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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paracausal deformations, M{\o}ller operators, and Hadamard states in CCR AQFT.

Volpe, Daniele 31 July 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, we address several problems related to the bosonic classical and algebraic quantum field theories in curved spacetime. In particular, the main question is: how do the theories change under finite global variations of the spacetime metric tensor? To answer this question a new deformation tool, the paracausal deformation, is developed and studied on its own as a new approach to investigate the structure of the space of globally hyperbolic metric tensors associated with a smooth manifold $\M$. Then the classical M{\o}ller maps are constructed to compare solutions of the hyperbolic PDEs defining the classical field theories and the quantum M{\o}ller $*$-isomorphisms follow to compare the CCR quantum algebras associated to the propagation of the quantum fields on the different background geometries. These maps possess the important property of preserving Hadamard states, providing a new way to implement the deformation argument used to prove the existence of such states in general globally hyperbolic spacetime. Moreover, the algebraic quantization of the Proca field, i.e the massive spin 1 field, on a general globally hyperbolic spacetime is for the first time studied in detail: by employing techniques coming from microlocal analysis and spectral theory a Hadamard state is constructed on ultrastatic spacetimes and then the M{\o}ller operator is used to prove the existence of such states in general globally hyperbolic spacetimes. A discussion about the definition of Hadamard states for the massive vector fields closes the work. The thesis is based on two works on algebraic quantization of bosonic field theories and Hadamard states: \cite{Norm}, \cite{Proca}. The papers are co-authored by my supervisor Prof. Valter Moretti (UniTN) and cosupervisor Simone Murro (UniGe). The first \cite{DefArg1} has not been included since, at the time it was written, the paracausal deformation, the construction of M{\o}ller operators, the right approach to intertwine the causal propagators and all the other tools developed in the subsequent works were still at a rough stage.

Study of cohomogeneity one three dimensional Einstein universe / Etudes des espaces d'Einstein tridimensionnels de cohomogénéité un

Hassani, Masoud 04 July 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse des actions conformes de cohomogénéité un sur l'univers d'Einstein tridimensionel sont classifiées. Notre stratégie est d'établir dans un premier temps quel peut être le groupe de transformations conformes impliqué, à conjugaison près. Nous décrivons aussi la topologie et la nature causale des orbites d'une telle action. / In this thesis, the conformal actions of cohomogeneity one on the three-dimensional Einstein universe are classified. Our strategy in this study is to determine the representation of the acting group in the group of conformal transformations of Einstein universe up to conjugacy. Also, we describe the topology and the causal character of the orbits induced by cohomogeneity one actions in Einstein universe.

Dynamique lorentzienne et groupes de difféomorphismes du cercle / Lorentzian dynamics and groups of circle diffeomorphisms

