Spelling suggestions: "subject:"relativity."" "subject:"oblativity.""
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Simple cosmological models and their descriptions of the universeGustafsson, Emil January 2018 (has links)
Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole, and attempts to describe the behaviour of the universe mathematically. The simplest relativistic cosmological models are derived from Einstein's field equations with the assumptions of isotropy and homogeneity. In this thesis, a few simple cosmological models will be derived and evaluated with respect to their description of our universe i.e., how well they match observational data from e.g., the cosmic background radiation and redshift from distant supernovae. The models are derived from Einstein's field equations, which is why a large portion of the thesis will lay the ground work for the field equations by introducing and explaining the language of tensors. / Kosmologi är läran om universum i stort samt dess matematiska beskrivning. De enklaste relativistiska kosmologiska modellerna kan härledas från Einsteins fältekvationer med hjälp av antaganden om isotropi och homogenitet. I denna rapport kommer ett par av de enklaste modellerna att härledas, samt evalueras baserat på hur väl de beskriver vårt universum, det vill säga hur bra de passar de observationer som gjorts på exempelvis den kosmiska bakgrundsstrålningen och rödskifte från avlägsna supernovor. Modellerna härleds utifrån Einsteins fältekvationer, varför en stor del av rapporten består av en introduktion till tensoranalys.
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Color Naming, Multidimensional Scaling, and Unique Hue Selections in English and Somali Speakers Do Not Show a Whorfian EffectLange, Ryan January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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On curvature and Hawking radiationChernichenko, Alexsey January 2022 (has links)
Hawking radiation is a phenomenon where the combination of geometry of spacetime around a black hole and quantum effects near its event horizon causes particle emission. Stephen Hawking was one of the first to make computations and conclude that this is valid for every black hole in general. Therefore, the goal of the project was to understand how the presence of a black hole changes geometry of spacetime, explore some of its peculiar properties and, finally, connect it to Hawking radiation. It turns out that one way to describe geometry around a black hole is to use the Schwarzchild metric which fully describes surroundings of a non-rotating and uncharged black hole. Using the so called Klein-Gordon equation and some additional computations one then sees that there’s indeed a particle emission. However, the radiation appears to be observer dependent which is due to curvature near event horizon. Hawking radiation has temperature which happens to be extremely small to detect, but this result reveals the fact that black holes radiate faster as they shrink. However, the time it takes for an arbitrary black hole to evaporate is much longer than the age of the Universe. Encountering those and some other challenges Hawking radiation remains hypothetical. / Hawkingstrålning är ett fenomen där kombinationen av geometri av rumtid runt ett svart hål och kvantmekaniska effekter nära dess händelsehorisont leder till partikel emission. Stephen Hawking var bland de första att göra beräkningar och dra slutsatsen att detta är giltigt för alla svarta hål. Syftet med projektet var därför att förstå hur närvaron av ett svart hål ändrar geometri av rumtid, undersöka dess vissa speciella egenskaper samt anknyta det till Hawkingstrålning. Det visar sig att ett sätt att beskriva geometri kring ett svart hål är att använda Schwarzchild metriken som helt beskriver omgivningen av ett icke roterande och oladdat svart hål .Använder man sig av så kallade Klein-Gordon ekvationen och några ytterligare beräkningar så kommer man till slutsaten att det verkligen finns enemission av partiklar. Emissionen verkar dock vara observatörsberoende på grund av krökning nära händelsehorisont. Hawkingstrålning har temperatur som visar sig vara extremt liten för att upptäcka, men resultaten avslöjar faktumet att svarta hål strålar ut snabbare då de krymper. Tiden det tar för ett godtyckligt svart hål att koka bort är dock mycket längre än åldern of Universum. På grund av dessa och några andra utmanningar återstår Hawkingstrålning hypotetiskt.
