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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empirical research within resource-based theory a meta-analysis of the central propositions

Nothnagel, Katja January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 2007

The development of German new technology-based firms from a resource-based view

Proksch, Dorian 22 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The author analyzed three different perspectives of the development of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) from the resource-based view. The first article discusses how the resource base impacts the internationalization behavior of German NTBFs. Some companies go international early, some internationalize only after a few years. We argued that the resource base is a substantial factor determining if a NTBF will internationalize or not. In the second article, we analyze how the resource base impacts the survival of German NTBFs. We argued that a lack of sufficient resources can lead to early business failure. We further state that the different resources are necessary to fulfill the requirements within the development phases of the NTBF. To broaden our perspective we combined the resource-based view with the market view. In the third article, we analyzed how the resource base impacts the business model innovation of NTBFs. The business model for NTBFs must often be tailored to fulfill the requirements of potential customers or to further grow the business. A sufficient resource base is necessary to be able to change the business model and buffer the transition phase.

The development of German new technology-based firms from a resource-based view

Proksch, Dorian 13 January 2015 (has links)
The author analyzed three different perspectives of the development of new technology-based firms (NTBFs) from the resource-based view. The first article discusses how the resource base impacts the internationalization behavior of German NTBFs. Some companies go international early, some internationalize only after a few years. We argued that the resource base is a substantial factor determining if a NTBF will internationalize or not. In the second article, we analyze how the resource base impacts the survival of German NTBFs. We argued that a lack of sufficient resources can lead to early business failure. We further state that the different resources are necessary to fulfill the requirements within the development phases of the NTBF. To broaden our perspective we combined the resource-based view with the market view. In the third article, we analyzed how the resource base impacts the business model innovation of NTBFs. The business model for NTBFs must often be tailored to fulfill the requirements of potential customers or to further grow the business. A sufficient resource base is necessary to be able to change the business model and buffer the transition phase.:1 Introduction 2 Research gap 3 Different themes on NTBF research 4 The resource-based perspective 5 Corresponding research project 6 Scientific contribution for the doctoral thesis 7 Further academic and practical contributions 8 Acknowledgement 9 Literature 10 Declaration of authorship 11 Appendix

Scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms

Brands, Christian 04 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This cumulative dissertation covers the concepts of scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms over five articles. The first article gives an overview of the cumulative dissertation explaining the research gap, approach and contribution of the dissertation. The paper highlights the two research areas covered by the dissertation with two articles focusing on scenario-based strategic planning and two on strategic management in family firms. The second article is the first of two focusing on scenario-based strategic planning. It introduces and describes a set of six tools facilitating the implementation of scenario-based strategic planning in corporate practice. The third paper adapts these tools to the financial management and controlling context in private companies highlighting the tools’ flexibility in managing uncertain and volatile environments. The fourth article is the first of two focusing on strategic management in family firms. It analyzes organizational ambidexterity as a factor explaining family firm performance. The article shows that a high level of organizational ambidexterity in family firms leads to a higher family firm performance. The final paper concludes the dissertation examining the tendency of family firms to focus on capability exploration or resource exploitation over different generations managing the family firm.

Scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms

Brands, Christian 18 September 2013 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation covers the concepts of scenario-based strategic planning and strategic management in family firms over five articles. The first article gives an overview of the cumulative dissertation explaining the research gap, approach and contribution of the dissertation. The paper highlights the two research areas covered by the dissertation with two articles focusing on scenario-based strategic planning and two on strategic management in family firms. The second article is the first of two focusing on scenario-based strategic planning. It introduces and describes a set of six tools facilitating the implementation of scenario-based strategic planning in corporate practice. The third paper adapts these tools to the financial management and controlling context in private companies highlighting the tools’ flexibility in managing uncertain and volatile environments. The fourth article is the first of two focusing on strategic management in family firms. It analyzes organizational ambidexterity as a factor explaining family firm performance. The article shows that a high level of organizational ambidexterity in family firms leads to a higher family firm performance. The final paper concludes the dissertation examining the tendency of family firms to focus on capability exploration or resource exploitation over different generations managing the family firm.:I. SCENARIO-BASED STRATEGIC PLANNING AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN FAMILY FIRMS … 1 1. Research question and goal of the dissertation … 2 2. Summary of papers … 8 2.1. Contribution … 12 2.2. Implications and further research … 16 II. SIX TOOLS FOR SCENARIO-BASED STRATEGIC PLANNING AND THEIR APPLICATION … 25 1. Introducing tools one and two: The framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback … 27 1.1. The framing checklist … 27 1.2. Description of the framing checklist … 29 1.3. 360° stakeholder feedback … 36 1.3.1. Existing perceptions, blind spots and weak signals … 37 1.3.2. Description of 360° stakeholder feedback … 38 1.4. Evaluation of the framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback … 44 2. Applying frameworks one and two: The framing checklist and 360° stakeholder feedback in the European airline industry … 46 2.1. Introduction … 46 2.2. The framing checklist … 46 2.3. 360° stakeholder feedback … 48 3. Introducing tools three and four: The impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix … 53 3.1. The impact/uncertainty grid … 53 3.2. Description of the impact/uncertainty grid … 55 3.3. The scenario matrix … 57 3.4. Description of the scenario matrix … 62 3.5. Evaluating the impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix … 67 4. Applying frameworks three and four: The impact/uncertainty grid and the scenario matrix in the European airline industry … 69 4.1. Introduction … 69 4.2. The impact/uncertainty grid … 69 4.3. The scenario matrix … 71 5. Introducing tools five and six: The strategy manual and the monitoring cockpit … 87 5.1. Introduction … 87 5.2. The strategy manual … 87 5.3. Description of the strategy manual … 91 5.4. The scenario cockpit … 95 5.5. Description of the scenario cockpit … 96 5.6. Evaluating the strategy manual and the scenario cockpit ..................... 99 6. Applying frameworks five and six: The strategy manual and the scenario cockpit in the European airline industry … 102 6.1. The strategy manual … 102 6.2. The scenario cockpit … 105 III. SZENARIOBASIERTE STRATEGISCHE PLANUNG IN VOLATILEN UMFELDERN … 111 1. Einführung: Unternehmen agieren in einer zunehmend volatilen Umwelt … 112 2. Volatilität als Herausforderung für die strategische Planung … 112 3. Szenariobasierte strategische Planung als Lösungsansatz für Planung unter Volatilität …114 3.1. Grundlagen der szenariobasierten strategischen Planung … 114 3.2. Prozess der szenariobasierten strategischen Planung … 115 4. Zusammenfassung ... 122 IV. ORGANIZATIONAL AMBIDEXTERITY AND FAMILY FIRM PERFORMANCE … 125 1. Introduction … 126 2. Theory and Hypotheses … 127 3. Methodology … 131 3.1. Research Design and Sample Generation … 131 3.2. Measures … 133 4. Analysis and Results … 135 5. Discussion and Conclusion … 139 V. THE IMPACT OF SUCCESOR GENERATION DISCOUNT IN FAMILY FIRMS: EXAMINING NONLINEAR EFFECTS ON EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION … 150 1. Introduction … 151 2. The RBV and the importance of exploration and exploitation … 154 3. The importance of exploration and exploitation in family firms … 156 4. The impact of generational involvement on exploration and exploitation in family firms … 159 5. Methodology … 164 5.1. Constructs … 165 5.2. Results … 167 6. Discussion … 172 6.1. Implications for theory and practice … 175 6.2. Study limitations and future research … 176 6.3. Conclusion … 177

Kontextspezifische Belastungserfahrungen in der Corona-Krise: Akademische Resilienz in Risikogruppen und der Einfluss protektiver Ressourcen unter Studierenden der TU Dresden.

