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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da microinjeção de neurotransmissores e neuropeptídeos no núcleo póstero-dorsal da amígdala medial no controle cardiovascular em ratos

Quagliotto, Edson January 2011 (has links)
O subnúcleo póstero-dorsal da amígdala medial (AMePD) de ratos modula comportamentos sociais, como é o reprodutivo, e respostas a estímulos estressantes. Para tanto, são necessários ajustes concomitantes da função cardiovascular. Dada sua notável presença no AMePD, o glutamato (GLU), o ácido δ-aminobutírico (GABA), a ocitocina (OT), a somatostatina (SST) e a angiotensina II (Ang II) poderiam estar envolvidos em tais ajustes homeostáticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da microinjeção de GLU, GABA, OT, SST e Ang II microinjetados diretamente no AMePD de ratos não anestesiados sobre o controle cardiovascular em situação basal e após estimulação dos barorreceptores e quimiorreceptores. Ratos machos Wistar (3 meses de idade) foram mantidos em condições padrão de biotério e cuidados éticos. Os animais foram anestesiados e submetidos à cirurgia estereotáxica para implantação unilateral de cânula no AMePD, lado direito. No quinto dia pós-cirúrgico, os animais foram novamente anestesiados e submetidos à colocação de cateter de polietileno na luz da artéria aorta abdominal e outro na veia cava inferior. Um dia após a canulação dos vasos, os animais foram microinjetados no AMePD com solução salina (0,3 μl; n = 8), GLU na dose de 2 μg/0,3 μl (n = 7), GABA nas doses de 61 ng/0.3μl (n = 7) e de 100 μg/0.3 μl (n = 7), OT nas doses de 10 ng/0,3 μl (n = 7) e de 25 pg/0,3 μl (n = 6), SST nas doses de 1 μM/0,3μl (n = 8) e de 15 fmol/0,3μl (n = 5) e Ang II nas doses de 50 fmol/0,3 μl (n = 7) e de 50 pmol/0,3 μl (n = 7). Dados de frequência cardíaca (FC) e de pressão arterial (PA) foram registrados por 15 minutos em período basal, controle, e, a seguir, foram microinjetadas as substâncias mencionadas e testadas as variáveis de interesse. Os reflexos pressóricos foram testados pela injeção de fenilefrina (8 μg/ml) e nitroprussiato de sódio (100 μg/ml) e os quimiorreceptores, pela de cianeto de potássio (doses crescentes desde 60 até 180 μg/kg). O modelo autoregressivo de análise espectral e a análise simbólica foram utilizados para avaliar a variabilidade da FC e da PA e as atividades simpática e vagal responsáveis pela variabilidade nos dados registrados. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste da análise da variância (ANOVA) de duas vias para medidas repetidas e pelo teste post hoc de Newman- Keuls ou pela ANOVA de uma via e pelo teste de Tukey, conforme apropriado. O nível de significância estatística foi estabelecido em p < 0,05. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos estudados nos valores de FC, PA sistólica, PA diastólica e PA média em situação basal ou após as diferentes microinjeções nos grupos microinjetados com neurotransmissores ou com os neuropeptídeos estudados (p > 0,05). Microinjeções de salina, de GLU (2 μg) ou GABA (61 ng ou 100 μg; n = 7 cada grupo) não afetaram os parâmetros basais ou respostas do quimiorreflexo. Os valores correspondentes à curva da modificação da PAM de acordo com a variação da FC foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os grupos estudados, sendo que a curva após a microinjeção de GABA 61 ng no AMePD foi diferente dos grupos que receberam salina ou GABA na maior dose (100 μg; p < 0,05 em ambos os casos). No que se refere ao platô de taquicardia, a curva de inclinação dos dados referente à sensibilidade média do barorreflexo foi diferente entre os grupos que receberam GLU ou GABA em ambas as doses em comparação com o que recebeu salina (p < 0,01). O GLU aumentou valores índices das análises espectral e simbólica simpáticos relacionados com modulações cardíaca e vascular (P <0,05). A administração de GABA (61 ng) também induziu os maiores valores de variabilidade na FC (P <0,05) que pode ser e associado a uma ativação parassimpática central. No grupo de animais microinjetados com salina, OT (10 ng e 25 pg), SST (1μM e 15 fmol) e Ang II (50 fmol e 50 pmol) no AMePD, os valores mais próximos do basal foram obtidos com a menor dose de KCN (60 μg/kg) e ocorreu, conforme o esperado, uma redução estatisticamente significativa maior na FC quando foram aumentadas as doses injetadas de KCN para 100 μg/kg, 140 μg/kg ou 180 μg/kg (teste de Newman-Keuls, p < 0,001 em todos os casos, quando comparadas com a menor dose injetada). Ang II na dose de 50 pmol microinjetada no AMePD gerou maior diminuição reflexa na FC quando comparado com o grupo controle após a estimulação dos quimiorreceptores com KCN nas doses de 60 e 140 μg/kg (p < 0,05). Ang II na dose de 50 pmol microinjetada no AMePD gerou maior diminuição reflexa na PA quando comparado com o grupo controle após a estimulação dos quimiorreceptores com KCN na dose de 140 μg/kg (p < 0,05). Os valores referentes ao ponto de maior inclinação da curva pressórica referente a respostas geradas pelos barorreceptores, (PA50), após injeções de fenilefrina e nitroprussiato de sódio, foram menores nos ratos que receberam OT na dose de 10 ng ou SST na dose de 1 μM microinjetadas no AMePD, quando comparado ao grupo controle (p < 0,05). Os valores referentes à sensibilidade média do barorreflexo (ganho em bpm/mmHg), após injeções de fenilefrina e nitroprussiato de sódio, foi maior no grupo que recebeu OT na dose de 10 ng quando comparado com a Ang II na dose de 50 pmol. Houve maior variabilidade na PA sistólica, na FC, no componente de baixa e de alta frequência do tacograma e no índice de atividade simpático-vagal da análise