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Gravitational Scattering of Compact Bodies from Worldline Quantum Field TheoryJakobsen, Gustav Uhre 16 November 2023 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird der Ansatz der Weltlinienquantenfeldtheorie (WQFT) zur Berechnung von Observablen des klassischen allgemeinen relativistischen Zweikörpersystems vorgestellt. Kompakte Körper wie Schwarze Löcher oder Neutronensterne werden im Rahmen einer effektiven Feldtheorie mit Weltlinienfeldern beschrieben. Die WQFT behandelt alle Weltlinienfelder gleichberechtigt mit dem Gravitationsfeld und ist definiert als die tree-level-Beiträge eines Pfadintegrals auf diesen Feldern. Zuerst wird die effektive feldtheoretische Beschreibung von kompakten Körpern mit Weltlinien und die post-Minkowski'schen Approximation der Streuung dieser Körpern vorgestellt. Die Einbeziehung des Spins wird mit besonderem Augenmerk auf ihre supersymmetrische Beschreibung in Form von antikommutierenden Grassmann-Variablen analysiert. Anschließend wird die WQFT mit einer Diskussion ihrer in-in Schwinger-Keldysh-Formulierung, ihrer Feynman-Regeln und Graphengenerierung sowie ihrer on-shell Einpunktfunktionen vorgestellt. Die Berechnung von Streuobservablen erfordert im Allgemeinen die Auswertung von Multi-Loop-Integralen, und wir analysieren die Zwei-Loop-Integrale, die in der dritten post-Minkowski'schen Ordnung der Weltlinienobservablen auftreten. Schließlich wenden wir uns den Ergebnissen der WQFT zu und beginnen mit der gravitativen Bremsstrahlung bei der Streuung zweier rotierender Körper. Diese Wellenform wird zusammen mit der Strahlungsinformation der Linear- und Drehimpulsflüsse diskutiert. Der gesamte abgestrahlte Drehimpuls führender post-Minkowski'schen Ordnung wird abgeleitet. Wir präsentieren dann die Ergebnisse des konservativen und strahlenden Impulses und des Spin-Kicks bei dritter post-Minkowski'scher Ordnung und quadratischer Ordnung in Spins zusammen mit der Abbildung der ungebundenen Ergebnisse auf einen konservativen (gebundenen) Hamiltonian bei der entsprechenden perturbativen Ordnung. / In this work the worldline quantum field theory (WQFT) approach to computing observables of the classical general relativistic two-body system is presented. Compact bodies such as black holes or neutron stars are described in an effective field theory by worldline fields with spin degrees of freedom efficiently described by anti-commuting Grassmann variables. Novel results of the WQFT include the gravitational bremsstrahlung at second post-Minkowskian order and the impulse and spin kick at third post-Minkowskian order all at quadratic order in spins. Next, the WQFT is presented with a comprehensive discussion of its in-in Schwinger-Keldysh formulation, its Feynman rules and graph generation and its on-shell one-point functions which are directly related to the scattering observables of unbound motion. Here, we present the second post-Minkowskian quadratic-in-spin contributions to its free energy from which the impulse and spin kick may be derived to the corresponding order. The computation of scattering observables requires the evaluation of multi-loop integrals and for the computation of observables at the third post-Minkowskian order we analyze the required two-loop integrals. Our discussion uses retarded propagators which impose causal boundary conditions of the observables. Finally we turn to results of the WQFT starting with the gravitational bremsstrahlung of the scattering of two spinning bodies. This waveform is discussed together with its radiative information of linear and angular momentum fluxes. Lastly we present the conservative and radiative impulse and spin kick at third post-Minkowskian order and quadratic order in spins together with the a conservative Hamiltonian at the corresponding perturbative order. The results obey a generalized Bini-Damour radiation-reaction relation and their conservative parts can be parametrized in terms of a single scalar.
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Bibelauslegung im Spannungsfeld von Methodenvielfalt und Eindeutigkeitsbestreben - Dargestellt, Untersucht und Gewertet unter Zuhilfenahme der Wirkungsgeschichte von Lukas 10,25-37 = Bible interpretation between methodological pluralityand the clarity of the text - described, examined and assessed with reference to the history of interpretation of Luke 10:25-37 / Bible interpretation between methodological plurality and the clarity of the text - described, examined and assessed with reference to the history of nthe interpretation of Luke 10:25-37Klotz, Monika 30 November 2007 (has links)
Text in German / Taking the plurality of methods in Biblical studies as starting point this dissertation shows a
way to coherent interpretation message.
An analysis of the current state and its long history identifies characteristics preventing
clear interpretation results as well as ways to work out coherent interpretation messages. It is
accompanied by five interpretations of Luke 10:25-37. An interdisciplinary excursus examines
the legal interpretation with its claim of clarity.
Three levels of interpretation are considered as essential for an adequate process of interpretation:
1. Clarification of the literal meaning on the basis of a historical exegesis. The author
calls for the interdisciplinary cooperation of the methods and introduces a synthesis
of methods.
