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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approaches to quantum gravity / Loop quantum gravity, spinfoams and Topos approach

Flori, Cecilia 16 June 2011 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns mit zwei Ansätzen zur Quantengravitation (QG), die einander konträr gegenüberstehen: - Erstens mit der Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), einem eher konservativen Ansatz zur QG, dessen Startpunkt eine Hamiltonsche Formulierung der klassischen Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (ART) ist, - zweitens mit der sogenannten Topos-Theorie, angewandt auf die Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, die die mathematischen Konzepte der Quantentheorie (und möglicherweise auch der ART) radikal umformuliert, was eine immense Redefinition von Konzepten wie Raum, Zeit und Raumzeit zur Folge hätte. Der Grund für die Wahl zweier so verschiedener Ansätzen als Gegenstand dieser Arbeit liegt in der Hoffnung begründet, dass sich diese beiden Ansätze auf einen gemeinsamen Ursprung zurückführen lassen können und somit gegenseitig ergänzen können. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit führen wir den allgemeinen Formalismus der LQG ein und gehen dabei insbesondere auf den semiklassischen Sektor der Theorie ein; insbesondere untersuchen wir die semiklassischen Eigenschaften des Volumenoperators. Dieser Operator spielt in der Quantendynamik der LQG eine tragende Rolle, da alle bekannten dynamischen Operatoren auf den Volumenoperator zurückgeführt werden können. Aus diesem Grund ist es auerordentlich wichtig zu überprüfen, dass der klassische Limes des Volumenoperators wirklich mit dem klassischen Volumen übereinstimmt. Anschließend beschäftigen wir uns mit sogenannten Spin Foam Modellen (SFM), welche als ein kovarianter oder Pfadintegralzugang zur kanonischen LQG angesehen werden können. Diese Spin Foam Modelle beruhen auf einer Langrange-Formulierung der LQG mittels einer kovarianten sum-over-histories Beschreibung. Die Entwicklung eines Lagrange-Zuganges zur LQG wurde motiviert durch die Tatsache, dass es in der kanonischen Formulierung der LQG überaus schwierig ist, Übergangsamplituden auszurechnen. Allerdings weichen die Spin Foam Modelle, die wir in dieser Arbeit behandeln in einem entscheidenden Punkt von den bisher in der Literatur diskutierten ab, da wir die Holst-Wirkung Holst [1996] und nicht die Palatini-Wirkung als Ausgangspunkt nehmen. Dies ermöglicht es uns, explizit gewisse Zwangsbedingungen zu lösen, was in den gegenwärtig diskutierten SFM problematisch scheint. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit führen wir in die Topos-Theorie ein und rekapitulieren, wie diese Theorie benutzt werden kann, um die Quantentheorie derart umzuformulieren, dass eine konsistente Quanten-Logik definiert werden kann. Darüber hinaus definieren wir auch eine Topos-Beschreibung der Quantentheorie in der sum-over-histories Formulierung. Unser Ansatz entscheidet sich vom gegenwärtigen consistent-histories Ansatz vor allem dadurch, dass das Konzept der konsistenten Menge (eine Menge von Historien, die nicht mit sich selbst interferieren) keine zentrale Rolle spielt, während es in letzterem grundlegend ist. Diese Tatsache bietet einen interessanten Ausgangspunkt, da eine der Hauptschwierigkeiten im consistent-histories Ansatz darin besteht, die richtige konsistente Menge der Propositionen von Historien zu finden: Im allgemeinen gibt es viele solcher Mengen, und die meisten davon sind nicht miteinander kompatibel. Wir zeigen, dass in unserer Topos-Beschreibung der sum-over-histories Quantentheorie jeder Proposition von Historien Wahrheitswerte zugeteilt werden können; daher ist das Konzept einer konsistenten Menge von Propositionen redundant. Dies bedeutet, dass es im Rahmen einer Quantengravitationstheorie möglich sein könnte, jeder Proposition von vierdimensionalen Metriken (welche als allgemein relativistisches Analogon einer Historie angesehen werden können) einen Wahrheitswert zuzuweisen. / One of the main challenges in theoretical physics over the last five decades has been to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity into a theory of quantum gravity. However, such a theory has been proved to be hard to attain due to i) conceptual difficulties present in both the component theories (General Relativity (GR) and Quantum Theory); ii) lack of experimental evidence, since the regimes at which quantum gravity is expected to be applicable are far beyond the range of conceivable experiments. Despite these difficulties, various approaches for a theory of Quantum Gravity have been developed. In this thesis we focus on two such approaches: Loop Quantum Gravity and the Topos theoretic approach. The choice fell on these approaches because, although they both reject the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum theory, their underpinning philosophical approach to formulating a quantum theory of gravity are radically different. In particular LQG is a rather conservative scheme, inheriting all the formalism of both GR and Quantum Theory, as it tries to bring to its logical extreme consequences the possibility of combining the two. On the other hand, the Topos approach involves the idea that a radical change of perspective is needed in order to solve the problem of quantum gravity, especially in regard to the fundamental concepts of `space'' and `time''. Given the partial successes of both approaches, the hope is that it might be possible to find a common ground in which each approach can enrich the other.

