Spelling suggestions: "subject:"depressions"" "subject:"repressions""
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Den första petropolitiska lagen : en statistisk analys av ett högre råoljepris och demokratisk utveckling hos ett antal petropolitiska staterPetenko, Vladimir January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med undersökningen var att med hjälp av lämpliga statistiska metoder testa det så kallade ”Första petropolitiska lagen” med vilket menas en negativ korrelation mellan priset på råolja och graden av friheten hos petropolitiska länder. Med stöd av ett lämplig teoretisk referensram och diskussion över de kausala mekanismerna, har en hypotes över sambandet tagits fram. Trettio tre petropolitiska stater har identifierats vilket omfattar hela populationen. Demokratiska friheter och priset på råolja har definierats och omvandlats till en kvantifierbar form och sedan testats statistiskt. Samtliga variabler har kodats i form av tidsserieobservationer och en paneldata har konstruerats innehållande totalt 939 årliga observationer för de trettio tre petropolitiska länder. Den aggregerade sambandet över hela populationen har testats med en OLE regressionsanalys med så kallad ”first-order” autokorrelation med panelspecifika standardavvikelser. Den första petropolitiska lagen har även testats individuellt för varje petropolitisk land som ingick i urvalet. Erhållen resultat från aggregerat regressionsanalys tyder på att det föreligger ett svagt, med 95 % statistiskt signifikant, positiv samband mellan den beroende och den oberoende variabeln. När sambandet testades enskilt för varje land, har endast 16 av 33 länder fått signifikanta korrelationsnivåer. Fem av länder visade en negativ samband medan elva länder visade en positiv samband mellan beroende och oberoende variabler. Hypotesen har därmed kunnat falsifieras. Förklaringsgraden, samt autokorrelationsproblem tyder dock på att en mer omfattande analys krävs för att kunna säkerställa erhållna resultat.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study was to, with proper statistical methods, investigate so called ”The First Law of Petropolitics”. The First Law of Petropolitics postulates that there exists a negative correlation between price of oil and pace of freedom in the oil-rich petrolist states. A hypothesis has been formulated based on appropriate theoretical references and a discussion about its causal mechanisms. Thirty three petropolist states have been identified which comprises the whole population. The pace of freedom and the price of oil has been defined and transformed into a quantifiable measure and tested statistically. Variables were coded into a time-series panel-data form which included 939 annual observations for those thirty three petrolist states. The aggregated correlation between dependent and independent variables has been tested with an OLE regression analysis with so called “first-order autocorrelation with panel-specific standard errors”. The first law of petropolitics also has been individually tested for each petrolist state. The results from the aggregate regression suggest that there exists a weak, with 95 % statistically significant, positive correlation between a dependent and an independent variables. When each petrolist state has been regressed individually the results showed that only 16 of 33 states had significant levels of correlation. Five of those states had a negative correlation, while other eleven states had a positive correlation. The hypothesis has therefore been falsified. The low R2 –value obtained in both tests and autocorrelation problems suggest that a further investigation of the First Law of Petropolitics is necessary in order to secure the obtained results.</p>
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The ideological and political aspects of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activities in 1954–1990 / LSSR KGB veiklos ideologiniai ir politiniai aspektai 1954-1990 mBurinskaitė, Kristina 27 December 2011 (has links)
The analysis of the origins of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activity and relations with political government helps to understand this institution and does not only bring better understanding of this structure but also contributes to the knowledge of the Soviet totalitarian regime and policy in Lithuania. It is also important to show that KGB was not a secret service of the type analogous to secret services in the West, which pursued intelligence and counter-intelligence functions. Functions of soviet secret service were different from others secret services and this was also determined by specific of soviet system and aims of communist party.
The main aim of the dissertation to prove that the Lithuanian SSR KGB was an institution primarily engaged in ideological and political rather than solely repressive tasks. It is also analyses impact of communist ideology and communist party on the KGB activities, by displaying its relations with the Communist party, Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR, the Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR and the Soviet army which would lead to the conclusion on the influence of the Lithuanian SSR KGB to domestic political processes. The dissertation also attempts to enumerate and describe the fields of activity and methods of the Soviet security service that would reflect the ideological and political aspects of its activities.
