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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact from Sustainable Responsible Investments : A study with a focus on measurement and follow up work

Chaodee Edwall, Tina, Månsson Jacobsson, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Swedish sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) market focusing on pension and life insurance companies. The purpose is to understand how the companies work with SRI and if there is a process in place to follow-up the investments and their possible impact. In the thesis a qualitative research method is conducted as the purpose is to understand the behaviour of the different companies relating to SRI. The empirical study consists of interviews with representatives from larger companies in the pension and life insurance space focusing on how they conduct their SRI work. The finding in this paper is that there are similarities regarding SRI strategies in place however the type of insurance being offered affects how they work. This thesis found that all companies follow-up their investments to ensure that they are sustainable. Further the process of measuring the impact of SRI is very much still in its early stage but there are initiatives taken to measure both soft and hard measurements. The future of the SRI market seems to be moving towards more transparency, both from possible legislation as well as initiatives. The other key area of focus when looking to the future of SRI in Sweden, is the sustainable development goals created by the UN.

The Significance of Information on the Swedish Stock Market : Investigating ESG during Covid-19

Jäger, Julia, Lundberg, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether certain information, in this case, ESG rating, contributes to better firm performance on the stock market during Covid-19, or whether variables such as size and industry have a higher degree of explanation. The thesis takes on a quantitative method and uses statistical models to analyze secondary data from Refinitiv Eikon. Empirical results provide no evidence that ESG ratings would affect stock market performance during Covid-19. Furthermore, size and industry do not increase the degree of explanation for the relationship. This can be explained by investors' outlook on sustainable investments and the relevance of ESG on the Swedish stock market. Previous research on the relationship between performance in the stock market and ESG ratings has mainly examined larger economies such as the US and the UK or had a global focus. By focusing on the Swedish stock market and including the variables size and industry in the relationship between stock performance and ESG, the thesis adds to a further understanding of the Swedish stock market. This thesis also broadens the perspective of ESG by questioning it as a relevant source of information.

From short-term profits to long-term value: Incorporating ESG in private equity : A qualitative analysis of ESG implementation into the investment process of Nordic private equity firms / Från kortsiktiga vinster till långsiktigt värde: Införandet av ESG i private equity

Kruse, Wilhelm January 2022 (has links)
The concept Enviromental, Social and Governance (ESG) has become an issue of growing importance and relevance, with sustainability-related investments soaring in the recent decade. In Sweden, private equity represents a large portion of the capital markets. As a result, private equity is an intriguing case study in developing ESG investments. This thesis analyzes how different Nordic private equity companies work with ESG within the investing process. The fundamental causes of ESG's ascent and the momentum of the investing theme were found via a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with eight private equity associates and seven with traditional- and investment banks. According to the findings, the current incentive is driven by more significant knowledge of ESG-related risks and possibilities, altering personal beliefs and legislative expectations. Given the sector's possibility to influence change inside their investment firms via governance-, operational-, financial-, and ESG-methods, the respondents found a point of agreement in their confidence that ESG would have a substantial long-term influenceon the private equity industry. Even though the private equity industry is aware of sustainability, stakeholders have yet to agree on definitions and the most effective ways to incorporate it into investment operations. ESG is virtually entirely evaluated for typical private equity firms during the pre-investment process, often known as the screening phase. While specialized sustainability and impact partners are integrated across the investment process, their peers may learn from them since they have successfully done so. The disparity among stakeholders illustrates that private equity sustainability is still a work in progress, driven by the varied stakeholders' specific interests and aspirations. / Konceptet Enviromental, Social and Governance (ESG) har blivit en fråga av växande betydelse och relevans, med hållbarhets-relaterade investeringar som skjutit i höjden under det senaste decenniet. I Sverige utgör private equity en stor del av kapitalmarknaderna. Detta gör private equity till en spännande fallstudie av utvecklingen av ESG i investeringsprocesser. Detta examensarbete analyserar hur olika nordiska private equity-bolag arbetar med ESG inom investeringsprocessen. De grundläggande orsakerna till ESG:s uppgång och den snabba utvecklingen inom den här typen av investeringar hittades via en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta private equity-bolag och sju med traditionella- och investeringsbanker. Enligt resultaten drivs det nuvarande incitamentet av mer betydande kunskap om ESGrelateraderisker och möjligheter, vilket förändrar personliga övertygelser och lagstiftande förväntningar. Med tanke på sektorns möjlighet att påverka förändringar inom sina företag via styrning-, operationella-, finansiella- och ESG-metoder, fann de intervjuade en gemensam syn till sitt förtroende att ESG kommer ha ett betydande långsiktigt inflytande på private equity-industrin. Även om private equity-branschen är medveten om hållbarhet, har intressenterna ännu inte kommit överens om definitioner och de mest effektiva sätten att införliva det i investeringsverksamheten. ESG utvärderas praktiskt taget helt för typiska private equity-företag under förinvesteringsprocessen, ofta känd som screeningsfasen. Även om specialiserade hållbarhets- och påverkanspartners är integrerade i investerings-processen, kan deras konkurrenter lära av dem, eftersom de har lyckats med det. Skillnaden mellan intressenter illustrerar att hållbarhet inom private equity fortfarande är ett pågående arbete, driven av de olika intressenternas specifika intressen och ambitioner.