Cria??o da mat?ria em cosmologias com velocidade da luz vari?vel e eletr?nico n?o-linear

C?mara Neto, Calistrato Soares da 07 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:14:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CalistroSCN.pdf: 698756 bytes, checksum: 2ee4fe2f9e66e82eba6613dc8d66afde (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In this work we obtain the cosmological solutions and investigate the thermodynamics of matter creation in two diferent contexts. In the first we propose a cosmological model with a time varying speed of light c. We consider two diferent time dependence of c for a at Friedmann-Robertson- Walker (FRW) universe. We write the energy conservation law arising from Einstein equations and study how particles are created as c decreases with cosmic epoch. The variation of c is coupled to a cosmological Λ term and both singular and non-singular solutions are possible. We calculate the "adiabatic" particle creation rate and the total number of particles as a function of time and find the constrains imposed by the second law of thermodynamics upon the models. In the second scenario, we study the nonlinearity of the electrodynamics as a source of matter creation in the cosmological models with at FRW geometry. We write the energy conservation law arising from Einstein field equations with cosmological term Λ, solve the field equations and study how particles are created as the magnetic field B changes with cosmic epoch. We obtain solutions for the adiabatic particle creation rate, the total number of particles and the scale factor as a function of time in three cases: Λ = 0, Λ = constant and Λ α H2 (cosmological term proportional to the Hubble parameter). In all cases, the second law of thermodynamics demands that the universe is not contracting (H ≥ 0). The first two solutions are non-singular and exhibit in ationary periods. The third case studied allows an always in ationary universe for a suficiently large cosmological term / Neste trabalho, n?s obtemos as solu??es cosmol?gicas e investigamos a termodin?mica da cria??o de mat?ria em dois contextos diferentes. No primeiro, n?s propomos um modelo cosmol?gico com a velocidade da luz c variando com o tempo. N?s consideramos duas depend?ncias temporais diferentes para c em um universo plano de Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW). N?s escrevemos a lei da conserva??o da energia que surge das equa??es de Einstein e estudamos como as part?culas s?o criadas quando c decresce com o tempo c?smico. A varia??o de c ? acoplada a um termo cosmol?gico Λ e solu??es singulares e n?o-singulares s?o poss?veis. N?s calculamos a taxa de cria?o adiab?tica de part?culas e o n?mero total de partculas como fun??o do tempo e encontramos os v?nculos impostos pela segunda lei da termodin?mica sobre esses modelos. No segundo cen?rio, n?s estudamos a n?o-linearidade da eletrodin?mica como uma fonte de cria??o de mat?ria em modelos cosmol?gicos com geometria de FRW. N?s escrevemos a lei de conserva??o da energia obtida a partir das equa??es de Einstein com termo cosmol?gico A, resolvemos as equa??es de campo e estudamos como as part?culas s?o criadas quando o campo magn?tico B muda com a ?poca c?smica. N?s obtemos solu??es para a taxa de cria??o adiab?tica de part?culas, o n?mero total de part?culas e o fator de escala como uma fun??o do tempo em tr?s casos: Λ = 0, Λ = constante e Λ / H2 (termo cosmol?gico proporcional ao par?metro de Hubble). Em todos os casos, a segunda lei da termodin?mica imp?e que o universo n?o est? em contra??o (H ≥ 0). As primeiras duas solu??es s?o n?o-singulares e exibem per?odos in acion?rios. O terceiro caso permite universos sempre in acion?rios para um termo cosmol?gico suficientemente grande

