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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wheeler/Portage Nike missile launch site C-47 : historic structure report / Nike missile launch site C-47

Sivilich, Anjanette U. January 2000 (has links)
This is a historic structure report for the C-47 Nike missile launch site in Wheeler, Indiana. This report provides a description, condition assessment, and recommendation for restoration of the site since it has sustained damage from weather, fire, and vandals. The site is listed on the State Register and National Register of Historic Places and the Nike Preservation Group desires to turn the site into a Cold War museum and memorial.A history of the Cold War and development of the Nike missile systems and C-47 site provides the background of the project. Each structure and feature is described and the condition recorded. Recommendations for treatment and maintenance are provided. Suggestions are made for a phased restoration of the site to accommodate a Cold War museum. Since it is recommended the site be open to the public, issues regarding public health, safety, security, and handicap accessibility are addressed. This project does not provide a full management and preservation plan, measured HABS/HAER drawings, or a structural analysis. / Department of Architecture

Large Eddy Simulation of the combustion and heat transfer in sub-critical rocket engines / Prédiction des flux thermiques dans les moteurs fusée

Potier, Luc 24 May 2018 (has links)
La combustion cryogénique dans les moteurs de fusée dits à propulsion liquide utilise généralement un couple d'ergols, le plus couramment composé d'hydrogène/oxygène (H2/O2). Privilégiée pour le fort pouvoir calorifique du dihydrogène, cette combustion à haute pression, induit des températures de fonctionnement très élevées et nécessite l'intégration d'un système de refroidissement. La prédiction des flux thermiques aux parois est donc un élément essentiel de la conception d'une chambre de combustion de moteur fusée. Ces flux sont le résultat d'écoulements fortement turbulents, compressibles, avec une cinétique chimique violente induisant de forts gradients d'espèces et de température. La simulation de ces phénomènes nécessite des approches spécifiques telles que la Simulation aux Grandes Echelles (SGE) qui réalise un très bon compromis entre précision et coût de calcul. Cette thèse a ainsi pour objectif la simulation par SGE des transferts de chaleur aux parois dans les chambres de combustion de moteurs fusée opérant en régime sous-critique. Le régime sous-critique implique un état liquide pour un des ergols, dont il faut traiter l'injection et l'atomisation. Dans un premier temps ce travail s'intéresse à plusieurs éléments de modélisation nécessaire pour réaliser les simulations visées. Le comportement des flammes H2/O2 est décrit par un schéma cinétique réduit et validé sur des configurations académiques. La prédictivité de ce schéma est évaluée sur une large gamme de fonctionnement dans des conditions représentatives des moteurs fusée. La simulation de l'injection de l'oxygène liquide (LOx) est un autre point critique qui nécessite de décrire l'atomisation et la phase dispersée ainsi que son couplage avec la phase gazeuse. La déstabilisation et l'atomisation primaire du jet liquide, trop complexe à simuler en SGE 3D, sont omises ici pour injecter directement un spray paramétré grâce à des corrélations empiriques. Enfin, la prédiction des flux thermiques utilise un modèle de loi de paroi spécifiquement dédiée aux écoulements à fort gradient de température. Cette loi de paroi est validée sur des configurations de canaux turbulents par comparaison avec des simulations avec résolution directe de la couche limite. La méthodologie basée sur les modèles développés est ensuite employée pour