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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právo na obhajobu v trestním řízení a jeho limity / The Right of Defence in the Criminal Proceedings and its Limits

Macháčková, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
The Right of Defence in the Criminal Proceedings and its Limits Abstract The thesis deals with one of the fundamental human rights of a person againts whom the criminal proceeding is being conducted, namely the right of defence and its limits in the criminal proceedings in the Czech Republic, because only by exercising the right of defence as a partial element of the right to a fair trial, it is possible to achieve a fair and lawful decision in the matter. The first chapter of the thesis deals not only with the national legislation on the legal and constitutional level, but also with the enshrinement of the right of defence in the international human rights agreements, specifically in the European Convention of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and in the regulations of the European Union. The next part of the thesis discusses the various components of the right of defence which include material defence, formal defence including the compulsory defence and the duty of the authorities participating in the criminal proceedings. The chapter is further supplemented by all important rights of the accused which can be exercised within the various stages of the criminal proceedings, including, for example the accused's right to comment on all facts which he is accused of,...

Obhájce v trestním řízení / Defence lawyer in pre-trial procedure

Gilarová, Monika January 2011 (has links)
Defence counsel in criminal proceedings Criminal law was always my favourite subject at Law faculty and that is the reason, why i choose this topic at first. Because in this moment, I am still just student, and I don't have any personal experience with criminal proceedings, I have to search information largely from specialized publications and sentences od Czech courts. In the begining, i mentioned right of defence and international agreements, where is this right based and described how important is this right for criminal proceedings and for the defendant espacially. I wanted to show consequences of this right and Czech penal code as well. In my opinion, it was necessary to start with right of defence, because position of defence counsel in criminal proceedings in many thing depends on person of defendant. In next parts, I was paying attention to person of defence counsel, and especially conditions, which are necessary to his profession. Most important condition in general is that defence counsel has to have passed advocate exams and he has to be registered in list of advocates in Czech republic. Then I was describing his rights and duties to defendant, I meantioned for example his duty of descreetness, his duty to pay attention and behavior by wishis of his client and many others. I was try to divide the...

Účast obhájce v přípravném řízení / Participation of the Counsel in the Preliminary Proceedings

Jelínek, David January 2014 (has links)
Participation of the Counsel in the Preliminary Proceedings A right of defence is one of basic rights of democratic state of law. It is contained in various international treaties and also in our constitution, namely in article 40 of Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms. In case of criminal procedure it is further adjusted in Criminal Procedure. Representation by a defence counsel is one of the main ways how to fulfill a right of defence. A defence counsel becomes essential compoment of criminal procedure. Especially in preliminary procedure is defence counsel and his services irreplaceable. For that reason I decided to examine the role of defence counsel in preliminary procedure. My diploma thesis consists of five chapters, whilst first chapter is introduction and last conclusion. First chapter is an introduction into topic of right of defence and role of defence counsel in criminal procedure. It also deals with legal sources of right of defence and its brief history form 1873Criminal procedure until recent Criminal procedure. In second chapter of my thesis I deal with right of defence in general and with different concepts in several subheads. Therefore subheads deal with problems of representation by defence counsel and subsequent mandatory defence. Subheads also deal with chosen and...

Účast obhájce v přípravném řízení / The position of defence counsel in Pre-trial Proceedings

Sýkorová, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
The right of deffencee is one of the most important fundamental rights of a person against whom the criminal proceedings is brought. The role of defence counsel in preliminary procedure is essential. He has to be an advocate only and a member of Bar Association, consequently a person with a juristic education and qualified to this job. Defence counsel must defend a laws of accused by all the tolerable ways and work on his behalf. In my work I direct my attention towards the legal status of counsel under current Czech legal regulation, issues of the compulsory defence, legal position of chosen and court-appointed counsel, designation of the counsel by the Bar Association, rights and duties of counsel. Also I direct my attention towards preliminary procedure and on various aspects of defender's participation in preliminary procedure and his tasks in it.

Obhajoba obhájcem v hlavním líčení / Defence by the defence counsel in the trial

Vrátilová, Alena January 2019 (has links)
Defence by the defence counsel in the trial Abstract The main aim of the thesis is the defendant's right of defence, which applies throughout the criminal proceedings in the form of formal and material defence. In the thesis, the emphasis is placed on the defense counsel of the accused, especially his role in the trial. The author of the thesis tries to define the rights and obligations of the defense counsel in a factual and concise way so that it is clear when the law is exercised and when it is misused and when the role of the defence counsel is misunderstood. The thesis is thus very up-to-date and clearly beneficial for practitioners in the field as it is evident from the review of disciplinary decisions of the Czech Bar Association that the practice still raises many problems in the field of defense as well as the rights and duties of the defence counsel. The thesis is divided into two parts, the first part of the work generally discusses the bases of the rights of the defense and the position of the defense counsel in criminal proceedings, while the second part focuses on the specific features of the defence in the trial. The first chapter of the thesis closely analyses the right of the accused to defense in the context of fundamental human rights and freedoms with reference to national and...

Asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos plėtimąsi lemiantys veiksniai ir problematika / Factors which determine the widening of the protection of personality rights and problematic

Mieželytė, Renata 22 January 2009 (has links)
Šiandien Europos valstybių teismų praktikoje pastebima tendencija plėsti asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos lygį. Kai kuriose Europos valstybėse – Vokietijoje, Austrijoje, Nyderlanduose – atsisakoma tradicinių teisinio reguliavimo modelių, ribojančių galimybes taikyti tam tikrus civilinių teisių gynimo būdus asmens neturtinių teisių pažeidimo atveju. Plečiasi neturtinės žalos atlyginimo, kaip civilinių teisių gynimo būdo, taikymo sritis. Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo, nacionalinių teismų praktikos ir įstatymų leidžiamosios valdžios pagalba Europos valstybėse plečiamas teisės saugomų neturtinių vertybių sąrašas. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas asmens neturtinėms teisėms, susijusioms ne su fiziniais, o su vidiniais, psichologiniais individo parametrais. Plečiantis asmens neturtinių teisių spektrui kyla asmens neturtinių teisių tarpusavio konkuravimo problema: kaip turi būti derinamos lygiavertės, tarptautiniu ir konstituciniu lygmeniu įtvirtintos asmens neturtinės teisės, kad būtų garantuota veiksminga šių teisių apsauga? Tyrimo tikslas – išskirti ir plačiau aptarti pagrindinius veiksnius, lemiančius asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos plėtimosi dinamiką ir mastą bei akcentuoti aktualiausias asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos problemas. Pirmoje magistro baigiamojo darbo dalyje nagrinėjama asmens neturtinių teisių apsaugos samprata, aptariamos valstybės saugomos neturtinės vertybės, jų gynimo ir teisės pažeidimų prevencijos galimybės. Antroji dalis skirta išskirti ir aptarti veiksnius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays, it is a tendency in European countries to widen the scope of protection of personality rights. In some countries, such as Germany, Austria, Netherlands, the traditional models of legal regulations, which restrict a possibility to invoke certain means of civil protection regarding the cases of infringement of personality rights are repudiated. The scope of application of non-pecuniary damage as a means of civil defense is being developed. European Court of Human Rights case-law, national court case-law and legislative authority – all have a great influence on developing a list of personality rights which is closely related not to physical, but to interior and psychological parameters of individual. The widening scope of protection of personality rights the main problem rise in competing in between with the rights themselves – how to find a fair balance between the equivalent rights which are ordained on the constitutional and international level in order to guarantee the effective protection of the personality rights. The aim of the analysis is to characterize and analyze the main factors in more detail, which determine the scope and dynamics in the protection of personality rights, and to emphasize the problems of the protection of personality rights. In the first part of the master thesis the author analyses the conception of personality rights, discusses the main state protected values, and the means of how to defense them as well as the possibility to prevent... [to full text]

Les droits de la défense face aux technologies de l'information et de la communication / The right to defence and information and communication technology

Sontag Koenig, Sophie 13 December 2013 (has links)
Les droits de la défense émanent d'une époque où les justiciables subissaient le procès et les atteintes pouvant en résulter pour leurs droits et leurs libertés. Protéiforme, héritier des garanties issues de la notion de procès équitable telle que définie par la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme, ce concept prend une coloration spécifique dans le procès pénal. Il est incarné, en soi, par l'avocat pénaliste qui, en symbiose avec lui, doit s'adapter aux mutations dont il a parfois fait l'objet. Instruite d'expériences menées à l'étranger sur l'introduction des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans le domaine de la justice, la France, elle aussi, a décidé de moderniser ses procédures judiciaires en y recourant dans la sphère pénale. Révolution copernicienne, porteuse d'espoirs au plan managérial et de l'administration de la justice, les technologies modernes suscitent de facto craintes et résistances en raison de leur relative complexité et de leur caractère novateur. Ainsi, à des difficultés techniques qui limitent les retombées positives des réformes, s'ajoutent des aspects symboliques concernant le déroulement du rituel judiciaire, instaurant une dialectique nouvelle entre intervenants de la "chaîne pénale" et modifiant les rapports entre professionnels du droit ainsi qu'entre ceux qui unissent justice et justiciables. Il s'ensuit une mutation des cadres du procès et, corrélativement, une reformulation des schémas de pensée au regard des droits de la défense et de l'exercice de la défense pénale. / The rights of the defense come from a time when individuals undergoing trial and damage that may result to their rights and freedoms. Protean, they are born guaranteed from the notion of a fair trial as defined by the European Court of Human Rights. Taking a specific color in the criminal trial, this notion appears embodied in itself, the criminal lawyer who, in harmony with his specialty, must adapt to the changes which it has sometimes been. Technologies of Information and Communication have gradually invested the field of Justice and in particular the criminal sphere. Educated the results of experiments conducted abroad, France has also decided to modernize its judicial procedures using these new techniques. Copernican revolution, full of hope at the managerial level and the administration of justice, modern technologies raise fears facto resistance due to their relative complexity and novelty. Thus, a technical difficulty that limits the positive impact of the reforms, in addition symbolic aspects concerning the conduct of judicial ritual, introducing a new dialectic between stakeholders "criminal justice system" and changing the relationship of legal professionals as well as those that unites justice and litigants. It follows a change of management of the trial and, correspondingly, a restructuring of the thought patterns of the rights of defense and the practice of criminal defense.