Monclair, Daniel 30 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse comporte deux parties, axées sur des aspects différents de la géométrie lorentzienne. La première partie porte sur les groupes d’isométries de surfaces lorentziennes globalement hyperboliques spatialement compactes, particulièrement lorsque le groupe exhibe une dynamique non triviale (action non propre). Le groupe d'isométries agit naturellement sur le cercle par difféomorphismes, et les résultats principaux portent sur la classification de ces représentations. Sous une hypothèse sur le bord conforme, on obtient une conjugaison par homéomorphisme avec l'action projective d'un sous-groupe de PSL(2,R) ou de l'un de ses revêtements finis. La différentiabilité de la conjuguante est étudiée, avec des résultats qui garantissent une conjugaison dans le groupe de difféomorphismes du cercle dans certains cas. On donne également des contre-exemples à l'existence d'une conjugaison différentiable, y compris pour des groupes ayant une dynamique riche. Ces constructions s'appuient sur l'étude de flots hyperboliques en dimension trois. Sans l'hypothèse sur le bord conforme, on obtient une semi conjugaison et un isomorphisme de groupes. On construit également des exemples pour lesquels il n'existe pas de conjugaison topologique. La seconde partie de cette thèse étudie un espace-temps vu comme un système dynamique multi-valuée : à un point on associe sont futur causal. Cette approche, déjà présente dans les travaux de Fathi et Siconolfi, permet de concrétiser le lien entre fonctions de Lyapunov en systèmes dynamiques et fonctions temps. Le résultat principal est une version lorentzienne du Théorème de Conley : on peut définir l'ensemble récurrent par chaînes d'un espace-temps, et il existe une fonction continue croissante le long de toute courbe causale orientée vers le futur, strictement croissante si le point de départ de la courbe n'est pas dans l'ensemble récurrent par chaînes. Ces techniques s'adaptent aussi dans un espace-temps stablement causal, ce qui permet de donner une nouvelle preuve d'une partie du Théorème d'Hawking. / This thesis is divided into two parts, dealing with two different aspects of Lorentzian geometry. The first part deals with isometry groups of globally hyperbolic spatially compact Lorentz surfaces, especially when it has a non trivial dynamical behavior (non proper action). The isometry group acts on circle by diffeomorphisms, and the main results of this part concern the classification of these actions. Under a hypothesis on the conformal boundary, we show that they are topologically conjugate to the projective action of a subgroup of PSL(2,R), or one of its finite covers. The differentiability of the conjugacy is studied, with some results giving a differentiable conjugacy under additional hypotheses. We also give counter examples to such a differentiable conjugacy, even for groups with rich dynamics. These constructions use hyperbolic flows on three manifolds. Without the hypothesis on the conformal boundary, we obtain a semi conjugacy and a group isomorphism. We also give examples where a topological conjugacy cannot exist. In the second part of this thesis, we see a spacetime as a multi valued dynamical system: we map a point to its causal future. This point of view was already adopted by Fathi and Siconolfi, and it gives a concrete meaning to the link between Lyapunov functions in dynamical systems and time functions. The main result is a Lorentzian version of Conley's Theorem: we define the chain recurrent set of a spacetime, and construct a continuous function that increases along future directed causal curves outside the chain recurrent set, and that is non decreasing along other future curves. These techniques also apply to the stably causal setting, and we obtain a new proof of a part of Hawking's Theorem.

Etude mathématique de trous noirs et de leurs données initiales en relativité générale / Mathematical study of Black Hole spacetimes and of their initial data in General Relativity

Cortier, Julien 06 September 2011 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude mathématique de familles d'espaces-temps satisfaisant aux équations d'Einstein de la Relativité Générale. Deux approches sont considérées pour cette étude. La première partie, composée des trois premiers chapitres, examine les propriétés géométriques des espaces-temps d'Emparan-Reall et dePomeransky-Senkov, de dimension 5. Nous montrons qu'ils contiennent un trou noir, dont l'horizon des événements est à sections compactes non-homéomorphes à la sphère. Nous en construisons une extension analytique et prouvons que cette extension est maximale et unique dans une certaine classe d'extensions pour les espaces-temps d'Emparan-Reall. Nous établissons ensuite le diagramme de Carter-Penrose de ces extensions, puis analysons la structure de l'ergosurface des espaces-temps de Pomeransky-Senkov. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude de données initiales, solutions des équations des contraintes, induites par les équations d'Einstein. Nous effectuons un recollement d'une classe de données initiales avec des données initiales d'espaces-temps de Kerr-Kottler-deSitter, en utilisant la méthode de Corvino. Nous construisons, d'autre part, des métriques asymptotiquement hyperboliques en dimension 3, satisfaisant les hypothèses du théorème de masse positive à l'exception de la complétude, et ayant un vecteur moment-énergie de genre causal arbitraire. / The aim of this thesis is the mathematical study of families of spacetimes satisfying the Einstein's equations of General Relativity. Two methodsare used in this context.The first part, consisting of the first three chapters of this work,investigates the geometric properties of the Emparan-Reall andPomeransky-Senkov families of 5-dimensional spacetimes. We show that they contain a black-hole region, whose event horizon has non-spherical compact cross sections. We construct an analytic extension, and show its maximality and its uniqueness within a natural class in the Emparan-Reallcase. We further establish the Carter-Penrose diagram for these extensions, and analyse the structure of the ergosurface of the Pomeransky-Senkovspacetimes.The second part focuses on the study of initial data, solutions of theconstraint equations induced by the Einstein's equations. We perform agluing construction between a given family of inital data sets andinitial data of Kerr-Kottler-de Sitter spacetimes, using Corvino'smethod.On the other hand, we construct 3-dimensional asymptotically hyperbolicmetrics which satisfy all the assumptions of the positive mass theorem but the completeness, and which display an energy-momentum vector of arbitry causal type.