la simulation d'une chambre de combustion représentative du fonctionnement des moteurs cryogéniques. Il s'agit de la configuration CONFORTH testée sur le banc MASCOTTE (ONERA) et pour laquelle des mesures de température de paroi et de flux thermiques sont disponibles. Les résultats des SGE montrent un bon accord avec l'expérience et démontrent la capacité de la SGE à prédire les flux thermiques dans une chambre de combustion de moteur fusée. Enfin, dans un dernier chapitre ce travail s'intéresse à une méthode d'augmentation des transferts thermiques via une expérience de JAXA utilisant des parois rainurées dans la direction axiale. Par comparaison avec une chambre à parois lisses, les résultats démontrent la bonne prédiction par la SGE de l'augmentation du flux de chaleur grâce aux rainures et confirment la validité de la méthode développée pour des géométries de paroi complexes. / Combustion in cryogenic engines is a complex phenomenon, involving either liquid or supercritical fluids at high pressure, strong and fast oxidation chemistry, and high turbulence intensity. Due to extreme operating conditions, a particularly critical issue in rocket engine is wall heat transfer which requires efficient cooling of the combustor walls. The concern goes beyond material resistance: heat fluxes extracted through the chamber walls may be reused to reduce ergol mass or increase the power of the engine. In expander-type engine cycle, this is even more important since the heat extracted by the cooling system is used to drive the turbo-pumps that feed the chamber in fuel and oxidizer. The design of rocket combustors requires therefore an accurate prediction of wall heat flux. To understand and control the physics at play in such combustor, the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is an efficient and reliable numerical tool. In this thesis work, the objective is to predict wall fluxes in a subcritical rocket engine configuration by means of LES. In such condition, ergols may be in their liquid state and it is necessary to model liquid jet atomization, dispersion and evaporation.The physics that have to be treated in such engine are: highly turbulent reactive flow, liquid jet atomization, fast and strong kinetic chemistry and finally important wall heat fluxes. This work first focuses on several modeling aspects that are needed to perform the target simulations. H2/O2 flames are driven by a very fast chemistry, modeled with a reduced mechanism validated on academic configurations for a large range of operating conditions in laminar pre- mixed and non-premixed flames. To form the spray issued from the atomization of liquid oxygen (LOx) an injection model is proposed based on empirical correlations. Finally, a wall law is employed to recover the wall fluxes without resolving directly the boundary layer. It has been specifically developed for important temperature gradients at the wall and validated on turbulent channel configurations by comparison with wall resolved LES. The above models are then applied first to the simulation of the CONFORTH sub-scale thrust chamber. This configuration studied on the MASCOTTE test facility (ONERA) has been measured in terms of wall temperature and heat flux. The LES shows a good agreement compared to experiment, which demonstrates the capability of LES to predict heat fluxes in rocket combustion chambers. Finally, the JAXA experiment conducted at JAXA/Kakuda space center to observe heat transfer enhancement brought by longitudinal ribs along the chamber inner walls is also simulated with the same methodology. Temperature and wall fluxes measured with smooth walls and ribbed walls are well recovered by LES. This confirms that the LES methodology proposed in this work is able to handle wall fluxes in complex geometries for rocket operating conditions.

