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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptation of Proof of Concepts Into Quantitative NMR Methods : Clinical Application for the Characterization of Alterations Observed in the Skeletal Muscle Tissue in Neuromuscular Disorders

Caldas de Almeida Araujo, Ericky 06 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Current quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technics offer biomarkers that allow performing non-invasive longitudinal studies for the follow up of therapeutic trials in neuromuscular disorders (NMD). In contrast to fat degeneration, the mechanisms of inflammation/oedema/necrosis and fibrosis are characteristic signs of disease activity, which makes their quantification a promising source of crucial biomarkers for longitudinal studies. This thesis work consisted on the implementation of more precise quantitative NMR methods adapted to the clinical study of skeletal muscle (SKM) for : (i) detection and quantification of sites of disease activity by T2-mapping of muscle water ; (ii) investigation of the different pathophysiological mechanisms underlying T2 alterations ; and (iii) Detection and quantification of muscle fibrosis. We implemented two methods for T2 mapping of muscle water. The first one is based on a multi-spin-echo sequence du type CPMG. In this method the 1H-NMR signals from water and lipids are acquired simultaneously. The acquired data are fitted to a tri-exponential model, in which water and fat signals are separated by exploring the T2 difference between water and fat. This method allows extraction of muscle water T2-value in the presence of fat infiltration. The second method is based on a " partially spoiled steady state free precession " (pSSFP) sequence. In contrast to the first method, which demands a sophisticated post-treatment of images acquired at 17 different echo-times, with the pSSFP a T2-mapping is extracted from two 3D data sets. 3D acquisition is compatible with spectrally selective water excitation, which eliminates signal contribution from lipids. Both methods were validated experimentally on patients and healthy subjects. The results demonstrated their capacity to detect and quantify disease activity sites. This 2 works have been published in two international journals : Azzabou, de Sousa, Araujo, & Carlier, 2014. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. DOI 10.1002/jmri.24613 (in press); et de Sousa, Vignaud, Araujo, & Carlier . 2012. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 67:1379-1390. Although it was shown to reveal disease activity, mono-exponential T2 of muscle water is non-specific to what concerns the mechanisms underlying its alterations. It has been long known that T2 relaxation in SKM tissue is multi-exponential. This is currently accepted to reveal anatomical compartmentation of myowater. We implemented a method for localized spectroscopic CPMG acquisition. CPMG data respect echo-time sampling and signal to noise ration limits for allowing robust multiexponential analysis. This work allowed us to establish a compartmentation model that perfectly explains the multi-exponential T2 relaxation observed in SKM tissue. This work was published in the " Biophysical Journal " (Araujo, Fromes & Carlier 2014. New Insights on skeletal muscle tissue compartments revealed by T2 NMR relaxometry. (In press)). Pilot studies performed in patients show promising results and suggest potential application of the method in clinical studies. Fibrosis starts with an excessive accumulation of intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT). We have explored the " Ultrashort time to echo " (UTE) method with the aim to detect and characterize the signal from IMCT. In a first study we characterized in vivo a short T2 component (~500 µs) in SKM, and we collected evidences suggesting that this component might reflect IMCT. Then we implemented a methodology that allowed imaging this short component in SKM tissue for the first time.

Estudo das relações entre populações celulares, expressão de aquaporina-4 e sulfato de condroitina com o tempo de relaxamento e a taxa de transferência de magnetização no hipocampo de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal farmacorresistente / Study of the associations between cellular populations, aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate with T2 relaxation and magnetization transfer in the hippocampus of patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy

Santos, José Eduardo Peixoto 30 September 2014 (has links)
Racional: A epilepsia do lobo temporal está comumente associada à farmacorresistência e tem a esclerose hipocampal como achado neuropatológico em mais da metade dos casos. Histologicamente, a esclerose hipocampal está associada à perda neuronal diferencial e gliose, além de alterações nos níveis de moléculas associadas à homeostase da água tecidual, como a aquaporina 4 e a molécula de matriz sulfato de condroitina. Em imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética, a esclerose é caracterizada por redução de volume em sequências ponderadas em T1, aumento de sinal e tempo de relaxamento em sequências ponderadas em T2 e redução na transferência de magnetização. Justificativa e Objetivos: Uma vez que tanto o sinal T2 quando a transferência de magnetização são dependentes da água tecidual, nosso objetivo é avaliar, na formação hipocampal de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal, as correlações entre populações celulares e moléculas ligadas à homeostase da água e as imagens ponderadas em T2 e transferência de magnetização. Visamos ainda definir, na formação hipocampal de indivíduos sem alterações neuropatológicas, o volume de cada um dos subcampos hipocampais. Metodologia: Pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal farmacorresistente (ELT, n = 43), bem como voluntários sadios (controle radiológico, CH, n = 20), foram submetidos a exames de ressonância magnética em máquina de 3T para mensuração da volumetria hipocampal, tempo de relaxamento T2 e transferência de magnetização hipocampal (exames in vivo). Após o tratamento cirúrgico para o controle das crises, os hipocampos dos pacientes com ELT foram fixados por 8 dias e submetidos aos exames ex vivo em máquina de 3T para cálculo do tempo de relaxamento T2 de cada subcampo hipocampal. Hipocampos controle (Controle historadiológico, CHR, n = 14), foram obtidos de autópsias de pacientes sem histórico ante-mortem de doença neurológica ou presença de patologia no exame do encéfalo pos mortem. Ambos os grupos controle foram pareados para idade em relação ao grupo ELT. Alguns dos casos CHR (n = 6) foram também submetidos à imagem 3D T2 em máquina de 4,7T para cálculo de volumetria dos subcampos hipocampais. Após emblocamento em parafina, secções coronais hipocampais dos casos CHR e ELT foram submetidas às técnicas de histoquímica básica Hematoxilina e Eosina e Luxol Fast Blue, e às imuno-histoquímicas para avaliação das populações neuronais (NeuN), astrócitos reativos (GFAP), micróglias ativadas (HLA-DR) e para a expressão de aquaporina 4 (AQP4) e níveis de sulfato de condroitina (CS-56). Para a comparação entre os grupos, foram realizados testes t para dados paramétricos e Mann-Whitney para dados não-paramétricos. Testes de correlação foram empregados para análise da associação entre as avaliações histológicas e os exames de ressonância magnética. Resultados: Pacientes com ELT apresentaram menor volume hipocampal, maior tempo de relaxamento T2 e menor transferência de magnetização no exame in vivo, quando comparados com o CR. O exame ex vivo para a volumetria dos subcampos hipocampais em casos do grupo CHR indicou que a fascia dentata, a região CA1 e o subículo correspondem à 85 % do volume hipocampal total. Quanto ao tempo de relaxamento T2 ex vivo, foi observado aumento em todos os subcampos hipocampais do grupo ELT, à exceção da fascia dentata, quando comparados ao CHR. A avaliação da densidade neuronal indicou redução significativa em todos os subcampos dos casos ELT, à exceção do subículo, quando comparados ao CHR. Em relação aos valores do grupo CHR, foi observada astrogliose em quase todos subcampos da formação hipocampal (a exceção da zona subgranular e do hilo) e microgliose em todos os subcampos (exceto pelo subículo) dos casos com ELT. Pacientes com ELT apresentaram redução na expressão de aquaporina 4 perivascular em todos os subcampos do hipocampo, comparados ao CHR. Aumento nos níveis de sulfato de condroitina foi observado em todos os subcampos da formação hipocampal, à exceção da camada granular, nos pacientes com ELT. O volume hipocampal e a transferência de magnetização in vivo dos pacientes com ELT correlacionaram-se tanto com a população neuronal como com os níveis de sulfato de condroitina, enquanto que o tempo de relaxamento in vivo correlacionou-se com a população astroglial e os níveis de sulfato de condroitina. O exame ex vivo corroborou a correlação entre a população glial e o tempo de relaxamento observado nos pacientes com ELT. A diferença entre o tempo de relaxamento in vivo e ex vivo correlacionou-se tanto com a difusibilidade da água no tecido como com os níveis de sulfato de condroitina. Conclusões: Nossos dados indicam correlação entre a patologia hipocampal e as imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética, sendo que a maior qualidade das imagens ex vivo permitiu uma avaliação mais direta entre o sinal de ressonância e a patologia, indicando importância da população celular e matriz extracelular para o volume hipocampal e a transferência de magnetização, e da astrogliose para o tempo de relaxamento T2. Finalmente, nossos dados mostraram que CA1, subículo e fascia dentata tem grande participação no volume hipocampal, sendo que alterações nestas regiões tem um papel mais relevante nas alterações observadas na ressonância magnética, como indicado por nossas correlações. / Rationale: Drug resistant temporal lobe epilepsy is often associated with hippocampal sclerosis. Histological evaluation reveals differential neuronal loss, gliosis and changes in molecules associated with water homeostasis, such as aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate. Magnetic resonance imaging in these cases often reveals hippocampal atrophy, increased T2 signal and T2 relaxation and reduced magnetization transfer ratio in the hippocampus. Aims: Once both T2 signal and magnetization transfer are affected by tissue water, our goal was to evaluate, in the hippocampus of drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy patients who underwent surgery for seizure control, the associations between cellular populations, aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate with T2 relaxation time and magnetization transfer. Additionally, we intended to measure the individual volume of each hippocampal subfield in hippocampus from patients without neurological disease. Methods: Patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE, n = 43) and age-matched health volunteers (radiological control, RC, n = 20) were submitted to magnetic resonance in a 3T machine for hippocampal volumetry measure, T2 relaxation and magnetization transfer (in vivo examination). After surgical treatment for seizure control, hippocampi from the TLE patients were fixed in formalin for 8 days and then submitted to ex vivo imaging in 3T for relaxation time of every hippocampal subfield. Control hippocampi were obtained from autopsies of age-matched patients without ante mortem history of neurological disease or post mortem neurological pathology, and underwent the same ex vivo imaging (histo-radiological control, HRC, n = 14). Six cases from the HRC underwent 3D T2 imaging in a 4.7T machine, in order to measure the volumes of the hippocampal subfields. Paraffin embedded hippocampal sections from TLE and HRC were submitted to Hematoxilin-Eosin and Luxol Fast Blue histochemistries, and to immunohistochemistries for the evaluation of neurons (NeuN), reactive astrocytes (GFAP), activated microglia (HLA-DR), for aquaporin 4 (AQP4) and for chondroitin sulfate (CS-56). Students t-test or Mann-Whitneys test were performed for comparison between groups, and correlation tests were performed for the comparison between histological and magnetic resonance measures. Results: Patients with TLE presented reduced hippocampal volume, increased T2 relaxation time and reduced magnetization transfer, when compared to RC. The ex vivo volumetry of the hippocampal subfields revealed that fascia dentata, CA1 and subiculum together correspond to 85 % of the total hippocampal volume. Ex vivo relaxation time, as the in vivo, were increased in the subfields of TLE patients, when compared to HRC. Compared to HRC, TLE patients presented neuron loss and microgliosis in all hippocampal subfields but the subiculum, and astrogliosis in all hippocampal subfields but the subgranule zone and the hilus. Reduced perivascular aquaporin 4 was observed in all hippocampal subfields of TLE patients, and increased chondroitin sulfate was observed in all hippocampal subfields, with the exception of granule cell layer, of TLE patients, when compared to HRC. In TLE, both in vivo hippocampal volume and magnetization transfer correlated with the levels of chondroitin sulfate and the neuronal population, whereas the in vivo relaxation time correlated with the astroglial population and the levels of chondroitin sulfate. Ex vivo relaxation time also correlated with the astroglial population in TLE patients. The difference between in vivo and ex vivo relaxation values correlated with water difusibility and the levels of chondroitin sulfate. Conclusion: Our data indicate the importance of neuron population and extracellular matrix to both hippocampal volume and magnetization transfer, and of the reactive astrocytes for T2 relaxation. Ex vivo relaxation time allowed a more detailed evaluation, and indicated more robust correlations between reactive astrocytes and T2 relaxation. Finally, Our data indicated that CA1, the subiculum and fascia dentata are the major contributors to hippocampal volume, so changes in these subfields most likely will affect magnetic resonance imaging.