Convergence asymptotique des niveaux de temps quasi-concaves dans un espace temps à courbure constante / Asymptomatic convergence of level sets of quasi-concave times in a space-time of constant curvature

Belraouti, Mehdi 20 June 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux espaces temps dit globalement hyperboliques Cauchy compacts. Ce sont des espaces temps qui admettent une fonction, dite fonction temps de Cauchy, propre qui croit strictement le long des courbes causales inextensibles. Les niveaux de telles fonctions sont des hypersurfaces de type espace appelées hypersurfaces de Cauchy. La donnée d'une fonction temps définit naturellement une famille à 1-paramètres d'espaces métriques. Notre but est d'étudier le comportement asymptomatique de ces familles d'espaces métriques Il y a deux cas de figure à considérer : le premier étant le comportement asymptomatique dans le passé ; le deuxième est celui du comportement asymptomatique dans le futur. Plus de conditions géométriques sur l'espace temps et les fonctions temps à considérer seront nécessaires / In this thesis we're interested in globally hyperbolic Cauchy compact space-times. These are space-times that possess a proper function, called Cauchy time function, which ist strictly increasing along inextensible causal curves. A Cauchy time function defines naturally a 1-parameter family of metric spaces. One asks the natural and important question of the asymptomatic behaviour of this family with respect to the time : when time goes to 0 and when it goes towards infinity. Of course additional geometric condition on the space-ime and the time function will be necessary for a more appropriate study

The twistor equation in Lorentzian spin geometry

Leitner, Felipe 30 November 2001 (has links)
Es wird die Twistorgleichung auf Lorentz-Spin-Mannigfaltigkeiten untersucht. Bekanntermaßen existieren Lösungen der Twistorgleichung auf den pp-Mannigfaltigkeiten, den Lorentz-Einstein-Sasaki Mannigfaltigkeiten und den Fefferman-Räumen. Es wird gezeigt, dass in den kleinen Dimensionen 3,4 und 5 Twistor-Spinoren ohne 'Singularitäten' nur für diese genannten Lorentz-Geometrien vorkommen. Von besonderem Interesse sind Lösungen der Twistorgleichung mit Nullstellen. Es wird die Gestalt der Nullstellenmenge von konformen Vektorfeldern und Twistor-Spinoren beschrieben. Weiterhin wird die Twistorgleichung im Kontext der konformen Cartan-Geometrie formuliert. Als Anwendung werden konform-flache semi-Riemannsche Spin-Mannigfaltigkeiten mit Twistor-Spinoren unter Zuhilfenahme der Holonomiedarstellung der ersten Fundamentalgruppe charakterisiert. Abschließend wird eine Anwendung des Twistorraumes einer Lorentz-4-Mannigfaltigkeit in der Flächentheorie diskutiert. Dabei zeigen wir eine Korrespondenz zwischen holomorphen Kurven im Twistorraum und raumartig immergierten Flächen mit lichtartigem mittlerem Krümmungsvektor. Beispielhaft werden solche Flächen in den Lorentzschen Raumformen der Dimension 4 konstruiert. / The twistor equation on Lorentzian spin manifolds is investigated. Known solutions of the twistor equation exist on the pp-manifolds, the Lorentz-Einstein-Sasaki manifolds and the Fefferman spaces. It is shown that in the low dimensions 3,4 and 5 twistor spinors without 'singularities' appear only for these mentioned Lorentzian spin geometries. Solutions of the twistor equation with zeros are of particular interest. The shape of the zero set of conformal vector fields and twistor spinors is described. Moreover, the twistor equation is formulated in the context of conformal Cartan geometry. As an application the conformally flat semi-Riemannian spin spaces with twistor spinors are characterized by the holonomy representation of the first fundamental group. Finally, we discuss an application of the twistor space of a Lorentzian 4-manifold in surface theory. Thereby, we prove a correspondence between holomorphic curves in the twistor space and spacelike immersed surfaces with lightlike mean curvature vector. Exemplary, such surfaces are constructed in the Lorentzian space forms of dimension 4.