Estudos fisiológicos e tecnológicos de couve-flor e rúcula minimamente processadas. / Physiological and technological studies of fresh-cut cauliflower and salad rocket.

José Maria Monteiro Sigrist 12 February 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar os efeitos de temperatura nos metabolismos de couves-flores e rúculas inteiras e minimamente processadas e diferentes materiais de embalagem na sua qualidade. No primeiro experimento, couves-flores, seus floretes, rúculas e suas folhas foram mantidos a 1º, 5º e 11ºC e determinados suas taxas de respiração, produção de etileno e quocientes de temperatura (Q10). No segundo, os floretes foram colocados em embalagens de filmes de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), poliolefínicos coextrusados (PD – 941 e Clysar) e de policloreto de vinila, PVC esticável de 12 e 20 mm, envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido mantidos a 5ºC. Análises físicas, químicas, físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais foram realizadas. No terceiro, folhas de rúculas foram colocadas em embalagens de filme de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), laminado de polipropileno/polietileno (PP/PE), poliolefínicos coextrusados (PD – 900 e Clysar) e de policloreto de vinila, PVC esticável de 20 mm, envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido e armazenados a 5ºC. Análises físicas, químicas, físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais foram realizadas. As taxas respiratórias das couves-flores inteiras e minimamente processadas foram iguais em quaisquer das temperaturas estudadas e sempre decrescentes até o 16º dia. A 1º e a 5ºC, tiveram a mesma taxa respiratória, diferindo das mantidas a 11ºC. Na faixa de 1º a 11ºC, o Q10 foi o mesmo para floretes e couves-flores; 2,1 e 2,2, respectivamente. Comportamento distinto tiveram as rúculas inteiras e as folhas soltas, pois, a 1ºC e a 5ºC, as taxas respiratórias foram significativamente iguais. A 11ºC, a partir do 4º dia, as folhas soltas começaram a apresentar taxas de respiração superiores às das inteiras, chegando a ser o dobro nos 14º e 16º dias de armazenamento. O Q10 médio para as rúculas inteiras situou-se ao redor de 3,54 e para as folhas soltas, 5,74, na faixa de 1º a 11ºC. Não foi detectada produção de etileno. As embalagens para floretes de couves-flores tiveram pouca ou nenhuma influência em seu pH, acidez, ºBrix, luminosidade, croma, Hue e firmeza. A embalagem PD – 941 foi a melhor por manter uma atmosfera modificada próxima à da recomendada para couves-flores (2-3% O2 e CO2 < 5%) e permitir menores perdas de vitamina C e melhores notas para vários atributos sensoriais de qualidade. Todas as embalagens mantiveram níveis de coliformes totais, bolores e leveduras bem abaixo dos limites permitidos pela Legislação Brasileira. As folhas de rúculas apresentaram níveis de coliformes totais ao redor de 10 5 UFC/g de produto no 10º dia a 5ºC, tornando-as impróprias para o consumo. Nestes 10 dias, as embalagens de PEBD e PP/PE se destacaram em relação às outras por reterem melhor a vitamina C e a coloração verde das folhas, por alcançarem melhores valores para sólidos solúveis, firmeza, presença de odor estranho, qualidade geral das folhas, deterioração e murchamento. As atmosferas modificadas desenvolvidas no interior destas embalagens, 5 a 7% O2 e 10 a 15% CO2, talvez sejam as mais indicadas para a conservação de rúculas minimamente processadas a 5ºC. / This work aimed at evaluating the effects of temperature on the metabolism of minimally processed and intact cauliflowers and salad rockets, and of different packaging materials on the quality of cauliflower florets and loose salad rocket minimally processed leaves. In the first experiment, intact cauliflowers, florets, intact salad rockets and loose salad rocket leaves were held at 1º, 5º and 11ºC and their respiration rates, ethylene production and temperature quotients (Q10) determined. In the second experiment, the florets were packed in low density polyethylene film (PEBD), co-extruded polyolefins (PD – 941 and Clysar AFG) and in 12 and 20 mm polyvinyl chloride (PVC) overwrapping expanded polystyrene trays, and maintained at 5ºC/85-95% relative humidity for 14 days. In the third experiment, loose salad rocket leaves were held under the same conditions in bags of low density polyethylene film (PEBD), laminated polypropylene/polyethylene film (PP/PE), co-extruded polyolefins, PD – 900 and Clysar HP and in expanded polystyrene trays overwrapped with 20 mm polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In the second and third experiments, physical, chemical, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were performed. The respiration rates of both intact and fresh-cut cauliflowers declined over the 16-day period and were significantly the same at all temperatures studied. At 1º and 5ºC the respiration rates were the same but differed from those (cauliflower and florets) at 11ºC. From 1º to 11ºC, the Q10 for the cauliflowers was 2.2 and for the florets, 2.1. In contrast, the intact and fresh-cut salad rocket respiration rates were the same at 1º and 5ºC. At 11ºC, the fresh-cut salad rocket showed higher respiration rates than the intact ones as from the 4 th day. By the end of the experiment (14 th and 16 th days) the respiration rates of the fresh-cut salad rockets were twice those of the intact salad rockets, whose Q10 was about 3.45 from 1° to 11°C as compared to 5.74 for the fresh cut product. No ethylene production was detected by any sample at any temperature. The packaging materials had little or no effect on pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, luminosity, chroma, hue and firmness of the florets at 5ºC. PD – 941 seemed to be the best packaging for florets, maintaining the atmosphere closest to that recommended for intact cauliflower (2-3%O2, CO2 < 5%), showing the lowest vitamin C losses and the best scores for several of the quality attributes. In general, all the packaging materials kept the yeast and mold counts low and the total coliform counts far below the maximum values permitted by the Brazilian Legislation, during 14 days at 5ºC, except for fresh-cut salad rocket leaves, which presented 10 5 CFU/g total coliforms by the 10 th day, being inappropriate for consumption. For 10 day periods, PEBD and PP/PE were the best packaging materials for green color and vitamin C retention, higher soluble solids, firmness, lack of off-odors, overall quality, decay and shriveling. The modified atmosphere generated inside these packaging materials (5-7% O2, 10-15% CO2) seemed the best for maintaining the quality of fresh-cut salad rockets held at 5ºC.