Spacetime as a Hamiltonian Orbit and Geroch's Theorem on the Existence of Fermions

Bergstedt, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Over a century since its inception, general relativity continues to lie at the heart of some of the most researched topics in theoretical physics. It seems likely that the coveted solutions to problems like quantum gravity are to be found in an extension of general relativity, one which may only be visible in an alternate formulation of the theory.  In this thesis we consider the possibility of casting general relativity in the form of an initial value problem where spacetime is seen as the evolution of space. This evolution is shown to be constrained and of Hamiltonian type.  Not all spacetimes are physically acceptable. To be compatible with particle physics, one would like spacetime to accommodate fermions. Here we can take comfort in Geroch’s theorem, which implies that any spacetime that admits a Hamiltonian formulation automatically supports the existence of fermions. We review the elements that go into the proof of this theorem. / Allmän relativitetsteori har i över hundra år legat i teoretiska fysikens framkant. Det är möjligt att lösningarna på öppna problem som kvantiseringen av gravitation går att finna i en utvidgning av allmän relativitetsteori – och kanske uppenbarar sig denna utvidgning bara ur en alternativ formulering av teorin. I den här uppsatsen formuleras allmän relativitetsteori och dess Einsteinekvationer som ett begynnelsevärdesproblem, genom vilket rumtiden kan betraktas som rummets historia. Vi visar att rummets rörelseekvationer är Hamiltons ekvationer med tvångsvillkor.  Enligt partikelfysiken bör fermioner kunna finnas till i rumtiden. Härom kan vi åberopa Gerochs sats, enligt vilken rumtider som har en Hamiltonsk formulering också medger fermioner. Vi redogör för huvuddragen i beviset av Gerochs sats.

Johannese perspektiewe oor inklusiwiteit en eksklusiwiteit van verlossing / Johannine perspectives on inclusivity and exclusivity of salvation

Rousseau, Pieter Abraham 06 1900 (has links)
Die Johannese geskrifte (Evangelie en Briewe) word veralgemenend binne die Christendom gelees en die uniekheidsbeklemtoninge ten opsigte van Jesus as enige Verlosser word ook so verstaan. Hierdie hoofsaaklik sosiaal-wetenskaplike ondersoek was gefokus op Johannes se aansprake ten opsigte van Jesus en is gedoen om bewus te maak van die sosiaal-kulturele onderbou van die geskrifte. As sodanig is dit bedoe! om heuristies in te werk ten einde bestaande hermeneuse beter te dien sodat die boodskap van die Nuwe Testament effektiewer oorgedra kan word. Dit is ook gepoog om bevindinge uit die studie deur te trek na die gesekulariseerde samelewing en pluralistiese religieuse standpunt wat te Iande bestaan. Die teksgedeeltes wat eksegeties ondersoek is, bevat die aspekte van aanvaarding of verwerping van Jesus as die unieke Godsagent wat ewige /ewe meedeel. Dit het geblyk dat die begrip in Johannes nie net op oneindigheid in die hiemamaals dui nie, maar veral op kwaliteit in die hede. Johannes se postulaat is dat Jesus konstant hierdie lewe meedeel aan hulle wat in Hom glo. Die vraag na relevansie van 'n religie uit Judaistiese oorsprong in 'n AfroWesterse samelewing en kultuur is vanuit die aspekte van kulturele relatiwisme en relatiwiteit hanteer. Dit word aanvaar dat die ingrype van God deur Jesus Christus binne die Israelitiese volksmilieu en Mediterreense kultuur plaasgevind het, maar dat dit wat Johannes aan sy lesers herbevestig het, vir aile mense relevant is. Jesus is die unieke Godsagent wat ewige lewe meedeel, wat, as sodanig, nie menslike sterflikheid negeer nie, maar dit transendeer. / The social-scientific research for this treatise concentrated on John's assertion of Jesus' uniqueness. The selected Scripture portions for exegesis contain the aspects of receiving or rejecting Him as God's Agent who bestows eternal life. Eternal lifo in John does not so much denote never ending life, but rather excellent quality of life in the present. The relevancy of a religion from a Judaistic origin in an Afro-Western cultural society was treated on the aspects of cultural relativism and cultural relativity. The conclusion accedes to the fact that God's interaction with man in the person of Jesus Christ took place within an Israelite national milieu and Mediterranean culture, but what John reasserted is relevant for all time- the life that Jesus bestows does not negate mortality, but transcends it. / New Testament / M. Th. (Nuwe Testament)

