Spelling suggestions: "subject:"relativisme"" "subject:"relativismen""
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The search for public virtueLanza, Jean-François 31 August 2021 (has links)
Le problème central de l’éthique est le scepticisme épistémique. On considère que cela commence, à l’époque moderne, avec Hume, puis sera codifié par Hegel insistant qu’aucune expérience objective ne saurait être décrite abstraction faite de la subjectivité, à moins qu'on puisse rendre compte de manière non-subjective du processus de représentation. Le scepticisme épistémique proclame que le droit naturel classique commet le sophisme naturaliste. En y substituant le droit naturel moderne, il conduit inéluctablement au relativisme. Deux cents ans de tentatives n’ont pas produit de réfutation du scepticisme, ni aucune théorie qui puisse passer le test de Hegel. Ils ont en fait servi à démontrer qu'il est impossible d’y parvenir tant que la question métaphysique du langage n’aura été d’abord résolue. Notre thèse tente une réfutation des problèmes du scepticisme épistémique, du relativisme éthique et du nihilisme métaphysique, en dégageant les méta-théories qui sont les présupposés tacites de la philosophie contemporaine. Il s'agit de montrer qu'elles sont injustifiées, de voir comment et pourquoi on en est rendu là, et quelle métaphysique rendrait possible la réfutation qui s’impose. / The central problem for ethics is epistemic scepticism. This is taken to begin, in modem times, with Hume and to be codified by Hegel’s insistence that no objective account of experience can be given without reference to the subjectivity of the experiencer and unless there is a non-subjective account of the process of representation.Epistemic scepticism proclaims classical natural right as a naturalistic fallacy and, by the introduction of modem natural right, leads inevitably to ethical relativism. Two hundred years of attempts have not produced any refutation of scepticism, nor any theory that could pass Hegel's test. They have instead strongly indicated that there is no way to satisfy these requirements unless the metaphysical question of language is solved first.This thesis will attempt the refutation of the problems of epistemic scepticism, ethical relativism and metaphysical nihilism by shedding light on the meta-theories that are the unspoken assumptions of contemporary philosophy, by showing that they are unjustified and indicating what went wrong and why. It will also provide for the right metaphysics that will allow the required refutation. Read more
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The Capabilities Approach as a Foundation for an Ethical-Political Theory of the GoodKurstak, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
L’approche des capabilités a été caractérisée par un développement fulgurant au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années. Bien que formulée à l’origine par Amartya Sen, détenteur du Prix Nobel en économie, Martha Nussbaum reprit cette approche dans le but de s’en servir comme fondation pour une théorie éthico-politique intégrale du bien. Cependant, la version de Nussbaum s’avéra particulièrement vulnérable à plusieurs critiques importantes, mettant sérieusement en doute son efficacité globale. À la lumière de ces faits, cette thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence théorique et pratique de l’approche des capabilités de Nussbaum, en examinant trois groupes de critiques particulièrement percutantes formulées à son encontre. / The capabilities approach has seen significant development over the past quarter century, branching out into a variety of fields and directions. Originally developed by Nobel Prize Laureate Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum has sought to extend this approach beyond its mainly instrumental role into a tangible foundation for a full-fledged ethical-political theory of the good. However, this move has attracted a great number of criticisms levelled against Nussbaum’s specific version of the capabilities approach. In this thesis, I identify three main groups of observations under which said criticisms can be classified, and assess their respective strength and tenability. Read more
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Recherche clinique et "double standard éthique" dans les pays du Sud : enjeu des processus de discussion dans les prises de décisions collectives et individuelles / Clinical Resaerch and “double standard éthique” in developing countries : issues for discussion of process in collective and individual decision-makingBereterbide, France 07 December 2011 (has links)