A Study of the Characteristics of Gas-On-Liquid Impinging Injectors

Rakesh, P January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The work presented here pertains to investigations on gas-on-liquid type of impinging injectors with a generic approach with prospective applications in several areas, and at places with particular emphasis on cryogenic or semi-cryogenic liquid propellant rockets. In such rockets, one of the components arrives at the injector in a gaseous phase after passing through the regenerative coolant passages or a preceding combustion stage. Most often, the injectors in such systems are of shear coaxial type. The shear coaxial injectors suffer from several disadvantages like complexity in design, manufacture and quality control. Adoption of impinging jet configuration can alleviate these problems in addition to providing further benefits in terms of cost, robustness in high temperature environment and manifolding. However, there is very little literature on gas-on-liquid injectors either in this context or in any other Even for the simplest form of impinging injectors such as like-on-like doublets, literature provides no conclusive direction at describing a spray from the theoretical models of physical mechanisms. Empirical approach is still the prime mode of obtaining a proper understanding of the phenomena. Steady state spray characterization includes mainly of describing the spatial distribution of liquid mass and drop size distribution as a function of geometric and injection parameters. The parameters that are likely to have an impact on spray characteristics are orifice diameter, ratio of orifice length to diameter, pre-impingement length of individual jets, inter orifice distance, impingement angle, jet velocity and condition of the jet just before impingement. The gas-on- liquid configuration is likely to experience some qualitative changes because of the expansion of the gas jet. The degree to which each one of the above variables influences the drop size and mass distribution having implication to combustion performance forms the core theme of the thesis. A dedicated experimental facility has been built, calibrated and deployed exhaustively. While spray drop size measurement is done largely by a laser diffraction instrument, some of the cases warranted an image processing technique. Two different image processing algorithms are developed in-house for this purpose. The granulometric image processing method developed earlier in the group for cryogenic sprays is modified and its applicability to gas-on-liquid impinging sprays are verified. Another technique based on the Hough transform which is feature extraction technique for extracting quantitative information has also been developed and used for gas-on-liquid impinging injectors. A comparative study of conventional liquid-on-liquid doublet with gas-on-liquid impinging injectors are first made to establish the importance of studying gas-on-liquid impinging injectors. The study identifies the similarities and differences between the two types and highlights the features that make such injectors attractive as replacements to coaxial configuration. Spray structure, drop-size mass distributions are quantified for the purpose of comparison. This is followed by a parametric study of the gas-on-liquid impinging injectors carried out using identified control variables. Though momentum ratio appeared to be a suitable parameter to describe the spray at any given impingement angle, the variations due to impingement angle had to be factored in. It was found that normal gas momentum to liquid mass is an apt parameter to generalize the spray characteristics. It was also found that using identical nozzles for desired mass ratio could lead to rather large deflection of the spray which may not be acceptable in combustion chamber design. One way of overcoming this is to work with unequal orifice sizes for gas and liquid. It was found that using smaller gas orifice for a given liquid orifice resulted in lower SMD (Sauter Mean Diameter of the spray) for constant gas and liquid mass flow rates. This is attributable to the high dynamic pressure of gas in the case of smaller gas orifices for the same mass flow rate. The impinging liquid jets with unequal momentum in the doublet configuration would result in non-uniform mass and mixture ratio distribution within the combustion chamber which may have to operate under varying conditions of mass flow rates and/or mixture ratio. The symmetrical arrangement of triplet configuration can eliminate this problem at the same time generating finely atomized spray and a homogeneous mixture ratio. In view of the scanty literature available in this field, the atomization characteristics of the spray generated by liquid centered triplet jets are examined in detail. It was found that as in the case of gas-on-liquid impinging doublets, normal gas momentum to liquid mass is an ideal parameter in describing the spray. Variants of this configuration are studied recently for many other applications too. As done in the case of doublets, efforts have also been made to compare gas centered triplet to liquid-liquid triplet. It was found that the trend of SMD of gas centered triplet is different from that of liquid-liquid triplets, thus pointing to a different mechanism in play. The SMD in the case of liquid-liquid triplets decreases monotonically with increasing specific normal momentum. It is to be noted that specific normal momentum is an ideal parameter for describing the spray characteristics of liquid-liquid triplets and doublets. In the case of gas centered triplet the SMD first increases and then decreases with specific normal momentum, the inversion point depends on the gas mass flow rate for a constant specific normal momentum. The thesis concludes with a summary of the major observations of spray structures for all the above injector configurations and quantifies the parametric dependencies that would be of use to engineering design