Constructing “Climate Change Knowledge”

de Ruijter, Susann Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
During the last decades “Climate Change” has become a vital topic on national and international political agendas. There it is presented as an irrevocable fact of global impact and thus of universal relevance. What has often been neglected are local discourses of marginalized groups and their specific contextualization of “Climate Change” phenomena. The aim of this project, to develop another perspective along these dominant narratives, has resulted in the research question How is social reality reconstructed on the phenomenon of “Climate Change” among the “Emerging Black Farmers” in the Swartland region in Western Cape, South Africa? Taken as an example, “Climate Change Knowledge” is reconstructed through a case study on the information exchange between the NGO Goedgedacht Trust and local small-scale farmers in the post-Apartheid context of on-going political, social, economic and educational transition in South Africa. Applying a constructivist approach, “Climate Change Knowledge” is not understood as an objectively given, but a socially constructed “reality” that is based on the interdependency of socio-economic conditions and individual assets, including language skills and language practice, sets of social norms and values, as well as strategies of knowledge transfer. The data set consists of qualitative data sources, such as application forms and interview material, which are triangulated. The rationale of a multi-layered data analysis includes a discursive perspective as well as linguistic and ethical “side perspectives”. Epistemologically, the thesis is guided by assumptions of complexity theory, framing knowledge around “Climate Change” as a fluid, constantly changing system that is shaped by constant intra- and inter-systemic exchange processes, and characterized by non-linearity, self-organization and representation of its constituents. From this point of departure, a theoretical terminology has been developed, which differentiates between symbols, interrelations, contents and content clusters. These elements are located in a system of spatio-temporal orientation and embedded into a broader (socio-economic) context of “historicity”. Content clusters are remodelled with the help of concept maps. Starting from that, a local perspective on “Climate Change” is developed, adding an experiential notion to the global narratives. The thesis concludes that there is no single reality about “Climate Change” and that the farmers’ “Climate Change Knowledge” highly depends on experiential relativity and spatio-temporal immediacy. Furthermore, analysis has shown that the system’s historicity and social manifestations can be traced in the scope and emphasis of the content clusters discussed. Finally the thesis demonstrates that characteristics of symbols, interconnections and contents range between dichotomies of direct and indirect, predictable versus unpredictable, awareness and negligence or threat and danger, all coexisting and creating a continuum of knowledge production.