espectral nos grupos que receberam OT nas doses de (10 ng e 25 pg), SST (1μM e 15 fmol) e Ang II na dose de 50 pmol (p < 0,05). Tais dados, indicam que o AMePD se vale de sua atividade glutamatérgica, GABAérgica, ocitocinérgica, somatostatinérgica e angiotensinérgica local, por circuitaria própria ou devido a aferências neurais, para modificar variáveis cardiovasculares provavelmente concomitantemente à organização de comportamentos. / The postero-dorsal subnucleus of the medial amygdala (MePD) modulates social behavior of rats, such as reproduction, and responses to stressful stimuli. To this end, concomitants adjustments of the cardiovascular function are modulate. Given its remarkable presence in the MePD, glutamate (GLU), Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), oxytocin (OT), somatostatin (SST) and angiotensin II (Ang II) could be involved in such homeostatic adjustments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of microinjection of GLU, GABA, OT, SST and Ang II microinjected directly into the rats MePD on non-anesthetized of cardiovascular control under basal conditions and after stimulation of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors. Male Wistar rats (3 months old) were maintained under standard laboratory conditions and ethical care. The animals were anesthetized and submitted to unilateral stereotactic surgery for implantation of the cannula in the right MePD. On the fifth postoperative day, the animals were again anesthetized and underwent placement of polyethylene catheter in the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. One day after the cannulation of the vessels, the animals were microinjected with saline solution, GLU (2 μg/0,3 μl, n = 7), GABA (61 ng/0.3μl, n = 7 and 100 μg/0.3 μl, n = 7), OT (10 ng/0,3 μl, n = 7 and 25 pg/0,3 μl, n = 6), SST (1 μM/0,3μl, n = 8 and 15 fmol/0,3μl, n = 5) and Ang II (50 fmol/0,3 μl, n = 7 and 50 pmol/0,3 μl, n = 7) in the MePD. Data for heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were recorded for 15 minutes at baseline and then were microinjected the substances aforementioned and tested the variables of interest. Baroreceptor function was tested by phenylephrine (8 μg/ml) and sodium nitroprusside (100 μg/ml) injections. Chemoreflex was tested by potassium cyanide (60 – 180 μg/ml) injections. The autoregressive model of symbolic analysis and spectral analysis were used to evaluate the variability of HR and BP and the sympathetic and vagal activities responsible for variability in the data recorded. The data were compared by a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test for repeated measures and the post hoc Newman-Keuls or an one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test for repeated measures and the post hoc Newman-Keuls whenever appropriate. The level of statistical significance was set at P ≤ 0.05. There was no statistical difference between groups in the values of HR, systolic BP, diastolic BP and mean BP at baseline or after microinjections in the different groups (P > 0.05). Microinjections of saline, GLU (2 μg) or GABA (61 ng or 100 μg; n = 7 each group) did not affect the basal or responses the of chemoreflex. The values of the curve of change in the MAP in accordive to the variation of HR, were statistically different between groups, and the curve after the microinjection of GABA 61 ng in the MePD was different in the groups that received saline or the highest GABA dose (100 μg, P < 0.05 in both cases). With regard to the plateau of tachycardia, the slope of the data on the average baroreflex sensitivity was different among the groups receiving GLU or GABA at both doses compared to that received saline (P < 0.01). GLU increased power spectral and symbolic sympathetic indexes related with both cardiac and vascular modulations (P < 0.05). The GABA administration (61 ng, but not 100 μg) also induced higher values of HR variability (P < 0.05), rather associated with a parasympathetic activation. In the group of animals microinjected with saline, OT (10 ng and 25 pg), SST (1μM and 15 fmol) and Ang II (50 fmol and 50 pmol) in MePD, there was as expected, a statistically significant greater reduction in HR increasing when the injected doses of KCN to 100 μg/kg, 140 μg/kg or 180 μg/kg (Newman-Keuls test, P < 0.001 in all cases when compared with the lower injected dose). Ang II at the dose of 50 pmol generated a higher reflex decrease in HR compared to the control group after stimulation of the chemoreceptors with KCN at doses of 60 and 140 μg/kg (P < 0.05). Ang II at the dose of 50 pmol generated a higher reflex decrease in BP compared with the control group after stimulation of the chemoreceptors with KCN at the dose of 140 μg/kg (P < 0.05). The values for the point of greatest slope of the AP response generated by baroreceptors (MAP50) was lower in rats given OT at the dose of 10 ng or SST at the dose of 1 μM compared to the control group (P < 0.05). The average values for the baroreflex sensitivity (gain in bpm/mm Hg) after the injection of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was greater in the group receiving OT at the dose of 10 ng compared with Ang II at the dose of 50 pmol. There was a greater variability in systolic BP, HR, the component of low and high frequency of tachogram and the sympathovagal index studied by spectral analysis in the groups that received OT (10 ng and 25 pg), SST (1 μM and 15 fmol) and Ang II (50 pmol; P < 0.05). These data indicate that the MePD has a glutamatergic, GABAergic, ocitocinergic, somatostatinergic angiotensinergic modulatory activity on cardiovascular response most likely involved in the central organization of behaviors.

