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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Materials science appraisal of recycled construction materials for roadways

Ogwuda, Olisanwendu Ikechukwuka January 2007 (has links)
This thesis reports on a materials science appraisal for recycled construction materials in roadways, that supports engineering decision-making. Inconsistent performance criteria for roadway materials and the variable nature of material source have prompted the need for this research. The aim of the study is to investigate the application of a materials science appraisal to recycled construction materials for use in roadways. The investigation is undertaken through a literature review of roadways, conceptual development of the materials science appraisal methodology, and demonstration of the application of the materials science appraisal to recycled construction materials; and how this supports engineering decision-making. The literature review revealed that there are numerous and proven uses of recycled and secondary materials in roadway applications but there was a lack of necessary integration of materials into categories by material-type, which can better describe behaviour in an engineering situation. Three novel fundamental material types (ceramic, metallic, and polymeric) have been described. The conceptual development of the innovative and novel materials science appraisal, based on material-type, has defined how materials science through a systematic step-by-step procedure can be used to achieve engineering sustainability in roadways and provide support in engineering decision-making. The application of the novel concept of the materials science appraisal to recycled construction materials is shown through the essence of laboratory testing. The results from the materials science appraisal, together with sensitivity analysis, give an informed engineering decision on product choice. The appraisal is novel in that it is proposing a new theory on materials science and developed a paradigm shift in the evaluation of recycled construction materials. The appraisal overcomes the absence of materials science thinking in the field of roadway engineering. The materials science appraisal is of benefit to various stakeholders (client, consultant, supplier and contractor) as it provides a method for addressing material uncertainties. A system now exists for introducing into designs and any contract the principles of the materials science appraisal that will be of great benefit to industry.

Investigation of the Seismic Capacity of a School Built with Recycled Materials

Kozlesky, Joel Aden 20 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Consumer preferences for graphic, structural, and information elements on recycled paper-based package : Gender, age, and education differences

Čabajová, Andrea, Košík, Jakub January 2022 (has links)
Objective: Nowadays, the increasing pressure pushes companies to behave more environmentally friendly. Indeed, packaging made from recycled fibres can represent an essential advantage for firms in the packaging industry if it is designed in a way that appeals to consumers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the graphic, structural and informative packaging elements and their effect on consumers’ preferences. Methodology/approach: Purposefully modified packaging designs were sent to the respondents via an online questionnaire using convenience sampling. The research analyses Slovak consumers due to their below-average environmental performance index (EPI) within the Europe. Out of 529 questionnaires collected, 483 responses were further examined and analysed by the chi-square test in SPSS. Findings: Our findings suggest that typography, colour contrast, pattern, image, shape and recyclability claims influence the preference of Slovak consumers. On the other hand, consumers did not prefer a particular layout and certificate. Furthermore, gender and age played a substantial role in the chosen recycled paper-based package, while education did not affect consumers preference in Slovakia. Practical implications: This work provides more in-depth knowledge of specific consumer preferences of packaging elements across different demographic groups, representing a valuable framework for companies’ marketing strategies. Moreover, it can serve as an inspiration for graphic designers for more innovative sustainable packaging solutions. Originality/value: Drawing upon previous research, it is evident that specific solutions for recycled paper-based packaging are lacking. This research provides new knowledge about consumer preferences for individual packaging elements. Thus, it is not only a contribution to the businesses but also a contribution to more sustainable consumption in accordance with Agenda 2030 policies.


