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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pol?tica de regionaliza??o de turismo no interior potiguar: articula??o, entraves e efetividade / Pol?tica de regionaliza??o de turismo no interior potiguar: articula??o, entraves e efetividade

Silva, Rodrigo Cardoso da 30 January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-01-27T18:09:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RodrigoCardosoDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3378940 bytes, checksum: f11acb31d95fcd4cd5a71d51315e8dcd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-02-02T20:07:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RodrigoCardosoDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3378940 bytes, checksum: f11acb31d95fcd4cd5a71d51315e8dcd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-02T20:07:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RodrigoCardosoDaSilva_DISSERT.pdf: 3378940 bytes, checksum: f11acb31d95fcd4cd5a71d51315e8dcd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-30 / A conjuntura pol?tica mundial apresenta um movimento em busca de descentralizar o poder de decis?o do Estado para inst?ncias inferiores de governabilidade, no sentido de fortalecer ainda mais os la?os democr?ticos e as a??es governamentais com legitimidade, efici?ncia e coopera??o. No Brasil essa tend?ncia ? propugnada pela a Constitui??o Federal de 1988, prevendo essa descentraliza??o como premissa para a elabora??o de pol?ticas p?blicas. Dessa forma, o Minist?rio do Turismo (Mtur) em 2003 ao elaborar a pol?tica para o setor cria o Programa de Regionaliza??o do Turismo (PRT), justamente na perspectiva de fomentar a organiza??o de conselhos regionais de gest?o da atividade tur?stica para atender as peculiaridades do territ?rio, bem como propiciar o trabalho cooperado e sin?rgico entre a iniciativa privada, sociedade civil e poder p?blico, tendo como um de seus objetivos a interioriza??o do turismo brasileiro. Este trabalho analisa os rebatimentos do PRT no interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), tendo como recorte espacial as regi?es tur?sticas do Agreste/Trairi e Serid?, ambas localizadas no interior. O objetivo da pesquisa ? analisar em que medida o PRT tem sido efetivo para desencadear o processo de interioriza??o do turismo no Estado do RN. A pesquisa tem car?ter preponderante qualitativo, a t?cnica de coleta de dados prim?rios utilizada foi ? entrevista. A coleta de dados secund?rios foi realizada, no Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica (IBGE), atas dos conselhos regionais; base de dados do Mtur, dentre outros documentos. Utilizou-se o software Excel para ajudar na compila??o dos dados secund?rios. As principais conclus?es s?o que as a??es desenvolvidas por meio do PRT ? executada de forma pontual e desconectada de um contexto maior, ou seja, n?o h? entendimento coletivo e colaborador. Este trabalho tamb?m revela a fr?gil condi??o das secretarias de turismo do interior do RN em recursos humanos e aparelhamento administrativo legislativo. De modo geral o PRT n?o contribuiu de forma substancial para o desenvolvimento do turismo no interior do RN, em grande medida pelos descompassos ideol?gico, funcional e executivo atrelados ao programa / The global political context features a movement in search to decentralize the power State decision-making to lower instances of governance in order to further strengthen democratic links and the governmental actions with legitimacy, efficiency and cooperation. In Brazil this tendency was advocated by the Federal Constitution of 1988, foreseeing that decentralization as a premise to the public policies formulation. Therefore, the Minist?rio do Turismo (Mtur) in 2003 at develop the policy to the sector creates the Programa de Regionaliza??o do Turismo (PRT), exactly in view of promoting the organization of regional councils of the tourist activity to accord peculiarities of the territory as well as to afford the cooperative and synergistic efforts among the private sector, civil society and government, having as one of its objectives the interiorization of the brazilian tourism. This work analyzes repercussions of the PRT in midlands of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) having as spatial area the tourist regions: Agreste/ Trairi and Serid?, both located within midlands. The research has as objective to examine the level of effectiveness of PRT to unleash the process of internalizing of tourism in RN. This research has qualitative character, the primary data collection used has been the interview. The secondary data collection was performed by Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica (IBGE) datas, minutes of the regional councils; Mtur database, among other documents. It was used the Excel software to aid in compiling the secondary datas. The main conclusions are that the actions developed by the PRT is run-off and disconnected as a larger context, in other words, there is no collective and contributor understanding. This work also reveals the fragile condition of the tourism departments in midlands of RN in relation to human resources and legislative administrative. In general the PRT did not contribute substantially to the development of tourism in midlands of RN, largely by ideological, functional and executive dissonances linked to the program.