Nombre de « scandales éthiques » ont émaillé l’actualité de la recherche clinique dans les pays du Sud. Face à ce constat, il semble que les principes fondateurs de l’éthique de la recherche biomédicale admis et promulgués par les déclarations et les conférences de consensus internationales ne suffisent pas à protéger au Sud les volontaires participant à des essais cliniques. Nécessitant une adaptation hors du contexte qui a permis leur consolidation, bien que soit donné à voir à chaque nouveau scandale à quel point tout infléchissement des cadres normatifs peut être porteur de dérives inadmissibles, ces principes s’avèrent pour partie remis en question par la situation économique, sanitaire, sociétale des pays du Sud.Le concept de « double standard éthique » décrivant le double écueil auquel l’éthique de la recherche doit faire face, celle-ci s’avère captive d’une forme d’impérialisme des principes et des valeurs ou bien vouée au relativisme moral. La première alternative semble devoir conduire inexorablement à l’arrêt des recherches cliniques dans les pays ne permettant pas l’application stricte des normes qui les encadrent au Nord. La deuxième semble quant à elle mener à l’acceptation d’une réalisation irresponsable,dérégulée, d’essais cliniques aux finalités variables. Face à ce constat, se pose la question de savoir si cette alternative entre absolutisation de la norme et dérégulation peut être dépassée afin de penser une éthique de la recherche au Sud à la fois universelle et singulière.L’exploration de cette question permettra de redéfinir l’éthique comme processus de discussion et de priorisation des principes universels guidé par une compréhension de situations toujours singulières. De ce point de vue, l’adaptation des « conceptions internationalistes » de l’éthique de la recherche à la singularité des contextes apparaîtra non comme une nécessité externe, provoquée par un élément extérieur,mais comme un devoir inhérent à la nature même de la visée éthique. Plus encore, les questions posées par les contextes des pays du Sud à l’éthique de la recherche clinique serviront de révélateur en contribuant à montrer le bien fondé d’une remise encause des interprétations normatives de ses principes, au Nord y compris.7 / Number of “ethical scandals” have punctuated the news of clinical research in developing countries. Given this fact, it seems that the founding principles of the ethics’ biomedical research accepted and promulgated by declarations and international conferences are not enough to protect the volunteers participating in clinical trials in South’s countries. Out of context enabling their strengthening, ethical principles require adaptation. If each new scandal shows how any shift in regulatory frameworks may carry unacceptable abuses, these principles are nevertheless found challenged by South’s economic, state of health and social organizations. The concept of “double standard ethics” describes the twin dangers to which the biomedical research ethics faces. Indeed, biomedical research is captive to a form of imperialism of principles and values, or devoted to moral relativism. The first alternative seems to lead inexorably to the cessation of clinical research in developing countries do not allow the strict application of the standards that govern the North. The second appears to lead to the acceptance of irresponsible and unregulated clinical trials.Given this situation, the question arises whether this alternative may be exceeded in order to assume a research ethics in the South at once universal and unique. The exploration of this issue will redefine ethics as a process of discussion and priorization of universal principles guided by an understanding of situations always singular. From this point of view, the adaptation of “internationalist conceptions” of research ethics to unique contexts appear not as an external necessity but as a duty inherent in the nature of the ethical aim. Moreover, questions asked by the contexts of the South’s countries to the ethics’ clinical research will serve as a contributing developer to show the merits of a challenge to normative interpretations of its principles, including in North’s countries. Read more
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The Capabilities Approach as a Foundation for an Ethical-Political Theory of the GoodKurstak, Daniel 12 1900 (has links)
L’approche des capabilités a été caractérisée par un développement fulgurant au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années. Bien que formulée à l’origine par Amartya Sen, détenteur du Prix Nobel en économie, Martha Nussbaum reprit cette approche dans le but de s’en servir comme fondation pour une théorie éthico-politique intégrale du bien. Cependant, la version de Nussbaum s’avéra particulièrement vulnérable à plusieurs critiques importantes, mettant sérieusement en doute son efficacité globale. À la lumière de ces faits, cette thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence théorique et pratique de l’approche des capabilités de Nussbaum, en examinant trois groupes de critiques particulièrement percutantes formulées à son encontre. / The capabilities approach has seen significant development over the past quarter century, branching out into a variety of fields and directions. Originally developed by Nobel Prize Laureate Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum has sought to extend this approach beyond its mainly instrumental role into a tangible foundation for a full-fledged ethical-political theory of the good. However, this move has attracted a great number of criticisms levelled against Nussbaum’s specific version of the capabilities approach. In this thesis, I identify three main groups of observations under which said criticisms can be classified, and assess their respective strength and tenability. Read more
