Dissertation has focused on the measurement of housing demand curve for different income brackets and comparing it with the housing supply curve. The results for São Paulo, for the year of 2006, indicated a partial alignment of the curves and a separation between them at the edges. It means that there is an important non-attended demand for the 5 to 10 minimum wages income bracket, and on the other hand, an over supply of housing for families with income over 30 minimum wages. For 2007, better credit terms resulted in 30 % increase in housing financing, shifting upwards the supply curve and, therefore, decreasing low cost housing demand. Real Estate Market Analysis seemed to be adequate for analyzing the São Paulo market.

São Paulo: paisagem verticalizada e legislação urbanística nas duas primeiras décadas do século XXI / São Paulo: vertical landscape and urban planning legislation at first two decades of the twenty first century

Lima, Ana Paula de Sousa 28 April 2017 (has links)
A dissertação trata da produção imobiliária vertical para o uso residencial realizada no município de São Paulo. Vemos o surgimento de grandes empreendimentos imobiliários que promovem uma completa reorganização da estrutura fundiária na cidade. O adensamento provocado por esse tipo de produção aparece desassociado de qualquer adequação do entorno da construção para atender às novas demandas. Pelo contrário, vemos um isolamento dos conjuntos no espaço intra-lote. O aumento dos espaços livres na produção imobiliária residencial é utilizado para justificar e estimular o isolamento do novo espaço construído em relação à cidade. O crescimento de um novo mercado consumidor de habitação - representado predominantemente pela classe de renda média - concentrado na aquisição do seu primeiro imóvel, exige pouco acerca da implantação das edificações, sustentando o sucesso desses novos empreendimentos que se proliferam na cidade. A produção imobiliária é submetida às especificações da legislação urbanística, que teria a função de ordenar os espaços livres e construídos das cidades. Apesar dela definir parâmetros visíveis no espaço urbano, ela controla pouco a área de atuação desse mercado, que se expande sem diretrizes claras de ordenamento. Como consequência, há uma intensificação das contradições típicas do nosso processo de urbanização, em que a ocupação de espaços sem planejamento é uma constante. A diferença dessa nova ocupação - comparada à ocupação das áreas periféricas pela população excluída do mercado imobiliário - é que ela possui a legalidade que à outra é negada. Porém, as consequências no espaço (ainda desconhecidas) da implantação desses empreendimentos imobiliários devem gerar novos problemas para o convívio equilibrado no espaço urbano. O esforço deste trabalho é o de entender o processo de verticalização através da ação do poder público, representado na dissertação pela legislação urbanística. / The dissertation is about vertical real estate production for residential using applied in the city of São Paulo. We have seen the appearance of great real estate undertaking that promote a complete reorganization of the land structure in the city. The compactly provoked for this kind of production shows up disassociated with any adjustment around construction to attend new demands. On the contrary, we see an isolation of the conjunctions in the space intra-lot. The increase of the free areas in the residential real estate production is used to justify and stimulate the isolation of the new space built in relation to the city. The growing of a new residence consumer market, still without a perception of urbanity parameter of life quality, mainly represented by the medium class, support this success of these new undertaking that proliferate in the city. The real state is submitted to the specifications of the urbanity legislation that would have the function of order the space built. Beside it defines the visible parameters in the urbanity space, it doesn\'t control the area of this market performance that spreads without any clear directions of ordering. As a consequence, there is an enhancement of the typical contradiction of our urbanization process, which the occupation of the space without planning, is a constant. The difference of this new occupation, compared with the movements of the excluded population from the real estate market, responsible for the suburbs formation, it has the legality that the other part is denied. However, the unknown consequences must bring new problems for the urban space balanced living. The effort of this job is, to understand the vertical process through the actions of these three agents: the constructor, the consumer and the public power, because we believe this is the most efficiency way to describe it and then form really efficient alternatives to construct an urban environment with urbanity.

