Spelling suggestions: "subject:"respiratory actionfunction"" "subject:"respiratory functionaction""
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Vliv sedu na různých typech sedaček za současného používání mobilního telefonu na respirační funkce / Effect of sitting posture on different seats on respiratory function while using a smartphoneJaníčková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
1 Abstract Title: Effect of sitting posture on different seats on respiratory function while using a smartphone Objectives: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate respiratory function in sitting posture while using a smartphone. Another objective is to compare the values of monitored parametres and to determine which of the 3 performed experiments exhibite the greatest decreases in respiratory parametres. The last aim is to confirm the difference between female and male values and to show that men have higher values of monitored respiratory parameters and the greater decrease of respiratory function than women. Methods: 20 healthy young volunteers were recruited (10 women, 10 men). The experiment was carried out on three different types of seats - office chair, armchair and gymball. Participants spent time using a smartphone for one hour. To investigate changes in respiratory function, we measured FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC a PEF before and after each experiment was completed. Values were processed in MS Excel. Pair t-test and Wilcoxon test were used to evaluate the effect of sitting posture on respiratory function (p < 0,05) A two-sample t-test was used to determine a statistically significant difference in values in men and women, as well as in decrease of respiratory function in men and women. (p < 0,05)....
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Pulmonary function and acid-base balance high intensity constant-load exerciseOdendal, Elsabe January 1993 (has links)
The possibility that an inadequate response of the pulmonary system might limit high intensity exercise in man has received increasing attention over the past few years. However, very few scientific investigations have focused systematically on pulmonary function during high intensity constant-load exercise. Furthermore, many studies have examined only one part of the pulmonary system during exercise and some have not included blood gas measurements as a measure of the adequacy of pulmonary function. The studies reported in this thesis were designed to investigate the possible failure of the gas exchanging and pump functions of the pulmonary system during high intensity constant-load exercise. In particular, the aim was to determine the extent to which the pulmonary system might be a factor causing fatigue during this form of exercise.
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L'obésité, de la physiologie à l'application clinique, en Anesthésie-Réanimation-Urgences / Obesity, from Physiology to Clinic, in Anesthesiology, Intensive Care and EmergencySebbane, Mustapha 30 June 2010 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous décrivons les conséquences physiologiques et physiopathologiques de l'obésité, ainsi que les difficultés techniques et logistiques de la prise en charge clinique. Puis, nous étudions les caractéristiques de la prise en charge des patients obèses et obèses morbides aux urgences, au bloc opératoire et en réanimation, ainsi que les modifications de la fonction respiratoire liées à l'obésité morbide et à la perte de poids. Aux urgences, nous démontrons que les patients obèses (IMC et#8805; 30 kg/m²) ont un capital veineux moins accessible et sont plus difficiles à perfuser que les non obèses. En physiologie clinique, nous avons pu confirmer l'absence de variation de la CRF en position couchée et démontrer pour la première fois l'effet de la perte de poids et de la position couchée sur les variations de la CRF. Au bloc opératoire, nous montrons que la préoxygénation des obèses morbides est optimisée par la ventilation non invasive (VNI), qui permet une augmentation rapide et importante de la fraction expirée en oxygène (FEo2) que la préoxygénation classique. Nous montrons aussi que la position assise à 45° associée à la VNI n'améliore pas la préoxygénation chez l'obèse morbide comparé à la VNI seule. Enfin, nous rapportons que les patients obèses médicaux en réanimation se caractérisent par une surmortalité, qui persiste un an après la sortie de l'hôpital, alors que les patients obèses chirurgicaux bénéficient d'un effet protecteur qui persiste jusqu'à un an. Nos travaux proposent la mise en place de nouvelles techniques afin d'optimiser les conditions de prise en charge spécifiques des patients obèses aux urgences, au bloc opératoire et en réanimation. / To specifically address arising issues in managing obese patients, we have developed a physiological and a clinical approach. We first describe the physiological and pathophysiological consequences of obesity, as well as the technical and logistic difficulties in obese patient management. We