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Essai d'universalisation du principe d'égalité entre époux : analyse comparative à la lumière des droits français et camerounais / A comparative analysis in the light of French and Cameroonian lawDjoko Noubissi, Eunice 02 November 2015 (has links)
L'essai d'universalisation du principe d'égalité consiste à l'appréhender non dans un sens statique, mais plutôt, dans une logique dynamique. C'est l'ouverture du principe à une pluralité d'interprétations prenant en compte les besoins et aspirations de chaque société. Si cette démarche contribue ainsi à enrichir le concept, elle ne saurait justifier que ce principe soit complètement vidé de son contenu. C'est le véritable enjeu de cette analyse qui, sans doute imparfaitement, a tenté de trouver les voies et moyens permettant à la fois d'affirmer l'universalisation du principe d'égalité et la prise en compte des spécificités locales. L'égalité entre époux, parce qu'elle touche à l'idée qu'on se fait de la famille, rend la tâche plus ardue. Car la famille a une forte imprégnation dans les mœurs et les discussions y relatives sont rarement dénuées de passions et d'idéologies. A cela, il a fallu ajouter, de façon non moins négligeable, les considérations politiques, économiques, socioculturelles qui construisent un univers symbolique, et partant, déteignent sur l'interprétation in concreto du principe d'égalité entre époux. Une certitude doit être retenue : seuls des apports divers et variés pourraient donner tout son sens à l'universalité du principe d'égalité, qui à bien y voir, est une riche et belle conquête. Si des difficultés d'application du principe demeurent dans le contexte où il a vu le jour, celles-ci sont encore plus grandes lorsqu'est envisagée sa transposition dans d'autres ères géographiques. D'où la nécessaire prudence et l'exigence d'une certaine subtilité. Le charme du principe d'égalité résiderait peut-être dans le fait qu'il est en perpétuel mouvement. / The attempt to universalize the principle of equality consists of analysing it none as static, but as a dynamic concept. It is its openness to a variety of interpretations taking into consideration the needs and aspirations of each society. If that approach contributes to enrich the concept, it wouldn't lead to empty its content. That is the main challenge of this study, which, probably imperfectly has tried to find means and ways, allowing both the affirmation of the universality of the principle of equality and taking into consideration local particularities. Equality between spouses, because it is grounded in the thinking behind the idea of family, makes the task difficult. Indeed, family has a profound anchorage in the mainstream thinking, and discussions around it are rarely conducted without passions and ideologies. To that, one should add that economic, political and sociocultural considerations which build up a symbolic world, and so affecting the interpretation in concreto of the principle of equality between spouses. One thing for should be kept in mind: only diverse and varied contributions could give all its meaning to the universality of the principle of equality, which to some extent, is a rich and beautiful conquest. Even if implementation difficulties of the principle remain to deal with, there are more important when its transposition is envisaged in other geographical areas. Thus, there is a necessity of prudence and the requirement of some subtility. The charm of the principle of equality could reside perhaps in the fact that it is in a constant evolution. Read more
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Emotion structure, emotion meaning and emotion episodes of white Afrikaans–speaking working adults / van der Merwe, A.S.Van der Merwe, Aletta Sophia January 2011 (has links)
Emotion research is an important research topic, thus making the measurement of emotion in the
workplace crucial. In attempting to study, understand and measure the role of emotions in the
human condition, various researchers have identified different theoretical models to manage the
information they have gathered and the observations they have made. In order to study or
scientifically investigate any human behaviour, it is essential that such behaviour can be
measured, if not quantitatively, then at least qualitatively.
However, what one finds with regard to emotion research and measurement are two–dimensional
models. The existing affect has been described with a choice of two dimensions and structures,
i.e. circumplex, positive and negative affect, tense and energetic arousal, and eight combinations
of pleasantness and activation. These two dimensions and structures measure a person’s
experiences and, thereafter, report them. The question is if these two–dimensional emotion
models are sufficient to cover the broad and often complex dynamics of emotions.
