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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The pattern of perineuronal net elements in the mediodorsal thalamus

Hossain, Nayeem Mubarak 08 November 2017 (has links)
Perineuronal nets (PNNs) decrease neuroplasticity, increase stability of neural systems, and are key to ending the neurodevelopmental critical period. PNNs are found throughout the brain, including the mediodorsal (MD) thalamus, a key region in cortico-thalamo-cortical communication with the prefrontal cortex (PFC). I examined the structure and location of PNN elements relative to axons in the MD thalamus from post-mortem human brain tissue in three normal individuals. Using electron microscopy and two-dimensional analysis, my results showed that about a third of axons have a consistent distribution of the PNN element brevican. A vital component of PNNs, the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) brevican was found within the cytoplasm, within the myelin, and outside the myelin along the length of axons. Three-dimensional analyses and axon reconstructions showed that the quantity of brevican varied periodically along axons in a wave-like manner. These findings suggest a model for the arrangement of brevican in a weaving pattern through myelin, cytoplasm, and external surface of axons. This model of PNN elements has various functional implications, including influence on the growth and function of axons, ion homeostasis along the axon, and the ability of neurons to produce and transmit action potentials. These structures likely have a significant impact on the function of MD. The combined influence of PNNs and connections of the MD thalamus with the PFC may play powerful roles in various cognitive disorders, including schizophrenia.

Using multiple digital image to synthesize a high-resolution image

Zeng, Jhao-Yu 31 August 2011 (has links)
In this paper, we propose an image registration algorithm to form a set of images to a high-resolution image. This algorithm employs a fringe projected scheme to perform the registration. The proposed algorithm provides several advantages, such as high precision, low computation cost, simple system configuration and robotic performance. An example which used three images to form a hight-resolution image was given. It was found that the resolution had enhanced 2.72 times.

Pramoninės paskirties pastatų pritaikymas gyvenamajam būstui / Industrial buildings reconstruction to individual habitation (loft)

Zapustaitė, Inga 25 September 2008 (has links)
Butas-studija ("loft'as") - Lietuvoje sparčiai populiarėjantis būsto tipas. Šis darbas yra pavyzdys, kaip galima buvusią gamyklą rekonstruoti į gyvenamąjį būstą. / Loft is getting popular quite fast in Lithuania. This work is an example how it is possible to reconstruct an industrial building to individual habitation.

Application of a Constrained Optimization Technique to the Imaging of Heterogeneous Objects Using Diffusion Theory

Sternat, Matthew Ryan 2009 December 1900 (has links)
The problem of inferring or reconstructing the material properties (cross sections) of a domain through noninvasive techniques, methods using only input and output at the domain boundary, is attempted using the governing laws of neutron diffusion theory as an optimization constraint. A standard Lagrangian was formed consisting of the objective function and the constraints to satisfy, which was minimized through optimization using a line search method. The chosen line search method was Newton's method with the Armijo algorithm applied for step length control. A Gaussian elimination procedure was applied to form the Schur complement of the system, which resulted in greater computational efficiency. In the one energy group and multi-group models, the limits of parameter reconstruction with respect to maximum reconstruction depth, resolution, and number of experiments were established. The maximum reconstruction depth for one-group absorption cross section or multi-group removal cross section were only approximately 6-7 characteristic lengths deep. After this reconstruction depth limit, features in the center of a domain begin to diminish independent of the number of experiments. When a small domain was considered and size held constant, the maximum reconstruction resolution for one group absorption or multi-group removal cross section is approximately one fourth of a characteristic length. When finer resolution then this is considered, there is simply not enough information to recover that many region's cross sections independent of number of experiments or flux to cross-section mesh refinement. When reconstructing fission cross sections, the one group case is identical to absorption so only the multi-group is considered, then the problem at hand becomes more ill-posed. A corresponding change in fission cross section from a change in boundary flux is much greater then change in removal cross section pushing convergence criteria to its limits. Due to a more ill-posed problem, the maximum reconstruction depth for multi-group fission cross sections is 5 characteristic lengths, which is significantly shorter than the removal limit. To better simulate actual detector readings, random signal noise and biased noise were added to the synthetic measured solutions produced by the forward models. The magnitude of this noise and biased noise is modified and a dependency of the maximum magnitude of this noise versus the size of a domain was established. As expected, the results showed that as a domain becomes larger its reconstruction ability is lowered which worsens upon the addition of noise and biased noise.

