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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reprodukcinių savybių ir jas įtakojančių veiksnių analizė Lietuvoje veisiamų juodmargių galvijų populiacijoje / Analysis of reproductive features and factors influencing these features in the black & white cattle population in Lithuania

Petraškienė, Rasa 22 November 2005 (has links)
The aim of the present study. To make analysis of reproductive features and factors influencing these features in the black & white cattle population in Lithuania. Novelty of the study: First is made the exhausting analysis of reproductive features in the black & white cattle population in Lithuania; first are investigated factors influencing reproductive features in the black & white cattle population in Lithuania. Estimated relations of correlation between reproductive features and productivity. Practical significance of the study. Influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on reproductive features in the black & white cattle population in Lithuania, correlation of reproductive features, and relations of reproductive features and productivity are investigated. In concordance with these results, in development breeding programs of the dairy cattle, it is necessary to add selection of reproductive features. Are corrected ranges of reproductive features which can be used when will be prepares data for an estimation of breeding values of the reproductive features of the black & white cattle population.

Kiaulių reprodukcinių savybių genetinė analizė ir ryšys su produktyvumo požymiais / Genetic analysis of reproductive performance of pigs and its correlations with productivity traits

Kerzienė, Sigita 23 November 2005 (has links)
Objective of the research - to evaluate, using up-to-date statistical–genetic methods, the reproductive characteristics of pig breeds bred in Lithuania, to determine correlation of the characteristics with productivity traits, and to develop an optimised system of pigs genetic evaluation by BLUP method. Tasks of the research was: to determine influence of genetic and non-genetic factors in pigs reproductive characteristics, to evaluate the additive-genetic heritability parameters, and co-response of reproduction traits; to evaluate influence of reproductive characteristics on productivity traits, phenotype and genetic co-response; to develop an optimised pigs genetic evaluation system employing BLUP method, estimating pigs reproductive and productive characteristics, using the integrated multivariate model; to evaluate tendencies of pigs genetic improvement. Novelty of the research: using the method of unifactor and multifactor dispersion analysis, leverage of genetic and non-genetic factors on reproductive characteristics of pigs, breed in Lithuania, was determined; heritability parameters of reproductive characteristics were determined, using modern software; genetic and phenotype co-response of the reproductive characteristics was estimated; genetic correlation between reproductive characteristics and productivity traits was evaluated, using statistical-genetic methods, for the first time in Lithuania; optimised multivariate model for determination of reproductive and... [to full text]

Reprodukcinių savybių indekso kitimas priklausomai nuo paršavedžių amžiaus / Change of an index of reproductive characteristics of a sow depending on age

Mickevičienė, Inga 07 May 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti paršavedžių reprodukcinių savybių indekso (R) kitimą didėjant paršavedžių amžiui. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. įvertinti tiriamųjų paršavedžių reprodukcinių savybių rodiklių kitimą nuo pirmo iki paskutinio apsiparšiavimo; 2. paskaičiuoti reprodukcinių savybių indeksus (R) kiekvienai paršavedei, atskirai kiekvienam apsiparšiavimui; 3. įvertinti reprodukcinių savybių indekso (R) kitimą didėjant apsiparšiavimų skaičiui. / Work goal: the analysis of change of an index of reproductive characteristics of a sow depending on age. For achievement of this goal, raise the following objektives: 1) to estimate change of reproductive characteristics of investigated sows from the first to the last farrows; 2) to calculate indexes (R) reproductive characteristics for each sow, separately on everyone farrow; 3) to estimate index change (R) reproductive characteristics at number increase farrow. The work has been executed in 2008 in the enterprise of pigs of the Kaunas area. It was made 14 groups of sows of breed landrace. Test sows were from first to seventh farrows. The analysis of a reproduction and calculations of an index of a reproduction are executed on everyone farrow (from 1 to 7). For an estimation of efficiency and a reproduction index were analyzed the following indicators: 1. Fertility of sows, in units; 2. Quantity of piglets 21 days old, in units; 3. Weight of nest of piglets 21 days old, in kilo; 4. Quantity of piglets at weaning, in units; 5. Weight of nest of piglets at weaning, in kilo. The analysis of the sow's fertility changes, depending on the quantity of farrows, found that the fertility increased from the first farrow. The lowest fertility was at first pigs sow – 9.93 piglets, the highest fertility was found during the fourth farrow – 10.63 units or 0.70 piglets more that the first farrow. From the fourth farrow was found the tendency of reduction of fertility, i.e. fertility of the... [to full text]