Integra??o banc?ria do territ?rio potiguar

Santos, Jos? Erimar dos 04 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-05-31T00:29:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseErimarDosSantos_TESE.pdf: 13304470 bytes, checksum: f8ddaee9b6a28f408d9c1072e1394b8d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-02T19:32:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseErimarDosSantos_TESE.pdf: 13304470 bytes, checksum: f8ddaee9b6a28f408d9c1072e1394b8d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:32:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseErimarDosSantos_TESE.pdf: 13304470 bytes, checksum: f8ddaee9b6a28f408d9c1072e1394b8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-04 / Objetiva-se compreender o processo de territorializa??o dos servi?os banc?rios e como isso se configura no plano da exist?ncia do territ?rio e da economia pol?tica urbana no atual per?odo, tomando como recorte emp?rico o estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Para tanto, foi necess?ria uma an?lise te?rica e emp?rica, em que ao mesmo tempo buscasse apreender a coisa em estudo como nexo e sistema, sendo necess?rios uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica e um levantamento de dados prim?rios e secund?rios. A tese ? de que a manifesta??o da expans?o dos servi?os banc?rios e financeiros constitui uma din?mica territorial dada pelos lugares a partir do arranjo normativo e t?cnico, invasor da vida cotidiana, constituindo uma dimens?o espacial que aqui se est? a chamar de Territ?rio (onto)L?gico. Territ?rio por tratar-se de uma discuss?o geogr?fica que enfatiza o controle efetivo de certas institui??es banc?rias sobre objetos e pr?ticas sociais. (Onto)l?gico corresponde, simultaneamente, a duas formas de ser-do-homem no mundo: 1) ser-do-espa?o, da? onto (relativo ao Ser, ao fazer-se humano, pois o homem ? sempre projeto que est?-por-ser, assim como o ? o espa?o geogr?fico e os processos, a exemplo da expans?o dos servi?os banc?rios); 2) ser-no-espa?o, que corresponde a uma l?gica de apreens?o do espa?o: condi??o para uma ordem de dispers?o de objetos e organiza??es, da? l?gico (relativo ao uso do lugar mediante intencionalidade que visa apreend?-lo como campo a ser preenchido por arranjos de objetos e a??es estrat?gicas). Como resultado desse processo tem-se o lugar enquanto base de concretiza??o da integra??o financeira do territ?rio constitutivo de forma-a??es banc?rias herdadas (ag?ncias banc?rias) e novas vari?veis (correspondentes banc?rios e novos arranjos t?cnicos, cient?ficos, informacionais e comunicacionais: computador e celular plugados ? internet), cuja expressividade no plano da economia urbana caracteriza-se por elos cada vez mais intensos entre circuito superior e circuito inferior. Portanto, no territ?rio (onto)l?gico, h? a exist?ncia enquanto um recurso dos atores hegem?nicos, realizada por uma ordem da dispers?o dos fixos e das a??es banc?rios (l?gica), influenciando direta ou indiretamente na organiza??o da exist?ncia ou (re)produ??o social (onto), que por sua vez tamb?m solidariza-se ? forma como essa dispers?o ocorre ou pode ocorrer, pois a dimens?o do territ?rio enquanto abrigo dos atores hegemonizados ? fundamental na realiza??o dessa disputa territorial banc?ria. / This study aims to understand the territorial process of banking services in Rio Grande do Norte State, which took the places find themselves integrated into the banking system's point of view, seeking to reflect how is configured in terms of the existence of the territory. For this, a theoretical and empirical analysis was required in which at the same time would seek to grasp the phenomenon under study as a link and system, requiring a literature search and a survey of primary and secondary data. The effective manifestation of territorialization of banking and financial services verified in RN is a dynamic and territorial expression given by the different uses of the places by banking actors from banking-fixed locational arrangements, that leverage the social, economic, regulatory, technical and objective conditions and subjective places, which together form the existential content of the places, at the same time in that promote them, serving and creating new demands of consumption and their banking services. It is a locational strategical process, in which space is the condition of realization by engaging at the same time, spatiality as shelter (the existential manner of places given by the social content) and spatiality as a resource (making profit in these places, through the use and/or creation of content-forms for this purpose), promoting the banking integration of norte-rio-grandense territory, expressed in dense and rarefied areas as servants mechanisms. It was found, among other things, that as the norte-rio-grandense geographical area is made up of banking and financial objects (agencies, banking service centers, Automatic Teller Machine (ATMs) and correspondents), for example, that materiality is not enough to determine the nature the banking integration of that state. They are the proper places on whether or not permit the presence and operation of one or other of these channels, which shows that it is the geographic space sine qua non of the geographical dispersion of using mechanisms from their elements. This because is the existence of these places a feature of hegemonic actors, performed by an order of the dispersion of fixed and banking stocks, influencing directly or indirectly in the organization of the existence or (re) production, which in turn also is sympathized to the way this dispersion occurs or may occur. Finally, the places were never a leveled field where the (re) production of certain elements, in this case the banks could establish their domain with the same strategic mechanisms. The places were and are forms-content varied, existentially and so is dependent on the locational range of types of fixed and flows in them, at different times, and the strategic construction of the most prominent elements of the uses thereof, setting the territory as variable of profit accumulation.

Col?nia agr?cola Sinimb?: entre a regularidade do espa?o projetado e os violentos confrontos do espa?o vivido (Rio Grande do Norte, 1850-1880)

Brito, Jo?o Fernando Barreto de 05 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-06T20:55:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoFernandoBarretoDeBrito_DISSERT.pdf: 2471954 bytes, checksum: 24ab2a4a8dc4485717beddd01e7b454f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-08T20:21:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoFernandoBarretoDeBrito_DISSERT.pdf: 2471954 bytes, checksum: 24ab2a4a8dc4485717beddd01e7b454f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-08T20:21:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoFernandoBarretoDeBrito_DISSERT.pdf: 2471954 bytes, checksum: 24ab2a4a8dc4485717beddd01e7b454f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-05 / No ano de 1878, na prov?ncia do Rio Grande do Norte, entre Cear?-Mirim e Extremoz, foi fundada a Col?nia Agr?cola de Sinimb?. Neste lugar chegaram a reunir-se cerca de 6.600 homens e mulheres pobres livres, fugindo da terr?vel seca de 1877, mas tamb?m motivados pela promessa de acesso aos g?neros de primeira necessidade, moradia e cuidados m?dicos, mediante trabalho, como defendiam os representantes do poder local e central. No entanto, n?o foi isso que os retirantes efetivamente encontraram, j? que as condi??es dentro do estabelecimento agr?cola chamavam aten??o pela pen?ria e viol?ncia, conforme den?ncia apresentada nos relat?rios presidenciais daquela ?poca. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar os conflitos ocorridos na Col?nia Sinimb?, procurando enfatizar as tens?es e interesses dos representantes das elites locais e do governo central, relacionados ? constru??o e posterior fechamento desse espa?o, num contexto marcado pelos debates acerca do controle do trabalhador pobre livre. Assim, procuraremos demonstrar que, se por um lado, foram criados espa?os institucionalizados que visavam submeter o nacional livre a uma l?gica de trabalho pautada na disciplina do corpo, no controle do tempo e no ordenamento do espa?o, por outro n?o se pode desconsiderar as diferentes formas de resist?ncia impostas pelos homens e mulheres pobres livres, submetidos ao processo de reordenamento do mundo do trabalho. / In 1878, at the province of Rio Grande do Norte, between Cear?-Mirim and Extremoz, was founded the Agricultural Colony of Sinimb?. On this location, about 6,600 freed men and women had gathered. They were not only fleeing from the terrible 1877 drought but also encouraged by the promise of accessing basic necessities, i.e. housing and medical assistance, upon work, as required by local and central representatives of power. However, the migrants faced otherwise reality, since conditions within the agricultural facility were of shortage and violence, as denounced on the presidential reports of that time. This work aims at analyzing the conflicts that took place at the Sinimb? Colony, while it seeks to emphasize how the tensions and interests of both local elite and central government representatives relate to the opening and closure of this space, on a context where the debate on the control over freed poor workers was on the rise. Thus, we intend to demonstrate that on the one hand, institutionalized places provided the native freed a sense of work guided by the discipline of the body, control of time and arrangement of space. On the other hand, unlike forms of resistance enacted by freed working men and women undergoing the rearranging process of labor world cannot be disregarded.