Signal Processing for Spectroscopic Applications

Gudmundson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
Spectroscopic techniques allow for studies of materials and organisms on the atomic and molecular level. Examples of such techniques are nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy—one of the principal techniques to obtain physical, chemical, electronic and structural information about molecules—and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)—an important medical imaging technique for, e.g., visualization of the internal structure of the human body. The less well-known spectroscopic technique of nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) is related to NMR and MRI but with the difference that no external magnetic field is needed. NQR has found applications in, e.g., detection of explosives and narcotics. The first part of this thesis is focused on detection and identification of solid and liquid explosives using both NQR and NMR data. Methods allowing for uncertainties in the assumed signal amplitudes are proposed, as well as methods for estimation of model parameters that allow for non-uniform sampling of the data. The second part treats two medical applications. Firstly, new, fast methods for parameter estimation in MRI data are presented. MRI can be used for, e.g., the diagnosis of anomalies in the skin or in the brain. The presented methods allow for a significant decrease in computational complexity without loss in performance. Secondly, the estimation of blood flow velo-city using medical ultrasound scanners is addressed. Information about anomalies in the blood flow dynamics is an important tool for the diagnosis of, for example, stenosis and atherosclerosis. The presented methods make no assumption on the sampling schemes, allowing for duplex mode transmissions where B-mode images are interleaved with the Doppler emissions.

Nanoparticules multifonctionelles pour la résonance magnétique et l'imagerie fluorescente / Multifunctional nanoparticles for MR and fluorescence imaging

Pinho, Sonia Luzia Claro 14 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit une stratégie de synthèse de nouvelles générations des nanoparticules (NPs) pour applications biomédicales, visant à une amélioration de leurs performances pour l’imagerie, le diagnostic thérapeutique. Ces NPs présentent plusieurs fonctionnalités leur permettant de réaliser des tâches multiples. Deux types de sondes bimodales ont été développés et étudiés afin d'évaluer leur potentiel comme agents (1) de contraste en IRM et (2) luminescents. Ces objetscombinent les propriétés des complexes de lanthanide (Ln3+) et celles des NPs de silice ou de type coeur-écorce Fe2O3@SiO2 pour une imagerie bimodale. Ces NPs testées sur des cellules vivantes ont permis d’illustrer la preuve du concept aussi bien en IRM avec une augmentation d'intensité des images et un impact significatif sur les relaxivities r1, r2 et r2* qu’en photoluminescence. L’étude du système coeur-écorce a montré que l’influence du contrôle fin de l’écorce autour du noyau d'oxyde de fer a pu être modélisée. / This thesis describes a strategy of synthesis of new generations of nanoparticles (NPs) for biomedical applications, aiming at an improvement of their performances for the imaging, and the therapeutic diagnosis. These NPs present several functionalities enabling them to carry out multiple tasks. Two types of bimodal probes were developed and studied so as to evaluate their potential as contrast agents (1) in MRI and (2) and luminescence. These objects combine the properties of the lanthanide complexes (Ln3+) and those of NPs of silica or core/shell Fe2O3@SiO2 for a bimodal imaging. These NPs tested on living cells were able to illustrate the proof of the concept not only in MRI with an increase of intensity of the images and a significant impact on the relaxivities r1, r 2 and r2* but also in photoluminescence. The study of the core/shell system showed that the influence of the fine control of the shell around the iron oxide core could be modeled.