LES combined with statistical models of spray formation closely to air-blast atomizer / Modélisation d'atomisation air-assistée au voisinage de l'injecteur : LES couplée avec les approches stochastiques

Deng, Tian 09 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une extension de l'approche stochastique de l'atomisation primaire de type air assisté près d'un injecteur. Cette approche avait déjà été introduite dans les publications de Gorokhovski et al. Dans le cadre de la simulation des grandes échelles, la zone d'atomisation primaire est simulée comme un corps immergé avec une structure stochastique. Ce dernier est défini par la simulation stochastique de la position et de la courbure de l'interface entre le liquide et le gaz. La simulation de la position de l'interface est basée sur l'hypothèse de symétrie d'échelle pour la fragmentation. La normale extérieure à l'interface est modélisée en supposant une relaxation statistique vers l'isotropie. Les statistiques de la force du corps immergé servent de conditions aux limites pour le champ de vitesse issu de la LES ainsi que pour la production des gouttes de l'atomisation primaire. Celles-ci sont ensuite transportées par une approche lagrangienne. Les collisions entre les gouttes dans la zone d'atomisation primaire sont prises en compte par analogie avec l'approche standard de la théorie cinétique des gaz. Une fermeture est proposée pour la température statistique des gouttelettes. Cette approche est validée par des comparaisons avec les mesures expérimentales de la thèse de Hong. Les résultats numériques pour la vitesse et de la taille des gouttes dans le spray à différentes distances du centre du jet et de l'orifice de la buse sont relativement proches des résultats expérimentaux. Différentes conditions d'entrée pour la vitesse sont testées et comparées aux résultats expérimentaux. Par ailleurs, le rôle spécifique de la zone de recirculation devant le dard liquide est soulignée par le battement du dard liquide et la production de gouttelettes. / This thesis introduced an extension to stochastic approach for simulation of air-blast atomization closely to injector. This approach was previously proposed in publications of Gorokhovski with his PHD students. Our extension of this approach is as follows. In the framework of LES approach, the contribution of primary atomization zone is simulated as an immersed solid body with stochastic structure. The last one is defined by stochastic simulation of position-and-curvature of interface between the liquid and the gas. As it was done previously in this approach, the simulation of the interface position was based on statistical universalities of fragmentation under scaling symmetry. Additionally to this, we simulate the outwards normal to the interface, assuming its stochastic relaxation to isotropy along with propagation of spray in the down-stream direction. In this approach, the statistics of immersed body force plays role of boundary condition for LES velocity field, as well as for production of primary blobs, which are then tracked in the Lagrangian way. In this thesis, the inter-particle collisions in the primary atomisation zone are accounted also by analogy with standard kinetic approach for the ideal gas. The closure is proposed for the statistical temperature of droplets. The approach was assessed by comparison with measurements of Hong in his PHD. The results of computation showed that predicted statistics of the velocity and of the size in the spray at different distances from the center plane, at different distances from the nozzle orifice, at different inlet conditions (different gas velocity at constant gas-to-liquid momentum ratio, different gas-to-liquid momentum ratio) are relatively close to measurements. Besides, the specific role of recirculation zone in front of the liquid core was emphasized in the flapping of the liquid core and in the droplets production.

