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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikání, inovace a regionální rozvoj / Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development

Peťura, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
RESUMÉ Regional development is, in the broader context, dealing with the competitive advantage of regions, which significantly influences the character of entrepreneurship and innovation. The principles of regional development are based on the ability of the environment to create new knowledge and innovation, which is then capitalized in the market. The economic performance of regions ensures sustainable development, social harmony and also eliminates regional disparities. It is the uneven development of regions that is creating the economic and social environment of social inclusion and, in the process, causes labor migration and economic backwardness in certain areas. The European principle of regional development on the basis of cohesion is ensured through economic tools and directed by investing public funds into land development and human resources. Funds are distributed in a way that should serve the best to strengthen the competitiveness of the less competitive regions. At the beginning of my thesis, I dealt with the principles of regional development and defined the fundamental concepts I use in this thesis. I also described the legislative framework for the functioning of the regional policy in the Czech Republic. In the second chapter, I focused on institutional support of regional development,...

Startups in a Developing Region: The Case of Brazil's Northeast

Denton-Schneider, Jonathan Daniel, Denton-Schneider, Jonathan Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Brazil's persistent economic volatility highlights the need for Latin American countries to transition from exporting commodities to producing innovative goods and services. Higher- income Brazilian regions like the Southeast have been more successful at this shift than the Northeast, which remains toward the bottom of the World Bank's upper-middle-income range. The goal of my research is to examine how northeastern Brazil can become a more innovative regional economy. One route is to increase high-potential entrepreneurship in cities like Fortaleza, the node linking Brazil to global Internet traffic and the capital of a state that built a 3,000 km fiber optic network to spur innovation. I studied the cases of four high-potential startups to understand the factors that affect their growth and internationalization in the Northeast. To collect my data, I interviewed the founders of each venture as well as consultants and officials who support new firms. In addition to expected barriers like bureaucracy and low foreign language proficiency, I found that the region's oligarchic society impeded the growth of its startups and Brazil's long history of protectionism hindered their internationalization.

Zhodnocení vzájemných vazeb firem a regionu - případová studie Dioss Nýřany, a.s., MD Elmont, s. r. o., Lasselsberger, s.r.o. / Evaluation of companies and region relationships – case study Dioss Nýřany a.s., MD Elmont s.r.o., Lasselsberger s.r.o.

Vesecká, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The target of this dissertation is the determinativ of positives and negative sof chosen companies in the specified region, and namely in two wals -- in relation to the company impal into the region and in relation to the region impact into the company. The pracitcal part of this work is focused on companies Dioss Nýřany, a.s., MD Elmont, s.r.o. and Lasselsberger, s.r.o. Possible positives and negatives are in this work determined across the sectors and region types. They are structured into the groups of "economic", "social" and "environmental" aspects. The work contains the komplete characteristics of chosen companies and as an integral part of this work there i salso the komplete characteristics of chosen region.

Lokalizace podnikatelských aktivit / Localization of enterprise activities

Damborský, Milan January 2010 (has links)
The first location theories are based on assumptions of perfect competition (J. H. von Thünen, A. Weber). These theories build fundaments for other classic and modern theories of location decision-making process. Modification of perfect competition based on location theories was realized by implementation of assumptions of imperfect competition (H. Hotelling, A. Lösch). The key point of the location service sector theory is the central places theory (W. Christaller). The influence of French background is important in the pole development theory (F. Perroux, G. Myrdal) which is giving the base for interpretation of spatial dimension of modern cluster theory (M. Porter, J. R. Baldwin). The behavioral theory's authors deconstructed the assumptions of rational behaviour of consumers and firms (J. K. Galbraith, J. R. Commons). The following theories explain location decision making processes of international corporations (A. Markusen, R. Vernon, P. Krugman). Tested location factors are based on this theoretical background. The methods used for testing are empirical research, econometric modeling, regional analysis and case studies. Tested location factors are divided into three groups: (1) important for majority of firms irrespective of sector or size characterization; none of mentioned factors, (2) factors important for some sector of size category; tangible costs, nearness of market, complementary services, regional economic growth, personal interests (3) factors insignificant over the sector and size character; nearness of competitors, nearness of suppliers, possibility to gain especial market position, possibility of cooperation with competitors, following of successful competitors, personal managerial interests. Research results are applied to current situation of post-industrial economy of the Czech Republic.

Vliv letecké dopravy na regionální rozvoj v České republice / Impact of air transport on regional development in the Czech Republic

Kraus, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This paper begins with looking at air travel and its history in the world and in our country. It also includes the factors influencing air transport to regional development. The main part is focused on the analysis of regional air transport in the Czech Republic. Airports are described by regions, including the evaluation of their significance. The five largest airports in our country are analyzed in detail, including their history, air connections and the potential development. The aim of this paper is to clarify the impact of aviation on regional development in the Czech Republic. The question is if there are any effects and in the case that yes, to which factors and how big is the influence. Recommendations for the future how best and most effective way to combine air travel with its surroundings will be formulated based on the collected data and findings.