Relation structure-transport dans des membranes et matériaux modèles pour pile à combustible / Membranes for fuel cells : structure-transport relation in models materials

Berrod, Quentin 19 December 2013 (has links)
L’optimisation des performances d’une pile à combustible (PEMFC) requiert la compréhension microscopique des mécanismes de transport de l’eau et du proton confinés au sein de la membrane électrolyte polymère. La membrane est un matériau nanostructuré chargé, caractérisé par une dynamique de l’eau et du proton complexe et multi-échelle étroitement corrélée à la morphologie confinante. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la relation structure – transport dans i) L’Aquivion, un ionomère perfluorosulfonique récent présentant de bonnes performances en pile, ii) des systèmes «modèles» auto-assemblés de tensioactifs perfluorés formant des phases lamellaires et hexagonales et iii) une nouvelle membrane hybride préparée par dopage en tensioactif. La nano-structuration des différents systèmes a été étudiée par diffusion de rayonnement (X et neutrons), pour caractériser l’évolution de la structure (géométrie de la matrice hôte, taille de confinement) avec l’hydratation. Ensuite, nous avons sondé la dynamique de l’eau à l’échelle moléculaire (de la picoseconde à la nanoseconde) par diffusion quasi-élastique des neutrons (QENS) et à l’échelle micrométrique par RMN à gradients de champs pulsés. La comparaison membranes commerciales / systèmes modèles permet de discuter l’impact de la connectivité, du confinement et de la géométrie sur le transport ionique. Enfin, des membranes hybrides à fort potentiel ont été obtenues par dopage du Nafion et de l’Aquivion avec des tensioactifs. Ces nouveaux matériaux ouvrent une voie prometteuse pour la préparation de membranes polymères fortement anisotropes avec des chemins de conduction préférentiellement orientés. / The optimization of the Fuel Cell’s performances (PEMFC) requires a microscopic understanding of the water and proton’s transport mechanism, which are confined in a polymer electrolyte membrane. The latter is nanostructured, charged and characterized by a complex and multi-scale water and proton dynamics, closely correlated to the confining morphology. We studied the structure-transport interplay in i) the Aquivion, a recent perfluorosulfonic ionomer exhibiting good performances in fuel cell, ii) “model” systems of perfluorosulfonic surfactants, which self-assemble in lamellar and hexagonal phases and iii) a new hybrid membrane doped with surfactant. The nanostructuration of the different systems has been studied by neutron and X-ray scattering, to characterize the structural evolution (host matrix geometry, confinement sizes) with hydration. Then, we probe the water dynamics at the molecular level (from picosecond to nanosecond) with Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) and at the micrometric scale with Pulsed Field Gradient NMR. The comparison of commercial membranes and model systems bring new insight on the impact of the connectivity, the confinement and the geometry, on the ionic transport. Finally, high potential hybrid membranes have been obtained by doping Nafion and Aquivion with surfactants. Those new materials open a promising way for the preparation of highly anisotropic polymer membrane, with conducting path preferentially oriented.

Estudo das relações entre populações celulares, expressão de aquaporina-4 e sulfato de condroitina com o tempo de relaxamento e a taxa de transferência de magnetização no hipocampo de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal farmacorresistente / Study of the associations between cellular populations, aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate with T2 relaxation and magnetization transfer in the hippocampus of patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy

José Eduardo Peixoto Santos 30 September 2014 (has links)
Racional: A epilepsia do lobo temporal está comumente associada à farmacorresistência e tem a esclerose hipocampal como achado neuropatológico em mais da metade dos casos. Histologicamente, a esclerose hipocampal está associada à perda neuronal diferencial e gliose, além de alterações nos níveis de moléculas associadas à homeostase da água tecidual, como a aquaporina 4 e a molécula de matriz sulfato de condroitina. Em imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética, a esclerose é caracterizada por redução de volume em sequências ponderadas em T1, aumento de sinal e tempo de relaxamento em sequências ponderadas em T2 e redução na transferência de magnetização. Justificativa e Objetivos: Uma vez que tanto o sinal T2 quando a transferência de magnetização são dependentes da água tecidual, nosso objetivo é avaliar, na formação hipocampal de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal, as correlações entre populações celulares e moléculas ligadas à homeostase da água e as imagens ponderadas em T2 e transferência de magnetização. Visamos ainda definir, na formação hipocampal de indivíduos sem alterações neuropatológicas, o volume de cada um dos subcampos hipocampais. Metodologia: Pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal farmacorresistente (ELT, n = 43), bem como voluntários sadios (controle radiológico, CH, n = 20), foram submetidos a exames de ressonância magnética em máquina de 3T para mensuração da volumetria hipocampal, tempo de relaxamento T2 e transferência de magnetização hipocampal (exames in vivo). Após o tratamento cirúrgico para o controle das crises, os hipocampos dos pacientes com ELT foram fixados por 8 dias e submetidos aos exames ex vivo em máquina de 3T para cálculo do tempo de relaxamento T2 de cada subcampo hipocampal. Hipocampos controle (Controle historadiológico, CHR, n = 14), foram obtidos de autópsias de pacientes sem histórico ante-mortem de doença neurológica ou presença de patologia no exame do encéfalo pos mortem. Ambos os grupos controle foram pareados para idade em relação ao grupo ELT. Alguns dos casos CHR (n = 6) foram também submetidos à imagem 3D T2 em máquina de 4,7T para cálculo de volumetria dos subcampos hipocampais. Após emblocamento em parafina, secções coronais hipocampais dos casos CHR e ELT foram submetidas às técnicas de histoquímica básica Hematoxilina e Eosina e Luxol Fast Blue, e às imuno-histoquímicas para avaliação das populações neuronais (NeuN), astrócitos reativos (GFAP), micróglias ativadas (HLA-DR) e para a expressão de aquaporina 4 (AQP4) e níveis de sulfato de condroitina (CS-56). Para a comparação entre os grupos, foram realizados testes t para dados paramétricos e Mann-Whitney para dados não-paramétricos. Testes de correlação foram empregados para análise da associação entre as avaliações histológicas e os exames de ressonância magnética. Resultados: Pacientes com ELT apresentaram menor volume hipocampal, maior tempo de relaxamento T2 e menor transferência de magnetização no exame in vivo, quando comparados com o CR. O exame ex vivo para a volumetria dos subcampos hipocampais em casos do grupo CHR indicou que a fascia dentata, a região CA1 e o subículo correspondem à 85 % do volume hipocampal total. Quanto ao tempo de relaxamento T2 ex vivo, foi observado aumento em todos os subcampos hipocampais do grupo ELT, à exceção da fascia dentata, quando comparados ao CHR. A avaliação da densidade neuronal indicou redução significativa em todos os subcampos dos casos ELT, à exceção do subículo, quando comparados ao CHR. Em relação aos valores do grupo CHR, foi observada astrogliose em quase todos subcampos da formação hipocampal (a exceção da zona subgranular e do hilo) e microgliose em todos os subcampos (exceto pelo subículo) dos casos com ELT. Pacientes com ELT apresentaram redução na expressão de aquaporina 4 perivascular em todos os subcampos do hipocampo, comparados ao CHR. Aumento nos níveis de sulfato de condroitina foi observado em todos os subcampos da formação hipocampal, à exceção da camada granular, nos pacientes com ELT. O volume hipocampal e a transferência de magnetização in vivo dos pacientes com ELT correlacionaram-se tanto com a população neuronal como com os níveis de sulfato de condroitina, enquanto que o tempo de relaxamento in vivo correlacionou-se com a população astroglial e os níveis de sulfato de condroitina. O exame ex vivo corroborou a correlação entre a população glial e o tempo de relaxamento observado nos pacientes com ELT. A diferença entre o tempo de relaxamento in vivo e ex vivo correlacionou-se tanto com a difusibilidade da água no tecido como com os níveis de sulfato de condroitina. Conclusões: Nossos dados indicam correlação entre a patologia hipocampal e as imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética, sendo que a maior qualidade das imagens ex vivo permitiu uma avaliação mais direta entre o sinal de ressonância e a patologia, indicando importância da população celular e matriz extracelular para o volume hipocampal e a transferência de magnetização, e da astrogliose para o tempo de relaxamento T2. Finalmente, nossos dados mostraram que CA1, subículo e fascia dentata tem grande participação no volume hipocampal, sendo que alterações nestas regiões tem um papel mais relevante nas alterações observadas na ressonância magnética, como indicado por nossas correlações. / Rationale: Drug resistant temporal lobe epilepsy is often associated with hippocampal sclerosis. Histological evaluation reveals differential neuronal loss, gliosis and changes in molecules associated with water homeostasis, such as aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate. Magnetic resonance imaging in these cases often reveals hippocampal atrophy, increased T2 signal and T2 relaxation and reduced magnetization transfer ratio in the hippocampus. Aims: Once both T2 signal and magnetization transfer are affected by tissue water, our goal was to evaluate, in the hippocampus of drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy patients who underwent surgery for seizure control, the associations between cellular populations, aquaporin 4 and chondroitin sulfate with T2 relaxation time and magnetization transfer. Additionally, we intended to measure the individual volume of each hippocampal subfield in hippocampus from patients without neurological disease. Methods: Patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE, n = 43) and age-matched health volunteers (radiological control, RC, n = 20) were submitted to magnetic resonance in a 3T machine for hippocampal volumetry measure, T2 relaxation and magnetization transfer (in vivo examination). After surgical treatment for seizure control, hippocampi from the TLE patients were fixed in formalin for 8 days and then submitted to ex vivo imaging in 3T for relaxation time of every hippocampal subfield. Control hippocampi were obtained from autopsies of age-matched patients without ante mortem history of neurological disease or post mortem neurological pathology, and underwent the same ex vivo imaging (histo-radiological control, HRC, n = 14). Six cases from the HRC underwent 3D T2 imaging in a 4.7T machine, in order to measure the volumes of the hippocampal subfields. Paraffin embedded hippocampal sections from TLE and HRC were submitted to Hematoxilin-Eosin and Luxol Fast Blue histochemistries, and to immunohistochemistries for the evaluation of neurons (NeuN), reactive astrocytes (GFAP), activated microglia (HLA-DR), for aquaporin 4 (AQP4) and for chondroitin sulfate (CS-56). Students t-test or Mann-Whitneys test were performed for comparison between groups, and correlation tests were performed for the comparison between histological and magnetic resonance measures. Results: Patients with TLE presented reduced hippocampal volume, increased T2 relaxation time and reduced magnetization transfer, when compared to RC. The ex vivo volumetry of the hippocampal subfields revealed that fascia dentata, CA1 and subiculum together correspond to 85 % of the total hippocampal volume. Ex vivo relaxation time, as the in vivo, were increased in the subfields of TLE patients, when compared to HRC. Compared to HRC, TLE patients presented neuron loss and microgliosis in all hippocampal subfields but the subiculum, and astrogliosis in all hippocampal subfields but the subgranule zone and the hilus. Reduced perivascular aquaporin 4 was observed in all hippocampal subfields of TLE patients, and increased chondroitin sulfate was observed in all hippocampal subfields, with the exception of granule cell layer, of TLE patients, when compared to HRC. In TLE, both in vivo hippocampal volume and magnetization transfer correlated with the levels of chondroitin sulfate and the neuronal population, whereas the in vivo relaxation time correlated with the astroglial population and the levels of chondroitin sulfate. Ex vivo relaxation time also correlated with the astroglial population in TLE patients. The difference between in vivo and ex vivo relaxation values correlated with water difusibility and the levels of chondroitin sulfate. Conclusion: Our data indicate the importance of neuron population and extracellular matrix to both hippocampal volume and magnetization transfer, and of the reactive astrocytes for T2 relaxation. Ex vivo relaxation time allowed a more detailed evaluation, and indicated more robust correlations between reactive astrocytes and T2 relaxation. Finally, Our data indicated that CA1, the subiculum and fascia dentata are the major contributors to hippocampal volume, so changes in these subfields most likely will affect magnetic resonance imaging.