On the singularitys set of Lorentzian almost Einstein structures

Schemel, Peter 22 June 2016 (has links)
Eine almost Einstein-Struktur (M,g,sigma) ist eine n-dimensionale zusammenhängende Mannigfaltigkeit M mit einer pseudo-riemannschen Metrik g und einer glatten Skalenfunktion sigma deren almost Einstein-Tensor A[g,sigma] (der spurfreie Anteil von Hess[g] sigma + sigma P[g], wobei P[g] den Schouten-Tensor bezeichnet) verschwindet. Sie verallgemeinert die Idee einer Einsteinmannigfaltigkeit in dem Sinne, dass die konform geänderte Metrik 1/sigma^2 g außerhalb der Nullstellenmenge Sigma = sigma^(-1)(0) eine Einstein-Metrik ist. Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, ein detailiertes Bild von Sigma in Lorentzsignatur (-+...+) zu erhalten. Teil dieser Arbeit ist zudem eine indexfreie Darstellung ausgewählter Resultate für konform kompaktifizierbare Einsteinmannigfaltigkeiten in Lorentzsignatur im Rahmen von almost Einstein-Strukturen. Diese Umformulierung wird dann benutzt, um eine Verallgemeinerung der konformen Wellengleichungen für beliebige gerade Dimensionen n = 2m > 4 vorzuschlagen. / An almost Einstein structure (M,g,sigma) is an n-dimensional connected manifold M equipped with a pseudo-Riemannian metric g and a scale factor sigma in C^infty(M) such that the almost Einstein tensor A[g,sigma] (the trace-free part of Hess[g] sigma + sigma P[g], with Schouten tensor P[g]) vanishes. It generalises the idea of an Einstein manifold in the way that 1/sigma^2 g is an Einstein metric away from the singularity set Sigma = sigma^(-1)(0). The purpose of this thesis is to get a detailed picture of Sigma in Lorentzian signature (-+...+). Part of this thesis is also an index-free survey of selected results on conformally compact Einstein manifolds in Lorentzian signature in the framework of almost Einstein structures. This reformulation is used to suggest a generalisation of the conformal wave equations to arbitrary even dimensions n = 2m > 4.

Espace-temps globalement hyperboliques conformément plats / Globally hyperbolic conformally flat spacetimes