2. Consideration of the reception history of texts. Special attention is given to the authority
of interpretation in the Roman Catholic Church. The author regards "interpretive
communities" as an alternative option.
3. The Holy Spirit's influence on the process of interpretation. Also in post-modern
times interpreters need to "inhabit" the biblical texts. / Biblical and Ancient studies / M.Th. (New Testament)
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Language use in industryRibbens, Irene Rita 09 1900 (has links)
An immense degree of linguistic diversity exists in the work force where it is possible
for speakers of twenty-three home languages to come into contact on the work floor.
The language of management in industry is predominantly English; while supervisors
are primarily English- or Afrikaans-speaking. Misinterpretation of speaker intent plays
a significant role in communication breakdown that occurs when management or
foremen/supervisors communicate directly with workers who do not understand the
two erstwhile official languages sufficiently or not at all.
Reagan ( 1 986) hypothesized that the greatest number of problems are caused by what
might be termed mutual ignorance, rather than by language difficulties. The aim of the
thesis was therefore to establish what constitutes the mutual ignorance that leads to
misinterpretation of speaker intent.
The Hymesian model, the ethnography of speaking, was used as a model for an
analysis of sociolinguistic features in factories in the Pretoria-WitwatersrandVereeniging
For data collection a process of triangulation was used and qualitative and quantitative
methods used. The Free Attitude Interview technique was used for unstructured
interviews. Other methods include observation, and elicitation procedures such as the
Discourse Completion Test, which were used in structured interviews. Language
preference, forms of address and politeness markers were examined.
Findings revealed that the major differences were found to be in the area of non-verbal
behaviour. Speakers of Afrikaans and English are, on the whole, unaware of politeness
markers used by speakers of African languages. Afrikaans and English speakers are
unaware of offensive non-verbal behaviour used by them. It is revealing that speakers
of the official languages believe this to be the very area that makes communication
possible, but it is the area in which they may cause offence. It was also found that
speakers of African languages have adopted many of the features of the power
dominant group at work.
The findings of the research are important for the development of strategies for
overcoming misinterpretation of speaker intent and negative stereotyping.
This research was undertaken as part of the Human Sciences Research Council's
programme entitled Language in the labour situation. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)
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Accéléromètre électrostatique à biais corrigé pour le test de la loi de gravitation à l'échelle du Système SolaireLenoir, Benjamin 14 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La trajectoire des sondes spatiales, calculée à partir des informations obtenues avec le lien radio, est un outil important pour la conduite des missions spatiales ainsi que pour le test de la loi de gravitation dans le Système Solaire. L'ajout d'un accéléromètre à bord d'une sonde fournit aux scientifiques une information supplémentaire d'un grand intérêt puisqu'il mesure la valeur de l'accélération non-gravitationnelle de la sonde, c'est-à-dire sa déviation par rapport à un mouvement géodésique. Des accéléromètres électrostatiques sont actuellement utilisés sur plusieurs missions de géodésie. Cette thèse est centrée sur le Gravity Advanced Package, un instrument composé d'un accéléromètre électrostatique et d'une platine rotative. Cette évolution technologique permet de faire des mesures d'accélération non-gravitationnelle sans biais. Cela est essentiel pour le succès scientifique d'une mission interplanétaire du point de vue du test de la gravitation. En effet, en mesurant sans biais l'accélération non-gravitationnelle d'une sonde interplanétaire et en utilisant ces mesures dans le processus de restitution d'orbite, il est possible de tester la gravitation de manière non ambiguë. Avec les technologies présentées dans cette thèse, l'accélération non-gravitationnelle d'une sonde spatiale peut être mesurée avec une précision de 1 pm.s^{-2} pour un temps d'intégration de 3 heures. Ces mesures, utilisées conjointement avec les données issues du lien radio, permettent d'obtenir une précision de 10^{-11} m.s^{-2} sur la loi de gravitation avec un arc de 21 jours.