Conception sous incertitudes de modèles avec prise en compte des tests futurs et des re-conceptions / Optimizing the safety margins governing a deterministic design process while considering the effect of a future test and redesign on epistemic model uncertainty

Price, Nathaniel Bouton 15 July 2016 (has links)
Au stade de projet amont, les ingénieurs utilisent souvent des modèles de basse fidélité possédant de larges erreurs. Les approches déterministes prennent implicitement en compte les erreurs par un choix conservatif des paramètres aléatoires et par l'ajout de facteurs de sécurité dans les contraintes de conception. Une fois qu'une solution est proposée, elle est analysée par un modèle haute fidélité (test futur): une re-conception peut s'avérer nécessaire pour restaurer la fiabilité ou améliorer la performance, et le modèle basse fidélité est calibré pour prendre en compte les résultats de l'analyse haute-fidélité. Mais une re-conception possède un coût financier et temporel. Dans ce travail, les effets possibles des tests futurs et des re-conceptions sont intégrés à une procédure de conception avec un modèle basse fidélité. Après les Chapitres 1 et 2 qui donnent le contexte de ce travail et l'état de l'art, le Chapitre 3 analyse le dilemme d'une conception initiale conservatrice en terme de fiabilité ou ambitieuse en termes de performances (avec les re-conceptions associées pour améliorer la performance ou la fiabilité). Le Chapitre 4 propose une méthode de simulation des tests futurs et de re-conception avec des erreurs épistémiques corrélées spatialement. Le Chapitre 5 décrit une application à une fusée sonde avec des erreurs à la fois aléatoires et de modèles. Le Chapitre 6 conclut le travail. / At the initial design stage, engineers often rely on low-fidelity models that have high uncertainty. In a deterministic safety-margin-based design approach, uncertainty is implicitly compensated for by using fixed conservative values in place of aleatory variables and ensuring the design satisfies a safety-margin with respect to design constraints. After an initial design is selected, high-fidelity modeling is performed to reduce epistemic uncertainty and ensure the design achieves the targeted levels of safety. High-fidelity modeling is used to calibrate low-fidelity models and prescribe redesign when tests are not passed. After calibration, reduced epistemic model uncertainty can be leveraged through redesign to restore safety or improve design performance; however, redesign may be associated with substantial costs or delays. In this work, the possible effects of a future test and redesign are considered while the initial design is optimized using only a low-fidelity model. The context of the work and a literature review make Chapters 1 and 2 of this manuscript. Chapter 3 analyzes the dilemma of whether to start with a more conservative initial design and possibly redesign for performance or to start with a less conservative initial design and risk redesigning to restore safety. Chapter 4 develops a generalized method for simulating a future test and possible redesign that accounts for spatial correlations in the epistemic model error. Chapter 5 discusses the application of the method to the design of a sounding rocket under mixed epistemic model uncertainty and aleatory parameter uncertainty. Chapter 6 concludes the work.

Méthodes de diagnostic pour les moteurs de fusée à ergols liquides / Model-based fault diagnosis for rocket engines