Köhler, Ana Lúcia 20 December 2010 (has links)
A popular habitation must be understood not only as a simple habitation unit but also as a comfortable, safe and salubrious space. Therefore it is necessary a study regarding the use of alternative materials, as well as the more indicated architectonic typologies. Rubber residuals of tires are being used in different areas of civil construction, as a thin aggregate of concrete, revetment panels or in acoustics isolation. The application of the system of pre-molded plates, constructed with recyclable material has been used in popular buildings for most two decades in the city of Santa Cruz do Sul, RS. The construction system is executed in parte by prisoner workers, with the concrete plates being produced in the penitentiary, and through the self-construction of residencies with areas of 40 e 60m² by selfparticipation. However are still lacking scientific data on the constructive characteristics of these houses, as well as a after-occupational evaluation. Thus, the present Work presents data referring to the assays of soft and hard body, water resistant, thermal comfort and resistance to fire, as well as presents the base of the after-occupational evaluation of already existing houses for with new architectural proposals. The assays had shown that not all the analyzed parameters are inside the technical norms scales (NBRs). To take care of the necessities of the users of future habitation units, new architectural proposals for houses with 29,13m ², 29,28m ², 44,32m ² and 59,60m ² are presented using the constructive system with molded panels with addition of rubber residue. / Uma habitação popular deve ser entendida não somente como uma simples unidade habitacional, mas também como um espaço confortável, seguro e salubre; sendo assim é necessário estudo sobre a utilização de materiais alternativos, bem como as tipologias mais indicadas. Resíduos de borracha de pneu estão sendo utilizados em diversas áreas da construção civil, sendo como um agregado fino no concreto, painéis de revestimento ou no isolamento acústico. A aplicação do sistema de placas pré-moldadas, construídas com material reciclável (resíduo de borracha) é empregada em edificações populares, há quase duas décadas, na cidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - RS. O sistema construtivo é executado em parte com a utilização de mão de obra carcerária, com as placas sendo produzidas na Penitenciária e pela autoconstrução de residências com áreas de 40 e 60 m² no sistema de mutirão. No entanto ainda faltaram dados científicos sobre as características construtivas destas casas, bem como uma avaliação pós-ocupacional. Assim, o presente Trabalho apresenta dados referentes aos ensaios de corpo mole e duro, estanqueidade à água, conforto térmico e resistência ao fogo, bem como apresenta a base da avaliação pós-ocupacional das casas já existentes, com novas propostas arquitetônicas. Os ensaios mostraram que não todos os parâmetros analisados estão dentro do previsto pelas normas técnicas (NBRs). Para atender às necessidades dos usuários e de futuras unidades habitacionais, novas propostas arquitetônicas para casas com 29,13m², 29,28m², 44,32m² e 59,60m² são apresentadas utilizando o sistema construtivo com placas pré-moldadas com adição de resíduo de borracha.

Plan de negocio para el desarrollo e implementación de una empresa exclusiva de chatarra para SIDERPERU / Business plan for the development and implementation of an exclusive scrap company for SIDERPERU

Ugarte Franco, Luis Raul, Ramos Barreto, Anthony, Moncada Leon, Paulo Andre 29 August 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo desarrollar un plan de negocios para la constitución de una empresa proveedora de chatarra ferrosa para SIDERPERU y aprovechamiento de los subproductos de esta actividad. La empresa se enfocará en cuatro productos: Maquila de Chatarra, aluminio, cobre y plomo, para los cuales se identifica una oportunidad de negocio, sustentada en que actualmente el acopio y proceso de la chatarra metálica es realizado ya sea por pequeños recolectores informales, o por las mismas empresas fundidoras de metales las cuales emplean recursos en una actividad que no es el objetivo principal de su negocio. Para determinar la viabilidad se realizó un análisis previo del sector de procesamiento de chatarra y subproductos en nuestro país, donde se evidenció que las empresas que realizan la maquila (acopio, selección y clasificación) son en mayoría informales, sin una organización estructurada lo que no les permite obtener rentabilidad en los procesos internos. A través de diversas herramientas para el análisis estratégico del negocio, se realizó un diagnóstico tanto externo como interno, concluyendo que existe un mercado demandante en crecimiento y una oferta que no cubre la totalidad de las necesidades. Dentro del análisis económico financiero realizado, se calcularon los diferentes indicadores que permitieron determinar la rentabilidad del negocio, además se definió el plan de financiamiento, la estructura de costos y se estimó el estado de resultados. Se concluye que es recomendable la inversión en el negocio por el concepto novedoso, la oportunidad en el mercado y la rentabilidad esperada. / The objective of this research work is to develop a business plan for the constitution of a supplier of ferrous scrap for SIDERPERU and use of the by-products of this activity. The company will focus on four products: Processed metal scrap, aluminum, copper and lead, for which a business opportunity is identified, supported by the fact that currently the collection and processing of metal scrap is carried out either by small informal collectors, or by the same metal smelting factories which use resources in an activity that is not the main objective of their business. To determine the viability, a previous analysis of the scrap and by-products processing sector in our country was carried out, where it was shown that the companies that carry out the process (collection, selection and classification) are mostly informal, without a structured organization, which is not allows them to obtain profitability in internal processes. Through various tools for the strategic analysis of the business, an external and internal diagnosis was made, concluding that there is a growing demanding market and an offer that does not cover the totality of the clients' needs. Within the economic and financial analysis carried out, the different indicators that allowed determining the profitability of the business were calculated, in addition the financing plan, the cost structure and the income statement were estimated. It is concluded that investment in the business is recommended due to the novel concept, the opportunity in the market and the expected profitability. / Trabajo de investigación