then underline respiratory alterations in morbid obesity and study characteristics of obese and morbidly obese patients' care in the emergency department (ED), the operating room (OR) and the intensive care unit (ICU).In the ED, we demonstrate that obese patients (BMI ³ 30 kg/m2) are more difficult to perfuse than normal weight patients. In clinical physiology, as for alterations in respiratory function induced by obesity, we confirm the maintained functional residual capacity (FRC) in morbidly obese patients adopting a supine position and we further demonstrate for the first time, the effect of weight loss on postural changes in FRC, from the sitting to the supine position in a same individual.In the OR, we show that obese patient's pre-oxygenation can be optimized by using non-invasive ventilation (NIV), thus allowing a better and faster FeO2 increase than classical pre-oxygenation with spontaneous ventilation. We also demonstrate that combining a upright position at 45° to non invasive ventilation (NIV) does not improve pre-oxygenation in the morbidly obese patients. In the ICU, we show that medical obese patients show a higher mortality, whereas surgical obese patients benefit from a protective effect of obesity up to one year after hospital leave. In light of our data, we propose new techniques to specifically optimize obese patient management in the ED, OR and in the ICU.
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Spirometrické měření studentů v závislosti na sportovní výkonosti / Spirometric Parameters of Students Depending on Their Physical ActivityNedbalová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The present work aims to answer questions regarding lung function among students of two types of grammar schools and describe selected indicators of differences between different groups of students within a reference population. The starting point for this work was speculation that the obligations defined by seconadary education in the ordinary type of school may significantly affect the students of the same age group and same Framework educational program for intensive regime of movement, breathing function. Is it possible that the secondary school educational program could affect the degree of respiratory function of students, for example by having less time and not having time for regular exercise? Are students of common type of grammar school physically less active than their peers from sports-oriented type of school? What are lung volumes of today's teens and how much do they differ from the current standards? The selection of respondents was elected from the students of sport-oriented grammar school and the common type of secondary school students. A total of 196 students participated in the study. Students were measured by spirometry lung capacity and function through painstaking cast in relation to strenuous breath. I have found that ordinary secondary school students have a positive...
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Indicadores da função respiratória frente ao posicionamento em recém-nascidos pré-termo submetidos ao aumento do volume gástrico / Pointers of the respiratory function front to the positioning in premature newborn submitted to the increase of the gastric volume.Padua, Gisley de 04 September 2007 (has links)
As alterações respiratórias durante o aumento do volume gástrico, como na dieta por gavagem, acarretam algumas conseqüências ao recém-nascido pré-termo, alterando indicadores da função respiratória, como: aumento da freqüên cia respiratória e cardíaca, fadiga muscu lar, apnéias, cianose, hipoxemia e hiper capnia. Um posicionamento corporal adequado apresenta grande influência sobre a biomecânica da caixa torácica, pois serve como ponto de apoio à mus culatura respiratória, ocasiona maior contratibilidade do músculo, altera a pressão pleural, aumenta o volume de ar pulmonar gerando menor esforço respi ratório e menor desvantagem mecânica ao sistema respiratório. O posicionamen to direcionado aos recém-nascidos pre maturos promove uma reorganização sensorial, sono tranqüilo, menor gasto energético e menor desordem no equilíbrio muscular postural, promovendo menor índice de complicações futuras no desenvolvimento. O presente estudo propôs analisar através dos indicadores da função respiratória a resposta aos posicionamentos em recém-nascidos pré-termo submetidos ao aumento do volume gástrico durante a gavagem. Foi realizado um estudo com delineamento prospectivo, randomizado e tipo cross over. Foram estudados 16 recém-nasci dos prematuros de 31 a 34 semanas de idade gestacional, com peso de nasci mento até 2.500 g. Foram selecionados os recém-nascidos que recebiam a dieta via sonda oro-gástrica com volume total de 150 ml/kg/dia, que se encontravam do sétimo ao décimo dias de vida, sem oxigenoterapia suplementar. Foi utilizado a cada administração da dieta um posicionamento de decúbito diferente, sendo todos com 30° de elevação. Cada recém-nascido recebeu quatro gava gens com intervalo entre elas de 3 ho ras. Os decúbitos foram: lateral