Iannetti, Alessandra 30 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de démontrer l'intérêt des outils de diagnostic "intelligents" pour application sur les moteurs de fusée. En Europe beaucoup d'efforts ont été faits pour développer quelques techniques innovantes comme les réseaux neuronaux, les méthodes de suivi de raie vibratoire, ou l'identification paramétrique mais peu de résultats sont disponibles quant à la comparaison des performances de différents algorithmes. Un deuxième objectif de la thèse a été celui d'améliorer le système de diagnostic du banc d'essai Mascotte (ONERA/CNES). Il s'agit d'un banc de démonstration pour les moteurs de fusée de type cryogénique représentatif des conditions d'utilisation d'un vrai moteur. Les étapes de la thèse ont été en premier lieu de choisir et d'évaluer des méthodes de diagnostic à base de modèles, en particulier l'identification paramétrique et le filtre de Kalman, et de les appliquer pour le diagnostic d'un système critique du banc Mascotte: le circuit de refroidissement. Après une première validation des nouveaux algorithmes sur des données d'essais disponibles, un benchmark fonctionnel a été mis en place pour pouvoir comparer les performances des algorithmes sur différents types de cas de panne simulés. La dernière étape consiste à intégrer les algorithmes sur les ordinateurs du banc de contrôle de Mascotte pour pouvoir effectuer une évaluation applicative des performances et de leur intégrabilité à l'environnement informatique déjà en place. Un exemple simple de boucle de régulation intégrant l’information du diagnostic est aussi étudié pour analyser l’importance de telles méthodes dans le contexte plus large d’une régulation « intelligente » du banc. / The main objective of this work is to demonstrate and analyze the potential benefits of advanced real time algorithms for rocket engines monitoring and diagnosis. In the last two decades in Europe many research efforts have been devoted to the development of specific diagnostic technics such as neural networks, vibration analysis or parameter identification but few results are available concerning algorithms comparison and diagnosis performances analysis.Another major objective of this work has been the improvement of the monitoring system of the Mascotte test bench (ONERA/CNES). This is a cryogenic test facility based in ONERA Palaiseau used to perform analysis of cryogenic combustion and nozzle expansion behavior representative of real rocket engine operations.The first step of the work was the selection of a critical system of the bench, the water cooling circuit, and then the analysis of the possible model based technics for diagnostic such as parameter identification and Kalman filters.Three new algorithms were developed, after a preliminary validation based on real test data, they were thoroughly analyzed via a functional benchmark with representative failure cases.The last part of the work consisted in the integration of the diagnosis algorithms on the bench computer environment in order to prepare a set-up for a future real time application.A simple closed loop architecture based on the new diagnostic tools has been studied in order to assess the potential of the new methods for future application in the context of intelligent bench control strategies.

Model procesoru RISC-V / RISC-V Processor Model

Barták, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The number of application specific instruction set processors is rapidly increasing, because of increased demand for low power and small area designs. A lot of new instruction sets are born, but they are usually confidential. University of California in Berkeley took an opposite approach. The RISC-V instruction set is completely free. This master's thesis focuses on analysis of RISC-V instruction set and two programming languages used to model instruction sets and microarchitectures, CodAL and Chisel. Implementation of RISC-V base instruction set along with multiplication, division and 64-bit address space extensions and implementation of cycle accurate model of Rocket Core-like microarchitecture in CodAL are main goals of this master's thesis. The instruction set model is used to generate the C compiler and the cycle accurate model is used to generate RTL representation, all thanks to Codasip Studio. Generated compiler is compared against the one implemented manually and results are used for instruction set optimizations. RTL is synthesized to Artix 7 FPGA and compared to the Rocket Core synthesis.

Optical Analysis of the Hydrogen Cooling Film in High Pressure Combustion Chambers

Weber, Fabian January 2019 (has links)
For performance optimisation of modern liquid cryogenic bipropellant rocket combustion chambers, one component which plays an important role in reducing the wall side heat flux, is the behaviour of the cooling film. At the Institute of Space Propulsion of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Lampoldshausen, hot test runs have been performed using the experimental combustion chamber BKM, to investigate the wall side heat flux which is -- among other factors -- dependent on cooling film properties. To gain more insight into the film behaviour under real rocket-like conditions, optical diagnostics have been applied. The chosen methods were shadowgraphy and OH* imaging producing optical data sets which are analysed in this study. In this context, a description of the necessary background information is given, concerning rocket combustion chambers, film cooling and optical diagnostics of O2/H2 combustion. The applied methodology for optical analysis is described, followed by a presentation of the results. During the test campaign, it became clear that the optical setup was not optimised for creating meaningful shadowgraphy recordings which is why the shadowgraphy data has to be treated as flame emission imaging. The behaviour of the gas layer adjacent to the chamber wall could be characterised based on qualitative (luminosity, LOx shadow, reflection, recirculation zone and flame shape) and quantitative (layer thickness, layer length, pressure conditions) analysis. The thickness could be identified for each load step and an average length of the layer was found as well. OH* imaging has been used supplementary to support the observations from the flame emission images. An in depth frame by frame analysis was not possible due to time constraints. However, the time averaged images yielded results in accordance to the flame emission and could give a relative figure for the temperature distribution in the combustion volume. An artefact in the data was found, stemming presumably from the image intensifier. This artefact needs to be researched for a future error reduction in the data of this and other campaigns. Additionally, the thickness of the layer suggested a correlation to the models for film cooling efficiency. Such a correlation could not be established. Nevertheless, the film cooling models show the same behaviour as the data obtained from the flame emission imaging. Finally, suggestions are given how the data analysis and the optical setup could be improved for future, similar campaigns.