Cirkulär materialhantering för minskad klimatpåverkan inom byggbranschen / Circular material handling for reduced climate impact in the construction sector

Erlandsson, Lisa, Landström, Inez January 2019 (has links)
Återvinning av olika varor i dagens samhälle är viktigt för att uppnå minskad miljöpåverkan. Genom att minska uttaget av jungfruligt material och istället använda återvunnet material kan en positiv klimatpåverkan erhållas. Att eliminera linjära materialflöden till fördel för cirkulära flöden kan ekonomisk vinning uppfyllas via affärsmodeller inom cirkulär ekonomi. Byggsektorn står för en betydande del av miljöpåverkan och resursanvändningen, samt genererat avfall i samhället. Därmed finns stora möjligheter att öka cirkularitet genom bättre system för återvinning och därmed främja en mer hållbar framtid. Från NCC gavs ett uppdrag med syfte att undersöka hur stor andel återvunnet material som byggdes in i deras bostadsprojekt. Genom intervjuer med deras leverantörer undersökte denna studie hur stor andel återvunnet material som deras mest använda byggvaror bestod av. Dessa byggvaror var betong, armering, mineralull, cellplast, gips och kök. Vidare undersöktes vilka möjligheter till återvinning som fanns för respektive vara. Syftet var också att, utöver detta, finna mer miljövänliga alternativ för byggbranschen i allmänhet och i synnerhet för de produkter som i dagsläget har störst förbättringspotential. Resultatet visar att andelen återvunnet material för respektive byggvara var varierande, från 0 % till 96 %. Tillsammans bidrar dessa värden till en total andel för NCC’s bostadsprojekt på 8,5 %. Kunskapen och möjligheten till att öka andelen återvunna material som byggvarorna innehåller finns hos leverantörerna. En faktor till detta var att andrahandsvärdet varierade stort samt att det saknas ekonomiska incitament för att sortera byggavfallet. Slutsatsen är därför att det krävs en ökad kostnad för att ta ut jungfruligt material i kombination med att det måste kosta mer att deponera. Med andra ord, förbrukat material ska inte ses som avfall utan som en resurs för att cirkulär ekonomi ska kunna förverkligas i samhället och därmed bidra till positiv miljöpåverkan och förbättrad resurshushållning. Utbildning, samarbete och personligt engagemang är faktorer som krävs för att denna samhällsomställning ska kunna ske. / Recycling of waste is important for the environment in today ́s society. Through less use of new raw material and increased use of recycled material, the climate change can be battled. To eliminate linear flow of material in favour of circular is a part of circular economy. The construction industry contributes to a significant part of both the energy consumption and the amount of waste, and therefore has great opportunities to recycle NCC wants to know how much recycled material they used in their housing projects. Through interviews with their suppliers, this study investigates how much recycled material some of their most used building goods (for example concrete, reinforcement and isolation) contained. Further, the opportunities for recycling of the different types of building goods were analysed. The purpose was also to find more eco-friendly alternatives to the construction industry in general and in particular to the goods which had the largest potential of improvement. The result showed that the proportion of recycled material varied and the total proportion for NCC’s housing projects was low. The knowledge and the opportunities to increase the proportion is known by the suppliers but the majority of the building goods consists a general low proportion. One factor was that the second hand value was varied. Another was that there were no incentive for recycling, which leads to a lack of motivation at the worksite. The conclusion is therefore that waste should be seen as a resource in order to implement circular economy to a greater extent and to contribute to the climate in a positive way. Education, collaboration and personal engagement is factors which is needed to fulfil this adaptation of the society.