Efeito da microinjeção de neurotransmissores e neuropeptídeos no núcleo póstero-dorsal da amígdala medial no controle cardiovascular em ratos

Quagliotto, Edson January 2011 (has links)
O subnúcleo póstero-dorsal da amígdala medial (AMePD) de ratos modula comportamentos sociais, como é o reprodutivo, e respostas a estímulos estressantes. Para tanto, são necessários ajustes concomitantes da função cardiovascular. Dada sua notável presença no AMePD, o glutamato (GLU), o ácido δ-aminobutírico (GABA), a ocitocina (OT), a somatostatina (SST) e a angiotensina II (Ang II) poderiam estar envolvidos em tais ajustes homeostáticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da microinjeção de GLU, GABA, OT, SST e Ang II microinjetados diretamente no AMePD de ratos não anestesiados sobre o controle cardiovascular em situação basal e após estimulação dos barorreceptores e quimiorreceptores. Ratos machos Wistar (3 meses de idade) foram mantidos em condições padrão de biotério e cuidados éticos. Os animais foram anestesiados e submetidos à cirurgia estereotáxica para implantação unilateral de cânula no AMePD, lado direito. No quinto dia pós-cirúrgico, os animais foram novamente anestesiados e submetidos à colocação de cateter de polietileno na luz da artéria aorta abdominal e outro na veia cava inferior. Um dia após a canulação dos vasos, os animais foram microinjetados no AMePD com solução salina (0,3 μl; n = 8), GLU na dose de 2 μg/0,3 μl (n = 7), GABA nas doses de 61 ng/0.3μl (n = 7) e de 100 μg/0.3 μl (n = 7), OT nas doses de 10 ng/0,3 μl (n = 7) e de 25 pg/0,3 μl (n = 6), SST nas doses de 1 μM/0,3μl (n = 8) e de 15 fmol/0,3μl (n = 5) e Ang II nas doses de 50 fmol/0,3 μl (n = 7) e de 50 pmol/0,3 μl (n = 7). Dados de frequência cardíaca (FC) e de pressão arterial (PA) foram registrados por 15 minutos em período basal, controle, e, a seguir, foram microinjetadas as substâncias mencionadas e testadas as variáveis de interesse. Os reflexos pressóricos foram testados pela injeção de fenilefrina (8 μg/ml) e nitroprussiato de sódio (100 μg/ml) e os quimiorreceptores, pela de cianeto de potássio (doses crescentes desde 60 até 180 μg/kg). O modelo autoregressivo de análise espectral e a análise simbólica foram utilizados para avaliar a variabilidade da FC e da PA e as atividades simpática e vagal responsáveis pela variabilidade nos dados registrados. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste da análise da variância (ANOVA) de duas vias para medidas repetidas e pelo teste post hoc de Newman- Keuls ou pela ANOVA de uma via e pelo teste de Tukey, conforme apropriado. O nível de significância estatística foi estabelecido em p < 0,05. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos estudados nos valores de FC, PA sistólica, PA diastólica e PA média em situação basal ou após as diferentes microinjeções nos grupos microinjetados com neurotransmissores ou com os neuropeptídeos estudados (p > 0,05). Microinjeções de salina, de GLU (2 μg) ou GABA (61 ng ou 100 μg; n = 7 cada grupo) não afetaram os parâmetros basais ou respostas do quimiorreflexo. Os valores correspondentes à curva da modificação da PAM de acordo com a variação da FC foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os grupos estudados, sendo que a curva após a microinjeção de GABA 61 ng no AMePD foi diferente dos grupos que receberam salina ou GABA na maior dose (100 μg; p < 0,05 em ambos os casos). No que se refere ao platô de taquicardia, a curva de inclinação dos dados referente à sensibilidade média do barorreflexo foi diferente entre os grupos que receberam GLU ou GABA em ambas as doses em comparação com o que recebeu salina (p < 0,01). O GLU aumentou valores índices das análises espectral e simbólica simpáticos relacionados com modulações cardíaca e vascular (P <0,05). A administração de GABA (61 ng) também induziu os maiores valores de variabilidade na FC (P <0,05) que pode ser e associado a uma ativação parassimpática central. No grupo de animais microinjetados com salina, OT (10 ng e 25 pg), SST (1μM e 15 fmol) e Ang II (50 fmol e 50 pmol) no AMePD, os valores mais próximos do basal foram obtidos com a menor dose de KCN (60 μg/kg) e ocorreu, conforme o esperado, uma redução estatisticamente significativa maior na FC quando foram aumentadas as doses injetadas de KCN para 100 μg/kg, 140 μg/kg ou 180 μg/kg (teste de Newman-Keuls, p < 0,001 em todos os casos, quando comparadas com a menor dose injetada). Ang II na dose de 50 pmol microinjetada no AMePD gerou maior diminuição reflexa na FC quando comparado com o grupo controle após a estimulação dos quimiorreceptores com KCN nas doses de 60 e 140 μg/kg (p < 0,05). Ang II na dose de 50 pmol microinjetada no AMePD gerou maior diminuição reflexa na PA quando comparado com o grupo controle após a estimulação dos quimiorreceptores com KCN na dose de 140 μg/kg (p < 0,05). Os valores referentes ao ponto de maior inclinação da curva pressórica referente a respostas geradas pelos barorreceptores, (PA50), após injeções de fenilefrina e nitroprussiato de sódio, foram menores nos ratos que receberam OT na dose de 10 ng ou SST na dose de 1 μM microinjetadas no AMePD, quando comparado ao grupo controle (p < 0,05). Os valores referentes à sensibilidade média do barorreflexo (ganho em bpm/mmHg), após injeções de fenilefrina e nitroprussiato de sódio, foi maior no grupo que recebeu OT na dose de 10 ng quando comparado com a Ang II na dose de 50 pmol. Houve maior variabilidade na PA sistólica, na FC, no componente de baixa e de alta frequência do tacograma e no índice de atividade simpático-vagal da análise espectral nos grupos que receberam OT nas doses de (10 ng