Habitação vertical privada e o mercado imobiliário em São Paulo: dois períodos, dois casos dissidentes Formaespaço e Idea!Zarvos / Vertical private housing and the real estate in Sao Paulo: two periods, two dissident cases Formaespaço and IDEA!Zarvos

Lima, Priscylla Nose de 09 May 2013 (has links)
Estudar a produção de edifícios residenciais verticais privados na cidade de São Paulo em dois períodos da história; entre as décadas de 60 e 70 do século 20 e a primeira década do século 21. Dois períodos que apresentaram propostas de destaque dentro do mercado imobiliário mostrando um novo olhar frente à produção da arquitetura. Examinar além dos aspectos conceituais que os definiram como obras singulares no conjunto da produção imobiliária privada, quais seriam os aspectos estruturais que estariam por trás desta iniciativa: quem são seus agentes, quais as motivações financeiras e eventuais aspectos culturais que definiriam uma nova perspectiva sobre a produção desta arquitetura. Os aspectos a serem considerados para a análise e avaliação dos resultados, referem-se não só a estrutura de linguagem renovadora, mas também sobre outras eventuais conquistas relativas à reconfiguração da espacialidade, flexibilidade de plantas, pesquisas tecnológicas e aspectos sociofinanceiros da operação: publico consumidor, interesse mercadológico, incorporador, etc. / To study the production of private residential buildings in the city of São Paulo in two different time periods, first between the 60\'s and 70\'s of the 20th century; and the first decade of the 21st century. Two distinct periods with above average proposals within the real estate market reflecting the contemporary architectonic production. To exam not the only conceptual aspects that have defined them as unique in the whole of the privately - built real estate; but also the structural aspects that might be behind this initiative: who are their agents, what financial motivations they had, and the eventual cultural aspects that have defined a new perspective on the production of this architecture. The aspects to be considered in this analysis and evaluation of results refer both to the innovative structural language, and to the eventual advancements related to spatial reconfiguration, flexibility of blue prints - layout flexibility, technological research as well as social and economic aspects of the project: end consumers , market interest, development, etc.

Boom imobiliário e treinamento de corretores de imóveis no Brasil: um estudo de caso de uma empresa líder do setor / Real estate marketing booming in Brazil and training of realtors: a case study of a top leader

Leite, Felipe Laragnoit de Cillo 03 September 2009 (has links)
A participação do mercado imobiliário na economia brasileira é bastante relevante, tanto em montante financeiro quanto na complexidade dos processos inerentes às suas transações. O corretor, profissional que faz a intermediação de compra e venda de imóveis, é uma figura-chave desse mercado e portanto, importante de ser pesquisado. O presente estudo almeja examinar a preparação do profissional atuante no mercado imobiliário, o corretor de imóveis, mediante a realização de um estudo de caso com uma empresa líder do setor no mercado de São Paulo, utilizando o instrumento de coleta de dados de questionário por email com os líderes de sua força de vendas e da área de recursos humanos. A empresa-caso está inserida em um contexto de forte aquecimento de negócios conhecido como boom imobiliário, caracterizado por uma combinação de fatores como queda de juros, déficit habitacional e captação de recursos para o setor em bolsa de valores. Este forte crescimento influenciou na definição do escopo do trabalho, já que o corretor de imóveis tem papel fundamental no contexto de aumento do volume de transações e na valorização dos bens imóveis. Para tanto, esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender como se prepara o corretor de imóveis para atuar no mercado imobiliário brasileiro. A revisão da literatura nas áreas de Gestão de Força de Vendas, Treinamento e Teoria da Agência, orientou a realização de uma pesquisa qualitativa com os objetivos de (i) identificar o tipo de treinamento que o corretor de imóveis recebe por parte das Imobiliárias, no Brasil e (ii) avaliar os temas e conhecimentos relevantes para o treinamento dos corretores de imóveis. Na seqüência, realizou-se uma análise de dados secundários, levantando os assuntos de importância para o ensino específico de mercado imobiliário oferecido nas melhores escolas de negócios dos Estados Unidos. Associada ao referencial teórico essa análise de dados secundários possibilitou a realização de um estudo de caso. Por meio de um questionário, foi possível verificar se o conteúdo encontrado na fundamentação teórica e o ensinado nas melhores escolas dos Estados Unidos estão presentes na preparação que a empresa-caso oferece à sua força de vendas, composta pelos corretores de imóveis. Por último, através do mesmo instrumento de coleta, foram levantadas as dificuldades que os gestores da empresa de comercialização e imóveis do Brasil encontram no treinamento de seus corretores. Algumas considerações finais foram tecidas com base na análise do material de pesquisa e nas respostas fornecidas pelo responsável pela área de vendas e recursos humanos / The participation of the property market in the Brazilian economy is highly relevant, both in financial amount and in complexity of processes involved in your transactions. The real estate broker, professional who intermediates the property buying and selling processes, is a key figure in that market and, therefore, important to be researched. This study aims to examine the preparation of professional working in the real estate market, the realtor, through a case study with a leading company in the market of São Paulo, using the data collection instrument through a questionnaire by email to the managers of its sales force and the area of human resources. The case-company is inserted in a context of strong heating business which became known as real estate boom, characterized by a combination of factors like fall in interest rates, the housing deficit and fund-raising for the sector on the stock exchange market. This strong growth has influenced the definition of the scope of work, since the realtor has a fundamental role in the context of increased volume of transactions and the valuation of property. Thus, the present work aims to understand how to prepare the real estate broker to act efficiently in the Brazilian property market. A review of the literature in the areas of Sales Force Management, Training and Theory of Agency, directed the implementation of a qualitative research with the objectives of (i) identify the type of training that the estate agent receives from the company to which he is associated and (ii) assess the issues and knowledge relevant to the training of the real estate agent. In sequence, a secondary data analysis was held, raising the important subjects to the teaching of specific real estate market offered by the best business schools in the United States. Associated with the theoretical framework, such analysis of data enabled a case study. Through a questionnaire, it was possible to verify that the content found in the theoretical basis and the knowledge taught in the best schools in the United States are present in the preparation that the company offers to its sales force. Finally, using the same data collection instrument, the study raised the difficulties that the managers of case study company face in the training of its brokers. Some final considerations were made on the basis of the material researched and the answers given by the persons in charge of sales and human resources.