Rossi Salvemini, Clara 24 May 2012 (has links)
Les espace-temps conformément plats de dimension supérieure ou égal à 3 sont des variétés localement modelées l'espace-temps d'Einstein où il agit la composante connexe de l'identité du groupe des difféomorfismes conformes.Un espace-temps M est globalement hyperbolique s'il admet une hypersurface S de type espace qui est rencontrée une et une seule fois par toute courbe causale de M. L'hypersurface S est alors dite hypersurface de Cauchy de M.L'ensemble des espace-temps globalement hyperboliques conformément plats, identifiés à difféomorphisme conforme près, est naturellement muni d'une relation d'ordre partielle: on dit que N étends M s'il existe un plongement conforme de M dans N tel que l'image de toute hypersurface de Cauchy de M est une hypersurface de Cauchy de N. Les éléments maximaux par rapport à cette relation d'ordre sont appelés espace-temps maximaux.Le premier résultat qu'on a prouvé est l'existence et unicité de l'extension maximale pour un espace-temps conformément plat globalement hyperbolique donné. Ce résultat généralise un théorème de Choquet-Bruhat et Geroch relatif aux espace-temps solutions des équation d'Einstein.L'unicité de l'extension maximale permet de prouver le résultat suivant:Théorème:En dimension supérieur ou égal à 3, l'espace d'Einstein est le seul espace-temps conformément plat maximal simplement connexe admettant une hypersurface de Cauchy compacte.Si l'hypersurface de Cauchy S du revêtement universel d'un espace-temps M est compacte on obtient donc que M est un quotient fini de l'espace d'Einstein. La structure des géodésiques de l'espace d'Einstein et l'unicité de l'extension maximale permettent de prouver :Théorème:Soit M un espace-temps conformément plat maximal de dimension supérieur ou égal à 3, qui contient deux géodésiques lumières distinctes, librement homotopes et ayant les mêmes extrémités. Alors M est un quotient fini de l'espace d'Einstein.Dans le cas où l'hypersurface S' du revêtement universel M' de M est non compacte on montre chaque point p de M' est déterminé par le compact de S 'constitué par l'intersection de son passé causal ou de son futur causal avec l'hypersurface S', suivant que p appartient au passé ou au futur de S'. Onappelle ce compact l'ombre de p sur S'. L'espace-temps M' s'identifie donc à un sous-ensemble des compacts de S'.Ce point de vue permet d'avoir une compréhension plus profonde de la maximalité d'un espace-temps. En fait on a différentes notions de maximalité :un espace-temps pourrait être maximal parmi les espace-temps conformément plats mais avoir un majorant qui n'est pas conformément plat, i.e. il pourrait exister un plongement conforme dans un espace-temps globalement hyperbolique qui ne soit pas conformément plat.Grâce à la notion d'ombre, on prouve que la structure causale induite sur la frontière de Penrose du revêtement universel d'un espace-temps conformément plat permet de caractériser les espace-temps maximaux parmi tous les espace-temps globalement hyperboliques, on obtient:Théorème:Tout espace-temps globalement hyperbolique conformément plat M qui est maximal parmi les espace-temps globalement hyperbolique conformément plats est aussi maximal parmi tous les espace-temps globalement hyperboliques.On conclut avec une discussion détaillée sur la maximalité des espaces-temps globalement hyperboliques maximaux parmi les espace-temps à courbure constante, suivant le signe de la courbure: lorsque la courbure est négative ou nulle, l'espace-temps est maximal aussi parmi tous les espace-temps globalement hyperboliques, mais cela n'est jamais vrai lorsque la courbure est strictement positive / As a consequence of the Lorentzian version of Liouville’s Theorem, everyconformally flat space-time of dimension 3 is a (Ein1,n,O0(2, n + 1))-manifold. The Einstein’s space-time Ein1,n is the space Sn × S1 with theconformal class of the metric d2−dt2, where d2 and dt2 are the canonicalRiemannian metrics of Sn and R. The group O0(2, n+1) is the group of theconformal diffeomorphisms of Ein1,n whose action preserve the orientationand the time-orientation of Ein1,n. A space-time M is globally hyperbolicif it contains a spacelike hypersurface which intersects every inextensiblecausal curve of M exactly in one point. As a consequence M is not compact.The hypersurface is called a Cauchy hypersurface of M. Geroch’s Theorem([?]) say that if M is globally hyperbolic, then M is homeomorphic to×R. There is a naturally defined partial order on the set of globally hyperbolicspace-times (up to conformal diffeomorphism) : M M0 if does existsa conformal embedding f : M ,! M0 which sends Cauchy hypersurfaces ofM to Cauchy hypersurfaces of M0 (f is called a Cauchy-embedding ). Wecall C-maximal space-times the maximal elements for this partial order onthe set of globally hyperbolic space-times. We can restrict the partial orderto the subset of conformally flat space-times : in this case we call themaximal elements C0-maximal space-times. The first result of the thesis isa generalization of a Theorem proved by Choquet-Bruhat and Geroch in[?] : let M be a globally hyperbolic conformally flat space-time. Then thereis a globally hyperbolic conformally flat C0-maximal space-time N and aCauchy-embedding f : M ,! N. The space-time N is unique up to conformaldiffeomorphisms.The uniqueness of the C0-maximal extension imply that every globally hyperbolicconformally flat simply connected C0-maximal space-time (of dimension3) with a compact Cauchy hypersurface is conformally diffeomorphicto gEin1,n.In the second part of the thesis we study the injectivity of the developingmap of a globally hyperbolic conformally flat space-time M looking at theshape of its the causal boundary.We say that two points p, q are conjugatedin a space-time M if there are two different lightlike geodesics and whichstart at p and meet at q, such that and don’t intersect between p and q.The most remarkable result of this part is : let M a globally hyperbolicconformally flat C0-maximal space-time. If fM has two conjugated pointsthen fM ' gEin1,n. In particular M is a finite quotient of gEin1,n.As a consequence of this result we obtain that the developing map of Mrestricted to the chronological past and future of every point is injective.In the last part of the thesis we give an abstract construction of the Cmaximalextension for a given conformally flat globally hyperbolic spacetime.The idea is that a globally hyperbolic space-time is completely determinedby one of his Cauchy hypersurfaces. This result helps to understandhow to relate the different notions of maximality. In particular we provethat every conformally flat globally hyperbolic space-time M which is C0-maximal is also C-maximal.

Aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos da correspondência AdS/CFT: Uma abordagem rigorosa / Structural and Dynamical Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence: a Rigorous Approach

Ribeiro, Pedro Lauridsen 26 September 2007 (has links)
Elaboramos um estudo detalhado de alguns aspectos d(e uma versão d)a correspondência AdS/CFT, conjeturada por Maldacena e Witten, entre teorias quânticas de campo num fundo gravitacional dado por um espaço-tempo assintoticamente anti-de Sitter (AAdS), e teorias quânticas de campos conformalmente covariantes no infinito conforme (no sentido de Penrose) deste espaço-tempo, aspectos estes: (a) independentes d(o par d)e modelos específicos em Teoria Quântica de Campos, e (b) suscetíveis a uma reformulação em moldes matematicamente rigorosos. Adotamos como ponto de partida o teorema demonstrado por Rehren no contexto da Física Quântica Local (também conhecida como Teoria Quântica de Campos Algébrica) em espaços-tempos anti-de Sitter (AdS), denominado holografia algébrica ou dualidade de Rehren. O corpo do presente trabalho consiste em estender o resultado de Rehren para uma classe razoavelmente geral de espaços-tempos AAdS d-dimensionais (d>3), escrutinar como as propriedades desta extensão são enfraquecidas e/ou modificadas em relação ao espaço-tempo AdS, e como efeitos gravitacionais não-triviais se manifestam na teoria quântica no infinito conforme. Dentre os resultados obtidos, citamos: condições razoavelmente gerais sobre geodésicas nulas no interior (cuja plausibilidade justificamos por meio de resultados de rigidez geométrica) não só garantem que a nossa generalização é geometricamente consistente com causalidade, como também permite uma reconstrução ``holográfica\'\' da topologia do interior na ausência de horizontes e singularidades; a implementação das simetrias conformes na fronteira, que associamos explicitamente a uma família de isometrias assintóticas do interior construída de maneira intrínseca, ocorre num caráter puramente assintótico e é atingida dinamicamente por um processo de retorno ao equilíbrio, mediante condições de contorno adequadas no infinito; efeitos gravitacionais podem eventualmente causar obstruções à reconstrução da teoria quântica no interior, ou por torná-la trivial em regiões suficientemente pequenas ou devido à existência de múltiplos vácuos inequivalentes, que por sua vez levam à existência de excitações solitônicas localizadas ao redor de paredes de domínio no interior, similares a D-branas. As demonstrações fazem uso extensivo de geometria Lorentziana global. A linguagem empregada para as teorias quânticas relevantes para nossa generalização da dualidade de Rehren segue a formulação funtorial de Brunetti, Fredenhagen e Verch para a Física Quântica Local, estendida posteriormente por Sommer para incorporar condições de contorno. / We elaborate a detailed study of certain aspects of (a version of) the AdS/CFT correspondence, conjectured by Maldacena and Witten, between quantum field theories in a gravitational background given by an asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime, and conformally covariant quantum field theories in the latter\'s conformal infinity (in the sense of Penrose), aspects such that: (a) are independent from (the pair of) specific models in Quantum Field Theory, and (b) susceptible to a recast in a mathematically rigorous mould. We adopt as a starting point the theorem demonstrated by Rehren in the context of Local Quantum Physics (also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory) in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, called algebraic holography or Rehren duality. The main body of the present work consists in extending Rehren\'s result to a reasonably general class of d-dimensional AAdS spacetimes (d>3), scrutinizing how the properties of such an extension are weakened and/or modified as compared to AdS spacetime, and probing how non-trivial gravitational effects manifest themselves in the conformal infinity\'s quantum theory. Among the obtained results, we quote: not only does the imposition of reasonably general conditions on bulk null geodesics (whose plausibility we justify through geometrical rigidity techniques) guarantee that our generalization is geometrically consistent with causality, but it also allows a ``holographic\'\' reconstruction of the bulk topology in the absence of horizons and singularities; the implementation of conformal symmetries in the boundary, which we explicitly associate to an intrinsically constructed family of bulk asymptotic isometries, have a purely asymptotic character and is dynamically attained through a process of return to equilibrium, given suitable boundary conditions at infinity; gravitational effects may cause obstructions to the reconstruction of the bulk quantum theory, either by making the latter trivial in sufficiently small regions or due to the existence of multiple inequivalent vacua, which on their turn lead to the existence of solitonic excitations localized around domain walls, similar to D-branes. The proofs make extensive use of global Lorentzian geometry. The language employed for the quantum theories relevant for our generalization of Rehren duality follows the functorial formulation of Local Quantum Physics due to Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, extended afterwards by Sommer in order to incorporate boundary conditions. (An English translation of the full text can be found at arXiv:0712.0401)

Aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos da correspondência AdS/CFT: Uma abordagem rigorosa / Structural and Dynamical Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence: a Rigorous Approach

Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro 26 September 2007 (has links)
Elaboramos um estudo detalhado de alguns aspectos d(e uma versão d)a correspondência AdS/CFT, conjeturada por Maldacena e Witten, entre teorias quânticas de campo num fundo gravitacional dado por um espaço-tempo assintoticamente anti-de Sitter (AAdS), e teorias quânticas de campos conformalmente covariantes no infinito conforme (no sentido de Penrose) deste espaço-tempo, aspectos estes: (a) independentes d(o par d)e modelos específicos em Teoria Quântica de Campos, e (b) suscetíveis a uma reformulação em moldes matematicamente rigorosos. Adotamos como ponto de partida o teorema demonstrado por Rehren no contexto da Física Quântica Local (também conhecida como Teoria Quântica de Campos Algébrica) em espaços-tempos anti-de Sitter (AdS), denominado holografia algébrica ou dualidade de Rehren. O corpo do presente trabalho consiste em estender o resultado de Rehren para uma classe razoavelmente geral de espaços-tempos AAdS d-dimensionais (d>3), escrutinar como as propriedades desta extensão são enfraquecidas e/ou modificadas em relação ao espaço-tempo AdS, e como efeitos gravitacionais não-triviais se manifestam na teoria quântica no infinito conforme. Dentre os resultados obtidos, citamos: condições razoavelmente gerais sobre geodésicas nulas no interior (cuja plausibilidade justificamos por meio de resultados de rigidez geométrica) não só garantem que a nossa generalização é geometricamente consistente com causalidade, como também permite uma reconstrução ``holográfica\'\' da topologia do interior na ausência de horizontes e singularidades; a implementação das simetrias conformes na fronteira, que associamos explicitamente a uma família de isometrias assintóticas do interior construída de maneira intrínseca, ocorre num caráter puramente assintótico e é atingida dinamicamente por um processo de retorno ao equilíbrio, mediante condições de contorno adequadas no infinito; efeitos gravitacionais podem eventualmente causar obstruções à reconstrução da teoria quântica no interior, ou por torná-la trivial em regiões suficientemente pequenas ou devido à existência de múltiplos vácuos inequivalentes, que por sua vez levam à existência de excitações solitônicas localizadas ao redor de paredes de domínio no interior, similares a D-branas. As demonstrações fazem uso extensivo de geometria Lorentziana global. A linguagem empregada para as teorias quânticas relevantes para nossa generalização da dualidade de Rehren segue a formulação funtorial de Brunetti, Fredenhagen e Verch para a Física Quântica Local, estendida posteriormente por Sommer para incorporar condições de contorno. / We elaborate a detailed study of certain aspects of (a version of) the AdS/CFT correspondence, conjectured by Maldacena and Witten, between quantum field theories in a gravitational background given by an asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime, and conformally covariant quantum field theories in the latter\'s conformal infinity (in the sense of Penrose), aspects such that: (a) are independent from (the pair of) specific models in Quantum Field Theory, and (b) susceptible to a recast in a mathematically rigorous mould. We adopt as a starting point the theorem demonstrated by Rehren in the context of Local Quantum Physics (also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory) in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, called algebraic holography or Rehren duality. The main body of the present work consists in extending Rehren\'s result to a reasonably general class of d-dimensional AAdS spacetimes (d>3), scrutinizing how the properties of such an extension are weakened and/or modified as compared to AdS spacetime, and probing how non-trivial gravitational effects manifest themselves in the conformal infinity\'s quantum theory. Among the obtained results, we quote: not only does the imposition of reasonably general conditions on bulk null geodesics (whose plausibility we justify through geometrical rigidity techniques) guarantee that our generalization is geometrically consistent with causality, but it also allows a ``holographic\'\' reconstruction of the bulk topology in the absence of horizons and singularities; the implementation of conformal symmetries in the boundary, which we explicitly associate to an intrinsically constructed family of bulk asymptotic isometries, have a purely asymptotic character and is dynamically attained through a process of return to equilibrium, given suitable boundary conditions at infinity; gravitational effects may cause obstructions to the reconstruction of the bulk quantum theory, either by making the latter trivial in sufficiently small regions or due to the existence of multiple inequivalent vacua, which on their turn lead to the existence of solitonic excitations localized around domain walls, similar to D-branes. The proofs make extensive use of global Lorentzian geometry. The language employed for the quantum theories relevant for our generalization of Rehren duality follows the functorial formulation of Local Quantum Physics due to Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, extended afterwards by Sommer in order to incorporate boundary conditions. (An English translation of the full text can be found at arXiv:0712.0401)

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