e 25 pg), SST (1μM e 15 fmol) e Ang II na dose de 50 pmol (p < 0,05). Tais dados, indicam que o AMePD se vale de sua atividade glutamatérgica, GABAérgica, ocitocinérgica, somatostatinérgica e angiotensinérgica local, por circuitaria própria ou devido a aferências neurais, para modificar variáveis cardiovasculares provavelmente concomitantemente à organização de comportamentos. / The postero-dorsal subnucleus of the medial amygdala (MePD) modulates social behavior of rats, such as reproduction, and responses to stressful stimuli. To this end, concomitants adjustments of the cardiovascular function are modulate. Given its remarkable presence in the MePD, glutamate (GLU), Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), oxytocin (OT), somatostatin (SST) and angiotensin II (Ang II) could be involved in such homeostatic adjustments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of microinjection of GLU, GABA, OT, SST and Ang II microinjected directly into the rats MePD on non-anesthetized of cardiovascular control under basal conditions and after stimulation of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors. Male Wistar rats (3 months old) were maintained under standard laboratory conditions and ethical care. The animals were anesthetized and submitted to unilateral stereotactic surgery for implantation of the cannula in the right MePD. On the fifth postoperative day, the animals were again anesthetized and underwent placement of polyethylene catheter in the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. One day after the cannulation of the vessels, the animals were microinjected with saline solution, GLU (2 μg/0,3 μl, n = 7), GABA (61 ng/0.3μl, n = 7 and 100 μg/0.3 μl, n = 7), OT (10 ng/0,3 μl, n = 7 and 25 pg/0,3 μl, n = 6), SST (1 μM/0,3μl, n = 8 and 15 fmol/0,3μl, n = 5) and Ang II (50 fmol/0,3 μl, n = 7 and 50 pmol/0,3 μl, n = 7) in the MePD. Data for heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were recorded for 15 minutes at baseline and then were microinjected the substances aforementioned and tested the variables of interest. Baroreceptor function was tested by phenylephrine (8 μg/ml) and sodium nitroprusside (100 μg/ml) injections. Chemoreflex was tested by potassium cyanide (60 – 180 μg/ml) injections. The autoregressive model of symbolic analysis and spectral analysis were used to evaluate the variability of HR and BP and the sympathetic and vagal activities responsible for variability in the data recorded. The data were compared by a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test for repeated measures and the post hoc Newman-Keuls or an one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test for repeated measures and the post hoc Newman-Keuls whenever appropriate. The level of statistical significance was set at P ≤ 0.05. There was no statistical difference between groups in the values of HR, systolic BP, diastolic BP and mean BP at baseline or after microinjections in the different groups (P > 0.05). Microinjections of saline, GLU (2 μg) or GABA (61 ng or 100 μg; n = 7 each group) did not affect the basal or responses the of chemoreflex. The values of the curve of change in the MAP in accordive to the variation of HR, were statistically different between groups, and the curve after the microinjection of GABA 61 ng in the MePD was different in the groups that received saline or the highest GABA dose (100 μg, P < 0.05 in both cases). With regard to the plateau of tachycardia, the slope of the data on the average baroreflex sensitivity was different among the groups receiving GLU or GABA at both doses compared to that received saline (P < 0.01). GLU increased power spectral and symbolic sympathetic indexes related with both cardiac and vascular modulations (P < 0.05). The GABA administration (61 ng, but not 100 μg) also induced higher values of HR variability (P < 0.05), rather associated with a parasympathetic activation. In the group of animals microinjected with saline, OT (10 ng and 25 pg), SST (1μM and 15 fmol) and Ang II (50 fmol and 50 pmol) in MePD, there was as expected, a statistically significant greater reduction in HR increasing when the injected doses of KCN to 100 μg/kg, 140 μg/kg or 180 μg/kg (Newman-Keuls test, P < 0.001 in all cases when compared with the lower injected dose). Ang II at the dose of 50 pmol generated a higher reflex decrease in HR compared to the control group after stimulation of the chemoreceptors with KCN at doses of 60 and 140 μg/kg (P < 0.05). Ang II at the dose of 50 pmol generated a higher reflex decrease in BP compared with the control group after stimulation of the chemoreceptors with KCN at the dose of 140 μg/kg (P < 0.05). The values for the point of greatest slope of the AP response generated by baroreceptors (MAP50) was lower in rats given OT at the dose of 10 ng or SST at the dose of 1 μM compared to the control group (P < 0.05). The average values for the baroreflex sensitivity (gain in bpm/mm Hg) after the injection of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside was greater in the group receiving OT at the dose of 10 ng compared with Ang II at the dose of 50 pmol. There was a greater variability in systolic BP, HR, the component of low and high frequency of tachogram and the sympathovagal index studied by spectral analysis in the groups that received OT (10 ng and 25 pg), SST (1 μM and 15 fmol) and Ang II (50 pmol; P < 0.05). These data indicate that the MePD has a glutamatergic, GABAergic, ocitocinergic, somatostatinergic angiotensinergic modulatory activity on cardiovascular response most likely involved in the central organization of behaviors.