Dissertation is consisting of three parts. In a first part the main tendencies and changes in KGB activities after 195... [to full text] / LSSR KGB veiklos ištakų ir santykių su politine valdžia analizė ne tik leidžia geriau perprasti šią struktūrą, bet ir prisideda prie totalitarinės sovietinės valdymo sistemos bei politikos Lietuvoje pažinimo. Taip pat būtina parodyti, kad KGB nebuvo tokia slaptoji tarnyba, kaip analogiškos Vakarų valstybių slaptosios tarnybos, vykdančios žvalgybos, kontržvalgybos funkcijas. Jos veikla bei metodai skyrėsi nuo kitų slaptųjų tarnybų, kas irgi buvo nulemta sovietinės sistemos ir komunistų partijos uždavinių.
Disertacijos santraukoje pristatoma komunistinės ideologijos ir komunistų partijos įtaką LSSR KGB veiklai, atskleidžiant jos santykius su LSSR MT, LSSR AT, tarybine armija, kas leistų spręsti, kokią įtaką LSSR KGB darė šalies vidaus politiniams procesams. Taip pat darbe įvardijamos sovietinio saugumo veiklos sritis ir metodus, kurie atspindėtų jos veiklos ideologinius ir politinius aspektus. Disertacija susideda iš trijų dalių. Pirmoji dalis bendrais bruožai apibūdina KGB raidos tendencijas, akcentuojant pokyčius, įvykusius po 1954 m. Antroje dalyje pristatomi LSSR KGB politiniai aspektai, kurie atsiskleidžia per LSSR KGB santykius su LKP CK, LSSR Ministrų Taryba ir Aukščiausiąja taryba bei tarybine armija. Trečioje dalyje apibūdinama kaip komunistinė ideologija, vidaus ir tarptautiniai įvykiai, procesai įtakojo KGB veiklą ir jos pokyčius. Taip pat įvardijamos KGB persekiojamos visuomenės grupės bei priežastis, kas nulėmė KGB išskirtinį dėmesį joms. Apibūdinami KGB veiklos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Komentovaný překlad dokumentárněhistorického textu: Vitalij Šentalinskij, Raby Svobody, Moskva 2009 (vybraná část - Pulja vmesto točki. Boris Pil'njak) / Annotated translation of the text of the historical documentary: Vitalij Shentalinskij, Raby svobody, Moskva 2009 (selected part - Pulya vmesto tochki. Boris Pilnyak)Paton, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Master Thesis is to present annotated translation of the text from the historical documentary by trilogy author Vitalij Shentalinskij "Raby Svobody". In the commentary attention was paid not only to problems at various language levels, but also to cultural and the other influences. The theoretical part, which is based on Czech and Slovakian theoretical works of Jiri Levy and Anton Popovic, could also help to facilitate deeper understanding the role of the translator and alternative ways of how the translator can de- duce a solution to particular translation problems. Key words: translation, translation problems, cultural facts, Boris Pilnyak, Soviet Union, repressions
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Den första petropolitiska lagen : en statistisk analys av ett högre råoljepris och demokratisk utveckling hos ett antal petropolitiska staterPetenko, Vladimir January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen var att med hjälp av lämpliga statistiska metoder testa det så kallade ”Första petropolitiska lagen” med vilket menas en negativ korrelation mellan priset på råolja och graden av friheten hos petropolitiska länder. Med stöd av ett lämplig teoretisk referensram och diskussion över de kausala mekanismerna, har en hypotes över sambandet tagits fram. Trettio tre petropolitiska stater har identifierats vilket omfattar hela populationen. Demokratiska friheter och priset på råolja har definierats och omvandlats till en kvantifierbar form och sedan testats statistiskt. Samtliga variabler har kodats i form av tidsserieobservationer och en paneldata har konstruerats innehållande totalt 939 årliga observationer för de trettio tre petropolitiska länder. Den aggregerade sambandet över hela populationen har testats med en OLE regressionsanalys med så kallad ”first-order” autokorrelation med panelspecifika standardavvikelser. Den första petropolitiska lagen har även testats individuellt för varje petropolitisk land som ingick i urvalet. Erhållen resultat från aggregerat regressionsanalys tyder på att det föreligger ett svagt, med 95 % statistiskt signifikant, positiv samband mellan den beroende och den oberoende variabeln. När sambandet testades enskilt för varje land, har endast 16 av 33 länder fått signifikanta korrelationsnivåer. Fem av länder visade en negativ samband medan elva länder visade en positiv samband mellan