Os usos do territ?rio e a economia solid?ria no Rio Grande do Norte

Lima, Leandro de Castro 15 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-23T20:29:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LeandroDeCastroLima_DISSERT.pdf: 10260305 bytes, checksum: fdaa5e231951a4188af9d7e29aef21a5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-27T21:25:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LeandroDeCastroLima_DISSERT.pdf: 10260305 bytes, checksum: fdaa5e231951a4188af9d7e29aef21a5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-27T21:25:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeandroDeCastroLima_DISSERT.pdf: 10260305 bytes, checksum: fdaa5e231951a4188af9d7e29aef21a5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A Economia Solid?ria como organiza??o da produ??o, alternativa ? din?mica da economia capitalista, vem promovendo novas formas de organiza??o e de rela??es sociais que, sob a luz da Geografia, se realiza pelos diferentes usos do territ?rio. O territ?rio assume novos significados que, influenciado pelo movimento da Economia Solid?ria, busca racionalidades alternativas a ordem social estabelecida. Entretanto, esses diferentes usos se revelam de forma complexa e contradit?ria, uma vez que nos empreendimentos solid?rios diferentes agentes coorporativos passa a atuar, tendo o Estado como intermedi?rio em ?ltima inst?ncia desse processo. Diante dessa realidade, objetivamos no presente estudo analisar os diferentes usos do territ?rio a partir dos empreendimentos econ?micos solid?rios rurais e as rela??es que estes estabelecem com os diferentes agentes envolvidos na din?mica s?cio-territorial do Rio Grande do Norte. A partir de um estudo cr?tico que contemple as formas e conte?dos da organiza??o territorial do fen?meno analisado, a metodologia adotada para a realiza??o deste trabalho pautou-se num estudo bibliogr?fico, tanto de autores da Geografia como de tem?ticas afins ao estudo da Economia Solid?ria, al?m do uso de dados secund?rios, obtidos juntos aos ?rg?os oficiais, como o SIES e o IBGE, da pesquisa documental, realizada junto a SENAES, e de campo, com entrevistas efetivadas junto aos empreendimentos solid?rios do RN, no intuito de fundamentar nossas an?lises. Os resultados obtidos no estudo demonstram a complexidade nos usos agr?colas do territ?rio pela Economia Solid?ria no RN, intensificando o uso enquanto recurso, a partir da atua??o do Estado e dos grandes agentes econ?micos, e regulando o uso enquanto abrigo, que marginalizam trabalhadores solid?rios, tornando-os sujeitados a uma l?gica hegem?nica. Dessa forma, conclu?mos que a Economia Solid?ria, apesar de configurar como uma nova forma de organiza??o entre os agricultores, dada a expressividades que os empreendimentos solid?rios rurais apresentam no RN, esta n?o vem possibilitando um desenvolvimento social pleno, enquanto um instrumento de reprodu??o e emancipa??o dos associados. Todavia, os empreendimentos articulados em redes se sobressaem, embora de forma pontual. Tais contradi??es evidencia que ? necess?rio fortalecer uma constru??o horizontal e de base popular para Economia Solid?ria, a fim de superar a a??o reguladora do Estado capitalista. / The solidary economy as the organization of production, alternative to the capitalist economy provides new forms of organization and social behavior, that, in the sight of geography, it is shown by the different territory uses. The territory assume new meanings that, influenced by the Solidary Economy movement, tries to reach for new ways of acting that differ from social order already stablished. However, the different uses show themselves in a more complex and contradictory way, given that, in solidary undertakings, different corporative agents start to act, the State being a last resource on this process. Given this reality, our goal on the present paper is to analyze the different uses of the territory from the rural economic solidary undertakings and the relationship it establishes to the different agents involved on the socio-territorial dynamics on Rio Grande do Norte. Starting from a study that contemplates the territorial organization forms and contents of the analyzed phenomena, the methodology utilized for this research is based on a bibliographic review, with authors from the geography and areas related to the Solidary Economy, besides the use of secondary data, acquired from official offices such as SIES and IBGE, from the documented research, SENAES and field interviews conducted with local solidary undertakings. The results obtained in the study reveal the complexity of the agricultural use of the territory by Solidary Economy on the RN, while a resource of intensified use, from the state actions and important economical agents, and regulating the use while shelter, that marginalize solidary workers, making them subdued to the hegemonic logic. Therefore, we can infer that the solidary economy, despite its image of new form of organization between agricultural workers, given the expressivity of the rural solidary undertakings presented on RN, it hasn?t shown a full social development as an instrument of reproduction and emancipation of the associates. Nevertheless, the undertakings articulated in nets excel, even when considering its punctual and residual form. The given contradictions show that it is necessary to fortify the building of the solidary economy as being horizontal and popular based for it to have strength to surpass the regulative actions of the capitalist state and ownership created by the Capital.