direito, lateral esquerdo, pronação e supinação. Os indicadores da função respiratória analisados foram: freqüência respirató ria e cardíaca, saturação de oxigênio, tiragem intercostal, batimento de asa nasal e gemência. Os parâmetros foram coletados de dois em dois minutos a partir de cinco minutos antecedendo a gavagem até o quinto minuto após o término da administração da dieta. Os recém-nascidos acompanhados apre sentaram média de 32 semanas de idade gestacional (desvio padrão, DP, 1,31), peso médio ao nascimento de 1.722 g (DP 276,33). Na comparação entre os decúbitos, a freqüência respiratória média apresentou-se com valores mais altos durante toda a coleta em supina ção e lateral esquerdo (média = 69 e 68, incursões por minuto, ipm) e os valores mais baixos foram encontrados em lateral direito e pronação (61 e 59 ipm). Nos posicionamentos em lateral direito e pronação a freqüência cardíaca média obteve os níveis mais estáveis e mais baixos durante toda a coleta, porém, a supinação apresentou os valores mais altos (média = 142,4, batimentos por minuto, bpm). No decúbito lateral esquerdo e supinação a saturação de oxigênio médio apresentou os menores valores (média geral = 94%) principal mente após a gavagem. Na tiragem intercostal, no batimento de asa nasal e na gemência o lateral direito e pronação apresentaram maior ausência destes sinais, e o lateral esquerdo e supinação apresentaram maior freqüência a eles. Assim, conclui-se que os decúbitos lateral direito e pronação demonstraram maior repercussão positiva nos indica dores da função respiratória, sendo a supinação e lateral esquerdo as posi ções de maiores efeitos negativos nos recém-nascidos submetidos ao aumento do volume gástrico. / The respiratory alterations during the gastric volume\'s increasing, as the gavages, cause some consequences to the premature newborn, modifying the respiratory function indication as: increase of the respiratory and cardiac frequency, muscular fatigue, apneas, cyanosis, hypoxemia and hypercapnia. An appropriate corporal positioning presents great influence on the biomechanics of the rib cage, abutment to the respiratory musculature; it causes greater muscle contraction, modifies the pleural pressure, it increases the pulmonary air volume, causing less respiratory effort and less mechanics\' disadvantages to the respiratory system. The positioning directed to the premature newborns promote a sensorial reorganization, calm sleep, less energy expenses and less clutter in the postural muscular balance, promoting less possibility of future complications in the baby\'s development. The purpose of this study is to analyze through the pointers of the respiratory function the reply of the positioning of in newborn premature submitted to the increase of the gastric volume during the gavages feeding. It was made a study with prospective delineation, randomized and crossover type. It was studied 16 preterm infants of 31 - 34 weeks of gestational age, weighting about 2.500 g. It had been selected newborn that received the diet through the oral-gastric sounding with the volume of 150 ml/kg/day, which was found in the seventh to the tenth days of life, without supplemental oxygen-therapy. It was used different positions to each act of receiving the diet, with 30 degrees elevation. Each newborn used four gavages with spaces of time between them of 3 hours. The positions were: right lateral, left lateral, prone and supine. The analyzed indicators of the respiratory function were: respiratory and cardiac frequency, oxygen saturation, drawing of intercostals, beating of nasal wing and grunting. The parameters were collected from two to two minutes from five minutes preceding the gavage until the fifth minute after the administration diet ending. The newborns studied presented about 32 weeks of gestational age (shunting line standard, DP, 1.31), average weight to the birth of 1.722 g (DP 276,33). Comparing the positions, the average respiratory frequency presented higher values during all the collection in supine and left lateral (average = 69 and 68, breaths per minute, rpm) and the lowest values were found in right lateral and prone (61 and 59 rpm). In the average cardiac frequency, the positions in the right lateral and prone were the ones that had kept the lower levels steadiest during all the collection. However, the supine presented the highest values (average = 142,4, beatings per minute, bpm). In the saturation of medium oxygen, the left lateral and supine presented less values mainly after (average generality = 94%) the gavages. In the drawing of intercostals, in the beating of nasal wing and the grunting, the right lateral and prone presented a greater absence of these signals, and the left lateral and supine presented greater frequency of them. Thus, it is concluded that the right lateral and prone positions showed a greater positive repercussion in the pointers of the respiratory function, being the lateral left and supine the positions of bigger negative effects in the submitted newborn to the increase of the gastric volume.