beroende och oberoende variabler. Hypotesen har därmed kunnat falsifieras. Förklaringsgraden, samt autokorrelationsproblem tyder dock på att en mer omfattande analys krävs för att kunna säkerställa erhållna resultat. / The purpose of this study was to, with proper statistical methods, investigate so called ”The First Law of Petropolitics”. The First Law of Petropolitics postulates that there exists a negative correlation between price of oil and pace of freedom in the oil-rich petrolist states. A hypothesis has been formulated based on appropriate theoretical references and a discussion about its causal mechanisms. Thirty three petropolist states have been identified which comprises the whole population. The pace of freedom and the price of oil has been defined and transformed into a quantifiable measure and tested statistically. Variables were coded into a time-series panel-data form which included 939 annual observations for those thirty three petrolist states. The aggregated correlation between dependent and independent variables has been tested with an OLE regression analysis with so called “first-order autocorrelation with panel-specific standard errors”. The first law of petropolitics also has been individually tested for each petrolist state. The results from the aggregate regression suggest that there exists a weak, with 95 % statistically significant, positive correlation between a dependent and an independent variables. When each petrolist state has been regressed individually the results showed that only 16 of 33 states had significant levels of correlation. Five of those states had a negative correlation, while other eleven states had a positive correlation. The hypothesis has therefore been falsified. The low R2 –value obtained in both tests and autocorrelation problems suggest that a further investigation of the First Law of Petropolitics is necessary in order to secure the obtained results.
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AvaliaÃÃo preliminar da previsÃo da capacidade de carga e do recalque de estacas prÃ-moldadas de concreto em perfis de solos granulares. / Preliminary forecast of load capacity and settlement of pre-cast concrete piles evaluation of granular soil profiles.Yan Carlos Chiu RodrÃguez 29 September 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / As estacas prÃ-fabricadas sÃo uma alternativa de fundaÃÃo indicada em situaÃÃes em que a vizinhanÃa nÃo apresenta restriÃÃes quanto a vibraÃÃes decorrentes de sua execuÃÃo. AlÃm disso, perfis de solos com baixa capacidade de suporte superficialmente e que se estende a maiores profundidades tambÃm apontam para a possibilidade de escolha dessa alternativa. Nestes casos, alÃm de outros, fundaÃÃes em estacas prÃ-fabricadas de concreto podem proporcionar fundaÃÃes tecnicamente possÃveis e economicamente mais atraente. Nesta dissertaÃÃo, à feito uma anÃlise da aplicabilidade dos principais mÃtodos de previsÃo de capacidade de carga e recalque de estacas prÃ-moldadas de concreto armado em perfis de solos granulares tÃpico dos encontrados comumente em Fortaleza. O objetivo deste trabalho à avaliar se previsÃes realizadas por mÃtodos semi-empÃricos de capacidade de carga e de recalque, realizados a partir de sondagens à percussÃo (SPT) e em perfis de solos granulares, sÃo concordantes tendo como referÃncia resultados de 7 provas de cargas estÃticas realizadas. AlÃm disso, pretende-se ainda avaliar se, provas de cargas interrompidas prematuramente sÃo capazes de serem extrapoladas de forma a proporcionar previsÃes da carga de ruptura concordantes. Para isso foram realizadas sondagens a percussÃo (SPT) e provas de cargas em alguns locais situados em Fortaleza. A seguir foram estimados os valores da capacidade de carga e do recalque de cada estaca ensaiada nas provas de carga, e para a carga de trabalho, atravÃs de mÃtodos semi-empÃricos, utilizando valores do Ãndice resistÃncia de sondagens à percussÃo (NSPT) corrigidos, e nÃo corrigidos, a partir da estimativa da eficiÃncia das sondagens utilizadas. As previsÃes realizadas a partir dos valores do Ãndice resistÃncia (NSPT) corrigidos proporcionaram estimativas da capacidade de carga e do recalque das estacas avaliadas mais concordantes. Os mÃtodos semi-empÃricos que apresentaram uma maior concordÃncia nas previsÃes das capacidades de carga foram o Aoki e Velloso (1975) e o Decourt e Quaresma (1982). Os mÃtodos semi-empÃricos que apresentaram