Scalable Preservation, Reconstruction, and Querying of Databases in terms of Semantic Web Representations

Stefanova, Silvia January 2013 (has links)
This Thesis addresses how Semantic Web representations, in particular RDF, can enable flexible and scalable preservation, recreation, and querying of databases. An approach has been developed for selective scalable long-term archival of relational databases (RDBs) as RDF, implemented in the SAQ (Semantic Archive and Query) system. The archival of user-specified parts of an RDB is specified using an extension of SPARQL, A-SPARQL. SAQ automatically generates an RDF view of the RDB, the RD-view. The result of an archival query is RDF triples stored in: i) a data archive file containing the preserved RDB content, and ii) a schema archive file containing sufficient meta-data to reconstruct the archived database. To achieve scalable data preservation and recreation, SAQ uses special query rewriting optimizations for the archival queries. It was experimentally shown that they improve query execution and archival time compared with naïve processing. The performance of SAQ was compared with that of other systems supporting SPARQL queries to views of existing RDBs. When an archived RDB is to be recreated, the reloader module of SAQ first reads the schema archive file and executes a schema reconstruction algorithm to automatically construct the RDB schema. The thus created RDB is populated by reading the data archive and converting the read data into relational attribute values. For scalable recreation of RDF archived data we have developed the Triple Bulk Load (TBL) approach where the relational data is reconstructed by using the bulk load facility of the RDBMS. Our experiments show that the TBL approach is substantially faster than the naïve Insert Attribute Value (IAV) approach, despite the added sorting and post-processing. To view and query semi-structured Topic Maps data as RDF the prototype system TM-Viewer was implemented. A declarative RDF view of Topic Maps, the TM-view, is automatically generated by the TM-viewer using a developed conceptual schema for the Topic Maps data model. To achieve efficient query processing of SPARQL queries to the TM-view query rewrite transformations were developed and evaluated. It was shown that they significantly improve the query execution time. / eSSENCE

Nástroj pro analýzu obsahu síťové komunikace / Analysis Tool for the Network Traffic Content

Mareš, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This paper is about designing and implementing a tool for analysis of the network traffic content. Work is part of the SEC6NET project at FIT - Brno University of Technology. The paper describes specific requirement for such a tool and existing solutions. The main part is devoted to design and implementation of new tool - Netfox Detective. Several problems are handled: data persistence, performance, extensibility, etc. The last part of work describes possibilities and features of the Netfox Detective. The work emphasises extensibility and future development of a created tool.

Le centre monumental romain d'Appolonia d'Illyrie : images de synthèse et restitutions archéologiques / Roman monumental center in Apollonia of Illyria : computer-generated images and archaeological restitutions