The start of multiple–emotion dimension models were reported by researchers, who identified a
three–dimensional structure in the emotion domain that is suggestive of the Evaluation–Potency–
Activation (EPA) dimensions in the connotative or affective meaning of words. However, in
recent studies the sufficiency of two–dimension models to comprehensively investigate emotions
was questioned. The three–dimensional emotion model was replicated in cross–cultural similarity sorting studies by other researchers. The similarity sorting studies also indicate the importance of
studying emotions in specific cultural contexts. Studying emotion in different cultures is
especially relevant in a country such as South Africa that has a variety of cultures and eleven
official languages.
Researchers followed an approach that studied the meaning of emotion in different cultural
groups in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory approach.
Researchers argue in the groundbreaking research that was published in Psychological Science
that emotion meaning has more than only two dimensions. The approach postulated by
researchers was tested in a student population of three language groups, namely Dutch–, Englishand
French–speaking students. According to researchers this is an empirical and theoretical
method to study the meaning of emotions across cultures. However, apart from studying the
meaning of emotions in specific cultural groups, research also attempts to determine the meaning
of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The relevant natural contexts for the field
of Industrial Psychology are the work contexts. It is therefore also important to investigate the
categories of emotion episodes in the work environment.
The general goal of this study was therefore a) to investigate the emotion lexicon in the white
Afrikaans–speaking working adult language group, b) to determine the cognitive emotion
structure of this cultural group, c) to investigate the meaning of emotion as comprehensively as
possible (multidimensional models of the meaning of emotion), and d) to determine the meaning
and content of emotion episodes in the workplace.
Research Article 1
The research was subsequently presented in two independent phases. Firstly, a free listing of
emotion terms was compiled, and secondly the emotion terms were prototypically rated by
Afrikaans–speaking people in South Africa. Both of these were then used as measuring
instruments. A survey was designed to explore the research objectives utilising availability
samples in two studies. The participants in the free–listing (N=70) and in the prototypicality
(N=70) study consisted of native Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of
participants from the white ethnic group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North–West and KZN provinces and use was made of an availability
After conducting the research, the emotion terms with the highest frequency, as identified during
the first study, the free listing task, were to be happy (gelukkig wees), be sad (hartseer wees),
love (liefde), anger (kwaad) and hateful (haatlik). The emotion terms with the lowest scores as
identified during the free listing were uncomfortable (ongemaklik), painful (seer), be hurt
(seergemaak wees), sympathetic (simpatiek) and shout/yell (skreeu). Correspondingly, the five
(5) prototypical terms with the highest scores in Afrikaans were nice (lekker), fed–up/had enough
(gatvol/“genoeg gehad”), loveable (liefdevol), anger (kwaad) and to be scared (om bang te
wees). The five (5) least prototypical terms from the list generated in the free listing task were:
unstable (onvas), bashfulness (skugterheid), captivation (geboeidheid), envy (naywer) and
delight (opgetoënheid).
From the information obtained in this research it was revealed that the emotion terms nice
(lekker), fed up/had enough (gatvol/“genoeg gehad”) and loveable (liefdevol) are at this stage
unique to the white Afrikaans language group. These terms had not been reported in any
previously conducted prototypical studies. The results of this study contribute to a cross–cultural
understanding of the emotion concepts within the Afrikaans–speaking language groups in South
Research Article 2
A survey design was used to achieve the research objectives utilising availability samples in a
series of one study. The participants of the Similarity study (N=131) consisted of native
Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity
group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North–
West, KZN and Northern Cape provinces and use was made of an availability sample.
Results of Multidimensional Scaling revealed a three–dimensional cognitive emotion structure.
The first dimension was the evaluation–pleasantness dimension. This dimension evaluates the
pleasantness versus the unpleasantness of an emotion. This dimension is characterised by intrinsic appraisals of pleasantness and goal conduciveness and action tendencies of approach
versus avoidance. The second dimension that emerged was a power–control dimension. This
dimension is characterised by appraisals of control, how powerful or weak a person feels when a
particular emotion is experienced. This includes feelings of dominance or submission, the
impulse to act or withdraw and changes in speech and parasymphatic symptoms. The third
dimension which emerged was an activation–arousal dimension. According to other researchers
this arousal dimension is characterised by sympathetic arousal, e.g. rapid heartbeat and readiness
for action.