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Prevalência de estresse emocional e sintomas de asma em adultos jovens estudantes de curso pré-vestibular / Prevalence of emotional stress and asthma symptoms in young adult students of pre-university courseCaldini Junior, Nelson 21 May 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A asma caracteriza-se por aumento da responsividade das vias aéreas a variados estímulos, com consequente obstrução ao fluxo aéreo, de caráter recorrente e reversível espontaneamente ou sob tratamento. A sensibilidade a alergenos é um fator de risco importante para a asma, assim como o estresse físico e emocional. Há evidências da influência psicoemotiva no desencadeamento e agravamento da doença. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de sintomas de estresse emocional nos estudantes de curso pré-vestibular e sua possível associação com o surgimento ou agravamento dos sintomas da asma. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Uma amostra de estudantes de um curso pré-vestibular da cidade de São Paulo respondeu a um questionário sobre sintomas de asma, presença de fatores associados a asma e sintomas de estresse. Além disso, foram obtidas medidas de volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo e medidas do pico de fluxo expiratório.Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: 85% dos estudantes foram classificados com escore alto de estresse emocional e 38% apresentaram sintomas de asma nos dois meses anteriores ao questionário. Há associação entre alguns sintomas de estresse (como sensação de fadiga e hipersensibilidade emocional) com sintomas de asma e parâmetros respiratórios. O teste de significância do coeficiente de Pearson mostrou correlações positivas significativas entre episódios de apatia e de sibilos nos últimos dois meses, entre sensação de fadiga e ocorrência de sibilos a qualquer tempo. Tanto a sensação de fadiga como a irritabilidade correlacionaram-se com o número de ocorrências de sibilos nesse período de dois meses. Modelos de regressão linear com significância estatística mostram ainda que entre esses indivíduos o pico de fluxo varia negativamente com o total de pontos no escore de sintomas de estresse e com o total de pontos nos fatores para asma. Além disso, encontrou-se uma alta prevalência de rinite alérgica nessa população de estudantes CONCLUSÂO: O estudo mostrou que alunos em fase pré-vestibular constituem uma população de alta prevalência de estresse emocional que se associa a sintomas de disfunção respiratória / BACKGROUND: Asthma is characterized by increased airway responsiveness to various stimuli, with consequent airflow obstruction, recurrent and reversible character spontaneously or under treatment. The sensitivity to allergens is an important risk factor for asthma, as well as the physical and emotional stress. There is evidence of psychological influence in triggering and worsening of the disease. AIMS: To assess the prevalence of emotional stress symptoms in pre-university course of students and their possible association with the emergence or worsening of asthma symptoms. METHODS: A sample of students from a pre-university course of São Paulo answered a questionnaire about symptoms of asthma, presence of factors associated with asthma and symptoms of stress. In addition, volume measurements were obtained in one second forced expiratory and measures peak flow expiratory. The data were treated statistically. RESULTS: 85% of students were classified with high scores of emotional stress and 38% showed symptoms of asthma in the two months preceding the survey. There is an association between some symptoms of stress (such as feelings of fatigue and emotional hypersensitivity) with symptoms of asthma and respiratory parameters. The significance test of Pearson\'s coefficient showed a significant positive correlation between episodes of apathy and wheezing in the past two months, between feelings of fatigue and the occurrence of wheezing at any time. Both the feeling of fatigue and irritability correlated with the number of occurrences of wheezing in that period of two months. Linear regression models with statistical significance also show that among these individuals the peak flow varies inversely with the total points on the stress symptoms score and the total score on the factors for asthma. In addition, we found a high prevalence of allergic rhinitis in this population of students CONCLUSION: The study showed that pre-university stage in students constitute a population with a high prevalence of emotional stress that is associated with symptoms of respiratory dysfunction