Avalia??o do processo industrial da cer?mica vermelha na regi?o do Serid? - RN

Baccelli J?nior, Gilberto 08 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:58:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GilbertoBJ_TESE_capa ate pg200.pdf: 2617586 bytes, checksum: d59063503785c14ffda02190fa3b7287 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-08 / Particularly in Braziland in Rio Grande do Norte, companies manufacturing red ceramic, play an important role as agents of development to study the region Serid?- RN, specific place for carrying out the research. It is observed in this region a concentration of red ceramic industries of small size, which, despite its importance in the ceramic, they are unable to enjoy or use the new forms of administrative management and technological advances designed and offered by universities, centers of research and projects of governments, remained almost entirely outside the progress and modernization, technological and administrative. These companies still have outdated technology, and management processes, providing quality problems and standardization of end products. Upon these conditions are the companies going through crisis and struggling to survive alone and without assistance. The region of Serid?-RN, lets make a detailed case study of red ceramic companies in the region proposed from the existing theoretical and actual lifting of the condition of the product manufacturing red ceramic, allowing through this overview of the implementation of collect samples of raw materials, allowing the study of each ceramic industry that contributed to the participation of the research, which was determined parameters such as: analysis of the physical, chemical and technological properties of raw materials, characterization of the processes used, raising the technological resources considering equipment, machinery, supplies, raw materials and facilities available and its organization by type of products from companies involved in this study. The methodology consists of the following steps: collection of raw material, crushing and screening, characterization of raw materials (liquid limit, chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, differential thermal analysis, sieve analysis), mixing, forming, cutting, drying and burning of ceramic bodies and bodies of evidence. The results showed that it was clay with distinct characteristics with respect to plasticity. With respect to the different compositions of mixtures of ceramic masses, we conclude that the ceramic properties showed a direct proportionality with increasing fraction of the clay not plastic. However, the compositions of the masses studied proved to be the most appropriate for the types of simulated clay for use in ceramics. Adopted in the ceramic processing made it possible to obtain products the resulted in consistent properties, and in some cases even exceeding the requirements of technical studies and standard-Brazilian clays to obtain ceramic products such as tiles, bricks and tiles to floor. Based on the discussions from the results obtained in the various processing steps of this work, one can draw conclusions according to the physico-chemical and mineralogical properties of raw materials, the properties of ceramic products burned and analysis. This work may be used by other researchers, private companies and governmental organizations, undergraduate students and graduate, can develop studies and future research to: develop projects to modify the furnaces; mapping projects develop and rationalize the exploitation of raw materials ;promoting reforestation and forest management; develop reduction projects and recovery of waste; develop training projects in manpower sector, and develop security projects, improving the conditions of work in the area pottery / No Brasil e particularmente no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, as empresas de fabrica??o de cer?mica vermelha, representam um papel importante como agentes de desenvolvimento de estudo para a regi?o do Serid?-RN, local determinado para a realiza??o das pesquisas. Observa-se nesta regi?o uma concentra??o de ind?strias de cer?mica vermelha de pequeno porte, que, apesar de sua import?ncia no contexto cer?mico, estas n?o conseguem usufruir ou utilizar as novas formas de gerenciamento administrativo e de avan?os tecnol?gicos concebidos e propostos pelas Universidades, centros de pesquisas, bem como dos projetos dos Governos, permanecendo na sua quase totalidade ? margem dos avan?os e da moderniza??o, tanto tecnol?gico como administrativo. Estas empresas apresentam ainda processos tecnol?gicos e gerenciamentos ultrapassados, propiciando problemas de qualidade final e padroniza??o de seus produtos. Mediante estas condi??es ficam as empresas atravessando crises e lutando para sobreviverem isoladas e sem assist?ncia. A regi?o do Serid?-RN, permite efetuar um estudo de caso detalhado das empresas de cer?mica vermelha na regi?o proposta, a partir do referencial te?rico existente e do levantamento real da condi??o de fabrica??o do produto cer?mico vermelho, possibilitando atrav?s deste panorama geral a realiza??o da coleta de amostras de mat?rias primas, permitindo o estudo de cada ind?stria cer?mica vermelha que contribuiu na participa??o da pesquisa, onde foi determinado par?metros tais como: an?lise das propriedades f?sicas, qu?micas e tecnol?gicas das mat?rias primas, caracteriza??o dos processos utilizados, levantamento dos recursos tecnol?gicos considerando equipamentos, m?quinas, insumos, mat?rias primas e instala??es dispon?veis e a organiza??o dos mesmos por tipologia de produtos das empresas envolvidas neste estudo. A metodologia aplicada consta das seguintes etapas: coleta da mat?ria prima, moagem e peneiramento, caracteriza??o das mat?rias-primas (limite de liquidez, an?lise qu?mica, an?lise mineral?gica, an?lise t?rmica diferencial, an?lise granulom?trica), mistura, conforma??o, corte, secagem e queima das massas cer?micas e nos corpos de prova. Os resultados obtidos revelaram tratar-se de argilas com caracter?sticas distintas com rela??o ? plasticidade. Com rela??o ?s diversas composi??es das misturas das massas argilosas, conclu?mos que as propriedades cer?micas apresentaram uma rela??o direta de proporcionalidade com o aumento da fra??o da argila n?o pl?stica. No entanto, as composi??es das massas estudadas mostraram-se as mais adequadas para os tipos de argilas simuladas para aplica??o em cer?mica. No processamento cer?mico adotado, possibilitou obterem-se produtos que resultaram em propriedades compat?veis e, em alguns casos, at? superiores as exig?ncias das normas t?cnicas e estudos de argilas padr?o-brasileiras para a obten??o de produtos de cer?mica, tais como, telha, tijolos e lajotas para piso. Tendo como base ?s discuss?es realizadas a partir dos resultados obtidos nas diversas etapas de processamento deste trabalho, podem-se elaborar conclus?es de acordo com as caracter?sticas f?sico-qu?micas e mineral?gicas das mat?rias-primas, das propriedades cer?micas dos produtos queimados e das an?lises. O presente trabalho poder? ser utilizado por outros pesquisadores, empresas privadas e governamentais, estudantes de Gradua??o e P?s-Gradua??o, podendo desenvolver estudos e pesquisas futuras para: Desenvolver projetos de modifica??o dos fornos; Desenvolver projetos de mapeamento e racionaliza??o da explora??o de mat?rias-primas; Desenvolver projetos de reflorestamento e manejo florestal; Desenvolver projetos de redu??o e aproveitamento de res?duos; Desenvolver projetos de capacita??o da m?o-de-obra setorial, e Desenvolver projetos de seguran?a do trabalho visando ? melhoria das condi??es laborais na ?rea cer?mica