Materiais didáticos para cartografia escolar: metodologias para a construção de mapas em sala de aula / Instructional materials for school cartography: methodologies for the construction of maps in the classroom

Leite, Gerson Rodrigues 14 February 2014 (has links)
A partir de experiências como docente da disciplina de Geografia no Ensino Fundamental e Médio, foi possível analisar as práticas didáticas que contribuem positivamente com o estudo da Geografia em sala de aula, especialmente atividades que envolvem a análise e elaboração de mapas temáticos em conjunto com o conteúdo programático aplicado durante o ano letivo. Neste cenário foi possível elaborar uma pesquisa para o público alvo composto por alunos do 6º e 9º Ano do Ensino Fundamental e 3º Ano do Ensino Superior, com aplicação de atividades e avaliações entre o período de 2010 e 2012 em conjunto com o conteúdo programático de cada período. Esta pesquisa visou analisar o potencial e a viabilidade de aplicação de atividades de construção de mapas temáticos em sala de aula. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos e adaptados materiais didáticos com recursos alternativos de baixo custo, como radiografias recicladas e papel, além de metodologias para reduzir o tempo de elaboração de mapas em sala de aula. Os critérios de avaliação dos alunos que participaram das atividades foram definidos para avaliar o grau de leitura cartográfica anterior e após a realização das atividades propostas. Para subsidiar a pesquisa, foi feita uma análise bibliográfica sobre a importância da Cartografia no Ensino de Geografia e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a realização de atividades práticas durante as aulas. Outro objetivo desta pesquisa foi disponibilizar os materiais aos professores de Geografia para reprodução e/ou adaptação. Assim, os materiais produzidos foram padronizados e apresentados da maneira mais simples possível, a partir de matérias-primas de fácil acesso em qualquer localidade. Os resultados obtidos mostram que após a construção de mapas temáticos em sala de aula, os alunos apresentam melhor rendimento na leitura e interpretação de mapas e temas relacionados à Geografia, especialmente os alunos com maiores dificuldades de aprendizagem. É possível assim, afirmar que a construção de mapas em sala de aula de forma constante é viável, contribui para o ensino de Geografia, e, consequentemente, para a formação escolar de alunos de todos os níveis do Ensino. / From experiences as a Geography teacher in elementary and high school, it was possible to analyze the teaching practices that contribute positively to the study of geography in the classroom, especially activities that involve the analysis and preparation of thematic maps in together with the curriculum implemented during the school year. In this scenario it was possible to develop a survey for the target audience that consists of students from 6th and 9th year of elementary school and 3 Year Higher Education , with application activities and assessments between the period 2010 and 2012 in conjunction with the syllabus of each period. This research aimed to analyze the potential and feasibility of construction activities of thematic maps in the classroom. Thus, we developed and adapted learning materials with low cost alternative resources, such as radiographs and recycled paper, and methodologies to reduce the time of preparation of maps in the classroom. The evaluation criteria of the students who participated in the activities were defined to assess the degree of previous cartographic reading and following completion of the proposed activities. To support the research, an analysis of the literature on the importance of cartography in the Teaching of Geography and the factors that facilitate or hinder the achievement of practical activities during lessons. Another objective of this research was providing materials to teachers of Geography for reproduction and / or adaptation. Thus, the materials produced were standardized and presented in the simplest possible way, from raw materials for easy access from any location. The results show that after the construction of thematic maps in the classroom, students have better performance in reading and interpreting maps and topics related to geography, especially students with major learning difficulties. You can thus say that the construction of maps in the classroom is feasible steadily contributing to the teaching of geography, and, consequently, for the schooling of students from all levels of education.

Produktutveckling av flytbarhetsutrustning / Product Development of Fluidity Test Equipment

Gustafsson, Nils, Markus, Olsson January 2015 (has links)
Detta examensarbete omfattar produktutvecklingen av en komponent till en mätutrustning som ska mäta flytbarheten hos smält metall. Arbetet har utförts hos Bryne AB och har lett fram till koncept-, material- och tillverkningsförslag för komponenten. Arbetet har även utvärderat ett för gjuteribranschen nytt formmaterial som alternativ till dagens gjutsand. Tester har gjorts för att se om återvunnet (material x) går att använda som formmaterial till högtemperaturapplikationer. / This thesis covers the product development of a component for a measuring device that measures the fluidity of molted metal. The work has been performed at Bryne AB and has led to concept, material and manufacturing proposal for the component. This work has also evaluated new molding material to be used in foundries that can be an alternative to today's molding sand. Tests have been made to see if recycled (material x) can be used as mold material for high temperature applications. / <p>Uppladdad version av rapporten är en offentlig kopia av orginalrapporten. I den offentliga versionen har känslig information fått ett annat namn för att inte påverka uppdragsgivarens patentansökan.</p>