Hållbara investeringsstrategier : Huvudregel eller undantag bland svenska fondbolag?

Herrlin, Gustav, Wikman, Adam January 2023 (has links)
I dagsläget står vår omvärld inför flertal utmaningar utifrån ett miljö- och socialt perspektiv. En effekt av detta är att efterfrågan av hållbara investeringsalternativ har ökat hos privatpersoner. I takt med att medvetenheten om hur privatpersoners investeringar kan bidra till en förbättrad omvärld har andelen svenska människor som söker investeringar i hållbara fonder ökat. Genom att investera pengar i hållbara fonder kan privatpersoner påverka hur företag arbetar ur ett miljö- och socialt perspektiv. Hållbara fonder söker investeringsalternativ som leder till en positiv klimatpåverkan och social påverkan genom ett långsiktigt värdeskapande. Information om hur hållbara fondbolag går till väga för att identifiera och investera i hållbara alternativ är dock bristande vilket kan leda till att privatpersoner inte vet hur deras pengar hanteras utav fondbolagen vid val av investeringar. Denna studie har som syfte att beskriva och analysera vilka investeringsstrategier svenska fondbolag använder för att identifiera hållbara investeringar. Studien har anpassat en kvalitativ metod och, med hjälp av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med svenska fondbolag, samlat in data avseende hur de går till väga innan, under och efter investeringsbeslut. Studiens slutsats är att fondbolagen använder negativ- och positiv screening baserat på ESG-kriterier för att identifiera hållbara investeringsalternativ. Efter det att fondbolagen har investerat i ett företag använder fondbolagen olika former av engagemang för att säkerställa att investeringen fortsatt förblir hållbar. / The global community is currently facing various environmental and social challenges, leading to an increased demand for sustainable investment options among private individuals. In response, the proportion of Swedish individuals seeking sustainable investment options has grown. This study describes and analyzes the investment strategies used by Swedish fund companies to identify sustainable investments. A qualitative method was applied and included four semi-structured interviews with Swedish fund companies. The results indicate that fund companies use negative and positive screening based on ESG criteria to identify sustainable investment opportunities and employ various forms of engagement to ensure the sustainability of the investment. This study contributes to the understanding of how fund companies identify sustainable investments and can inform private individuals on the processes used by such companies.

“Doing good while doing well” : An investigation of Generation Y’s intention to invest socially responsibly

Jensen, Christoffer, Huynh, Ronny, Sandberg, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate behavioral factors influencing investment intentions.   Design/methodology/approach – A descriptive quantitative study was conducted utilizing an online questionnaire with a total of 121 respondents.   Findings - The results of the study indicated that Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control, and Perceived Consumer Effectiveness are positively related to Intention to Invest. Attitude and Perceived Risk did not reach statistical significance and no conclusions could therefore be drawn regarding the concepts.   Research limitations/implications - The greatest limitation of the study is that it measures intention and not actual behavior which could be of more value, both from a theoretical and managerial perspective. The implication of the study is that it contributes to the Socially Responsible Investment literature from the intentional perspective and that it considers Generation Y, two aspects that have previously been neglected. The study further provides companies operating in SRI industry with a framework to use when acquiring customers within Generation Y.   Originality/value - As recent Socially Responsible Investment research has focused almost exclusively on financial performance this study offers value in that it instead explains behavioral factors influencing the Intention to Invest. It further focuses on Generation Y which is the upcoming generation when it comes to investing that has to a large extent been neglected in the SRI literature.