Ser(T?o) Serid? em suas cartografias espaciais

Medeiros Neta, Ol?via Morais de 29 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:25:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 OliviaMMN.pdf: 1313432 bytes, checksum: cd671cebc6305a39cdbfe9efea69abf0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-29 / The aim of this work is to analyze the spatial frames of reference of the Serid? a region Iocated in the hinterlands of Rio Grande do Norte state from the following texts: Homens de Outrora (1941), by Manuel Dantas; Serid? (1954), by Jos? Augusto Bezerra de Medeiros; Velhos Costumes do Meu Sert?o (1965), by Juvenal Lamartine de Faria; and Sert?es do Serid? (1980), by Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria. The historiographical discourse will be investigated as to representations of space and the frames of reference that demarcate it. We highlight the space of 1 as delimited by the subjectivity and significances expressed by each author, considering closely the relation between author, writing and body, either in historiography or in the subjects that give shape to the Serid? region in their writings. The Serid? is particularly framed in the relevant historiography as the hinterland (sert?o) space, where the drought is a representation referred to recurrently, and as a space of fight , in which man and nature would be in constant struggle, challenging each other. Spatial frames of reference are then situated between the 1 and notions of hinterland and fight with nature / O objetivo deste trabalho ? analisar as configura??es espaciais do Serid? potiguar situado na por??o centro-meridional do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte a partir das seguintes obras: Homens de Outrora (1941), de Manuel Dantas; Serid? (1954), de Jos? Augusto Bezerra de Medeiros; Velhos Costumes do Meu Sert?o (1965), de Juvenal Lamartine de Faria e Sert?es do Serid? (1980), de Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria, O discurso historiogr?fico ser? indagado quanto ?s representa??es de espa?o e ?s configura??es que o (de)marcam. Destacamos o espa?o do eu (de)marcado pelas subjetividades e significa??es de cada autor, considerando a rela??o entre autor, escrita e corpo, seja o da historiografia ou dos sujeitos que d?o forma ao Serid? em seus escritos. E os espa?os do Sert?o e de Luta. O Serid? no discurso historiogr?fico ? configurado como espa?o do sert?o, onde a seca se constitui como representa??o recorrente e como espa?o de luta em que, homem e natureza estariam em um constante combate, um desafiando o outro. As configura??es espaciais para o Serid? se d?o entre o eu e as no??es de sert?o e luta com a natureza

Ordem e disciplina, sentimentos e emo??es: uma hist?ria da Penitenci?ria de Alca?uz