Trh nemovitostí - analýza faktorů ovlivňujících cenu / Real estate market - price analysis

Bartů, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Real estate market is the topic I have chosen for my thesis. The thesis focuses on the problem of real estate prices in the Czech Republic. The price trend can be tracked just since 1990s. As a result of missing relevant data no complete analysis of real estate market has been published so far. This is also one of the reasons I have chosen this particular topic. The first part of my work covers features and special characteristics of the Czech real estate market. It is important to describe the economic situation and the role of the state before analysing single factors to influence real estate market. Therefore macroeconomic indicators and their development can be found in this part. The financial crisis and its impact cannot be ignored either. The second part of the work is pointed to the analysis of the factors that influence prices on the real estate market. The aim of the work is to describe the development of the factors and assess their importance. The factors can be divided into supply and demand oriented and the majors are: demographics, disposable income, interest rate and building development. Price development on the RE market is also described in the work. At the end of the work the introduced facts are summed up and a try to a prognosis of the future development is made.

Demanda residencial - adequação da análise de mercado imobiliário - o caso de São Paulo / Housing demand - adequacy of real estate market analysis - in the case of Sao Paulo, Brazil

João Fernando Pires Meyer 14 May 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar a adequação da Análise de Mercado Imobiliário AMI ao caso do município de São Paulo. Em particular, na análise do chamado mercado econômico de moradias 5 a 10 salários mínimos de renda familiar, segmento que é tido como possuidor de renda superior à necessária para ser enquadrado nos programas oficiais, mas insuficiente para adquirir moradia produzida pelo mercado formal. Como uma política imobiliária urbana poderia criar as condições para que estas famílias pudessem ser atendidas pelo mercado formal, em áreas mais centrais da cidade? Para responder a esta questão é necessário compreender a dinâmica residencial deste mercado econômico, tema em que a pesquisa acadêmica tem sido incipiente. A tese concentrou-se na mensuração da demanda disponível por categorias de renda, que foi cruzada com a oferta de moradias pelo mercado. Os resultados indicam para o município de São Paulo, um parcial ajuste no centro das duas curvas, em 2006, e um descolamento nas pontas, ou seja, há uma importante demanda não atendida para a categoria de renda de 5 a 10 salários mínimos e uma sobre-oferta para rendas superiores a 30 salários mínimos. Em 2007, a melhoria nas condições de crédito aumentou em 30% o valor médio dos imóveis financiados, resultando em um deslocamento vertical da curva de oferta e, conseqüentemente, uma diminuição da demanda não atendida pelo mercado econômico. Aparentemente o uso da AMI foi adequado à realidade paulistana. / The purpose of this research was to study whether Real Estate Market Analysis has been adequate to the case of the municipality of São Paulo housing market. Particularly, to focus on the so called low cost housing between 5 and 10 minimum wages family income. This segment is understood as having income that is superior to those in the governmental housing programs but that is not enough to afford buying a house in the formal market. How a Real Estate development policy could create conditions for those families to afford to buy a house close to the more central areas of the city? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of low cost housing a subject somehow neglected in academics. The Dissertation has focused on the measurement of housing demand curve for different income brackets and comparing it with the housing supply curve. The results for São Paulo, for the year of 2006, indicated a partial alignment of the curves and a separation between them at the edges. It means that there is an important non-attended demand for the 5 to 10 minimum wages income bracket, and on the other hand, an over supply of housing for families with income over 30 minimum wages. For 2007, better credit terms resulted in 30 % increase in housing financing, shifting upwards the supply curve and, therefore, decreasing low cost housing demand. Real Estate Market Analysis seemed to be adequate for analyzing the São Paulo market.

Return Correlation of China's Real Estate and Stock Markets

Yang, Yang, Ye, Enyang January 2010 (has links)