Characterization of thermally modified wood by NMR spectroscopy:microstructure and moisture components

Kekkonen, P. (Päivi) 11 November 2014 (has links)
Abstract Wood is an essential material that has many applications in the fields of engineering and especially in the forest industry, which is particularly important in Fennoscandia. Among the various modification methods for wood, thermal modification has grown substantially over the past decades. It is an environmentally friendly method for increasing the lifetime and usability of timber. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the properties of thermally modified wood as well as to obtain new information on the changes taking place in pinewood due to the thermal modification process. Several NMR methods were used to gain information on the effect of thermal modification on the microstructure and moisture components of Pinus sylvestris pinewood. Pinewood samples thermally modified at different temperatures were studied and compared to corresponding unmodified wood samples. Diffusion of water and methane was studied using pulsed-field-gradient stimulated-echo measurements to determine the highly anisotropic size distribution of pores in different cell structures of pinewood. NMR cryoporometry and relaxometry measurements were conducted to gain information on the amounts and environments of both the bound and free water absorbed into the wood samples. Cryoporometry measurements resulted in an upper limit value for the size of bound water sites and the combination of cryoporometry and relaxometry data enabled the size determination of cell wall micropores. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to visualize the spatial distribution of absorbed free water in the studied samples. Together these methods give a broad overall picture of the effects of the modification process. The results of this work give new insight into the microstructure of thermally modified pinewood and its relationship to moisture, which is of importance for both wood science as well as industry. The applicability of the NMR techniques used here to the study of wood is also proven in this work. Using the techniques developed, it is possible to determine the optimal modification temperature, which is high enough to obtain the desired effects, but low enough not to destroy the microstructure of wood. / Tiivistelmä Puuta pystytään hyödyntämään useilla eri aloilla ja se on materiaalina tärkeä etenkin Fennoskandiassa merkittävälle metsäteollisuudelle. Useiden erilaisten puun käsittelymenetelmien joukossa lämpökäsittely on kasvattanut voimakkaasti suosiotaan viime vuosikymmeninä. Kyseessä on ympäristöystävällinen menetelmä, jolla voidaan pidentää puun käyttöikää sekä käytettävyyttä erilaisissa sovelluskohteissa. Tämän väitöskirjan päämääränä on ollut lämpökäsitellyn puun ominaisuuksien tutkiminen ja uuden tiedon saaminen puussa lämpökäsittelyprosessin myötä tapahtuvista muutoksista. Työssä käytettiin useita eri NMR-menetelmiä lämpökäsitellyn mäntypuun (Pinus sylvestris) mikrorakenteen sekä puussa olevan kosteuden aiheuttamien vaikutusten tutkimiseksi. Työssä tutkittiin eri lämpötiloissa käsiteltyjä mäntypuunäytteitä, joita verrattiin vastaaviin käsittelemättömiin näytteisiin. Veden ja metaanin diffuusiota tutkittiin PGSTE-menetelmällä puun erittäin anisotrooppisen solurakenteen sisältämien huokosten mittojen määrittämiseksi. NMR-kryoporometria- ja -relaksometriamittaukset antoivat tietoa puuhun imeytyneen sidotun ja vapaan veden määrästä ja esiintymisympäristöstä. Kryoporometria-mittausten tuloksista saatiin yläraja sidotun veden esiintymispaikkojen koolle, ja kryoporometria- ja relaksometriamittausten tuottaman tiedon yhdistäminen mahdollisti soluseinämien mikrohuokosten koon määrittämisen. Magneettikuvausta käytettiin näytteisiin absorboituneen veden avaruudellisen jakauman määrittämiseen. Käytetyt menetelmät tarjoavat laajan kokonaiskuvan lämpökäsittelyprosessin vaikutuksista puulle. Tämän työn tulokset antavat puutiedettä ja -teollisuutta hyödyttävää uutta tietoa lämpökäsitellyn männyn mikrorakenteesta sekä sen suhteesta kosteuteen. Väitöskirja myös osoittaa käytettyjen NMR-menetelmien soveltuvan hyvin puun tutkimiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen myötä kehitettyjen menetelmien avulla voidaan määrittää mm. optimaalinen lämpökäsittelylämpötila, joka on riittävän korkea haluttujen ominaisuuksien kannalta aiheuttamatta kuitenkaan puun mikrorakenteen hajoamista.