Vyšetření dynamické zrakové ostrosti u zdravých jedinců / Dynamic visual acuity testing in healthy individuals

Rezlerová, Pavlína January 2017 (has links)
In this study we examined dynamic visual acuity as a functional testing of the vestibulo- ocular reflex. Two groups were examined: 22 healthy seniors and 22 healthy young people as controls. We used two types of situations for testing: while walking on a treadmill at a speed of 2, 4 and 5 kmph, and with a subject's head passively moved in yaw and pitch plane. Visual acuity was measured with optotype charts (for the walking test it was a standard Snellen optotype chart at 6 m distance, for the test of head moves it was a Jaeger chart at 30 cm distance). The values obtained in these ways we related to values of a subject's static visual acuity, measured in the same conditions, just before the dynamic situations were examined. We found significant difference of dynamic visual acuity in senior group within each condition tested. We also found a significant decline as for difference of dynamic visual acuity in the senior group compared to young subjects - in the walking test at 4 and 5 kmph and in both head-moving conditions. These results indicate age-related impairment in function of vestibulo-ocular reflex. Based on our results, the test of passive head moves appears to be more suitable for ordinary clinical examination of dynamic visual acuity.

Cutaneous Autonomic Pilomotor Testing to Unveil the Role of Neuropathy Progression in Early Parkinson’s Disease (CAPTURE PD): Protocol for a Multicenter Study