This study produced a cognitive emotion structure in a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult
population in South Africa. To add value to the field of Industrial Psychology, the threedimension
structure (evaluation–pleasantness, power–control and activation–arousal dimension)
that was found, is very important and valuable when studying the meaning of emotion and can
consequently be used as a reference for other emotion research constructs. If it is accurate as
stated in literature, there are three and not only two emotion dimension structures, and
researchers are missing out on a bigger picture for not drawing on the experience of emotion
Research Article 3
A survey design and an availability sample (N=120) in the Eastern Cape, Free State and Gauteng
provinces in South Africa was utilised for this study. The Meaning Grid was translated and backtranslated
and adapted for use in Afrikaans.
The Cronbach's alpha coefficients were obtained for the emotion terms. According to the results
of the Meaning Grid instrument, the following emotion terms were the highest: disgust (afkeur)
0,95; pleasure (plesier) 0,94; stress (stres) 0,92; happiness (blydskap) 0,91; joy (vreugde) 0,91;
fear (bang) 0,91; anger (angstig) 0,91 and hate (haat) 0,90. The emotion terms that scored the
lowest with the Meaning Grid instrument were compassion (medelye) 0,79; pride (trots) 0,79
and contempt (minagting) 0,74. Out of the 24 emotion terms of the Meaning Grid instrument, 8
terms were above 0,90 and 13 were between 0,80 and 0,89. Only 3 terms were between 0,74 and
0,79 [compassion (medelye), pride (trots) and contempt (minagting)]. A three–factor solution was found which represented four emotion dimensions (evaluation,
arousal/unpredictability and power) that were universal to the emotion structures found in
European samples. Factor scores of the 24 Meaning Grid emotions indicate a three–factor
solution that explained 62,2 % of the total variance. The first factor was labelled evaluation and
explained 43,0% of the variance, the second factor was labelled arousal/unpredictability as it
was a combination of arousal and unpredictability and explained 11,0% of the variance, and the
third factor was labelled power and explained 8,2% of the variance.
This study followed an approach that investigated the meaning structure of emotion in the
sample group in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory
approach. Different researchers argued that emotion meaning has more than only two
dimensions. A three–dimensional emotion structure was found that was universal to the emotion
structures of three language groups in a European sample. Therefore, the meaning of emotions
for this sample group is far more complex than the two–dimensional emotion models that are
found in literature. According to the componential emotion theory approach, the 144 emotion
features are very important building blocks for Industrial Psychology when studying the meaning
of emotion.
Research Article 4
A survey design was used in this research study. The Episode Meaning Grid was administered
and participants reported on the two intense emotion experiences at work (in total 358 episodes).
Employees rated their emotion experiences on features based on the componential emotion
theory and also described the emotion events in their own words. The participants in the emotion
episodes (N=179) study consisted of native white Afrikaans–speaking working adults. The
sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity group speaking Afrikaans within the
Eastern Cape, Free State and North–West provinces and use was made of an availability sample.
The results indicated a three–dimensional structure (evaluation–pleasantness, activation–arousal
and power–control dimension) was identified within a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult
language group. The first dimension was an evaluation–pleasantness dimension. The second dimension was an activation–arousal dimension. The third dimension was a power–control
Regarding the reporting of emotion episodes one hundred and ninety seven respondents reported
84 satisfying emotion episodes and 267 less satisfying emotion episodes that took place at work.
Nine different categories of episodes for satisfying emotions experienced were mentioned. It
consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, goal achievement,
receiving recognition, workplace policy, task recognition, personal incidents, emotion
involvement and subordinate behaviour. The three highest categories of satisfying emotions
episodes were “Goal Achievement” (N=31), “Receiving Recognition” (N=20) and “Personal
Incidents” (N=10). Goal achievement describes situations where job related targets or goals were
met, and receiving recognition refers to positive feedback from managers, supervisors and work
colleagues on meeting targets.