Materiais didáticos para cartografia escolar: metodologias para a construção de mapas em sala de aula / Instructional materials for school cartography: methodologies for the construction of maps in the classroom

Gerson Rodrigues Leite 14 February 2014 (has links)
A partir de experiências como docente da disciplina de Geografia no Ensino Fundamental e Médio, foi possível analisar as práticas didáticas que contribuem positivamente com o estudo da Geografia em sala de aula, especialmente atividades que envolvem a análise e elaboração de mapas temáticos em conjunto com o conteúdo programático aplicado durante o ano letivo. Neste cenário foi possível elaborar uma pesquisa para o público alvo composto por alunos do 6º e 9º Ano do Ensino Fundamental e 3º Ano do Ensino Superior, com aplicação de atividades e avaliações entre o período de 2010 e 2012 em conjunto com o conteúdo programático de cada período. Esta pesquisa visou analisar o potencial e a viabilidade de aplicação de atividades de construção de mapas temáticos em sala de aula. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos e adaptados materiais didáticos com recursos alternativos de baixo custo, como radiografias recicladas e papel, além de metodologias para reduzir o tempo de elaboração de mapas em sala de aula. Os critérios de avaliação dos alunos que participaram das atividades foram definidos para avaliar o grau de leitura cartográfica anterior e após a realização das atividades propostas. Para subsidiar a pesquisa, foi feita uma análise bibliográfica sobre a importância da Cartografia no Ensino de Geografia e os fatores que facilitam ou dificultam a realização de atividades práticas durante as aulas. Outro objetivo desta pesquisa foi disponibilizar os materiais aos professores de Geografia para reprodução e/ou adaptação. Assim, os materiais produzidos foram padronizados e apresentados da maneira mais simples possível, a partir de matérias-primas de fácil acesso em qualquer localidade. Os resultados obtidos mostram que após a construção de mapas temáticos em sala de aula, os alunos apresentam melhor rendimento na leitura e interpretação de mapas e temas relacionados à Geografia, especialmente os alunos com maiores dificuldades de aprendizagem. É possível assim, afirmar que a construção de mapas em sala de aula de forma constante é viável, contribui para o ensino de Geografia, e, consequentemente, para a formação escolar de alunos de todos os níveis do Ensino. / From experiences as a Geography teacher in elementary and high school, it was possible to analyze the teaching practices that contribute positively to the study of geography in the classroom, especially activities that involve the analysis and preparation of thematic maps in together with the curriculum implemented during the school year. In this scenario it was possible to develop a survey for the target audience that consists of students from 6th and 9th year of elementary school and 3 Year Higher Education , with application activities and assessments between the period 2010 and 2012 in conjunction with the syllabus of each period. This research aimed to analyze the potential and feasibility of construction activities of thematic maps in the classroom. Thus, we developed and adapted learning materials with low cost alternative resources, such as radiographs and recycled paper, and methodologies to reduce the time of preparation of maps in the classroom. The evaluation criteria of the students who participated in the activities were defined to assess the degree of previous cartographic reading and following completion of the proposed activities. To support the research, an analysis of the literature on the importance of cartography in the Teaching of Geography and the factors that facilitate or hinder the achievement of practical activities during lessons. Another objective of this research was providing materials to teachers of Geography for reproduction and / or adaptation. Thus, the materials produced were standardized and presented in the simplest possible way, from raw materials for easy access from any location. The results show that after the construction of thematic maps in the classroom, students have better performance in reading and interpreting maps and topics related to geography, especially students with major learning difficulties. You can thus say that the construction of maps in the classroom is feasible steadily contributing to the teaching of geography, and, consequently, for the schooling of students from all levels of education.

Sledování modulů pružnosti podloží vozovek / Monitoring of the modulus of elasticity of the pavement subgrade

Hladík, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with compares the procedures carried out in the cyclical load triaxial testing device according to CSN EN 13286-7, and the procedures performed in the United States of America. In the practical part elasticity moduls of mixed recycled material are experimentally compared with mixed recycled material containing binder(connective material) and with fine-grained soil in the cyclical load triaxial testing device. Further the thesis assesses the use of mixed recycled material in the construction of a third class low-load pavement.

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