Siepmann, Timo, Pintér, Alexandra, Buchmann, Sylvia J., Stibal, Leonie, Arndt, Martin, Kubasch, Anne Sophie, Kubasch, Marie Luise, Penzlin, Ana Isabel, Frenz, Elka, Zago, Wagner, Horváth, Tamás, Szatmári Jr., Szabolcs, Bereczki, Dániel, Takáts, Annamária, Ziemssen, Tjalf, Lipp, Axel, Freeman, Roy, Reichmann, Heinz, Barlinn, Kristian, Illigens, Ben Min-Woo 10 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Background: In Parkinson’s disease (PD), alpha-synuclein accumulation in cutaneous autonomic pilomotor and sudomotor nerve fibers has been linked to autonomic nervous system disturbances even in the early stages of the disease. This study aims to assess the association between alpha-synuclein-mediated structural autonomic nerve fiber damage and function in PD, elucidate the role of neuropathy progression during the early disease stages, and test reproducibility and external validity of pilomotor function assessment using quantitative pilomotor axon-reflex test and sudomotor function via quantitative direct and indirect test of sudomotor function. Methods/design: A prospective controlled study will be conducted at four study sites in Europe and the USA. Fifty-two male and female patients with idiopathic PD (Hoehn and Yahr 1–2) and 52 age- and sex-matched healthy controls will be recruited. Axon-reflex-mediated pilomotor erection will be induced by iontophoresis of phenylephrine on the dorsal forearm. Silicone impressions of the response will be obtained, scanned, and quantified for pilomotor muscle impressions by number, impression size, and area of axon-reflex spread. Axon-reflex-mediated sweating following acetylcholine iontophoresis will be quantified for number and size of droplets and axon-reflex spread. Sympathetic skin responses, autonomic and motor symptoms will be evaluated. Tests will be performed at baseline, after 2 weeks, 1, 2, and 3 years. Skin biopsies will be obtained at baseline and after 3 years and will be analyzed for nerve fiber density and alpha-synuclein accumulation. Discussion: We anticipate that progression of autonomic nerve dysfunction assessed via pilomotor and sudomotor axon-reflex tests is related to progression of autonomic symptom severity and alpha-synuclein deposition. Potential applications of the techniques include interventional studies evaluating disease-modifying approaches and clinical assessment of autonomic dysfunction in patients with PD.

Selective wavelength pupillometry to evaluate outer and inner retinal photoreception