Nineteen different categories of episodes for less satisfying emotion episodes were mentioned. It
consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, lack of goal
achievement, lack of receiving recognition, workplace policy, task requirement, personal
incidents, emotional involvement, subordinate behaviour, workload, work mistakes, customer
behaviour, external environment, lack of control, physical well–being, involvement in
disciplinary action, workplace strikes, wellness of colleagues and unfairness in the workplace. In
the categories of less satisfying emotions episodes, the three highest were “Behaviour of Work
Colleagues” (N=58), “Acts of Boss/Superior/Management” (N=47) and “Task Requirement”
(N=33). The first two categories are appraised less satisfying behaviour towards oneself or others
by work colleagues, managers, supervisors and customers. In terms of the categories of
satisfying and less satisfying emotions episodes, less satisfying emotion episodes outnumbered
satisfying emotions episodes by three to one.
By making use of a multi–componential emotion model, the results confirm that the four factors
of pleasantness, power, arousal, and unpredictability, in that order of importance, are essential to
satisfactorily determine the emotion experience and meaning of emotion terms. A threedimensional
emotion structure (evaluation, arousal and power) was found after determining the
meaning of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The answer to the question if
these two–dimensional emotion models, as stated in literature, are sufficient to cover the broad
and often complex dynamics of emotion, is certainly no.
Recommendations for the organisation and future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012. Read more
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Emotion structure, emotion meaning and emotion episodes of white Afrikaans–speaking working adults / van der Merwe, A.S.Van der Merwe, Aletta Sophia January 2011 (has links)
Emotion research is an important research topic, thus making the measurement of emotion in the
workplace crucial. In attempting to study, understand and measure the role of emotions in the
human condition, various researchers have identified different theoretical models to manage the
information they have gathered and the observations they have made. In order to study or
scientifically investigate any human behaviour, it is essential that such behaviour can be
measured, if not quantitatively, then at least qualitatively.
However, what one finds with regard to emotion research and measurement are two–dimensional
models. The existing affect has been described with a choice of two dimensions and structures,
i.e. circumplex, positive and negative affect, tense and energetic arousal, and eight combinations
of pleasantness and activation. These two dimensions and structures measure a person’s
experiences and, thereafter, report them. The question is if these two–dimensional emotion
models are sufficient to cover the broad and often complex dynamics of emotions.
The start of multiple–emotion dimension models were reported by researchers, who identified a
three–dimensional structure in the emotion domain that is suggestive of the Evaluation–Potency–
Activation (EPA) dimensions in the connotative or affective meaning of words. However, in
recent studies the sufficiency of two–dimension models to comprehensively investigate emotions
was questioned. The three–dimensional emotion model was replicated in cross–cultural similarity sorting studies by other researchers. The similarity sorting studies also indicate the importance of
studying emotions in specific cultural contexts. Studying emotion in different cultures is
especially relevant in a country such as South Africa that has a variety of cultures and eleven
official languages.
Researchers followed an approach that studied the meaning of emotion in different cultural
groups in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory approach.
Researchers argue in the groundbreaking research that was published in Psychological Science
that emotion meaning has more than only two dimensions. The approach postulated by
researchers was tested in a student population of three language groups, namely Dutch–, Englishand
French–speaking students. According to researchers this is an empirical and theoretical
method to study the meaning of emotions across cultures. However, apart from studying the
meaning of emotions in specific cultural groups, research also attempts to determine the meaning
of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The relevant natural contexts for the field
of Industrial Psychology are the work contexts. It is therefore also important to investigate the
categories of emotion episodes in the work environment.
The general goal of this study was therefore a) to investigate the emotion lexicon in the white
Afrikaans–speaking working adult language group, b) to determine the cognitive emotion
structure of this cultural group, c) to investigate the meaning of emotion as comprehensively as
possible (multidimensional models of the meaning of emotion), and d) to determine the meaning
and content of emotion episodes in the workplace.