Menezes, La?s Luz de 15 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-20T23:56:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisLuzDeMenezes_DISSERT.pdf: 2266325 bytes, checksum: 103067bc0939f9b924c6aafa4cfd06ae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-03T19:11:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisLuzDeMenezes_DISSERT.pdf: 2266325 bytes, checksum: 103067bc0939f9b924c6aafa4cfd06ae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-03T19:11:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LaisLuzDeMenezes_DISSERT.pdf: 2266325 bytes, checksum: 103067bc0939f9b924c6aafa4cfd06ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-15 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Neste trabalho, pretende-se analisar o espa?o da Penitenci?ria Estadual de Alca?uz (PEA), inaugurada no ano de 1998 e localizada no munic?pio de N?sia Floresta (RN), a qual abriga uma m?dia de mil homens em cumprimento de pena privativa de liberdade no regime fechado. No tocante ? contribui??o te?rica, utilizaremos principalmente os autores Michel Foucault (institui??o disciplinar), Augusto Thompson (sistema de poder), Erving Goffman (institui??o total), Yi-Fu Tuan (lugar) e Michel de Certeau (subjetividade). Portanto, pretendemos demonstrar que a penitenci?ria ? um espa?o multifacetado, ora pode ser enxergado como um espa?o de objetividades, no qual impera a ordem e a disciplina, ora pode ser enxergada como um lugar permeado pelas subjetividades de seus integrantes (agentes penitenci?rios, apenados e visitantes). Nesse sentido, enxergamos a exist?ncia de tr?s lugares de destaque: o lugar de reencontro (pela perspectiva dos visitantes), o lugar do aprisionamento (pela perspectiva do apenado) e o lugar de trabalho (pela perspectiva do agente penitenci?rio). Buscamos, assim, problematizar esses lugares, nos questionando como esses sujeitos v?m ocupando e se apropriando do espa?o prisional? E o que esse espa?o vem produzindo nesses sujeitos? Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foram utilizadas, al?m de outras fontes, entrevistas colhidas com agentes, apenados e visitantes, utilizando a metodologia da hist?ria oral. / In this work, we intend to analyze the space of the State Penitentiary Alca?uz (PEA), which opened in 1998 and located in the county of Nisia Floresta (RN), which houses na average of Thousand men in fulfillment of deprivation of liberty in closed regime. With regard to theoretical contribution, we will use mainly the authors Michel Foucault (disciplinary institution), Augusto Thompson (power system), Erving Goffman (total institution), Yi-Fu Tuan (place) and Michel de Certeau (subjectivity). Therefore, we intend to demonstrate that the prison is a multifaceted space, sometimes can be understood as an space of objectivities, where order and discip line prevails, sometimes can be understood as a place permeated by subjectivity of its members (prison guards, inmates and visitors). In this sense, we see the existence of three prominent places: the place of reunion (from the perspective of visitors), the place of imprisonment (from the perspective of inmates) and the place of work (from the perspective of prison guard). Therefore, we seek interrogate these places, questioning how these people have been occupying and appropriating the prison space? And what this space has been producing in these people? For the development of the work were used in addition to other sources, interviews with prison guards, inmates and visitors, using the methodology of oral history.

Padr?es de nupcialidade do munic?pio de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, no in?cio do s?culo XX

Camilo, C?sar Zandonai Barros 22 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-02-22T19:05:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CesarZandonaiBarrosCamilo_DISSERT.pdf: 1130566 bytes, checksum: b0ba87ac38f000ae43c7708b336289d3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-06T22:04:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CesarZandonaiBarrosCamilo_DISSERT.pdf: 1130566 bytes, checksum: b0ba87ac38f000ae43c7708b336289d3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T22:04:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CesarZandonaiBarrosCamilo_DISSERT.pdf: 1130566 bytes, checksum: b0ba87ac38f000ae43c7708b336289d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-22 / O objetivo desta disserta??o foi identificar padr?es de nupcialidade da Par?quia de Nossa Senhora da Apresenta??o, correspondente, ? ?poca, ao munic?pio de Natal, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, nos anos de 1937 e 1938, no que se refere ? idade, estado civil, local de resid?ncia, naturalidade e ocupa??o dos noivos. Para isso, utilizaram-se, como fonte de informa??es, livros paroquiais de matrim?nios, originalmente provenientes da C?ria Metropolitana de Natal e digitalizados pelo Laborat?rio de Experimenta??o em Hist?ria Social (LEHS) da UFRN. Desses livros, foram transcritas, para o software Excel, informa??es de idade, naturalidade, estado civil, local de resid?ncia e ocupa??o dos nubentes, constituindo, assim, um banco de dados de 894 indiv?duos (entre noivos, noivas, pais e m?es dos noivos, e pais e m?es das noivas) mencionados em 149 registros de casamentos referentes aos anos de 1937 (72 registros) e de 1938 (77 registros). Para proceder ?s an?lises descritivas (frequ?ncias e cruzamentos de informa??es entre noivos e noivas), a base de dados foi exportada para o pacote Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). Entre os principais resultados, verificou-se, de modo geral, o seguinte padr?o de casamentos: noivos mais velhos que suas noivas (com idade m?dia de entrada no casamento de 29,9 anos para os noivos, e de 24 anos para as noivas), noivos e noivas naturais e residentes da pr?pria par?quia (ainda que com registros de casamentos entre naturais e residentes de estados do entorno do Rio Grande do Norte, sobretudo no caso dos noivos, e com raros casamentos envolvendo estrangeiros), e noivos em primeiras n?pcias (e em alguns casos houve indica??es de maior n?mero de recasamentos para os homens). Quanto ? ocupa??o, as noivas se encontravam, majoritariamente, fora do mercado de trabalho, enquanto os noivos, mais inseridos na for?a laboral, se enquadravam nas profiss?es emergentes de uma Natal em processo de moderniza??o (com?rcio, servi?o p?blico, e profiss?es liberais). Al?m da descri??o de padr?es de casamento em uma perspectiva demogr?fica, a principal contribui??o deste trabalho foi a utiliza??o de registros paroquiais como base para elabora??o de um banco de dados, contendo informa??es matrimoniais que, ? ?poca, n?o eram poss?veis de ser exploradas por meio de fontes oficiais dispon?veis nos registros civis. Como sugest?o para trabalhos vindouros, pode-se elencar a an?lise de coorte das raras caracter?sticas individuais (idade ao casar, local de resid?ncia, naturalidade e ocupa??o) para nubentes e seus pais, e tamb?m, a amplia??o de estudos para todos os anos dispon?veis para a metade do s?culo XX. / The aim of this thesis was to identify patterns of nuptiality of the Parish of Nossa Senhora da Apresenta??o, corresponding at the time to the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, in the years 1937 and 1938, with regard to age, marital status, location residence, place of birth and occupation of the bride and groom. For this, it was used as a source of information parish records of marriages, originally from C?ria Metropolitana de Natal and scanned by Laborat?rio de Experimenta??o em Hist?ria Social, UFRN. These records were transcribed for Excell software information age, national origin, marital status, place of residence and occupation of the intending spouses, thus constituting one of 894 individuals database (among grooms, brides, parents grooms, and parents brides) mentioned in 149 records of marriages for the years 1937 (72 records) and 1938 (77 records). To make the descriptive analyzes (frequencies and crossings of information between brides and grooms), the database was exported to the Statistical Package Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Among the main results, it was found, older grooms their brides (with an average age of entry into the 29.9 year marriage to the bride and groom and 24 years for brides), natural and own parish residents (albeit with records of marriages between natural and residents of states surrounding the Rio Grande do Norte, especially for the bride and groom, and rare marriages involving foreigners), and singles (and larger indications remarriage for men than women). With regard to occupation, brides were mostly outside the labor market, while the groom, more entered the labor force, fell within the emerging professions of Natal modernization process (trade, public service, and professional services). Besides the marriage patterns of description of a demographic perspective, the main contribution of this work was the use of parish registers as a basis for development of a database containing marital information, for the time, are not possible to be explored through official sources. As a suggestion for future work can list the cohort analysis of the rare individual characteristics (age at marriage, place of residence, place of birth and occupation) for spouses and parents, and also the expansion of studies for all years available for half of the twentieth century.