uma maior concordÃncia nas previsÃes de recalque foram Bowles (1979) e Poulos & Davis (1980). / Prefabricated piles are a foundation of alternative indicated in situations where the neighborhood has no restrictions on the vibrations resulting from its implementation. In addition, soil profiles with low carrying capacity and surface extending deeper also indicate the choice of this alternative. In these cases and others, foundations Precast piles of concrete foundations can provide technically feasible and economically attractive. In this dissertation, it is made an analysis of the applicability of the main load capacity forecasting methods and repression of precast piles of reinforced concrete in typical granular soil profiles of commonly found in Fortaleza. The objective of this study is to evaluate whether predictions made by semi-empirical methods of load capacity and repression, carried out from polls to percussion (SPT) and granular soil profiles are consistent with reference to results of 7 load tests still performed. Furthermore, even if you want to evaluate whether evidence interrupted prematurely loads are able to be extrapolated to provide consistent breaking load forecasts. For that they were conducted polls percussion (SPT) and evidence of loads in some places situated in Fortaleza. The following were estimated values ​​of load capacity and settlement of each tested stake in load tests, and the workload, through semi-empirical methods, using values ​​of resistance index surveys to percussion (NSPT) corrected, and uncorrected, from the estimation of efficiency of used soundings. The predictions made from the values ​​of the resistance index (NSPT) provided fixed load capacity of estimates and the settlement of the piles evaluated more consistent. The semi-empirical methods that presented a greater agreement on forecasts of load capacities were Aoki and Velloso (1975) and Decourt and Lent (1982). The semi-empirical methods that showed a higher agreement in settlement predictions were Bowles (1979) and Poulos & Davis (1980).
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Právní aspekty povinného očkování a jeho evropský kontext / The Legal Aspects of Mandatory Vaccination and its European ContextMrklasová, Marta January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis regarding The Legal Aspects of Mandatory Vaccination and its European Context was created in order to map the legal regulations of mandatory vaccination in the Czech Republic and to describe the repressions of unvaccinated children in the Czech Republic and in other member states of the European Union. Part of the thesis consists of a jurisprudence research of The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, The European Court of Human Rights and The Court of Justice of the European Union related to the field of mandatory vaccination. Special focus is given to the comparison of the number of mandatory vaccinations in the member states of European Union as well as to the comparison of their legislations. The fundamental question reflected in the diploma thesis is the one of the human rights of individuals guaranteed by the European Union, international conventions and national legislations of the states and the possibility for them to be limited in order to protect the public health. In the thesis, there are listed and described the human rights affected by the whole concept of vaccination and also the conditions that have to be fulfilled in order to allow the human rights to be restricted. For this purpose the cases from legal practise serve as a support. In addition, there is a chapter regarding the promotion of newly developed vaccines for voluntary vaccinations, which reveals the marketing tools used for this purpose. For a better understanding of the field of mandatory vaccination, there is included a chapter titled The Insight of Expertise Necessary for the Interpretation and Application of Law. This chapter completes the aspects of mandatory vaccination from the medical point of view, lists the mandatory vaccinations in the Czech Republic and member states of the European Union and the vaccines used for performing the vaccinations. Keywords: human rights, mandatory vaccination, jurisprudence of The European Court of Human Rights and The Court of Justice of the European Union, repressions of unvaccinated children
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