Liouville's equation and radiative acceleration in general relativity

Keane, Aidan J. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Sur la pertinence de la culture en pragmatique

Codère Corbeil, Maxime 04 1900 (has links)
Un débat perdure toujours entre les partisans du relativisme linguistique et ceux qui penchent plutôt pour l’universalisme. Depuis Whorf, plusieurs expériences ont été menées pour déterminer si la langue avait une influence sur l’esprit d’un individu, mais très peu ont porté sur la pragmatique. Je propose d’explorer le relativisme linguistique selon la perspective de la pragmatique du langage. Deux approches théoriques en pragmatique s’opposent sur la question du relativisme : l’ethnopragmatique et la théorie de la pertinence. En utilisant des modèles de l’interaction culturelle en anthropologie, en particulier les idées de Bourdieu et le concept d’assemblage, je démontre que la flexibilité de la théorie de la pertinence permettrait d’y intégrer une composante relativiste, et ce, sans avoir à la dénaturer. Pour illustrer cette possibilité, j’introduis l’Identité Cognitive qui agit comme composante relativiste tout en permettant une interaction avec la pertinence universaliste du modèle. / There is a strong division between those who believe in linguistic relativity and those who tend more towards universalism. Since Whorf, many experiments were conducted to determine how and if language could influence thoughts, but not often they were focussed on pragmatics. I revisit the debate on linguistic relativism by considering pragmatics only. There are two different theoretical models in pragmatics at the time, and they support opposing views on relativism: ethnopragmatics and relevance theory. Using models of cultural interaction from anthropology, in particular the ideas of Bourdieu and the concept of assemblage, I show that relevance theory is flexible enough to be able to incorporate a relativistic component, without having to modify its core principles. To illustrate this necessary transformation, I introduce the Cognitive Identity that could interact with the universalistic relevance of the model and still be relativistic itself.

Complexité de la communication sur un canal avec délai

Lapointe, Rébecca 02 1900 (has links)
Nous introduisons un nouveau modèle de la communication à deux parties dans lequel nous nous intéressons au temps que prennent deux participants à effectuer une tâche à travers un canal avec délai d. Nous établissons quelques bornes supérieures et inférieures et comparons ce nouveau modèle aux modèles de communication classiques et quantiques étudiés dans la littérature. Nous montrons que la complexité de la communication d’une fonction sur un canal avec délai est bornée supérieurement par sa complexité de la communication modulo un facteur multiplicatif d/ lg d. Nous présentons ensuite quelques exemples de fonctions pour lesquelles une stratégie astucieuse se servant du temps mort confère un avantage sur une implémentation naïve d’un protocole de communication optimal en terme de complexité de la communication. Finalement, nous montrons qu’un canal avec délai permet de réaliser un échange de bit cryptographique, mais que, par lui-même, est insuffisant pour réaliser la primitive cryptographique de transfert équivoque. / We introduce a new communication complexity model in which we want to determine how much time of communication is needed by two players in order to execute arbitrary tasks on a channel with delay d. We establish a few basic lower and upper bounds and compare this new model to existing models such as the classical and quantum two-party models of communication. We show that the standard communication complexity of a function, modulo a factor of d/ lg d, constitutes an upper bound to its communication complexity on a delayed channel. We introduce a few examples on which a clever strategy depending on the delay procures a significant advantage over the naïve implementation of an optimal communication protocol. We then show that a delayed channel can be used to implement a cryptographic bit swap, but is insufficient on its own to implement an oblivious transfer scheme.

Aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos da correspondência AdS/CFT: Uma abordagem rigorosa / Structural and Dynamical Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence: a Rigorous Approach