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Thoughts in Motion : The Role of Long-Term L1 and Short-Term L2 Experience when Talking and Thinking of Caused MotionMontero-Melis, Guillermo January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is about whether language affects thinking. It deals with the linguistic relativity hypothesis, which proposes that the language we speak influences the way we think. This hypothesis is investigated in the domain of caused motion (e.g., ‘The man rolled the tyre into the garage’), by looking at Spanish and Swedish, two languages that show striking differences in how motion events are encoded. The thesis consists of four studies. The first two focus on native speakers of Spanish and Swedish. Study I compares how Spanish and Swedish speakers describe the same set of caused motion events, directing the spotlight at how variable the descriptions are in each language. The results confirm earlier findings from semantic typology regarding the dominant ways of expressing the events in each language: Spanish behaves like a verb-framed language and Swedish like a satellite-framed language (Talmy, 2000). Going beyond previous findings, the study demonstrates—using the tools of entropy and Monte Carlo simulations—that there is markedly more variability in Spanish than in Swedish descriptions. Study II tests whether differences in how Spanish and Swedish speakers describe caused motion events are reflected in how they think about such events. Using a novel similarity arrangement task, it is found that Spanish and Swedish speakers partly differ in how they represent caused motion events if they can access language during the task. However, the differences disappear when the possibility to use language is momentarily blocked by an interference task. The last two studies focus on Swedish learners of Spanish as a second language (L2). Study III explores how Swedish learners (compared to native Spanish speakers) adapt their Spanish motion descriptions to recently encountered input. Using insights from the literature on structural priming, we find that Swedish learners initially expect to encounter in their L2, Spanish, those verb types that are typical in Swedish (manner verbs like ‘roll’) but that, with increasing proficiency, their expectations become increasingly attuned to the typical Spanish pattern of using path verbs (like ‘enter’). These expectations are reflected in the way L2 learners adapt their own production to the Spanish input. Study IV asks whether recent linguistic experience in an L2 can affect how L2 learners think about motion events. It is found that encountering motion descriptions in the L2 that emphasize different types of information (path or manner) leads L2 speakers to perceive similarity along different dimensions in a subsequent similarity arrangement task. Taken together, the thesis argues that the study of the relation between language and thought affords more valuable insights when not posed as an either-or question (i.e., does language affect thought or not?). In this spirit, the thesis contributes to the wider aim of investigating the conditions under which language does or does not affect thought and explores what the different outcomes tell us about language, thought, and the intricate mechanisms that relate them. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.</p>
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L'opposabilité des droits contractuels : étude de droit comparé français et libanais / The opposability of contractual rights : a comparative study of french and lebanese lawEl Rajab, Dima 19 December 2013 (has links)
La notion d’opposabilité, dégagée par la doctrine française au début du siècle dernier, revêt aujourd’hui une importance cruciale relativement à la sécurité juridique. Ainsi, il est communément admis par la doctrine moderne qu’un tel concept explique les effets non obligatoires des contrats à l’égard du tiers, et notamment en matière de responsabilité. D’une part, le tiers est tenu d’un devoir d’abstention concernant tout acte qui pourrait porter atteinte aux contrats d’autrui. Le cas échéant, les contractants peuvent demander la réparation du dommage qu’ils subissent du fait de la convention conclue par le tiers au mépris de leurs droits. D’autre part, et parallèlement, le tiers victime est en droit d’engager la responsabilité délictuelle du cocontractant auteur de l’inexécution contractuelle lui ayant été préjudiciable. Pour autant, le nombre d’auteurs pour qui l’opposabilité ne peut pas réellement servir d’appui aux deux règles précitées ne cesse de s’accroître. La critique n’est pas cependant pleinement justifiée. En effet, l’étude approfondie de la signification exacte, du fondement et des caractéristiques déterminantes de l’opposabilité démontre que, moyennant une juste délimitation de son champ d’application, cette notion demeure utile, pour ne pas dire indispensable à la protection des contractants et des tiers. / The notion of opposability, which appeared in French doctrine at the beginning of the last century, is of crucial importance today in relation to legal certainty. Thus, it is generally accepted in contemporary doctrine that such a concept explains the non-obligatory effects of contracts towards third parties and particularly in regard to responsibility. On the one hand, third parties must abstain from any act which may harm others' contracts. If this should occur, parties to the contract could claim compensation for any damage suffered as the result of a convention under taken by a third party without regard to their rights. On the other hand, and in parallel, a third-party victim is entitled to make a tort claim against a cocontracting party failed to fulfill a contractual obligation when this would be prejudicial tohim. Having said that, there is an ever-increasing number of authors for whom opposability cannot be used to support the two preceding rules. However, this criticism is notcompletely justified. Indeed, an in-depth study of the exact meaning, of the basis and of the determining characteristics of opposability show that, given a fair definition of the boundaries, this notion remains useful, if not indispensable to protect parties to a contract and third parties.