Kawasaki, Aki January 2013 (has links)
Purpose Intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) express a unique photopigment called melanopsin. Capable of direct phototransduction, the ipRGCs are also influenced by rods and cones via synaptic inputs.  Thus, the photoinput that mediates the pupil light reflex derives from both outer (rods and cones) and inner (melanopsin-mediated) retinal photoreception. This thesis has aimed to develop a pupillometric test that provides quantitative information about the functional status of outer and inner retinal photoreception in healthy eyes and in eyes with retinal degeneration. In addition to regulating the pupil light reflex, the ipRGCs signal light information for the circadian rhythm, thus, these two non-visual physiologic responses to inner retinal photoreception were examined simultaneously. Methods Pupil responses to a long and short wavelength light over a range of intensities (under conditions of light, mesopic and dark adaptation) were recorded using a customized infrared computerized pupillometer. Results were compared for two groups: patients with retinitis pigmentosa and controls. The response function threshold intensity and a half-max intensity was determined from the rod-weighted and cone-weighted pupil responses and correlated to extent of visual loss. The pupil response to light offset was assessed as a measure of direct melanopsin activation. Lastly, pupil responses to red and blue light at equal photo flux were recorded hourly during a 24-hour period and correlated to salivary melatonin concentrations in healthy subjects. Results In normal eyes, the blue light evoked greater pupil responses compared to equiluminant red light. With increasing intensity, pupil contraction became more sustained which was most apparent with the brightest blue light. In patients with retinitis pigmentosa, the pupil responses mediated predominantly by rod and cone activation were significantly reduced compared to controls, (p&lt;0.001) and the relative decrease in their contribution resulted in a greater influence of melanopsin on the post-stimulus response. Even at endstage retinal degeneration, pupil responses that derived predominantly from residual cone activity were detectable. The threshold intensity of the rod-mediated, but not cone-mediated, pupil response was also significantly reduced (p=0.006) in patients and the half-maximal intensity of rods correlated with severity of visual loss (r2=0.7 and p=0.02). In healthy controls, the melanopsin-mediated pupil response demonstrated a circadian modulation whereas the cone-mediated pupil response did not. Conclusion Early and progressive loss of rod function in mild-moderate stages of retinitis pigmentosa is detectable and quantifiable as a progressive loss of pupillary sensitivity to extremely dim blue lights obtained under conditions of dark adaptation. In advanced stages of retinal degeneration, chromatic pupillometry is more sensitive than standard electroretinography for detecting residual levels of rod and especially cone activity. In addition, selective wavelength pupillometry can assess non-visual light-dependent functions. The timing of the post-stimulus pupil response to blue light is in phase with melatonin secretion, suggesting a circadian regulation of this pupil parameter. / Bakgrund Jätteganglieceller (intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells, ipRGCs) är en klass av fotoreceptorer som utnyttjar ett unikt vitamin-A-baserat fotopigment som kallas melanopsin. Utöver deras direkta ljuskänslighet, mottar ipRGCs stimulerande och hämmande synaptiska signaler från andra fotoreceptorer (tappar och stavar) som därigenom kan modulera aktiviteten hos ipRGCs. Ögats pupillreflex medieras alltså av ljus både via yttre (stavar och tappar) och inre (melanopsin-medierad) retinal fotoreception, och den gemensamma afferenta pupillomotor-signalen leds till den pretectala nucleus olivarius via axoner från ipRGCs. Arbetet i denna avhandling syftar till att utveckla ett kliniskt pupilltest som ger kvantitativ information om yttre och inre retinala fotoreceptorers funktionella status hos friska försökspersoner och patienter med retinal degeneration. Förutom att styra pupillreflexen, skickar ipRGCs även impulser som påverkar kroppens dygnsrytm. Därför ingår även en delstudie i vilken ipRGCs aktivitet studeras genom att avläsa icke-visuella fysiologiska reaktioner på inre retinal fotoreception. Metoder Ljus av lång (röd) respektive kort (blå) våglängd presenterades med stegvis ökad ljusstyrka för att selektivt stimulera stavar, tappar eller melanopsin. Pupillreaktionerna registrerades med en infraröd datoriserad pupillometer och jämfördes mellan friska kontroller och patienter med retinitis pigmentosa. I uppföljande experiment gjordes mer noggranna tester i syfte att isolera aktiveringen av varje ljusmottagande element. Tröskelintensiteten för stav- eller tapp-medierad pupillreaktion bestämdes med linjär regressionsanalys. Reaktionskurvan för stavmedierad pupillreflex kvantifierades (halv-maximal intensitet) och jämfördes med svårighetsgraden av sjukdomen i två familjer med samma sjukdomsframkallande mutation för retinitis pigmentosa. För att undersöka icke-visuella reaktioner på inre fotoreception från ipRGCs, undersöktes pupillreaktion på rött och blått ljus varje timme under en 24-timmarsperiod och korrelerades till melatoninkoncentration i saliv hos friska personer med normal syn. Resultat I normala ögon, gav blått ljus en kraftigare pupillreaktion jämfört med rött ljus av samma ljusstyrka. Med ökande intensitet, blev pupillkontraktionen mer ihållande, vilket var tydligast med starkt blått ljus. Hos patienter med retinitis pigmentosa, var både tapp- och stav-medierad pupillreaktion signifikant reducerad jämfört med kontroller, (p&lt;0,001). Patienter med avancerad sjukdom och icke-reaktivt elektro-retinogram hade fortfarande mätbar pupillreflex, huvudsakligen härrörande från kvarvarande stavaktivitet. I två familjer med retinitis pigmentosa beroende på en enda missense-mutation av NR2E3 genen, var tröskelvärdet för stavmedierad pupillreflex signifikant reducerat (p= 0,006) och korrelerade till sjukdomens svårighetsgrad. Tappmedierad pupillreflex hos dessa patienter skilde sig dock inte signifikant från kontroller, trots att fotopiskt (tapp) elektroretinogram var klart avvikande. Hos friska kontroller visade melanopsinmedierat pupillsvar en dygnsvariation medan tapp-medierat pupillsvar inte gjorde det. Slutsatser Som tillägg till standardundersökningar kan selektiv våglängds-pupillometri (kromatisk pupillometri) vara användbart för utvärdering av funktionen hos stavar och tappar. Denna avhandling visar att tidig och gradvis förlust av stav-funktion i milt-måttligt stadium av retinitis pigmentosa är detekterbar och mätbar som en progressiv förlust av pupillens känslighet för mycket svagt blått ljus, efter mörkeradaptation. I avancerade stadier av retinal degeneration är kromatisk pupillometri känsligare än standardelektroretinografi för att detektera kvarvarande nivåer av stav- och speciellt tapp-aktivitet. Hos unga patienter, där elektroretinografi kan vara tekniskt svårt, är pupillometri en lovande teknik för att värdera yttre retinal fotoreception relaterad till synfunktion. Dessutom kan selektiv våglängdspupillometri ge information om icke-visuella ljusberoende funktioner. Pupillreaktionen på blått ljus varierar med melatoninsekretionen, vilket tyder på en cirkadisk reglering. Ytterligare studier krävs för att undersöka om selektiv våglängds-pupillometri även kan användas i samband med sjukdomar relaterade till störd dygnsrytm, som sömnlöshet och årstidsbunden depression.