Hållbarhet som strategi : En kvalitativ studie om hur fondbolag utnyttjar sitt inflytande som investerare. / Sustainability as a strategy : A qualitative study of how fund companies use their influence as investors.

Kristina, Pejcic, Marcus, Eriksson January 2016 (has links)
Socialt ansvarstagande investeringar har upplevt en substantiell ökning i popularitet de senaste åren i såväl den akademiska som den finansiella världen. Fondbolag har i sin position som investerare både möjlighet och incitament att förändra ett bolag inifrån och de kan välja att påverka detta bolag till en hållbar eller icke-hållbar riktning. Det saknas ett utomstående perspektiv som analyserar de strategier som fondbolagen tillämpar för att påverka som investerare, samt vilka incitament som ligger bakom arbetet för hållbarhet, det är detta som denna studie syftar till att undersöka. Detta arbete tar teoretisk utgångspunkt i forskning inom socialt ansvarstagande, hållbara investeringar, normers påverkan på institutioner samt management av fonder. Studien är kvalitativ och empiri har insamlats via semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från tio svenska fondbolag. Intervjuer bedömdes vara ett adekvat tillvägagångssätt för att på djupet utforska hur fondbolagen utnyttjar sitt inflytande som investerare.I studien konkluderas att institutioner underkastas sociala normer och värdesätter att deras kapital placeras i hållbara investeringar. Institutioner är fondbolagens primära målgrupp och deras efterfrågan på hållbara investeringar är den primära drivkraften för fondbolagens arbete med hållbarhet. Studien visar att exkludering av oetiska bolag ur fondbolagens portfölj samt aktiv dialog med bolagen är de mest använda strategierna, minst förekommande är den inkluderande strategin. Studien konkluderar slutligen att fondbolagens arbete med hållbarhet är ett strategiskt val för att attrahera investerare. / Socially responsible investments have experienced a substantial increase in popularity in recent years in both the academic and the financial world. A fund company has, in its position as an investor, both the possibility and incentives to transform a company from the inside. They can influence the company to choose a sustainable or a non-sustainable direction. There is a lack of an outside perspective that analyzes the strategies that fund companies apply to influence as investors, and what incentives they have to work with sustainable investing, which is what this study seeks to explore. This thesis takes its theoretical foundation from research in social responsibility, the effect of social norms on institutions and management of funds. The study is qualitative and the empirical data was collected from semi-structured interviews with representatives from ten Swedish fund companies. Interviews were considered to be an adequate approach to deeply explore how fund companies utilize their influence as investors.In this thesis, we conclude that institutions are subjected to social norms and value that their capital is invested in a way that is socially responsible. Institutions are the fund companies’ primary target group and their demand for socially responsible investment is the primary driver for the fund companies’ work with sustainability. This study shows that the exclusion of unethical companies from the fund managers portfolio, together with an active dialogue with the companies are the most widely used strategies. The least common is the inclusive strategy. The study finally concludes that the fund companies’ work with socially responsible investing is a strategic choice in order to attract investors.

Socially responsible investments and shareholder engagement in the Swedish pension fund system : A case study on the Swedish AP funds

Skol, Adam January 2019 (has links)
In recent years, institutional shareholders have more frequently engaged themselves in dialogue with corporations on corporate social and environmental factors (ESG factors) through a new investment strategy often referred to as socially responsible investments. The Swedish public pension funds work with socially responsible investments and shareholder engagement are based on their mandate to serve the Swedish people and to manage their retirement capital in a desirable way. Since 2019, the AP funds are also legally obliged by the AP Funds Act (2000:192) to contribute to sustainable development by their investments. The findings of this thesis suggest that shareholders can positively influence the social and environmental performance of a corporation. It suggests that shareholder engagement dialogue is an effective influence instrument to generate positive social and environmental outcomes, with an open and constructive dialogue between the shareholder and the corporation. In order to build a successful long-term relationship between the shareholder and investee, it is important for the engager to enhance the preparation and try to stay fully informed on the matters being raised to the investee. This can be achieved by the shareholder by letting the engager focus the engagement on a manageable number of corporations and sectors and by having a dialogue with several different stakeholders throughout the network such as local union trade organisations or other NGOs.