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Effets dispersifs et dissipatifs en théorie quantique des champs en espace-temps courbe pour modéliser des systèmes de matière condensée / Dispersive and dissipative effects in quantum field theory in curved space-time to modelize condensed matter systemsBusch, Xavier 26 September 2014 (has links)
Les deux principales prédictions de la théorie quantique des champs en espace-temps courbe, à savoir la radiation de Hawking et la production de paires de particules ayant lieu dans un espace-temps non stationnaire, n'ont jamais été testé expérimentalement et impliquent toutes deux des processus à ultra haute énergie. En conséquence, de telles prédictions doivent être considérées prudemment. En utilisant l'analogie avec des systèmes de matière condensée mise en avant par Unruh, leur analogue pourrait être testé en laboratoire. Par ailleurs, dispersion et dissipation sont toujours présentes dans de tels systèmes, ce qui régularise la théorie à courte distances. Lors d'expériences destinées à tester les prédictions citées ci-dessus, le bruit thermique modifiera le résultat. En effet, il existe une compétition entre l'émission stimulée dudit bruit thermique et l'émission spontanée issue du vide quantique. Afin de mesurer la radiation de Hawking analogue et de l'analogue des productions de paires (souvent appelé effet Casimir dynamique), il est alors nécessaire de calculer les conséquence de la dispersion et de la dissipation, ainsi que d'identifier des observables permettant de certifier que l'amission spontanée a eu lieu. Dans cette thèse, nous analyserons d'abord les effets de la dispersion et de la dissipation à la fois sur la radiation de Hawking et sur la production de paires de particules. Afin d'obtenir des résultats explicites, nous travaillerons avec l'espace-temps de de Sitter. Les symétries de la théorie nous permettront d'obtenir des résultats exacts. Ceux-ci seront alors appliqués aux trous noirs grâce aux ressemblances entre la région proche du trou noir et l'espace de de Sitter. Afin d’introduire de la dissipation, nous considérerons un modèle exactement soluble permettant de modéliser n'importe quel taux de dissipation. Dans un tel modèle, le champ est couplé de manière linéaire à un environnement contenant un ensemble dense de degrés de liberté. Dans un tel contexte, nous étudierons l'intrication des particules produites. Ensuite, nous considérerons des systèmes de matière condensée spécifiques, à savoir les condensats de Bose et les polaritons. Nous analyserons les effets de la dissipation sur l'intrication de l’effet Casimir dynamique. Enfin, nous étudieront de manière générique l'intrication de la radiation de Hawking en présence de dispersion pour des systèmes analogues. / The two main predictions of quantum field theory in curved space-time, namely Hawking radiation and cosmological pair production, have not been directly tested and involve ultra high energy configurations. As a consequence, they should be considered with caution. Using the analogy with condensed matter systems put forward by Unruh, their analogue versions could be tested in the lab. Moreover, the high energy behavior of these systems is known and involved dispersion and dissipation, which regulate the theory at short distances. When considering experiments which aim to test the above predictions, the thermal noise will contaminate the outcome. Indeed, there will be a competition between the stimulated emission from thermal noise and the spontaneous emission out of vacuum. In order to measure the quantum analogue Hawking radiation, or the analogue pair production also called dynamical Casimir effect, one should thus compute the consequences of ultraviolet dispersion and dissipation, and identify observables able to establish that the spontaneous emission took place. In this thesis, we first analyze the effects of dispersion and dissipation on both Hawking radiation and pair particle production. To get explicit results, we work in the context of de Sitter space. Using the extended symmetries of the theory in such a background, exact results are obtained. These are then transposed to the context of black holes using the correspondence between de Sitter space and the black hole near horizon region. To introduce dissipation, we consider an exactly solvable model producing any decay rate. In such a model, the field is linearly coupled to an environment containing a dense set of degrees of freedom. We also study the quantum entanglement of the particles so produced. In a second part, we consider explicit condensed matter systems, namely Bose Einstein condensates and exciton-polariton systems. We analyze the effects of dissipation on entanglement produced by the dynamical Casimir effect. As a final step, we study the entanglement of Hawking radiation in the presence of dispersion for a generic analogue system.
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