Shoreline carbonate structures in West Reflex Lake, Alberta-Saskatchewan

Harrison, Jemma 31 March 2017 (has links)
West Reflex Lake is a hypersaline lake in the Canadian Great Plains. The lake contains four types of shoreline carbonate structures: isolated pinnacles, bioherms (aggregates of pinnacles), laminated coatings, and beachrock. This study investigates the processes of formation of West Reflex Lake’s shoreline carbonates. A variety of petrographic and geochemical techniques were used to characterize the texture, mineralogy, and chemistry of the carbonates. The shoreline carbonates formed as a result of biotic and abiotic precipitation at the site of saline springs that supply Ca2+ to the lake. Evidence for biologically-influenced precipitation includes strong epifluorescence, presence of micrite cements, and abundance of microbial filaments. Abiotically-precipitated cements formed due to groundwater inflow. The isolated pinnacles and bioherms formed as a result of groundwater percolating through a framework of microbial filaments, whereas the laminated coatings formed as a result of calcification of coherent microbial mats adhering to a substrate. / May 2017

Implications of potassium channel heterogeneity for model vestibulo-ocular reflex response fidelity

McGuinness, James January 2014 (has links)
The Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) produces compensatory eye movements in response to head and body rotations movements, over a wide range of frequencies and in a variety of dimensions. The individual components of the VOR are separated into parallel pathways, each dealing with rotations or movements in individual planes or axes. The Horizontal VOR (hVOR) compensates for eye movements in the Horizontal plane, and comprises a linear and non-linear pathway. The linear pathway of the hVOR provides fast and accurate compensation for rotations, the response being produced through 3-neuron arc, producing a direct translation of detected head velocity to compensatory eye velocity. However, single neurons involved in the middle stage of this 3-neuron arc cannot account for the wide frequency over which the reflex compensates, and the response is produced through the population response of the Medial Vestibular Nucleus (MVN) neurons involved. Population Heterogeneity likely plays a role in the production of high fidelity population response, especially for high frequency rotations. Here we present evidence that, in populations of bio-physical compartmental models of the MVN neurons involved, Heterogeneity across the population, in the form of diverse spontaneous firing rates, improves the response fidelity of the population over Homogeneous populations. Further, we show that the specific intrinsic membrane properties that give rise to this Heterogeneity may be the diversity of certain slow voltage activated Potassium conductances of the neurons. We show that Heterogeneous populations perform significantly better than Homogeneous populations, for a wide range of input amplitudes and frequencies, producing a much higher fidelity response. We propose that variance of Potassium conductances provides a plausible biological means by which Heterogeneity arises, and that the Heterogeneity plays an important functional role in MVN neuron population responses. We discuss our findings in relation to the specific mechanism of Desynchronisation through which the benfits of Heterogeneity may arise, and place those findings in the context of previous work on Heterogeneity both in general neural processing, and the VOR in particular. Interesting findings regarding the emergence of phase leads are also discussed, as well as suggestions for future work, looking further at Heterogeneity of MVN neuron populations.

Existence of an Alpha One-Adrenoceptor-Mediated Coronary Vasoconstrictor Reflex During Acute Systemic Hypoxia, in Anesthetized, Open-Chest Dogs

Grice, Derald Preston 12 1900 (has links)
The presence of an alpha-adrenoceptor--mediated coronary vasoconstrictor reflex during acute systemic hypoxia was examined in thirteen chloralose-anesthetized dogs. Local vasodilator effects were avoided by perfusing the left common coronary artery (LCC) with normoxic blood, while the dogs were ventilated with 5% 02-95% N2 . Left ventricular afterload was held constant and positive cardiac inotropic responses and beta two-adrenoceptor-mediated coronary vasodilation were blocked by propranolol. Parasympatheticmediated bradycardia and coronary vasodilation were blocked with atropine. Systemic hypoxia decreased LCC flow to normoxic myocardium by 19.4+2.6 %. Although myocardial oxygen extraction increased 9.7+2.9 %, myocardial oxygen consumption decreased 16.5+2.6 %. Intracoronary prazosin prevented the reflex vasoconstriction during repeated hypoxia.

The Effect of the Tonic Neck Reflex upon Fatigue of the Extensor Leg Muscles

Cate, Susan Carol 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the investigation was to determine the effect of the tonic neck posture upon fatigue induced by exhaustive exercise of the knee extensor muscles of college women. The subjects were college females enrolled in physical education activity classes at North Texas State University. The F ratio was used to determine significance of the difference in fatigue measures in the three head positions. The results of the present investigation revealed no statistically significant difference between the three head positions with respect to their influence on endurance of the leg extensors. Conclusions were that the tonic neck reflex does not facilitate or inhibit leg extensor endurance.

H-reflex při provádění pasivních pohybů / H reflex during pasive movements

Borský, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Title: Motoneuron excitability depending on the level of muscle stretch Aim: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate if passive muscle lenght change may influence parameters of H - reflex of soleus muscle Method: Tibial nerve stimulation in the fossa poplitea area was performed on 6 persons while passive stretching or lengthening of the muscle. Action potentials were captured on soleus muscle. Stimulation was performed in three different time periods - 4s, 2s, 1s. Each period was performed twice. First in passive muscle stretching then the passive shortening. The Hmax and Mmax values during passive muscle stretching and shortening were evaluated and compared. Results: The measurment results showed that there was a significant decrease in the Hmax values during passive muscle stretching. Mmax values were evaluated as passive muscle length change independent. Keywords: EMG, recruitment curve, H-reflex, M-wave, m.soleus, excitability

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