Research Article 1
The research was subsequently presented in two independent phases. Firstly, a free listing of
emotion terms was compiled, and secondly the emotion terms were prototypically rated by
Afrikaans–speaking people in South Africa. Both of these were then used as measuring
instruments. A survey was designed to explore the research objectives utilising availability
samples in two studies. The participants in the free–listing (N=70) and in the prototypicality
(N=70) study consisted of native Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of
participants from the white ethnic group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North–West and KZN provinces and use was made of an availability
After conducting the research, the emotion terms with the highest frequency, as identified during
the first study, the free listing task, were to be happy (gelukkig wees), be sad (hartseer wees),
love (liefde), anger (kwaad) and hateful (haatlik). The emotion terms with the lowest scores as
identified during the free listing were uncomfortable (ongemaklik), painful (seer), be hurt
(seergemaak wees), sympathetic (simpatiek) and shout/yell (skreeu). Correspondingly, the five
(5) prototypical terms with the highest scores in Afrikaans were nice (lekker), fed–up/had enough
(gatvol/“genoeg gehad”), loveable (liefdevol), anger (kwaad) and to be scared (om bang te
wees). The five (5) least prototypical terms from the list generated in the free listing task were:
unstable (onvas), bashfulness (skugterheid), captivation (geboeidheid), envy (naywer) and
delight (opgetoënheid).
From the information obtained in this research it was revealed that the emotion terms nice
(lekker), fed up/had enough (gatvol/“genoeg gehad”) and loveable (liefdevol) are at this stage
unique to the white Afrikaans language group. These terms had not been reported in any
previously conducted prototypical studies. The results of this study contribute to a cross–cultural
understanding of the emotion concepts within the Afrikaans–speaking language groups in South
Research Article 2
A survey design was used to achieve the research objectives utilising availability samples in a
series of one study. The participants of the Similarity study (N=131) consisted of native
Afrikaans–speaking employees. The sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity
group speaking Afrikaans within the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga, North–
West, KZN and Northern Cape provinces and use was made of an availability sample.
Results of Multidimensional Scaling revealed a three–dimensional cognitive emotion structure.
The first dimension was the evaluation–pleasantness dimension. This dimension evaluates the
pleasantness versus the unpleasantness of an emotion. This dimension is characterised by intrinsic appraisals of pleasantness and goal conduciveness and action tendencies of approach
versus avoidance. The second dimension that emerged was a power–control dimension. This
dimension is characterised by appraisals of control, how powerful or weak a person feels when a
particular emotion is experienced. This includes feelings of dominance or submission, the
impulse to act or withdraw and changes in speech and parasymphatic symptoms. The third
dimension which emerged was an activation–arousal dimension. According to other researchers
this arousal dimension is characterised by sympathetic arousal, e.g. rapid heartbeat and readiness
for action.
This study produced a cognitive emotion structure in a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult
population in South Africa. To add value to the field of Industrial Psychology, the threedimension
structure (evaluation–pleasantness, power–control and activation–arousal dimension)
that was found, is very important and valuable when studying the meaning of emotion and can
consequently be used as a reference for other emotion research constructs. If it is accurate as
stated in literature, there are three and not only two emotion dimension structures, and
researchers are missing out on a bigger picture for not drawing on the experience of emotion
Research Article 3
A survey design and an availability sample (N=120) in the Eastern Cape, Free State and Gauteng
provinces in South Africa was utilised for this study. The Meaning Grid was translated and backtranslated
and adapted for use in Afrikaans.
The Cronbach's alpha coefficients were obtained for the emotion terms. According to the results
of the Meaning Grid instrument, the following emotion terms were the highest: disgust (afkeur)
0,95; pleasure (plesier) 0,94; stress (stres) 0,92; happiness (blydskap) 0,91; joy (vreugde) 0,91;
fear (bang) 0,91; anger (angstig) 0,91 and hate (haat) 0,90. The emotion terms that scored the
lowest with the Meaning Grid instrument were compassion (medelye) 0,79; pride (trots) 0,79
and contempt (minagting) 0,74. Out of the 24 emotion terms of the Meaning Grid instrument, 8
terms were above 0,90 and 13 were between 0,80 and 0,89. Only 3 terms were between 0,74 and
0,79 [compassion (medelye), pride (trots) and contempt (minagting)]. A three–factor solution was found which represented four emotion dimensions (evaluation,
arousal/unpredictability and power) that were universal to the emotion structures found in
European samples. Factor scores of the 24 Meaning Grid emotions indicate a three–factor
solution that explained 62,2 % of the total variance. The first factor was labelled evaluation and
explained 43,0% of the variance, the second factor was labelled arousal/unpredictability as it
was a combination of arousal and unpredictability and explained 11,0% of the variance, and the
third factor was labelled power and explained 8,2% of the variance.