Karvių produktyvumo, tešmens sveikumo ir reprodukcinių savybių tarpusavio ryšiai / Correlation between cow productivity, udder health and reproduction traits

Raštutytė, Ernesta 18 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas : Įvertinti karvių produktyvumo, somatinių ląstelių skaičiaus piene ir reprodukcinių savybių rodiklius ir nustatyti jų tarpusavio ryšius. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti: a) Karvių pieno kiekio ir sudėties (riebumo, baltymingumo) rodiklius; b) Somatinių ląstelių skaičių karvių piene; c) Karvių reprodukcines savybes. 2. Nustatyti karvių pieno kiekio bei sudėties, somatinių ląstelių skaičiaus ir reprodukcinių savybių tarpusavio ryšius. 3. Apskaičiuoti koreliacijos koeficientus tarp karvių pieno kiekio bei sudėties, somatinių ląstelių skaičiaus ir reprodukcinių savybių rodiklių. Išvados: 1. Įvertinus karvių pieno kiekio ir sudėties rodiklius nustatyta, kad iš visų tirtų karvių vidutiniškai primelžta 5176,442 kg pieno, gauta 223,08 kg riebalų ir 175,07 kg baltymų. Geresniu produktyvumu išsiskyrė karvės, kurios buvo laikomos B ūkyje. Iš šių karvių vidutiniškai daugiau buvo primelžta 912,99 kg pieno, gauta 29,30 kg riebalų ir 31,74 kg baltymų nei A ūkyje laikomų karvių. 2. Įvertinus SLS karvių piene nustatyta, kad tirtų karvių piene vidutinis SLS buvo 307,946 tūkst./cm3. Tai atitinka tinkamo supirkimo pienui keliamus ES reikalavimus. Tirtų karvių, laikomų A ūkyje SLS piene buvo 15,05 tūkst./cm3 mažesnis. 3. Įvertinus tirtų karvių reprodukcines savybes nustatyta, kad karvės buvo vidutiniškai 3,5 laktacijų skaičiaus, laktacija vidutiniškai truko 225,6 dienas, neveršingumo laikotarpis – 155,6 dienas, trukmė tarp apsiveršiavimų – 470,4 dienos ir vidutinis sėklinimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of work: To evaluate cow productivity, somatic cell count in milk and reproduction traits and to determine correlation between them. Place of research: The work was carried out in the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics of Veterinary Academy and also in the dairy cow‘s farm during 2011 – 2013 years of studies. The Results of Survey: Evaluation of cow milk amount and composition showed that average amount of milk from all analyzed cows was 5183.442 kg, 223.08 kg of fat was obtained, as well as 175.07 kg of proteins. Cows in farm B were more productive. 912.99 kg more milk, 29.30 kg more fat and 31.74 kg proteins were obtained from these cows on an average, in comparison to cows in farm A. Evaluation of SCC in cow milk showed that average SCC( somatic cells count) in analyzed cow milk was 307.946 thousand/cm3. It corresponds to EU requirements established for milk for production. SCC in milk of analyzed cows in farm A was 15.05 thousand/cm3 less. Evaluation of reproduction traits of analyzed cows showed that lactation of cows occurred 3.5 times on an average, average duration of lactation was 225.6 days, dry period lasted 155.6 days, number of days between parturitions was 470.4 and average number of seminations was 1.9. The research allowed to determine statistically reliable negative phenotypic correlation between SCC in milk and amount of milk (p<0.05). As productivity of cows increased, SCC in milk increased as well, it caused more frequent udder inflammation to... [to full text]

Urėjos kiekio piene tyrimai, susiję su mityba, pieno sudėtimi ir kokybe bei karvių reprodukcinėmis savybėmis / Investigation of urea concentration in milk in relation with nutrition, milk composition, quality and reproductive properties of cows