Fundo p?blico e a programa??o e execu??o or?ament?rias no Rio Grande do Norte: uma an?lise a partir do plano plurianual 2004/2015

Silva, William Gledson e 12 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-07-17T12:59:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WilliamGledsonESilva_TESE.pdf: 1636623 bytes, checksum: e9a78911093f5ec2f7d92c7d5e93d48a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-07-18T13:10:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 WilliamGledsonESilva_TESE.pdf: 1636623 bytes, checksum: e9a78911093f5ec2f7d92c7d5e93d48a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-18T13:10:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WilliamGledsonESilva_TESE.pdf: 1636623 bytes, checksum: e9a78911093f5ec2f7d92c7d5e93d48a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-12 / Esta tese teve o objetivo de analisar a contribui??o do fundo p?blico, o qual se expressou comparativamente no or?amento program?tico ou a execu??o desse no Rio Grande do Norte (RN), a partir da dota??o em termos de capital ou despesas sociais, enquadrando institucionalmente o estudo no Plano Plurianual (PPA), Lei de Diretrizes Or?ament?rias (LDO) e Lei Or?ament?ria Anual (LOA), entre os anos 2004 a 2015. Assim, o problema central da pesquisa ressaltou: o fundo p?blico no RN, manifestado na programa??o e a execu??o or?ament?rias, admitiu diferen?as em termos da dota??o na forma de capital e despesa sociais, no ?ltimo trio de ciclos do PPA? A hip?tese da tese sustentou que o or?amento potiguar explicitou diferen?as entre a programa??o e execu??o, mais precisamente na maior dota??o em termos de capital diante das despesas sociais, especialmente no que tange ao consumo social. Utilizou-se na pesquisa, a rigor, a dial?tica como m?todo de an?lise, fazendo uso de uma revis?o de literatura ligada ? ci?ncia pol?tica e teoria econ?mica, al?m das estat?sticas descritivas para medir o comportamento das rubricas observadas. Finalmente, houve uma compreens?o conceitual na qual a pol?tica social se expressou, principalmente, como consumo e despesas sociais, bem como se constatou ser o RN um estado economicamente perif?rico e pass?vel das influ?ncias monet?rias nacionalmente, portanto, com reduzido desenvolvimento, tendo nos investimentos sociais, uma prerrogativa pouco explorada conceitualmente nesta tese. / This thesis aims to analyze the contribution of public fund, which if expressed comparatively programmatic budget or implementation this in Rio Grande do Norte (RN), from the capital allocation or social expenditure, by framing the study in institutionally multiannual plan (PPA), budget guidelines law (LDO) and Annual Budget Law (LOA), between the years 2004 to 2015. Thus, the central problem of research pointed out: the public fund in the RN, manifested in the programming and implementation budget, admitted differences in terms of the appropriation in the form of capital and social spending in the last three cycles of the PPA? The thesis argued that the budget potiguar explained differences between programming and implementation, more precisely in greater capital allocation on social expenditure, especially with regard to the social consumption. It was used in the research, the dialectic as a method of analysis, making use of a review of the literature related to political science and economic theory, in addition to the descriptive statistics to measure the behavior of the items observed. Finally, it was achieved that there was a conceptual understanding in which social policy expressed as consumption and social expenditure, as well as it turned out to be the RN a economically peripheral State and therefore with reduced development, having social investments, a prerogative little explored conceptually this thesis.

Circuito espacial da produ??o t?xtil no Serid? Potiguar: as especificidades do ramo de artefatos dom?sticos