Siebenhaar, Marie 29 August 2022 (has links)
Die Corona-Pandemie hat den Alltag Studierender in den vergangenen zwei Jahren geprägt, stark verändert und einhergehend damit auch die Voraussetzungen, unter welchen sich Erfolg und Gesundheit im Studium entwickeln können. Widerstands- sowie Anpassungsfähigkeit scheinen im Zuge weitreichender Veränderungen in der akademischen Hochschullehre bedeutsamer geworden zu sein. Gleichzeitig besteht schon seit Längerem die Notwendigkeit, das Forschungsdesiderat in Bezug auf Resilienz und (Hochschul-)Bildung, deren Voraussetzungen sowie Interventionsansätze von Bewältigungsstrategien in Studierenden zu untersuchen. Dieses Forschungsprojekt hat davon ausgehend, akademische Resilienz unter Studierenden in der Zeit der Corona-Krise quantitativ erhoben und analysiert. Mit einem ressourcenbasierten Blick auf personale, soziale, institutionelle sowie finanzielle Dimensionen sozialer Ungleichheit an der Technischen Universität Dresden wurden dabei sowohl Herkunfts- und Kontexteffekte in Bezug auf akademische Resilienz als auch Ressourcen, welche diese beeinflussen bzw. in spezifischen Gruppen moderieren, untersucht. Akademische Resilienz wurde dabei anhand von Resilienz, Lebenszufriedenheit sowie Betroffenheit Studierender abgebildet, welche jeweils als abhängige Variable in moderierte Regressionsmodelle einbezogen wurden. Studierende mit Kind(ern), Migrationshintergrund, physischen und psychischen Beeinträchtigungen bzw. Lernschwächen sowie der ersten Hochschulgeneration wurden als Risikogruppen im Vergleich zu Studierenden ohne diese Merkmale in Hinblick auf akademische Resilienz analysiert. Im Zuge dessen wurde ebenso die Bedeutung spezifischer Ressourcen innerhalb der studentischen Risikogruppen mit Hilfe von Interaktionsvariablen geprüft. Dabei konnten Studierende mit Beeinträchtigung, Studienanfänger:innen sowie sozial isolierte Studierende der TU Dresden als vulnerabel und damit als spezifische Zielgruppen von Interventionsangeboten identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus konnte die Bedeutung sozialer Ressourcen, insbesondere sozialer Unterstützung und Netzwerke sowie die Erfahrung von Selbstwirksamkeit und Kontrolle, herausgestellt werden. Dadurch, dass die Studierenden zwar eine eher hohe Betroffenheit äußerten, jedoch gleichzeitig eher resilient und zufrieden waren, bekräftigt die Studie die Bedeutung akademischer Resilienz und die Notwendigkeit, diese kontinuierlich in Studierenden zu sichern. / The Covid-19 pandemic has had massive influence and brought enormous change in the everyday life of students in the past two years. Under these circumstances also, the requirements for the development and preservation of success and mental health in the field of university education have altered. Resistance and adaptability seem to be much more important in the face of profound changes and insecurity. Universities should develop intervention programs tailored to these capabilities. Simultaneously, a knowledge gap exists relating to resilience and higher education, their preconditions and intervention measures of coping strategies researched and analysed in university students. From this point of view, this research project has surveyed data under students of the Technical University Dresden to display their academic resilience during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The quantitative data set got analysed with a resource theoretically view on personal, social, institutional and financial dimensions of social inequality. In terms of that, origin and context effects relating to academic resilience as well as resources which influence or rather interact with it just within risk groups of students, got analysed. Academic resilience as the process of positive adaption in the face of a personal as well as a professional crisis got depicted by resilience, Well-being and consternation which were used as dependent variables in multiple linear regression models. Students with child(ren), migration background, physical, psychological or learning disabilities as well as students of the first generation in higher academic education got defined as risk groups along the research status and analysed in comparison with students without these characteristics. In terms of that also the influence of specific resources for students got proofed by integrating them as predictors as well as in building and involving interaction variables relating to the risk factors and predictor resources for making possible differences between promotive resources in general and protective resources, which may influence the academic resilience of the risk groups significant stronger, visible. Significant interactions also got plotted for interpreting the effects more precise. The results show, that students with psychological, physical or learning disabilities are significant less resilient during the pandemic situation, but they are not showing significantly less well-being or higher consternation. The other risk groups show no significant differences to students without risk characteristics beside students with child(ren) which show even a better well-being than all the other students. The results clearly point out the importance of personal and social resources, self-efficacy, an internal Locus of control and a reliable social network in particular which should also be supported by the university itself. Further risk groups which can be found in the data are social isolated students and university entrants, which should also be focused on intervention programs of the university. Over all Students of TUD show high scores of resilience and a good well-being even though they express strong consternation of the crisis at the same time which underlines the importance and utility of academic resilience in students which should be continuously secured and developed broader.

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