Komparace nezaměstnanosti v Moravskoslezském, Karlovarském a Ústeckém kraji / Comparison of unemployment in Moravskoslezský, Karlovarský and Ústecký region

Tulisová, Marie January 2009 (has links)
This graduation thesis is focused on the formation and development of unemployment in the present Czech territory. Emphsis is placed on areas most affected by unemployment, it is in Moravskoslezský, Karlovarský and Ústecký region. The theoretical section explores the reasons for high unemployment in these regions. In the practical part is solved the interrelationship between unemployment and population strukture by sex, age and education.

Disparity v oblasti cestovního ruchu v kraji Vysočina / Disparity in the Sphere of Tourism in the Vysočina Region

Nováčková, Marcela January 2008 (has links)
This work focuses on regional disparities in the Sphere in the Vysočina Region. This work analyses the offer of tourism in these area, it looks for disparities in microregions Pelhřimovsko and Jihlavsko and it recommends indikators for their measuring. Using this indicators this work assesses the disparities of tourism and recommends some ways to reduce these regional disparities.

Novas dinâmicas territoriais na Amazônia. Implicações/desdobramentos da mineração da bauxita em Juruti / New territorial dynamics in Amazonia: unfoldings of bauxite mining in Juruti (PA)

Marialva, Dilza Azevedo 30 January 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a instalação de um grande empreendimento comandado pela empresa multinacional Alcoa no município de Juruti (PA). Trata-se de uma pequena cidade da Amazônia brasileira que se integra à economia internacional devido a sua inserção no circuito produtivo do alumínio, com a mineração e beneficiamento da bauxita pela Alcoa. A pesquisa aponta mudanças significativas para o lugar, entre outras: incorporação de novos objetos técnicos como porto, ferrovia, planta da empresa; expansão do tecido urbano; aumento da população; fluxos criados e intensificados no trânsito; aumento da violência; impactos sobre nascentes de rios. O novo arranjo territorial produzido pela verticalidade que representa a chegada da empresa conduz a reações por parte da população local. Trata-se de ações exercidas como resultado de horizontalidades préexistentes, que se reforçam frente a este novo contexto. É o caso da Associação das Comunidades da Região de Juruti Velho (Acorjuve), formada por comunidades que moram próximas ao terreno ocupado pela empresa e que consegue uma negociação para receber taxa de 1,5% sobre o resultado da lavra, condição de resistência do lugar pelo uso do território. A dinâmica territorial de Juruti muda, porém nem o aumento na arrecadação de impostos desde o início das operações em setembro de 2009 mudou a sua posição na configuração regional; continua como cidade polarizada por Santarém. Este estudo contribui para o entendimento de que as transformações ocorridas na escala intra-urbana e municipal são desdobramentos das relações existentes entre os circuitos espaciais produtivos e os lugares bem como das interações sociais, econômicas e políticas consequentemente estabelecidas. / This dissertation analyzes the installation of a large enterprise headed by the multinational company Alcoa in the city of Juruti (PA). It is a small city of Brazilian Amazon which integrates with the international economy due to its insertion into the circuit of aluminum production, with mining and processing of bauxite by Alcoa. The research indicates the significant changes to the place, among others: the incorporation of new technical objects such as companys port, railway and plant; expansion of the urban fabric; population growth; creation and intensification of traffic flow, increase in violence, impacts on springs of the rivers. The new territorial arrangement produced by the verticality represents the arrival of the company, and leads to reactions from the local population. These actions are taken as a result of pre-existing horizontality, reinforced to face this new context. This is the case of the Association of Communities of Old Juruti Region (Acorjuve), funded by the communities which live near to the land occupied by the company, and can negotiate to receive a rate of 1.5% over the result of mining, condition of resistance of the place by the use of the territory. The territorial dynamic of Juruti changes, but neither the increase in tax revenue since the beginning of its operation in September 2009 modifies its position in the regional configuration; it remains as a city polarized by Santarém. This study contributes to understand that the changes occurred in the intra-urban and municipal scale are developments of existing relationships between the productive space circuits and the places as well as of the social, economic and political interactions consequently settled

Análise espacial das interações econômicas entre os estados brasileiros / Spatial analysis of the economic interactions among the Brazilian states