Socially Responsible Investments : Are investors paying a price for investing ethically?

Arvidsson, Ulrica, Ljungbergh, Ebba January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the difference in performance and management fees between ethical and conventional mutual funds registered in Sweden. Our dataset consists of 49 ethical and 254 conventional funds, estimated on a 10-year period of time between January 2005 to January 2015. Jensen’s alpha is used as a measure for risk-adjusted performance and estimated through CAPM single-index model as well as by Carhart’s four-factor model. By adding back the management fees to the net returns and then estimate Jensen’s alpha by Carhart’s four-factor model once again, evidence of any differences in the impact on return between ethical and conventional funds is found. The results obtained from the study show that there is no difference in neither the risk-adjusted returns nor management fees between ethical and conventional funds. It is concluded that Swedish mutual fund investors are not paying a specific price in terms of reduced returns or higher management fees for putting social and ethical values into their financial investment decision.

Values over value? : Pension beneficiaries' willingness to pay for socially responsible investments and their perception of exponential growth.

Jemtå, Emilia, Kvist Björklund, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Background: As more individuals continuously become more conscious of the external influences of their decisions, integrating social and ethical criteria and perceived non-monetary value in their investment decisions, the interest in socially responsible investments (SRI) has escalated in the past decade. Reflecting this shift, the Swedish Pension Agency continuously increases the requirements and sustainability demands for the funds available in the premium pension selection. To investigate the underlying variables affecting the decision to invest socially responsibly, the authors of this thesis studied Swedish pension beneficiaries’ demographics, attitudes and beliefs.  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the socio-demographic and psychological determinants of pension beneficiaries' and the influence of these variables on the willingness to pay for socially responsible investments. The study will additionally explore the tendency to underestimate exponential growth in one’s pension savings.  Method: The study is conducted by collecting primary data in the form of quantitative research through an online questionnaire. Based on previous research, six hypotheses are developed. This in order to investigate the relationship between willingness to pay for socially responsible investments and several socio-demographic and psychographic variables. Additionally, to examine Swedish pension beneficiaries’ tendency to underestimate exponential growth. The data collected is analysed through a multiple linear regression model and other descriptive statistics to examine if the hypotheses are rejected or not.  Conclusion: The majority of the subjects in the study are willing to pay for SRI. Gender significantly impacts the willingness to pay for SRI, as men demonstrate a lower willingness to pay than women. Furthermore, altruistic values, concern for one’s pension savings, concern for ESG-related issues (environmental, social and governance) and perceived consumer effectiveness proves to have a significant impact on the willingness to pay for SRI. Further, the sample demonstrated a definite tendency to underestimate exponential growth.

The use of SRI strategies and motivational factors : A case study among banks and fund companies

Karlsson, Oskar, Sjöbeck, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Background: In today's society, there is more pressure to be sustainable and not least in the financial world. Several agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, have been created to steer countries towards more sustainability. When it comes to the economy, several SRI strategies have been developed to serve the same purpose. However, the problem that emerges is that investors who invest sustainably and use these strategies can lose returns and thus depart from their main goal of maximizing profits.   Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine how SRI strategies are used by investors when constructing their portfolios in terms of profit maximization. The paper will thus conclude if the underlying motivation behind the choice of strategy is affected by maximizing profit.   Method and implementation: By conducting a qualitative study and interviewing several fund managers at the largest banks and fund companies in Sweden, the authors aim to answer the research question. The answers provided by the respondents are presented and analyzed in the empirical section and linked to the study's theory.   Conclusion: In this study, there is clearly shown that by investing, according to SRI, a professional investor is still able to profit maximize. The authors, therefore, see that the new way of being rational as an investor is to include SRI strategies. The relationship with being both sustainable and profit-maximizing can be seen as a significant motivating factor. The same can be said about reduced ESG risk and creating legitimacy towards customers. Furthermore, a combination of strategies can be seen as a way to create an optimal portfolio by the investors. This further proves that sustainable investing is the most rational way of investing and a way to achieve an investors main goal to profit maximize.

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