This study followed an approach that investigated the meaning structure of emotion in the
sample group in the context of 144 emotion features using a componential emotion theory
approach. Different researchers argued that emotion meaning has more than only two
dimensions. A three–dimensional emotion structure was found that was universal to the emotion
structures of three language groups in a European sample. Therefore, the meaning of emotions
for this sample group is far more complex than the two–dimensional emotion models that are
found in literature. According to the componential emotion theory approach, the 144 emotion
features are very important building blocks for Industrial Psychology when studying the meaning
of emotion.
Research Article 4
A survey design was used in this research study. The Episode Meaning Grid was administered
and participants reported on the two intense emotion experiences at work (in total 358 episodes).
Employees rated their emotion experiences on features based on the componential emotion
theory and also described the emotion events in their own words. The participants in the emotion
episodes (N=179) study consisted of native white Afrikaans–speaking working adults. The
sample consisted of participants from the white ethnicity group speaking Afrikaans within the
Eastern Cape, Free State and North–West provinces and use was made of an availability sample.
The results indicated a three–dimensional structure (evaluation–pleasantness, activation–arousal
and power–control dimension) was identified within a white Afrikaans–speaking working adult
language group. The first dimension was an evaluation–pleasantness dimension. The second dimension was an activation–arousal dimension. The third dimension was a power–control
Regarding the reporting of emotion episodes one hundred and ninety seven respondents reported
84 satisfying emotion episodes and 267 less satisfying emotion episodes that took place at work.
Nine different categories of episodes for satisfying emotions experienced were mentioned. It
consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, goal achievement,
receiving recognition, workplace policy, task recognition, personal incidents, emotion
involvement and subordinate behaviour. The three highest categories of satisfying emotions
episodes were “Goal Achievement” (N=31), “Receiving Recognition” (N=20) and “Personal
Incidents” (N=10). Goal achievement describes situations where job related targets or goals were
met, and receiving recognition refers to positive feedback from managers, supervisors and work
colleagues on meeting targets.
Nineteen different categories of episodes for less satisfying emotion episodes were mentioned. It
consists of behaviour of work colleagues, acts of boss/superior/management, lack of goal
achievement, lack of receiving recognition, workplace policy, task requirement, personal
incidents, emotional involvement, subordinate behaviour, workload, work mistakes, customer
behaviour, external environment, lack of control, physical well–being, involvement in
disciplinary action, workplace strikes, wellness of colleagues and unfairness in the workplace. In
the categories of less satisfying emotions episodes, the three highest were “Behaviour of Work
Colleagues” (N=58), “Acts of Boss/Superior/Management” (N=47) and “Task Requirement”
(N=33). The first two categories are appraised less satisfying behaviour towards oneself or others
by work colleagues, managers, supervisors and customers. In terms of the categories of
satisfying and less satisfying emotions episodes, less satisfying emotion episodes outnumbered
satisfying emotions episodes by three to one.
By making use of a multi–componential emotion model, the results confirm that the four factors
of pleasantness, power, arousal, and unpredictability, in that order of importance, are essential to
satisfactorily determine the emotion experience and meaning of emotion terms. A threedimensional
emotion structure (evaluation, arousal and power) was found after determining the
meaning of emotion in the natural contexts in which they occur. The answer to the question if
these two–dimensional emotion models, as stated in literature, are sufficient to cover the broad
and often complex dynamics of emotion, is certainly no.
Recommendations for the organisation and future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012. Read more
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