Follain, Éric 18 February 2012 (has links)
Colonie grecque, Apollonia d’Illyrie (Albanie), a connu à l’époque romaine des phases de construction et d’aménagement importantes. En témoigne le centre monumental qui a fait l’objet de fouilles et de dégagements sous la direction du français Léon Rey au début du XXe siècle. Après la seconde guerre mondiale, les équipes albanaises ont poursuivi les recherches archéologiques et ont réalisé les restaurations et les présentations actuelles. Le centre monumental est organisé autour de deux édifices principaux, l’odéon et le monument des agonothètes. Ces lieux d’assemblée attestent du caractère public de ce secteur de la ville comme le fait un arc de triomphe légèrement postérieur. Des boutiques témoignent d’une fonction commerciale annexe. L’aspect religieux est illustré par un temple ionique, entouré d’un portique, associé à un bâtiment nommé usuellement "prytanée", et par un petit sanctuaire. Enfin, un édifice de plan carré peut être soit une bibliothèque soit un Augusteum. Après l’analyse des vestiges accessibles et de la documentation, une approche des fonctions des différents monuments et les renvois aux éléments comparatifs des hypothèses de restitutions sont proposées puis transposées en images de synthèse. Elles sont ensuite assemblées en une vision globale du centre monumental romain, dans son état du début du IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. Dans l’attente de l’achèvement des recherches sur l’agora, localisée à quelques centaines de mètres, cet ensemble pourrait être un complexe architectural dédié au culte impérial dont l’importance aurait attiré, dans le courant du IIe siècle, le bouleuterion que prudemment on désigne encore comme "monument des agonothètes". / During the Roman period, “Apollonia of Illyria”, a greek settlement in Albania, knew several phases of construction and development. This is demonstrated by the study of the monumental center which was the object of excavations supervised by a French archaeologist Léon Rey at the beginning of the XXth century. After World War II, Albanian teams pursued the researches. They realized the restorations and the current presentations. The monumental center is organized around two main buildings, the Odeon and the “monument of Agonothetes”. These meeting places give evidence of the public character of this part of the city, just like the existence of a triumphal arch built later on. Shops also prove the commercial function of this place. Then, the religious function is illustrated by an ionic temple surrounded by a portico associated with a building named “prytaneum’ and by a small sanctuary. Finally, a square building is either a library or an “augusteum”. After an analysis of the visible vestiges and documentation, a report on the functions of the various monuments and a presentation of the comparative elements, the hypothesis of reconstructions will be proposed and transposed into computer-generated images. They will be assembled in a global vision of the roman monumental center at the beginning of the third century. Researches concerning the agora, localized a few hundred meters further, are not achieved yet but this place could be an architectural complex dedicated to imperial cult. During the second century, its importance could have attracted the bouleuterion that remains, for the moment, named as “monument of Agonothetes”. / Kolonia greke e Apolonisë së Ilirisë, në Shqipëri, ka njohur faza të rëndësishme ndërtimi dhe riorganizimi urban në periudhën romake. Këtë e dëshmon qendra monumentale që ka qenë pikësynimi i gërmimeve dhe zbulimeve të kryera nën drejtimin e francezit Leon Rei, në fillim të shekullit të XX. Pas Luftës së II Botërore, ekipet shqiptare kanë vazhduar nxjerrjen në dritë të saj, si dhe kanë realizuar restaurimet dhe pamjet që shohim sot. Qendra monumentale është organizuar rreth dy godinave kryesore, odeoni dhe monumenti i Agonotetëve. Këto vende mbledhjesh dëshmojnë për karakterin publik të kësaj zone të qytetit, ashtu si dhe një hark triumfi pak më i vonshëm. Dyqanet dëshmojnë për një funksion tregtar aneks. Aspekti religjioz ilustrohet me praninë e një tempulli jonik, të rrethuar me një portik, dhe që lidhet me një godinë të ashtuquajtur prytaneum, si dhe me një faltore e vogël. Së fundmi, një ndërtesë në formë katrore mund të jetë ndoshta një bibliotekë apo augusteum. Në përfundim të studimit të rrënojave të dukshme dhe të dokumentacionit përkatës, parashtrohet trajtimi i funksioneve të monumenteve të ndryshme dhe i elementeve krahasuese të rimëkëmbjes hipotetike të tyre, që më tej transformohen në paraqitjet e informatizuara. Më pas, të gjithë elementët janë bashkuar në një pamje gjithëpërfshirëse të qendrës monumentale romake, ashtu siç paraqitej ajo në fillimin e shek. III të e. sonë. Në pritje të përfundimit të kërkimeve në agora, e cila gjendet vetëm disa qindra metra larg, ky ansambël duket të ketë qenë një kompleks arkitekturor që i kushtohej kultit perandorak, rëndësia e të cilit do të tërhiqte përgjatë shek. II të e. sonë buleterionin, që ende në mënyrë të kujdesshme emërtohet si “monumenti i Agonotetëve”.

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