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Indicadores da função respiratória frente ao posicionamento em recém-nascidos pré-termo submetidos ao aumento do volume gástrico / Pointers of the respiratory function front to the positioning in premature newborn submitted to the increase of the gastric volume.Gisley de Padua 04 September 2007 (has links)
As alterações respiratórias durante o aumento do volume gástrico, como na dieta por gavagem, acarretam algumas conseqüências ao recém-nascido pré-termo, alterando indicadores da função respiratória, como: aumento da freqüên cia respiratória e cardíaca, fadiga muscu lar, apnéias, cianose, hipoxemia e hiper capnia. Um posicionamento corporal adequado apresenta grande influência sobre a biomecânica da caixa torácica, pois serve como ponto de apoio à mus culatura respiratória, ocasiona maior contratibilidade do músculo, altera a pressão pleural, aumenta o volume de ar pulmonar gerando menor esforço respi ratório e menor desvantagem mecânica ao sistema respiratório. O posicionamen to direcionado aos recém-nascidos pre maturos promove uma reorganização sensorial, sono tranqüilo, menor gasto energético e menor desordem no equilíbrio muscular postural, promovendo menor índice de complicações futuras no desenvolvimento. O presente estudo propôs analisar através dos indicadores da função respiratória a resposta aos posicionamentos em recém-nascidos pré-termo submetidos ao aumento do volume gástrico durante a gavagem. Foi realizado um estudo com delineamento prospectivo, randomizado e tipo cross over. Foram estudados 16 recém-nasci dos prematuros de 31 a 34 semanas de idade gestacional, com peso de nasci mento até 2.500 g. Foram selecionados os recém-nascidos que recebiam a dieta via sonda oro-gástrica com volume total de 150 ml/kg/dia, que se encontravam do sétimo ao décimo dias de vida, sem oxigenoterapia suplementar. Foi utilizado a cada administração da dieta um posicionamento de decúbito diferente, sendo todos com 30° de elevação. Cada recém-nascido recebeu quatro gava gens com intervalo entre elas de 3 ho ras. Os decúbitos foram: lateral direito, lateral esquerdo, pronação e supinação. Os indicadores da função respiratória analisados foram: freqüência respirató ria e cardíaca, saturação de oxigênio, tiragem intercostal, batimento de asa nasal e gemência. Os parâmetros foram coletados de dois em dois minutos a partir de cinco minutos antecedendo a gavagem até o quinto minuto após o término da administração da dieta. Os recém-nascidos acompanhados apre sentaram média de 32 semanas de idade gestacional (desvio padrão, DP, 1,31), peso médio ao nascimento de 1.722 g (DP 276,33). Na comparação entre os decúbitos, a freqüência respiratória média apresentou-se com valores mais altos durante toda a coleta em supina ção e lateral esquerdo (média = 69 e 68, incursões por minuto, ipm) e os valores mais baixos foram encontrados em lateral direito e pronação (61 e 59 ipm). Nos posicionamentos em lateral direito e pronação a freqüência cardíaca média obteve os níveis mais estáveis e mais baixos durante toda a coleta, porém, a supinação apresentou os valores mais altos (média = 142,4, batimentos por minuto, bpm). No decúbito lateral esquerdo e supinação a saturação de oxigênio médio apresentou os menores valores (média geral = 94%) principal mente após a gavagem. Na tiragem intercostal, no batimento de asa nasal e na gemência o lateral direito e pronação apresentaram maior ausência destes sinais, e o lateral esquerdo e supinação apresentaram maior freqüência a eles. Assim, conclui-se que os decúbitos lateral direito e pronação demonstraram maior repercussão positiva nos indica dores da função respiratória, sendo