Toward the characterization of micro- and macro- traumatisms of the human cervical spinal cord in rugby : a multimodal approach combining magnetic resonance imaging and biomechanical finite element modelling / Vers la caractérisation des micros et macro-traumatismes de la moelle épinière cervicale dans la pratique du rugby : une approche multimodale combinant imagerie par résonnance magnétique et modélisation biomécanique par éléments finis

Rasoanandrianina, Rivo 08 January 2019 (has links)
Dans la pratique du rugby à XV, l’intégrité de la moelle épinière (ME) est menacée par les rares macro-traumatismes du rachis cervical, et par les chargements répétitifs entrainant l’apparition de pathologies dégénératives. Comment quantifier ces altérations, quels sont les mécanismes qui les président ?Pour aborder ces questions, la faisabilité et l’intérêt d’un protocole IRM multiparamétrique en contexte dégénératif ont tout d’abord été investigués. Puis, une récente technique de relaxométrie T1 3D et une acquisition ihMT multi-coupes à multiples orientations permettant d’évaluer le contenu macromoléculaire des tissus, en particulier la myéline, ont été développées pour évaluer le caractère diffus des altérations. Préliminairement appliqué sur quelques joueurs, ce protocole a ainsi démontré la faisabilité d’une exploration approfondie par IRM multiparamétrique de la ME cervicale dans le rugby.En complément de cela, une étude préliminaire utilisant un modèle éléments finis (MEF) détaillé a été menée pour évaluer la réponse mécanique des sous-régions de la ME soumises à des chargements mécaniques primaires. Par la suite, une étude préliminaire des risques neurologiques liés à un canal vertébral étroit (observé chez certains joueurs) a été conduite en modifiant la géométrie du MEF. A l’interface entre l’IRM et la biomécanique, ces travaux préliminaires ont posé les premiers jalons pour une caractérisation fine et robuste des altérations tissulaires au niveau médullaire dans le rugby. A terme, cette approche permettrait de proposer de nouveaux éléments pour une éventuelle amélioration du bilan d’aptitude des joueurs et de proposer des programmes préventifs améliorés. / In Rugby Union practice, the cervical spinal cord (CSC) could be involved in rare cervical spine (CS) traumatic injuries and also be threatened by the neck exposure to repetitive impacts assumed to induce early degenerative tissue alterations. How to quantify these impairments? What are the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms? To answer these questions, efforts were first directed towards the investigative potential of an advanced multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) protocol in degenerative contexts. Then, a new MRI protocol covering the whole CSC, including a recent 3D T1 relaxometry technique and a multi-slice multi-angle ihMT acquisition evaluating tissue myelin-content, was optimized. Preliminarily-applied to few players, this new optimized protocol showed the feasibility of a fine and diffuse CSC characterization in rugby. In parallel and as a complement, preliminary finite element modelling (FEM) analyses were also conducted to evaluate the mechanical responses of CSC sub-regions under primary loading mechanisms. Then, the same loading mechanisms were applied to a geometrically-modified FEM reproducing a narrow vertebral canal, reported to occur in some players therefore allowing to evaluate the effect of rugby-related CS degenerative changes on the CSC mechanical response under traumatic loadings. These preliminary, interdisciplinary and complementary works lay the ground for a fine structural and mechanical characterization of CSC tissues in rugby players, which would eventually allow to propose improved aptitude-to-play evaluation criteria as well as improved preventive programs.

Potenciální kontrastní látky pro MRI založené na komplexech manganu(II) / Potential contrast agents for MRI based on manganese(II) complexes

Drahoš, Bohuslav January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the synthesis and characterization of novel Mn2+ complexes as alternative to Gd3+ chelates which are wide-spread contrast agents in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In the perspective to find suitable chelators of Mn2+ , three groups of pentadentate ligands with different size of macrocylic cavity, different donor atoms and number of pendant arms containing various functional groups have been investigated. Coordination numbers of 6 or 7 were found in the crystal structure of the Mn2+ complexes enabling binding of one or two water molecules in the first coordination sphere. The direct water coordination causes a decrease in the complex stability and thus, the thermodynamic stability of investigated chelates is lower than that of polyaminocarboxylate complexes and their dissociation is very fast in comparison to [Mn(nota)] and [Mn(dota)]2- . The studied Mn2+ complexes do not undergo oxidation in air except for complexes with 12-membered ligands which are oxidized to Mn3+ species. The proton relaxivities of the bishydrated complexes are two times higher than those for monohydrated complexes and are comparable to those of commercial contrast agents based on Gd3+ complexes. Variable-temperature 17 O NMR data revealed that the water exchange varies from slow to intermediate or...

Adaptation of Proof of Concepts Into Quantitative NMR Methods : Clinical Application for the Characterization of Alterations Observed in the Skeletal Muscle Tissue in Neuromuscular Disorders / Des preuves de concepts à la mise en œuvre de méthodes de RMN quantitative : application clinique à la caractérisation des altérations du muscle strié squelettique dans les pathologies neuro-musculaires