China’s economy has experienced a spectacular growth and achieved a remarkable success over the past three decades. Opportunities created by the striking economic growth have led China’s most important investment markets, real estate and stock markets to undertake an enormous transformation and development. This paper is concentrated on examining the relationship between the returns on Chinese real estate and stock markets. In particular, the paper attempts to investigate whether the returns are correlated between them, and to explore the potential diversification effects on creating a balanced portfolio including both real estate and stock assets. The empirical study is conducted on the basis of monthly data collected from year 2005 to 2010. Statistical tests are applied to measure the magnitude of return correlations between Chinese real estate and stock markets. The results of the empirical study indicate that the monthly returns on Chinese real estate and stock markets are not correlated. And when investing in China’s capital markets, diversification benefits could be achieved by creating a balanced portfolio including both real estate and stock assets. Keywords: Return Correlation; Diversification Benefit; Chinese Real Estate market; Chinese Stock Market

The small house market in the Stockholm region : A study of the impact of macroeconomic factors / Stockholms husmarknad : En studie av makroekonomiska faktorers påverkan

Rönnqvist, David, Mattiasson, Marie January 2009 (has links)
Buying a house is for most people the biggest investment they will ever make. A lot of factors are taken in to consideration when looking for the perfect house; location, size, what state it is in and so forth. But since most people’s budgets are limited, the price is probably the most important aspect in the decision making process of buying a house. It is therefore highly interesting to note that since 1981, house prices in Sweden have increased with almost 400 percent. This thesis examines the relationship between small house prices and macroeconomic factors in the Stockholm region during the period 1991 to 2007. By using macro economic theories complemented by data for all Stockholm’s municipalities in a OLS regression, the thesis will explain how the variables affects the small house prices in a boom, recession and over time. The results and analysis reveals that as house prices rises, people tend to increase their spending on interest costs and vice versa if the prices falls. Furthermore, results show that in a boom, an existence of speculation is contributing to the rise while convergence is an important factor in a recession. The most important conclusion from this thesis is the fact that the influence of macroeconomic variables on house prices differs significantly, depending on if the economy is in a recession or a boom. Finally, the influence on the economy that the house- and real estate market possesses cannot be underestimated with its important effect on the credit market, inflation and asset market. / Husköp är för de flesta människor deras livs största investering och det är därför många faktorer som först måste vägas in varav den viktigaste förmodligen är priset. Huspriserna i Sverige har sedan 1981 nästan fyrdubblats, en utveckling som är mycket kraftigare än inflationen samma tid. Den här kandidatuppsatsen avser att undersöka Stockholmregionens småhuspriser åren 1981-2007 och dess relation till makroekonomiska faktorer. Genom att använda en OLS regression med insamlad data för Stockholms alla kommuner och makroekonomiska teorier, visar vi hur utvalda makroekonomiska variabler påverkar småhuspriserna generellt, i hög- samt lågkonjunktur. Resultat och analys visar att om småhuspriserna går upp är tenderar Stockholms befolkning att lägga en större del av deras inkomst på räntekostnader och tvärtom när priserna går ner. En psykologisk aspekt har en viktig del i dessa upp och nedgångar, i en uppgång startar en spekulationsperiod då människor vill vara en del ägandet i den uppåtgående husmarknad medans i en nergång skapas en sorts konvergens och en rad faktorer påverkar varandra i en spiralliknande nedåt trend. Denna trend kan förklaras i DiPasquales och Wheatons assets market model där det positiva förhållandet mellan marknader som hyresmarknaden, kreditmarknaden, byggmarknaden och tillgångsmarknaden står i fokus. Den viktigaste slutsatsen i uppsatsen är att makroekonomiska faktorer påverkar småhuspriserna helt olika beroende på om ekonomin är i en hög eller lågkonjunktur. Slutligen bör nämnas hur viktigt hus- och fastighetsmarknaden är för en ekonomi genom dess påverkan på kreditmarknaden och inflationen.