Azevedo, Igor Rasec Batista de 17 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-10-04T19:34:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IgorRasecBatistaDeAzevedo_DISSERT.pdf: 6448715 bytes, checksum: c8fe360a95e24193e03e625f0858bae3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-10T00:19:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 IgorRasecBatistaDeAzevedo_DISSERT.pdf: 6448715 bytes, checksum: c8fe360a95e24193e03e625f0858bae3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-10T00:19:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IgorRasecBatistaDeAzevedo_DISSERT.pdf: 6448715 bytes, checksum: c8fe360a95e24193e03e625f0858bae3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-17 / A produ??o de artefatos t?xteis distribui-se espacialmente no Rio Grande do Norte de modo concentrado nas regi?es Metropolitana de Natal e Serid? Potiguar. Esta ?ltima abriga, aproximadamente, metade das unidades produtivas do estado, onde se destaca o ramo de artefatos dom?sticos. A atividade concentra-se, outrossim, no interior da pr?pria regi?o, sobretudo em sua por??o ocidental, nos munic?pios de Caic?, Currais Novos e Jardim de Piranhas, cuja estrutura produtiva baseia-se em tecnologias obsoletas, em rela??o aos processos produtivos baseados em um elevado grau de capitaliza??o, com a origem local ou regional do capital e uso intensivo de m?o de obra barata e pouco qualificada. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho tem como questionamento central: como uma atividade com as caracter?sticas da produ??o de artefatos t?xteis no Serid? Potiguar consegue lograr inser??o na din?mica atual dos circuitos espaciais produtivos e coexistir com os sistemas t?cnicos de ordem planet?ria? Desse modo, busca-se analisar o uso do territ?rio pelo circuito espacial produtivo t?xtil, com ?nfase na produ??o de artefatos dom?sticos a partir dos processos, din?mica e conte?do desta na regi?o do Serid? Potiguar. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, realizou-se revis?o bibliogr?fica, sobretudo a partir de Andrade (1981), Arroyo (2008), Azevedo (2007, 2013), Barrios (2014), Castillo e Frederico (2010), Furtado (1969), Marx (1990, 2011), Moraes (1984), Santos (2012) e Silveira (2010b). Ademais, adotaram-se procedimentos te?rico-metodol?gicos de coleta e sistematiza??o de dados, baseados nas t?cnicas de pesquisa documental, pesquisa de campo ? na qual executou-se a aplica??o de entrevistas com base em roteiros semiestruturados e formul?rios ? articulada com uma base estat?stica. Constatou-se, atrav?s da pesquisa, que, tratando-se do circuito espacial da produ??o de artefatos t?xteis no Serid? Potiguar, os fluxos de mat?ria-prima s?o oriundos principalmente da pr?pria regi?o Nordeste, materializando a exist?ncia de monop?lio no fornecimento desses bens, controlado por empresas do Cear? com filiais no Rio Grande do Norte. Os fluxos do consumo produtivo de m?quinas e equipamentos s?o oriundos exclusivamente da regi?o concentrada, notadamente de S?o Paulo. Por outro lado, o consumo consuntivo ? marcadamente pulverizado, abrangendo sobretudo o Nordeste, e, com menor express?o, as regi?es Norte e Sudeste. Foi poss?vel depreender, outrossim, que o processo de circula??o ? completamente alienado, haja vista que as firmas locais det?m uma capacidade relativa de produ??o, todavia, por ocuparem posi??es subalternas no territ?rio, n?o det?m poder de mercado suficiente para realizar o seu controle, outorgando-lhe a a??o de atravessadores. Nessa esfera, a uni?o vertical dos lugares se sobrep?e em grande medida aos nexos horizontais coadunados ao uso produtivo do territ?rio do Serid? Potiguar. Considera-se que a baixa coes?o social e produtiva entre os agentes do ramo t?xtil verificada no referido recorte se d? pela aus?ncia, em certa medida proposital, do Estado, enquanto promotor de pol?ticas p?blicas, e em detrimento do desenvolvimento da pr?pria atividade na regi?o. As acanhadas iniciativas do Poder P?blico insistem em pensar os ramos produtivos isoladamente, e n?o o territ?rio usado como um todo, isso quando n?o legam, arbitrariamente, o seu papel aos interesses corporativos. / The production of textile artifacts is spatially distributed in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in a way that it is concentrated in the metropolitan area of Natal and in the Serid? Potiguar region. The later houses 49% of the total of production units of the State, with emphasis on the domestic utensils field (FIERN, 2017). The activity is likewise concentrated within the region itself, especially in its western half, in the municipalities of Caic?, Currais Novos and Jardim de Piranhas. Their productive structure is based on obsolete techniques and technologies, with the origin of the capital being local or regional and intensive use of cheap and low-skilled labour. In view of the above, the present study has as central question: how can an activity with the characteristics of the production of textile artefacts in Serid? Potiguar be successfully inserted in the current dynamics of spatial circuits of production and, moreover, coexist with the hegemonic technical systems of planetary order? Therefore, the aim is to analyze the use of the territory by the spatial circuit of textile production, with emphasis on the production of domestic utensils, through its processes, dynamics and content in the region of the Serid? Potiguar. For the development of the research, a bibliographical review was carried out, mainly from Andrade (1981), Arroyo (2008), Azevedo (2007, 2013), Barrios (2014), Castillo and Frederico (2010), Furtado (1969), Marx (1990, 2011), Moraes (1984), Santos (2012) and Silveira (2010b). Furthermore, some theoretical and methodological procedures were adopted to collect and systematize data, based on the techniques of documentary research, field research - in which interviews were executed based on semi-structured scripts and forms - articulated with a spatial descriptive statistical baseline. It was determined, through the research, that in the spatial of production of textile artefacts in Serid? Potiguar, the raw material flow derives mainly from the Northeast region itself, materializing the existence of a monopoly, in these assets supply, controlled by companies from Cear? with subsidiaries in Rio Grande do Norte. The machine's productive consumption flow and equipment comes exclusively from the Concentrated Region, notably from S?o Paulo. Conversely, the consumptive consumption is markedly sprayed, embracing mainly the Northeast and, in a lesser extent, the North and Southeast region. It was possible to conclude that the circulation process is completely alienated, considering that local companies have a relative capacity of production, however, as they occupy subaltern positions in the territory, they do not own market power to hold their control, awarding themselves the middlemen action. In this field, the places vertical union overlaps to a great extent to the horizontal links with the productive use of the Serid? Potiguar territory. Considering that the low social and productive cohesion between the textile field agents verified in the mentioned cut by means of the absent, to a certain extent, of the State, as a public policies promoter, and in detriment of the development of the activity itself in the region. The shy initiatives of the Public Power insists on thinking about the productive branches in isolation, and not the territory used as a whole, when they do not arbitrarily transfer their role to the corporative interests.

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