Analyse des effets acoustiques à haute fréquence/haute intensité sur l'injection coaxiale : application aux moteurs-fusées / Analysis of high-frequency/high-amplitude acoustic field effects on coaxial injection : application to liquid rocket engines

Ficuciello, Antonio 08 June 2017 (has links)
Le contexte de ce travail repose sur l'étude des instabilités de combustion au sein des moteurs-fusées à propergols liquides. Cette étude se concentre sur les effets des champs acoustiques transverses de haute amplitude sur l'injection coaxiale en conditions non-réactives. La réponse acoustique du système d'injection est dépendante des propriétés locales du champ acoustique dans la cavité d'injection. La modification du processus d'atomisation, induit par le champ acoustique, a été analysée dans des configurations simples et multiinjection. Des expériences ont été menées pour des régimes d'atomisation de faibles et hauts nombres de Weber. Trois phénomènes ont été observés: un aplatissement du jet, une amélioration du processus d'atomisation et la déviation du système liquide. La combinaison de ces trois phénomènes en configuration multi-injection résulte en un phénomène de regroupement de gouttes. En présence de combustion, un tel regroupement pourraitmener à un dégagement de chaleur non-uniforme susceptible de déclencher ou d'entretenir des instabilités de combustion. Un modèle théorique basé sur les équations d'acoustique non-linéaire a été développé pour donner les expressions générales de pression de radiation et de forces de radiations résultantes appliqué aux objets sphériques et cylindriques en champ stationnaire ou progressif. Le modèle a été utilisé pour interpréter et quantifier les observations expérimentales en configurations liquide/gaz, trans-critique/super-critique et gaz/gaz, et a permis de montrer que le nombre de Helmholtz qui caractérise le champ acoustique, et le rapport de densité qui caractérise les deux milieux, sont deux paramètres cruciaux. Les principales conclusions montrent que le phénomène observé peut être interprété comme résultant de l'acoustique non-linéaire, dont le paramètre clé étant le ratio de densité. Cela exige que la couche séparant les deux milieux, vue comme une interface, ne doive pas être réduite uniquement à une interface liquide/gaz. / The context of this work relies to high frequency combustion instabilities in Liquid Rocket Engines (LRE). The present research focuses on the effects of high amplitude transverse acoustic fields on non-reactive coaxial injection. The acoustic response of injection domes is found to be dependent on the local properties of the acoustic field in the injection cavity. The modification of the atomization process, induced by the acoustic field, has been analyzed in single and multi-injection configurations. Experiments were performed from low to high Weber number atomization regimes. Three phenomena are observed: jet flattening, improvement of the atomization process and deviation. The combination of these phenomena in multi-injection configurations leads to a droplet clustering phenomenon. In the presence of combustion, such a clustering could lead to non-uniform heat release rate which can trigger or sustain combustion instabilities. A theoretical model based on non-linear acoustics has been developed, providing general expressions of radiation pressure and resulting radiation force, for spherical and cylindrical objects in standing and progressive wave field. The model has been successfully used to interpret and quantify experimental observations in liquid/gas, trans-critical/super-critical and gas/gas configurations and showed that the Helmholtz number α characterizing the acoustic field and the density ratio η characterizing the two media are two parameters of importance. The major conclusions are that the observed phenomena can be interpreted as resulting from non-linear acoustics, the key feature being the density ratio. It is claimed that the layer separating the two media, seen as an interface, does not need to be restricted only to a liquid/gas interface.

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