Savickis, Saulius 17 December 2010 (has links)
Urėja – vienas svarbiausių baltymų apykaitos produktų. Jį sintezuoja kepenys, o atrajotojams jis taip pat sintetinamas didžiojo prieskrandžio sienelėje iš amoniako, amino rūgščių ir amidų. Urėjos molekulė, maža ir neutrali, gali lengvai prasiskverbti į daugelį audinių. Ji laisvai praeina pro ląstelių membraną ir patenka į tarpląstelinį skystį, o iš ten – į kraujo plazmą ir laisvai filtruojasi šlapime. Palankiausia tyrimams terpė yra pienas, nes jis dažniausiai naudojamas įvairiems laboratoriniams tyrimams. Pieno urėja pradėta tirti ir duomenys apie šį rodiklį pradėti kaupti nuo 2002 m. sausio 1 d. Iki darbo pradžios 2006 m. jau buvo sukaupta daug tyrimo rezultatų. Analizei panaudoti patys naujausi 2006–2008 m. duomenys. Tai pirmas Lietuvoje atliktas visapusiškas urėjos rodiklio tyrimas, veisiamų karvių populiacijoje, panaudojant didelę duomenų imtį (5,4 mln. įrašų). Ir pirmą kartą Lietuvoje šiuolaikiniais tyrimų bei matematiniais ir genetiniais duomenų apdorojimo metodais įvertintos urėjos rodiklio kitimo priežastys, bei jos panaudojimo galimybės. Gautais rezultatais nustatyta urėjos kiekio įtaka reprodukcinėms karvių savybėms, aplinkos veiksnių įtaka urėjos kiekio kitimui, urėjos priklausomybė nuo karvių fiziologinės būklės, genetinė gyvulio įtaka urėjos kiekiui piene, urėjos koreliacija su kitais pieno sudėties ir kokybės rodikliais, urėjos kiekio paveldimumo koeficientas bei ištirta nevisaverčio ir subalansuoto racionų įtaka urėjos koncentracijai piene ir somatinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Aim of the Research: To analyze the investigation of urea concentration and the dependence of its concentration in milk on various factors in the population of cows bred in Lithuania. To prepare proposals about the use of the research data about urea concentration for solution of ration balancing and cows healthiness problems. Main Objectives: 1. To evaluate the effect of non genetic factors on urea concentration in milk of the cows, bred in Lithuania. 2. To define the effect of congenerous copulation and heredity coefficient of milk urea. 3. To define the correlation of the heredity coefficients of milk urea and genetic correlation coefficients with milk production, composition and somatic cell count. 4. To define the relation between reproductive properties of cows and somatic cell count in milk and milk urea concentration. 5. To evaluate clinical importance of urea concentration for the prediction of cows’ healthiness and culling. 6. To study the effect of inadequate and balanced rations on urea concentration in milk and changes of somatic cell count during the experiment and at the level of the whole herd. Highly effective system for milk composition and quality evaluation is introduced in Lithuania. According to planned order and frequency milk composition and quality investigations are carried out for each controlled cow and each milk producer. Great number of milk investigation results and other additional data about dairy cows are collected in the database of the... [to full text]

Motininių C ir D linijų kiaulių aklimatizacijos ir tarpusavio derinimosi įvertinimas / Estimation of C and D lines mother swine acclimatization and internecine consistency

Macijauskas, Marius 16 March 2006 (has links)
The Results of Survey. During the acclimatization process fatten features of C and D lines pigs offspring are changing to the right side. But differences are not statistically trusted. During the acclimatization process fleshy features of C and D lines pigs’ offspring practically did not change. Trusted difference in D line estimated only to carcass side length (cm), which declined 3.9 cm (p<0.001), or in C line to carcass side length (p<0.005), which shorten pro rata 5.2 cm and 3.63 cm comparing with imported pigs offspring results. Trusted differences are not estimated to the remainder rates of fleshy features. That fleshy features did not change during the acclimatization process is seen from phenotipical estimation results. Fat thickness of C line pigs pedigree get – at 1 point rise 1.84 mm (p<0.005), or fat thickness of D line pedigree get – at 1 point even decrease 0.57 mm (p<0.005), comparing with imported pedigree get. During acclimatization process reproductive features C and D line sow practically did not change, only milkyness and percentage of piglets preservation from generation to generations improved. C line sow milkyness increased 10.68 kg (p<0.005), or D line sow 13.01 kg (p<0.001). Percentage of piglets preservation increased 7 % (p<0.025) in C line and 5.69 % (p<0.050) in D line. During acclimatization process time from piglet weaning till the first insemination is shorten 1.02 and 2.14 day (p<0.025) pro rata in C line F1 and F2 generations. But this time... [to full text]

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