Segmented or Integrated? The Interaction between Taiwan Stock Market and Real Estate Market

Yang, Chih-Yuan 27 July 2010 (has links)
As the two main components of household portfolios, stocks and real estate are likely to catch people¡¦s attention. Although the number of extant studies on the interaction between the stock and real estate markets is large, the views and empirical evidence in those studies show inconsistent results. This dissertation provides an explanation for the inconsistent results: market imperfection. Employing the threshold vector error correction model to examine the interaction between Taiwan¡¦s stock and real estate markets during the period from 1973Q2 to 2009Q4, the empirical results support this explanation. When the transaction benefit from the disequilibrium between the stock and real estate markets can cover the potential cost resulting from market imperfection, the relationship between the stock and real estate markets is integrated; but when there is slight disequilibrium, the price of real estate will not converge since the arbitrage benefit cannot cover the cost of transaction. As a result, the relationship is segmented. The empirical results of the study are very robust as similar conclusions result when different proxies for housing prices are used. The interactions between the stock and the sub-region housing markets also show similar results. Finally, when macroeconomic factors are considered, the asymmetric dynamic relationship is still significant.

A study on the changing of housing policy and needs before and after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Huang, Bo-Wei 11 February 2011 (has links)
Abstract This paper to explore how policy changes affect real estate market in Beijing, to help readers understand how policy change to influence Beijing real estate market demand, the reader can understand the further development of Beijing real estate market, the paper is divided into three parts: the first is to explore the environment of Beijing real estate ; the second part of the real estate market in Beijing before the Olympics Games; the third part discuss the development of Beijing real estate market since Olympic Games , let readers understand the development and change of Beijing real estate market . Under the guidance of cancels the welfare lotteries policy , Beijing real estate market began to sprout, Beijing Olympic Games successful application, led to the rapid growth of Beijing real estate market, Beijing Government uses the reversion policy to regulates the supply and demand structure of market ,to guidance real estate market development, but was unable to suppress the house price effectively fast rising. The real estate has the characteristic which buys rises does not buy falls, before in 2008 Olympic Games, the people's anticipated house price will continue to rise, housing demand continues to expand, The market has the situation which falls short of demand¡FBut with the end of the 2008 Olympic Games, the "Olympic effect" gradually cooling down, the market return to a rational development , But with the end of the 2008 Olympic Games, the "Olympic effect" gradually cooling down, the market return to a rational development, people expect house prices to fall, resulting in a wait and see attitude ,Market oversupply occurs, the government resorted to liberal policies to stabilize the mortgage market. With the end of the Olympics, the Beijing government redrawing of the regional economic development, and actively promote the "era after the Beijing Olympics", In the future Beijing real estate development focus from the central area of the city gradually migrate outward circle, Function complete, facility perfect, convenient communications new town will become the new sales hot spot.

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