a supinação e lateral esquerdo as posi ções de maiores efeitos negativos nos recém-nascidos submetidos ao aumento do volume gástrico. / The respiratory alterations during the gastric volume\'s increasing, as the gavages, cause some consequences to the premature newborn, modifying the respiratory function indication as: increase of the respiratory and cardiac frequency, muscular fatigue, apneas, cyanosis, hypoxemia and hypercapnia. An appropriate corporal positioning presents great influence on the biomechanics of the rib cage, abutment to the respiratory musculature; it causes greater muscle contraction, modifies the pleural pressure, it increases the pulmonary air volume, causing less respiratory effort and less mechanics\' disadvantages to the respiratory system. The positioning directed to the premature newborns promote a sensorial reorganization, calm sleep, less energy expenses and less clutter in the postural muscular balance, promoting less possibility of future complications in the baby\'s development. The purpose of this study is to analyze through the pointers of the respiratory function the reply of the positioning of in newborn premature submitted to the increase of the gastric volume during the gavages feeding. It was made a study with prospective delineation, randomized and crossover type. It was studied 16 preterm infants of 31 - 34 weeks of gestational age, weighting about 2.500 g. It had been selected newborn that received the diet through the oral-gastric sounding with the volume of 150 ml/kg/day, which was found in the seventh to the tenth days of life, without supplemental oxygen-therapy. It was used different positions to each act of receiving the diet, with 30 degrees elevation. Each newborn used four gavages with spaces of time between them of 3 hours. The positions were: right lateral, left lateral, prone and supine. The analyzed indicators of the respiratory function were: respiratory and cardiac frequency, oxygen saturation, drawing of intercostals, beating of nasal wing and grunting. The parameters were collected from two to two minutes from five minutes preceding the gavage until the fifth minute after the administration diet ending. The newborns studied presented about 32 weeks of gestational age (shunting line standard, DP, 1.31), average weight to the birth of 1.722 g (DP 276,33). Comparing the positions, the average respiratory frequency presented higher values during all the collection in supine and left lateral (average = 69 and 68, breaths per minute, rpm) and the lowest values were found in right lateral and prone (61 and 59 rpm). In the average cardiac frequency, the positions in the right lateral and prone were the ones that had kept the lower levels steadiest during all the collection. However, the supine presented the highest values (average = 142,4, beatings per minute, bpm). In the saturation of medium oxygen, the left lateral and supine presented less values mainly after (average generality = 94%) the gavages. In the drawing of intercostals, in the beating of nasal wing and the grunting, the right lateral and prone presented a greater absence of these signals, and the left lateral and supine presented greater frequency of them. Thus, it is concluded that the right lateral and prone positions showed a greater positive repercussion in the pointers of the respiratory function, being the lateral left and supine the positions of bigger negative effects in the submitted newborn to the increase of the gastric volume.
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The Influence of Portal Vein Occlusion on Liver Mitochondria in Rats after Releasing Biliary ObstructionIWASE, MASANORI 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Respiratory drive assessment : an evaluation of the breath-by-breath occlusion pressure method in man /Hellström, Lars Gösta, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 7 uppsatser.
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Effects of deep breathing exercises after coronary artery bypass surgery /Westerdahl, Elisabeth, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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