Etude comparative des droits garantis aux justiciables en application de l'article 6 de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme et de leur traduction en droit interne en France et en Pologne

Rajska, Dagmara Marta 25 May 2013 (has links)
La Pologne est un ancien État communiste qui a signé la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme en 1991 et l'a ratifiée en 1993. Le droit de recours individuel a été reconnu en 1993. Le changement de régime a exigé de revoir le système juridique polonais, dont les principes du procès équitable, afin de pouvoir se conformer aux exigences de la Convention. La France a signé la Convention en 1950, l'a ratifiée en 1974. Le droit de recours individuel a été reconnu en 1981. C'est un des plus anciens signataires de la Convention et actuellement un acteur majeur de la société internationale dont l'attachement aux droits de l'homme constitue un élément caractéristique de sa politique extérieure. Cette étude comparative détermine si les exigences concernant les tribunaux et le procès, ainsi que les droits garantis en matière pénale, imposés par l'article 6 de la Convention, sont respectés dans les deux États. D'un côté, cela permet de voir les différences et les similitudes entre la France et la Pologne qui peuvent sembler différentes à cause de leur histoire et de leur tradition de respect des droits de l'homme, mais qui également se ressemblent dans les mécanismes de protection des droits de l'homme mis en place et rencontrent les problèmes similaires, comme par exemple la durée excessive de la procédure ou le non-Respect du principe de l'égalité des armes.D'un autre côté, cela permet de vérifier si les organes internes ont bien appliqué et, le cas échéant, réparé les violations de la Convention, notamment par les réformes de la loi interne. / Poland is a post-Communist state which signed the Convention in 1991, and ratified it in 1993. The right to the individual application was established in 1993. The change of the regime required to reform the Polish legal system, including the principles of fair trial, to comply with the requirements of the Convention. France signed the Convention in 1950, and ratified it in 1974. The right to the individual application was established in 1981. It is one of the oldest members of the Convention and at the moment one of the major actors of the international society, whose attachment to human rights is one of the characteristics of its foreign policy. This comparative study sets out to determine whether the requirements concerning the courts and the trials, and the rights guaranteed in criminal matters imposed by the article 6 of the Convention are respected in both states. On the one hand, this enables us to see the differences and the similitudes between France and Poland. These two states can seem to be different because of their respective histories and traditions when it comes to the respect of human rights. However, in the final analysis, they deal with similar problems, as, for example, the excessive length of proceedings, or non-Respect of the principle of equity of arms. On the other hand, this enables us to verify if the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights have been entirely implemented by the two states, and, where necessary, if the infringements of the Convention were repaired, including the reforms of the internal law.

Práva podniků při vyšetřování deliktů v soutěžním právu Evropské unie / Rights of enterprises in the investigation of delicts within EU competition law

Tomicová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
As it is evident from the title, in my thesis I would like to provide an overview of the undertakings' procedural rights in proceedings under Article 101 and/or 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. Given the extensive investigative powers that are granted to the European Commission by the Council Regulation No 1/2003 and the consequences of being found guilty of violating Article 101 and/or 102 of the TFEU, it is necessary to ensure that the undertakings have enough ways available to exercise their right to defence and other rights and privileges guaranteed by the EU law and international treaties such as European Convention on Human Rights (e.g. the right to respect for private life). For this reason the EU law provides a range of procedural rights that should guarantee that both all the fundamental rights are observed and also serve as a system of checks and balances that prevents the misuse of the Commission's investigative powers. My thesis will focus individual rights of undertakings that are provided to them by the Council Regulation No 1/2003 and EU courts judicature. I will analyse their scope and purpose, the conditions under which they can be exercised and their limitations. Simultaneously a comparison between the rights of undertakings in the EU and U.S. legal system will...

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