Ribeiro, Pedro Lauridsen 26 September 2007 (has links)
Elaboramos um estudo detalhado de alguns aspectos d(e uma versão d)a correspondência AdS/CFT, conjeturada por Maldacena e Witten, entre teorias quânticas de campo num fundo gravitacional dado por um espaço-tempo assintoticamente anti-de Sitter (AAdS), e teorias quânticas de campos conformalmente covariantes no infinito conforme (no sentido de Penrose) deste espaço-tempo, aspectos estes: (a) independentes d(o par d)e modelos específicos em Teoria Quântica de Campos, e (b) suscetíveis a uma reformulação em moldes matematicamente rigorosos. Adotamos como ponto de partida o teorema demonstrado por Rehren no contexto da Física Quântica Local (também conhecida como Teoria Quântica de Campos Algébrica) em espaços-tempos anti-de Sitter (AdS), denominado holografia algébrica ou dualidade de Rehren. O corpo do presente trabalho consiste em estender o resultado de Rehren para uma classe razoavelmente geral de espaços-tempos AAdS d-dimensionais (d>3), escrutinar como as propriedades desta extensão são enfraquecidas e/ou modificadas em relação ao espaço-tempo AdS, e como efeitos gravitacionais não-triviais se manifestam na teoria quântica no infinito conforme. Dentre os resultados obtidos, citamos: condições razoavelmente gerais sobre geodésicas nulas no interior (cuja plausibilidade justificamos por meio de resultados de rigidez geométrica) não só garantem que a nossa generalização é geometricamente consistente com causalidade, como também permite uma reconstrução ``holográfica\'\' da topologia do interior na ausência de horizontes e singularidades; a implementação das simetrias conformes na fronteira, que associamos explicitamente a uma família de isometrias assintóticas do interior construída de maneira intrínseca, ocorre num caráter puramente assintótico e é atingida dinamicamente por um processo de retorno ao equilíbrio, mediante condições de contorno adequadas no infinito; efeitos gravitacionais podem eventualmente causar obstruções à reconstrução da teoria quântica no interior, ou por torná-la trivial em regiões suficientemente pequenas ou devido à existência de múltiplos vácuos inequivalentes, que por sua vez levam à existência de excitações solitônicas localizadas ao redor de paredes de domínio no interior, similares a D-branas. As demonstrações fazem uso extensivo de geometria Lorentziana global. A linguagem empregada para as teorias quânticas relevantes para nossa generalização da dualidade de Rehren segue a formulação funtorial de Brunetti, Fredenhagen e Verch para a Física Quântica Local, estendida posteriormente por Sommer para incorporar condições de contorno. / We elaborate a detailed study of certain aspects of (a version of) the AdS/CFT correspondence, conjectured by Maldacena and Witten, between quantum field theories in a gravitational background given by an asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime, and conformally covariant quantum field theories in the latter\'s conformal infinity (in the sense of Penrose), aspects such that: (a) are independent from (the pair of) specific models in Quantum Field Theory, and (b) susceptible to a recast in a mathematically rigorous mould. We adopt as a starting point the theorem demonstrated by Rehren in the context of Local Quantum Physics (also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory) in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, called algebraic holography or Rehren duality. The main body of the present work consists in extending Rehren\'s result to a reasonably general class of d-dimensional AAdS spacetimes (d>3), scrutinizing how the properties of such an extension are weakened and/or modified as compared to AdS spacetime, and probing how non-trivial gravitational effects manifest themselves in the conformal infinity\'s quantum theory. Among the obtained results, we quote: not only does the imposition of reasonably general conditions on bulk null geodesics (whose plausibility we justify through geometrical rigidity techniques) guarantee that our generalization is geometrically consistent with causality, but it also allows a ``holographic\'\' reconstruction of the bulk topology in the absence of horizons and singularities; the implementation of conformal symmetries in the boundary, which we explicitly associate to an intrinsically constructed family of bulk asymptotic isometries, have a purely asymptotic character and is dynamically attained through a process of return to equilibrium, given suitable boundary conditions at infinity; gravitational effects may cause obstructions to the reconstruction of the bulk quantum theory, either by making the latter trivial in sufficiently small regions or due to the existence of multiple inequivalent vacua, which on their turn lead to the existence of solitonic excitations localized around domain walls, similar to D-branes. The proofs make extensive use of global Lorentzian geometry. The language employed for the quantum theories relevant for our generalization of Rehren duality follows the functorial formulation of Local Quantum Physics due to Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, extended afterwards by Sommer in order to incorporate boundary conditions. (An English translation of the full text can be found at arXiv:0712.0401)