Araujo, Ericky Caldas de Almeida 06 May 2014 (has links)
Actuellement, des méthodes quantitatives de résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN) offrent des biomarqueurs qui permettent la réalisation d’études longitudinales pour le suivi de l’évolution des maladies neuromusculaires et des essais thérapeutiques de manière non-invasive. A la différence de la dégénérescence graisseuse, les processus d’inflammation/œdème/nécrose et fibrose sont des signes d’activité des maladies et leurs quantifications constitueraient ainsi de biomarqueurs parfaitement adaptés pour le suivi thérapeutique. Ce travail de thèse a consisté à mettre en place des méthodologies quantitatives plus précises et adaptées à l’étude clinique du muscle pour : (i) détecter et quantifier des sites d’activité de maladies par la cartographie T2 de l’eau ; (ii) identifier les différents processus pathophysiologiques qui sont à l’origine des altérations du T2 ; et (iii) détecter et quantifier la fibrose musculaire. Nous avons implémenté deux méthodes pour la quantification du T2 de l’eau dans le muscle. La première est basée sur une séquence d’écho de spin du type CPMG, où les signaux provenant des protons des lipides et de l’eau sont acquis simultanément et séparés à postériori par un traitement tri-exponentiel qui exploite la différence entre les T2 qui caractérisent les signaux de l’eau et de la graisse. La deuxième technique est basée sur une séquence de « partially spoiled steady state free precession (pSSFP) ». Différemment de la première technique qui nécessite un traitement assez élaboré sur des images acquises à 17 temps d’écho différents, dans la pSSFP la cartographie T2 est extraite à partir de deux séries de données 3D. L’acquisition 3D est compatible avec des techniques de sélection spectrale de l’eau, ce qui évite la contamination par les signaux des lipides. Les deux méthodes ont été validées expérimentalement chez des malades et des sujets sains et ont démontré leur capacité à détecter et quantifier des sites d’activité de maladies. Ces deux travaux font l’objet de deux publications dans des journaux scientifiques internationaux : Azzabou, de Sousa, Araujo, & Carlier, 2014. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. DOI 10.1002/jmri.24613 (in press); et de Sousa, Vignaud, Araujo, & Carlier . 2012. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 67:1379-1390. Malgré le fait de permettre la détection des sites d’activité de maladies, la mesure mono-exponentielle du T2 de l’eau par imagerie reste non-spécifique vis-à-vis des processus physiologiques à l’origine de l’augmentation du T2. Il est connu que la relaxation T2 du muscle squelettique n’est pas mono-exponentielle. Cela est interprété comme une conséquence de la compartimentation anatomique de l’eau tissulaire. Nous avons mis au point une méthode pour l’acquisition localisée de données CPMG. Cette technique permet l’acquisition des données dans des conditions nécessaires pour la réalisation de traitements multi-exponentiels précis. Ce travail nous a permis d’établir un modèle de compartimentation qui explique parfaitement la relaxation T2 dans le muscle. Il a fait l’objet d’un article publié dans le « Biophysical Journal » (Araujo, Fromes & Carlier 2014. New Insights on skeletal muscle tissue compartments revealed by T2 NMR relaxometry. (In press)). Les essais réalisés chez des sujets malades suggèrent un grand potentiel pour l’application de la méthode dans des études cliniques. La formation de la fibrose commence avec une accumulation excessive de tissu conjonctif intramusculaire (TCIM). Nous avons exploité la technique « Ultrashort Time-to-Echo » (UTE) pour essayer de détecter et caractériser le signal du TCIM. Dans une première étude, nous avons caractérisé in vivo une composante à T2 court (~500 µs) dans le muscle, et nous avons trouvé des indices qui suggèrent qu’elle représente le TCIM. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons mis au point une méthodologie qui a permis d’imager cette composante à T2 court dans le muscle pour la première fois. / Current quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technics offer biomarkers that allow performing non-invasive longitudinal studies for the follow up of therapeutic trials in neuromuscular disorders (NMD). In contrast to fat degeneration, the mechanisms of inflammation/oedema/necrosis and fibrosis are characteristic signs of disease activity, which makes their quantification a promising source of crucial biomarkers for longitudinal studies. This thesis work consisted on the implementation of more precise quantitative NMR methods adapted to the clinical study of skeletal muscle (SKM) for : (i) detection and quantification of sites of disease activity by T2-mapping of muscle water ; (ii) investigation of the different pathophysiological mechanisms underlying T2 alterations ; and (iii) Detection and quantification of muscle fibrosis. We implemented two methods for T2 mapping of muscle water. The first one is based on a multi-spin-echo sequence du type CPMG. In this method the 1H-NMR signals from water and lipids are acquired simultaneously. The acquired data are fitted to a tri-exponential model, in which water and fat signals are separated by exploring the T2 difference between water and fat. This method allows extraction of muscle water T2-value in the presence of fat infiltration. The second method is based on a « partially spoiled steady state free precession » (pSSFP) sequence. In contrast to the first method, which demands a sophisticated post-treatment of images acquired at 17 different echo-times, with the pSSFP a T2-mapping is extracted from two 3D data sets. 3D acquisition is compatible with spectrally selective water excitation, which eliminates signal contribution from lipids. Both methods were validated experimentally on patients and healthy subjects. The results demonstrated their capacity to detect and quantify disease activity sites. This 2 works have been published in two international journals : Azzabou, de Sousa, Araujo, & Carlier, 2014. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. DOI 10.1002/jmri.24613 (in press); et de Sousa, Vignaud, Araujo, & Carlier . 2012. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 67:1379-1390. Although it was shown to reveal disease activity, mono-exponential T2 of muscle water is non-specific to what concerns the mechanisms underlying its alterations. It has been long known that T2 relaxation in SKM tissue is multi-exponential. This is currently accepted to reveal anatomical compartmentation of myowater. We implemented a method for localized spectroscopic CPMG acquisition. CPMG data respect echo-time sampling and signal to noise ration limits for allowing robust multiexponential analysis. This work allowed us to establish a compartmentation model that perfectly explains the multi-exponential T2 relaxation observed in SKM tissue. This work was published in the « Biophysical Journal » (Araujo, Fromes & Carlier 2014. New Insights on skeletal muscle tissue compartments revealed by T2 NMR relaxometry. (In press)). Pilot studies performed in patients show promising results and suggest potential application of the method in clinical studies. Fibrosis starts with an excessive accumulation of intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT). We have explored the « Ultrashort time to echo » (UTE) method with the aim to detect and characterize the signal from IMCT. In a first study we characterized in vivo a short T2 component (~500 µs) in SKM, and we collected evidences suggesting that this component might reflect IMCT. Then we implemented a methodology that allowed imaging this short component in SKM tissue for the first time.

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