Perobelli, Fernando Salgueiro 17 June 2004 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é analisar as interações econômicas das unidades da Federação. Cabe ressaltar que as interações serão tratadas neste trabalho como o comércio entre as diversas unidades espaciais e suas relações mercantis com o resto do mundo. Para atingir tal objetivo foi especificado um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável de tradição australiana (B-MARIA27-IT). O modelo é composto por seis tipos de agentes, quais sejam: setores produtivos, investidores, famílias, governo federal, governo regional e setor externo. Em cada uma das 27 regiões contempladas há oito setores produzindo oito bens. O setor externo é dividido em cinco blocos de comércio: NAFTA, resto da ALCA, União Européia, Mercosul e resto do mundo. Para analisar a estrutura de interações econômicas entre as unidades da Federação foi implementado um exercício de simulação, que consistiu em um deslocamento na curva de demanda por exportações para os diversos blocos de comércio, ou seja, uma proxy do fortalecimento das interações destas unidades com determinado bloco de comércio. Através deste exercício pode-se verificar, por exemplo, qual o impacto de um aumento das transações internacionais de um setor localizado em determinada unidade da Federação, sobre os fluxos de comércio interno das demais unidades da Federação. Ao fazer esta análise através de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável (EGC) pode-se levar em conta a possibilidade de substituição entre bens domésticos e importados, a variação nos preços relativos, a possibilidade de substituição diferenciada para os bens de exportação, dentre outros. Cabe ainda ressaltar que, para analisar a interdependência entre setores, regiões e famílias de forma mais acurada, é importante levar em conta, por exemplo, diferenciais de preço e mobilidade dos fatores de produção, dentre outros fatores. Logo, a estrutura de EGC parece-nos mais adequada para tratar, de forma completa, as interações espaciais entre as unidades da Federação. / The principal aim of this thesis is to analize the economic interactions among the Brazilian states. The economic interactions in this work will be treated as trade among the Brazilian states and trade between the Brazilian states and the rest of the world. In order to reach this objective a computable general equilibrium model was specified (B-MARIA27-IT). The model is formed by productive sectors, investors, households, federal government, regional government and external sector. There are 8 sectors responsible for the production of 8 goods in each one of the 27 regions. The external sector is divided in five regions: NAFTA, rest of FTAA, European Union, Mercosur and rest of the world. In order to analise the structure of economic interactions among the Brazilian states was implemented a simulation that changed the exports demand for each one of the external regions. This simulatin can be understand as a proxy of an increase in the relationship between the Brazilian states and external sector. This exercise will enable us to verify which will be the impact upon the inter-state trade flows of an increase in the international trade flows of each Brazilian state. The general equilibrium approach considers the possibility of substitution between domestic goods and imported goods, changes in the relative prices, imperfect substitution among goods, factor production mobility, etc. So we can affirm that the general equilibrium approach is adequate to capture the whole picture of spatial interacions of the Brazilian states.

A trajetória de Mario Osorio Marques na construção do desenvolvimento regional: Ijuí - RS segunda metade do século XX

Lopes, Fátima Marlise Marroni Rosa 02 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T12:06:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2 / Nenhuma / Este estudo qualitativo teve como objetivo conhecer a trajetória de Mario Osorio Marques na construção do desenvolvimento regional do Noroeste, do Rio Grande do Sul aqui compreendida (pelo município de Ijuí e pelos municípios do seu entorno). A hipótese principal é que as palavras, práticas e ações (participativas, associativas e de confiança) escritas, desenvolvidas e utilizadas por Frei Matias/ Mario Osorio junto à comunidade local e regional contribuíram para o desenvolvimento dessa região. Compreende esta tese um estudo biográfico de Mario Osorio Marques, nascido no ano de 1925, no século XX. Para tanto analisei sua origem, formação religiosa, formação intelectual e militância social e a maneira como ele pensava a Universidade de Ijuí. Uma universidade inserida na comunidade promovendo o desenvolvimento local e regional desde a sua criação – FAFI/ FIDENE/UNIJUÍ. No desenvolver da pesquisa procurei manter a idéia de que o estudo biográfico é inseparável do exame das “circunstâncias” e através da narrativa / This qualitative study aimed to ascertain the trajectory of Mario Osorio Marques in the construction of the Northwest regional development – Rio Grande do Sul, here understood as the municipality of Ijuí and the municipalities of it surroundings. The hypothesis is that the words, actions and practices (participatory, associative and confidence) written, developed and used by Frei Matias/Mario Osorio at the regional and local community contributed to the development of the region. This thesis includes a biographical study of Mario Osorio Marques, born in the year of 1925, in the twentieth century. For in such a way, I analyzed his origin, religious formation, intellectual formation and social militancy and the way as it thought the University of Ijuí. The university inserted in the community by promoting local and regional development since its creation – FAFI/FIDENE/UNIJUÍ. In the development of the research I tried to keep the idea that the biographical study is inseparable from the examination of "circumsta

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