Groupes, invariants et géométries dans l'œuvre de Weyl : Une étude des écrits de Hermann Weyl en mathématiques, physique mathématique et philosophie, 1910-1931 / Groups, invariants and geometries in Weyl's work : A Study of Hermann Weyl's writings in mathematics, mathematical physics and philosophy, 1910-1931

Eckes, Christophe 05 December 2011 (has links)
Nous entendons confronter pratique des mathématiques et réflexions sur les mathématiques dans l'œuvre de Weyl. Nous étudierons : (a) ses monographies en analyse complexe, en relativité générale et en mécanique quantique, (b) les articles en lien avec ces ouvrages, (c) certains de ses cours, (d) sa correspondance avec divers scientifiques, principalement A. Einstein, E. Cartan, J. von Neumann. Nous voulons savoir si les théories mathématiques qu'il investit conditionnent ses positions sur les fondements des mathématiques. Inversement, nous montrerons que les philosophies auxquelles il se réfère – essentiellement le criticisme kantien, l'idéalisme fichtéen et la phénoménologie de Husserl – conditionnent ses recherches. Tout d'abord, nous reviendrons sur Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche (première éd. 1913). Nous montrerons qu'il opte alors pour un formalisme mitigé. Il se revendique de deux traditions incarnées par Klein et par Hilbert. Ensuite, nous étudierons les éditions successives de Raum, Zeit, Materie (1918-1923). Nous aborderons le projet d'une géométrie purement infinitésimale qui permet à Weyl de proposer une théorie unifiée des champs, cette dernière étant réfutée par Einstein, Pauli, Reichenbach, Hilbert and Eddington. Nous décrirons aussi la construction et la résolution de son « problème de l'espace » (1921-1923). Nous indiquerons comment la référence aux philosophies de Fichte et de Husserl permet d'éclairer ces deux projets. Enfin, nous commenterons l'article de Weyl sur les groupes de Lie (1925-1926) ainsi que son ouvrage Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik (1928, 1931). Son article sur les groupes de Lie manifeste la voie moyenne entre formalisme et intuitionnisme qu'il adopte en 1924. Son ouvrage en mécanique quantique incarne quant à lui un « tournant empirique » dans son épistémologie qu'il conviendra de comparer \`a l'« empirisme logique ». / Our purpose consists in comparing Weyl's mathematical practice with his philosophical reflections on mathematics. We will study (a) his monographs on complex analysis, general relativity and quantum mechanics, (b) the articles which are linked to these books, (c) some of his lecture courses, (d) his correspondence with different scientists, mainly A. Einstein, E. Cartan, J. von Neumann. We will show that his mathematical research has a strong influence on the different stands he successively takes regarding the foundations of mathematics. Conversely, we will show that the philosophical systems he refers to (mainly kantian criticism, fichtean idealism and husserlian phenomenology) have a real impact on his investigations in mathematics. We will first analyse Die Idee der Riemannschen Fläche (first edition 1913). In this book, Weyl seems to take up a formalist point of view, but this is partly true. In fact, he is influenced by two traditions respectively embodied by Hilbert and Klein. Then, we will study the successive editions of Raum, Zeit, Materie (1918-1923). We will describe Weyl's project of a “purely infinitesimal geometry”. Thanks to this geometrical framework, he builds a unified fields theory, which will be disproved by Einstein, Pauli, Reichenbach, Hilbert and Eddington. During this short period, Weyl also constructs and solves the so-called space problem (1921-1923). Weyl's references to Fichte and Husserl have a significant impact on these two projects. Finally, we will comment Weyl's main article on Lie groups (1925-1926) and his monograph on quantum mechanics, i.e. Gruppentheorie und Quantenmechanik (1rst ed. 1928, 2nd ed. 1931). Weyl's article on Lie groups is in accordance with his compromise between intuitionism and formalism (1924). On the other hand, Weyl's book on quantum mechanics encapsulates an “empirical turn” in his epistemology, which will be compared with the so-called empirical logicism.

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